tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 2, 2011 12:00am-1:05am EDT
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voluptuous and in my culture, a skinny girl? has nothing going on. >> sophia vergara certainly has a lot going on these days the star of "modern family" will be here tomorrow night. and we hope you are, as well. thanks for watching. check in with our friends at "gma" in the morning and have a great night, america. in a world of late night hosts, only one man can bring you moments like this. and this. and this. and even this. jimmy gets stars to do what no one else can. >> okay. >> all right. >> oh, no! >> dicky: up next on an all-new "jimmy kimmel live," adam sandler. from "dancing with the stars," david arquette. and music from the bangles.
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grands! warm ideas made easy. ♪ start your morning a whole new way! ♪ ♪ pillsbury grands! biscuits ♪ filled with breakfast ingredients ♪ ♪ ready in minutes! ♪ you gotta taste...mmmm a brand new morning ♪ [ female announcer ] new pillsbury grands! biscuit sandwiches. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a word about, the place to shop confidently with a wide selection of new and used vehicles, side-by-side comparisons, consumer and expert vehicle reviews, and tools to make sure you get the right car at the right price. over the weekend, our friend yehya drove his car to sundevil stadium in tempe, arizona, to do a bit of tailgating before the asu-colorado college football game. >> hi, i'm yehya. i'm here for the game, for between the buffalo and the
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devil. and -- let's go! hey, guy. can i play with you? >> yeah! >> i'm not drink alcohol. >> why not? >> no. i drink -- >> oh! sorry man. good luck for the devil today! >> yeah! yeah! >> hey! >> go to, the best -- >> tailgating. >> tailgating. >> tailgating? >> tell me, what? >> tailgating. >> tailgating. and that's it? >> dicky: head to to find all the tools you need to shop confidently for your next car.
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>> jimmy: thank you, yehya. "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with the latest castoff from "dancing with the stars," music from the bangles and adam sandler. riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade and check my investment portfolio, research stocks, and set conditional orders. wait, why are you taking... oh, i see. hey max, would it kill you to throw a guy a warning bark? [ dog barks ] you know i wanted a bird. [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed. ♪ i need you so ♪ i need you so ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] that which unleashes your passion is back.
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the simple joy of the mcrib. ♪ well... 'cause i could pay a little at a time... but actually we do -- and my kids would be like, "awesome, mom!" oh! i did not see that. [ male announcer ] layaway's back for christmas in our toys, electronics, and jewelry departments. [ male announcer ] layaway's back for christmas ♪ untamed fruit flavor. jolly rancher. [ male announcer ] introducing mio. a revolutionary water enhancer. add a little...add a lot. for a drink that's just the way you like it. make it yours. make it mio. flavored with real honey. powerful cold medicine that leaves out artificial flavors and dyes and instead uses something more natural, honey.
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new vicks nature fusion cold & flu. ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight -- adam sandler. david arquette. and music from the bangles. with cleto and the cletones. and now, ladies and gentlemen, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. that's very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching at home. thanks for watching in person. i hope you've recovered from halloween. came and went so fast. like a kardashian marriage this year. [ laughter ]
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no, i don't know about you, but when i -- [ applause ] when i was a kid, on the day after halloween, i would lay all my candy on the bed, unwrap everything, roll it up into a big ball, compress it together and then i would just gnaw on it for the next three months. like a beaver. [ laughter ] a lot of kids across the country got the day off from school yesterday because of halloween. pretty sure this is why we're falling behind china. not only did their kids not get the day off from school, they made all our kids' costumes. [ applause ] here in hollywood, i don't know if you were here last night but there aren't too many kids this costumes. a lot of very drunk adults in costumes. driving home last night was the beginning of a zombie movie. only living survivor on the planet earth. i think the scariest costume i saw was a woman dressed as the creature from the black lagoon. either that or a real housewife
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of beverly hills who had just come out of a botox appointment. either way -- [ laughter ] it's so hard to tell. halloween is fun if you're out having fun. if you are working, it is not fun. this is from our local abc affiliate in detroit. wxyz. they had a reporter named kimberly craig at a haunted house, like, one of the local haunted house deals and the people at the haunted house were very determined to get a rise out of her. >> this really is not for anybody who is faint of heart. if you get scared really easily, bring somebody a lot stronger and bigger than you. they won't be able to do anything, they'll make you feel better what has been most people's reactions? everybody reacts differently. the whole con cement here is time travel. time travel -- we have the big screen here and the doctor -- what we're going to do, most people come here, instead of looking at the monsters, they pay attention over here. you know what? if you look -- look at that --
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>> jimmy: and then they ate her. [ applause ] at the very least, i think she's ready for hurricane season. this is -- this is -- it almost would seem that we made this up but we didn't. arnold schwarzenegger's son, the one he had with his housekeeper, not the one he had with danny ddy veto. the son he fathered with his maid had quite a costume on last night for halloween. he was dressed as conan the barbarian. there he is with his mother. i guess this means he knows, right? i mean -- [ laughter ] the photo was taken at six flakes magic mountain last night. arnold must have been thrilled to see that this morning. i said tellytubbies! seeing all the people roaming around in costume last night got me thinking to the people who stand outside our theater in costumes every day.
