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tv   ABC2 News at 530PM  ABC  November 30, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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it's in their community and they want to come to their community hospitals. >> we're going the give you a look at anne arundel county's newest fight against cancer. we've been following a family for a year. they hope what happened on capitol hill today will prevent future tragedies. >> what some boy scouts caught a woman doing on camera for a third year in a row. first tonight, anne arundel county has one of the highest cancer rates in the state. a hospital in glen burnie added a new piece of technology in the fight to combat the cancer. we were there for unveiling. >> devastating. >> that's how she felt when she found out she had cancer. now a year and difficult
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treatments later, the cancer is gone. she had support along the way. >> 20 weeks of chemo, surgery and radiation after that. >> reporter: alice's doctor has more weapons to fight cancer in patients like alice. >> nice and straight on the machines. >> this is the state of the art radiation machine. this is part of the massive upgrade to the cancer center at the medical center in glen burnie. >> going to take some images and the treatments begin. >> reporter: this machine can target cancer sells. >> allows us to administer a lot more radiation in a short amount of time. >> reporter: one of the features is its accuracy, the more accurate, the less damage done to the patient. >> instead of treating an area
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this big, we can treat only the area and turn it on when the target is at the spot. >> reporter: the doctor has been with the cancer center since it opened in 2003. you can monitor realtime what you're doing during the treatment. >> we can do a cat scan of the patient while they're on the treatment table. take advantage of the evolving technology moving forward. >> reporter: after the cancer center, abc2 news. tomorrow night is the official dedication for the new cancer suite at the baltimore- washington medical center. a professor was killed and her son injured after a truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and ran into them on the interstate two years ago. we've been following the
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family's journey for a year and today they took their fight to the capitol hill. they proposed regulations to restrict the amount of hours that truck drivers could work in one shift. they hoped to tell their story and convince lawmakers that the reduced drive time is a good idea. they gave a witness statement at the impact that tired truckers have on the road. the proposed regulations would cost them 20 1/ -- $2 billion. as it stands now, families lose a family member and those 3000 families bear the whole cost all by themselves. that's not fair by any sense of justice. >> reporter: the new regulations are being considered and a decision should be by the end of the
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year. still cloudy throughout the day, we have some gusty winds, now clouds still holding tough out there. we have temperatures running cool with a steady wind gusting to 25 miles per hour. temperatures feeling like the 30s with the windchill factor. a chilly night. grab the coat as we fall through the 40s, it feels like the 30s. we have more on the sunshine, how long it lasts coming up. sounds good. thank you. it's the season for holiday cheer but for one missouri woman, it's the season to steal. a boy scout troop on church property caught the woman on surveillance camera stealing a tree. they looked at the tape and realized it wasn't the first time we seen her. >> looks like the same lady. looks like the same vehicle. this year, there was no doubt.
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it's like, holy cow. >> she's back again. >> she's back again. >> they believe that the woman driving the same car is the same thief that hit the tree in 2009 and 2010. this year she came back for a second tree and only took her 13 minutes round trip. they figure she lives close by. nobody is taking advantage of the season. one man in redding, pennsylvania is handing out money to strangers unanimously. he's given out hundreds and he plans to give out $20,000 in exchange for the money, he asked that each person pay him back in the form of a random about of kindness. it is not every day that you walk down the street and run into a large wild animal. how zebras ended up on the
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streets of virginia. farmers usually know the properties well, but what one farmer woke up to that has him scratching his head.
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. streets got some commuters in the forms of zebras that the go loose from a local animal park. a maintenance person left the gate open and the animals strolled out. after three hours of freedom, the vet tracked them down and took them back to the park safely. the man they call jetman got a chance to live out one of his dreams. he spent 15 15 years developing his wings. the jets flew alongside him going as slow as possible without stalling. he had to go 137 miles per hour. once the flight was over, he and the other jets all landed safely. the property manager of a farm in oklahoma was in for a
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big shock when he discovered a huge sinkhole. it opened up overnight and it's not finished forming yet. it's already 40 feet wide and 40 feet deep. demonstrators of occupy baltimore didn't get the permit they were looking for but so far the tensions between the group and the city hasn't looked like london. london joined forces with striking workers and stormed public buildings today. what they were trying to accomplish coming up. herman cain's camp hasn't decided the fate of the campaign. there were still plenty of candidates running too. the latest from the campaign trail coming up.
