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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  November 15, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. what we do around here is search the internet for the newest, greatest videos and stories. so let's show you what we found. "right this minute." >> the video allegedly shows two girls trying to steal a cell
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phone. >> the coolest feeling in the world for me was pointing this at the girls and say, arrest her, arrest that girl! >> on the streets of new york city, it's the photographer who answers the cell phone call for help. every once in a while you'll get a text on your cell phone that maybe wasn't intended for you. this woman gets five a day every day. you'll find out why. >> do you have a favorite text that you've received? >> the gist of it was sically, hey,f we were together, woulat you did with me last night? after the thailand floods go away, who comes to the rescue? why elephants are the clean-up heroes. and see ha happens when a kitty gets a drug for hyperactive humans. we kick off today's show with video of brave people doing a really good thing. gayle, you have the story for us. >> a woman was robbed of her cell phone by some teenagers on the subway at 96th in new york.
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but three good samaritans came to her aid and one guy had a phone and he videotaped the action. what you're looking at is once the two alleged thieves were caught by the good samaritan, one of them had his phone and he was videotaping what was going on. and apparently, he said they had the girls for a while, but they broke free. >> give her back her phone. >> and ran out the door. but they ran a block and got the girls anyway. and "right this minute," we have jordan lee rivera via skype to tell us what went down. >> well actually it all started on the train platform. and i just heard the young ladies screaming for help. when you turn around you saw one of the girls who actually snatched the phone, running down the train platform. she ran up the stairs and into the area where you saw the footage. at the end of footage, i put the phone in my pocket. we chased them for about a block, me and the two other guys, we finally apprehended them. it was a bit of a struggle. one of the girls pulled out a box cutter and the unmarked
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officer just happened to be in the neighborhood. they made a u-turn and saw us fighting in the middle of the street. the coolest feeling for me was poithding this at the girls and saying, arrest her, arrest that girl and they just did it. i have an iphone and i love my iphone, if anyone were to take my iphone, i would be distraught. i couldn't just sit there and let this lady's iphone be torn from her life. >> were you ever fearful of these two girls? >> you felt the a dren lynn, i knew i had the support of two other new yorkers who were just trying to do the right thing and i was proud to be a part of that. >> great job, jordan, you did a really good thing. and kudos to you. if i was there, i would give you a big pat on the back. >> you got her phone! every once in a while you'll get a text on your cell phone that maybe wasn't intended for you. >> yeah. >> it can be funny, it can be little bit annoying if it happens a lot. you don't care thatch. but what if it happens five
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times a day every day since -- 2007? >> wow. >> well, that is exactly what happens to author and blogger lila sales. because of a glitch in the verizon network, lila has been receiving texts intended for other lilas, so she created the lila text and you'll see part of her blog here. she says, small glimpses into strangers' lives courtesy of a technological glitch. >> you working, want to go for dress sale? buy three in price of 11 question mark. and this is one of my favorites. dave said, she has to see a position. dave cannot write that type of medication. >> somebody was doctor-shopping. >> we have author and blogger, lila sales "right this minute" with us. explain to us in layman's terms why do you get all of these texts intended for other lilas. >> everybody on verizon has a verizon handle and mine is
4:05 pm if you spell out a person's name on your phone, instead of holding up a name from the contact list or typing out their phone number, people assume it's going to go to the lila in their phone book, but it doesn't, it goes to me instead. >> do you have a favorite text that you received that sticks out in your head? >> the gist of it was hey, if we were together, would you do with somebody else would you do with me last night? i know we didn't exactly kiss, but we did do stuff. >> that's a lot of territory covered in that text. >> do you want this weird texting phenomenon to stop? >> i think i'd like it to continue, i do get text messages from people who have read my blog saying, this sounds horrible. can't verizon fix this for you? you should get your money back. if i didn't like it i could switch to another network or something. i just -- i think it's really fascinating. >> i have a story of some crooks who keep their bad behavior all in the family. these two guys here are
