tv Right This Minute ABC November 24, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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interesting news to tell you about. so when you watch, you're up to date "right this minute." the rescue team figured out that a baby fawn -- >> aww. >> had fallen in between these heavy boulders. >> yea. >> what you're seeing is a 200-foot chunk of glacier. >> holy crap. >> the boat nearly capsized. >> dashboard camera, oklahoma city. about as mundane as you can get. wait, wait, what's going on? look. oh, geez. >> found an old shirt and decided to fashion this garment into something new, a dress. so, dad, when daughter takes your shirt, it's only for fashion. >> this video is going to take our show's cute factor to like a million. this is 16-month-old elijah james. when he eats licorice, it makes him go nuts.
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hello, everybody. welcome to "right this minute." we're going to begin our show today with a hidden gem from the internet that is sure to warm your heart. this amazing rescue video happened in bush prairie, washington. take a look at this. what you see here is a backyard in bush prairie. a wife came out of her back door and saw this deer here running back and forth against the rocks in her backyard. he seems to be shoving her nose in the rocks. they couldn't figure out what was going on. so they called a rescue team. the rescue team that you see here figured out that a baby fawn had fallen in between these heavy boulders. >> no. she's circling. >> the mother deer just circled the yard constantly. here you see her circling.
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if you listen closely enough, you hear the screams of the baby fawn. >> yea. >> they pulled the baby fawn out. here's the reunion of mother and child. a bambi story we can tell everybody. and then she almost looks back as if to say thank you. now that the fawn is back with its mom. >> got a drink of milk. a little cup of milk will make everything better. >> wow, he was thirsty. we've all seen police chases before, and they're generally very fast. well, brace yourself because this one is really, really, really slow. this is a video shot by mason lowery. it's in ft. worth, texas. it is a police chase of a forklift.
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and apparently, he's drinking. >> he'd have to be, right? >> he's drinking beer, and he's tossing the cans out of the vehicle of the forklift. >> we've got a low speed chase on our hands. >> this is nathan, nathan lowery, that we can hear right now. he's cracking up. he can't believe this is going on. >> oh, my god. i've got everything on video. this is going to be a youtube hit right here. >> we have him on skype. hi, nathan. >> how's it going? >> what happened? what was going on? >> it was a typical sunday. i thought the weekend was over and all the fun was coming to an end. heck, i'm headed home trying to get gas. i come across. all of a sudden i see a tractor coming our way on the road. i think, hey, it's texas. let's pass it. they get a police car behind it, and i think, well, maybe something's up.
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we get a little closer, and we pass it. the guy is hanging out -- i think it was a heineken he was drinking. a green bottle of beer. chugged it, threw it. that's when i knew something was up. i thought, hey, i've got to follow this and watch. >> how slow exactly were you going in this police chase? >> probably everywhere from 5 to 10 miles an hour. i think the report said they topped out at 16. that's what the police report said. >> he's on a rampage. garden spider versus wasp. action. >> nice. look at that.
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that's incredible. >> are you guys worried about identity theft? >> oh, yeah. >> all the time. >> there's some new technology that people are now concerned about when it comes to your atm p.i.n. now crooks have the capability to use thermal technology to see what numbers you have pressed because your finger will heat up the numbers and it will show even the sequence at which you pressed the numbers based on how much thermal energy is still in the photo. >> if you're walking up to a pad that's at 75 degrees ambient tempera detetect that minor difference. i would imagine in a place like phoenix, where it's 108 degrees in the summer, you're not going to get the heat signature left behind. >> i just got a text message from the police saying, thanks for giving away our tip. if you guys are like me, you like movie sets before there were machine guns. you know, movies with crossbows.
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this guy probably has similar likes to me. he likes sling shots. what you're looking at is a sling shot that can shoot 80 millimeter cannon there balls. check out what this thing can do. >> through both windows. >> wow. >> i'm just wondering, does he let the kids play with it? >> he shouldn't let me play with it, that's for sure. i could cause some damage. >> so, of course, we had to get yorg on the line. first of all, i have to ask you, why in the world did you make this crazy giant slingshot? >> basically for the fun of it. that's pretty much the only reason. and we had a lot of fun with it. >> i read a few things about you that i think might surprise people. you're the ceo of a medium sized electronics company. >> yes, that's right. >> and you publish short stories. so you're an author? >> yes, that's also true.
