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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  October 6, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed. look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. . hello, everyone, i'm beth troutman, it is thursday and you're watching "right this minute." he survived a scuba diver's worst nightmare. >> there's a foimous movie about divers that get left in the
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middle of the ocean that doesn't end well. >> hear about the rescue. her husband died in the terrible attack on navy sael s.e.a.l.s, now her cherished wedding ring is off her hands. how she lost it and her hope for return. the internet video trick is blowing up the web. meet the guys behind "angry birds." the live action game. forget the "sports illustrated" swillsuit issue. espn magazine is coming out with their new body issue. >> i want to hit the gym now. i found a story that could be some people's worst nightmare. >> i was on a scuba dive and came up from our second dive and got up to the sfas and no one was in sight. >> the u.s. coast guard is currently investigating a florida tourism company that reportedly left behind two scuba
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divers in the open water off the coast of miami, florida. >> that's like the movie "open water." >> where's the boat? >> the first thing you think about is there's a famous movie about divers that get left in the middle of the ocean that doesn't end well. that's the first thing you think about. how could this happen? >> two guys went on a scuba expedition with a company called rj diving ventures of miami. they went to the open water, they got in the water with everybody else to dive. when they came up -- the boat was gone. >> we managed to find a buoy, we were hanging on to that. so that way, if somebody came to look for us, we'd be in one spot. >> they happened to bescueued l t before it turned dark. the incident is under investigation. all the coast guard is saying is that a few hours after, after these guys got left, they got a
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call that two people were picked up in the sea. so it wasn't a call from the boating company, it wasn't a call from anybody that was on the actual scuba diving excursion. the call came from the people who found the guys floating on the buoy. >> you count, one through ten, we leave. okay, ten, when we go back, right? how hard is that? i imagine it's one of the most basic things you do, right? >> it happens more often than we think. we found a video on youtube from a few years ago where some guys went out to the water to deep-sea fish, saw two guys, floating in the middle of the ocean and pulled them into their fishing boat. these guys also ended up being left behind from a skupa diving adventure. the moral to the story is stay in the boat. a very special wedding band has gone missing. and we're hoping that our "right this minute" viewers can help track it down. this ring you're looking at blocked to a navy s.e.a.l.,
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aaron vaughan, you can see him with his wife, him with his baby. aaron vaughan died in early august with 29 other americans when their helicopter was shot down over southern afghanistan. after he died, his wife started to wear the ring. while she was flying to north carolina from houston, the ring disappeared and she doesn't know what happened to it. and "right this minute," we have kimberly via skype to tell us the story about how she is trying to find this ring. kimberly, welcome to "right this minute," our condolences for your loss, we lost a true american hero when your husband died. >> thank you so much, tomorrow is going to be a tough day, two months since he was killed. >> tell us about this ring. >> aaron left his ring to me, if anything were to happen, when i got the news, later in the day i pulled this ring out of my jewelry box and i've been wering it ever since. i was on my way to texas and on a flight i realized twas off my
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hand. >> is there any unique marks on the ring that maybe would help people identify it as yours? >> it's a silver wedding band. it's got a flat edge, the finish is just a brushed finish. my name, kimberly, is engraved on the inside. it's worn away, it doesn't look like it's engraved at all. i am so grateful that people want to share my story and hopefully something good can come out of it. >> if by chance he left the ring behind when he went on that trip and got to hope that someone finds the ring. >> if you found the ring or want more information, go to facebook and search find aaron's wedding band page. baby and puppy in a deep conversation, action. ♪ ♪
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>> guy, the video speaks for itself on this one, so just watch. dump truck, look out. pow! ooh, that dump truck just crossed into the path of a metro rail train in houston, texas and got t-boned. you can see people narrowly escaping the crash. here's what it looked like on the inside for passengers when it hit the dump truck. >> it looks like the train conductor driver wasn't hurt or anything. but everybody else was jostled around. >> 12 people were hurt. most minor injuries, but no serious injuries. the driver of the dump truck ran a red light because he said he lost the light in the glare of the sun. oh. so a bit of an accident on the dump truck driver's part.
