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tv   ABC2 News at 530PM  ABC  December 13, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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fedex is expecting this to be their busiest day. it would represent a 13% increase over the last year. >> i've got one to go. >> they'll be back here? >> probably so. >> part of this hectic day will be shipping online purchases. it's also expected to be the busiest cyber shopping week of the year. thanks. during the holiday season many people donate to charities. it's important to give wisely this year. we have five tips. gave items of what they are looking for. they ask for coats, toys, canned goods. make sure the items that you give are in good condition.
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give online. giving online with a credit or debit card is among the west ways to support a charity. before you enter into the information look for the organization's privacy policy. give through text messaging. after texting to a number the donation is tacked onto your cell phone bill and give your time. you may not have money to give but you can always give some volunteer time to help support a worthy cause. is your place to be protected against scammers not just during the holidays but all year round. long onto our website, click on money and scam alert to see all of our weekly stories on how people are always trying to get some of your hard earned cash. take a look at tonight's top stories. investigators are still trying to find the source of that carbon monoxide leak that killed two men and sent others to the
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hospital. antonio martinez in court today where prosecutors outlined his team leading up to that bogus bomb attempt. the defense argued that the government orchestrad the event. driving is hazardous in many parts of the country thanks to a
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lot of snow. indiana has been hit hard. even snowplows are finding the road too hard to pass. >> reporter: spinning wheels are all over the road in northwest indiana. state police say all troopers were out helping drivers. state police rode in the passenger seats. police say they rescued about one hundred drivers. joe whirl got stuck at 3:30 a.m. >> for us a gentleman with
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payloadser came out to frame my car and pull it forward, and i'll be able to get to work. >> reporter: the treacherous weather and icy winds kept them out for 12 hours straight. >> been out here since 6:00 last night. cars and snow about five foot high. snowplow stuck. >> reporter: the sideways snow stopped her travels in indiana. >> it took me two and a half hours to go 45 miles yesterday and eventually got here off of exit 240 to get a hotel room and i was one of the last few that got a room. they were setting up cots in the lobby. had that happen a couple of
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years back up in massachusetts. you have to just ride out the storm. no snow like that in merchandise. we have seen some snow showers west of baltimore. some of this going through southern carol county as you approach the western part. over than that, the big storys are been this. feeling like a tropical 15 in upper marl boro. massive cold blasts rolling in here. a true taste of winter even though it's fall. a cold blast of day. dress warm tomorrow. that's the best advice. we'll talk about if there's any change in this cold pattern, coming up. the owner of a howard county
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wild like sanctuary is appealing to keep 23 monkeys. her neighbors share a driveway complain that the sanctuary including the monkeys draw large crowds. the couple believes they should not be able to house exotic animals. high speed police chase in texas ends in a dramatic crash. why officers were amazed at who they found in the backseat of the suspect's car. plus, many stores are offering huge deals this holiday season but not everything is become marked down.
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find out what items are full priced so you don't waste your money.
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you probably read the newspaper online. would you scribe if it was only on the ipad. it should cost ipad users just a few buck a month. it debut comes amid another lousy year for the newspaper. ipads and xbox kinect are some of the hottest items. if you're looking for a deal,
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you better think again. a who worlds spoke louder than their actions.
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oh, i see. a throne for the tv... room for movies... your workout gear... non-stop football... it's a man cave! the boys next door will never leave. who says we want them to?
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a virginia girl missing if a week is waiting to be reunited with her family. she's in san francisco right now. she was found with her boyfriend. they disappeared about a week ago. police in california say they are working with investigators in this case. officials say someone recognized her while they were in a grocery
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store on friday. a baby had a terrifying ordeal in texas. police pulled the car over because they thought it may have been pulled over in a robbery. the passenger locked the door and took off with the baby in the backseat. the suspect led police on a short chase before losing control and crashing. he was killed in the crash but the baby is expected to be okay. police believe the man pulled from the car during the traffic stop is the baby's father. you might have heard about a large group of people assembling suddenly to perform an act in public. a flash mob in st. louis joined a woman dancing on an intersection for nearly a year. she's been dancing every weekday since she lost her job last
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january. about a dozen people danced with her. she calls herself the happy lady. she says she just wants to make people smile. stores are advertising some huge sales these days before christmas. we see some hot items that won't see the mark downs so you don't waste your money. >> reporter: the hottest items this holiday season are the ipad, the i pad touch. the only problem despite the christmas sales, the gadgets are never marked down. is that legal? nick is a huge fan of i i pads. he wasn't thrilled he had to pay the 499-dollar list price. that's the case with the i pads, the ipod touch and xbox 360.