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>> what else do you do that we don't know about? >> i'm actually getting my doctorate right at this moment. >> we all know, yorg, that bigger is always better. how long did it take you to make this giant sling shot? >> i had a planning stage that went on for a long time, but in the actual making, about four days. i took a week of vacation for it and completed it all in four days. >> yorg makes giant slingshots on his vacation. >> are you a good cook too? >> cook? well, i can do sausages. maybe warm up some soup. no, that's not one of my talents. >> well, we found one thing you can't do. pulling up to a railroad crossing can be a real drag. you can be sitting there a long time until the train passes. unless this train is coming through. this is the world's shortest train.
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wait for it. watch it. there it goes. now, is it real, or is it fake? keep an eye on the man on the left walking up the sidewalk. you can see him walking. as the train goes by, he suddenly appears closer than where he was a second ago. watch the train come by, boom, there he is now, real close to the tracks. the video's been droctored. the world's shortest train doesn't exist. this is skateboarding. check this out. look at the perspective that photographer joshua reddy got skateboarding through manhattan. that's a go pro camera. it's the size of a really small little cube. it's a 2 inch by 2 inch cube camera he was able to mount underneath the deck of his skateboard, and he is ripping through the streets of manhattan. really, really cool video.
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>> he's doing some dangerous karma nufrs. car maneuvers. >> he didn't get a ticket? >> this adds cool perspective. whoa, watch out. josh is here to talk about the video and what it's like skate there is boarding in new york. >> seems like you were taking some risks, going against traffic, weaving in and out of vehicles. have you gotten injured because thf? >> i'm used to the streets. i don't feel safe anywhere outside of manhattan. people are used to craziness in manhattan. it just flows. if you cut in front of a car, they don't freak out. i'm from north carolina. if i was to do this in my out. they would have no idea how to deal with it. here everyone is weaving in and out like a zipper. so it just flows together. >> josh, tell me about your background. tell me why you're such a whiz on the skateboard and why the video came out so well.
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you kind of have a proficiency in both. >> i've been skating all my life. my favorite thing to do is push fast. i like to go somewhere fast. that's my favorite thing. so pushing through traffic in manhattan is probably one of my favorite things in the entire world. to me, it's like the most -- i zone out, and i become like -- i don't know. it's like a whole different world. it's amazing. this is an act of nature. all of a sudden this scenic 200-foot chunk goes right into the water. >> holy crap. >> jesse is a jack russell terrier. jesse can go shopping. >> how many tricks does jesse know? >> he knows over 200 different tricks. >> this is an interview with a 1-year-old. >> that's how he talks to us every day.
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we are back with something that most of us will never get to see in person. mariel has it for us. right? >> this is an act of nature that is going to blow your mind. the glacier starts going, and all of a sudden this big 200-foot chunk falls right into the water. >> holy crap! >> chunks of ice start flying onto the boat. you can see that huge pool of black smoke coming out of the back. >> holy crap. >> that is the captain just gunning it. the boat nearly capsized. you can see sort of the tsunami like wave coming towards them. >> i would think that would cause a huge tidal wave. i've seen damage from things like that happening. >> seeing the glaciers in alaska is a popular tourist attraction just off the coast of juneau. it may be quiet, or it may be crazy, just like this. >> holy crap.
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>> the captain did tell them afterwards that he hadn't seen this extreme kind of calving in a long time. the woman was hit by a bowling ball sized chunk from the glacier and broke her leg. she had to lay on the boat for three hours. but she was in very high spirits because this was such an awesome experience. >> i could see why people would want to see it. >> it turns from look how pretty that glacier is. it's breaking off a little bit to -- >> holy crap. >> danger, danger, danger. >> holy crap. >> cool pet tricks take one. >> you got to hold it here. >> no, i didn't record it. >> no way. oh!
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>> no, i didn't record it. >> no way. oh! >> this video is just so extreme it literally makes me break out in a sweat watching it. this is a video of a professional slope flier named yaki summer. he is in norway float flying in a wingsuit. an actual suit that looks like it has wings through these mountains in norway over the water, against the mountains. so close it looks like he could crash and die at any minute. i actually talked to yoki, and he told me all about it. >> you have one minute of kind
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of like super human powers. >> he's actually sponsored by the red bull team so he can go around and do this for a living and basically have fun all the time. >> basically, this is like a controlled fall? >> his suit is actually called the vampire. you can see that it has the wings underneath your arms to keep you afloat sort of in the air. >> so they're plit l flapity bits underneath their arms, like those little squirrels that go flying from tree to tree. >> and i heard these suits were actually inspired by the squirrels who fly a bit. >> you do need the parachute that you can deploy so you can slow down and drop at your destination. >> or you can just crash. >> or you just crash. >> oh, my gosh! >> count them, five water spouts formed off the coast of north carolina at carolina beach all in one day. this one touched down in the water and then moved to land and turned into a tornado.
