tv Right This Minute ABC November 17, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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>> i'm so scared. >> my hair is standing up. you're not supposed to play with animals at the zoo. but -- >> nobody managed to tell this guy. >> see how fun with the monkeys turned ugly. and airline warns of a fake email scam. hear why you don't even have to be a thanksgiving traveler to be hit. you are looking at a medical miracle. >> this one blew my mind. >> as a surgeon puts a finger on a stomach. >> what did he put it there for? and his chocolate rain was a smash viral video. >> i've always been a hobbyist musician. >> now he's back with a new tune and you'll hear it. ♪ ♪ coming up on "right this minute." >> when a storm hits, hammers start rolling and we scour the
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internet to find some of the best footage. steven, you had the task of digging through all the video that came out of auburn, alabama. >> a heavy storm system moved through the southeast yesterday, not just in alabama, louisiana, mississippi and georgia as well with several possible tornadoes. i want to show you this, this is auburn university's campus in alabama. you hear the storm siren right now. this is the campus completely deserted. this is a college campus, people are usually walking to class. the first ring of the siren, i would be gone. >> this video a little tame. but i want to show you one a little more intense this is two auburn university students driving in their car through the storm. [ screaming ] >> that's a lightning bolt and it looks pretty close to where they are. >> i'm so scared. >> my hair is stuck up. >> you do feel it in your hair when you get that close. they sent this video to wht 19
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news anchor in huntsville, alabama. it looks like they can't even see where they're going. >> that would be the last place i would want to be. >> the storm is believed to be cause paid cold front that stretched from the gulf of mexico, the whole way up to the northeast. afterwards, there was some damage. this guy drove around just kind of see what the storm knocked around. you see here, a tree knocked on to what looks like a mobile home. one man was killed in the storm, when a tree fell and crushed on his yukon. >> i'm from the southeast and we get these storms year-round. especially when the weather starts getting cold this time of year. when you have warm days and cold days, you are oftentimes will get pretty powerful storms that hit. >> it doesn't surprise me that people are out there taping this? because i almost feel like it's instinct now that we have the internet and this whole viral video phenomenon that people will risk it to shoot a video.
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>> this is one of the busiest travel times of the year. beginning at the end of this week, through the thanksgiving holidays, expected that 23 million americans will hit the skies. evidently, there's a fishing email that's going to customers saying that you booked a flight through delta airlines from jfk to san francisco. when you get into this email. it says your credit card has been charged. your receipt is attached. here's what delta has to say. we recommend that you change your sky miles account p.i.n. immediately and monitor your account for any misuse. these emails were not sent by delta airline, you should not click on the link in the email or open any attachments, instead you should delete the emails from your inbox. the emails sent out, they don't believe it's from personal information that former delta customers have given to them. they believe it's just being sent out randomly. one of ourprucers, kirsten kirsten eivedne of tse
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skyping with us from our control room to tell us about it. >> hi, kirsten. >> hi. long time no see. >> okay. kirsten. so you got one of these emails and it said that you were traveling from jfk to san francisco, right? >> right. at first i just thought oh, maybe they're sending me a promotion. an update, something like that. but it just said basically, it just goes to show don't open emails that you don't know where they're coming from. >> the economic stage right now is so confusing! if only there was someone who could break it down for us. ♪ the dollar has to be there to be relevant. the value of the dollar comes
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from china and iran, when they push the cash reserves in the u.s. dollar plan. >> he gets into money valuations and the national debt. >> how much does "chocolate rain" cost. >>. ♪ chocolate rain ♪ >> to tell us a little bit more about his new song "mama economy." we have the singer himself, via skype "right this minute." why did you make this new video? >> basically, "mama economy" is an explanation for what is going on with the economy. there are a lot of questions and confusions about economic policy. and before you can decide on the economic policy, you have to snow noe what's going on with the economy. ♪ momma, you got to make me understand ♪ ♪ what the numbers on the welfare plan ♪ >> why are you the best person to try to explain what's going on with our economy? >> oh, gosh, i don't know. maybe i'm not the best person. but i hope it's catchy. >> what came first, your music career or "chocolate rain"?
