tv Right This Minute ABC October 27, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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he occupied iraq without a scratch, only to be taken down at occupy oakland. now, a "right this minute" exclusive were this u.s. marine's family. >> i'm highly pissed off. >> this video is bringing back the mustache. >> is it wreerd that i am so cra crazily attracted to this man and his mustache? >> his 'stache is raising cash. imagine seeing this guy rifling through your house. one couple captured terrifying images of a burglar. the high tech bay they did it. this bird finds a sugar daddy down on the dock. >> like this. the odd connection that gets this bird his pet of a day. what happens when "twilight" star robert pattinson shows up. >> everybody goes crazy, right?
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>> not in this country. >> see where fan craziness translates into really polite fan. our first story a heartbreaking one, from the occupy protest. this time, in oakland. christian, you have the story? >> this is a video that we found on ktv, it shows the chaotic protests at frank ogawa plaza enter oakland. the police are using tear gas, rubber bullets, flash-bangs and smoke grenades to try to control the crowd. the images i warn you, are very, very graphic. if you look here, there's a man on the ground completely covered in blood. this is scott olsen. 24 years old from the bay area, a former u.s. marine. he's just been hit by a police projectile, believed to be a
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tear gas can, being thrown at protesters by police. he was immediately rushed to the hospital with a fractured skull. >> they determined that he actually had a swollen brain for which he was sedated and later taken into surgery. to talk a little bit about going what's going on with scott is his uncle. >> last night i heard he was possibly in surgery and he was in very serious, but stable condition. >> what's the family's overall mood right now. is there anger, disbelief? >> as a vietnam veteran, myself, i'm highly pissed off. there was no riot. they shouldn't have been in riot gear. not only did they fire directly at people. but even when people were going to rescue scott on the ground, they fired tear gas grenades right amongst them. this is america, that people
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would do this to their own citizenry is just really upsetting. >> if you want to see more of this interview, please head over to our website, technology is making it easier for cops to catch crooks. this video is from plainville, massachusetts. it comes to us from wcvb. what you're looking at is surveillance footage from a web cam of a man breaking into a plainville, massachusetts home. it's taken from a web cam that was designed to shoot with night vision so it works during the day. and at night it sends a constant 24-hour stream into the computer. and can you see the blue lights, that's how it operates at night. although the surveillance camera was recording 24/7. the burglar had it pretty easy. he entered the home through an unlocked door. he stole a couple of hundred dollars worth of coins. he rummaged through a jewelry
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box. stole a few tiffany necklaces and in the video you can see that he steals the homeowner's iphone. he left the home five minutes before the wife, who lived in this home, got home. this happened about 6:00 p.m. >> do we know if the family was concerned about stuff going on in their neighborhood? or was it a matter of routine that they happened to have the camera up. >> they happened to have the camera the police haven't found this man yet. but they say he is a white male in his 20s or 30s and he weighs about 140 pounds. if anyone recognizes him from this video, they're showing it all over the internet. they want you to call the plainville police and ask for officer mcevoy. >> that picture is clear enough to be a facebook profile picture. >> don't people realize that there's surveillance cameras in stores and in people's homes they have security. >> i've got a big dog with teeth and it hates people. >> i actually have a lion, so no big deal.