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>> look at these people on the beach. >> people are five feet from it, it seems like. you see it come in. this is where it turns into the tornado. >> such forceful wind right there, and the grass right here just doesn't even seem to be moving. it's so centralized. >> look at it picking up speed. now it's starting to pick up the sand. how crazy. >> oh, my gosh! >> jesse is a jack russell terrier, and jesse can do house work. jesse can go shopping. >> this guy is pretty smooth. just like the dog on frazier, right? >> i'm going to take a nice long walk, and i'm not going by myself. >> yeah, jesse is like a regular dog, like his food, likes to drink. but jesse can also do the laundry, take the sheets off the bed. we had to get jesse's mom on the phone, heather brooks.
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do you think jesse will say hello to us? >> say hi. >> oh. looks like he likes kisses. when did you start making these videos with jesse? >> when he was about 2, i set up a youtube account because i just wanted to share him with the world. >> how quickly does he pick up on tricks? >> he's really smart. it only takes like about a few minute session to pick up a new cue. when we're starting a video, we'll tape maybe about five minutes a day. >> how many tricks does jesse know? >> he knows over 200 different tricks, and the latest one that he learned is he learned how to serve. >> what are you giving him as treats? maybe my dog would learn how to do something if i gave him the same thing you give jesse. >> he loves chicken, especially if you bake it in the oven and put rosemary and oregano on it.
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he also loves bacon, turkey, cheese. >> this dog does more house work than i do. >> what does that say about you? >> i'd like to hire him. >> this video was created by a russian fashion blogger. if i got hold of a man's shirt, it's not going to look like a dress on me. it's going to look like a man's shirt. >> dashboard camera, oklahoma city. wow.
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his days with his mother. >> what's it like being stuck at home with mom all day? [ baby talk ] >> tuesdays are pure torture. >> have you tried to talk to her about this? [ baby talk ] >> and on fridays what? [ baby talk ] >> the dad, greg, is with us via skype right now. hey there, greg. >> how are you doing? >> i want to know how you came up with this idea. did you just notice that your 1-year-old seems to be having adult conversations. >> that's how he talks to us every day. >> are you training him? are you teaching him what to say? >> he says what he wants to say, and then i try to interpret it. what i put in the video is the best thing i can come up with. [ baby talk ]
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>> how did your wife feel about the little guy calling her those names on thursdays? >> she puts up with it. she decided to marry me. that's what she gets. >> how is it to be one of the top videos on the web right now? you're getting mentioned everywhere. >> yeah, it's pretty crazy. i definitely wasn't expecting it. can you say bye? you know he can talk. he's not getting paid for it. say right this minute. >> jessica, i understand that you have a story that's going to make a lot of people cringe? >> i want to introduce you to a new app, clue. here's how it works. you want to use the bathroom. you click on this app that shows you all of the mutual friends you have in the xdarea. it takes from social media and you find out the people you have in common with bathrooms you can use. then you send a request to them.
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can i use your bathroom? they get the request, they have the option to accept or decline. they accept, you can go to their bathroom, click your phones together, and it will give them a token, and then you can rate their bathroom on how nice or how nice it wasn't. >> this could be incredibly dangerous because people are six degrees of separation once removed on facebook. so even your friends might not really know this friend, and they're going to come try to go to the bathroom in your private residence? >> think about how many random friends we have on facebook that we're not actually real life friends with. >> it's not currently an app. i tried to see if i could buy it online. when i did a little more research, i'm unsure whether they're going to develop it or not. >> i'd much rather go to starbucks and buy something and use their bathroom. you know what i mean? >> world's largest stir fry. action.