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%c1 the future of protesters, since they have been living in the downtown mrs. is a for two months. the recks department says that the group submitted an application to stay until april and the city does not approve any permits longer than five days. they asked for permission to have four large tents and up to 40 personal tents in the park but that was denied. in several other cities, the protesters didn't feel better. police in philadelphia and los angeles raided the camps, 1400 officers surrounded the demonstrators and started to tear down tents after they were told to of the area. hundreds were arrested in the process, many say they will keep protesting. >> it's not about a piece of concrete and it won't be
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tomorrow. we're here to fight for economic justice. >> philadelphia and los angeles will likely not be the last cities to be pushed out. the occupy movement of london took the streets today with striking public workers. protesters and strikers who walked off of jobs stormed a public building that clashed with police. unions say it's the latest in the ongoing struggle and claim up to 2 million public workers could go on strike. i want -- half of the schools were closed. maryland's most powerful radar. >> a lot of wind. check out the flag on federal hill we find a windy chilly hill. just a couple hours left and
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then we're in december. december starts out, 45 degrees at the airport, winds west at 15. looking at some of the weather for the day as captured by the weather bug camera, this in baltimore and just tough to find much sun, a dreary day, a breezy one and that wind made things feel chillier in towson and a blustery kind of a day with very little sunshine. we think it will change in a big way going into the next couple days. maryland's powerful radar showing nothing out there. dry scenario and the temperature map showing a contrast, 20s in western maryland, mid to upper 40s at the beaches and central maryland, talking about the mid- 40s. our highs struggled to the low 50s and they will be back to
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these numbers tomorrow. the coldest part of the air mass settles in, they offset and we end up in the low 50s to federal hill. how about south? down the annapolis way, 50s back through the state capital. looking across the region tonight. we find passing cloud cover from west to east. things are quiet, there's some showers well north and we have to go up into pennsylvania into up state new york to find any active weather. clouds out of the west, high pressure billable south. this slides east tomorrow and is this going to be the weather maker providing sunshine and some milder temperatures as we go into the friday and saturday. we'll look forward to that. in the meantime, the clouds cleared the area tonight and it's a chilly start at daybreak tomorrow and temperatures recovering nicely through the day we keep the clear skies
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around. 32, breezy, colder, 20s north and west and 52 with sunny skiesen a crisp day on tap but a sunny one, bring the sunglasses and the coat. tomorrow night 33. clear and calm, should stay above freezing in the city tomorrow night and as we look at the seven-day forecast, you can see the trend for more 50s and just a seasonable trend. it's first 7 days of december. there's even a 60-degree temperature on there monday. on the whole, it's tough to find much to complain about. >> feeling like fall. >> thank you. lets talk about politics. in democracy 2012, the woman alleging a 13-year affair with herman cain spoke out again
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today and the battle brewing between the two frontrunners. troy, let's start out with cain, what's new with that today? >> there's a lot of back and forth going on. herman cain denied the allegation of a 13-year affair. but ginger white says she's telling the truth. >> i can't imagine waking up and deciding to come out with this if it was not true. it's been a difficult situation and nothing i am proud of. >> herman cain spent the day campaigning in ohio. >> we are reevaluating and reassessing. >> how soon until we have an answer on the plans? >> we'll make a decision in the next several days. >> reporter: cain's poll
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numbers are slipping. he's behind mitt romney and newt gingrich. >> he spent his last 30 or 40 years in washington, i spent my career in the private sector. i think that's what the country needs now to get president obama out of office you're you have to bring something to the race that is different. he's a life-long politician. >> i don't claim to be the perfect candidate. i claim to be more electability than anybody else. >> these two appear to be zeroing in on each other and don't be surprised the you see more attacks. >> what is going on with rick perry? haven't heard much about him. still in the race? >> he was in the news and will be in the news for a comment he made. rick perry makes this comment in the background you hear a little bit of giggling.
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let's play it and talk after. >> those of you that will be 21 by november 12th, i ask for your support and your vote, those who won't be, just work hard. >> okay, here's what is wrong with what he said there, the voting age is 18. the election day is different than what he just said as well and if you're running for president, these are the things you have to know. rick perry came back and said he is human and made a mistake. >> he's made a couple. also back on capital hill a house subcommittee took time to discuss the increase cost of college tuition. they took up the issue finding way to streamline costs for schools and save students money. tuitions and fees at public four-year universities has risen 8% in the past year alone. >> want to look at my
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pocketbook i'll show you. three men carjacked and robbed four people last night. how they caught them. did your carpet take a beating during thanksgiving? some simple tips to clean your carpet. then it will look good for the holidays. get in the corner. those stories and more coming up. coming up tonight, a six- month investigation, foster kids giving an avalanche of drugs for the tiny ones. and also tonight, it's made in america christmas. see you then.
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. stocks soaring, central banks and others agreed to give access to cheaper loans to avert a credit crisis. good numbers. some disappointing news from the new york times today that found that 21 million kids are now getting subsidized lunches. the number of students get free or lower cost meals jumped from 18 million from 2006 to 2007. a child in a four-member family taking in less than $29,000 a year is eligible to receive one of these free lunches.
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standard and poor's's downgraded the credit rating of dozens of banks. the list includes some of the country's biggest banks, bank of america, goldman sachs and wells fargo. a new report with surprising sales numbers from one of the country's most luxury brands. tiffanies saw its third-quarter profits go up 63%. they're known for expensive jewelry and bright turquoise boxes. get someone on the holiday list that is impossible to buy for? we have an idea. the iconic empire state building in new york may be added to a trust that sells shares. you could own a piece of the skyline. the company that controls the
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property now filed with the securities and exchange commission yesterday. no word on what that would cost you. the campaign for next year's general election has just started for many candidates, find out when abc2 news at 6:00 starts right now. now abc2 news at 6:00. >> looking at this as a series because all of the cases involve churches or preschools. >> a burglar charged with stealing from unlikely targets. and from the county to the city back into the county again, another wild night of the streets. you packed your fourth grader's lunch today, the boxed apple juice, why you may pack differently tomorrow morning when you hear this story. already this holiday season,
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criminals have targeted thrift stores and girl scouts. police in howard county say they have a suspect in custody that preyed on such places. >> reporter: he eluded police for weeks, a burglar that stole children's instrument and broke an academy smashing the tuition box and making off with cash, checks and credit cards. they caught up with 46-year-old craig webster when he tried to use one of the cards at a near by store. >> he used a credit card and the detectives recognized him on the surveillance video. >> when police raided the home of his fiance, they discovered a camera that was taken from the preschool. they tracked


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