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they made no money in tips yepd. these are men and women who dress in costumes to take pictures with tourists for tips. since they are always in costume, i thought we might swap things around a little. i thought it would be fun to see what they look like out of costume. so, we have them in their regular clothes. let's start first with superman. >> hello. i'm superman. >> jimmy: hello, superman. now, let's slide things over and see what superman looks like in his regular clothes. that's chris, the guy who plays superman. chris? [ applause ] >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: hi, chris. so, you can see you've got a -- well, it says superman on your jersey. you have the whole thing going. >> yes, i do. all my clothes have something to do with superman. >> jimmy: and well they should. all right. well, thank you very much, chris. >> you're welcome. [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right, who do we have next? we've got -- >> hi, i'm spongebob!
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>> jimmy: that's our friend spongebob. and let's now meet the man behind the sponge. [ applause ] your name is not bob, correct? >> yeah. it's not. >> jimmy: introduce yourself. >> my name is bernard golden. >> jimmy: bernard golden and his costume is golden. isn't that interesting? do you feel naked when you're not encased in a block of yellow foam? >> i sure do, you know. i feel real naked. >> jimmy: all right, all right. thanks. pretty normal. who is next? who do we have? >> my name is the incredible hulk! >> jimmy: okay. that's the incredible hulk. and let's meet the incredible hulk in real life. what's your name? >> i'm joe mcqueen as the incredible hulk. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> originally from north carolina. >> jimmy: and joe, you appear to be wearing shorts over pants.
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>> yeah. i still got the thing, jimmy. >> jimmy: is that what the kids are doing these days? i guess. >> jimmy: all right. all right. thank you, joe. let's meet one more. >> thank you. >> hi, i'm the hollywood boulevard chewbacca. >> jimmy: this is my favorite. okay, let's see. here we go. and -- that's cory. cory, you look very, very normal. >> yeah, this is, like, pretty much my best outfit. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: cory, what did you do? >> ah -- i like dressed up as a cow. and -- [ laughter ] i, like, yeah. >> jimmy: you dressed as a cow? >> yeah, on the way to trick or treating i just stopped by the cow field and just to see what the other cows thought about me. >> jimmy: and what did they think? >> they liked me. >> jimmy: they liked you. okay, good. what is your plan for tonight, cory? >> i think i'm just going to go
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home and, like, sit in a chair. yeah. >> jimmy: would you like to meet adam sandler tonight? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: come on in. i think he might have a part in a movie for you. >> awesome. >> jimmy: well, he probably won't. now i think he thinks he's going to be in -- [ applause ] that will be great. you know, justin bieber was on "dancing with the stars" tonight. he wanted to check out the floor he'll be dancing on in four, five years. [ laughter ] i have to say, i'm very angry at "dancing with the stars" right now. as some of you know, every season before it starts, i bet on a contestant for real. usually i'm very good at it. they call me nostra-dance-mus because of this. i picked this man, the very charming and i thought very good dancer david arquette. i had $1,000 on david to win. i would have won $8,000 if he had. but what happened? he was kicked off the show tonight.
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he came in sixth. i don't know what's going on with me. i think my gay-dar might be broken. how did he not beat nancy grace? i told him to show more nipple. david and his partner kym will be here tonight to apologize -- [ applause ] to me and hopefully to reimburse me. rob kardashian is still in the competition. as most everyone knows, sadly his sister kim yesterday announced that she was filing for divorce after 72 days of marriage. rob was asked about the divorce after the dancing last night and here's what he had to say. >> my sister and i and everybody are going through a lot right now and we are all is supportiv and we're just a close family and we keep everything private. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well -- everything? because it seems like not everything. maybe -- maybe a thing? but i think we've even seen the thing.
