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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  November 28, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman and we've been looking for all of the best videos to show you and it's time to get started -- "right this minute." two guys are busted after
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video of a joyride is posted on the internet. >> if you're breaking the law, why document it? . he pulled a knife in the jewelry store, but he pulled a broom. see how one intruder got what he deserved. [ screaming ] >> he wasn't worried about burning down the house. he was worried about getting her turkey out of the oven. >> the video that ignited a debate. save the turkey or the house. this isn't ordinary fingernail polish. we've got the secret ingredient if you want to decorate your nails for christmas. see how one dude drives it like a bus to get around the gridlock. >> it doesn't get better than that. it's got everything! we kick off today's show with the story of a joyride gone wrong. gayle, you have this one for us? >> who wouldn't want to take a bmw 1 series coupe for a spin. they posted the video on youtube
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and it got them in big trouble. >> still has the classic -- >> it's a new car. >> still has the plastic on the seats. >> they're in a neighborhood. >> going pretty fast. they posted this video on youtube on august 13th, date after the incident happened. they got back to people at pacific bmw and they lost their job. 21-year-old vashay magusian who is a porter and a 22-year-old tire technician took it out for a spin and got up to speeds of 100 miles per hour. >> don't put it on facebook. don't even film it. if you're breaking the law, why document it? >> police found out about the story. both of them ended up being charged for joyriding with criminal intent, a misdemeanor. and the driver faces a reckless
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driving charge. they would get up to a year in jail. >> it's a simple little joyride, right? >> they're taking a car and driving 90 miles per hour possibly. in a residential area? they need some kind of ticket or something. >> they found out the car was sold and they had to call the owner and tell him about it. >> if you want to take a care for a joyride, call nascar. time for surveillance video, this is from east london. this was just released from harold's discount jewelers. if you look in the right-hand part of your screen, you see a guy in a hoodie walking into a jewelry store. there's a clerk and an assistant beside him. she starts walking toward the front of the store. >> oh! >> and he pulls out a knife and grabs her around the neck. the manager from the store comes from around the counter, tries to fight him off. gets the assistant free. she comes behind the counter and look at what's in her hand?
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>> what's that? >> a broom. >> this guy comes back at the owner, he starts throwing some books, magazines at him, grabs the broom from the assistant and guy lo oks sketchyr therobber. the minute he walked in there. >> i think the assistant felt the exact same wam. because if you notice from the beginning, she sees him walk in and she's right biy the door. they have not found this guy, that's why they released this surveillance video, they're hoping that someone recognizes him and calls the police. >> you've got a pretty clear shot of the guy's face. thankfully he's a pretty crappy criminal and none of this works. >> you know it's a red flag when somebody walks into your place and immediately shoves their hands into their pockets and stands there awkwardly. >> that's a brave manager. >> i this ink this guy gets boss
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of the week. this video shows why we have traffic laws. you see a motorcyclist come up to an intersection, and he waits, because there's traffic coming. and then -- >> oh! whoa! the guy kept going. >> holy cow. >> oh! >> fortunately, he barely slides back on the motorcycle, and misses the impact to his own body. >> but the other guy -- >> the car just keeps going. >> didn't even pause. >> no. >> didn't even look back. >> he survived the impact, only suffering a broken leg and is recuperating from that. this took place in bangalore, india. and the police traffic division there is reviewing the video to try to catch the driver of the white car. it was a white maruti 800. they're using facebook as a tool. they posted it when it happened
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and now 8,000 people have reposted this video trying to find the driver. >> wow. they created an entire page to improve the behavior that drivers engage in while driving through bangalore. people have actually responded really well and are engaginenga posting things that they see. oftentimes there will be pictures, they're posting comments and the traffic police will actually take action. >> cool, because if people wanted to change for the better, it looks like a lot of them are getting involved. they have 21,000 likes. dog sleeps hard. ♪
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lots of crazy holiday shopping madness this weekend. and some of the videos that have been posted online are just crazy. capturing what people will do to get a bargain. one of the most disturbing videos we saw is from buckeye, arizona. >> my god! >> is it necessary, shoplifting? >> 54-year-old gerald neumann, taken down by police, they thought he was shoplifting. witnesses say he only grabbed a couple of games and stuck them in his waistband, because the crowd got so crazy. the man was trying to rescue his grandson. the police swept his legs, the man fell to the floor, bloodied his face. >> let's slide on over to a walmart in mesquite, texas. [ screaming ] >> people tore this entire display apart. there's young kids in there.
