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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 2, 2009 12:05am-12:20am EDT

12:05 am
time now for tonight's "closing argument." president barack obama is on his way to copen agen on air force one will he will meet the first lady, and they will make their case for chicago to host the 2016 summer olympics. it is the first time an american president has taken such a step. chicago faces stiff competition from tokyo, rio and madrid. bookkeepers are giving chicago the edge on rio. the announcement comes tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. eastern, so, tonight, we ask you, who is going to win? tell us what you think by clicking on the "nightline" page at, or on the "nightline" twitter page. and, of course, stay with tomorrow throughout the day for the big olympic announcement.
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and tomorrow night, we return to our series on the ten commandments with number ten. thou shs shall not covet with the true confessions of a shop-a-holic. >> i mean, this -- this is so me! in case it's cold, you wear this. i love the red. i really -- that. what? i already paid for this. i just haven't picked it up. >> this woman wants it all, and we follow her as she tries to break her addiction to materialism. that is tomorrow. that's our report for tonight. jimmy kimmel is up next. i'm cynthia mcfadden. for terry moran and martin bashir, all of us at abc news, for terry moran and martin bashir, all of us at abc news, good night, america. captions by vitac hi, i'm jimmy kimmel, and this is the new bukic 2010
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lacrosse. >> hi jimmy. >> hi, guillermo. >> what are you wearing? >> my safety gear, jimmy. too many crazy drivers on the road. i just want to be safe. >> you don't need safety gear. you are safe. this car has many safety features available. you can see the instrumentation without taking your eyes off the road. >> wow, really? >> really. it uses radar to warn you when another vehicle is in our outside mirror blind spot. >> no way. >> the bukic lacrosse comes with l.e.d. turn signal reminders on the side mirrors to give you greater visibility, and, rear seat side air bags. >> thanks, jimmy. i feel very safe. >> do you feel safe, yaya? >> yeah, i feel i'm very safe, jimmy. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> visit your local buick dealer today to experience the buick lacrosse, the new class of world class.
12:08 am
jimmy kimmel live, back in two minutes with hayden panettiere, matthew rhys, and music from joss stone. ♪
12:09 am
professionals by suave. salon-proven to work as well as salon brands. ♪ we break it, then we fix it. so you can start your day suny side up. that's what we're made of. ♪ ♪ do you want to go to my apartment? what?! what... need a moment? i thought ou were a believer. someone who wanted to blog about their ideals. i love blogging! chew it over with twix
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spend 10 minutes a month with natural instincts. it's the healthier way to blend away gray. how? it's antioxidant rich and ammonia-free. in fact the more often you use it, the healthier your hair looks. natural instincts, it's all good. >> dicky >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, once more,
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here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ clps [ applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. appreciate that. welcome to the show. you know what would be fun? you know what would be a fun thing? i'm going to -- i'm going to go back there, and when i come out, i'll pretend to come out again, everybody, when i reach this spot, i would like everyone to yell "hi jimmy." okay? all right. so here we go. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone! isn't that great?
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we'll work out the kinks over the next few months. glad you found us. isn't mapquest great? it really is something, isn't it? hey did, you hear about michael vick and nike? good. let me tell you about it. yesterday, yesterday there was some uproar because the agent for football player and dog fight promoter michael vick announced that his client had an endorsement deal with nike, but apparently that is not the case. nike denies the deal with vick. and they said legally they wouldn't be allowed to negotiate until they figure out if it would conflict with the terms of his deal with satan, so -- there was something. nike said they just gave him some clothes and shoes to wear, which they do with a lot of noncontra noncontract athletes. you don't want, you know, you don't want a convicted animal torturer endorsing your products but you want fans to see him
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wearing them. i don't know. agent says he has a contract. nike says he doesn't. it really is the odom/kardashian wedding of endorsement deems. all i know is this. i a saw a commercial on tv that made me suspicious. >> light. durable. sleek. delicious. ♪ the air vick. nike's first chew toy. [ applause ] >> jimmy: so that's -- air vick. one thing we know for sure is he will not be renewing his deal with milk bone. he has been fired. jon gosselin of "jon and kate plus eight" fame is very busy right now trying to rewhat bill yat his image as america's worst
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dad that isn't named joe jackson. two days after his network, tlc announced they are changing the name of the show, gosselin had his lawyer stop production of the show. his lawyer says jon is resolved not to allow the tlc corporate machine to devour his family. that's right. sorry, tlc. nobo exploits jon gosselin's family for money except for jon gosselin. someone from his camp posted this sign outside his house in pennsylvania. and, you can see by the fact that they mispelled both the word penalty and his first name that jon has got the top guys on the case. he claims that work stoppage isn't about money. all of a sudden, he cares about his children's welfare, and he doesn't need money because he's got a new show coming to nbc. >> jon gosselin, flavor flav. together, they wield some of the world's most potent sperm.