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but, whoops. more protests in the middle east. this time, in saudi arabia, and many fear that this country is not immune to protest events sweeping through the region. eye witnesses and observers say molotov cocktails were used and machine guns were fired. 20 people have been wound and they're also saying that this is the worst violence that saudi arabia has ever seen. some saudi officials are saying that a foreign country is trying to undermine national security by inciting strife and some officials are saying that iran is the country behind this. now they're concerned, since saudi arabia is one of the biggest oil producers, that saudi arabia is going to experience protests similar to the protest we've seen in libya,
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in bahrain, in egypt. >> in yemen. >> can you imagine if they get into another massive protest like the other countries, what would that would do? it would be devastating. this video posted on youtube a couple of days ago has become really controversial. >> my, this is a 12-year-old boy in a metro station in stockholm, sweden. he and his friends were causing a raucous and i guess the guards were trying to remove him from the metro station and this is what happened. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> ooh. what happened there was the kid kind of started kicking a little bit and then the guard threw him to the ground and then you see him whip out his baton, people are up in arms over this video that they used excessive force on this skinny 12-year-old guy. the poi's parents are really upset. the video just came online and
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now the world can see what happened. what do you guys think? >> you want the kid to learn some sort of a lesson, i'm okay with the handcuffs. >> this is a baton and a 12-year-old boy and i'm like wait a minute. >> to take a 12-year-old who probably doesn't even weigh 100 pounds and push him down on the ground, that's definitely excessive force. regardless of what he was doing, he had him detained. >> let's face it, the guy, not only is the guy little, but the guy is pretty big. >> since the video has come out, police lnched an investigation to figure out was this excessive fce e li snc c the investigation because they finally saw the video and decided, no excessive force and the parents are even more angry now that they've shut down the investigation. it is the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the building of the berlin wall. to commemorate that date, two
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groups in berlin have created a public monument. it is called the freedom park. >> to bring as many alter egos as i could. >> they decided to invite different contemporary artists from all over. >> i come from paris. >> to create different paintings on actual segments of the fallen berlin wall. >> i like when wall can do something. this wall -- have a lot of things to tell people. >> so the different artists talk about their contributions to their particular piece and what it means to them. >> i'm starting this project with no ambition at all and i was thinking about painting -- very fast, very violent, very compressive and in a never-ending work. >> their message is no challenge
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for too great for a world that stands together. >> creating all of those separation of different points. the berlin wall. >> it was the physical symbol of the iron curtain to so many people. >> growing up in the cold war and seeing this happening to the berlin wall, is really amazing. >> to be hear and to be a part of this. >> addicted to angry birds, these guys took it from the smartphone to the soex field. >> this has viral written all over it and you'll see it here first. meet the baby who
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espn magazine is coming out with their new body issue. all nude photographs. you've got people like hope
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solo, i know you're a fan, steven. apollo ohno, the speed skater, blake griffin, gretchen bleiler, professional snowboarder. steven jackson and they're doing photographs in the buff. the cool thing about this issue is they're not just doing naked photographs. this not sexy for sexy's sake. this is like a pure showcase of the magnificent human body. >> honestly, i feel very honored to have the opportunity to celebrate not just the athlete's body, but the female athlete's body. >> a lot of people are saying they don't like this, because it's not sexy. because it's purely athlet alwa haters. but there's always going to be people saying that doesn't look good, because why? why are people saying what they don't like about them? they're too muscular? >> isn't it fabulous, it's almost the fact that they're nude in most poses makes it even more dramatic.
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>> isn't that just absolutely incredible? >> it's tasteful and artistic. >> i think it showcases how incredible our bodies are and can be. if we use them the right way. >> i want to hit the gym now. i found the next justin timberlake and he lives in arizona, take a look at this video. even though he's sleeping, the music starts and he's got it down. look at him. >> now he's up. >> he's awake now, didn't miss a beat. that is carter page. i'm in love with carter page because he is grooving to my favorite song, maroon 5's "moves like jagger." via skype we have stephanie page, carter page and dad lee page, welcome to "right this minute." >> hi. >> when did you realize that your baby had grooves, that he could get down? >> i think we always have known. no, he, he really enjoys music.
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we listen to a lot of music. and just the other day we were listening to michael jackson and he really enjoyed listening to "billie jean" and really got into it and loves maroon 5, every time we play that song. >> he definitely has moves like jagger. so we're going to play the song and see if he can hear it. >> there he goes! >> is there any music that carter doesn't like? >> he does not dce to uny. tocountry. 'sokay, carter. >> and basically, you're going to have to teach him itsy-bitsy spider before he goes to kindergarten. he'll be singing aerosmith and they'll be singing itsy-bitsy spider. action!