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>> i've always been a hobbyist musician. music is something i love. i think there's something innate in mumen beings that want to make music. but "chocolate rain" was definitely my interest in the public attention. >> how did you break down the u.s. economy to put it into song form. >> i'm a person who is interested in these topics. i read a lot. i've studied some of the basics in college and graduate school. it's a personal interest of mine. >> i want to know if i could get one of your music albums this year. >>. ♪ you're a mean one, mr. grinch ♪ >> got to move in with my parents ♪ ♪ and the stocks go up ♪ but the jobs disappear >> at the zoo, there is a pretty important reason why they separate the spectators from the animals, right? >> yes. >> yeah. >> nobody managed to tell this guy. this is at a zoo near sao paolo
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in brazil. >> the monkeys are smarter than the guy. >> gayle is laughing and you hear the other people at the zoo, they're kind of laughing. this guy is playing with the monkeys. but the laughter soon turns to some concern. >> that monkey looked like he was gnawing on his arm. >> yes, he did. >> i have to warn you, the images we're seeing in this video are pretty graphic. >> the guy was bit and scratched by the spider monkey. and you can see blood just gushing from this guy's arm. >> what did he think was going to happen if he jumps into the monkey? >> monkeys, apes, gorillas, i'm terrified by them. they're so strong. >> and the spider monkeys, when i read they were spider monkeys,
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i thought of that line in talladega nights where the one grandson is talking to his grandfather and he's like -- >> i'm going to come at you like a spider monkey. >> it turned out he was fine. but you see later in the video, he told a news station, they interviewed him about the incident. and he said that he was a little drunk. and he wanted to cool off and he also wanted to go in there and play with the monkeys. >> who gets drunk at the zoo? >> we find some pretty crazy stories on the show, agreed? >> oh yeah. that explains why we're showing you this picture. because it's crazy. but it's also a medical miracle. >> the race is on, the camel versus the girl. you can watch this camel run over and over again. we're going to do that, together. >> i give you -- colored tires. >> that's right, the very latest in fashion from china for your
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we find some pretty crazy stories on the show, agreed? >> oh yeah. >> we've got another story and this one blew my mind. this happened in china. a 20-year-old furniture worker accidentally chopped the end of his finger off. so the doctor decided to do something i think it's pretty radical, and here was his solution. >> oh, my. >> what did he put 2 there for? >> since the muscle and the tissue had been severed, this doctor decided to attach the man's middle finger to his stomach so that the body could repair itself. so that the muscles in the stomach, the tissue, the skin, everything in the stomach would grow to the finger. and once this healing process is finished, they will then remove
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this from this man's stomach and he will have a finger with muscle and tissue. it won't have a fingernail. but it will be the length of a normal middle finger. >> how do you get your shirt on? >> this causes all kinds of clothing challenges. >> i think it would be cool if they just left him with a really long finger. >> what are you going to do with it? >> maybe scratch your back? >> i don't really understand the medicine behind it. but it's the body's ability to heal itself. having pets is awesome, but i think this girl kind of tops it all. [ laughter ] >> does this remind anyone of "phoebe goes crazy"? >> i was wondering if anyone inn ebb would think that. this camel is lives with her
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owner in arizona. >> there's a veterinarian in texas, who had two camels and they had a baby and i loaded her in the van and drove her back to arizona. >> since thesie was a baby, they've been racing. [ laughter ] >> is that camel normal? >> thesie has a very unusual way of doing it. she is extremely extravagant with the way she runs. >> i don't think they're supposed to run like that. >> i love it. >> i think you're right. it's like a fun run. the camel is just feeling good. shaking out the cobwebs, feeling good. >> they're very intelligent and sensitive. and it's kind of having like a 1500-pound dog. if anyone of thinking of getting a camel, they should give it a lot of thought. they live a very long time. >> how long do they live? >> they can live 40 years. >> you're often reminded where people feel guilty about not spending enough time with their pets or playing with their dogs
