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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 30, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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a robbery suspect, a high-speed chase, and a killer wipeout. we'll have the ending that nobody saw coming.
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oh, that doesn't look good on the x-ray. >> i've never seen a dog swallow something like this. >> find out what blue the puppy swallowed. a scientific discovery about this fish and a clam. turns out, fish may be smarter than you think. 2-year-old twins aren't bigging halloween, but guess who's behind the mask. hello, everyone. welcome to "right this minute." it is friday, september 30th. let's get right to it. take a look at this video. this is dash cam video that was just released from the ohio state highway patrol. it's a police chase down a highway in toledo, ohio. the car that's being chased is this gray car that a you see in the very center of your screen. they're flying past other cars.
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this car was a stolen car stolen by brian lip, who was a suspect in a robbery of a north toledo rite-aid. earlier in the day, he was spotted on foot. a police officer approached him. he pulled a gun on the officer. he then stole a gray 2010 honda civic and started a police chase going the wrong way down i-75. he escaped police during that part of the day, but then they caught back up with him. the chase continues. >> it doesn't look like it's going to end good. >> here we go. watch this. he pulls off on the exit ramp. you see the dust, the smoke flying. he flies up on to the curb, on to the hillside, and up against a chain link fence. the car turns on its side, but the driver, brian lip, comes out of the car. cops rush out of their cars toward the suspect. allegedly, he pulled out a crack
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pipe. >> oh, my gosh. you have got to be kidding me. >> then keep listening. >> put your hands up! put your hands up! >> he's got it in his hands. >> i know it. >> he's got a gun in his hand. he's got a gun in his hand. three toledo police officers, three ohio highway patrol troopers, and an sbi agent assigd to the forcefir ed an estimated 40 to 50 rounds. a grand jury says the police response was correct. but this did end in the death of brian lip. a disney musical went horribly wrong, and it was caught on camera. this is in california. it looks like it's glowing. it's hanging upside down. i know the video is a little
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dark. but that is the flying carpet. this is aladdin and jazmine flying upside down. her hair is just flying. you know from the movie, i can show you the world, and they're flying on the carpet. ♪ i can show you the world >> upside down. >> they're trying to get the add dwroe -- audience to evacuate. you can hear the characters screaming to help them. >> please! >> not only was this scary for them, but it also had to be a little scary for the kids who were there. >> they had the harnesses on. both of them are good. they're safe. no injuries. >> this was definitely not one of their three wishes. well, that was scary. take one.
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[ baby crying ] >> i don't understand what you're scared of. >> the hate district in san francisco is known as a mecca for the homeless. one group that helps them has launched a campaign to raise money for the homeless youth alliance. so what they want to do is raise this money to expand their center to put housing on top of the center and to give the kids some place to stay. they give them advice and all kinds of help. this fundraiser ends tonight at 6:00 p.m. pacific time, i presume, because it's in san francisco. to tell us about the keep the meter running program, we have a
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guest on skype. where did you come up with putting a bed in a parking space? >> the public space would be a parking space that you rent out by, you know, the minute. >> how do you legally keep it there? >> by paying for the parking space, there's no law that dictates what can or can't be inside these parking spaces. >> what are their back stories? how did they become homeless? >> some of them are there by choice. some of them are there because they have no other alternative. to try to assume we know where the majority of these people come from is silly. everyone has their own story and background. there's an online website where people with go where there's video. >> i think it's really great what you're doing. thanks for joining us. good luck to you. you've probably heard the phrase a dog is a man's best friend, right? so why is a connecticut woman suspected of stabbing her own dog three times? well, because she was trying to
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get back at her ex-boyfriend. two weeks ago, 38-year-old michele macella told police her dog escaped and was stabbed three times in the chest. she was quick to point the blame towards her ex-boyfriend. but police didn't believe her story. investigators also say that the vet was concerned that the wounds on her dog, bailey, what was an 11-year-old boxer, didn't quite match up to her story. before you know it, she was arrested and charged with animal cruelty and making a false report. now, of course, this is all alleged. bailey is now safe in the hands of animal control where he will recover while the investigation is ongoing. are you ready for video? i have it for you. this is blue, a 12-week-old pit bull recovering from eating a little bit more than maybe he should have. blue ate a metal flag post,
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something you would use in your garden to pin things down. this happened in mobile, alabama. there's the x-ray. >> what? >> blue was chewing on this. his gag reflex forced him to swallow the post and went all the way down into his stomach. he was rushed to the hospital. they had to cut the post to pull it out from his mouth and cut his teeny little belly and do hardcore surgery to get rid of the rest. >> and it looks like he's playing with it. keep him away from it. >> blue is doing okay now. the vet says he's been working in medicine with animals for 30 years and has never seen anything like this. >> little blue has street cred now. guys, i have a campaign ad like you have never seen before. ♪ who is this hard-rocking guy i
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should be voting for if i was, like -- what is this? poland? >> spot on. he's running for parliament in poland. he's a former rocker. he gathered up some of his favorite death metal playing guys and got them to not only play some instruments behind him but do the vocals. he was lip syncing here. >> do we know what he's saying? >> i'll tell you what he's saying. one youtube commenter posted that he's actually saying, "end of the youthless talking, enough of the stupid wars, freedom is my goal." vote wisely. it >> it's definitely a breath of fresh air from the campaign ads we're used to. >> as of thursday night, it already has almost 250,000 hits.