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brothers. their names are peter and wayne wallace. they were caught robbing a dunkin' donuts over the weekend. they happened to set off the alarm a little after midnight and the police arrived just as they were trying to get away. they pulled over and they found things like a crow bar. along with these home-made thermal masks. >> their masks are arms, they cut of like long underwear tops. >> they've done it several times in 21 different cities in massachusetts over the past six months. >> there's so many things to say about this one. like, were they covered in powdered sugar? and doughnut isn't that where cops hang out? >> dunkin' donuts in the northeast, especially massachusetts, is like an institution, i'm surprised they didn't fall victim to a citizens arrest. people just mad. >> are they robbing these doughnut shops because it's easy to get into them? >> they were charged with larceny of items over $250. so they couldn't be getting too
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much money out of these dunkin' donuts. >> ask or maybe they are really big starbucks supporters. >> mom must be proud of those two jokers. after two months of intense flooding, thailand is finally getting a break. the waters are beginning to recede. and clean-up has begun. and look at who's lending a hand. >> elephants, which helped build thailand, are now helping clean up. this is in ayutthaya, which was once home to kings and is now a tourist attraction with over 100 temples. the temples were once under water and they're afraid that the foundations of the temples are damaged by being soaked in two months' of rain water. but they brought the elephants in. because they're almost like four-wheel drive. they can get where trucks can't. the trucks will get stuck in the mud, the elephants can walk through and get into narrow spaces. they're being used to remove a
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lot of the dead wood and dead trees left behind. the elephants are also a sign of hope. >> i've never seen an elephant doing work like that before. >> if you look at their faces, they actually look really happy about it. >> do you think they pay the elephants in peanuts? >> yeah. circus peanuts. >> those candy ones? >> they're awful. steven, i think you're going to like this app. it's really cool and it was made by a company called move job. they're a very popular winter clothing superstore in michigan and illinois. this is the moosejaw x-ray app. you go to their online catalog or you can have the physical catalog and any of the pages that have a very specific symbol on it means that you can x-ray
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that page. >> what? >> an app i find quite useful for once. >> i told you you were going to like this one, steven. >> what does this have to do with sports clothing? >> she's wearing a moosejaw shirt. >> but in the x-ray app, she's no longer wearing it. do they also sell lacy lingerie? >> they do sell undergrarmts. >> i think it's smart. because you got this girl, she's got her outer layer of clothing on, right? you use the app, and then you get to see what she's wearing underneath -- you're showing off two different products. it's good for the environment. >> i want to put it to test. so i went to their online catalog. so i downloaded the app. i point it at the girl. >> i'm not seeing funny yet. this one, point and hold. >> he's got a squid on his belly. >> are there funny girl ones? >> if i had taken the time to see the girl pages, i would probably know. i went straight to the guys'
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section. so steven, we'll have to get back to you on that one. she is certainly old enough to cross the street alone. but maybe she shouldn't. you'll see why. joey quit and it went viral. he tells us how his epic peace-out created an even louder voice online. >> hopefully we can start changing things that way. and these guys have some beef in the big house. what happens when the cops came in. >> the cops came and picked up on the wrong moment. >> find out who started the fight and who gets nailed in this jail cell brawl. [ dennis ] juggling insurance policies
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at different companies... is a pain. but with allstate, bundling policies is easy and can save you money. you should try this instead. thank you...yeah... now she should be an allstate agent. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. [ female announcer ] introducing the allstate auto + life discount. now when you protect your family with allstate life insurance you can save even more on allstate car insurance. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. ♪ you know, you get worried about your parents when they get older, about them driving. but we should also worry about them walking across the street. in russia, see the lady crossing the street? >> what? >> whoa, whoa! >> she crossed and turned around