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moms. i don't understand what makes people go this bananas. >> just to save a few bucks? [ bleep ]. >> he's telling people to back off, back off, because there's a woman there being trampled. and other folks are trying to help her back up. >> it doesn't look like we live in a civilized country. it makes us look like animals. >> and over ducks. ducks. >> how about this mayhem over towels? the only way crowds seem to be kept under control, is if you threaten with force. >> if a gift is that important to you or the person that you're buying it for -- then something's wrong. >> imagine what these videos look like to the rest of the world. >> that's stupid. >> you would think the beatles are inside this store. >> is it becoming some sort of a trend now, that black friday is
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also let's go get crazy thing? >> a chance to go to a store and act inappropriately and get away with it? >> it seems the riots are becoming the tradition on black friday, not the shopping. get out of there! >> should you save the food or the house? >> pull fire out of the oven and spread it around the room? >> tell that to a woman who spent all day making a turkey, and you'll see what happens. who's on the back of that bike? is that a dog? or a boy in a onesie? and bending it like beckham isn't so easy when you're flying blind. you'll see ha happens when the soccer star covers his eyes and kicks.
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last week, a lot of people
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were cooking turkeys, people are going to be making turkeys for the upcoming christmas holiday season. you might want to think twice before you make your turkey this important. >> don't panic, don't panic! >> this is the home of carmen and kelly siracullo. she wasn't worried about burning down the house. she was worried about getting her turkey out of the oven. >> oh my goodness. >> get away, kelly! >> fire safety rule on any holiday cooking day -- don't open the oven door if you see a fire in there. it will feed the fire with oxygen. >> get the turkey out of there! >> it's going to go out! >> it's open. >> the thing that's hilarious. gayle, you had the same reaction. we could put the turkey out, put it on the counter and then shut the door. >> you take it out, throw it on
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the counter -- >> that's how you burn the down house. >> that's male/female reaction. i just spent eight hours preparing that turkey. >> kelly, is had this your first fire activity? >> kelly, the house will have started on fire. >> do you think they went to boston market after this? >> maybe they still ate all the sides. >> get the turkey out of there! riding on the subway can be really crowded, right? >> hate it. >> what do you do in the event that there's no one but you on the subway cars? >> whoa, i'm be myself completely? >> uh-huh. >> lots of things come to mind. >> look at what this guy did. [ inaudible ] >> this is some guy on a london train, and discovers he's by
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himself. the joy of that realization causes him to do only one thing -- dance. >> he's got some pretty sick moves here, towards the end. a little two-step move this is what i would do if i was by myself on the train. >> he posted this video online and said he had been waiting to do this since he went to london. this is a dream come true for him. >> that's interesting, because lots of things to do in london -- the london eye, big ben. this guy wants to dance and sing on the train by himself. right. sometimes the words just can't describe the videos that we show. so here. this girl, instead of taking her dog for a walk, decided to take her dog for a ride on her bike. >> yes. >> that is a big dog. >> yes. >> this isn't even like a bicycle built for two.
