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tv   ABC2 News at 530PM  ABC  February 9, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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it is coming down and more snow is on the way. many of us are still digging out. another round of the winter wallop heading our way. good evening. so what's in store this time? if we have not guessed we'll have wyatt and justin tag teaming the weather. they have the answer. >> this definitely a two-man storm. this is a big one coming in tonight. unprecedented when you add it up with the storms we have already had. let's get you into maryland's radar. i just took the reports between the last 30 minute or so. right now we have light to moderate snow at bwi marshall through annapolis. we have snow in frederick and heavy snow reported back toward hagerstown. this will intensify as it moves west to east. again, all though i done see any surface reports at the top of the hour for sleet on
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delmarva we think the eastern shore may be getting pelted by light sleet. this is impressive. we were just looking at this. you can see the storm west from east. we bring in the snow. it continues overnight tonight mixing in with snow. winter mix toward the delmarva area. through the day tomorrow we all pick up snow. then the wind intensifies. as the low moves offshore if you look to the right of the screen you can see a donut hole. that's an indication of a powerful low pressure area. then you can see a secondary center of that low back forming a little closer to new jersey. that will mean a tremendous amount of wind. tomorrow night that's even as the snow wraps up. this is going to be a monster storm that we have to deal with. you don't see that show up on the model like that all the time. >> not often. you defendantly occasionally see it. we had a couple of shots to see it this year. which is rarity. this is our third major storm.
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go back to december when we set a record with 20 inches. we had 24 to 30 inches to get two blizzards in five days is amazing. quickly want to show you time lapse of downtown baltimore. we can watch our skyline occasionally fade away. snow is building in. visibility cut down to three quarters of a mile. still looking at snow more intense in some spots than others. beloved stevenson in baltimore county 30 degrees. no wind chill. wind is not a major issue now. wind will be an issue through tomorrow. we are factoring in temperatures. 28 common theme from westminster to luterville.
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edge mere at 30. then you cross the bay. it is 34 in centerville. >> surface temperatures are cold enough to support everything coming down. it is not like we are sitting in the mid 30s. >> we have just done this fire drill over the weekend. it looks like some people learned their lesson. don't go anywhere. we just did this. let the storm do its thing. hopefully you have supplies. we have doppler radar we are tracking where the rain, snow, sleet line is. we'll track winds and blizzard conditions tomorrow. >> excellent point with. 'll be back in a few more with more on the storm. now back to the news desk. i think people are in a hurry to try to get home as quickly as possible. folks you have to take your
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time. road conditions are continuing to deteriorate by the minute. visibility is becoming greatly reduced. reduce those speeds as you make your way home. falls road northbound after mount caramel road multiple cars into ditches. as you are making your way on the side streets and secondary roads those conditions will get worse. around the beltway we are looking good. 295 southbound at i-95 blocking two right lanes. disabled vehicle on the outer loop lanes before security boulevard off to the right shoulder not causing impact. we have significant delays on the westside of the baltimore. baltimore county west highway at contractors road. watermain break repairs are causing backups. jfx is running smoothly in both directions. northbound not too bad from downtown headed up towards the beltway. as you can see the roads are shiney. if they are shiney it is
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probably slippery. you want to take your time around the jfx. back to you. >> thank you. this afternoon governor o'malley updated us on how the state is getting ready for this latest storm. >> the latest on the cleanup from last weekend's big storm. christian schafer is live from the maryland emergency agency with the big plan >> reporter: there was news conference for the governor to be there. he is in route. that should give you an idea of how bad the roads are. the governor misses our news conference. instead we head from general watkins of the maryland national guard. and commander of the maryland state police. the advice they are giving is just to stay off the roads in this situation. they don't believe even that if you have all weather radios on your car that'll get through the snow we are expecting.
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they are looking for tomorrow to be the biggest impact. high winds possibly blizzard-like conditions. state government already closed tomorrow. they have extended the state of emergency, which was put in place for the last storm. it continues now and will continue until thursday. what that does is allows the state to continue using those national guard units which have been in use moving people around. helping with rescues in baltimore city and other places. maryland national guard says by tomorrow 180 vehicles will be out working in jurisdictions around the state. we are still expecting the governor to arrive here at mema at any time. when he does we'll speak with him and bring you an update on what the conditions are. as the work here continues they are preparing and looking at what they need to do and where they need to put their resources. if there is any new problems awe rising this is where they'll hear about them.
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>> head to there you can follow the storm like the pros with maryland's doppler radar there have been closings and delays running across the bottom of the screen. school districts closed through friday. there are many more to come. make sure you tune into good morning maryland an hour earlier tomorrow. they'll be on at 4:00 a.m. we'll have more on the latest closings and delays coming up at that time. we want to see what the storm looks like in your neighborhood. last week we got incredible picture on video. you can send them into pix at
5:39 pm harford county is expected to get the worse of the lathest winter wallop. we have crews all over the area. we sent brian to harford county. he is joining us live from bell air to bring us updates on what's happening. >> reporter: this storm is really starting to hit now within half an hour the snow is starting to come down. within a few minutes of it starting to come down you can already see it is starting to stick to roads. we are at the festival of bell air like we have been all afternoon. these crews that you see have been working to clear this lot and get this snow out of here. you can see these huge snow drifts they have been working on taking all this snow and putting it in these huge massive snow mountains. they are working up against a deadline that's here. this snow is really starting to come down. it is already starting to stick
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to the pavement. we'll be back. it's monday,
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how are you getting 100%? visit and get a coupon. we are not alone dealing with this weather. half the
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nation is dealing with a paralyzing winter system. >> it is the second wave of snow, ice and howling winds as we are digging out from last weekend's storm. tj. is standing on weather watch >> reporter: like a canary in a coal mine chicago's o'hare was the first of the nation's airports to get hit by the latest winter storm. by mid-morning hundreds of arriving and departing flight were cancel. these passengers got out just in time. >> lucky that we are going to make it before the cutoff. >> i'm out of here. chicago weather i'm done with it >> reporter: for the nearly 25 states expected to get hit with near blizzard conditions it is far from over. the storm moving in from the midwest is forecast to join up with a nor'easter moving up the coast. new york's mayor is urging commuters to use public transportation. >> if the storm is what it is you'll a be stuck on the roads for who knows how long. i mean it is common sense.
