tv News ABC December 13, 2011 6:30am-7:00am EST
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activity. and the beltway, clear on the inner and outer loop, sluggish traffic on the west side outer loop, driving through pikesville. also looking good heading in to downtown, a live look at 95, i- 395, as we check your drive times, slug i traffic on the west side outer loop, taking you 7 minutes from 795 to i-70 on the topside, outer loop drive 6 minutes. back to downtown baltimore, a few hours ago, baltimore city police began moving in on the protesters. see now, this is a live look where the camp was raided, moved out. pratt has been re-opened, word now is we are trying to learn where the people in and protesters were taken away to. getting people out of the encampment, stephanie rawlings blake weighed in as well. that's more on also head to facebook and let
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us know what you think. several of you giving two cents over what happened. one of the largest retailers made a can feel move pulling commercials rom a reality show about muslims living here in america. what prompted the move and what is said about it. sherrie johnson is here with the story. >> reporter: charlie, lowes home improvement hit a nerve when the company decided to pull the ads from tlc show, all american muslim, set in dearborn, michigan and follows several families, an insides look in to their lives. conservative christian group called florida family association launched a campaign against the show with claims the show hides an islamic agenda. muslims appear to be ordinary folks while excluding islamic believers. >> i would hope people would not be quick to bigotry.
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there are people with negative perceptions. what is important is people with the positive image. >> lowes released a statement on the facebook fan page saying lowes received a significant amount of communication on the program. individuals have strong political and society tall vows and decided to pull the ads. this is our hot topic on the fan page. what do you think about lowes move to do this? was it good or bad? police arrested three am band members in a beating of a woman during a hazing ritual. police say 3 band members hit
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her legs. two military helicopters crashed monday near a joint base in washington south of tacoma near seattle. a release says four army aviators were killed. it was a training exercise and investigation continues this morning. los angeles fire department has been cleaning up a mess overnight. response to the collision of four big rigs colliding. that happened in the northern portion of los angeles on the southbound golden state freeway. the crash did not cause a fire but hazmat teams were on the scene as a precaution. americans with a gross adjusted income of more than $1 million will not be eligible for foot stamps. or jobless pay producing $20 million in savings to help the pay cut for working americans.
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six year old is his mom's hero after he dialed 911 after his mom crashed down a embankment in new york. his mom lost control , the crash trapped her in the vehicle which was turned upside down and her son crawled out and went for help. there are so many apps, it's hard to keep them straight. an announcement the company will be making. [ female announcer ] ornaments are not for decorating.
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dad. did you know it's 22 days, 11 hours and 2 minutes to christmas? [ mumbling ] ...enny days, 8 hours, 9 minutes... 18 days, 17 hours... [ mom ] let's go, young lady. [ female announcer ] they're for building excitement for christmas. 12 days, 18 hours... come on. it's no days! [ female announcer ] the hallmark countdown to christmas ornament. 5 hours and 59 minutes and 41... 40...39... 38...37...36...
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apple decided to reminds everyone it did the apple thing first. it has 500 different apps available. it reached 18 billion downloads since launching three years ago verizon received an emergency alert from the company monday warning of a civil emergency. the message was meant to be a test but never made as a test. moms who have jobs are healthier than those unemployed. they reported better overall health than mom whose chose to stay at home. there is no different between the health of mothers who worked part time versus full
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time. breaking news, downtown baltimore, a major shakeup for the protesters. >> police move in and force protesters out, i'm kuren redmond, live at the inner harbor, a full report coming up. a massive explosion in a harford county neighborhood. this, massive flames, video coming up in a bit. sandusky heading to court, more this morning as well. live pictures from washington, a big decision by fcc coming down on how load commercials can be. it's been a quiet morning so quiet, all we get to do is watch the cold temperatures and water flow. how cold is it by your house?