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i think it has just one seat. it looks like it's having an awesome time. though. >> doesn't it look like a giant muppet just sitting on the back of the bike? but the dog doesn't seem to mind riding on the back of this bike. >> the dog seems to be loving it. >> the ride would be more extreme, because he can't see where he's going. he has no idea, he's just holding on. >> is that the dog's biggest problem, riding that bike? the fact that he can't see where he's going? >> he can't enjoy the ride. the dudes from dude perfect, trick shot masters are back. this time taking it to a pond. they're getting things ready by building a basketball hoop on some little floating dock this time they brought some friends along. ♪ >> oh! >> yeah. they're the originators of the basketball trick shot. >> this time, they've hooked up
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the basketball to a gigantic fishing pole. >> a super-long fishing pole shot. >> whoa! he nails that! thee points. >> oh! >> totally nailed it. here's the guy trying to reel the ball back in. he had to go back up through the hoop again. i have to say the harlem globeto theers involvement in the video is a bit much. the one guy is standing there spinning the ball. >> the super-long fishing pole shot. >> do they shoot the basket? >> they give it a try. >> see ya! >> oh! >> he cleared it. >> i heard something snap. >> he didn't do a back-cast straightforward. he did the flyfishing sidecast. >> see ya! >> he's just so much bigger than
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the rest of the guys and way stronger. they probably didn't take that into account. don't be a party pooper. be a science sensation. we'll show you how to do it, yeah! and an epic trick shot that earns these kids more than just pride. >> you put it on the line and you realize you can make some h fun would you have
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at your party with that thing? you're walking down fifth avenue in new york city and you come across this on the side of a building. something's counting down, right? when the countdown reaches zero, watch what happens -- this is saks fifth avenue, their holiday decorations, a projector display. this particular display is called the snowflake in bubble spectacular. how do they do that? >> i don't get it. >> they worked with a marketing firm called iris, they've done projection displays during the 2008 olympics. the 2010 world cups. this is projected on the side of their building. >> i think it's a great use of a building as a film screen. the fact that they're doing this with a holiday theme has all kinds of awesomeness to. >> this is so cool, it's not a
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cheesy thing. it's not a big old christmas tree and red lights. it's very industrial looking. >> all i know is i think i'm going to decorate my house with projectors this year. instead of taking everything from the attic. >> i can't believe how effective that looks, in making the building look like it's transforming. >> if you want to see the snowflake in bubble spectacular, it will be displayed until january 6th. or check out the entire video on our website, david beckham isn't just great on the field, he's handsome as heck. >> yes, hello, thank you for bringing that up. >> his wife is pretty cool, too. >> who cares about her, let's talk about david. >> but he has a great heart and does some pretty cool things. >> number one! >> in the middle of your screen,
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you see david beckham and he doesn't appear to be doing anything out of the ordinary. playing with some soccer players. >> he has a blind-fold on, like a sleep mask. >> exactly, david beckham is playing with a team of paralympic soccer football players to feel what it is like for them to play blind. he put on a blind-fold and started playing soccer with this team. >> come on, boys. >> the entire team is blind. >> the entire team is visually impaired. >> come on, come on. yeah! good job. >> the ball has like bells in it. so you can hear where the ball is going. >> i can't believe how well these guys play soccer and they cannot see. >> what's interesting is at the first part of the video, it seemed that a blind man was helping beckham across the field once he put the mask on. >> how did that feel? >> it's that feeling, obviously -- >> that feeling of, i can
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imagine, vulnerability, right? >> it's really important to listen to the guys around the goal where the posts are. >> okay. center! >> this is part of the one million kids challenge, which tries to encourage one million kids to participate in paralympic sports. >> you've got beckham here, one of the best players in the world with a blind-fold on and he's struggling kicking this ball in one spot. he's holding it down and these guys have the blind-folds on, running all over the place, actually playing a real game. >> he's going to score eventually. [ applause ] >> you see, i know that you're pretty boring at parties. >> like a wallflower, yeah. >> i'm going to turn you into the coolest person at the party, with some science tricks. because everybody party needs science tricks. >> that's what i look for at every party, who here can do a science trick? >> you can make a ball float in