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boys in grade school, they like playing with jigi joes, or hot wheels. but not bobby montoya. he likes to play with this stuff. >> my little pony. >> i like any girl stuff. >> the thing about bobby, bobby wanted to join the girl scouts. >> he's biologically a boy. >> he's a boy, oh yeah. he wanted to be part of the girl scouts and the girl scouts said no, you're a boy. should bobby be allowed to be a girlscout? denver, if a child identifies a as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, girl scouts of colorado welcomes her as a girl scout. >> he identifies as a girl. he likes girl stuff, he dresses like a girl. you can see his hair is kind of done like a girl. i says what's the big deal? >> eventually the girl scouts of colorado said that they made a mistake and they allowed
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7-year-old bobby montoya to join the girl scouts. >> we're going to you know, start a situation where girls want to be boy scouts and boys want to be girl scouts, we should take the girl and boy part out of it and let everybody be together. >> i don't think he should be a girl scout it seems like there's easier ways for him to enjoy being social, in the types of things he likes to do. >> we have to encourage tolerance and sensitivity and understanding of kids like bobby. athens greece has been in turmoil for months over protests for budget cuts, city streets have been torn apart by protesters, police clashing in riots. the latest to get involved and a symbol of hope for grecians is this woman. this older woman in a business suit and a purse, marching down the street with protesters hauls back and fires off a stone of
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her own right at riot cops. >> whoa. >> yeah, granny is very upset about police brutality during the riots, threw a rock and reportedly said, quote, go do hell. >> whoa. >> just because she's a grandma doesn't mean she doesn't have an opinion. >> imagine if she was your grandma? >> i'd be proud of her. >> thank god she didn't throw the rock granny style, granny style is like this. what you guys are looking at is video from italy. and you're thinking, maybe it's a torrential storm in venice, but this is not imagery from venice. it's from northern italy. they've been hit by torrential rains, muddy rivers flowing through many villages. in one region, they have five brings teen villages that are tourist attractions, two have been blocked because the roads are washed away. and in one village, the people had to be evacuated over the
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water. instead of over land. >> if that's your house or your apartment and that's your front door? you're trapped in there. >> docks are washed away. here you see docks and roads completely gone now. >> we've had so many floods in china, indonesia, we just saw the floods in ireland. now we're seeing floods in italy. >> as of wednesday night, the death toll was close to ten. the number may rise, because some people are still missing. just think of the financial impact of them trying to get it back together and trying to get tourists to come back. >> this is such an old region of italy, it's not like a modern city that can sustain this kind of water and damage. >> it's not like getting lumber out and rebuilding a house. >> this area is up on the bluffs on the mountainside. like the villages are all very colorful. lots of different painted buildings and the streets are real narrow, just like venice. when you dump all the water through the narrow streets it just gets going real fast and rips things apart.
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it's november, guys. >> i'm one of the co-founders of november, the month formerly known as november, where -- [ inaudible ] eventually i'm a mustache farmer. and our season is november. >> is it weird that i am so crazily attracted to this man and his mustache? >> beth, i feel the exact same way. we have adam on skype right this minute. tell me about where the idea for this came. >> well, it came about in 2003. and it was my brother. and we were having a few beers and talking about fashion and how everything starts back into fashion. so 30 of us decided to grow must arches and bring it back. we didn't do it for any particular reason. and we created the rules. >> can't shave for 30 days. >> we had in australia, 450 guys and we raised $54,000. last year in november of 2010. november became truly quite a movement.
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we had 450,000 guys and we raised $81 million. >> i want to know in your opinion, who has the top three must arches of all time. >> tom sellick is number one. >> errol flynn. a very, very classy gentleman and then i'd have to say hulk hogan. >> adam. i have to say that i think yours is among the top three. >> yeah, strangely affected by it. >> you know, it's hilarious, that somehow my life has become about a mustache. for us men, that leads to new conversation that we don't normally have, which about our health and prostate cancer. an emergency call for something scary in the air. >> something flying over us. >> one man makes an amazing discovery. amazingly stupid, that is. he's not your average joe.
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he's million mile joe. >> i knew they were going to have something special that day. >> now we'll reveal what honda did for their million mile customer. ♪ [ female announcer ] everybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra soft has extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. we all go... why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft.
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people call 911 or for the dumbest weirdest things. a guy in the uk called 911, said there was an unidentified light in the sky. >> what's your emergency, please? >> there's not an emergency per se, but there's something flying over our house. it's coming towards us, now it's almost light bladesing, no yoe what the hell it is. >> it's got lights blazing, did you say? >> well, big bright lights floating in the sky. coming towards me. i don't know what the hell it is. it's not an airplane. i don't know what it is. >> he sounds a bit inebriated. just a bit. >> can you hear any sort of engine noise from it or anything
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like that? >> no, i thought it was, you know, i thought it was an airplane at first. and then now it's just hovering with all of these lights on. i don't know what the hell it is. >> she says okay, we'll keep an eye on it we'll send somebody out. a couple minutes later. the guy calls back. >> what's your emergency? >> i thought i saw something, it was really strange. it wasn't, actually. >> right, do you know what it is then? >> well, you won't believe this, you won't believe it, it's the moon. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> it's the moon? he has never seen the moon before? is it that cloudy in england? >> what else did that guy see through his beer going goggles that night? >> you won't believe it, it's the moon. >> okay, thanks, good-bye. >> bye.
