tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC December 27, 2011 12:00am-1:05am EST
12:00 am "jimmy kimmel" is next and we'll see you here tomorrow. >> dicky: tonight on "jimmy kimmel live." >> cybermonday is the day that every store online -- it's basically black friday for people too lazy to put on pants. >> dicky: regis philbin. >> welcome to "regis philbin live." >> jimmy: still has a little bit of flavor. this could be fantastic. >> the more regis, the better. >> dicky: and music from paul anka.
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>> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a word about adventures designed by action sports superstars tanner faust. for your chance to compete for one of four vehicles submit ray video to octane my friends are outside making theirs right now. >> okay. i think it's working. action! >> hi, i'm guillermo. this is my assistant yaya. i want to go to the academy. i have the right attitude and i want to be a stunt driver. that's why i want to go the to academy. >> no, i want to go to the academy. >> you make your own video.
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this one is mine. >> no. >> listen to me. >> please. >> i want to go to the academy. >> no. >> listen to me. i want to go to the academy. oh, listen to me. >> jimmy: i think he wants us to listen to him is the point. >> think you have what it takes to roll with the octane academy, submit a video to and have till january 31st to make the cut. "jimmy kimmel live" back in two minutes with regis philbin and muse africa paul anka. bring it. bring it. on my team, we go hard every day. every day. on my team, there are no, days, off. on my team, there'll be epic challenges to test your athleticism, attitude, and audacity.
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if you can't take it... you're not gonna make it. you won't make it. we want those who can. we want you. make a video. make it big. you might make the team. do it now at octane academy dot com. yeah, our low prices are even lower. we need to teach her how to walk. she is taking up valuable cart space. aren't you, honey? [ male announcer ] it's our biggest clearance event of the year where our prices are even lower. save money. live better. walmart.
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from paul anka with cleto and the cletones, and now hold on tight. here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ jimmy kimmel live [ applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone. hi, i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. we got a fun show for you. regis is here. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's always fun to have regis with us, and i always learn something when he's here. he's been doing this for a long time. last time he taught me how to make love to a woman. so good at it. probably why he's been on tv for such a long time. 28 years on one television show. that's amazing, but just to be clear, contrary to what people seem to believe, regis did not retire. he was fired after they caught him stealing. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: they say he tried to smuggle some coffee mugs out of the building. he says he was just thirsty. i don't know what happened exactly. all i know is he's here, and we're keeping an eye on our stuff, but in truth, regis left "live with regis and kelly" as you know so he could spend more time at home driving his wife insane. at this point what his next move will be is a mystery to everybody, even him, so we thought regis might appreciate advice from his fans, so we sent a camera out on hollywood boulevard today to find out what america thinks regis should do. >> regis, i think you should come back to the show. we need you. >> you put your dues in. go to palm springs and do -- and what was that? you know, golf, golf a lot. >> i think he should create a new pajama line.
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>> go out like a g basically since you already out. you already out there, go out there like a g. you might as well take yourself out of the game because the media already took you out. you took yourself out doing what you [ bleep ] did, and it's just pitiful. >> do you have any advice for regis philbin? >> didn't he just die? >> jimmy: thinking of someone else. so there you have it. the wisdom of the masses. today is or was, depending upon where you're watching, cyber monday. cyber monday is a day that every store online puts everything on sale. it's basically black friday for people too lazy to put on pants. experts project that online sales for today alone could exceed $1.2 billion. according to a survey released today, nearly 60% of the american workforce shopped online at their job today while the other 40% looked at porn, i guess. i'm not sure how i feel about people buying gifts online.
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if you really care about someone, you go to target at midnight on black friday and get pepper sprayed to get them a gift. that's love. it's the thought. there was a lot of love in the air over the weekend. black friday followed by mall business saturday and then shoplift sunday, is what what it was? you know, i always thought the reason they called it black friday was because it was the day most retailers turn a profit or go into the black for the year. but this year i heard some different explanations, and, quite honestly, i don't know what to believe anymore, so to get to the bottom of this mysterious day known as black friday, i turn to the one person i can trust, my cousin sal, who looked into it immediately. >> let me ask you this, why do they call it black friday?