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the air and run a ring over it. simply using a little like ping pong ball. >> and a hair dryer. >> that's cool, i guess. >> so carry yr hair dryer with you to a party. >> alwaysys do. >> ts coin on a card, on the tip of your finger and watch, like that. like tablecloth trick. >> whoa, that is pretty cool. >> and the coin is still on your finger. >> yeah, okay. >> pencil through the water bag. and the water didn't leak. see if you're at a house party, they would have a zip-loc bag. >> this awesome. you've got potato at a party and a straw. >> place your thumb over the end of the straw and jab it straight through the paper. >> why doesn't the straw go through it. >> you see how he put his finger over the straw? so what happens is, as he moves the straw through the air, the air inside is getting compressed. so when he finally hits the potato, it allows the straw to
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keep its shape and go right through. >> to see all of these cool, awesome science tricks, head to our cool, awesome website, holiday dance time. and this girl has all your dance help. >> you don't have the right to hip hop all night. but at some point your armpits are going to sweat. >> is this for real? find out next time on "right this minute." husband, it's what's for dinner. hear the bizarre accusations against the wife. >> shut up. >> it won't make you hungry. a downhill run through the neighborhood. >> there's a car coming there, too, did you see that? >> call it street-skiing, we'll show you how
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when i joined the national guard, i never thought i'd be saving lives. it's more than money for college. it's built my character and given me a sense of accomplishment. now i'm on a career path, and i'm the leader of my team. i put on the uniform and i have a whole new outlook on life. country, community, family-- that's what matters most to me. if that matters to you, go to hello, we're back with more "right this minute."
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it's a full-on brawl, when things turn ugly in a house of beauty. >> what's messed up is somebody lost some of their hair. i see some weave on the floor. you cook this nice meal, where's the corkscrew? can't find it. >> the corkscrew! >> well stop your wining, we've got a different way to uncork. talk about your trick shot basketball. >> that doesn't happen! >> meet the crew and hear why they're posting their video. and a small town in switzerland wants you. see the campaign that will have you saying -- >> i like it. we begin the second half of our show with a kind of disturbing story. steven you have all of these details. >> you could call it that. you know your cooking is bad when it stinks up the entire neighborhood. that is what happened in
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pakistan. police were called to this neighborhood here because they smelled something foul. the police ended up at a 32-year-old woman's home. she was making some stew with these pots and pans right here. guess what kind of stew she was making, guys? husband stew. >> and not for her husband? of her husband. >> oh, shut up. >> this 32-year-old woman is now being held by police on suspicion of killing her husband, and then carving his body into small pieces, to try to cook him and dispose of the body. >> you can see the kitchen utensils that she used. your standard butcher's knife, there's the woman there being held by police. not only showing parts of the video, because it's kind of gross and graphic. the whole entire clip is on our website. but -- your opinions might change when you hear this. in an interview with a pakistani news channel, ary news, she said that she doesn't regret her
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actions. she doesn't regret cutting up her husband and trying to make a stew out of him. because she says he wanted to have a physical relationship with their daughter. and she said quote, i killed my husband before he dared to touch my daughter. >> if you threaten to do something to a woman's daughter, she's going to do something to you. momma bears protect their cubs. >> it's sick what she did, but it's a sick thing that he said he wanted to have a physical relationship with his own daughter. when you go to a nail salon, you expect to get pampered. manicured, pedi, maybe a little hand massage. >> i demand a hand massage when i go. >> for these girls, it was a full-on brawl. >> oh boy. >> uh-huh. >> so much for the manicure after that. >> he's going to mess up her nails with that. >> this happened a at a regal nail salon outside a walmart. >> they was off the chain. bowls were flying.