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and kept going. >> it looked like the car just tapped her. >> with the furry hat and her coat, she like blends into the street. it's the same color as the street. >> she didn't even look both ways, she just walked right out in the middle of the street. >> she wasn't looking in the direction from which the cars were coming. >> maybe her neck hurts and she can't look left. >> cindy would stop and say, whoops, sorry about that. >> look at her turn around and look at him. like what the hell is wrong with you guys? >> old russia. ♪ when it's time for you to leave a job, you can put your two weeks in or you can quit like -- joey did. >> i'm here to tell you that i'm quitting. >> one, two, three, four. ♪ [ laughter ] >> what we're seeing is the now-famous youtube video
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entitled "joey quits." it was posted last month and since has gained 2.8 million views. which joey defrancesco, 23 years old, quitting his job at the providence marriott renaissance. he felt as though he was disrespected and was upset at the working conditions enter. so he brought his band, the what cheer brigade and made his quitting ceremony quite a spectacle. ♪ ♪ >> this was only the beginning. joey just today is launching a website called -- joey that is a platform for other disgruntled hotel workers around the world, to vent. you have joey defrancesco joining us "right this minute" via skype. what made you want to quit in such a manner? >> terrible working conditions. long hours, terrible pay. >> what does that feel like, walking out the door, with your band behind you? >> it felt incredible. you know, it's rare you get that
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chance to just look your boss in the eye and you get to tell him off like that. >> you're holding a press conference today in font of the hotel that you used to work at, to announce am i right? >> yeah, i'm going to speak, we're going to have some labor leaders speak. we've got this site. >> what do you think your website is going to accomplish? >> if we can get workers from all over the country. which we've already started to do, to post their own stories from their own companies, from their own cities, we can all be the entire industry accountab and hopefly we can sta cngg in tat manager's reaction? >> i haven't talked to him since this. i've heard from my friends from insigh side the hotel that he's been very nice since the video has gone public. ♪ ♪ >> say what? >> cat in boots. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ space, it's amazing up there. it's beautiful, the international space station. circles our earth. >> it's the final frontier. >> it is, taking gorgeous pictures. in this case, time lapse imagery as the international space station hurtles around the earth. i've never seen stuff like this before. high-definition images coming from the space station. put together in a time-lapse format, so you can rip around the earth in no time flat. >> look at those cities.
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>> what you're seeing here is the aurora borealis. and then you see the aurora australis, from madagascar to southwest australia. and the auroras are brilliant, up above the clouds. in this shot you see the space station in the shot. which is just kind of cool to me. >> this seems to be the most realistic depiction that i've seen on a big screen wrought side of a movie. outside of tv, you can't tell what's going on. >> it almost looks animated. >> the guy that put this together says he was very careful to not doctor the images. he did not want to -- >> thunderstorms and lightning. >> this totally doesn't look real. it looks like something created with cgi. >> i know what i'm getting on black friday. a bigger screen so i can look at this stuff better at home. >> i want to like have this
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playing on my tv at home during a cocktail party. >> set to really cool music. >> do you have any vino? >> i got a martini. >> this whole video covers 18 different sequences all over the world from eastern europe to southeast asia. happenway around the world. it's about a five-minute video, if you want to watch the entire thing, check it out on our website, "right this minute." this cat is, how should i say it -- alert. >> yes. >> because it accidentally took adderall, an alert drive to the vet. gopro cameras on skis. gopros everywhere, right? >> we have not seen one here. no, beth, we have not seen a gopro camera in a
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adderall is a mediatn used forr narcoco lepsy. it's definitely not for cat consumption. >> oh. >> please tell me the cat's not driving. >> it may look like he's driving in this video, good observation, gayle. the girl that is filming this, the cat accidentally ate her boyfriend's adderall and she's rushing him to the vet. he's very -- >> alert. >> attentive. he's very attentive and alert. >> i don't think that cat blinked one time. >> no. >> everything is moving by him
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so quickly. he can't pay attention long enough to one thing. >> which is funny, because the adderall is supposed to make you want to pay attention. and the cat is like -- >> look at that, look at that. >> he's paying attention to everything. >> please tell me the cat was okay. >> he was fine, the girl posted her description from the youtube video, the cat didn't die, he was fine after the visit to the vet. look at his eyes. >> what do you think is going through the cat's mind -- >> what's the square root of 47. >> he's doing lots of math. >> he's doing math. i wonder how much adderall this cat had ingested at this point? is this one tablet? is this 12 tablets? >> i was curious to know how much stuff did this poor cat eat. to the netherlands, where getting across a moat is not as difficult as it once was. what you're seeing is an underwater bridge. this is at fort derevere