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[ laughter ] you know, we have a tradition here at the show. we do -- it's something we do every year involved my cousin sal. my cousin sal sets up a hidden camera at his house and he'll have trick or treaters come and then he'll kind of screw with them. again, we've done this year, we -- and it is always a big hit. we did it last night and, well, here's how that turned out. ♪ >> trick or treat. >> trick or treat. happy halloween. how is it going? >> good. >> yeah? getting a lot of candy? >> yeah. >> i'm going to give you a break from the candy. i am going to have you reach into this giant bowl of guacamole and pull out a prize. okay? i promise you'll be happy. go ahead, alice in wonderland. go, go, go. there you go. you got it?
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what do you have? wow! you picked a lucky avocado. good job. and for you? oh, wow. slinky. all right, pull! i've never seen anything like it. there you go, sweetie. all right. happy cinco de mayo. all right, all right. hey! >> trick or treat. >> happy halloween, guys. i'm glad to see you're okay. listen, i have to tell you something, before i give you candy. there's a guy in the neighborhood, he's called a candy bandit. he's got a mask and he's got a blue shirt and he's got type two diabetes. but you don't have to worry about that. i heard on the raid yoel he's been coming around and he steams kids candy, okay? he will sneak up and take the candy, all right? so, you snead to tell each other if you see him, okay? and then just run and scream if
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you were ever to see him, just scream, okay? >> okay. >> that's what you want to do. you understand? >> ahh! he's right there behind you! ahh! don't turn around! >> what are you talking about? >> ahh! >> turn around. do not face the -- do not face the other way. do not. he's going to come. >> i don't know what you're talking about. i have candy -- >> i'm serious. i saw him! >> where is he? >> he's in there! >> no, he's out there. give you a little candy -- [ screaming ] >> he's there! he left. >> all right. you're making a fool out of me here. >> no, serious. he's behind you! [ screaming ] >> the candy bandit is dead! take your candy, go! >> trick or treat!
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>> hey! happy halloween. >> hi. >> your hello kitty, right? >> yeah. >> i've been waiting for a pretty cat to come to my door today. how did you do? you have enough candy. what i have for you is better, okay? hello kitty, say hello kitty litter. yeah -- >> i don't want that. >> that's all right. you're a cat. it's really good. see that? >> i don't -- >> a little more. come on. come on. there you -- >> okay. >> hold on, one more scoop. >> no, i really don't want it. please, no. >> one more. one more. really not that bad. not bad at all. happy halloween. >> hey. >> hello. >> happy halloween. how is it going? >> good.
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>> it's fun. >> you know what, though? can i tell you a story? >> yeah. >> it's pretty scary. i'm going to tell you anyway. my friend used to work at a carnival and he was in charge of making cotton candy. what he does was, he mixed the cotton candy in with the corn dog ingredients and then a chicken flew into the machine. there was a big explosion. isn't that crazy? >> what? like a real live chicken? >> yeah, a real live chicken flew in with the cotton candy and what do you think it did to him? >> he got exploded also? >> he got exploded. >> yeah. >> yeah. but he didn't die. he actually lived -- >> he survived? >> yeah, but he's all really weird looking. he got a cotton candy head and corn dog fingers and chicken feet. such a big mess. you have to be careful because he likes to come out on halloween. >> thank you, all right. >> yeah. >> happy halloween. >> thank you. >> bye now.
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[ screaming ] >> run! run! get out of here you freak! >> jimmy: thank you, cousin sal. oh, and cory is here, too. we have a good show for you tonight. former dancing star david arquette is here with us. we have music from the bangles. and we'll be right back with adam sandler, so stick around. i was taking a multivitamin... but my needs changed... i wanted support for my heart... and now i get it from centrum specialist heart. new centrum specialist vision... helps keep my eyes healthy. centrum specialist energy... helps me keep up with them. centrum specialist prenatal...
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supports my child's growth and development. new centrum specialist is a complete multivitamin that gives me all the benefits of centrum. plus additional support... [ all ] for what's important to me. [ male announcer ] new centrum specialist helps make nutrition possible. vo: a breakfast worth waking up for. enjoy the sausage, egg and cheese croissan'wich today. only at burger king.
