tv Nightline ABC September 29, 2009 11:35pm-12:05am EDT
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tonight on "nightline," dr. death. this man will teach you how to die. a medical doctor who's become the master of painless suicide. but is he going too far to help his clients? thou shalt not kill, the latest in our series the ten commandments. caught on tape from this diddldid deadly home invasion in florida, and how the videos are helping
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cops crack down on crime and the camera doesn't lie. and extreme makeover, fast food edition. boston kreme brulee, tacobell i tacobellini, fast food and haute cuisine collide and we take a taste test in tonight's "sign of the times". captions paid for by abc, inc. >> good evening. it is one of life's ultimate questions. should you have the right to decide how and when you die? well, tonight, you'll meet a doctor who believes you do. and he prescribes advice on everything from how to suffocate yourself to the best and most lethal narcotics. but while the infamous dr. jack kevorkian spent eight years in prison this doctor is acting
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with impunity and for clients from around the world. nick watt now examines a new understanding of thou shalt not kill for our series "the ten commandments". >> death a natural process. >> in a drab church hall, dr. philip nitschke is explaining how to kill oneself using a plastic bag. >> it doesn't take long before you find it very, very unpleasant. that's not how to go. >> nurse betty demonstrates the best method in a video presentation. >> we have chosen an oven bag because it fits you -- >> some of the today's crowd are terminally ill. but most aren't. not yet. >> if you want to look nice, you bet gore and get your hair done because this stuff does mess your hair up. >> australian authorities have removed nurse betty's videos from youtube and they
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scrutinized every controversial move. >> police will investigate the role that dr. philip nitschke who was in the house when the woman died but denies helping her commit suicide. >> you're sailing pretty close to the wind. >> yeah, and one hopes one doesn't make a mistake. >> the detective seized two laptop computers connected to the death of -- >> you plan people to plan ahead. >> yes. >> for the possibility they might want to kill themselves? >> yes. >> i have come away extremely heartened knowing there are options. >> i don't think it's being forced on anybody. the doctor's opinion. >> we tell them about how you can control the gas flow using a fitting that fits on to a cylinder. >> but if you weren't giving people the information, they wouldn't be do this? >> that's true. they'd probably go out and hang themselves. >> okay. >> this is peaceful. it's quick. it works. >> in nitschke's book "the peaceful pill handbook" the exit
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bag -- >> put your head back. lift your thumbs up. >> comes in at number six on the reliability and peacefulness test. he's lab tested most options and number one on nitschke's list -- >> the number one drug is nembutal. >> dr. nitschke is selling nembutal testing kits. >> it gives you an idea of what the strength of the nembutal must have been in the bottle. >> this is information not encouragement? >> i would argue that. >> because encouraging or assisting someone to commit suicide is illegal. in most countries and in most u.s. states. and you're planning to market these on the internet? >> yes. i mean, i think it's perfectly legal, nothing illegal about this drug testing kit. >> nembutal was used in sleeping
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pills and it's no longer available over the counter in the u.s. marilyn monroe and others died from nembutal overdose. these days it is used by veterinarians as an anesthetic and to euthanize pets. >> what are you going to say to your vet? >> an australian couple walk into a pet shop in mexico. you're watching a man planning his death. nembutal is available in mexico and nitschke has accompanied terminally ill patients to buy the drug. >> $30 a bottle, no questions asked. if you pour it in a glass and drink it, follow it up with the whiskey and i've never seen anyone finish their whiskey. they put the glass down and they're gone to sleep. and death follows thereafter. nothing looks more peaceful. >> and inside? >> we may never know. we may never know.