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you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup. [ dad ] i love this new soup. it's his two favorite things in one... burgers and soup. did you hear him honey? burgers and soup. love you. they're cute. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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packed tuesday morning across maryland, time for your news to go tracking several stories and taking you to dirve places. kuren redmond is in downtown as police moved in overnight clearing out the occupy baltimore camp. following a story out of washington involving fcc, how loud commercials can be regulated. angela phos ser tracking the commute. first, we start with meteorologist, justin berk. 6:43, how cold is it this morning. weest got 29 pear hall. science center 346789 that's a spread to baltimore city. 27 in joppa. 26 bel air. 31 edgemere and towards sykesville. we've got a look at clear skies. clouds creep in from the west. that sis stem going to take energy to the west, it's going to set the stage for something interesting as we go to the start of the week . frosty morning, warmer than yesterday with two degree guaranteed
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high. things are picking up out there as we monitor traffic from the live desk. a quick view of what you are looking at traveling through howard county on i-95, southbound lanes, very crowded make your way through column chum down to the capitol beltway. back to you. protesters during an early morning raid around 3:00, kuren redmond is live on the scene and has been there since shortly before 4:00. the police and protesters have been moved on. >> reporter: that's right . police conducted the raid at 3:18 this morning they removed protesters from mckeldin square where the protesters have been set up for two month. looking at the video we shot, you can see, all of the activity that took place around the pratt street and closed light street this morning and kale out in full riot gear, to get the
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protesters to move out. we are told this was a peace and feel civil removal of the occupy protesters, we are told 50 protesters were in the occupy camp at the time of the raid. we are told police gave the occupy protesters the option of going to a homeless shelter. they had 20 minutes to be removed. police moved in and also they moved in dump trucks to remove the tents now. we have the mayor did issue a statement this morning, saying that the spaces are green spaces and not to be treated as camp grounds. camping is prohibited and she provided assistance to those individuals experiencing homelessness. a recall, baltimore city police moved in and removed the protester whose have been here for the past two months. kuren redmond, abc2 news.
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one occupy camp, mission accomplished as protesters succeeded in shutting down operations at california's port of oak land monday night. a thousand protesters gathered and members of the long shore and warehouse u union, told not to bother coming to work for their shift because of the proass the. weave heard from jerry sandusky twice since accusers came forward claiming he sexually abused them. there will be a hearing today. sherrie johnson is standing by with new reaction and what could be taking place. >> former penn state assistant coach, jerry sandusky faces accuserrers in court for the first time. some will explain how sandusky allegedly molested them. in what could be a set back for the prosecution, with up telephone key witnesses, penn state assistant coach, mcqueary's testimony is called in to question. he says he witnessed sandusky
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raping a boy in the team showers in 2002 and told the head coach and penn state officials about it. now a local paper says a mcqueary friend told the grand jury he spoke with mcqueary the night of the incident and mcqueary said he never saw sex only encounter that seemed suspicious. the victims admit will be an emotional and difficult day. >> there will be a adversarial process for them and unfor a momentable. he is ready to go forward. >> any victim that goes forward with these types of case says brave. they have to face their person they are accusing. >> the attorney general has not said how many alleged victims will testify today or what evidence will be presented. more accusations pop up. this time at amateur athletic
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union or aau in memphis, tennessee two accusers say the aau president, robert dodd abused them in the 80s. we talked to a therapist who says penn state maybe a platform for victims to fine their voice. >> i belief it's the bravery and courage of people who do make a decision to come forth that gives people the courage to do the same to realize it's not too late. >> dodd denied allegations when confronted by officials and left the organization in november. police are investigating. thompson believes the victims may learn to understands how it has impacted their lives. advocates say there is help. experts say going to a television station first may not be the best way to bring about justice. go to police, file a report, and if that's intimidating try
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social services. they could navigate the victims through the overall process. video from a fire that broke out monday night. it happened around 6:45 on blue field in joppa. the fire reignited gen, this is the initial fire from 7:00. officers were able to get this under control. look at the massive flames, no family was home at the time. things are still under investigation. we come to understand that family lost a pet who was at the house. head to, to check out more video from the fire and stay to update on the latest news in our area and around the world. we got what is new on line any time of day. a story still developing this morning catching the eye of lawmakers about the flash mobs that went viral. dozens of young people walk in to convenient stores take items and leave. you've seen this video so many times, it first started happening in august then last