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now, they go sack to sack to see who can father the most children in only 30 days. who gets knocked up? who gets knocked out? maury povich hosts -- >> "you are the father!" >> "you are the father." only on nbc. >> jimmy: that would beat "american idol," right? tonight, jon gosselin was on larry king. last night, he had mackenzie phillips on the show. she was on oprah last week. she announced for ten years she had a sexual relationship with her father, john phillips. since then, she's done a bunch of interviews on the subject. by the time she got to larry, there was only one extremely creepy question left to ask. >> this is a weird question. did you enjoy it? >> it's very difficult for me to say, but yes, it was. >> jimmy: and then this follow-up question.
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>> did you lick it? >> yes. >> jimmy: that's why they call him the king. who else would ask that? i wouldn't. guillermo, would you? >> no, jimmy. >> jimmy: you wouldn't. all right. there's a new ken burns documentary on pbs this week. he did the civil war documentaries, he did one on jazz, world war ii, baseball. his latest is about the national park system, which sounds boring, but it is -- it's beautifully shot and gives you a look at the history and the natural wonder of this land that we love. >> it's 84 million acres of the world's most stunning property, and every inch belongs to you. welcome home. this fall, see our national parks as few ever have. meet the people who fought to preserve them. and discover how as americans we're not only connected to this land, we're connected by it. watch the national parks, a film by ken burns, only on pbs.
12:17 am
[ applause ] >> jimmy: makes you want to get outside more. ste speaking of natural beauty, heidi and spencer were on "the view" this morning. heidi was on stage with the women, spencer was in the audience, and apparently there's been some friction lately between america's newly married sweethearts. >> your man is in the audience. i believe his name is spencer. he's sitting right there. and we -- we hear that y'all are not seeing eye to eye these days. what's -- it is possible? >> yes, it is, because i want to have children. and i want to have children sooner than later, and mip husband doesn't want to have children at all. he says -- >> ever? >> ever. he says he wants surgery to make sure we don't have children. >> jimmy: let me tell you something. if he promises to have that surgery, i will pay for it myself. [ applause ] i'll do the surgery myself.
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the last thing we need in this country is heidi and spencer plus eight. there's a knew beauty pageant reality show on tlc called "king of a crown." last night, one of the beauties in the upcoming miss carolina competition got an earful from her mom who encouraged her daughter to maybe lose some weight. >> when she was in her last pageant, it was almost a nightmare to get her through it. the dresses didn't fit. >> i'm the biggest girl in the pageant. >> getting kind of tired of buying you gowns, so, get the weight off. if you want to be a celebrity, you say you want to be a star, you want to be famous, you want to be famous all -- you don't see no famous fat people. >> jimmy: right. no, wait, wrong. what a delightful woman either way. the sad thing is, put her face back up on the screen. she looks a lot like me when i wear a wig. [ applause ]
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daddy's getting a little tired of paying for it. on the other side of the mothering spectrum, this is from our local news here in l.a. this is a kid with a food allergy which is never a good way to start things off life wise, and the lengths that his mom goes to make sure he doesn't get sick are long. >> davis ireland has to be extra careful when it comes to food. >> i do have food allergies. >> reporter: his mom says it's been a life style change. at school, she provides wipes for all the kids, and her son sits at the nut free table. >> jimmy: alone. all by himself. ironically, the only contact he has with other children are the beatings. no nut table. why not just sit him at the wedgie table. do they have food allergies in mexico? >> no. >> jimmy: one more item.
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this is of interest to iphone owners. this is a new application called i am t-pain. t-pain is the music star, uses something like auto tune. that was developed, and there was a time in this country when, in orderer to become a singer, you had to know how to sing. and, weird, right? that's not the case anymore. thanks to auto tune, and, a lot of people use it, but master t -- what is his name, t-pain is the master. mr. t, master p, t-pain. [ applause ] anyway. t-pain's new app can take anyone's voice, anything, and turn it into music. so, we challenged him to t


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