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that's not bad for one week. >> how's he doing in the polls? >> i don't know how he's doing in the polish polls. i'll check back with you on that one. >> the question is how is he doing with the poles? >> precisely. >> jokes. a shooting caught on camera, and the suspects are still on the ose. we've got the chilling surveillance video you ve to se >> > isvid eo i about show you is new to youtube. it's not the audition for the next tarzan video. for these guys, the t
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that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed. look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. ♪ [ gasp ] [ mom ] my husband -- he thinks it's a 3-sheeter. i say 1-sheeter. bounty can clean the mess with less. [ female announcer ] in this lab demo, 1 sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ dance cooking? bring it. super durable. super absorbent. super clean. bounty the 1-sheet clean picker-upper. and try bounty napkins.
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stephen, i have some chilling surveillance video coming from the new york city police department. these are two separate incidents
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that both took place in brooklyn, new york. both involve shooters who are currently still on the loose. in the first video, you will see an 18-year-old. he gets shot four times. he's still in critical but stable condition in a brooklyn hospital. there was an argument between the shooter, you'll see in the red shirt, and the victim, who's on the right side of the screen. >> the craziest thing to me is look how many other people are around. this is like a city block. >> look what happens. he rolled on the ground into traffic. the shooters goes out the back door of the mcdonald's. in the second video, you'll see a man sitting outside of a brooklyn barbershop. this is 79-year-old andrew burke. two young guys in the video come up and attempt to shoot through
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the barbershop window. he was sitting inside. andrew burke actually died. you'll see two men run up. on the left side of the screen, you can sort of see andrew burke. >> you always think no way will they ever find the guys who did this. a lot of times people say, that looks like so and so. connect the dots and these guys are caught. you keep your fingers crossed that, you know, they'll figure it out. >> for millions, coffee kind of gets your motor running. >> right. >> for this car, it literally gets the motor running. this is a coffee-powered car. >> what? >> they call it a gasification process. they can get power to go to the six cylander and off the car goes. the fastest this thing went, 75 miles an hour. they averaged at 66 miles an hour to break the guinness world book record for a coffee-powered car. >> i love that there's more than
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one coffee-powered car. this is the most delightful car to be behind. the exhaust is amazing. this will be huge for starbucks and dunken donuts. this is definitely the coolest invention of the day. when it comes to the deep blue sea, it's not the great white shark that has all to have when it comes to cornering the market on being aggressive. i want to introduce you to the orange-spotted tusk fish. this was spotted in 2009, but papers about the significance of the video came out yesterday. it has picked up a clam. you're thinking, okay, is he going to eat it? what's he going to do? he drops it. you think, he must be building a nest. no. takes him a couple tries. he finally picks it back up and just keeps swimming.
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here's the payoff. this is supposed to be the first ever video of a fish using a tool. he's using that rock cluster as a hard implement to crack open the clam shell and eat out the center of the clam. do you see this? he just knocked it up against there trying to crack it open. >> i didn't realize that was behavior we haven't seen. i just assumed fish do this. >> they don't know if it's instinct chul or something they figured out. this is something they do know. scientists say fish in an aquarium are more aggressive than ones in the deep blue sea. the ones in the sea have more area to swim around in. they don't really know what to do with this information just yet. >> i'm pretty impressed. i'll be more impressed if we find video of him using a nutcracker or jackhammer. >> he needs to grow some thumbs, and he'll really be eating large. i love finding any kind of information that's going to make us healthier, that's going to save people from things like
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cancer. this is called the da vinci surgical robot. this robot is peeling the skin . >> really? wow. that's pretty delicate. just to be clear, the da vinci is being operated by a doctor. >> yes. the whole idea behind this robot is it provides more stead hand. lk w tricate that is. right off the grape. isn't it incredible what technology can do? how many lives can be saved because of how precise this instrument is? >> cool fun fact, i got to use the da vinci once. >> what? >> yeah, i was doing a story about surgery. the doctor let me put my hands in the glove. i got to manipulate it. it's not as easy as you think.