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three years from now, a 2011 ford fusion is projected to be worth more than a 2011 toyota camry. any thoughts on this news? are you sure? i'm absolutely positive. fusion is projected to hold its resale value better than camry. is the featured $5 footlong™ of november. [ male announcer ] the chicken marinara melt juicy chicken, marinara sauce, and melty cheese served toasted on freshly baked italian bread. get it pronto, cuz this november only, it joins our everyday $5 footlongs! subway. eat fresh.
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eliminated from "dancing with the stars," david arquette and his partner kym johnson will be with us. i bet 1,000 bucks on david to win and i intend to get it back from him tonight. and then music from this, their latest album, it's called "sweetheart of the sun," the bangles from the bud light stage. tomorrow night, we'll be visited by ellen degeneres, gabourey sidibe and music from chris isaak. and then on thursday, eddie murphy, manny pacquiao, and music from chickenfoot. by the way, hi, cory. good to have you in the studio. our first guest tonight is probably the most successful actor in the english-speaking world. his movies have earned more than $3 billion, for his friend ron schneider alone. you can see him co-star alongside al pacino and himself in the new movie "jack and jill." it opens in theaters this friday. please say hello to adam sandler!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i wanted you to meet cory. >> cory. hi, everybody, nice to see you. [ applause ] >> jimmy: he's a keeper. >> yeah, he's funny. cory. >> hi. >> i was -- when you said you were going to sit in your chair tonight, i was like, that's what i do. that was funny. >> jimmy: you have ever met chewbacca before? >> i've been on the street before and i've seen chewbacca. i never had the courage. >> jimmy: well -- >> i would get frightened. >> jimmy: i love if this started something big. how was your halloween? >> excellent. >> jimmy: kids enjoyed themselveses? i took the children around with my wife and we went to some rich neighborhood, it was great. >> jimmy: you did? >> my friend lives in a rich neighborhood and we got to walk up and down. they were giving out the biggest, like, the king size snicker bars. i mean, when i was growing up,
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they gave you, like, an m and m. you get one and you get -- >> jimmy: what did the girls wear for halloween? >> they both wore rapunzel. >> jimmy: they both did? >> the 5-year-old loves her and the little one is going to be 3 tomorrow, actually, so happy birthday to her. but yeah, they both wore. but three minutes in, they're like, can we take the wig off? and so, you know, it was itchy. and my wife is like, keep it on. so, no. and then they went around as just wearing the dresses and the short brown hair and they are like, we used to be rapunzel. it was funny. >> jimmy: and were they well behaved? did they cry or do anything like that. >> they were pretty good. they were nice. they said, i demanded them saying thank you to the rich people. >> jimmy: that's good. >> to the rich people's housekeepers who were giving out the candy.
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i was like, say thank you. and it was very like thank you. make eye contact! thank you! >> jimmy: around here you have to teach the kids to say gracias. >> they do say that. >> jimmy: did you give out candy at your house? >> well, i wasn't there, i was running around with the kids. i left a little thing of candy for people out in front of my house, like, a thing, a, like a bowl -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> what do they call those things? >> jimmy: we have those. i have a full closet. >> this is a real fancy one. and i put candy in there, i wrote them a note. just take one. and enjoy, love happy gilmore. and then i got home that night and it said, you know, thank you very much, love the guy who took them all. >> jimmy: at least he left a note. i've done that, too, and people are animals. it doesn't matter if you put take one, they take the whole
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thing. >> remember when you were young, if somebody didn't have candy how angry you would get? and i do understand the anger, like, you go house to house, expecting something and then you don't have anyone to see your great costume so, you see a bowl, you're like, that's not good enough! and you start whipping them around. >> jimmy: in new york, we would go trick or treating in the daytime, and i remember moving to las vegas, we went out right after school, me and my sister and we went out and no one had any candy because they weren't ready for trick or treaters at this time. >> that's right. >> jimmy: we were forced to throw eggs at their homes. it was unfortunate, but you know, a little bit of brooklyn in las vegas. >> i re i read that you did something nice for a couple of guys that work for you. >> i got forced into it. >> jimmy: what happened? >> these two guys that work in my office, doing my stuff and they come into the office, they're doing a contest, most famous person who calls in, you
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get world series tickets. and these guys were from st. louis. they were very excited. will you call on the radio show? i said yes. and i called in and it was espn, they said, who are you calling in for? i was like, oh, no. i forgot both their names. that's how nice of a guy i am. i'm like, who am incalling in for? who am i calling in for, huh boys? and anyway, they got them the tickets. two great kids. jeff and scott. >> jimmy: that's very nice. they go to go to the game? >> they got the whole thing, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i did that once and then i was not the biggest celebrity that called in. >> oh, you weren't? who bea >> jimmy: george lucas. and i will never do that again. you're really impenetrable. unless obama calls in. i want to bring this up because