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got some pretty sweet go pro video for you, i know you're excited. >> sugar! >> this is sugar the dog, a golden retriever and its hunting. the goal post is on top of the head, so you can see it going for all of these beasts. the goose was not a fan of sugar coming at it. there's another video that's not as vicious, that he also uploaded with the gopher camera on top of sugar's head. he goes by a bunch of live geese and they aren't flying away, i don't think they're that bothered by sugar. he swims with it all the way back to shore. in the freezing cold. you can see that a lot of times during waterfowl season, it's snowy or icy. pretty cold. the guy who uploaded the video has invented a little coat for hunting. the coat has magnets, a handle
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on the back and a lining of wool, so sugar and the rest of the dogs don't get cold. so it rips off as soon as the dog gets going. what's hot for halloween? the answer will surprise you. >> there is a demand for it. >> find out from the guy who decides what you might be wearing. addicted to angry birds? these guys took it from the smartphone to the soccer field. i think -- still a good
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reaction. halloween is just a few weeks away, there's a website called halloween that has just about everything you could possibly think of. this one is my absolute favorite. it's a kids' costume. >> that is sweet. >> and, a ghostbusters, it's timeless, i get frusted at the idea that all the costumes for women have the word sexy in front of them. look at this. sexy ghostbuster, boo! >> i want to lack like the actual ghostbuster. there's no sexy costume for men. >> there's spartacus, boxer guy. >> all of those come with the fake abs, that doesn't count. >> to clear this up, is a lead buyer for halloween and he's joining us via skype. why do you buy so many costumes that are simply sexy for the women. >> there are demand for it there's things that are more
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risque and there's sites that a little more covering. >> tell us the most popular costumes. >> for men we have jack sparrow or captain america. mario brothers, angry birds. a lot of pop stars, lady gaga, katy perry. >> and what are popular for kis? >> high. the 'tween range. the girls it's like strawberry shortcake. boys, it's probably captain america and jack sparrow. >> are there perennial favorites that every year, you know you need to stock lots of them? >> every year, top item. >> they've got just about everything. i'm taking you to africa where an organization called send a cow is creating self-sustaining communities. and these guys are creating what's called a keyhole garden. you can actually put all your waste and compost into that
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central basket which fertilizes the soil, that can create enough food to feed a family three times a day. they go and they spend three to five years in each community, to really teach them how to become self-sustaining. >> by going in there and teaching them how to do it, that's a great idea. >> this video is called the gift of the keyhole. you can actually gift a community in africa a keyhole for the price of $18. >> that's less than the last pair of shoes i bought. >> the reason it's called send a cow is they also provide cows so that they can sell the milk and make some money, use the manure as compost. you can gift a cow for $750 pounds, which is roughly $1200. >> it seems like it would be so simple. that like how come somebody didn't figure this out before, you know? >> every family that receives a cow or some sort of livestock has to vow to then give their first female calf to a family
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who is also needy. they want to go in there and help these communities evolve. this is unc asheville goalkeeper's lossie horskinen and dan jackson and they have challenged each other to a real li life, life-action version of angry birds. they're getting started, they're getting creative. plenty of questions. that's why we have lossie and dan joining us right now via skype. >> were most of these shots first prize when you knocked these piggies out of windows and off of goals? >> not really. today we go out and set a goal, we do four tricks and then go to sleep. there's a soccer ball still on top of the track and field house. >> i guess i'm the winner. >> i guess so. >> how demoralizing was that for you to wear the angry birds costume and have your teammates
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just whale the soccer balls at you? >> it was awful. pummeled me like no other. the ball pass thing, i called him right away and said, are you going to do it? he wasn't that happy about it. but i thought it was hilarious. >> what's your coach think about the way you guys practice? >> he asked us why there's 12 advisica ball missing and saw the youtube and came do that conclusion. a guy is plowing the field and he ain't using farm equipment. probably why the police are chasing him. find out how it ends. forget calling i.t. for your paper jam. these guys take care of the problem the way we all wish we could. oó?ñ?ñ?ñ7ówñóñ?oñ'o
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a wild man hijacks a forklift for a dangerous
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joyride. >> in the process, he took out some shrubbery, he looks like he's having a joyride. >> he's heading into the cemetery. >> oh, no. >> meet the dude and duchess of spain. how one of the world's richest women finally landed her much younger man. >> as the world marks his passing, a revealing storiry from steve jobs' childhood. a poignant tale from one of his most famous speeches. can it be, hot pizza from a vending machine? >> as an italian, i take huge offense to this. check this guy out. he's going to jail for four years. why? that's not his forklift. >> the vehicle is off road, off road. >> he stole it from a construction site in leeds, england and led police on kind of a 15-mile-per-hour to 20-mile-per-hour chase. police don't seem in too much of a hurry to catch him.