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>> please tell me you didn't do something lame. >> they had a curved needle and a suture. i was trying to put a stitch into a rubber heart, and i couldn't do it. >> could you peel the grape? >> no, i'd make it into wine. now for a little extreme video of the day. beth, take a deep breath and perhaps grab a trash can. let's take a look at slack lining. this video was put together in france. slack lining is different from tight rope walking because they use about an inch-wide webbing. it's not as tight as tight ropes are. they want that kind of slack in the line. the next evolution of slack lining after that is called high lining. they stretch this inch-wide
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webbing across a cavern, giant hole in the ground as they walk across it. so they are connected. in most cases, yes. it is not unheard of for guys to go free lining. >> i am totally pulling a beth on this one. this is making me queasy. >> is this brave or dumb? >> i think it's brave. i think it's incredible athleticism, the kind of core strength and balance you need. he's doing that purposely. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. >> these are rock climbers. will and kate have been spotted at one of their first public appearances. >> the royals are back from their honey moon.
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see what they're up to now. this may look like a small accident, but find out why these ñwñ[=
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promotional bang for their buck. >> that would be a good day in a traffic jam. this is how winter athletes are made. you are looking at a group of nordic skiers skate skiing on pavement. turns out, they're part of a school called the stratton mountain school.
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this is how they train during non-winter months. these skiers are winners of the boys and girls national title at the junior nationals in minneapolis, minnesota. >> so it's like just a rail with two roller blade wheels on the front and the back. why not just use roller blades? >> these are technically called roller sk eer skis. it mimics cross country skis. ifact, two memrs abere on th >> okay. it's a little funky looking. you look kind of silly doing it, but i guess i would try. >> this is a training video. i honestly would try it. i love to ski. >> cool. one of the best parts of the day is your morning cup of coffee. >> oh, yeah. >> this story we found at is an odd coffee story. there's a small coffee company that's seattle based. they were named roaster of the
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year by roast magazine in 2008. right now, there's an article that's going viral that these guys are on the receiving end of a pretty detailed warning letter from the food and drug administration over some violations. specifically, they found 1500 bits of rodent pop. we have the company ceo jeffrey b babcock on the phone to clear things up. tell us about this letter from the fda. >> back in april, we saw a mouse running around. we called the exterminator. he started treatment. four or five days later, the fda came in with their routine test. they found, of course, more than we had. we immediately addressed it. we shut down the roastery for three days. we destroyed the bags mice had climbed on. since the ends of april, there's been nothing found again. >> i've seen conflicting reports
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there were pellets in the coffee. is that true? >> that's not true. there were never droppings in the coffee. >> since the report came out, have you noticed a drop in business? >> people read the article and say, my god, it's contaminated and they've never done anything about it. it's not true. >> we have an audience in seattle, so people will be listening to what you have to say. >> people are concerned. they want to make sure what they eat or drink is unbelievably healthy. we feel the same way. it will never -- obviously, it will never happen again. we're so on top of it now. i think we have the cleanest roastery in the state of washington. we haven't seen this couple a lot since their big royal wedding and their tour of canada and the united states, but now will and kate have been spotted at one of their first public appearances. >> she's hot. >> the duke and dutchess of cambridge were at a charity hospital in south london.