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>> two women walk into a nail salon and start yelling at the employees, a customer that was there stas yelling back. and that's when mayhem haened. and ofcu -- started her cell phone out and started recording this video. you can see the girls going at it. unfortunately, this poor innocent bystander, 17-year-old ashley corvette. who was just there, got a ceramic bowl square in the face. and ended up knocking two of her teeth out and cutting her chin. >> that is messed up. >> what is messed up is somebody lost some of their hair, i see some weave on the floor. >> they're still looking for the suspects. police are looking at this exact video to try to identify the women. if the suspects are caught, they could face felony and misdemeanor battery charges. pooch just wants to sleep, take one.
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[ laughter ] >> i knew it, i had this feeling. >> wants to sleep, take one. >> a guy has figured out how to cut what he says is 87% off of an electric bill. instead of heating an entire home, just heat the person. >> when i first heard that, i thought it involved some kind of cuddling. you've got this little office area, set up like a chicken coop warmer. this giant light above his lab rat, but it's his assistant. you can see from the thermometer, just over 50 degrees, she begins to get warm
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with a heated mouse and a heated keyboard and a light. >> the tops of my feet have warmed up. the tops of my hands have warmed up. >> but the guy says i tried it at my house. he even shows the difference at his electric bill, versus the guy who lived in the house before him. >> i feel like i'm in a warm little bubble. it could be 70 degrees in here for all i know. >> really, don't you want to be able to walk around your house in the middle of winter. >> the guy forgot he could just wear a snuggy. >> it's not movable. where does he live? this is heating and not a.c. >> you only spend your time in one or two rooms, you'd be better to close the vents to the other rooms. >> we're being heated right now, we don't have the heat on in this room. >> i'm freezing, what are you talking about, i'm sitting on my hands. >> this is what you happens when
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you try to save on your electric bill, you need to wear a jacket. >> i don't know how much energy we're using right here. but it seems we're using less than a space heater would require. summertime is over, but there's still some hot trick videos posting on the internet. take a look at this one, boom, boom, off the -- big hook shot. >> yeah! >> in a was awesome. >> it went to braden to market to mac, to mitch, to braden, to john who did the big old hook shot into the net. >> that doesn't happen. >> this video was just posted, it's november. it happened in the summer. guys, tell us your intentions with posting the video now. >> we posted it recently, put it kwon line and we wanted to make some money somehow by going viral or something. everyone agreed that it should go. >> we're working for a program for hunger strike, which helps
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the less fortunate in mozambique and other countries. >> what made you pick this charity? >> for the last couple of years we've been helping to sponsor through this program. everything that's gone through them has just been like helpful to them down in mozambique. we figured it would be a worthy cause to help them down there. >> how many attempts did you have to do before you made this thing? >> we worked on it for maybe a week or so on and off in three-hour shifts. maybe three or four times. >> how much have you raised so far? >> so far, we have $1,000 from the video. >> guys, we'd like to help you out with your goal of raising money. so "right this minute" is going to kick in $100 for you, how about that? >> that's incredible. >> thank you so much. >> that means a lot. >> that looks like a lot of fun. >> how cool? young people taking a video like that that is so much fun. a summertime fun video and making it into something that could potentially change the world.
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fun, festive nails for the season. we'll reveal the tools she uses to make these cute little snowmen. and why wait in traffic when you can just take the truck? see what the driver does next that makes this video just so much better.
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winter sports are awesome. sometimes you just can't get to the mountains to ski.
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long trip sometimes. >> oh yeah. >> so if that's the case, you can ski through your neighborhood. jumping over swings. he skis down the stairs. >> definitely no lift skis. >> and he probably doesn't have to have his skis sanded before going skiing. >> where do they live where there's all these hills? >> this is a professional skier. his name is jp eau claire, he's from quebec city. >> how do you know when you jump out your door, he must have had this whole thing plotted out, exactly where to go that's incredible. >> it's almost like he's marrying skiing with street skateboarding. >> yo, there's a car coming there, too, did you see that? this is one of the coolest ski videos i've ever seen. >> this is pretty awesome. >> clothesline. he could literally get clotheslined. >> maybe we should tell our viewers not to try this at home. >> wry not?