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i saw the movie and not only is it funny but you are very, very beautiful in this film. >> thank you. yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: this is a -- [ applause ] >> yeah, guillermo. >> jimmy: you play your character's own twin sister and the character you're doing, i recognize from your comedy album. >> sure, sure. >> jimmy: this is an imitation of one of your sisters? >> you know what? i told each -- i have two sisters, i told each one i was doing the other one. >> jimmy: okay, good. >> you know, that's so and so. and literally i'm just doing my mother. >> jimmy: your mother. >> no, i'm not. i made up some voice and it's got a little of my cousin in it. >> jimmy: does your family comment on the movies? >> my family used to be into everything i did. they would comment, oh, incredible and blah, blah, blah, when is the premiere -- now it's kind of like, when is that thing coming out? and i'm like, ah, november 11th. can you get me another condo? yeah, yeah. when? ah -- as soon as the movie comes
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out. >> jimmy: have your daughters seen you in the woman's -- >> yeah, they love me like this. i swear to god, jimmy. they used to come by the set and if i wasn't jill that night, they were like, where's jill? and they liked her better than me. they like, daddy's boobies. >> jimmy: what was the worst thing about working in drag? >> i had some outfits, i had a bulge problem. so, like, if i was wearing, like, not a skirt but some sort of other, like, a pant, like, what is that called -- >> jimmy: a paint suit? >> yeah, there one some bulge thing and i would talk to the director. can you take care of that after? and he would say, yeah, yeah, we can cgi it out. don't worry about it. i saw the final cut of the movie. good job getting rid of the bulge and he was like, oh, i
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hey, jack. laker game tomorrow night. we have to make that pacino thing happen. everybody's nervous around here. >> i know. >> what is this about a twin? >> he has a twin sister. >> are you kidding me? you never told me that. >> i mean, she's -- >> identical or fraternal? >> nocturnal, like a bat. >> jimmy: that's adam sandler in
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"jack and jill." it comes out next friday. you have the whole gang there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: as always. it is always fun to see what roles you put the guys in. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: and you have a new member of the gang in al pacino. >> that was quite a coup. >> jimmy: i expected him to be in the movie two minutes. he's in this movie more than he was in "the godfather." and he's hilarious. >> he's unbelievable. he plays himself. >> jimmy: almost terrifying in a way. >> he guesses obsessed with jill. his character is going through a nervous breakdown. he's losing it and he meets jill at a lakers game, supposedly the season's happening dur the ing movie. and al sees the -- seeing jill and. >> jimmy: naturally falls in love. with a face like that. >> that was the funniest thing. my friend who i showed the movie
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one time, he was like -- i showed him the script before we did it. just like, how is al going to be in love with you? as a girl. doesn't make any sense. and we were like, well, he had a nervous break down. he was like -- still. >> jimmy: yeah, did you explain this to al, the idea of the film? >> he was great. he works hard, like, i mean, all the great guys, pacino, i got to say, was nonstop working and writing and making sure it made sense and made it better and better. and you do -- you get, i was on the phone with al and i go visit him, he would say, yeah, what is this? he would pinpoint things in the script, does that really make sense, i'd be like, i'm sorry, no. he'd be like, let me fix that. >> jimmy: was it intimidating? >> to be honest, he was more excited to be working with the great adam sandler. si have to te i have to tell you -- [ applause ] he -- in the middle of one
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scene, this is a true story, just stopped and i saw really huge tears romming down his eyes. he was bawling crying. i was like, this scene does not call for crying. he called his own cut. i hear, cut, cut. cut, cut, al needs a cut. what's the matter? i just -- it hurts knowing marlon will never work with such greatness. >> jimmy: marlon wayans, right? >> right. [ applause ] it was shocking. >> jimmy: and now speaking of great actors, i understand that you have given a role to our announcer dicky in an upcoming film. >> he's playing my -- [ applause ] >> dicky: thank you. >> he plays -- in the next movie we did, i'm a new england kid. he has a great new england voice and he played my father. >> jimmy: he's playing your father in the movie. >> he's drinks while he's
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driving -- >> jimmy: that's him. >> smacks around his kid. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> dicky: i was born for the role. >> jimmy: will he make it for sure or will he be cut out? >> there's a huge possibility he's not going to make the cut. but -- but -- the good news is. >> dicky: even funnier. >> on the dvd for sure. i can guarantee you that. in the delighted thing. i never even watch my dvds but i do see deleted scenes, that's where you are going to be -- >> jimmy: if you cut him out, a, don't tell him and b, invite him to the premiere so that he can find out there in a big room with everyone else. >> just make sure the show is filming the reaction. >> jimmy: we will be happy to do that. i'm going to tell you right now, we're fill. ing you one way or the other so you're not tipped off. >> dicky: good move. absolutely. >> dicky's having a baby, everybody. given it up. >> jimmy: he is, yes. >> dicky: thank you for announcing that. >> nobody knows. do not tell his wife!