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>> it's just a sterile liquid that comes in a bottle. >> at closed workshops open only to those who pay a fee of $40 and of sound mind, initiate we gets into more -- nitschke gets into more detail. >> we have to think about what happens if i vomit and there's a lot of knowledge involved. i suppose i have acquired a lot of it. >> sleep is almost immediate. >> philip nitschke was the first doctor to legally kill his patients. >> i bought a machine, they pressed a button on the machine and the machine delivered the drugs and they died in the arms of the persons they love. >> in 1997 his home state, australia's northern territory, legalized doctor assisted suicide. >> death occurs within a few minutes. >> nitschke helped four people die before the law was overturned. >> bob bent died last sunday. >> we shared a meal and a drink. and then he indicated that he
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wanted to proceed. >> did you have a moment of uncertainty, a moment of am i doing the right thing here? >> no. i mean, i knew i was doing the right thing. >> now that it's illegal in his home state nitschke has hit the worldwide lecture circuit. are you religious? >> no. >> he's met with passionate protests. when me arrived in london he was questioned for nine hours before he was allowed into the country. >> we have been interviewed at length and finally the decision was made and we're very grateful and glad that common sense seems to have prevailed. >> euthanasia is currently legal only in thailand, switzerland, luxembourg and belgium and holland as well as washington state and oregon. in most of those places you must be terminally ill to qualify. not so to join exit
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international. >> doesn't have to be a serious disease or have to be pain. i think we should respect the right of rational adult toss make this choice. >> are you ill? >> no, not really. i don't think of old age very well. >> his support of rational adults like lisette nigot has angered more moderate elements. nigot was a healthy woman who decided when she turned 80 enough was enough and she'd kill herself. >> don't feel like waiting around for christmas? >> christmas, i loathe christmas. >> right. >> i was saying things like why don't you go on a world cruise or write a book? she said why don't you mind your own business. i want from you technical information and she got it and died. >> the public was outraged. nitschke admits his information could fall into the wrong hands. >> you're not only helping the
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people who are terminally ill, but those who are psychologically unsound and who shouldn't be allowed to kill themselves. >> we do not knowingly give information to those who are psychiatrically impaired. some people may not declare this and might get access to information, they might ultimately harm themselves. some people say no one should get the information because of that. >> dr. nitschke has used a euthanasia conference to unveil the new suicide machine. >> nitschke argues that anyone of sound mind has the right to such detailed instruction on how to kill themselves. i'm nick watt for "nightline" in brighton, england. >> a doctor's controversial crusade. when we come back, bad guys beware. there's a good chance that your crime has been caught on camera. and 30 for the second. roundtrip, that's almost 100 dollars. that's crazy talk. well, how about if i just send my bags on vacation, and i stay home?
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why do you charge for bags? for any bag out there watching this commercial right now... fly, be free. ♪ ( ding ) ♪ ( ding ) announcer: trying to be good to your heart? so is campbell's healthy request soup. low in fat and cholesterol, heart healthy levels of sodium, and taste you'll love. chef: we're all kind of excited about it. guy: mmm! i can see why. announcer: campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good! for your heart. whatever i did my digestive upsets came back. but then came align. only align contains bifantis, a patented probiotic. it promotes a healthier digestive system
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on cell phone video seen here on wflb in chicago. authorities tonight offered a cash reward for information that may lead to further arrests. the shocking footage is an extreme example of how law enforcement is using video to crack down on crime. an increasing -- increasingly it is homeowners themselves who are installs surveillance systems to protect their property as john berman now reports. >> hi, i'm watching my home online monitor and there is a black man in my house and he's robbing it. >> a brazen house break-in florida. no, this isn't some tv crime drama. it's the new wave of cutting-edge crime fighting. in the old days they had dogs. in westerns like "shane", rifles. >> expecting trouble? >> but in these days there's a