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>> video games are widely, hugely popular. billion dollar industry all across the world, right? well, portal and portal two is a super popular video game. basically, a puzzle game, and you follow through all these different levels. you have a teleporting gun essentially where you can shoot a wall, and that will open up a doorway that will transport you to a different pa of the scn. brilliant idea to turn this game into a wedding proposal. >> anthony harbison, as part of w
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protocol, i am required to ask if you will do gary huntston, the honor of becoming his wife. >> he's a keeper. >> gary, tell us what she said. >> she said yes. >> why would she not say yes? that was so creative. it's clearly something you put a lot of thought into. >> i've always said that i would propose in a unique and geeky way, and i decided that it had to be with this game. i had this crazy idea that i would contact the developers and see if they could help me out. after asking very nicely, they said that they could. so they recorded me some lines with the character from the game. >> possible side effects of the testing include weakness of the knees, euphoria. >> i then took those, found a couple of hobby level designers to help me out. they put this amazing level together for me, and it's worked out so well. it was nerve-racking. i this the ring in my poc hoping she would get through it.
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>> you didn't pay a penny for this? >> i still don't believe i've done this at all, but i managed to get this together through the lost art of just asking nicely really. >> you heard gary say all he had to do was ask people for help. >> it was about a 200-hour project, just making the meticulous changes to make it seem like it fit with the game. >> you're not a game programmer for the company that makes this game. you're just some guy? >> yes. yes, exactly. >> and how old are you? >> i am 18. >> wow. >> when you heard what you were about to create, did you think that this guy was a dork? >> i thought it was awesome. i thought it was probably one of the best things ever. >> i am required to ask if you will do gary huntston the honor of becoming his wife. >> all right. so we are going to show you a very fun fashion video. you guys know i love the fashion, but this one is a
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different take on the fashion thing. let me tell you. this video was created by a russian fashion blogger named marina zdrina, and this is her sister irina. the story is irina found an all shirt just lying around the house and decided to fashion this garment into something new, a dress. they said that you can do it ten different ways. she can make this really cute dress, and it actually looks pretty good, i think. >> darling. >> yeah. you can make it into a dress. you can make it into like a cool tank top blouse, and you can make it into a fun skirt. you can see the skirt on here. it actually looks really nice, kind of cute. >> so, dad, when daughter takes your shirt, it's only for fashion. >> it's funny because this random fashion blogger has gotten 150,000 hits on this video over the past few days, which is insane because her blog isn't really well-known in the u.s. she must be a fashion phile because she does a great job
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fixing this and working it up to be a skirt and a dress. it looks really normal. >> if i got a hold of a man's shirt, it's not going to look like a dress on me. it's going to look like a man's shirt. >> plus the shirt is not ugly. it's kind of cute. >> this is at the indiana state fair. >> it is exciting to be on the news and have a lot of people know who i am and be seeing my video, but it's also very, very sad at the same time. >> this is ford versus chevy in a classic tug of war game. this is lacy the alpaca playing with a tiny kitten. >> what's going on there?
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helped. >> this is a wedding of jonathan and jamie. her best friend couldn't make it to the wedding. so they brought her to the wedding using an ipad. >> dashboard camera, oklahoma city. about as mundane as you can get. wait, wait, what's going on? look. oh, geez. welcome back to "right this minute," everybody. this next video you're about to see is sure to go down as an internet classic. this is at the indiana state fair. a giant wind gust came in and blew down a stage at a concert. 5 people were killed, over 40 people injured, almost 20 people are still in the hospital today. this video has been everywhere. it was shot by a young woman
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names jessica silas, who was attending the concert with her parents. we have jessica silas via skype. jessica, hi. welcome to "right this minute." this video, as you just heard me saying, has been everywhere. all the coverage of this horrific event has included your video. >> yes. >> we want to know how this has impacted you. >> it's kind of mixed feelings for me because it is exciting to be on the news. but it's also very, very sad at the same time because of the situation. >> jessica, even as windy as it is and what was going on, you kept a steady hand. tell me what was going through your mind when you shot that video. >> i think i was in shock. i didn't fully realize what was happening. i could see the tarp come off the stage out of the corner of my eye. so i turned and started filming the stage, and then the entire stage fell down. my instinct was just to keep filming.