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it's not like he's driving a ferrari. he looks like he's having a joyrideea cemete >>oh, no. >> unfortunately, he took out some gravestones and shrubbery. >> he knocked down a handful of gravestones. and he's coming out onto the a-60. >> he caused more than $23,000 in damage. >> this thing is moving, too. i never realized it could go that fast. >> why, why would you steal a forklift? why? >> the thrill of a joyride. >> taking a joyride straight to jail. for more than four years. how did they finally catch this guy? >> he blew a tire. >> right tire. >> he's out, officers are with him, male detained. >> the sad thing is he took out some gravestones, who knows how
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long they've been there. >> not only is he going to jail, now he's going to be haunted by ghosts of whoever he ran over their gravestones. >> woo, woo, woo! cool video coming to us from the u.s. navy. this is the f-35 b joint strike fighter. you'll see it landing at sea for the very first time on the u.s.s. "wasp." it starts hovering, it's hovering above the u.s.s. "wasp." and this particular fighter jet is supposed to be able to hover and land vertically. it's like the new hairier. the replacement for the harier jet. >> if you've got pilots needing to land on a dime. they're flying these incredibly expensive planes. they land by flying in just like you would to an airport and they have these ropes attached to them to keep them from going over the edge. >> this changes the game. >> this could change the
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aircraft carrier. if all the planes become this kind of plane and land like this, an aircraft carrier could become a pontoon boat. >> how much does this thing cost? >> the only problem is the obama administration requested $9.7 billion in developing these aircraft. some people are saying with all the budget talk in washington, the f-35 b could be in the budget cut crosshairs. >> you know what, this is going to make "top gun ii" so much less dynamic, you know? those guys had to come in on the aircraft carrier. that was so, such a cool scene. now it's just like -- this is a story of some cougars and their cubs. these women are way older than demi moore. >> this is the duchess of alba, she's 85 years old and just got marre, now husband, who is 60. she looks like mrs. quigley from
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nanny mcfee. her real name is very long. this woman's fortune is estimated to be between $800 million and $4.7 billion. so of course, all six of her kids were against it, inle she divided up her fortune. she said, i'm catholic, i want to get married. >> that face could kill. there's one more cougar i want to tell you about. rita daniels, and tim adams. rita is 71. tim daniels is 54. police say they were caught in her 2002 buick regal with a diva plate when police noticed the car, it had steamy windows and he noticed that the car had a slight motion to it. so he went up to the car and discovered -- she was naked. >> sometimes you got to do what you got to do. love has no bounds, guys. >> according to the "smoking gun" they were in a parking lot
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outside of a restaurant. people inside the restaurant could see what was going on. did i tell you there was when the police caught them. they didn't know each other's names. it was like, what are you doing? >> he said, i'm bleeping this chick. minimum demeanor charges are pending. >> that was a crime of passion. did you ever have a paper jam when there really is no paper jam? that's how you fix it. explosion style. there's actually a machine over there that i'd like to do that to. >> paul and rob were frustrated with their hp printer. instead of putting toner in it, they decided to put explosives in it. >> were you really mad at that printer? >> i think all of us have experienced frustration with both tech support and with office equipment.
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and this was the culmination of both, so yes, yes, we were. >> have you heard anything from hp since you posted the video? >> have not heard from hp, looking forward to that. >> what will you be blowing up next? >> i think we have another printer that's beginning to act up and it's probably next in line. we have gotten a couple of comments on youtube with some suggestions for other things. >> i'd like to see a pc go up. >> all it takes is a 30.30 rifle bullet. >> and how blown up was it in. >> it was completely shredded, including the two 2 x 4s and the two sawhorses they were sitting on. >> the paper jam is clear. a new way to enjoy pizza on the run. we'll tell you about the machine that makes it hot, fresh and right before your eyes.
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this guy is trying to make sense of the english language. >> what? >> and it's got us cracking up.