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a favorite charity of princess diana. will and kate have adopted this charity, and they were there for the opening of a specialized children's cancer treatment center. >> it's so awesome they're there for the hospital, and that they're there to raise awareness for charitable purposes. i'm sure that the world is going to see this photo, and the first thing they're going want to know is, what's kate wearing? i'm here to tell you. she's wearing a cream-colored amanda wakely dress. >> she's the e pit mi of class. the good girl doing even more good. >> this video i'm about to show you, new to youtube, is not the audition for the next tarzan movie. a couple guys hanging out, got a rope swing over an embankment thing. guy in the hoodie tries it out. his friends give him a boost. and look at that. no problems. >> oh, okay. >> so the guy in the red is
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like, bro, it's my turn now. give me a boost. his friends pull him back, launch him out. he does his best tarzan yell. can you do one for us? >> absolutely not. >> anyway, one of the other guys is like, all right, third time's a charm. it's my turn, guys. hurry up. let's do it. pa party, dudes. i don't know what happened, if he let go or the rope broke. he went flying. his buddies went in right after him. you have to give those guys credit. look how fast they're flying down. >> they didn't even think about it. they immediately went down to get him. >> good friends. maybe that guy should have given up after that feminine yell. let's quit while we're ahead here. a disagreement in front of a grocery store has a clerk acting like a cop. what would you do?
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house does your pet get your attention?
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the force is with a little boy trapped under a car as police officers rush to his rescue. you'll see this truly amazing footage. a billboard stunt gets way out of control. >> whoa, whoa, guys. >> is th video real or staged? we have the answer. and the real machine gun preacher in hollywood. >> is gerard butler as good looking as you are? >> no, i'm way better looking than gerard. a dog owner comes home to a mess. see how he tracked down the culprit in our best video of the day. welcome back, everybody. we have some video that "right
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this minute" is creating quite the conversation online. this is outside a grocery store in toronto, canada. what you're looking at is a store clerk who has put this woman on citizen's arrest for allegedly shoplifting. he's saying, she shoplifted. she's saying, no, i didn't. check my receipt. here, we have a guy who's coming up to her saying, hey, i saw you shoplifting. >> yes, i saw you. >> people are gathering all around. the clerk is clearly very upset. he's asking people to call the police. the person shooting the video is telling the clerk, watch out, you could get in trouble for putting this woman on citizen's arrest. >> if you don't let go, you might get in trouble by the cops. >> shut up! [ bleep ]. >> he told them where to go. so what caught your attention? >> they weren't very quiet when
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i saw the scuffle. flipped up the iphone. i had had to capture it. >> what was that clerk so upset about? >> i think he was upset because he felt very strongly. you know, there was a conviction in his action. i witnessed this crime happening. i'm not going to let it happen. i had multiple discussions with people about this. i actually thought that gentleman was in the wrong, but apparently he had all the right to detain her, having suspected her of theft. >> you've been getting a pretty mixed response from people. what kind of conversations have you been generating? >> people are actually mad that nobody came to that woman's refute. we're down in the news room sharing stories with each other. you know we love dash cam videos, right? >> of course. >> we found this story at from the dash cam of a
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police officer's car in bo boca raton, florida. at 8:00 a.m., a 6-year-old boy was being dropped off at school by his grandfather. he got out of the car. as he was crossing the road, he stumbled and tripped into the pathway of an oncoming car. the 6-year-old boy ended up trapped underneath this oncoming car and remained there until officers arrived at the scene. three officers gathered around the car. then some bystanders go in to help out a little bit. what they do is physically lift the car and bring out the 6-year-old boy. here you see him. one guy is underneath the car. the police officers are grabbing different angles. people come in, trying to help lift. then the boy comes out. he stands on his own. they give him a hug. then he was taken to del ray medical center with non-life threatening injuries. >> wow.