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sorry, dicky. >> jimmy: and the next movie is an animated movie. >> i'm doing a movie for my children, i want to do something -- actually, "jack and jill" is a little crazy but children are allowed to go to it. good luck if you bring them. i think it's good enough. it's sweet enough but it is a little bananas. anyway, i'm making -- playing dracula and i wanted to come up with a dracula voice that is, just, like, the great actor i am, i came one a voice -- would you like me to do it for you? >> jimmy: yeah. [ applause ] >> it goes a little something like this. i am dracula. i thought he would have an accent. >> jimmy: really spreading your wings. adam sandler, everybody. "jack and jill" comes back next
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friday, november 11th. we'll be right back with dave arquette and kym johnson. hey guys the reviews are in on really? what'd they say? well let's see... it says sheila looks great... topless. [ laughter ] what's so funny? nothing. nothing. and it says here hank's a real gas guzzler. you hear that hank? burp. whatever. hey, what about me? it says your ride is very smooth. aw, yeah. hear that sheila? never gonna happen. [ male announcer ] with consumer and expert reviews. confidence comes standard. see just like the reviews said. big rear-end. excuse me? lililililililililililililililil. see just like the reviews said. big rear-end. now for just $6.95 enjoy a half pressed panini with unlimited salad or a half pressed panini with unlimited soup. choose from three great varieties like grilled chicken caprese. it's our new half panini lunch. just $6.95. only at olive garden. we've done a good job caring for our mouths. that's why there's a rinse like crest pro-health multi-protection. it helps you get a better dental check-up.
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so be ready for your next dental check-up. try any crest pro-health rinse. oh, it's the new at&t smartphone. nice, i wish i could afford one. yeah...i gotta...good deal. look at that screen! fast too, right? oh yeah. ♪ last week, fitd. it streams movies. turn left now. look at this camera! hold on, let's get a photo. i'm listening to downloaded music. ♪ oh, i can afford that. see ya.
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>> jimmy: well, hello there. still to come, music from the bangles. in a disappointing turn of events, one that saddened this particular gambler specifically -- tonight, despite what i thought was an excellent performance, our next guest was sent home from "dancing with the stars." here along with his dance partner kym johnson, please welcome david arquette. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. what happened? shocked at this. i really am. >> i'm really sorry, jimmy. i feel like i owe you $1,000.