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enough or walking them enough. not this girl. band i had takes on the stairs. >> i almost got my pinkie in that one. ♪ ♪ nick, don't you wish there was an app that could help you to control women? >> ooh? >> answer carefully. >> i don't wish that, gayle, that would be terrible. women should control themselves. >> well, there is an app for that. of course, this woman is 40 feet tall. >> we found this video at wired. this sculpture is called "bliss
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dance" a 40-foot woman made of steel shown at "burning man" in 2010. the show is in san francisco on treasure island. >> a steel framework with a wire mesh skin on it filled with light? >> uh-huh. >> the lighting system for bliss is addressive l.e.d.s, controlled by a computer. >> they developed an app. >> you can make the lights do their thing on your iphone. >> if people had that much control over it. i think it would encourage people to go and see the statue. and nick, that is how you control a woman. >> i want to try it. >> he wants to make her light up blue. first he was an eye witness on the local news. now he -- and his coon skin cap are becoming internet icons.
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stunt-rider joran palmyra. >> that's awesome. >> isn't that cool? i mean look at all of those cones. he doesn't even come -- he doesn't touch a single cone. >> whoa! look at that doughnut? >> that is some control right there. >> wow. >> he just like did a wheelie and stood up on the bike at the same time. >> my favorite part is right here. >> the rear shot of the -- roll. >> that's awesome. >> she took him down, good girl. >> joran lives in the south of france and joins us "right this minute" on skype to tell us how he can control the bike with such precision. >> i can control my bike because i know my bike.
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>> how often do you have to replace your tires? >> for the video i need to true tires. >> do you ever get hurt? >> i'm lucky, because i think since i start stunt riding, i never go to hospital. i'm very lucky. >> why do you enjoy doing this? >> when i'm on my bike, i'm free. it is my life. i can fly on my bike. >> you just can't help but have respect for the passion and the ability to control the bike. and drift a bike the way he does. that is mr. cliff and he has just returned home from afghanistan. his daughter, britney, is at soccer practice at lynchburg college in virginia. and he is about to give her a huge surprise. he walks up, people begin to recognize him. everybody is really happy to see him. he finally spots her, look at
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the joy in his face, looking out into the field watching his daughter play. >> she has no idea. >> that's in the middle of the screen with the orange shorts and the black shirt. he finally walks on the field. ♪ >> it doesn't get old. it doesn't get old, ever. >> how you cannot? >> my favorite part of this is like you're watching her play soccer and as soon as she sees dad, she like breaks into this girl run and she's like flapping her arms. >> like that, back to a little girl. >> immediately. she is a daddy's girl. >> what always impressed me about these videos is that the families manage to keep it a secret. >> this is a good time for us to
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say, thank you, for your service. when we're watching our local news, you see them interview an eye witness. and you're like, that's the best person they got for this? and then sometimes it turns into pure internet gold. >> uh-oh. >> he came in, "dukes of hazard" getting it, digging it like that. like dale junior and hooked up and shot forward. that's when he came and hit. >> this is wmbb, abc 13 in panama city, florida. carter johnson, the man in the coonskin cap, he was an eye witness to a police chase after a man robbed a credit union. i guess he was, you know, in the area. and then. >> and then hooked up, shot forward and when he hooked up, shot forward, that's when he kaem and hit. >> i don't know what that means. >> since this video hit the web, this guy has been making the rounds, he's been on all the blogs. people love the man in the coonskin cap.