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eventually built in the early 1700s to protect the netherlands from invasion by france and spain. moats were put in so invading forces couldn't get across. now they put this bridge in so tourists can tour the old fort. >> they know they can put the bridge over the water, right? they don't have to put it in it. >> right. but this way it's so much cooler. >> it protect the visual integrity of the moat and the fort. you put a bridge over it, it sort of ruins what it used to look like back in the early 1700s. >> i think it's pretty cool. but i think what would be really cool is if they made it out of glass. you could like see through and see if there's anything in the water. >> that would be true. >> it's called the moses bridge at fortderevere. >> it's parting the moat as moses parted the red sea. ♪
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>> now you like it. >> no, but i like the name. >> roary mcilroy, won the u.s. open back in june. last month at the belfry, he made this amazing trick shot. or was it? >> oh! [ applause ] >> yeah. it hits the bet tower or the bell. and then it comes back and bounces on the green. >> yeah, right. >> of course it did. >> the bouncing it on the wedge and then hitting it out of mid air, that's real, a lot of golfers can do that, we see that kind of stuff. but no way it hit the bell, but if it hit the bell, there's no way it bounced back perfectly. >> you see the golf ball flying back from the bell tower and right on to the green and it looked like, you know, it's really flying through the air.
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i didn't think immediately, that's odd. >> if somebody didn't watch a lot of viral videos, i think they could be duped into thinking that really happened, that's really cool. >> but we're too smart for this, you can't put this past us. >> but he did win the u.s. open and he can golf. but i don't know if he can hit a bell like that. let me take a moment from today's show to tell you about a video we have for you tomorrow. take a look -- you're on the el train on a new york city subway and these guys are serving a luxurious six-course dinner. how they pull it off and why they did it, tomorrow. and remember, you can see great videos all day long at and here's what's coming up next on today's show. the wwe picks her to maybe be their next big star. >> best day of my life. >> she's kicking some booty. >> one woman's dream to make it
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into the ring. and the middle of a polish riot, robo copter takes to the sky. >> how one guy beats the police line to be an eye witness.
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. hello everybody, i'm beth troutman and we're back with more "right this minute." it's a jail cell beat-down when one comment sends this guy into a fury. >> what? >> here's where the table sort of turns. e how thectimct gtseme by the c. >> we've seen a lot of riot videos from inside the mob. now go above the mob. see how robo copter is giving a whole new point of view. how many cat video does we see in the course of any given day? >> a lot. >> a lot. >> 2015 cat videos are going to represent 90% of the content on the world wide web. >> forget advertising, see the
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world's first cat-vertising agency. and see which tv ad since cocoa the pug over the edge. let's go to surveillance video from inside a jail cell. [ indiscernible ] >> the guy on the floor is trying to tell him, it's not the county jail, it's the city jail. he was just correcting him. and structure of man took some serious offense to this. >> what? >> in a huge fight ensues. >> but here's where the table sort of turns. the guy who was just taking a nap trying to cam some zs, he starts getting the upper hand.
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now you hear the police. [ yelling ] >> they come in. you heard taze them, taze them. they taze the guy who lost his shirt. they hit the ground pretty hard and they get everybody else out of the way. the cops came and picked up on the wrong moment. >> he gets tazed and it kind of looks like he was the guy instigating everything and he was the trouble-maker. but he really wasn't. the guy tried to fight him and he defended himself. >> you got to remember this is in a jail cell. >> he was down, but he is conscious and he is fine and we came across a response video we found on world star hip hop. which is allegedly the guy who got tazed, talking about the fight. >> i just deal with it any more [ bleep ]. i'm not tough at all. i just took care of business. >> points out, a number of times that he doesn't claim to be a tough guy. and he was doing whey thinks anybody would do when someone gets attacked in a jail cell.
