tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC September 18, 2009 12:05am-1:05am EDT
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and it's time now for tonight's "closing argument." you have just seen new evidence in the texas death penalty case that suggests an innocent man may have been wrongly put to death. but despite the possibility of errors, 64% of americans still favor the death penalty and supporters say improved dna technology has only made convictions more rock solid. so tonight we ask you, where do you stand on capital punishment? and in our story on -- and did the story on todd willingham affect your opinion? tell us what you think on or the twitter page. that's our report for tonight. "jimmy kimmel live" is up next from all of us at abc news, good night. hi, i'm jimmy kimmel and this is my good friend, celebrity photographer yehya. >> hi. >> hi, yehya. yehya has taken his picture -- he waits outside places and he has taken his picture with
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literally millions of celebrities. >> right. >> and some are better than others. >> who is this? >> this is will smith. >> will smith. and who is this? >> ryan -- >> who do we have here? >> elizabeth taylor. >> that's her hand? >> yeah, she's in the car. >> and this is? >> jessica simpson. >> of course. >> as you can see, taking pictures of yourself can be a real challenge, but not anymore, thanks to the new samsung dualview. the samsung dualview has an lcd on the back and look at this -- >> there's what i wanted, jimmy. >> i know. on the front too. now you can get yourself in the picture and all your friends too. not only that, samsung smart auto feature adjusts 16 different ways to make sure you get the perfect shot every single time. >> can i take a picture with you, jimmy? >> of course. here we go. look at that.
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all right, let's see what it looks like and -- there we go. [ applause ] just like i promised, a perfect shot. >> thank you, jim. wow, jimmy. [ laughter ] i go with this camera, you know, i'm going to win a pulitzer prize. >> pulitzer prize, thanks, yehya. >> the dualview, new from samsung. with two lcd screens, it's twice the fun of other cameras. >> "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with danny pudi, rachael ray, music from the lives of famous men and jenna elfman. taking its rightful place
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jenna elfman. from "community", danny pudi. a special appearance by rachael ray. and music from the lives of famous men. with cleto and the cletones. and now, if you haven't heard, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by abc, inc. >> thank you. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. and before we go any further, i want you to know that i always
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believed in you, even when no one else did. [ laughter ] let's kick things off with some accidental profanity. it's a lot of fun when news people curse. because they're so serious. honestly, the only reason i even watch the news is because on the off chance that someone might say the f word. this is from the local fox news last night. nick gregory wrapping up the weather when anchorman ernie jumps in with some fun unscripted interplay. and listen closely because this is a good one. >> check that seven-day to make your weekend plans. >> takes a tough man to make a tender forecast, nick. [ bleep ] you chicken. [ laughter ] >> before we continue -- >> remind me never to have dinner at ernie's house. he said plucking the chicken, but you wouldn't know it from the look on his co-anchor's face. >> to make your weekend plans. >> takes a tough man to make a tender forecast, nick.
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[ bleep ] that chicken. >> i think he's an undercover cop. let's watch her again in slow motion if we could. when he first says it -- it looks like -- she looks like that that's so raven just wet herself on the school bus and then slowly the oxygen re-enters her body and the fake tv smile comes right back to her face. that's a pro right there. that's tv magic you see happening. you have to hand it to the fox affiliate in new york. they have not apologized. they insisted it was not a slipup. in fact, they're even building a brand new magical pain around it. >> fox 5 news. the best chicken [ bleep ] us in team in new york. for today's top [ bleep ] chicken news from around new york and around the world. [ bleep ] chicken, chicken [ bleep ] entertainment and the chicken [ bleep ] lottery numbers. keep that chicken, [ bleep ], new york. >> i like it. [ cheers and applause ] yeah.
