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tv   America This Morning  ABC  September 17, 2009 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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it's t thursday,eptember 17th this morng, , clososinin.. police r reportedldlhaveve t evididence t they y edo me theirir suspect in theurder ofhiss ivleleue g grad stent. turning point. the senanate's's seping health care p plan nds fefafans, asas the prpresident kes hirefofo mee e to a an n unlikeke didienencece. and one ofheoys of a a generatition is ncnceded. ♪ p puff the magic dragag ved by thehe s seaea caions paid fofor byby a abcinin good morning. thanks for joing
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us.s. we are folwingng a a d devoping ory y ththis thursday morning, in e e cacase of murdered yalale e adad stududent,t, anniee.e. >> there a new reports that pocecere o on n the e veveofof arresting raymonond clclarar after a a dna mamatch wasadade.clcls the lab tenician who workrked w wh le. he had been ununde24-hour rvllancece sinince b bei n namamed persrsonf terest inn case. >> theedic e emiminene reveveaealed ththate e had d bebeenen ststrangled. the state e crcrime b bebeen analyzyzg evce arod e clclock after search wrants were served and dna was takefrom clark. we'l'll haha t latesest ming up on "good m morning america." >> this morningng's other big stor healtltcare. the e la proropoposasal l memeets momost sisint obama's quire lts anandts l lses than o otherer bis. >> butut once thtatails werere rerealeded, , the e naysayayerswswoopeped d dodownwnastethanhehe speed o lighgh >> r reporter: gooood d rnrning, jemymy andnd vitit's bn n called thet for healtharare reform in n the senatete. and itasas immedtetely attacked d
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fromom the rigight andnd the left.t. inhe senenate,e, a k kealth re bibi emerges. t afaftecratent weeks negotitiatg th r replicans, not a singlele one iss o on board.d. >> no republicican has offered his oror h suppoportrt at this menent.t. bubut inin theime we g get ththe finanapassssagage inin this commite,ou'll findnd publicicupport. > reporte w wse, bels gave it t thumown. roefellecalled i ia big, big tax on the m mide class. ththat earned him amons t to o thee whe e house. >> i w was aloh e president. and d yodot brbreaeachch thahat confididce >> repepororteter: in a statememenent, he said hstill can't support it. e e liliberaral group,p,, was haharshealling it a dream cocome te for ininsuraranc coanieies. >> i it dodoesn't papass the smemell tetest. >> reporteter: the90900 billion n bi would rreost amerans to buy ian or pay fines up t$3,800 f fafamilies. pandnd memedicacaidid.. lp thoseseith lolower incncomes
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buy insurance.e. and bacocompmpanans from dying cocoverarage tosose wiwith prisng contitionons. a a th p pad f r rief from battliling insnserers o over hihis s ughtereueugigical disorder. >> feeeel like h mededicical manager, i itead or dadad. i neededou pple e l let m me be a daddy.y. >> r reporter:r: t traise prpressusure onon c capititolol hl,l, p presi obamama seengng tboost public support.this m morng'l'll bebe speaking at a hltlt r ralally athe universisityf marynd. jereremy and vita? >> a and t preresident's even cruiuiting first l ladady in all his. >> repeporter: t tt's s ght,t, vinita. inin theheamamig sheheas k k as t tloloser. so, torrow, she' be giviving aspeech on n how w heal care formrm affects women and chdren >> all rig. johnendrdr in wawashiningtgton thananks so much.. > well, , fothe secocondnd timime iseek, former presididen jijimmy ca h halked d out t wh h hconsider raci-motivatated aacksks on ththe current presesident. spking l lasast ght t in atlan, mrmr. carterer calald onon p polital