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>> i have no -- i have no idea. >> jimmy: i don't have any idea either. [ applause ] >> jimmy: it seems like there were a lot more violent incidents at black friday sales this year. it was a great day for bargains but a bad day for human dignity. blackberry friday shopping, did you know, is the second leading cause of death in america over the holidays. the romans had the coliseum. we have walmart. in fact, a woman at a walmart not too far from here in l.a. allegedly used pepper spray on other shoppers to get to an xbox first. she brought pepper spray with her. i was at williams-sonoma and got paprika spray, and at a walmart near little rock, arkansas, there was a huge fight over waffle irons. they put waffle irons on sale for $2 apiece and people went berserk. how many times are those people actually going to make waffles?
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once for sure like a couple days later, maybe twice, but then you never -- i have a waffle iron. i use it as a pedestal for my salad spinner. just a waffle iron is nothing to fight over. but in arkansas this weekend it was and, fortunately, someone was there to capture the incident on tape. >> you know, things got a little bit insane at some of the black friday sales. for example, people at one walmart in little rock were in a near riot over $2 wafflemakers, and look at this. >> it was nuts. this lady hit me in the face with a waffle iron. >> jimmy: you can actually see a mark. i don't know if you noticed. but there is -- i don't get it. seems to me choking a stranger for a deal on a disney princess doll probably isn't what jesus had in mind for his birthday celebration, but money is tight, and times have changed, so we thought it would be a good day to update a holiday classic. here now -- we won't go through
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the whole process of counting but give you all 12 at once. the new, if not improved, at least updated black friday version of "the 12 days of christmas." are you ready? all right. okay. here -- ♪ on the 12th day of christmas 5 for me 12 playdough playsets, 11 waffle makers 10 pleather handbags, 9 sheets and towels, eight digital cameras ♪ ♪ seven wii games six xboxes, five garbage bags four ipads, three flat screens, two video games and a lady who lost her wig ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you've got to put a stop to this black friday on black friday violence. i hope you had a good thanksgiving. i did. every year i have a tradition.
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there is a homeless shelter not too far from here in downtown l.a. every year i go down there and eat turkey. they give it away for free. one guy who didn't have a great thanksgiving is our current "american idol," scotty mccreery. scotty was part of the thanksgiving day parade in new york city. they had him on a float singing his new song over and over again, and just to be clear by singing, i mean not singing. >> here to sing "the trouble with girls" is the bigger-than-life reigning "american idol," ladies and gentlemen, scotty mccreery. ♪ the trouble with girls they're a mystery ♪ >> jimmy: i can't believe i voted for him 1,800 times. i tell you, that's some parade. i don't know who's watching this parade. i was watching it, but all i could think of watching the parade was how much must matt lauer hate doing this every year. my guess is a lot. pat robertson got into the thanksgiving spirit last week on
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his show "the 700 club." you know pat robertson? he's got a co-host named kristi watts, and they're quite a pair. she got an interview with former secretary of state condoleezza rice, and this happened. >> what's that one thing at thanksgiving you just have to have? >> mac and cheese. >> sister, that is my dish. that is the one thing that i can rock. >> but only -- only once a year. >> good interview, kristi. >> thank you, pat. >> congratulations. what is this mac and cheese? is that a black thing? >> it is a black thing, pat. >> jimmy: what is this mac and cheese you speak of? i had no idea. apparently my family is black. what is this you speak of? speaking of awkward interracial exchanges, wolf blitzer somehow wound up on "the soul train" awards again this year. he was on the show last year too and this time again he was
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paired with legendary rapper doug e. fresh, and suffice it to say, it was not a proud moment to be a white person. >> last year we made history when you taught me how to do the dougie. i learned how to beat-box. >> really? >> watch me beat-box. watch me beat-box. >> jimmy: maybe if you repeat it twice more, we'll -- did you understand, watch me beat-box. okay. wolf got on the road to recovery this afternoon thanks to an interview with herman cain. another woman today came forward with sexual allegations about herman cain. i think she's number 9-9-9 now. her name is ginger white. unlike the others, she's not claiming cain sexually harassed her. instead she said they've been