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>> fishermen on a quiet lake and here comes his fishing buddy, blue. big great blue heron. >> well, hi, blue. >> feeding the heron with every fish he catches. the guy wants to feed the bird or he's making amends? >> no, he's quite happy to share his fish with big blue. the heron, the guy takes the fish off the boat and feeds him bluegill and perch. >> i don't blame him, if i'm the heron, i'm going to let this chump do all the work. >> the heron is just kind of living off the kindness of humans in this case. >> the only thing about this is that blue is not blue. >> well, he is a great blue heron. >> how do you know it's the same bird every time? >> well they talk, they have a secret language. >> best friends. >> like this. >> great lunch.
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the kitchen of the future. has arrived. >> thank god. >> i hope it cooks our food for us. >> how is coming from newcastle university in the uk. this kitchen has sensors and screens in pretty much everything. from the utensils to the cutting boards. it will even sense the items that are in your cupboard or in your pantry. you pick a recipe, it will show up on your screen. then your kitchen recognizes what ingredients out of your cupboard that go in this recipe are on your cook space and will even instruct you as you use your utensils about how to cut. are you chopping things finely enough. the nutritional value of the recipe you're using and if you want to learn another language, say a french recipe, not only will it help you through the cooking process, but it will teach you base i french terms so that you can learn a language while you're cooking in the kitchen. the other application for this, people with dementia, people that are forgetting how to do
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things, but they live alone. the kitchen can guide them through the process if they're forgetting what they're supposed to do next. >> great invention, the two population that's aging, this will help them. >> i want it. what if it could save the way your mom made that recipe? what if it could hit say record, and everything your mom does, it records and goes into the bank. and the next time you go to make it, it can tell you how to make it just like your mom. >> either way, when i hear kitchen of the future i think it's going to be you type into a computer what you want. spaghetti and meatballs and then the meal comes out and you eat it. and -- >> you're thinking of "star trek," where you just say computer, make me tapioca pudding and it magically appears. it sounds like the real thing. >> want to be the belle of the ball in the perfect homecoming
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dress? >> you see yourself and you like it. >> an expert gives us her secrets of style. plus the one must-have tip you have to hear. >> favorite piece of advice i've ever heard. he leans in for a kiss, but this guy got beaten to a pulp instead. >> i have absolutely no problem watching this video of him getting beat up and getting bloodied up. because it's gross. >> the video of what some are calling justice russian style.
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i think people are really loving this. most of us drive, 10, 15 thousands miles a year, right? some of us don't even like driving. a lot of us think when our car reaches about 100,000 miles, it's time to get a new car. joe low of norway, maine, drove his 1990 honda one million miles. >> i bought it at a honda dealership. and in 1996. and it has approximately a little over 74,000 miles. >> he drove 62,500 miles a year on average to reach this mark. last week in maine, honda threw him a parade. complete with floats and balloons and beauty queens. here to tell us more about the parade and what honda treated him to, is million mile joe. tell us about the day of the parade. >> i knew they were going to
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have something special that day. i didn't know what. it was supposed to be a surprise. even my wife didn't know. she knew some things. her job was just to get me there. >> did her wife ever say, dude, it's time for a new car. >> she didn't quite put it that way. but she did hint over the years. >> now you've been a million miles in the honda. do you still have the honda or did you get another honda? >> honda presented me with a brand-new 2011 honda on sunday. i haven't driven it yet. >> what's the new car by the way? >> it's the same thing, one step up. the old car is an lx, and the new car is an ex with a sun roof. >> congratulations on your mile-stone. >> oh! if this doesn't get you guys so pumped for halloween, i do not know what will. check out these pictures. this is from sculptor ray, he's a sculptor from new york and he
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specializes in carving these unbelievably cool pumpkins. >> oh, nye goodness. it's like squeezing the pumpkin's face. >> it's sad that the pumpkin is going to rot and that piece of art is not going to stick around forever. >> oh. >> what is that? >> that had to be a huge pumpkin. >> the guy is like pumping the pumpkin in the face and the face is getting all smashed up. how did he do that? >> this weekend, ray did something completely over the top. even better than the pictures you see there. >> what? >> he carved the world's largest pumpkin at the new york b botanical garden. >> he carved like a guy crawling out of this giant pumpkin. >> he carved like a zombie crawling out of the pitch kin with due all over it. >> he's using the pumpkin's insides all over it. >> he used every piece of the
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pumpkin. >> the pumpkin was over 60,000 pounds and it took him all weekend to carve this. >> that's a lot of pumpkin pie. this pumpkin video really gets me pumped for halloween. >> if this doesn't get you guys so pumped for halloween, i do not know what will. >> i'm pumped for pumpkins. so it's time for homecoming throughout the country. of course there's a parade, the football game and the dance, which is the highlight. let's go back to the dresses because it's my favorite part. >> for some reason in the last few years, they've become a little less semi formal and a little bit more formal. >> that's a lot of sequins for high school girls. >> i love that, it's awesome. >> prom dress instead of homecoming dress. >> that looks likes a bridesmaid gown. >> the boys? >> that's a john travolta "staying alive" look.