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that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed. look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality.
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the video i'm about to show you is a new invention that might make your day a little tastier? >> ooh. >> on the run. >> our customer, jennifer, uses a touch screen to make her pizza selection. she can choose from cheese,
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pepperoni or white pizza. >> this vending machine is called pizzao metairie. and it came from a guy who loves pizza. he had the idea that you could have quick, fresh, hot, fabulous-tasting pizza in minutes through this vending machine using natural ingredients and basically creating it from scratch. >> a section of fresh pizza dough is delivered to our uniquely-engineered press. >> they have five in production for retail right now and he hoeths that they'll be in places like airports, on army bases and hospitals. >> i love it, i would love it if we had one in this room right here. >> as an italian, i take huge offense to this. there's no way that good pizza is coming out of a vending machine, period, sorry. >> don't knock it until you've tried it. it could be amazing and it's fresh, hot pizza. >> it's fresh from ingredients that have been sitting in a
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vending machine for who knows how long. >> how much will it cost? >> somewhere between probably $1 and $5. >> i would say, i would try it. >> would you try it in. >> i would try it for sure. i don't know that i would be thrilled about trying pizza from a vending machine. but i would definitely try it. >> i'm all about it. i'm buying one for the house. bronco fans, taking it to green bay. >> go broncos! >> one of the internet's most popular germans today is learning about american idioms.
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>> someone ask me hey, how are you? and i say good. i'm trying to write good techno music and he said that's probably very easy, like you're shooting fish in a barrel. what? why am i shooting some fish in a barrel? where do i get a barrel? it's, this is 2011 now. barrels are from i don't know, 18-something? or maybe if i was living in whiskey distillery place. >> he's great, i love him. >> if i can catch all of the fishes, and then put them in a barrel, i already have the fish before i put in a barrel. i do not need to shoot them. they are already here in my bag. >> that's a really good point. i like that point. >> so this is -- >> why do i have to shoot them.
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i have them and put them in a barrel. >> those are -- two steps addition that you do not need. >> we could send him more sayings, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. >> that one would blow his mind. i don't think that we've gotten lazy. i think that technology has gotten more cool. >> exactly. thank you. >> it's going to make us lazy. >> the great refrigerator debate. what will you think? why would this woman wear the same shirt for six weeks? it turns out, she has a really good reason.
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it is no snow season and it's time to hit the slopes. snowboarder, right? >> super pumped, can't wait, counting down the days. >> i can't snowboard to save my life. but check this video out. >> this is the trailer to burton snowboard's new movie called "standing sideways." >> it features 16 snowboarders sponsored by burton and you can just assume they're the best snowboarders out there. they're touring the country,
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europe and even japan, premiering this film in different cities. tomorrow they're going to be in seattle. but they're doing 20 additional cities. including vermont, toronto and vancouver in canada and after that, they'll take a little tour to japan. i love the mix of free riding in the park it showcases how amazingly versatile these guys are. >> i wish i could snowboard, i hit my head, so i stopped. >> this is awesome, it gets me so much more pumped up for the season. i love seeing any of the burton riders just doing their thing. i don't know about you guys, but i dream about technology. what if you could mix a touch screen of your iphone with like your refrigerator. i'm glad i'm not the only one
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who thinks about this kind of stuff. i want to show you about the university of applied science in a university in germany have developed. >> seriously, have we gotten this lazy, that we can't open our refrigerator door? >> there's so much more than that. it will tell you what's in your fridge, what's expired. you have a recipe? go out and put it on your fridge, it will tell you what ingredients you have in the recipe, what you don't have. let's say you need mayonnaise, where you can go to get the cheape esest mayonnaise. when you put stuff in your fridge, it will keep track of all the stuff and that's how it will know. >> is anyone concerned that we're going to stop using our brains and stop remembering things? >> i found a bottle of ketchup that was 2 years old in my pantry. i had to throw it away. >> i eat everything, how do you find stuff two years old. >> i don't think we've gotten more lazy, i think technology has gotten more cool. >> it's going to make us lazy.