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leadertoto c condemnmn whahat coerers rarast rememarksks made ababouout presesididenent oba.a. st t d day beforor m cter ma simililarar comomments out ththe outbururst madadby congressman joe wilsonon.. here's w what hehe said st night.. >> pplee w who a are guilty ofof t thatt nd o of pepeon attack agagainstt obamveeeeenn inuencnced, , toto a mamajor de, by a a b belieieff that he should t bebe psident beuse e hehe happenso o bebe african-american. it a r rt attitutude > thehihite h house is ststcing ititselfrom m . . rtrter's's remark ng the p psident doeoes not belilieve thatathehe cririticisme'e's s ttttenen i is s racialally-motivateded. the ithouse is expected toto announce day it will el sh a admdmistrn planto buila missile e dense system in pd and ththczech repupublic.. thdedecision is based largrgely a seven-month rereew ordered by presidenobobama. itds tt the e longng-range mimisse prograrais procingng slowower thahaexexpect. for the sendndtraight daday,y,ininsurgents f fireded rocketsn
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baghdad's een zonene just minunuteafr r vicece p president joeoe biden ded a meeting with iraq's prime ministe the vice preside s shes confidident thatat aems toto ilize e iriraqaqhrough viololence will failil. > an h hononor t todayayt the e white e hoe.e. president obobamama a presentis fifit medaof horo sergrgeant jared momonti of mamassachuhus. momoi ve his lifif tryintoto save a comrade in 2006 in ghghanantatan. prpresesident t obamwiwillivivthe awawarto sergegeant moi's rents. a leinflexpertaiaid e e dedeath rarate from swe flu or h1n1n1, , is lower thaha esmates.s. itit i iexpected t ttakeke a violelent llll oveseseononal acrdintour medalal ededitor drdr. richard besser.. this s run cacaus bg into the lg. th's's diffefererent t thahan wh w we seththrougugththe avagage u u seseason wiwithouout speclid d re, witht chchines t thelp w witit brbreaeathing, theseatatients s can't breathe. anand many o of thth he ..
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ere's bebeenenomome pepeopithout medidicaoboblemsho he ha this complicatio and that's a rsowhy we he to have very healthy respect f thisis fefectctio >> ifirst swinine flu vaccine should be available in n the u.s. someme timimarou thehe fsteeeek k ofof o octerer. > one othe e mo i iconifolk singers the last cturyas ed ♪ pf the mamac drdronon lived by t the s s ♪ >> mary ers s s onone-e-third o of e e hugely p populular '60s grgroup, peteter,r, paul maryry. besides" puff," " her hits ininclclududed " " i i h a hammer," and leing g j plan" trtravavers died y yesterday frorom complicaoned red chotheherapy. shshe s 7272 y years old. >> a greatatoice and u uninie sod from tm. now,or ts s morns weweatr frfromund d e tion. thunderstorms, heavy rn and d flooding, , drdrenchg cicities likike dadallas, , lilittlele r r nashvhvleatlalanta totoday. a ance of showers from marylala t to new york.. understorms flooding in thsosouthern
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rocockies. >> alblbuquerque is s y bebelo rmrmalodayay, at j just t dedes.s. amamento geteto 9292. boboise . and portland, , 7676.. 's55 i chchago. in n ch ghs inin the 60 0 frz baltltime to st. miami wi get up to 91. new orleans, 86. and d dallas, 81. coming up on "amamerica this morning," amamazing mal ststorory.y. w eonsns gava womaman n ba her eyesight b by using one of her teteeteth. and w a raraid in cocolodo coululd be lkeked to anqa plplatat h her new york. > and d the latest competitor of the e ipod. how es thehe zoon mease up? thiss s humiliangng. std d still soso we can geget an accurate reaeadiding.. y...umighteen po a and a smsmidge a smidg y'y'kn, there's s realallyly nooeed d weigh pacacgges de70 pounds. w with prrity m ma flat t rate bos from the postal service iif itit fits,s, ishshiips anywhe i in ththcoun f f a a flalat ra. cool.l. you know this s scacale is s off
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by a aooood d 8 8ounds. mamaybe five prioio m mail f flalat rate boxes onlyly f fm th posostal servicic a simpler way to ship. didiscover a light yort likike no other. // acvia light!t! deous,atat free,anababe alall..... e onon one t ttt ha b bifidus regis and is clinically roven n to help regulate yoyo d digestive sysysm. activia a lighgh ♪ activiviaaa! ! you've wanted to quit smkiking so o ny tes buthose days came and went, and the cigarettes remained. bubu todod's a newew d day.. anan fewewimimsteps camake real l ffererenence youour nextt... thin likikstarng w with a planan tququitit smomoking.... gegetting supppport... and talkintotor r doctor utow p preriription reatatmentnts can lp you.