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new weapon -- the internet. >> it's an emerging neighborhood. the problems are what they are. police cannot be everywhere. so rather than being reactive to a problem, we took a proactive approach. >> dan and alyssa kopp are fighting crime with youtube. so how many cameras do you have here? >> a number of them. >> you don't want to say? >> we don't want to say. >> this video which has more than 40,000 hits shows a break-in at their atlanta home one year ago while at work. >> we were both at work and received a call from our alarm company that the alarm was going off. we told them to dispatch the police. we got home and found out our house had been broken in, our door had been kicked in and some items were missing including a flat screen tv, a laptop and digital camera. >> it was like fear and panic, and, you know, the moment you hope would never come and it was right there. >> fear and panic and also chance for filmmaking because dan and alyssa had installed a
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video surveillance system and caught the whole thing on tame. >> the police were pretty excited and they encouraged us to get it out to local news. to see if we could get it publicized to try and get an i.d., a tip, anything. >> for police, video surveillance is like the holy grail of crime fighting. why is this helpful? >> it's irrefutable evidence, first off. if you catch somebody on camera, committing a crime, i moean, ho can they tell you they didn't do it? >> it was key in catching the suspects in the brutal murders in florida this summer and it can be more than just a police tool. >> it gives citizens a way of, you know, sharing information amongst themselves. they have this video and they can put it out on their -- on youtube or the neighborhood talk groups. if the perpetrator isn't identified can help us to hopefully identify that
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perpetrator by people in the neighborhood. >> and that's why alyssa and dan posted it on youtube, anywhere they could think of. >> we passed it around to the community to say, look, these people in this car are driving in this neighborhood, be on the lookout. >> the police arrested the suspects after getting a phone tip from saying someone saying i'm watching the people i saw on youtube unloading a tv at home. dan and alyssa got their stuff back. it's an amazing story if it stopped there, but even more amazingly didn't it stop there because -- >> about what was it a month ago now, same thing happens. get the call from the alarm company. get the call from my neighbors that my alarm is going off. and, you know, starts it all over again. >> after the first break-in, they upgraded their video equipment, adding better and more cameras. >> this time we used -- we used our network of friends and the
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neighborhood for slightly different purpose. it wasn't look out for this car. it was spread this video. help it go viral again, because it has such good success last time. >> and yet again, thanks in part to the video getting online and on tv, police just made an arrest. and have a warrant out on a second suspect. >> when we were able to finally connect the perpetrator, figure out who the perpetrator is and knock on his door, his uncle immediately said, oh, you must be here about the video. i mean, he'd even seen it and knew that his nephew had been involved in the crime. >> more and more police departments are using youtube and social networking to solve crimes. the dallas and los angeles police forces post video on their own sites. maj major propes in atlanta said it's a high tech watch. >> they can look at this and say, hey, i think i know who
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this guy is. >> around atlanta and the u.s., video seems to be the rage. >> yes. i think we're heading out -- not just us, but everybody. >> ryan was installing a new system for george bush, no, not george bush. >> the reason we're installing the camera system is to give us another layer of security we hope will have a record of any break-in that takes place to go after the people that do it. >> he said he'd jump at the chance to post it on youtube. >> the more people who see it will identify the people who did the crime. >> of course, there is a downside to youtube when it comes to crime. the bad guys use it too. there are all kinds of how-to videos for shoplifting. >> this is how you remove a security tag. >> and lock picking. >> got to try harder? >> definitely. i think anything where bad guys are sharing information, how to become better bad guys is bad
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for us. yeah. i think it's bad for everybody. >> but on balance the police say it is helpful. helpful for solving crimes. which is some solace to dan and alyssa kopp though it doesn't make the crime go away. >> i would never want this to happen to anybody. you know, it's nice there's been some consolation that the guys got caught, but i had to replace the door and lose money from my insurance company and go to counterand sit in a courtroom with the people who kicked in my door. >> all things equal, you'd rather not be internet sensations? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> maybe for something else. >> yes. if i had my choice of 15 minutes of fame, it would not be through this. >> i'm john berman for "nightline" in atlanta. >> capturing crime on candid cameras, our thanks to john berman. when we come back, how to transform drive-through grub into five-star fare.