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it's hip and young. more jon and kate news at this hour. that is one of my favorite news phrases. the mother of the nanny who claims she had an affair with jon gosselin while he was still living in the house, for some reason her mom sat down for an interview with radar online. jon told her daughter not to is worry about -- not to worry about getting pregnant because he had a vasectomy after getting the sextuplets and today the president awarded the man who gave him the vasectomy the congressional medal of honor. maybe we can hook jon gosselin up with the octomom. crazy, sterile, everything she's looking for in a man. i saw this coming years ago. i have a strict policy of not trust anyone who wears ed hardy t-shirts. and i think we should give him a
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second vasectomy to make sure. in case you're wondering when all the hubbub about kanye west interrupting taylor swift will die down, the answer is not yet. on tuesday, there was an audiotape of president obama calling kanye a jackass that leaked out and now they have leaked the videotape too. >> the young lady seems like a personally nice person. she's getting her award. >> why would he do that? >> he's a jackass. well, now this other stuff -- i'm assuming all this stuff -- [ laughter ] come on, guys. >> well, you know -- he assumed wrong. by the way he wasn't the only president that weighed in. last night, former president jimmy carter who by the way is 85 years old was speaking at emory university in atlanta. he too was asked to say kanye or nay. >> what do you think of kanye west calling out taylor swift at
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the vma's? >> all right. >> do you agree with president obama's response to his actions? >> i don't know what obama's response was. i thought it was completely uncalled for and his punishment was to appear on the new jay leno show. [ laughter ] >> that's -- [ cheers and applause ] i have to say, i'm shocked about two things. number one, that jimmy carter is watching the mtv video music awards. number two, jay leno has a new show? i hadn't heard anything about that. you think they'd take out some ads or something. but amidst all the apologizing and the shame, there's good news for kanye west. he managed to score a new endorsement deal out of all of this. ♪ >> kanye! >> beyonce had one of the best
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videos of all time! >> please drink responsibly from your friends. [ cheers and applause ] >> good advice. no better example than that. what i do when i drink is use a glass. it's -- it helps me remember not to drink the whole bottle. [ laughter ] former first daughter jenna bush hager made her debut on the "today" show this morning. jenna bush is of course the daughter of george and laura bush. she got married and added the haguer. she's the granddaughter of george and barbara bush. they did a cute thing. they got each member of the bush family to tape a message for jenna to welcome her to her first day at work. >> the executive producer jim joked around i think and said, oh, you'd be great on our show. >> oh, dear. >> part of the wedding -- >> i'm super excited. diplomat really think he was for real, but i guess he is.
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>> good luck, jenna, i wish you the very best on the "today" show. i know you'll do a great job. >> are you ready for some football? [ laughter ] >> same question they asked her on the first day of kindergarten. a piece of television history is about to become history. tomorrow is the final episode of the soap opera "guiding light". "guiding light" is the longest running series ever on television. it has been on the air for 57 years. it was on the radio for 15 years before that. so some version of "guiding light" has been on the air for like 72 years. somehow i never managed to watch it one single time. [ laughter ] it was a sad day on the set today as they taped their very last show. here's a clip, a fond farewell to "guiding light". ♪ >> carly, i have something to tell you. >> what is it?
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>> i'm pregnant. [ laughter ] >> now i have something to tell you. i've been dead for three years. [ laughter ] >> oh. [ cheers and applause ] >> well, that's -- great times. but i will say, luke and laura still look great, don't they? last night was audition night on the show "so you think you can dance". they were in phoenix and the highlight of the show was an extremely excitable young man named jarvis johnson. >> they gave me a ticket to vegas, man, i'd do a back flip. i have never done a back flip before. i know -- i'm taking my mama to vegas, i'm going to vegas. i'm going to vegas, oh, my god,
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oh, my! i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. [ laughter ] >> want to take a long road trip with him. what must he do when the ice cream man shows up? so how did jarvis do? well t judges were kind of on the fence about him which resulted in this close but still confusing call. >> come on, you know -- you know you want -- you want -- [ laughter ] never know. a box of chocolates. >> i'll tell you what, i'll make a deal with you. if you don't pick it up quickly, i'm going to ask you to leave. [ laughter ] [ screaming ] >> i'm not a doctor, but i'm pretty sure that was a seizure he just had. one more thing. there was a time in this country not long ago when being concerned about the environment out mattcally made you --
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automatically made you a tree hugger, a pinko, a hippie, and now even nascar is getting on board. nascar has hired a consultant to help them be more green. they have a green racing event here in california and the nice thing is that the changes they have made have not affected the racing at all. >> this sunday at motor speedway off route 1, it's nascar action. green style. come see the latest hybrid cars and race quietly at speeds up to 65 miles an hour. driven in a courteous manner and if that isn't green enough, we've got five drivers per ride. carpooling. nascar green. hov for victory, come on down. don't forget your appetite because we're selling it for the whole family. reserve your renewable tickets right now. >> all right. we have a good show tonight.