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having an extramarital affair for the last 13 years. herman cain denied it immediately but the woman showed a reporter her cell phone. the reporter texted the number listed under the name herman cain, and he texted right back and explained who was texting. he said the woman was just a friend. he was trying to help out financially. the tiger woods thing happened at thanksgiving time too, didn't it? eventually it seems inevitable we will find a woman that slept with both of them, our missing link, if you will, but it's another blow to the cain campaign. his lawyer put out an unintentionally hilarious statement today denying everything but also saying sex between two consenting adults is their own private business. well, he has been successful in business. cain said his wife believes him on this one, as well. that's some wife he has, and this is going to be some holiday for the cains. the sex grinch has arrived once again. in fact, tonight here on abc
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they aired the holiday classic "the grinch who stole christmas." and in light of the current events, it seemed appropriate to bring it up to date. we took the video from the grinch cartoon and matched it up from the audio from herman cain's interview with wolf blitzer, and once again the holiday classic is reborn. >> tell us about the nature of your relationship with this woman. >> a friend and trying to help a friend because not having a job, et cetera, and this sort of thing. that's all there is to the relationship. >> was this an affair? >> nine. >> there was no sex? >> nine. >> none? >> nine. >> and if this woman says there is, she's lying. >> 9-9-9. >> jimmy: it doesn't make sense. neither of them wear pants. we talked to regis, and let's check in with regis who is in his dressing room backstage right now. [ applause ]
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>> jimmy: hi. where's regis? >> i think he went out to hollywood boulevard. >> jimmy: he did? all right. could we get a camera out on hollywood boulevard then? yeah? >> oh, hey. >> jimmy: hey there. what are you doing, regis? >> hi, jimmy. i'm standing on my star. >> jimmy: you are. why are you? >> you know what they say, if you stand on your hollywood star and make three wishes, they will come true. >> jimmy: oh, i didn't know they said that. but you should definitely do that. >> i was about to do that until you interrupted me. >> jimmy: i'm so sorry, regis. >> here i go. >> jimmy: okay. oh. oh, wow. you wished for ice cream? >> exactly. >> jimmy: oh, that's nice. i guess you get -- >> i'm going to do it again. >> jimmy: okay. oh, you wished for a megaphone. >> yes, i've got a megaphone.
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>> jimmy: i don't think you need a megaphone but, all right. you get one more wish. make it a good one because those don't seem that great to me. >> here i go. >> jimmy: what is this? >> and now making his late night debut, regis philbin. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. oh, boy. thank you. thank you very much, everybody. and welcome to "regis philbin live." [ cheers and applause ] >> where's jimmy? what happened to jimmy? where is he? [ applause ]
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♪ when black friday comes ♪ [ diplo ] i can't believe that people are actually paying me to travel across the world. ♪ the blackberry bold keeps me connected. whether it's bbm, twitter, whatever it's all in one place. praise the crowd. they're jumping up and down. people are "on fire." it's lightning. zombies. and it drops right here. ♪ whoo! ♪ [ male announcer ] be bold. introducing the new blackberry bold. at subway restaurants this december, and there's still time, so hurry in for a $2 sub -- regular 6" cold cut combo or meatball marinara. score! that's a great deal. can i have one now? only at subway. flavored with real honey. powerful cold medicine that leaves out artificial flavors and dyes
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and instead uses something more natural, honey. new vicks nature fusion cold & flu. ♪ [ female announcer ] go-to... [ male announcer ] holiday party. [ female announcer ] go-to... [ male announcer ] making spirits bright! [ female announcer ] cheers to you, mr. kangaroo. ♪ [ male announcer ] go-to... [ female announcer ] winder wonderland. ♪ go-to... [ male announcer ] unsilent night. [ female announcer ] and to all a good yellow tail. always a favorite for your favorite time of year. [ male announcer ] yellow tail. the go-to.