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>> why not. >> we wouldn't get videos like this if they didn't. >> this guy's a pro. so, it's christmas time. i'm sure you guys are wondering what cute stuff you can do to your nails to celebrate this season. this is liz and she has a youtube channel called i have a cupcake and she has a website called cupcake nail she teaches you all kinds of fun things you can do on your nails. in this case since it is christmas time. she's teaching you how to draw cute little snowmen on your nails. >> i'm amazed that she's able to do such fine work on herself. >> she is not using regular nail polish. she's using acrylic paints, because it's easier to manage and it's doesn't run into itself. she has all the materials she uses available on her website. if people want to do learn how to do this, all they have to do is go there and get to work. >> how long would this take?
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>> way too long for me. i love having my nails done, but i don't think i have the patience. >> i would get upset if my nails broke and i spent all that time doing that. so all weekend long we pick pigged out at family's houses. here's the bus ride home in serbia. people who had a lot to eat. bus is -- listing a bit to the right. >> the people who ate a lot have to sit on one side of the bus? >> i have no idea why the bus is doing the old dukes of hazard two-wheel. >> are the back wheels on the left side touching? >> they're on the ground. >> it looks like a catastrophic mechanical failure or a lack of maintenance. >> they stop for this guy. >> and he's getting off. >> would you see that bus coming down the street and think, yeah, i'll get on. >> the people are like, yeah,
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this is normal. you didn't notice riding on the bus like this? >> you know, the whole way? >> well, if this is the bus they have and it's the only bus they can afford to have? that's the bus you're going to roll with. >> this is a custom serbian tour bus. going in one direction, you get to see everything on the ground. and coming back the other way, you get to see everything in the air. >> if i was a tourist, i think i would go on the walking tour. lots of great video on the show today, if you'd like to see more and of course there's more, you can go to our website, you can check it out every day, 24/7. oh, and upload your videos, we'd like to share them with everyone and here's what's coming up next. wine, but no corkscrew. >> god! >> the corkscrew. >> the handy, manly way to open a wine bottle. just november average
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christmas light display, right? just wait until you see the real light show.
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imagine your basketball team is about to play the number one school in the nation -- north carolina. but this is about a tennessee state player. and his name is mj redd. this is before the big game. chris john cooper is talking to the players about the big game and then freshmen mj redd gets a big surprise. [ applause ]
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>> he's hugging his mom, she's in the army national guard, she's been in iraq since august. they haven't seen each other since then. and so they brought her in unbeknownst to him to give him a big hug before the game. >> we always see these videos, and it's like dad's coming home to surprise their daughters. and it's cool to see a mom coming home to surprise her big, stuff basketball player. >> sadly, they lost pretty badly. >> they lost to the number one team in the country. >> he kept it together, he didn't have the man tears. >> because guys will break down when it comes to mom. we talked to mj via skype to find out how he felt prepping for the big game and his mom comes strolling in. >> she came out of nowhere. it was everything going through my mind.
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to go back on the court. it was tough with my mom. a lot of emotions. [ inaudible ] you ever prepared a meal for a lovely lady that you brought over to your house? >> i do all the time. >> nice, for a lovely lady? >> for a lovely lady. >> yourself? >> aw. >> you cook this nice meal, where's the corkscrew. can't find it. >> the corkscrew! >> here is how you get into the delicious nectar, if you don't have a corkscrew. you're going to need to have a screwdriver laying around the house. the procedure is, put the screw down into the cork, don't use pliers, because that doesn't work. use your claw hammer and -- if you do have to resort to this method, though, you might want to do it where the girl can't see that you're using a hammer and a screwdriver.