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♪ hi there, we're back. tonight's show has been put together as carefully as a jenga game. the slightest touch could send it crashing down. so please remain very, very still. joining us, from the new show "accidentally on purpose", it premieres monday on cbs, jenna elfman is here. also, from the new show "community" which premiered tonight on nbc, danny pudi is here. and later on, hundreds of singers and bands entered their music and videos for a chance to open for kelly clarkson in the samsung at&t summer krush opening act contest. only one was selected. and tonight, we bring themo you. music from the lives of famous men. [ cheers and applause they're nice young guys fr alaska. of all places.
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ever been to alaska, uncle frank? >> no. >> no? guillermo, ever been to alaa? >> never. >> what do you know about alaska? >> it's very cold. >> uncle frank, do you know anytng about a alaska? > same thing. always cold. tomorrrrow night, christian slater, ed o'neill, sofia vergara and music from colombian superstar shakira. [ cheers and applause ] though you would never know it from looking at myody, i lov food. enenjoy more than eating. i so when rachchael ray recently invited me to be a part of n show she's putting together, i said, yeah, whatever. [ laughter ] >> hey, everybody, i'machael ray and this is my very special guest today, jimmy kimmel. >> hi, everyone. i'i'm jimmy. >> so jimmy oioly likes to eat a lot of good food, right?t >> yeah. >> i i thought it would be fun
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today if becould d make -- if w could ma a m meal together that exemplifified not ononly g grea nutrition and great meal, and how to cook on a budget. does that sound good? >> yeah. > what is your all-time favorite meal? >> woulday pizza. >> okay. >> with ribs and fried chicken on it. and ice cream and salad dressing. maybybe some corn dogs. >> jimmy that's actually several meals. and we are trying to cook on a budget. so could i suggest something? >> oh, yeah. >> what about a good spaghetti meball -- >> oh, sure. >> if i could show youow t make a good spaghetti mtball supper from scrath, would you be interested in it ouldld folollo you? . >> yes. > soak kay. so we're make meatballs. what's t n number one ingrgredient? >> balls? >> no. meat. i have a great tip on how to sa money on nice g ground sirloin.
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>> okay. what are you doing? -- w why do i have to do this?s? >> oy. so we've got the meat, okay. sove got the tomatoes. they cost a fortune, here's a tip. >> all right. i don' wear r br >> well, jimmyyou should. [ laughter ] >> wre going to get arrested. you go. >> okay, now all we neeeed are e bread crumbs, egg, a little bit of grated parmesan reggiano -- >> n no way. ♪ >> what e you looking at? [ [ laughter ]
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>> slow down. >> h hi. here you go. [ laughter ] thank you very much. spaghetti and meatballs for just 89 cents. tune in next week and i'm going s show w u how to make a really good sandwich for a lot less momoney. thing., she does is sort ofof what? ? >> are you paying for something? >> no, i'm just muscular. [ cheers and applause ]] thanks toto r rachael ray. she's a ngerous crinal, you know. watch her every day. we'll be right back with jennnn
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elfman. >> put a little mustard on it. nice! [ cheers and applause ] bottomom. needs work. sorry, son. [ female announc ] you u can't pass inspection with pieces ft behind. inoducing new charmin ultra strong. its new enhanced diamondweave texture is softt and more durable. more durable so you're lt with more dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind. bottom. chececk. [ female announcer ] ] and that crmin softness. new charmin ultrtra strong. look for it in the new red package. for those who prefer moist wipes, try nenew chcharmin fresates for a cleaner clean. introducucing listerine total care. to strengthen eth, help prevent cavities, and ki gms. introducg 6 in 1 listerine total care. the most complete mouthwash. well at allstate more i actctually les.