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month. one lawmaker says he wants to ramp up the punishment for the people and the mobs, a bill introduced in the legislative session allowing authorities to total up the items in terms of value and charge each individual that's caught with that dollar amount. tweet read all over the state. martin o'malley inviting lady gaga to dinner. the governor thanked lady gaga via twitter and said he and his wife would love to have dinner and discuss eliminating bullying. judge o'malley and the governor were raising awareness through the speak up stop bullying pledge. >> lady gaga is also out there advocate against bullying. we will wait to see if we get a response. >> the first lady made the campaign a top initiative. we will keep you posted. lady gaga has yet to respond to the tweet. an 18-year-old student who
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killed himself, his parents are speaking out. he was in a sexual encounter with another man and it was videotaped and then he jumped from a bridge. >> for a long time i didn't think he had done that. i thought maybe he was kidnapped or he had runaway. all of those things. when they found his body, then i was forced to accept the fact. >> the roommate rejected a plea deal that would have kept him out of jail. his trial is in february. the mass gender gap, this city says social factors are the republican for the gap. long been reported men perform better in mathematics than women. the difference is culture and the gender gap doesn't exist in some countries. customers of the delmarva power could see a rate hike. could see increase of $7.29 per
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month. it's to cover the cost of repairing power lines and restoring service from irene. it could take 7 months for the rate hike to be finalized. more than 100,000 families are on holds for energy assistance. one is expected to have a fuel oil supply replaced in november. half of the moneys that normally go to heating the families , the moneys will vanish. >> congress should overlook everything when it comes to that part. get the money here. they shouldn't hold it up because they have an argument. what if we get 9 inches of snow? >> this is the time of year they don't buy the prescriptions and paying for heat instead. >> the state provided
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assistance to 125,000 families. five things you need to know on this tuesday morning, a sub committee will hold a hearing examining the child abuse laws, more proposals requires all adults report suspected child abuse, not just a certain professional. rawlings blake and alonzo, will join students at cecil for annual holiday luncheon. it's sponsored by the pierce landing and starts at noon. congress will agree to extend the payroll tax cut. the president and democratic leader, reed, rejected the house plan. one member says in the vote is with held, there are enough democrats supporting the measure to get it passed. the house is expected to pass the measure this morning. live pictures out of washington, fcc will hold an open meeting on the loudness of tv commercials. the commission plans to implement an act preventing commercials from being
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transmitted at a louder volume than normal programming. team members are teaming up with giant food to distribute 150 meals to those in need. meals distributed from 2:30 to 5:30 at the hair yacht winburg center on east 33rd street. now, maryland. most powerful doppler radar. and the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. >> 6:54 good morningment temperature 25 baltimore. oc slipped back to 28. the idea across the delmarva, dropped below the 30-degree mark. some of you closer to the teens especially across southern pa. high pressure in control, dominating eastern sea board, helping to keep us with a third cold morning. along the coast of florida, rough surf and return flow to an active jet stream, crossing mexico and southwest. action this morning with rain already reaching in through
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indiana. the boundary will be the focal point for the storm track that will edge in our direction. this is really important. this is not necessarily going to be a major storm at least for our concern, but once this boundary reaches us, we will get a surge of warm air. thursday reaching close to 60 degrees, this boundary comes diminished form, thursday night and friday morning. behind that a wave of low pressure that could bring us something a little bit on saturday morning. 52 today, mix of clouds, 30 degrees tonight. low 50s, more clouds tomorrow, upper 50s to near 60 thursday, showers really thursday evening and overnight ending friday morning, 54 friday afternoon. calling 43 saturday with sunshine. light snow is possible. here is angela with traffic. checked in with baltimore county police, they are on the scene in carny on harford, also volume related delays on the
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topside of the bellway and 95, also here on u.s. 29 at maryland 108. southbound volume very heavy as you make your way towards the area. also on the west side of 695, here at liberty and 695 in the middle from 795. >> no delays here. a daring dash, dotsons cheered on by friends and loved ones. this is a race across ice. that's cruel. at the bok center at winter fest , the pup sickles. that's right. some made a b-line for the finish. it's warm out there. my dotson has a a bear belly. [ male announcer ] what if you have potatoes?
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but you've got a meat and potatoes guy? pour chunky sirloin burger soup over those mashed potatoes and dinner is served. four minutes, around four bucks. campbell's chunky -- it's amazing what soup can do. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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