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it has paint chips on it like this. >> if you're really good? you can hold the bottle, if you have a really sharp knife, you can cut the top of the cork off. >> no, do not try that at home. >> beth troutman sits on the throne of lies. traffic jams are awful. sitting there, you know, that you're only a mile from your destination, but it's going to take you a mile to get there. you could go to russia where they have creative ways to get out of traffic jams. this guy -- you can see the traffic backed up on the highway. he decided to get on the light rail. not on the train, but actually take his car onto the train tracks. >> my god. >> two people, the guy in front of him and the car they're riding in. >> the guy luckily had a dash
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cam. because we get to see this fine piece of driving. >> i'm trying to figure out if everybody in russia has a dash cam. >> he's on the sidewalk now! >> oh, my god. he is. >> excuse me, honk, honk, pardon me. >> people are just like getting out of the way like it's nothing. look at the traffic. >> that is a pretty nasty jam. right now he's going in the direction that the train would be going. so the train would have to come up behind him. >> yeah. >> that's how they -- oh, my god! >> oh my god! >> the guy that he was following in the black suv is now in reverse. going against traffic. >> it doesn't get better than this. it's got everything. driving on the train tracks, he he drives on the sidewalk and then he drives -- i don't know how you describe that. >> it's like they're playing, can you top this. what happens when this tiny
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european village asks the internet to like it? >> good question. >> the answer may have you heading to facebook. but not until after the show, please. make a great
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gift. >> store-bought war hammers are way less quality. we see it on facebook all the time. click like and you get a free sandwich. those clicks turned one teeny tiny village in switzerland of 78 people global. this video was put together by the swiss ad agency young vonmats. hit the like button and we'll put you on the village bulletin board. >> within four weeks, this town had fans in 32 countries on every single continent, worldwide. >> this town becomes the most active facebook page in switzerland. four out of five fans interact with the page. >> what has this done with the
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town other than just paper the walls with print outs? >> by now more than 60 million people have read, seen or heard about this town. traffic on the tourism website increased by 250%. >> that's great. but what if all of a sudden you start getting all this tourism coming in. where are they going to put everybody? >> they've got one hotel, where would everybody stay? >> i'm concerned about the down, with all the new attention what it's going to do with the tiny little town? i like it because it's tiny. is it going to turn into some metropolis now? i won't like it if it changes. >> even if it increases tourism by a couple hundred a year. it's awesome. >> i just like obermutten. i'm getting my face on that board. >> thumbs up to obermutten. i like it. one of the things i love about christmas is when people decorate their house. the more lights, the better. this one house right here -- they went all out. we're just looking at the lights and i know what everybody is
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thinking -- they don't do anything. >> you know, meh. >> yeah, it's pretty. they got lots of lights. i'm sure the neighbors think it's nice. >> doesn't seem too extreme. >> but now a days, people expect when you to put your lights on, for them to do something like this. >> this is like the christmas parade at disney. >> it's like being at disneyland. they've got the swooshing music. >> and i suddenly have an urge to eat at mcdonald's. you see the arches, it looks like the mcdonald's arches. >> i didn't get that. >> this one is a step up, right? >> yeah, sure. >> now i'm going to take you to christmas in holland. of course this one is the theme song to "national lampoon's christmas vacation." ♪ it's that time
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♪ christmas time is here ♪ everybody knows there's not a better time of year ♪ >> you notice something notice window? >> is that actually santa claus up in the window? >> i thought it was something that says zoo. >> this is the extent of my decorations at home. i've got a charlie brown christmas tree, literally and i dropped the one christmas ball that it came with. so i don't even have that any more. ♪ that will do it for today's "right this minute." we're so glad that you joined us and we're going to leave you with one last look at all the holiday christmas lights. have a great one and we'll see you tomorrow, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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the legal battle is underway. the courts could make them tear it down. students are making the holidays sweet for those serving overseas. a fells point soup kitchen is going to change. >> oar st. vincent depaul plans to spend $5 million to expand but opponents say they should move elsewhere if they want to help the homeless. when


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