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♪ hi there, we're back. i want to mention that there e are -- although by e time this airs in won't be any time, but there's two hours, 26 minutes left to bid on governor rod blagojevich's seat. we are selng the seat he sat t in when he was here on the show. he signed the show for us to sell on ebay. so i don't know if you have magic powers or something like that, go bacin timand bid it. $6,100 for the seat.g is at which is not bad really. we should sell all the cr he at the show. [ laughter ] uncle frank, watchch out. [ laughter ] our first guest is the beautiful result of one of the fifirst-ev successful matings betwe elf and man. you know her, originally from "dharma and greg". now she e has a new show on cbs called "accidentally on purpose". it premieres monday night at 8:30. please say hello to jenna elfman.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> hel. >> i'm going to o go out on a lb and ask you if you're pregnant >> no, i have jusbeen eating a lot of m mac and cheese. >> how pregnant are you? >> nototuch, but i'm showing a losince it's me second kid. i'm not even four months pregnant. >> really? >> yeah, i don't know what's going on. my body wants to be pregnant. >> you mht havea hippopotamus in there. wow. as possiblele. y to be as big >> speak for yourself. >> well, you don't want the jolly green gianant. yoyou want healthy. >> welell, mcharacter is pregnant othe show for the first season this is a goodd time for me to
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have another chi soo i won't have to hide it. you reallllit to e roles. >> do. >> will the baby be property of cbs? >> i hohope not. >> so you have named your son storory. that's a very unusual name. >> i kno >> who came up with the name story? >> my husband. >> thiis your older son, 2 years old. >> yeah, my onlnly -- my older this one >> yeah, we were laying in bed one night. we hadn't t ev gotten pregnant yet but wenenew w we were goingo try. my husband said story elias elfman. i was like, yes, done. wasn't like the first one out of the gate with the winner. >> what werthe other ones he we with? >> shankers. >> shankers? >> like when you shank it out of the gate. i don't know what it means. no, he was like he, about fleet? i'm like, it's aenema. >>t is an ene. >> i don't know what yore
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talking about. i said, go to rite-aid and see it's an enema. >> every time i hear of the fleet center, i think of the enema. you don't want to n name your s after the enema. what else? >> he sa, what abouout clete? sounds like something else. yeah., yeah. you know, you didn't like the name clete? >> no. >> is a terrible name, isn't it? >> yes. see, hohoney? >> why i say that? because two members inin our ba have that name. cleto. >> no. no. you set me up that's a terrible thing. >> why not? that's what i didid. >> well, you know what? th don't have a choice. actually, there e are many clet. in fact, cleto -- >> well, cleto is a nice name. >> oh -- >> clete is mething el. >> then thehey ouldame e the new babyleto. >> i if it's a boy. >> if you like it so much. [ laughter ]
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>> so cleto is coolol. much betr than cllete. >> cleat is not good, yeah.. story though- have you ever met any other kids named story? >> no, i have not. i think minnie driver's son is henry story. she named the middddle name sto. my sister was on google. apparently there was aelia story who is on the may flower. >> reaeally? >> per google. >> that's really good. does h go to bed and say, mommy, tell me a me? >> n no. i'm wonderining when that's goi to confuse him a bit. wh he has thehe gsp o the language a little bit betr. >> the fact that you're pregnant makes this morcocomplicated but you're throwing the first pitch out on the dodgers game onon saturday afternoon against the giants. >> they're hated rivals, the giants. have you thought it out, because this is one of the things that it's not necessari a great idea. because if it goes well, everybody goes oh, big deal, you threw it to th catatcher --
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>> i'm a girl. i dodon't think people will tak it for granted if i do well, right? [ applause ]a girl. >>ell, it'not if you do well, but if you do exceptially badly. that's why i want to do it from the mound. because if i mess up, i'm goini to mesup at least from the mound. i'm not going to be like step in front of the moundnd, shorten t distance and then mess up because that's like a double negative. >> you have e to be insis apt, becausa lot of times they won'let you on thehe mound because they don't want the celebrity messing the mound for the game which starts two minus after you throw the first pitch out. >> i'm not going to likeig my heels in there. >> you better tell the guy that. >> people pitch from the mound a lot of the time. >>hey do a lot -- >> you have to be aggressive about it? >> you have to be aggressive abt it. so i'lbaggrgressiveoman, > i i have put together a moe of videos from first pches going wrong. >> i can learn from people's mistakes. >> tis my friend adadam carolla. >> that was therst ovev
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this is baba b booey from the howard stern show a the mayor of cincinnati that's got to be the worst one ever. >> i think he wanted to throw it to the umpmp. >> believe me, he didn't.. >> he didn't pctice. mymy husband turned into a stag mother when he found out i was gogoing to do this. he was le,e have to practice. we have too to the park to prpractice. okayay. >> so you have been practicing? >> i have been practcticing and there's a guy who works on my show whoho used to be on the re sox and he's coaching me. >> he was on the redox? >> he was. >> that's good to haveve. >> b i havave to say another thing, you have to be c careful abouout too much practice becau you can get too fancy. wh you want to do -- >> tell me. >> my advice --- experienced becausu have never done this before. [ [ ughter ] >> letet's just go t to the videotape. maybe you saw this on "sportscenteter." >> kimmel l hoststs -- on abc. >> yh. >> that's what y call a home
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run n to center field. >> okay. [ cheers and applause ] one more time.ow that again just >> kimmel hosts his new show on abc. >> you look gorgeous. >> now, youou can see there -- [ cheers and alause ] >> that's impressive. >> i keep itat me in case strangers need t see it. >> i would too. >> i was t thinking g -- i know little bit about thisstuff. the reas i've thrown a first pitcout iss because it's dangerous to do. everyonethinks it's easy, but then you -- then it goes wrong and you'll be cked. >> but you have a sense of humor. you're a comedian. >> but not about that. >> but what you did with the hitting, which is iressive. >> you're pregnant. which isood. >> i e play that -- i'lllay ththat card heavily. >> it's the dododgers stadium, they can boo me if they wan.