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but he was on a morning show, the morning mess on island 106 in panama city, florida. and he was explaining a little bit more about his encounter with the local news. >> first things first, he didn't have a shirt on in the local news people made him put a shirt on. >> yeah. they had to force him to put a shirt on. >> they also asked him why the coonskin cap. >> he explains that, too, and talks about his friend, scrapper joe. >> for me, scrapper joe, you know, just faking it and the dude i knew the cameras were going to come out and i knew it was going to be on tv. and what better to put on than a coonskin hat. >> exactly. >> this is like the worst coonskin cap, ever, the tail is all mangled. it's all ratty. >> he had a little something he wanted to tell the driver. >> the driver of the truck, he should have had a chevy. >> he should have had a chevy. >> he camein all it, dgiigng i
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like that like dale junior. >> he came in all "dukes of hazard" getting it, like dale junior. okay. time out on the show for a minute. this just in -- tomorrow is friday. and that means it's time for our top 20 "countdown." so come hang out with us for an hour and see the best top 20 videos we can find. could this be the one? a crow two cats and lots of trouble. where will this video end up in our "countdown"? you got to join us to find out. that's tomorrow, there's lots of great video on the "rtm" countdown and here's what's next. it's a new way to steal some cash from an atm. but you don't need a p.i.n., just some pull. we'll show you how it's done. usually, you take the dog for a walk. but now this dog is doing all
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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman and we're back with more "right this minute." call it the code of honor among thieves, never steal cash from an atm. just steal the whole thing. >> imagine, on your wedding day -- so exciting, you've been planning for months. >> and then the wedding venue burns down. >> that is a bad omen for this marriage. >> or is it? see one couple's odyssey to the altar. he pulled some crazy stunts on the streets of chicago. how the rider got away with it. and look what's coming to a car near you. i give you -- colored tires. >> would your skidmarks be colored?
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we begin this half hour with a crime of convenience. or inconvenience, as it were. nick, you can explain this one for us. >> atms are super-convenient when you need to stuff a little cash in your pocket on your way out, right? they're also convenient for robbers. a utility truck comes up to the back door of the convenience store and the robbers wrap a chain around the atm. that's attached to the utility truck outside. mash the gas. and yank it off its foundation. >> whoa. >> there goes the atm. >> it doesn't look like he could get it out the door. >> these three guys did manage to get the atm out of the store, onto the utility truck and they took off. >> i hope one of them hurt their back doing that. >> this definitely wasn't a quick like breaking and entering and stealing this took quite a while. >> they managed to get $2,000 out of this atm. the atm and the stolen truck were both recovered in government canyon state natural area. this type of crime isn't all that uncommon. the same exact thing happened in
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west valley city, utah. this video from ksl, where a couple of teens attempt to steal an atm. so allegedly these two teens back their truck into the convenience store. they smash the doors open. go inside, tie a rope around the atm, and mash the gas. well, what do you know, the rope breaks. but they didn't give up there. a couple of minutes later, they come back with some tools to pry open the atm. you're telling me these two smart cats came back to steal this atm, give it a second try? >> i am telling you that exact thing. >> that didn't work, and in the midst, a passer-by called the police a few miles down the road, the cops caught up with the truck with the rope still tied. >> they wouldn't leave any fingerprints, but his face was clear for the camera. >> even if they had been successful, the 911 caller is yeah, there's a black chevy rope and an atm behind it. like, these are the idiots of the day. idiot criminals of the day. >> allegedly.