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was he like stuck on the bottom part of the engine or the weahe? >> it looks like where the engine was and the wheel. he was physically compressed under the car. they had to lift it up to get him out. >> you hear these stories of people volunteering and doing crazy feats of strength. >> the most amazing thing to me out from story is the underneath the car and stands up and gives the officers a hug. >> thanks, everybody. thanks a lot. i feel good. meet me at the hospital. get some bandages on my head. >> and let me get back to school. >> yeah. all right. you ready for the latest coming from occupy wall street? our e-journalist jessica has been following this for quite a while. >> that's right. this is the latest video going around the internet from the wall street protests. more than any other video we've seen, this is probably the most symbolic of the protesters' message. right here, we see protesters
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walking. then the camera pans up. these are people. they look like possible party goers on the balconies of wall street. they all look like they're dressed pretty nice. they're drinking alcoholic bevages. they're laughing. >> obviously, there was some sort of event or gala or fundraiser or something that has long been planned, and these people have long been invited to. just because people decide to protest, they can't go out on the balcony and have a drink. >> but you're getting that image of what looks like people that are elite above and looking down on these protesters who are saying we're the 99%. we're not the elite. >> okay. agree with it or not, however you want to take it, but this kind of imagery is going to just galvanize more and more people to join the movement. when you see this, people are going to say, that's what we're talking about. i'm going out there tomorrow. >> i have another galvanizing image from occupy wall street that just hit the web. this video is trending on youtube. this officer grabs a protester
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by the back of the neck. you see him punch him in the face. >> we say this about every youtube video. we don't see what happened right before this or hear what was said. >> exactly. >> a cop doesn't just haul off and punch somebody for no reason. he tried to get the guy to comply. >> he was arrested and later taken to a police van. it's another one of those images that creates maybe more polarization. >> you should be protesting because you believe there's a problem with wall street, not because somebody is getting arrested by a police officer. jcpenney is coming under serious fire in the last couple days for an ad they come out called everybody wins. people are saying it's extremely sexist to both men and women. >> i'm going to love. >> we understand you don't like advertising for clothes. who does? if you look at these smart fashion choices, we're going to
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show you this. that way everybody wins. >> in this ad, you can see that kenny maine is talking about the men's life from jcpenney alongside the infamous pool scene from fast times at ridgemont high. everybody wins. i know you don't care about clothes, so i'm going to show you some clothes, but i'm going to show you them coming out of the pool. do you feel like this is sexist? they're dumbing you ys down. this is the only way we can get you intereste byd, showing a girlin the bathi pget all wor about this kind of stuff. chill out. >> there's been a huge controversy only shortly before this coming from jcpenney. they were under fire for a t-shirt that said "i'm too pretty to do my homework, so my brother does it for me." people are like, what are you trying to do to us? make us hate you? >> i don't know why people get all crazy like we've never seen
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something like this before. that was a hot chick. that's kind of cool. >> the bottom line is, this is what marketing is all about. people are talking about it now. >> that way everybody wins. "black swan" movie interns are outraged. what about "right this minute" interns? forget about rims, this mc is spitting rhymes about reading. having a library card never seemed so cool hello. honey?
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who's she? new downy unstopables. here to shake up your fresh. like a cheerleader on espresso. toss these little scent boosters in before you wash. and this fresh scent will last until you're ready to wash again. [ buzzer ] [ laughs ] [ both sniff ] and this fresh scent will last? it's like you shoved a rainbow up your nose. i should go. new downy unstopables. the fresh too feisty to quit.
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natalie portman, "black swan." great movie. >> awesome movie. >> two interns on that movie have brought a class action lawsuit. they say they worked 40-hour weeks. they say they got coffee, made sure the coffee pot was full, took out the trash. now they're saying we should get paid. >> why? >> i don't know. let's ask some of our own interns. a.j., you're how old? >> 21. >> and you're still in school. >> yeah. >> great, so you have the right attitude. these guys are 24 and 42. >> show me what you do here. >> i help the producers organize the show and set up the rundown. >> what exactly do you do? >> i make the cards. >> tell us about the cards. >> the cards talk about the stories you guys put together and then the producers organize them and decide where they're
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going to put you guys in the show every day. >> okay. >> i would work for free if natalie portman were here, but she's not. >> what are we, chop liver? >> we feel like he and i and beth need to have a little talk. >> basically, our show lives and dies by index cards with a.j.'s handwriting on them. this dog knows how to get attention. action. ♪ [ horn honking ] >> we're down in our news room sharing stories with each other. i think our e-journalist is about to surprise all of us.
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>> i have got some crazy footage of some guys trying to put up a billboard and something went terribly, terribly wrong. >> fire in the hole! >> pretty cool billboard so far. the fire is intentional, obviously. >> whoa, whoa, guys. look at the corner. >> why would anybody want fire on their billboard? >> oh, man. >> it just goes up in flames. just explodes over their masterpiece. >> i don't think this is real. >> no. >> yeah, this is fake. >> who is this billboard for? >> it's an ad for outback steak house. the billboards they have right now do smoke. just the other day, some georgia residents saw one of these billboards and called 911. police had no idea. fire had no idea. they responded. >> i thought this thing was supposed to be -- whoa. >> outback uploaded this video.
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didn't say anything about it. people saw this. nobody knew if it was real or fake. but it is a new ad. >> smells a little smokey from the beginning. >> how horrible would it be if that really happened? the whole thing exploded and went up in flames. >> even though it is a commercial and it's a promotion for outback, do you think some people are going to be like, man, i'm really not going to go to outback because they're going to burn the heck out of my steak? who made this>>go zina. >> the culprit will crack you up. it's our funniest video of the day. this
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this is the classic story of who done it? so a homeowner comes home after being gone for hours to find his trash spread all over his kitchen floor. now, the question is, who done it? >> we got a couple options. let's see. what about tank? [ laughter ] >> he's got it on his head. >> who do you think did it?