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you won't find them for under $200 at a legitimate retailers. the iphone $199 for the contract and even more if you want to replace one. >> it's $250 to get it replaced. >> reporter: isn't price fixing illegal? yes, but this is not price fixing. it allows manufactures toasts a floor for price. if the store runs a sale the company will cut off advertising or stop sending merchandise to the store. items with minimum prices include guitar hero world tour, play station 3 and many leapfrog game systems. my advice, purchase a used version online for less or buy an earlier version like the original guitar hero that can be marked down. some retailers are able the get around the rules by giving away 25 or 50-dollar store gift cards if you buy an ipod touch at
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apple's list price. unless you want to buy a used model, catch the circulars for these gift card deals. that way you get a discount and don't waste your money. here is your chance to help make the holidays brighter for a child in need. we're asking you to help out with new, unwrapped, unopened toys for a 12th annual toy drive. if you have any old instruments sitting around you can bring them in for the orchestra kids program. we have a list of all the drop off sites at just click on the link under the marketplace tab. you never forget what some people say. according to a yale librarian christine o's donnell declaring i'm not a list has topped this year's best quote. in the ad she was responding to reports of her revelation that
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she had dabbed in witchcraft years ago. her tied with first place i'd like my like back by bp's ceo after the worst offshore oil spill in history. the run on saturday, how was that? >> it was cold. it was 23 degrees. there was snow on the trail, but i sucked it up. >> you had your cold gear? >> i had on three layers, but i didn't have good gloves. that was the only thing i needed. or mittens. >> you'll need them tomorrow and tonight. it's so cold. this is going to be some of the coldest weather we have seen so far and we've already seen some
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cold weather. what can we do? it's december. let's take a look outside. it's cold. you can't see the cold but we have seen a few flurries. 27 for a high today. winds west/north west. 22 gusts much higher than that. some light snow shower activity blowing in out of the west. most of this has been mainly western carol county and extending up into washington county. that's where we see most of the activity tonight, but most of the state as you see relatively clear. we did have more significant snow shower action down on the lower eastern shore earlier today down towards salisbury, wooster county. take a look at the skies above. glen oak, nice looking day at times, but boy it felt cold out there. temperatures not all that harsh but the winds are up early.
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the temperature just dropped big time. gusting 30, 35. winds are going to stay up all night howling on the windows kind of deal. then we will be cold and windy tomorrow. probably had five to ten miles per hour more of wind. it's really cold stuff. the mid 20s will continue to fall toward the teens the overnight. let's take a look neighborhood by neighborhood. we see snow showers out there tonight. mainly lake effect snows up there in the pennsylvania.
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future cast keeps us dry tomorrow, but a mixture of clouds and sun will be the story. tonight, cold, windy and snow showers. gusty and blustery tomorrow. tomorrow night a little less windy but 17 degrees. here is how the trend goes. we're going to stay cold and blustery for two more days. coming up, all new tonight at 6:00. christmas decorations are pretty but they come with some danger. i'll have all the details all coming up new at 6. you've been looking high and
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low for that perfect job. we'll tell you how scammers have their sights set on you. you disgust me. prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out.
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but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now, i can join the fun and games with my grandchildren. great news! for people with copd, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other copd medications
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because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. i had fun today, grandpa. you and me both. if copd is still making it hard to breathe, ask your doctor if including advair will help improve your lung function for better breathing. get your first full prescription free and save on refills.
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prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. there were more than 2000 nativity scenes were set up. they come from all over the world. a notary is there to verify the count and it will be submitted
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to the guiness book of world records. tucan sam and tony the tiger might have a problem with the health alert. more kids are choosing healthier cereals than the ones packed with sugar. anthony antonio martinez is not going anywhere. the fbi says he had plans to blow up a recruiting military center. what makes this news today is we kind of saw the cards that the lawyers put out there on the tables. rosy. >> reporter: know about what


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