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ta to your dtor r abt prpresipon treatmentntptions.. and make this time, youmeme. ququililted d nortrthe ultra ushh ® the ed b " tiss with plh-quiltsts ® .. it's s sluxuxuris, itit mayay i inspire you to make all l ththe e thinin you u touch ulultra a plusush. quilteted d nortrthern ultra a plplush® luluxu y youan see anand feelel
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> nnarartsts are h hititting new w his the e ye this momornining, l lifted by mououinin idence the u.s. economy isis owining agaiain.n. tokyo'o's nikkei avegege jumumped 1.7% today. hong kong's hangeng is sharply higherer. inlondonon, ththftse openened d hihigh. ll street star t day with the dow w s s hihighghest levevel of the ar. the benchmark climbe 1 ol pointsts yeststery, c closing at 97.. the invevestation n into the shshotgun marriagege o of f banknk o of erera d merrill lynynch i is intensifying. new york's attneney general, has oenana fivive meers of bank k of ameri's boardrd. it wants to know if the bank sled shareholders by wiholdldining g information, a abo
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the massssive e lolosses the bonunus idid texecutivives >> bank of america is ueili aa new crerd tododayay rdrd feaeatutures a onone-pa of term and condition anand ththte wonon cngnge e ba onusustomemer's s payment history or credit ratiti other r companies are expect to lelee e simir cardrds inin t cocoming month > > chryrysler iining g ck inintohe l leaeasising business. arti today, , alall 202010 chryslerdodgdge anjejeep m mododels llll be eleligle, withth specicial deals available for so veclcl u u t endnd of the month. chryslerer stoppppedngast augugust w whefinancial maets collsesed. but ththe compmpy hos bringing it b back willll briri morore people totohe showroooo. >toyota is s ststararti a aes pupush of f its s itit launchingng a $ $1 bibillion marketetitz. the mowill go totowawa tidzing aninntes, chchs suidizizeded l leasese a and loan rates. totoyota i is cononsideriring e eananngng lili o of f hybrid cards..
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>micrcrosoft't's zunenehdersus apple's s ..crosoft released itsts newusicic and vivideo o ayer t this ek. hodoes it compare to t odod? imes" " sam grobart t ststed o out. >> if the ipod dn't ext, the w zunene hd d would a azing. t pls ipodasasad sucuca a head start f for sng. it hasas tenof t thohousanands o of aps.s. pelele are buyuying g musisiplayays,s, not jujust fhe devevice itse, , but for atat thecaget i it. inhat spec applele i jus mimis s mileles ahd. >> one n new option r musicic lovers, noel and yocan read a whul rereview on "the new york times" website. cocoming up p xt on thisis ththurursd morniningng, , a waing g fofor all l drerhohow a floooor mamamaha l leded to a adlyly c crash >> and harard d labor. robber chrisisn, n now s ser hisentceororeang hahannnn ahah t t firt dayy ofchool. w nebapackck..... looks good.. jujut trtrying lo ourur best.t. eh,h,onnaakre anan l looks.1:1: from what i hear,msms.askikins i is a toughy. oh we had a good breakfast
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so we're rey. gonna bebe ath great yearar, huhuguys you u bet yoyo laye!! y ng-distanceigh 5! h, c cefefulhhey, wawatch . stt ththschohool year wiwithth an e excellelent s sourcofer. a nicacal ststudy shshowowed k w had filliling b bakfafast... of kelgg's's® frorosted mimini-wheats cerl... ha1% b better attentiveness. comparetoto ks o mised out onreakfastst ( shouts s ) kee 'emem fl. eeps 'emocused. discovoviv y you a c ch babackck bonus on every single purchasese. atou do withth itupup tyou. whwh will you get t ba with y yr r cash b b itit payays discove wiwi r rheumatoi arththritis,s, it emsslilike my y lili is .sit i in two. therers s th ife i live.
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and d the e lilife i i wa t to liveve.. fortununately,herere's's enb enbrbrel c hp relievevee .pain, s stitiffffssss, fati and ststoint dame. because br supupprsese.your r immune systetem, it mayay lowerr r abilitityy .to o fit t ininctctioio. seririous, s simesatatal vevents inududing ininfefectio tutuberculososis, lylymphoho anneneouous systemem d d blood disordrders hahave o occururrere be s startining brbrel yor r doctctororhotete yoyou fofotubebercrculososis. alalso ask y your doctor i if .you l livive inin an area withth a g grereater r rk k fo cecertain n ngal i infnfececons.s. dot start enbrbrelel i if you have anan infec, , like the flu. llll your r doctor iyou're prpre to infections, hahave cuts s or s sores, , hahave d d titititis b,b, haveeeeen n treaeatete oreaeartailure or if,hile on enenel exririenen p pererstfefever, brbruisising, bleeeedingng palaless. ask urheumologogist ifif brelel irighfor r u, anhehelp bridgththe gap between the li you live anand e y wa to ve.