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>> to talk more about the trend, we have a correspondent and you can read her blog as fairy godmother for quinsaerra. >> for girls who want to be more modest, what options are there for them? >> kind of like a staple for youth. they want to show as much as they can. but also if you follow on the trend of the red carpet, it's more elegant. to wear a little bit of sleeve. >> wear are some great places you can get these gowns or dresses? >> well the good thin is viagisn. y always go vintage shopping and if you really, really on a budget, you shop around for things that your girlfriends have worn that you can transform, so that it looks a little bit more like something unique. >> quickly tell us what kind of advice you give girls about dresses that they can wear on your blog.
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>> when you try it on, you like it. you just see yourself and you like it. when that happen, that's smoking, because otherwise you start getting confused. make sure that it's comfortable. that you can dance all night and you can eat. because obviously there's going to be food where you're going. >> make sure you get a dress that you can dress in. >> favorite piece of advice i've ever heard. >> fri is just one day away and you know what that means. our top 20 countdown show, hour six for the day's best video s and stories. we call it the rtm countdown, the best of the best. >> they're our top 20, that's friday on "right this minute." and here's what's coming up next. it doesn't look like there's an emergency. but this plane is headed for a nose-dive. the landing you've got to see.
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a guy, an underage girl and an ambush. welcome to to catch a predator, russian style. going door to door for candy is so 2010. see a new trend two boston kids are trying out on their neighbors. >> we thought it was really cool. >> why would they do that video of the day? >> oh. >> we've got theories, but what do you think is behind this wild ride. he's got a face full of bowl or a bowl full of face. but he's not your ordinary panda. >> are we sure this panda's brown? the story behind the video mystery.
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welcome back to "right this minute." steven, i understand you have video that i think pretty much everybody will have the same reaction to. >> yes, it seems to me that everything that comes out of russia is always a little bit more intense. including their version of to catch a predator. this video, that i found from life news, i'm not sure if it's a vigilante group. you see a man, unconfirmed reports say this man is 30 years old. he was lured to this apartment. he's coming there to meet up with an underage girl. they lured him through social media and the internet just like we see on nbc's "to catch a predator." in the video, we see him come through the door. he meets up with the underage girl. you see here, goes into kiss her. and when he does -- [ bleep ].
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>> they're after this guy and things get a little more intense. they get this guy handcuffed and you can see, he is beaten pup pretty badly. >> wow. >> scary video. >> seeing him lean in to kiss this girl, who in this video is 13 years old. this man is 30, just makes you sick. and you almost get pumped when you see these guys jump out of nowhere and tackle this guy and beat him up. >> i have absolutely problem no watching this video of him getting beat up and getting bloodied up. because it's gross. >> the the unconfirmed reports also say they searched this guy's home and they found he has corresponded with 40 other girls, ages 13 to 15. in addition found pornographic photos on his computer. >> i like this version better than our version. it's so calm, our version.
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i want to tell you guys about an app that's called i'm getting arrested. it's created by a guy named jason van anden for people who are at occupy wall street protests. if they think they're in danger of getting pinched, they hit a single button on their phone and it lets people that they've reprogrammed into their phone get a prewritten message that says, i'm about to get arrested. i think it's genius. >> you have to have the iphone pretty handy if the cops a coming at you. you're like wait, wait, wait, boop, go ahead. >> justohoke isere you nterou message. it's jane doe, i was just arrested peacefully demonstrating at the occupy wall street rally. you enter the sms numbers. you hit the red target and then boom. to ask more about this, we have jason van anden svia skype. what made you want to do this?