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>> jimmy: it's weird. i feel like that, too. >> too bad i'm not going to pay you. >> jimmy: yeah. now, last night, you guys, you didn't get the lowest score. >> no. >> jimmy: i think you got hurt by this stupid team dancing. >> yeah, the team dance hurt us for sure. >> jimmy: this is not a team event. kym, did you think you guys were going to win this thing when you started with david? >> yeah, he was just amazing and i thought we could win this thing. >> jimmy: i picked david. >> i didn't. >> jimmy: you didn't? you didn't? you told me you thought you would win this thing! >> i didn't think i could. you told me you bet $1,000, i'm like, yeah, jimmy, i'm going to win it. >> jimmy: i said i was going to bet on you and you said you were going to practice 11 hours a day. did he? >> it felt like it. >> 6 to 8. >> jimmy: what happened last night? you did a magic theme dance and, but you said after the dance, your trick was missing. >> supposed to have a trick. >> it was missing. >> there was a magic trick that
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i do, i make a scarf turn into a cane and they didn't have it backstage. we were waiting for it. >> just before the dance. >> jimmy: that should have gotten you an automatic bye until the next round. >> i know! their fault. >> jimmy: who is responsible? >> it had to be -- >> jimmy: nancy grace? >> that rob kardashian. >> rob kardashian robbed me. >> jimmy: his name is rob. it could have been him. is it possible that kim kardashian has faked this divorce just to gain sympathy votes for her brother? yes? >> i don't know. i feel bad about that. noahing about divorce and all. >> jimmy: well, yeah. >> not so funny. >> jimmy: after two and a half months, that's when it really hurts. yes. now, you -- you guys -- [ laughter ] you treated the other cast mates very well, i heard. you, like, had parties for everyone. >> yeah, we had a barbecue. we want to universal halloween
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horror nights. >> ice cream for us. massages, as well. >> massages i was giving to everybody. that's my own thing. like, kristen, you want a many saj? >> jimmy: i believe that may have hurt you in the long run because you did not have the eye of the tiger. do you think ali and frazier were shaking each other on the bugs bunny ride? >> i accomplished everything i wanted to on the show. i learned a lot about myself. >> jimmy: what about me? never mind you. i could have won $8,000 from this. >> i was only 8 to 1. >> jimmy: at the beginning. i thought it was a very good bet. do you think it threw you off that courtney -- i tell you something, if my exwife was watching me perform, i would be a little distracted. >> no, we have a really great relationship. she's really supportive. my daughter really enjoyed the experience, too. all in all, it was great. i got a lot of support from the
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fans and the stern fans and the -- >> jimmy: yes, the howard stern fans? i don't think they helped you. >> might have evened out. >> jimmy: you may have gotten negative votes from the fans because i can't imagine the fans actually dialing the number and that's what people didn't do and, you know what? >> i want to vote for -- sorry -- >> jimmy: crackhead bob. but -- in a way it hurt us both. it really did. >> we're sorry. >> it hurts. but we plan on dancing some more. great "dancing with the stars" in argentina we want to do. i don't know if you've seen that online. >> we won't be doing that. >> jimmy: that's the one -- will you be dancing more? i heard you guys say that on the show. you're going to continue dancing. >> yeah. take this on the road. >> jimmy: where are you going to dance? >> anywhere. the catskills. i don't know. r rio. >> jimmy: was david your
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favorite partner ever? >> one of mine. >> jimmy: who are your top three? >> um -- hard question. >> well, donnie and hines. >> jerry. >> let's hear another thing about this hines ward. sorry. love the steelers. >> david was great. we had so much fun in rehearsals. he works really hard. he took it very seriousry. >> jimmy: i could tell you did. >> i was about to break through. >> we were going to have a -- >> they took me out because i was a threat. i was just about to really put my dancing shoes on but now i think they're going to burn them. >> jimmy: at the end of the show tonight, you said something very funny. you goofed on max a little, you said, i can't believe this is my show. looked mad when you got eliminated. >> well, shea should have gave us better votes. >> jimmy: you got good scores. >> we did. >> 8s. >> the team dance pulled us down. >> yeah, but still. they know the team dance is
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coming. they should have -- i saw bruno here last night. >> jimmy: yeah. >> his mind wasn't in the game. obviously, halloween, he was a vampire. you know, i was going vampire, too, but i was worried my teeth were going to fall out. >> so many things -- you pulled it off. all that pressure. >> jimmy: yeah. and yet here you are. >> there you go. that's how it worked. but you know everything happens for a reason and i really, i got everything i wanted out of it. >> jimmy: very good. i'm glad you did. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we're going to go outside now for the ceremonial burning of the capezios. david -- >> let's do it. >> jimmy: what is cory doing there? tonight you were eliminated from "dancing with the stars" and your shoes have to pay the price. guillermo? cory? that's an interesting pattern. there we go. america has spoken. your dance card has been punched. you can watch david and kym
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cd. it's called "sweetheart of the sun." here with the song "i'll never be through with you," the bangles! ♪ ♪ i'll never have you completely but somehow i don't care ♪ ♪ i don't want to give up this feeling deep as the ocean floating on air ♪ ♪ and i wish you could love me like i love you and i wish you would leave me ♪ ♪ but i'll never be through with you oh oh ♪ ♪ say goodbye
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and i will let you go oh ♪ ♪ i will never be through with you ♪ ♪ oh oh ♪ you'll never see me crying no you won't taste my tears cause you slip away in the darkness ♪ ♪ before the morning light makes this heartache clear ♪ ♪ and i wish you would want me like i want you and i wish you'd believe me ♪ ♪ that i'll never be through with you oh oh ♪ ♪ say goodbye
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