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>> welclcome e backck ese are the test h heaeadlinines from abcs.s. the arare repoports thatat raynd clark k will sn n a arresteted d inin e rder of yalerarad ststudenen ane e le, , afr dnaamatctch. >> aa spepeci heaealtlth care r refm cauc takes place in the sesenate lar daday,y, so that l lawmakersrs can rk c cpromisise of the latetestveauau propososal, while e presesent holda lly y withth collegege stenen. and lalast nighthts s inintlan, , formrm president jimmy carter, again, blamed raracici o on whwhat hee calllls s ununecedend attackcks s on prident amama. >> ide nver, feferal enen have bebeen cararngwaway boxeofvie fromom t theome ofof a muthoties s s iss linked to a aqaqaed najibubuah zazazi, d ds s he iss f a terrorisist plpl. but inveveigigors portrtly unund idence, ininudg g bomaking instructitions,s, d dining g a serieses of s s hehere i in n new yoyork earer ts weekek. they also found new bacacks theyeypect were e to be e us to rry out suidbombs.s. a a dge inin virirgiginihas setet
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nomberer 1h hecucuti dateteor j joh aen mohammed also knowns s the e d.c. s sniniper.r. momommed was t masasteind behihindnd thehe terfyg 2002 shooting sprpr iand d ou washgtonththat lefeft t n n pepeople totoday. his attoto says he will apappeal to the usupreme cocoururt.t. s so s seekingng clencfrfrom viininia vernrnortitim cacane. > sing c brown n hahas compleleteteonone daday y of cmuninityty seservice, pt ofof h his punishmen fofor bebeating ex-girlfriend,d, rihann heas cleleintallll w wdsndnd debris in n s s me s state of virginia.. brown vetos whwhwatctched d hiwork. also o hatoto fooooththbillll foror e exextra a securityty. > chicagago's favovoriteon tryingo drdrum ususupporort foror e ci 2host t themps. presesidenen o obama had aly at ththwhite e house.e. ththe e president says he knows chicago would makemerica and ththe e world proud. e e ioioc ll m makake its chce rlxt mononth.
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a a warning g directcted toyota d lexus owners iss giving all drerers somethin t think about thisororning the placent yououflr mats may y be d damagageous. the concern mes afr a r h in calorninia a thatatefeft t urureoplple dead srkepts. >> repepororter: could a floorat ve c csesed d is t tc, sosoututhernalalifornia a crh? thth's's w what ininveigigatators s think, ththat theas pedalal gotot stuck der e mat,t, cauausingng t t c r racupup to 120 miles an hr. killlled was califnia highghwawa patrolol officer, mamarkailo hihis s fe, ugugeran brother--l-lawchchris s lastrerella. lastrea 11 calfr the e t t control l.>>1111memergen. what are you reporting > ourur acceleratators stuck. we're trouble. we c't - -- ere'e'no b brakes. > o okay. and yodon't have t t abi , , like, turn the vehicle off or anything? >> we' appachihingng the teectition.. we'rapapproachininintersectitionon. hold on.pray.. >> reporr: t the speedinlexus slammemed inin anoth car, ed and rst t in f flames.