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>> i think it's awesome that people are finally speaking their minds about the inequities in the country. the state of things, the way things have gotten. >> how many people have signed up for it so far? >> we've had close to 9,000 installations at this point. >> has anybody sent a message right before they were arrested? >> i don't keep track of that, i made the app to respect people's privacy. so there's no way of me knowing if it was actually used in the field. >> thank you very much for talking to us and good luck with your app. some scary intense moments for passengers aboard iran air. boeing 727. the pilots and crew did not get a down and lock indication light from the nose gear of this 727. so this their only option. the pilot brings it in on two wheels, lands on two wheels, as normal, as we're all used to. but he's got to slowly and gently feather that plane down
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until it gently touches down on the nose of the fis lauselage. just, a soft touch by this pilot. >> he was doing such a good job in the beginning, i almost didn't notice what was so interesting about this video. >> that's one of the most incredible landings i've ever seen with that situation. he stayed with that nose up for a while. until he got it really slowed down. and you can see sparks flying up from that. this scenario of faulty nose gear isn't completely uncommon. a similar situation happened in l.a. in september of 2005. where the nose gear was down, but it was can'ted sideways. the pilot had to do the same type of maneuver where he landed on two rear wheels and gently and slowly brought the plane down. in this case, the tires were surrendered sideways and the friction made them catch fire but no one was injured. >> those pilots have great ability to land a plane like that under pressure.
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i always forget everything i learned. when a celebrity the caliber of robert pattinson and ashley greene show up, there's a group of fans. what happens? >> everybody goes crazy. >> it's "twilight," fandemoniom, right? >> it's so calm, you can even hear crickets. this is robert pattinson and ashley greene at a hyatt in paris. and those are obviously a group of fan who is were outside waiting for them to get autographs and see pictures. here come robert and ashley and they remain cool, calm and collected. throughout the whole time and everybody gets their turn to take pictures and get their autograph. there's no screaming. it was just like, oh, look. this would have been in america, they would have been like oh my
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god! >> i think it was a lot more fun with ashley greene and robert pattinson. >> come on, fans. on southwest, it's usually a, b, or c. but on this flight, it was do re mi. >> i'm so jealous. >> the story behind matt kirny's concert in the sky. a new game for kids with an odd payoff. >> i got the most poop, i'm the winner. >> the question is, you going to buy your kids one of these for christm
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this is a state of the archive performance that we made specifically for this. >> on friday, passengers on a southwest flight from nashville to chicago got the most awesome surprise that i'm so jealous. they're on the flight, and platinum recording artist, matt kirny starts singing his hit song. "nothing left to lose." ♪ here we go ♪ nothing left to >> so cool. >> i'm so jealous. it's insane. and people were shocked. >> were you surprised? very fun to watch. definitely made the flight go by faster. >> i'm trying to decide who i like more here, southwest or matt playing at 35,000 feet in the air. >> this was all planned, it's
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part of their live in the vineyard promotion. they're doing it through the first week of november and several of the southwest flights are going to have unknown people just popping up, famous recording artists doing songs. >> you can't find it out until after you've finished your tickets. so it's like a lottery. >> i just hear, i just imagine somebody sitting in the back of the plane like pressing the call button. >> i'm trying to sleep here, can you please turn down the music. >> but they didn't do it because they loved it. it was awesome. note to travelers, if you're flying southwest, sit at the front. >> i've always to pick up my guitar and just walk down the aisle and play songs. but this is the first time i've ever absolutely gotten the chance to do it. steve, i got your, why did they do that video of the day. the people who got the video saying this is what they spotted on their way back home from work.
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>> a guy sitting on top of a car cruising and it doesn't look like they're going slow, either. they're going at least 60, right? >> how you doing. >> going to drive here on the roof. >> maybe he was really hot and wanted to like cool off? >> it looks like it's kind of full, maybe they're just like, let's sit on top of the car. >> actually maybe this guy lost the bet. >> having a good time. >> you're right. trick-or-treating has been around forever. pretty simple concept. kids knock on the door, people give them candy. and they move on. in this video coming to us from fox 25 in boston. you see abby and mark manuel, brother and sister. when he they knock on your door for halloween, it's going to be the ones giving you candy. they're passing out fair trade chocolate along with a card that
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brings awareness to the poor working conditions in child labor in neighbor brand chocolate factory, it's something called reverse trick-or-treating. and it's a group called equal exchange, a co-op that supports fair trade. joining us "right this minute." we have abby and her mom tina in boston. abe by, you're the one passing out the candy. why did you want to do this? >> i wanted to help do it and get to know the people and get to do an learn how to use the card. >> how did you learn about this? >> my parents showed it to me and i frankly got to leave the best part on the back, it shows some information. >> what are the exact issues that you're trying to make people aware of? >> we feel like halloween is a great holiday here in the united
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states and it's really fun and targeted towards kids. but we also want it to be fun for kids in other parts of the world. usually children who are part of families that produce the cocoa beans for our chocolate. >> how are people reacting when you give them this candy and this card. and they realize what your message is? >> they thought it was really cool. you can make small choices ever ary day, whether it's chocolate. things that you choose to purchase or not to purchase. a little fighting and a little loving. one involves a sword, the other, a suit.