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as many people well know, the occupy wall street movement has spread to many cities across the united states. well, tuesday night, there was a protest in seattle, washington. what you're seeing here is an intersection in downtown seattle, the police are trying to get the protesters to move to the sidewalk. and then you see the officer bring out a giant can of pepper spray. and more than one officer. had the pepper spray. look at the distance on that stuff? i've never seen pepper spray can that big. >> it almost looks like a fire extinguisher. the guy who shot this video, we have hit "right this minute" via skype. i read some of your posters. you said most of the protesters were being incredibly cooperative. what happened and ha do you think caused the spraying from the police? >> what happened is that the protesters occupied the intersection and that's basicall an act of o civil
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e ord for everybody to disperse out of the intersection. and the point where the video starts is when we have gotten to the sidewalk, so i think everybody pretty well complied with the orders, that the police gave, but they continue to pepper spray people. >> are you angry where police? i mean, are you surprised by their reaction, in your words, you were there creating civil disobedience. so what did you expect the police reaction to be? >> i expected that once people did this, once people did move to the sidewalk, that they would, you know, leave people alone at that point. i feel like i was essentially assaulted last night for no reason. and i will be making a complaint to spd and writing to my city council members who recently passed a resolution in support of the occupy seattle movement sun mousily. syria appears to be the one hot spot right now. i'm going to show you video that is very dramatic and it may be shocking to some people.
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it's unclear when this video was originally shot. but it was posted yesterday. they believe this to be a municipal council lead anywhere northern syria. while it's impossible to verify the veracity of the details, the men that are torturing this man are syrian security forces. and the man who is being attacked is a councilman that they believe was cooperating with rebels. they beat his feet multiple times and kick him in the head. at the end of the video, the more dramatic kicking takes place. we don't know what happened to this man. if he fainted or if this was fatal. >> if government forces are involved in this, the reason it was shot was to showcase what might happen if you support the people who are part of the revolution. i would imagine that this is a fear tactic. >> they think it will send a fear message to their people. but all this is doing is showing the world they're not doing anything that's democratic. to make changes in their
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country. if they think this is going to intimidate the rest of the world, it's not happening. the best part about thanksgiving, everybody knows, is the turkey. >> the turkey, the food, the smell, the taste, thanksgiving, i give it a huge thumb's up. now you can experience the taste of turkey day, any time you want. thanksgiving gumballs, only $6. $6, you get some gumballs, they're turkey-flavored. cranberry flavored. pumpkin-pie flavored. you can walk around on the sidewalk, having thanksgiving dinner all the time. >> i would imagine the cranberry is not bad. the pumpkin pie, might be able to chew on that. but turkey gum? that's like eating a leg of turkey you can never swallow. >> i would actually go straight for the turkey. >> yeah. >> because i'm curious. >> go straight for the turkey. >> no way. >> no way. >> yeah! we picked up some thanksgiving gumballs.
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>> turkey pumpkin pie and cranberry. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> that tastes really good. >> it doesn't taste that bad. >> are your taste buds dead? >> the pumpkin pie honestly tastes like big red. >> the cranberry tastes like big red, too. >> i think i'll stick with thanksgiving dinner. >> the worst thing about this gum is that i just bit my tongue. >> the worst thing about this gum is that it doesn't taste anything like it's advertised. >> wait a minute, did you see this is enthusiastically approved by pilgrims, according to the ad? >> well the pilgrims and the indians had this way back. >> when was the original thanksgiving, like 1950?