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>> reporter: in washington, d.c. restaurants have had few options for transportation. the city is still digging out from the fourth worse storm ever. >> i don't know where to go >> reporter: many side streets are still untouched. most major roads are reduced to one lane. plow drivers have reached their wit's end. >> never dealt with snow in this amount. everyone is gearing up for a fight >> reporter: still, some are embracing the wicked weather including this plow operator in michigan, one of the few states which has had a mild win so far. >> time to make cash. working nonstop >> reporter: here in the nation's capital where a winter storm work is in effect until 7:00 wednesday night. there is more bad news. 25% of the city's snow plows are not working. well they go above and beyond during emergencies.
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>> now member of the maryland national guard are being honored. just because you can't drive doesn't necessarily mean you should. this is the intersection ovconway street. it is stopped. everyone's trying to get out early. the snow is coming down. be careful. thanks for coming back out. sure.
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we are continuing to track the powerful winter storm. we had light snow abelieve beau. we are seeing heavier snow pushing out of the southwest. you can see a dark area back south of d.c. here. south and west this is a heavy band moving in. we had a moderate snow area come through baltimore heading up towards cecil county. sleet definitely a possibility
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over the next 30 minutes on the eastern shore. winter storm warning up for the entire state. we had a few watches in the southern counties this time yesterday. they have expanded this warning area. the national weather service has. it goes for another 24-hours at least. it wouldn't shock me if it gets extended tomorrow evening. it looks like this storm will take a while to get out of here. early totals we think we'll see before the storm ends is a foot or more across baltimore pushing up close to 20 inches as you head up towards philly. six to 12-inch total well west after south of the city. less as you go toward the eastern shore. we think more sleet will mix in through the overnight period. all we need is less than a inch of new snow to be the number one snow snowiest winter in maryland. looks like we get there tonight. if we have not already got
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therein at bwi marshall. snow coming down now. 21 degrees. sticking well. powerful storm moving out of the west. expanse of the storm is extending through detroit, chicago and madison, wisconsin. two areas of low pressure on the map. this is our coastal low. then a secondary coming in tomorrow that will bring in the cold air. dynamic wind-making storm. this looks like we'll be dealing with wind drifting snow that are the storm of last week. even if we don't get quite as much precipitation that lasts all night tonight. more sleet near delmarva. tomorrow we think intense winds as the low explodes off of the atlantic coast. tonight 26. heavy snow. we could see thunder snow. 28 tomorrow. heavy snow. one did. finally it tapers off late tomorrow evening. i think thursday is going to be a very windy day around here.
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fighting the for the role of the eastern shore weather watchers club. denton my sis what said they started coming down with light sleet 15 minutes ago. down from the radar, comes out of the clouds and dries up before reaching the ground. we saw that earlier this morning. we are saturating air on the eastern shore. nearby is easton at the 3. that's crucial. on the warm side of the storm you'll have a mix of rain. which means flooding.then icing up and snow tomorrow. we have pure snow in ellicott city. i want to show you how the conditions developed there. this is my favorite shot. we were able to watch the parking lot clear out.
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we think the bulls eye of precipitation will be on harford county. harford county is also on the flesh hold of pushing sleet and rain. bell air you are 25. darlington by the dam you are 28. right by the water and freezing. half let's see what's happening on the roads. they are getting slicker. here's kim brown with the latest. >> definitely slick at this time. as the snow continues to come down roadways are getting worse. vised is getting worse. drivers are heading the warning. i have no accidents. just a couple incidents causing delays. southbound on the bw parkway disabled vehicle taking away
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two right lanes. expect delays there. slow-going westbound lane of the last ski highway. we are not looking bad in term of accidents. road conditions getting worse. use patience. >> back to you. thank you, emergency still require help no matter how bad the situation gets. you can always count on the national guard to be there. hundreds of national guard members were on the job during the last storm. today several were honored before going above and beyond. soldiers drove ambulances and made emergency medical call. they helped heart attack victims. supported local fire companies. one pair of soldiers delivered
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a baby in baltimore city. >> we got there and we heard the girl screaming from the humvee. we ran up there. she was giving birth. i mean the baby was coming out. we had no choice but to take it out. it is amazing experience. >> the same soldiers will be back on the roads tonight. latest storm hits. the guard has everything from medical runs to escorting police officers and fire crews to emergencies. we'll be back after the break. ♪
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the weather. >> let's check in with wyatt and justin. >> justin burke gearing up to give us ground truth. as we look you can see a lot of wintery weather moving out of the south and west. some heavier bands will be west of the city. we have also got a heavy band pushing up through the d.c. area. that will be moving into baltimore in short order here. this storm will get more intense through the overnight period into the day tomorrow between expect near blizzard conditions. you'll want to stay here. we also want to give you a lot of what's going on outside. keep it here. we'll have more at the top of the hour. back to you. >> thank you. a one-two punch, many people are still digging out from the first storm. now another winter wallop. >> we'll be back with the 6:00 show.
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take a look at this. it is coming down. are you ready? we hope so. we have another big snow storm coming in. this time not a one-two punch but a low blow. good evening. what can we expect this time around? let's get back to wyatt. he and justin burke are tracking the storm. >> it keeps coming in.


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