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>> probably tank. >> i wonder if tank had anything to do with it. tank, do you know about the trash? do you know anything about the trash, tank? i don't know who could have done something like that. >> he acts like he has no idea what's going on. >> either that or he's sitting there thinking, i'm so busted right now. >> i like how he was just sitting in the corner like, if i just sit over here, he might not notice the garbage can lid. >> pay attention to his face. it's like this i'm guilty, but please. i want to introduce you guys to my new hero. no, it's not gerard butler. it's the guy he's playing in the new movie "machine gun preacher." i have to say i was really inspired by this guy's story. >> i've done a lot of things i
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ain't proud of. hurt a lot of people. >> help me. >> at the beginning of the movie, he's an ex-con. he gets into more trouble. he has this powerful conversion. he ends up in africavenue rfric orphanages. i thought, we have to get him by skype. here he is. your story is so inspiring. what do you say to other people who want make a difference? >> there's children dying around the world. we can all do something about it. i had the choice of whether to do something or let it go. i chose to do something. i don't believe that you need to go to africa. there's a place for all of us to do some good. it could be right down the street from your home. >> what can we do to help? >> i think the biggest thing is get on the internet and educate yourself. find someone you're comfortable with supporting. get behind their non-profit. >> do you think gerard butler is as good looking as insure. >> no, i'm way better looking
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than gerard. >> that's my hero of the week. he's a person that's changing the world. ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you new hanover county's first and only hip hop librarian. ♪ what we're listening to is the musical stylings of melville dooey. he calls himself an international library hip hop super star. he does all this to encourage young people to read. ♪ checking out books is what i do ♪ >> the guy, the man behind melville dooey is mr. scooter hayes. he's joining us via skype from north carolina right this minute. scoot eve scooter, your video is awesome. where did you get this passion to, you know, encourage young people to read? >> oh, i've always been a
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performer all my life. when i was in graduate school, i took a class on cataloging. i did a music video of the dewey decimal rap. >> are you a librarian? >> i am. i'm a librarian first, rapper second. >> you're probably the coolest librarian out there right now. >> oh, i appreciate that. ♪ >> beth here chuckled when she heard your name. for those who don't know the origin, tell us. >> it's the dewey system. i thought it would be funny to take on the rap name alias of melville dewey. i came out with a full-length album.
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♪ why are they measuring her with a tape measure? >> we'll show you what she's busting out of. we have the official adele music video that fans have been waiting for.
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that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed. look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality.
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. we have developing stories. one person is dead, a second injured after a crash in kingsville. an 85-year-old died when her cadillac collided with another car. the driver of the civic had to be taken to bayview. some clouds down to the south in the area and we could see a few showers tonight. it'll get chilly this weekend. for those heading to the game sunday expect it down to possibly the 40s and in just about an hour the doors will
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open for a special benefit. it's an mma fight pitting members of the police department against the fire department and proceeds go to the extreme cage wars foundation that helps fallen orrin juried firefighters and police officers. that starts at six. group. i have got two new super fun world record breaking videos for you today. he just broke his own world record. he just road over 127 beer bottles lined up on a yunicycle. this is a record-breaking season. the second one comes from a woman who just broke the world record for escaping out of a straight jacket. >> that's crazy.
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>> she was? in the u.k. >> why are they measuring her with a tape measure? >> they have to confirm she's regulation size for this particular straight jacket. the previous record was 7.26 seconds. bam! four seconds. >> wow. >> unbelievable. that's it for our show today. thanks so much for joining us. we're going to leave you with a music video from adele. it's the official music video of the song "someone like you." it's just released last night. enjoy, and we'll see you next time. have a great weekend, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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. now abc 2news at five. >> every student we have is potentially a student at risk. >> baltimore city schools help students overcome the streets cutting the drop out rate in half. >> marks another significant milestone in the broader efforts to defeat al-qaeda. >> another major al-qaeda leader has been killed. why many are questioning the fact this specific terrorist was assassinated. and he survived six days after a crash sent him into a ravine. first, all new, he inherited a school system in crisis but now baltimore's top chief said massive reforms are paying off. over four years he has t


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