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>> doesn't think i'm tough, i don't think i'm the man. i don't think i can't get knocked out. if i was jet li, he wouldn't know who i was. >> you don't no who you're messing with. you don't know if a guy is skilled like jet li when you go to mess with him. >> beth, what did you do when you gt got attacked in a jail cell? on friday november 11th, poland celebrated it's 93rd independence anniversary with a parade. except not everybody was celebrating and riots broke out. >> what are they protesting? >> you have the nationalists celebrating independence day with a parade. and you have anti-fascists, and german anarchists who are saying we're going to block the route of this parade. and that is exactly where the riot started. >> one of the very interesting videos coming out of the riots is a video that was taken on a drone.
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>> that's so cool, i want one of these so bad. >> it gives you a completely new look of riot activity. >> you see all the cops rushing to where the -- >> that's where all the action is happening. >> you see some of the flash bombs, you see things being thrown in the air. >> that really is a whole new perspective on the riots and protests. it just gives you the scale of it. >> yeah. it's so doctoring that over here, these people are cordoned off. things seem to be relatively peaceful here. but just down the way, you have the action happening in the back. >> how many cat videos do we see in the course of any given day? >> a lot. >> a lot. >> you can't see a cat without seeing a cat video. >> one company has decided to capitalize on the cornucopia of cat videos. this video utilizes cat videos from all over the web.
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>> everything is moving towards cat videos and the agencies don't realize that, good luck. >> in 2012, john street will lead the industry into a brand-new communications era with a launch of the world's first and only cat-vertising agency. >> cat videos provide an excellent return on investment. costs are minimal, it's win-win. >> by 2015, cat videos are going to represent 90% of the content on the world wide web. >> oh, my god. >> yeah. >> using the four pillars of creativity. we provide work that's persuasive, unignorable, relevant and memorable. >> i love that she says relevant and memorable. to make out the word prrr there. i don't think rememberable is a word. >> we've coordinated our own cat production video. filming, writing, feeding, all
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completely in-house. >> i love tongue in cheek and i love these guys for putting this together. but john street is an actual advertising agency and they're using their brilliant kind of thinking, to show how you know, a viral video could work for their clients. >> maybe we should just get a cat to sit on the desk here for the show every day. >> and see what it does. >> just while we're talking. >> people would tune in just because there's a cat here. oh, look at the cat. >> you think sometimes you're going to run out of material with cats. but you never do, you come in on monday and you go, oh my god, trombone cat. >> we hear a lot of different stories about the struggles of male athletes and what they go through to achieve their dreams in the sports world. here's a female athlete that has done everything she can to achieve her dream. her name is tenielle dashwood. >> i'm training to be a wrestler. ? her older brother introduced her to the world of wrestling and
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she became a fan. she says this is my dream. she talks about her regimen. her workout ethic and her diet and what she has to do to wrestle at the top. >> we all know it's all for show. >> you're doing some high-risk stuff and your body has to be in top shape to be able to walk out of the ring sometimes. >> last time i got into my wwh, i was in the shape i wanted to be and when they actually read out my name at the end of that cam, it w the best day of my really. i just sat there and bawled my eyes out for about five or ten minutes. and then -- >> this has been her dream for years. she actually won a wwe development contract.
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>> woo, she's kicking some booty. >> now that i'm seeing her in the ring, it's weird. >> why? >> it seems really sexual. it does not seem as physical as you would want it to be for this woman who has done all this training. >> that doesn't seem physical? >> jumping off the top rope. >> it seems physical, but it seems comical physical. >> it is professional wrestling. let's face it, there is a lot of -- of choreography, but also a lot of -- >> it takes physical strength, i can see, to be able to pull those stunts off. >> they're not going to wear sweat pants out there. >> i know. his internet rants are legendary, hear what has this phillies fan flipping out now. and. think you can outrun olympic runner ryan hall? the high-tech way to let you race against the man himself.