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>> talk to us about the people who helped pick up the stage and get a lot of other people out of harm's way. >> my dad is one of those who was a doctor. when he saw the stage fell, he ran down and helped get people out and get people into triage centers. >> jessica, from that day, what's the one memory that strikes you the most? >> the sound, the screaming, definitely. this is ford versus chevy. >> classic. >> in a classic tug 'o war game. >> catastrophic failure, yeah. >> the chevy falls apart. >> no mercy either. just tore it to pieces. >> we spoke with adam johnson, who was driving the ford and was the winner of the tug 'o war game. today we have randy cooper via skype, whose truck ended up falling apart. hi, randy. welcome to the show. tell us what happened. >> i was just doing a happy, friendly back to back pull in my
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buddy's backyard, and somebody took it a little serious. >> what did you do after this happened? how did you get your truck out of the yard, or is it still sitting there? >> i left it there for about three or four days and went and got my buddy's semi and tractor and went and got it. i was recovering. i was a little beat up. >> i've got to tell you, first of all, that mustache is all man. i love it. but after that loss, how is your man there is ho man hood holding up? is your pride tarnished? >> no. i've got another truck. so i'm good to go. >> how did you guys stay friends after this? what was the discussion? did adam just say, sorry, bro, for tearing your truck into six pieces. hope you forgive me. >> he wasn't that good of a friend to start with. just got to where i didn't want to beat the crap out of him. >> i offered to get him a new truck, but he's like, oh, don't worry about it. things happen. >> we're a little interested in the shirt that you're wearing.
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we can see that it says truck something. what does it say? truck's got to move on. where did you get that shirt? >> perfect. thanks a lot, guys. that was fantastic. we can't wait to see the rematch. >> big back flip fail, take one. >> let's roll the videotape because it just is that good. dashboard camera, oklahoma city. end of rush hour, about 6:30. kind of about as mundane as you can get, right? i mean, i really got nothing to show you honestly. kind of mundane. look, wait, wait, what's going on? oh, geez. look out. >> the black pickup truck right here just ran headlong into an oklahoma sheriff's deputy. >> this was a cop car filming
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this? >> deputy's car, dash cam. the gentleman driving the pickup truck was cited. also inside the deputy's car was bose, the canine unit. everyone came out of this smash okay. >> what does he get for running into a policeman? >> bad karma? >> this is lacy, the alpaca, playing with a tiny kitten. >> look at that. i love alpacas. they are so soft and so sweet. >> can we look a little closer at lacy's toes? what's going on there? >> it's pink. >> lacy has a pedicure. i wanted to know all about this alpaca and why she's getting mani/pedis on the side here. we are going to talk to lovely enru from alberta, canada, and she owns the alpaca farm, a to z alpacas. can you tell us about lacy and
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her perfectly pink pedicure. >> lacy was a special alpaca. she was born later in the year and her mom didn't have milk. so we bottle fed her. she became quite the pet. my daughter wanted to do her nails. >> i'm wondering, can you use human nail polish on an alpaca's toes? >> yes, that's what we used. it was my daughter's nail polish. >> you guys have to watch these videos on her youtube page. there's one video of an alpaca making out with a dog. it is adorable. >> this is a 12-year-old african tortoise. she had to have her leg amputated. students at washington state university came up with a really creative way to help this tortoise maneuver around. this is 15-month-old elijah james. when he
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it's so cool when doctors come up with really creative ways to help their patients. take a look at this video. this is a 12-year-old african tortoise. >> she is pretty. >> name is gamir. she had to have her leg amputated. the students at washington state university college of veterinary medicine came up with a really creative way to help this tortoise maneuver around. they put a wheel on the bottom of her shell. >> look at that.