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> they should not definitely boo you. if i w was you and things go badly, fall to the ground as if something terrible has happened [ laughter ] let the paramedics take you off the field. >> awesome. go for the sympathy. >> i brought a couple of gloves. wear a glove out there. people think tt t -- you go out without a glove it throws your balance off. >> i've been praicing with the glove. i'll keep everything the same. >> there's a catcher's mitt >> i have been practicing at 60 feet by the way. and i've been practicing with the three-finger speed ball. >> so fire it in there. this could be dangerous for the audience. yeah. you definitely want to - -- hey this ebay couch wentnt well, wh not sell her jewelry. >> go ahead. >> so i'm going to advise everybody in the audience to -- >> just sit like that.
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>> be very careful.. all right. so i thinknk the key is not to think about it t much. >> okay. >> just throw it in.n. >> i havaven't warmed up. i should have beenen warming up backckstage. >> i know. things to think about on -- alall right. that's prettgood. that's pretty good. oh, look at that she can catch. this you go. t a little mustard on it. nice! want to do one morore? all right. might t as well goall l the wayd strike them ou he we go. putting down the signals >> oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> all l right. i think it's- you know wt? >> t thank you for cahing that. >> i think it's flood we got that one out of the way. >> i know. jenna elfman watch her new show m monday nigs on cbs.
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we'll be rig back with danny pudi. today's word is natty caddy. ( beep ) natty caddy: an elegant, wheeled contraption... used to car par amounts... of nattlight in a single trip. as in: while stu was a serviceable tion, the natty caddy was a thing... ( thud )) of buty. ♪ the natty caddy from natty light. noww y you're t! sit's a typical morrning when suddenenly you see built ford toughgh trucks! the ground starts rumbn' like and you know what? you did hipay-dirt cause it's ford truck month. an' leading thisis herd is the ford f-150. it's not just a truc it's an f-150. and with great power comes g great fuel economy. no wonder it was named 2009 motor trend truck of the year. now get 0 percent apr for 60 months or 45 hundrered cash baback on an 09 f-150. andord crededit iss on board. it't's truck month! only at your local ford dealer.
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hurt now or later? o uh-- what? (announcer) pepcid® cplete doesn't make you choose. uh-- what? it neutralizes a acid in secondnds and controls heartburn alall day or all night. pepcid® complete , works now and works later. (announcer) spit our your stride gum and chor we'll find you.ready! got the gu
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hi there, , we're back. still to come, the lives of famomous men. our next guest is the first-ever recipient of the "ris farley schorship" amarquetttte universitywhiche has parlayed into a new show called "community", which athursday nightsn nbc.c. ease welcomeanny pudi. [ cheers and applause ] oufinal guest sitting in thaat chair. how are you? >> i'm great. >> it's e premiere of your show tonight, so are you nervous? >> jimmy, this is a very strange time for me. really don't belelieveny of this is happening. i'm from chicago. i'm sitting in a rod blagojevi chair. >> yeah that is all -- >> t there's two cles over there, jennana elfman was throwg baseball, i don't know what's ality is anymore. if kanye west came out and said,
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danny, i'm happy for you, but cal penn is the bestactor of all time, i wouldn't be that surprised. >> you mention cal p penn because -- you're half indi and half -- >>polish. >> polish. > surprise. >> but most of t the roles you t cast for, you don't seem like typical poll. >> i know. i played two sjays in 2007. >> is that right? >> so th was kind of fun. >> pretty fun. >> i haven't played any polish characters yet. >> surprisingly, yeah. [ laughter ] now, i have a photograph.. thiss ---- you grew up i chicago, as you mentioned. >> yes. >> this is a -- soou'r're really polish, , ke tthe e int of -- t's seif we can figu out which kid in the groupup is you >> don't tell us. it will be a surprise. [ laughter ] close, warm, warm, wa.