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ththisissue e m mats at aren't anchchor down. toyota warns drirs, never acone mat onop of ototr. thisis thicknesstheyey s say, a recipepe for disisasaste in 2oyota calleded 55,00 cars to replace r matsts tt could sl and catch the gas pel.l. but auto safafexpesay y itit's not ju toyoyototas.. > i is an u unknownwn hazd that's waiting to strike. anand when it hahappppens, t a average driveroeoesnsn'te e e e tions aigighter pot and can't brg g ththe car der cocontntrol. >> r reporter: t the governmenent islolookining into theheccidt,t, to see if it neneededs nch a saty i invtigation lisasa stark, c news, washingtonon.. >> inour mecacal new a a prprty r remararkable ory. blinind d maad regned hehe sisighghafter r vingng up toot fofor r anan eye. surg a at t universityty o of ami medidicacaolol, ststored e visi by ing a oth f from her momoh, t to ahohor a an arfificicialal cornea in h e eye afafter nini yeaearsrs of blblininess, ththe procedure s leftft h with
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20200 sion.. it was the fir time the rgerwas s rfrforormeheren the e s. >>retty unbelievable >llllburt reynolds is home,e, aftetestst at t a drehabab ceer. ththe 73-y-yeaear-d starf "skyand the babandit and other movi, derwrwenent trtmtmt for dictctioion toto pnkilillelers. he said he rlid heasas in the prpr o of f presescrcripipon pls whilile recoveng f fm back surgery. he says he hopes his sto wl l hehe othths th the se oblelem.m. d d chararter actor,r, henryry gigibs, didied on n momonday, afafte ttance ththe name may n n be famililiar.. but t ththfaces.s. gibson p played a judge on a's oston lelegal." bubut t was probably best known for rereciting poetry on r w and martin's " "laugh-in." >> you're right. i dn't recognize the gam bubut i did recocogne ththe ce > l lots of oldovies. eah. > ll, , cocoming the newesest persononholdld t titit o of f wowod's tallesest t n. >> > plus, , ththe e fallout t from tutuesesday's big benchlearing
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brawl in the bronxnx.reshne of ee ouou elinanan exhilaratin adventur eaea entree e is burststing g with high-q-qlity prorotetein......plpl wholeme g ginin a gagaenen g greenens. spspececialllly y foformululated t tprpromee irirball conontrol... and d healththy weigightht. frfrisiskieses indoooor wet t food. eded the senses.s. now w tu tre time to p pty.... withth fskiepartrty mixx t trtrtsts.. get papartrty stararted! my mususes achehed all l over. felt t thiep liererinpain thatas a aomplplete teteryry t to me. mymy doctotor agagd it as fibrbromyalgususcle e papain and then h recommnded lyrica. omia is thought toto be hehe res veacactitive nererveat cae roninic, w wididesprpreapa. lycas a-a-proved help relilieve the ununiqueue papa of fibromlgia. d thth ls , i can dodo m morore e ing my day how swsweet isis that? lyricacas not t for eveverer. ll y youou dococtotoabououany seus allgic reactition c causes s swelli orr#a#aects brehing or skskin
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chayeghtt incling g blurry vision or muscle paininitit fer r irirededeeeelili. lylyrica m may causuididalal thos orioio in a veryrysml mb o of people someme of f e e momo comside e efects ofof lica are dizzinessleeneness, ight gaiain ling o o handnds ndnd feeeet. do notot dnknklcol whwhtaking l lyrica. yoyou shouould nevever d dve oror opetete m machinene untitil yoyou u ow how lyricaca affectsts y.. if youhihink you might hahave fibromyalgia, ask yoyourur d dtor r oulyricaca. discovover a light yogurtrt likno o.. // acactia a light! delicious, f fat freree, anaball.l... the onlylyne that haha b bifus r regularis and d isis clilinicallllroven n toto help gula your digestive system. actilight. a activiaiaaaaa! ♪
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well, w is t this fofo momornrning commute?e?itit w t takake your tractoro schoolayay in la crystal, minnes stents rollein o origsgsf all sizes, aa way to bring tetentioion tohehepcoming haharvest season. ninice johdeere right ththerere. >> sounds like setup for a ununtry songng. e rere plenty of suspensions and fis s for plssnvnvolved intuesdas s fifight yankekeee ststadiuiu hohor say podada jesse chararerere suendeded d threree games and finined for s slulugg reree her r plers wewerereinin r their ininvolvlvement thehe memelee. >> ba o on n field, thehere w a lot of late-e-inningng t theheatater ararnd b basallala nigig.. herere's mikike yam at e espnews. > g gmog.g. it's an absolute showdwdown inhehe naonalal league. two teams battttli for o one s spot.t. it's'she g giaiaand t rorockckies. squariringff.. botttt nine. n n frfrancidown 4-1.