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>> yeah. >> they had this. tell me if you've heard this one -- a canadian couple goes to a resort to get married when, yes, a fire destroys the place. >> oh. that's a bad omen for this marriage. >> then why do they look so happy? we'll tell you how it all ends. and the black hills of south dakota, they are chiselling a monument out of a hilltop. >> this could take a lifetime to finish. >> you don't have to wait that long to see what they're making
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i want to take you guys to thunderhead mountain the black hills of south dakota. what you're looking at is the crazy horse monument. the crazy horse monument was commissioned by chief henry standing bear in 1939. he asks an artist to build this monument for chief crazy horse in 1948 the work started. well, the artist died in 1982, so his son and four other men continue to work on the monument. it is not federally funded. it is all supported by donations. >> fire in the hole. >> this short film was commissioned by red wing shoes, it details some of the work they do to get this thing built. i want to show you what the
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monument will look like once it's built. you see that model? >> you're kidding me. >> it was interesting to see how they like painted those little white outlines of what it looks like it will eventually be the horse's face, it's cool to see that now and see what it's intended to be. >> that is insane. it's going to take an entire lifetime to finish, two, three, lifetimes. >> for me. go slow. and to take your time. and to not worry that there's the whole bunch of people out there saying, got to go faster, got to go faster. we can get it done, really fast, but how many mistakes will you make along the way? because it's going to be here longer than any of us can even imagine. if we take our time, we can do it properly. a nanny would be incredibly helpful if you're a busy mom with kids. just to take the baby out for a
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stroll. i bet this nanny, would like to be paid in doggie treats. maybe scooby snacks. >> obviously they've taught this dog to walk with a stroller and there's a real baby in there. >> wow, that is funny. >> that's pretty cool. >> this dog was trained by an organization called sit means sit. and they can help you train your dog. >> what was the main element of teaching the dog this? >> just like use like a spread them. >> it's a technique she calls spread them. >> there you go, that's the spread them, that's the spread them command. another dog jumps in to practice. >> well, that's crazy. >> he's that well trained that she says spread them, he goes up against the post and stays there long enough to balance. >> like he's getting arrested? >> that dog is thinking, you're
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humiliating me for one lousy little treat? >> we have the owner, founder, ceo of sit means sit, fred. tell me a little bit about your organization. because this baby-walking dog is pretty impressive. >> yeah, it sure is, isn't it? >> how do you go about training dogs to do these really interesting things? >> it's some foundation video that is, that you know, you can use for every day life. the funny story behind spread them and the way that really came about was, we taught a police dog to do that one day and we would tell the dog, spread them. and we had a police officer actually come by and search the dog. >> i wanted to know were any babies injured in the making of this video? >> i think we only injured like eight. most people like to take their dogs out. so we keep them around rocky environments. and once you get the dog focused on the task, its limitless. >> can that dog change a type centre. >> yeah, it can change a diaper, but the problem is he ends up
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eating the stuff in the diaper. >> oh! beth, you know this, you can imagine on your wedding day, so exciting, you've been planning for months. this couple, mike and nancy rodgers, a canadian couple from nova scotia. on their wedding day, all of a sudden, this happens. >> the venue they're supposed to get married, the main lodge resort bursts into flames just about an hour before she's supposed to walk down the aisle. >> that's a bad omen for this marriage. >> i've heard that the more things that go wrong on your wedding day, the better the marriage is going to be. in that case, these guys are going to last forever. in spite of the fact that their venue was burned down, the couple decided we're still going to get married, we're going to move through this. and their wedding pictures -- >> wow.
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>> are right in front of the fire, so they had a good spirit. obviously not all their pictures are in front of the fire. but they decided to you know, make light of the situation. >> and take pictures in front of the fire. sadly, they lost everything that was theirs, their flowers, their gifts, their cake. it was all gone. >> the cake. hey, guys, it's me, steven, saying thanks for watching the show. and i wanted to remind you guys to click on over to, to check out all of our awesome featured videos, and one more thing -- we ask you to upload some of your own videos, so where are they? get with it, people, head over to and show us what you got. a motorcycle ballet in the streets of chicago. >> i have only one question --
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who's juicing the throttle. >> we'll answer that and show you more of what a young master can do with two wheels and a motor. and, the king of the court goes one-on-one against -- a kid. >> so this kid jumps in. this kid says, all right, i'm going to see if you want some of this, lebron. >> see how this one goes down, co
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and sizes and different talents. erin coulter got the ride a motorcycle like a boss prodigy gene. here he is in the streets of chicago. they shut the streets down for him. he got to ride some of the most iconic locations in the middle of the city. look, ma, no hands. i love it because the streets are closed. >> i don't know what's cooler. like the stuff he's doing or the fact that they shut down the city of chicago so he could make this video. >> the kid is awesome. and i say kid -- >> yeah, that was my kid, how old is he? you called him a prodigy. usually when i think of a prodigy, i think of some great 12-year-old that's fabulous. >> he's 19 now, but he started winning championships in 2006. >> whoa, he's like completely vertical. >> the precision that he can do like trimming shrubs with the rear tire of his bike, it's phenomenal. >> he's riding backwards.