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: well, hello there and welcome back. it took riot police with tasers to take him down, but regis has been temporarily subdued. tonight with a new christmas album called "songs of december," the great paul anka is here with us. and he will honor regis with song tonight. you can see paul live in westbury, new york, on december 3rd, by the way. tomorrow night we'll be joined by shaquille o'neal, julia jones, and we'll have music from david guetta featuring usher. and then later this week, jim parsons, terry bradshaw, taylor kitsch will be here, maggie q will be with us, and we'll have music from my morning jacket and yelawolf. and, oh, i want to extend a big congratulations to our announcer dicky barrett who along with his wife jessica had a baby girl on
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wednesday. great job. there's a picture. very cute. you can see she's already -- she's already got the tattoos like daddy. >> just like her daddy. >> jimmy: is she healthy, knock on wood. >> dicky: yes, very much. >> jimmy: her name is lilly barrett. her initials are lb, so you better hope she doesn't get fat. our first guest tonight is a television titan. you know him as "regis" from "live with regis and kelly." he is ten days removed from that show and already calling his wife gelman by mistake. his new book is a best-seller. it's called "how i got this way." please say hello to regis philbin. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> thank you. >> jimmy: good to see you. how are you doing? >> oh, i thought i had you locked out. how did you get back in? >> jimmy: let me get this straight. you're not retired. >> not retired although everyone thinks i am. i tried to make it clear when i said moving on, but, no, everyone says retired. >> jimmy: and you did this to get away from gelman, right? i mean that was the reason. >> that was one of the reasons. that's funny when you said i'm calling my wife gelman. >> jimmy: do you think you'll ever speak to gelman again? >> of course, i spoke to him this morning. >> jimmy: why are you still speaking to him? >> he did a terrific job. i hope you have a farewell the way i had a farewell. gelman knocked himself out on that one. >> jimmy: you had a big, big farewell. >> too big. >> jimmy: really. >> it went on and on, farewell to regis and to gelman, is it too much farewell to regis? you know. >> jimmy: they want to squeeze every drop, every tear out of everyone. >> that's right, yeah. >> jimmy: you did not cry on your final show. >> didn't cry. katie couric said you'll cry. i said "i'm not going to cry.
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i'll bet you $10." where's the ten bucks? i haven't seen it. >> jimmy: are you telling me katie couric is a welcher? >> sorry. have i seen the money yet? no. >> jimmy: that should have been paid immediately. >> exactly right. >> jimmy: the last show, did you savor it or are you ready for it to be over? >> you know, yes, i was ready for the whole thing to be over. you know, the kids worked awfully hard on my staff putting together all those memory that i frankly forgot about. 28 years of stuff going through things. so, yeah, i was glad to have that day come and say good-bye. >> jimmy: you had a lot of celebrities in your audience which they didn't tell you about. >> oh, tony danza. excuse me, he was the biggest name there! and i was happy to have him. jimmy kimmel, no. >> jimmy: i was not invited. >> no, of course. >> jimmy: diane sawyer was
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there, donald trump was there, katie, of course. john mcenroe was there. >> mcenroe was there. they all came to pay homage to regis. >> jimmy: they sure did. i want to ask you about something. first of all, i want to congratulate you for -- this is perhaps the biggest thing, you're on the cover of the dean martin fan club newsletter. >> it comes out every month. >> jimmy: every month? >> i'm sorry, every month, yeah. this is the december issue. you have been up to my dressing room. there's dean. a little thing of dean -- >> jimmy: i bought you this dean puppet. but maybe -- you probably got ten of them but i bought you one just like this so i'm delighted to see this. >> i'm looking at your hair and your eyebrows right here. i see a lot of dean here. >> >> jimmy: i'm a regular dino. >> no, i've always admired -- i got him playing in my dressing room all -- >> jimmy: what's going on with all the crap? >> you got to get it all out of there. i don't know what to do with it, jimmy. >> jimmy: you have got, it looks like, hoarders in there. how many pens does regis need? >> oh, gosh. you're absolutely right, 28 years of storing stuff.