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warm, warmer. oh, there's kakathy. there! . >> thais you right there. byby the way, you u look deligh to be there. [ lalaughthter ] >> every turday. sohside chchicago. grew up, my mom made me go. >> what became of him? >> that guhatepoli dancing more than i did. >> he either hated it or loved it.. and d soso you're a polish danc. >> i am, actually. >> you stillll are a polish dancer. >> you know,ust like for fun, part [ laughter ] my mom. that kind of thing. >> your mom is polish. >> yeah, my mom was born in poland. hey, mom. >> oh, w, your mom actually ca over from poland? >> yeah. india. there, who was born in et and they didn't speak any english as a s second language class atmca, they had me and thenhey got divorced.
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[ laughter ] it wasn't my fault, right? >> a perfect amemerican story,y isn't itit? >> yeah. >> yeah. [ laughter ] that's how it goes here. wow. so then --ou got -- they got dirced which was a little more rere in thosose days. >> yeah, it was kind of crazy. but i mean, our whwhole family exexperience was crazy. ii grew up with my grandparents speaeaking polish h because the didn't speak english. so i'd'd sit at home talking polish every day and eating polish soup. >> wow. how old were your andparents when they mod over? >> t they were old, they didn't spepeak a any engnglish, en they got here they were feeling out e whole post comommunism thing. they were always afraiaid that e house would get infiltrated. >> really? >> yeah. li my grandmother would hide money in books vhs videotapes. every once in a whilei'd o
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throrough thee encycpedi and find money. a lot of my polish dancer instructors they were angry -- a little bit of the anger. polish mustacheses are amazing. >> they're the thickest -- one of the thickest mutaches. >> they're great. so they would have that kind o fear in the backck of ththeimin which is great. it was g great for discipline because it taught t me to focus >> they hahad fear of what, the mustaches being tataken by the ? >> yeah. that's whyhy they ng on to them so hard. they grew them out as long as they could. >> were they discsciplinarians, your grandparents? like if we were having dinner would have to sit at the table until everything was finished. you knowwhich is tough, when you'reating ird polish food a lot. yeah.ah. >> and, u know, but in like inruction and in school, lilike they were very rigid. you know? you know, i i ill hahave in the ba of my mind i'm always yellg in polish.h. my baby-sitter actually a a coue of years ago was yelling at me and she was like i'm an adult
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now too. which is strange, you know we were at a function. she came up to me and she said, you need to -- in polish, you need to take this seriously. when i was a kid she'd give me a kit kat. >> at what age does the baby-sitter lose the power of baby-sititting over yoyou, i th it's got to be -- maybe 17. >> what's crazy, right away i was scared of her again. right away, i i stood straight. >> wow, you are really speaking polish. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> now, on the show -- yoyour n show, you're working with joel mchale a very fuy guy. and cheevy chase -- >> yeah. >> a a legend rely. >> you know, as a kid you grow up, you know, and i'm from chicago, love cocomedy. watched d all his movies, "caddyshack", everything. now i'playing this character ahmad who speaks very quiuily.
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surprise.. socially awkward, surprise again. and loves pop culture. i'm doing bill murra references and i turn and i talk to c chev chchase. itit's a weird world i live in. but the cast i amazing the script -- >> do you hang out wh him? i wonder what he's actual like. me and chevy get along great. i think hehinks i'm his intern or something. i went to his house for a baecue which was great. >> that's nice. . a couple weekago we were talking. you know, i'mm walking around with him. it's great. we're ing toto the vegetable tray, , we're eating jicama an carrots together, awese. sowesome, i'm doing this with chevy chase. and he goes, pamputa, do you want to go get something toat? i was ke, ti wayay off. >> yeah, way. >>puta, i don't k know -- i
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couldn't correct him because it and in front of peopople.unny i don't know if he kws who i am. but 're getting along great. >> if you get to season three that's unaccepble. ng you that, >> yeah. i'll know. i ththink it's okay for right n. well, congratulations. i'm glad everything worked out. >> thank you very much. >> there you go. danny pupudi "community" airs thursdays at 9:30.m. on nbcbc coming up, music from the lives ofof famous men. you that drivers...lyou sad
12:57 am
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1:04 am
i want to thank jenna elfman and danny pudi. our apologies to matdamon, we ran ouof time. torrow nightht, christian slater, eded o'neill, sofia vergara and shakira. and now playing us off the air, the winners of theamsung at&t summer krush concertt series, te lives of famous ad men. good night! [ cheeeers and applause ] ♪ ♪ just so you kno just so you u know
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