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he's back. our favorite cranky siegels fan has posted another ranting youtube video following this weekend's loss. his team fell to the arizona cardinals and obviously he is not happy.
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>> i can't believe they lost. >> the guy is a passionate fan. i feel bad for his room and his belongings. they're always getting destroyed. >> [ bleep ]! >> i'm coming, i'm coming! >> his family is wondering what's going on in his room. >> didn't i show you on my last video that people are going to check me into [ bleep ] mercy medical hospital if [ bleep ] happens? we have the worst defense that the nfl has ever seen. so the worst, worst, worst, worst, worst, worst [ bleep ] defense ever! >> you're just, you just looking at him like a disapproving mother. like hmm. >> now i know why his brother is on the other side of the door saying, your mom wants you to wash your mouth out with a bar
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of soap. we think go pro cameras on lots of things. skis, skateboards, helmets. we saw one on a fetch stick. >> yeah, we see them on everything. you're right. >> we have not seen one here. >> by here, i mean inside of a dishwasher. did you ever wonder what you're washing and rinsing cycle look like? >> i'm not going to lie to you, i wondered about this today. i ran my dishwasher this morning before i came to work. what actually happens in there? >> i put my water both until there. does it shoot water up in here and clean all this out? does it fill it up the whole way? is it just -- like water -- >> wince them out before i put them in the dishwasher. >> you and i are so connected, i felt like you were wondering that. and i searched for your answer. >> that's what it does? >> it's basically a shower.
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like what this did for me is this made me feel not as confident about dishes. like look here, this is what's really bothering me. i feel like this coffee cup? it's not getting washed at all. >> it's getting missed. >> it's maybe getting some humidity. >> where does the soap come into play here. >> the soap is in the muddy water at the bottom. look at the water. it looks like toilet water. >> this isn't what i thought. >> this dishwasher looks like it's got a prostate problem. look at the little stream of weakness there. watch that weak little stream. se, okatthis weufond thensrs uend we don't l answers that we found. >> this makes me sad. >> you guys ever run a marathon? >> uh-huh. >> i know you have. >> no. i like when it's over really quickly, i'm a sprinter.
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>> asix put remember people like us to the task of racing an olympic marathoner for 60 feet to see if they could beat him. it was inspired by the 2011 new york city marathon. >> is this in an airport? >> it's the columbus circle subway stop in new york city. one of the walls was turned into a big giant long screen. so they're racing a digital ryan hall. >> i like how these people are going to race just like in khakis. >> yeah, i know. >> these people got a head start. >> he still beat them. >> that pace is the exact pace that ryan hall kept for all 26 miles. >> those people weren't even beating him for 60 feet. >> ryan hall himself challenged ryan hall, the digital one and believe it or not, i think digital ryan beat real ryan. >> never going to be a professional runner. >> don't you guys notice how people waiting at the beginning of the race, the line race, the
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digital ryan hall is already pacing from the get-go. so the people waiting for him are kind of at a disadvantage. >> his stride length. >> how can you possibly beat that? >> virtual ryan wins. it's a daring sport. and as you can imagine when you're going that speed, wreck does happen. but see why going faster can actually be safer in this race. >> oh, no! it's glass! >> yeah, it will make your jaw and stomach drop.
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let's go to tutonia, brazil to check out some awesome high-def video of a sport that i didn't even know existed. this is professional downhill skateboarding. these guys are going up to 70 miles per hour. >> how do you maintain control at 70 miles per hour on a skateboard? how do the wheels not wobble off? >> what we're seeing is a race in the international gravity sports association. this film was shot by zepellin films, as you can imagine, when you're going that speed, wrecks do happen. now apparently this is the
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world's fastest downhill skateboarding event. you'd have to be so precise when you're on that board. you make the slightest little misstep, sometimes not only they fall, but they take out the person next to them. >> they've got protective suits on. but still, yeah, that's a heck of a hit. >> also they said the surface on this course, in brazil is one of the reasons why they almost have to go this fast. >> i would imagine at that kind of speed, they're probably getting just maybe a little bit of lift, maybe them and the board is getting a little bit lighter, too, that just helps them skip across the rough surfaces. turkey rides turtle, take one. ♪ ♪
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if you have vertigo, or if you're afraid of heights, i've found an activity that you should definitely stay away from. this video is in tiananmen mountain, in the hunan province of china, it's a viewing platform set up on the side of this mountain for people to walk on and just enjoy the view. you tell me what it's made out of. >> oh,ass. >> whoa, whoa. >> you can't even see the bottom. are those clouds or fog? >> they tell us the video was taken on a foggy day. but this is glass walkway that they set up 4,000 feet from the ground. >> that's awesome. >> not only can you look up to the world, but you can look down and see what you're walking above. >> i think that it's safer to look straight down than to look like over the edge.