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imagine you're walking around the streets of toronto and you see this. a ninja just standing there by himself with a sign that says fight me and a foam sword on the ground. the guy in the hoodie picks up the sword and goes at him like this guy better pack a lunch. a are there. and they're coming after the guy. right? all of a sudden before you know it, you're in a video. >> i love it when people come up with fun ways to make your day just freaking awesome. can you imagine if this was on your commute to work? >> this video is put on by a group in toronto. they put on a bench and do
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meet-up groups in the toronto area. this one is great, you've got to see what the girl says. >> i am drinking my coffee. >> this is the people actually taking on the talent. >> the ninjas really are quite stealthy. there's 40 of them heighting in the park. >> this one is my favorite. this one runs up -- >> do does anyone think that guy might have been our editor, rick? >> what exactly was -- >> well when they were coming after me. i thought i would see the one guy, you know, there's that guy. >> he's giving me his sword and then, you know, what are you going to do? >> i was just sitting hee a seconding second ago saying you would fight the ninjas. and you ran away and broke my heart. >> sometimes a gill will bring a knife. kitty scalp massage, action.
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♪ ♪ it's a normal day in the zoo. >> over in the corner. >> he's got his face shoved into a bowl. >> face shoved in a bowl. >> the brown panda. very rare. only seen seven of them in china in the last 25 years. >> are we sure this panda's brown? he could just be like really dirty. like maybe he just hates taking a bath and that's just dirt that's accumulated and he's
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really a dirty panda. >> they say he's brown. i don't think you can get black fur that light. whatever, whatever is in that bowl, he's really loving it. that's for sure. i like how he's just lounging, too. like, my favorite way to eat, too. eating a sandwich. he stands out from the crowd. he's a unique panda. >> a toy with a really big surprise inside. >> if they didn't make the play-doh or pranking his
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it's doggie doo. doggie doo. >> at least they didn't make the play-doh or whatever they feed him, brown. he poops in colors. >> the object is to collect as much dog doo as you can. >> that's the object? who has the most poop. i have the most poop, i'm the winner. >> one, two -- >> that's not a sound effect. >> the real noise of the game. >> i can only imagine parents wishing they could get their kids to be that excited to clean up after the real family dog. >> i'm telling you this is going to be a smash hit this christmas. the next video is a psa that's been getting a lot of attention on blogs and forums in the u.s. in the last couple of days. >> it will definitely make you feel something.
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the psa was made by a swiss ad agency for the swiss nonprofit pro informis. they're advocates for the handicapped and mentally disabled throughout europe. and p this psa was made to raise awareness for the condition and tell everyone that they'relike . >> they're playing the song "the funeral" by the band of horses, which is such a moving song. >> basically the idea is that everyone deserves love. >> that is the exact idea. in the psa you see fabian, a handicapped man, who sits on the bus without someone sitting in the passenger seat next to him. and pro infirmis is saying, get to know them. they're happy, loving. >> they're saying, of course you would go up and hug this guy in
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a bear suit, he looks friendly. >> i think they're saying, why wouldn't you sit next to this person on the bus for the same reason. >> you think that anybody could have a negative reaction to this video? maybe people that have children who are possibly autistic and don't like things like physical attention? >> i don't think that they're trying to say hug and sit next to every handicapped person we see on a bus. you know, i think they're trying to say that don't immediately discount them. >> it's just a universal message. and one that is so heartwarming, i was just blown away by this ad. i love it. that's our show for the day. thanks so much for joinings us. we're going to leave you with one last look at the awesome brown panda hanging out at the zoo. >> i still think he's dirty. >> we'll see you tomorrow, everybody. ♪ everybody. ♪ ♪ -- captions by vitac --
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