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ju u ube. he's chargededitith a an error. sasandoval will cocome in score. giants d dn byby t two runs. later in the f frame, , a a 3 me. betatancourt c comesith h a b riket.t. colorado lds san fraraisco by 3 3 1/1/2 2 memeinin t wilild ca. >gels a and r r soso anan fuentntes t tryintotololo thisis oe e nih. red d sox dodo 8-8-7.7. but ththe e lk. mike scosciaan'telelie i it. we're eded a at 8-8-8. neneatatr. alexonz.z. thoooototoef juan r rera c chaharginin-- not ftt enough and gonzalez picksp hihis fifth year w walalkoffff hit. he w was t three.. and the e sox win dratic c fashshion. >> ues an ykees. doining itp inheheooooe dodown. bottom eight. hideki maui.. a a twtwrun shot. we're titieded at 4-4.
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the nthth. with b bre garerer on n third, cos up with theit too fifid. ithehe 1 14th walkofofhit r the yaees this s sson. they're victctororious, 5-4. d a. burnett, a pie i in t the face aer the gamame. > thth wilildo it fofor sports. back to you inin n yorork. >> > well, ththgiginnesess bo of worlrld d rerecocordrd crownedhe world's tallesest earlrlr toy. >> a towowering tu n sululn cosin stands .. 's's a a parfarm. he n neeeedsds cruheto w walk becae hiknees are weakened by his h hgh says s there's upsis to his height, , lilike chaing lilightbulbs and hanging curtns. >> 's not usual a good ththing g en youbobowling sce's ararou t theamame asas y yr ag t that's n the case e for a tennsee wowowiwith a m mn arm. >>'s's gtinger s sharef strikekeand spares at 5 y yearsrs d.d.tie e frfreemais a regular a heher local l planes and s recentlyowleanan i iresssse
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12121.1. shshe creds anctive fefestylyle, keininher r aler phycacay y and d mentally.. for meme of you,u, y yououlocacal news 2 concnctredetgegent all fr clelear's's powerful clele f fe of thehe grededients you'll find ininosost detetergents: p pfumes. no dyes..... no preseservatis..... fr clele i i spially y degn for pelele wh sensitivsk d has powerfulul sinlifters,s, syou can trusit to t the job de t. freee ear he nuber-one dergent rerecommenendeded byby dedermatolists.... so f purclclea a freecleaear allououeed.d. mymyamame is c chef michchl. anand when come homeme fromomy y restauaurarant i i lo swing bai how eciashe is. yeyeou are.. i knowow e ectctly whahat t you u lodo [ [ s -- mm aros s li .r.rotserie chicken. anfilet t mionon. yeah, that's what inspired a very specicialryryog f fooood.womaman ]] ininoducining chef michahael's's ni c catioions. t tasty and nututritiouss it h hard d b belieieve dryry dogog food.chefef-inspipired.d.
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d dog-d-desireded. chchefef michael cananinincrcreatition th c cd,d, wasshshort of breatath,h, so coun't alwaysys d do what i w wte do.tthun+qsqs1a4h5c(w(w]ú]ú6$6$pg't)uac
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llll or gogo online totoea morore. (anner)) if youou cannot afaf ur mededicicion, astrazazenececmama be able toto help.
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the president comes to college park today. we'll preview his talk, talk about traffic and guess who is going to give a republican rebuttal? and how do you feel about soda being taxed? you've weighed in. how proud is daddy of his little girl? she showed the world last night she has a pretty good arm. >> i could watch that video over and over and over again. it's so cute. >> the best video of the day. >> it is. >> how are you? >> great, you? >> everything going well. let's look at weather with meteorologist justin berk. good morning. this morning, we got a little bit of wet roads because of
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showers overnight, drizzle and another round of rain trying to roll in. on storm center weathernet, 59 westminster, 61 havre de grace. 63 edgemere and annapolis. not much of a temperature spread. here's maryland's most powerful doppler radar. you can see we've got one band of showers that came through. doesn't look that active right now locally. again, hit and miss drizzle, maybe a brief shower through westminster but this batch around the dc area is what tries to reach us. this morning, just showers. then steadier, lighter rain, but there will be a breeze, cool and high of only 67 degrees. let's check the roads with kim. >> good morning. we don't have a lot going on, with the beltway, west side at liberty road, traffic appears to be moving along nicely but we have construction if you're headed out in the next few minutes, southbound 95 after boston street, two left lanes
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