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>> one of the doctors that helped with this process is dr. nicole finch, and she is joining us via skype right now to talk a little bit about gamir. >> this is so interesting. how did students, or how did you come up with the idea to use a wheel in place of the amputated leg? >> it's not actually a new idea. it's been done before. typically, most people will replace the leg with a skid or half a ball glued to the bottom of the shell. in gamir's case, we were a little concerned he was going to get so big. so we thought that maybe a wheel would be more beneficial for him in getting around. >> where is he now? is he at the college? is he in a habitat? where is he? >> he's here at the veterinary hospital. he actually lives in the exotic ward where i work. he's in a 3 by 5 or 4 foot enclosure, and he comes out every day and plays and tries to eat our pant legs and such. >> would he have been able to
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survive if he didn't get the wheel? >> survive, yes, possibly. tortoises, they don't do well with an amputation if there's not something to get their weight off the ground. a dog or a cat, they could shift one leg under the center of gravity and keep moving. a tortoise can't do that. >> what do you think about your tortoise becoming this internet star? do you think the fame is going to his head? >> i think he wants a new personal assistant. i don't think i'm keeping up with his expectations very well. >> this is a wedding of jonathan and jamie. it's their wedding day, august 13th. her best friend, renee armstrong, couldn't make it to the wedding. so they brought her to the wedding using an ipad. she is now the ipad bridesmaid. >> the idea for the ipad came
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shortly following the realization that she wasn't going to be able to physically be there. >> she was able to actually be part of the experience through the ipad. she was watching everything that was happening from wherever she was at. >> she committed to this. it looks like she even wore the right color dress or shirt. >> wow, you noticed. >> yeah. >> you don't have to be a royal couple to have it televised. all you need is a camera and a laptop pointed in a certain way, and you can broadcast your wedding to all the relatives who can't make it. >> i was able to have my best friend in my wedding even though she couldn't physically be there. she was there for the rehearsal. she was there for the wedding. she got to meet people and talk to everyone. when it was all done and over with, i got to talk to my best friend after i got married. she was all teary eyed. it was wonderful. >> at jellyfish lake in palau, a guy named billy middleton shot
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it. it is gorgeous. >> if you get deep in that water, there's some really bad stuff down there. >> this is 15-month-old elijah james. evidently, when he eats licorice, it makes him go nuts. [ dennis ] juggling insurance policies at different companies... is a pain. but with allstate, bundling policies is easy and can save you money. you should try this instead. thank you...yeah...
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now she should be an allstate agent. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. [ female announcer ] introducing the allstate auto + life discount. now when you protect your family with allstate life insurance you can save even more on allstate car insurance. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. ♪
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are you prepared for elijah james to get an agent and start filming commercials and things like that? >> i don't know if you can be prepared for things like that, especially with a 1 year-year-o. >> does he normally act like that when you give him a new kind of treat? >> i think it's the combined excitement of the licorice and facing forward in the car for the first time ever. >> think we can get him to say his name for us? so when he's a superstar, we'll have that moment. >> we're happy to help with that. >> he said it. here we go. we're all eating licorice in elijah's honor. >> to elijah. >> cheers, brother. >> i thought you were going to do it. >> the cycling bird, take one.
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>> at jellyfish lake in palau, a guy named billy middleton shot it with his go pro camera. it is gorgeous. these jellyfish will not hurt you. they do have these stinging cells, but in this lake, they will not harm you. how peaceful is that? >> so wonderful. i love it. >> i would love to talk to the guy who shot this. >> i know. we actually have billy on the line. >> hi, billy. >> hi. >> can you tell us about this experience. what was it like being in there? >> it was pretty fantastic. it was one of the more amazing things that i've done. >> were you in scuba gear or snorkeling gear or just diving down? >> just snorkeling around. if you get any kind of deep in that water, there's some really bad stuff down there.
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>> do you have even a moment of being a little bit freaked out? >> when you first get in the water, you don't see any jellyfish. so you're swimming around with empty water and not that great of visibility. you don't know what's coming. once you get in the middle, it's fine. it's really comfortable. you can't even really feel them. >> do you take the girlfriend on these trips with you to totally impress her? >> yes, whenever i can. we've been married a month exactly to this day. >> oh, congratulations. >> i'll send you guys some pictures. >> i want to introduce you to
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francisco 49ers, team against team, brother against brother. first, stay tuned for abc2 news at a 5 which starts in a few minutes. our last video for the day has people everywhere asking, is that thing real? and gale has it for us. >> i want to introduce you to winston church quill, the cutest hedgehog on the internet. there's winston. you can see the guy who's his owner is handling him. he's rubbing his back. >> smile. >> he's ticklish. >> that looks fake. >> it's not fake. that is a real albino hedgehog. you can have them as pets in some states. they're om omnivorous so they eat bugs. really strong stomach muscles.
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those aren't quills even though his name is winston church quill. those are actually spines. they're hollow. i've handled one before. they don't poke you unless you squeeze too hard. it's like holding a rough sponge that you pick up in the ocean. >> this is exactly how i react when someone tickles my belly. >> baby elephant tries to piggy-back on mom. mom is not digging it. action.
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we have never seen this before -- a football game on thanksgiving night in baltimore. i'm jamie costello live in the city of brotherly love. this is the 30th year for the bea gade event. >> if you shake off that turkey comarks it's time to get ready for the ravens game. lynette charles has the forecast. first, let me tell everybody happy thanksgiving. it's not going to be so bad. maryland's most powerful
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