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how do you keep this thing going when you're riding? when you're standing on thet? who is juicing the throttle? >> the throttle, throttle, has been modified and they have different ways that they can lock the tlot nool position to keep the bike going. it's highly modified stuff. it's not like what you're used to riding to work every day. >> i have to continuously juice my throttle. >> about halfway through november, and still, no nba games, so what do you do if you're an nba star with a bunch of time to kill? you dunk on little kids. >> really? >> yes. >> this is lebron james at the london school of basketball. the video is coming to us from hoops it looks like he's being interviewed by some teenagers and they ask him -- kwk indiscernible ] >> lebron james one of the stars of the league, he can't say no. he gets up, they give him a ball
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and he proves to be a little rusty. he takes a little shot, clank. >> that's not going to help with the negotiations. >> he takes another one, clank, another brick. the kid is like, lebron's missing, now's my chance to take lebron down one-on-one. this kid jumps in. and says, you want some of this, lebron. he takes the bag off. i'm taking on lebron james right now, now is my chance to beat him. >> so lebron james takes it and dunks it in his face. >> are you saying he should be immediate yoker to make the kid feel bet centre. >> the kid actually has some pretty good d there for a minute. it looked like he was in his face. but lebron said, i'm taking you down. >> because of the lockout, the kid is think, i've got a chance at that job. >> he should have just pantsed him. >> who cares if he dunks on you. you pantsed lebron james. >> why would you pants an nba player like that? in front of everybody? >> because you can. >> obviously lebron can still
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off the water all at the same time. like a dance. to ed's garage. where i hear country music blasting. you know the whole -- twang twang twang. inside ed's garage is a dom ram diesel. they're going to test out the power of this puppy. watch this. >> let her rip! >> whoa! . what came out of that? >> a guy did a burn-out in the garage on the smooth concrete and he hits the dirt driveway and just -- filled the whole garage up with dirt and busted
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out a lightbulb. a huge mess. >> i wonder if the guy driving the truck even knew what he did. >> i don't know, maybe it never dawned on him, maybe he just kept going to buy beer. it made for some good video. this is a story for the double rainbow guy. i give you -- colored tires. >> whose car is this for, rainbow brite? >> this has been a dream of auto manufacturers to have colored tires. but apparently, in the process of making dye with the tires, the tires wear out too quickly. but in china, the state-owned double star group has been able to successfully bleach rubber for tires, and make colored tires. >> holy cow, that is so ugly. >> what if they're out of green tires? and you have a flat? >> you're going to have three
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green tires and one red one? they say these tire have better performance and durability and lifespan than the current national standard. >> they may be for cars, for trucks and for military vehicles. >> would your skidmarks be colored? >> would they be red skidmarks or green skidmarks? >> these help reduce rolling resistance, it helps save gas. >> i tell you why it saves gas, you're so embarrassed that these things are on your car, you don't drive it, you walk. >> it would be cool if it was like super ball. >> that would be even more awful. >> that would look so ugly, it would be cool. >> a tie-dye tire. that's going to do it for today's "right this minute." we're so glad that you joined us and we hope to see you tomorrow. don't forget. tomorrow's show -- the "rtm countdown." join us for the top 20 videos of the day. -- captions by vitac --
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. now, abc 2news at five. >> this is very unusual for goodwill. we haven't had many robberies in our history. >> a nonprofit bolsters security after three robberies. do you serve kids a size of pizza? that's what some schools will do. why it may be considered a vegetable. you used to be able to track what your kids did on the computer but now they all have laptops and cell phones. the new technology that can help. first, developing story, a string of rories at thrift stores in the areas finds goodwill industries beefing up security. >> reporter: goodwill's mission is to restore hope to people that make itself
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