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my refrigerator forget to tell me i needed milk. >> it will replace the post-it is. >> it sounds like one of those retro '60s refrigerators. like i'm not going to have an ice maker. this video definitely falls under the "green goddess" category. there seemed to be people popping up everywhere across the country, raising sheep, raising goats and i thought, hmm, isn't it interesting that there's so much raw material, but we don't see it manifested on the backs of any americans. >> this is a video shot for fair and what you're seeing is a woman named rebecca burgess, she has everything in her closet sourced from within 150 miles around her home. >> you rarely see this wholistic model. of what bioregional clothing would look like. so i kind of thought, we need a working model. we need to see what it looks like. all of the fibers and all of the
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colors would come from within 150 miles of my front door. >> she has her own dyeing and fiber process. >> she can make the clothes and dye the clothes. and she also sources things from local farmers. local growers. she is completely put her closet on a diet as she says. she started this about a year ago. for the first six weeks, she wore one outfit that was locally sourced. >> sometimes i would just be in my house without wearing anything while this one item of clothing was being washed in my bath tub. >> and expanded from there. >> you think about eating local, everyone talks about eating local, she's like wearing local. >> "right this minute," we have rebecca burgess on skype from her home outside of san francisco. >> i do think there are people who can do this, if they so choose. there's no reason why i would be the only one who could do this. >> what was it like going six weeks, being a woman, in the same outfit? >> it was a self-imposed
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scarcity, it helped me appreciate, like no other process i've gone through, it helped me appreciate what i wear, in a way i can barely explain in words. robots are going to take over the world. >> finally, a robot that can do something really useful. all people who have sent in
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pictures. >> that part's pretty cool. robots are going to take over the world. i found this at pop you may have seen the pr ii robot. it fetches beer. it's played pool. but now the pr ii robot is making decisions. and this is from students at the university of tokyo. what they did is they loaded the pr ii robot with maps of surrounding areas. and they told the pr ii robot to go get a sandwich. and based on the information that's in the pr ii robot's system, it can then decide that
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okay, sandwiches are food, food is found in a refrigerator, or at a sandwich shop. ah, there's not a sandwich in here. it knows, there's no sandwich. so it goes down the hallway, finds the elevator, it gets on the elevator, goes down to the second floor, it finds a subway. and now the robot not only has a sandwich on its hands, it goes back to the guy that wanted the sandwich and gives him the sandwich. >> i'm like -- pr ii, i hate roast beef, i wanted turkey. it doesn't take your order, does it in. >> i think you can say you want a turkey sandwich. we saw in earlier videos, the pr ii robot can get you the kind of beer you want. >> it's only a matter of time before this thing is in your room in the middle of the night, smoothering you with a pillow saying i'm sick of getting you sandwiches and beer. >> it makes decisions, guys, it can even press the down butt on on an elevator.
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you've probably heard a lot of information since the death of steve jobs yesterday. we have a couple of things that we found that we would loik ike share. christian you have one of them? >> when we heard the news, we could have spoken to anyone, ceos or technology experts. but when steve jobs resigned in august, i mitt this kid, darren dunn from the uk who is a huge apple fan who is devastated by the news. we have him on skype. >> tell me what your feelings were? >> i jumped on twitter and saw tons of tweets flying out, steve jobs passed away. i couldn't believe it i went to and it took about five minutes of just staring at the picture that's on to actually believe it. it's unbelievely heart-breaking news for such an amazing man. he's not just a ceo, he's like a friend. millions of people have lost a friend. and you know, a lot of people around the world are going to be
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feeling the way i am. >> in 2005, steve jobs gave the commencement speech at stanford university and he shared three stories about his life. all very poignant, all very moving. one story you may not have known. >> my biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student. and she decided to put me up for adoption. she felt very strongly that i should be adopted by college graduates. so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. except that wh ipeecided at the that they really wanted a girl. so my parents who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking, we have got an unexpected baby boy. do you want him. they said -- of course. my biological mother found out later that my mother had never graduated from college, and that my father had never graduated from high school. she refused to sign the final adoption papers.
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she only relented a few months later when my parents promised that i would go to college. this was the start in my life. >> imagine if that hadn't happened? imagine if that moment were any different than that. he may have been a human being and had a different life. >> his creativity has changed the world. >> that's our show for today, see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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. somebody has broke into their house you know and they had a -- here i am. >> a woman left woman jumped out of a window to escape robbers in her home. and a murder that unnerved a community. what police are doing. and it's no secret bullying is a big problem in schools. the latest push to get people to stand up against it. a woman suffers serious injuries after a home invasion. let's check in with jeff hager. >> reporter: the would be robbers broke this to the home and attacked the victim before she jumped out of the


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