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because you could like fall over. but hey, just look straight down. >> the walkway itself is about three feet wide and only two and a half inches thick. not thick enough. >> not for 4,000 feet up. you might crash through. >> you know there's always that one guy who is going to jump up and down and scare somebody. >> i see some crazy person behind me or in front of me. just like jumping up and down with some like steel-toed boots on or something and cracking the glass and it causes like giant cracks through the whole thing and it tumbles to earth. >> what do you do for fun? >> i dance on the ground. hey, we spend all of our time here looking for great videos and we've been looking for yours. why haven't you sent us? go to right this minute and upload your videos so we can show it to everybody. do it, please. now here's what's coming up. ♪ what? someone who doesn't like the
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iphone? it's inexplicable. >> the dog who is clearly an android user. @ @ ♪
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[ gasp ]
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[ mom ] my husband -- he thinks it's a 3-sheeter. i say 1-sheeter. bounty can clean the mess with less. [ female announcer ] in this lab demo, 1 sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ dance cooking? bring it. super durable. super absorbent. super clean. bounty the 1-sheet clean picker-upper. and try bounty napkins.
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bounty the 1-sheet clean picker-upper. this is inspirational. >> yes. i am inspired. >> do you ever wonder what it would look like to print out uploaded videos on a photo-sharing site in a 24-hour period. >> >> you get a lot of weird photos from all over the place. >> it would look just like this. this artist actually did that. he took every single photo that was uploaded on to flickr in a 24-hour period and printed every single one of them out. >> gee, that is a lot of ink. >> this is an art installation in amsterdam at a gallery and their only purpose with this installation is to ask the question -- what's next? what's in the future of
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photography? >> no, it would be cool to just kind of, i don't know, would you walk through there? would you crawl through there? i'm not sure how you would navigate this sea of pictures, it would be cool to go oh, look, here's somebody on a vacation in the bahamas and here's somebody's dog. >> it would be really cool to do that, actually. cocoa the pug loves the tv show, "the office." but cocoa the pug does not like th what's great about the iphone, if you want to know -- [ indiscernible ] >> cocoa likes to watch tv, but apaintly is not a fan of the iphone. when he starts showing off the iphone apps, she goes a little nuts. the only thing that can seem to calm her down is something like "curb your enthusiasm." because it curbs her enthusiasm against the iphone. >> don't mess with cocoa's
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shows. as soon as the iphone ad comes on -- [ barking ] >> it's inexplicable. >> maybe she's an android user. >> there's an app for that. that's going to do it for today's "right this minute." we're so glad you joined us and we're going to leave you with a look at the brand-new trailer for "the hunger games." have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. >> we're here to help you make an impression. >> and so it was decreed that each year, the 12 districts should offer up in tribute one young man and woman between the ages of 12 and 18, to be trained in the art of survival and to be prepared to fight to the death. >> this is the
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can i ask you some questions? we finally get face to face with an annapolis man involved in a scheme as he heads into court. the man at the center of the penn state sexual abuse case is speaking out. our abc's legal anchor na -- analyst weighs in. tommy clacks a made headlines up and down the east coast for his role in a scheme that covered three states. we've been trying to get answers and have the latest. >> reporter: we've gone to tommy clack's house again and again but haven't been able top find out his reasons for charging some marylanders $33,000


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