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we have got the recipe in tonight's "sign of the times". my name's lisa. i'm from fayetteville, north carolina, ...and i smoked for 29 years. the one thing about smoking - is it dominates your life, and it dominated mine. and the sad thing about it is that you can always use an excuse if cigarettes don't kill me, oh well - something else will. but, you can't use that as an excuse. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. it was very interesting that you could smoke on the first week. chantix gave me that extra help that i needed to get through a tough time. (announcer) chantix is a non-nicotine pill. in studies, 44% of chantix users were quit during weeks 9 to 12 of treatment, compared to 18% on sugar pill. it is proven to reduce the urge to smoke. i did have an unopen pack of cigarettes in my purse and then i think i opened my purse
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and realized it was still there. and i said, "what the heck, i don't need these..." ...i said, you know, "bye, i don't need you anymore, you're not my crutch, i don't need a crutch." (announcer) talk to your doctor about chantix and a support plan that's right for you. some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice agitation, hostility, depression or changes in behavior, thinking or mood that are not typical for you, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. talk to your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which can get worse while taking chantix. some people can have allergic or serious skin reactions to chantix, some of which can be life threatening. if you notice swelling of face, mouth, throat or a rash stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away. tell your doctor which medicines you are taking as they may work differently when you quit smoking. chantix dosing may be different if you have kidney problems. the most common side effect is nausea. patients also reported trouble sleeping
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and vivid, unusual or strange dreams. until you know how chantix may affect you, use caution when driving or operating machinery. chantix should not be taken with other quit smoking products. as a non-smoker it's wonderful. the best thing that ever happened. the best thing i have ever done besides my husband, and dogs, and family. with the chantix and with the support system, it worked. it worked for me. (announcer) talk to your doctor to find out if prescription chantix is right for you.
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come with more than a dash of creativity. and for sharyn alfonsi, fancy fast food is "a sign of the times". >> the fast food staples are pulled apart and put back together. think extreme makeover, but with a big map. that's what eric trinidad is doing. a web designer by day, he comes up with recipes and posts them on the website in his free time. the site, has become an internet sensation, turning cream filled dunkin' doughnuts into boston kreme
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brulee. and nathan's hot dogs into faux foie gras. i brought bon appetite restaurant editor knowlton around to trinidad's brooklyn kitchen. do you like fast food? >> my new year's resolution was not to have as much. i'd only have it on a road trip. >> how as this what worked out for you? >> yeah, i have broken it. >> it's landed him a book deal. just a bit of extra time on his hands. what do you do? do you sit at wendy's and look at the menu? >> i stare and i stare at the menu and i work it out in my head. >> you're the guy like i'm standing behind you like order a cheeseburger. >> yeah. >> trinidad creates rules for himself to follow. every dish has to come entirely
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from one fast food chain. you can't add ingredients even water. he is deconstructing wendy's today. >> i'm going to add frosty. >> the result? >> you go first, because you're the expert on these things. >> i mean, that's better than airplane food. that's a compliment by the way. >> i will say -- >> absolutely. my palette -- i think it's -- >> it takes a refined one to -- >> it's pretty decent. >> i spend more time than a four-star chef on some dishes. >> do you want to cheat and put in some croutons? >> i cheat all the time, but then where's the integrity? >> i don't know about integrity. >> later that punctured meat and a little coca-cola reduced is
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used to make meatballs. >> this not good, i'm sorry. >> this must be weird because you never thought you'd have "nightline" and then -- >> i had some foods -- not eating this. >> this is about looking good. >> yeah. >> and even in an appearance obsessed world, sometimes that is a little hard to swallow. >> that's a french fries -- >> french fries that came out of a store. >> yeah. >> i'm sharyn alfonsi for "nightline" in brooklyn. >> so, looks can be deceiving. our thanks to a courageous sharyn alfonsi. when we come back, the first pictures and new details about a fatal tsunami overseas that's put the west coast on watch. trapped in the trance of their shopping routine,
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