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you know, people who accident you thing, you know, you don't want to throw it away so you put it away and keep it, and now it comes time to get out of there and i'm having trouble. >> jimmy: what are you going to do with all that stuff? >> i can't bring it into my apartment in new york because it's all locked up. so much stuff there, so i'm taking it up to -- i have a house in connecticut, so i'm dragging it up there and storing it up there. i don't know what i'm supposed to do with it. >> jimmy: you should open a museum. that's really what i think -- >> you know, honest to god, i just went through the lobby. it would be nice for a little nest, a little wing starring regis. >> jimmy: we will build you a little museum. >> why not? i have all those pictures, all those emmys. everything. what do you want, it's there. >> jimmy: we could put -- do i have the statue? no, i don't have the statue. remember the golden gelman statue that we gave you? >> oh, sure. >> jimmy: you left it here. you forgot to take it with you. we can start with that and build on it. i think it would be bigger than -- >> right here on hollywood boulevard near regis' star.
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what's wrong? >> jimmy: do you have a wax figure? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: pull that over here too. >> sure. the more regis, the better. >> jimmy: we can make a lot of money from this. >> that's right. >> jimmy: yeah, and when you say we, i mean i could make a lot of money. >> absolutely. who knows what will happen when i'm in new york? >> jimmy: by the way, this dean martin thing, this is not the first time you've been on the fan club. >> that's true. >> jimmy: this is your second appearance on the cover. >> the infomercial i did about, well, six years ago for gray garrison putting together "the dean martin variety show." >> jimmy: yeah. >> i just loved it. and when people saw it late at night, you know, or whenever they were selling it, they had so many clips of the great artists that we had years ago that you don't see anymore, you're never going to hear them or see them, and that was all part of that infomercial, and a lot of people thought it was the real show. >> jimmy: he's your justin bieber. >> i thought he was great. >> jimmy: you just love him. >> yeah, you're absolutely right. >> jimmy: did you get the chance to spend time with him? >> you know, here's what happened.
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at my high school prom -- you had a high school prom? >> jimmy: i didn't go. >> no girlfriend? nothing? >> jimmy: exactly. >> what an eye opener. >> jimmy: i stayed home and watched "the fall guy" on tv starring lee majors. >> in new york there were so many nightclubs in those days that everybody went to a nightclub after they had dinner with the whole class at some restaurant somewhere. so five of us took our dates, and we rented a limo, and we went to the copacabana, which is of course years gone now, but there was martin and lewis, dean martin, jerry lewis. the first time i had ever seen them. i had read about them, but to see those guys work together was really something, and jerry lewis came out, and he was throwing plates on the floor and raising hell, and everybody was laughing, and then dean martin came out, you know, tall, handsome, good-looking guy, great voice and really just as funny as jerry. they worked together so beautifully, so i just said from that moment i'm going to follow this guy's career, and he went on to big things. >> jimmy: and did you meet -- >> also, you know, dean was --
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am i boring everybody about dean? >> all: no! >> jimmy: i love it because it's funny to me. you're regis. that you have a guy that you look up to. i mean i think -- >> before i'm finished with you, i want to know which is the guy you looked up to because there's 30 people in this book who i looked up to who inspired me and influenced me and i bet there are another 30 in your life. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, sure. >> so anyway, dean -- we'll get back to you in a minute. well, anyway -- >> jimmy: don't worry about me. >> here's what happens at various parties, things like that, i would see dean and shake hands. but, of course, difficult to get up to and snuggle, you know. >> jimmy: yeah, you're right. >> so one day i'm over there covering george clooney's -- not george clooney -- oh, what am i talking about here? who is the guy who had all those car chases out there, and he was driving the truck? great, wonderful actor. come on, why can't i think of his name? >> jimmy: was it lee majors from "the fall guy"?
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>> burt reynolds. thank you very much. burt reynolds. and in the movie are dean and sammy davis, so i'm the lot to cover some of the exerts and there's dean's agent who says, you know, why don't you go inside. dean is sitting there alone. talk to him." i go in there. he is sitting at a booth in this big trailer. "regis," he said, "sit down." and we talked. and like an idiot, i go back to the copacabana and there i am with my girlfriend and i went through the whole thing, and i said i really was a big fan because my college years when i went home to long island, i had a job at a plastics factory, and it was from midnight to 8:00 a.m., i hated the hours, i hated the plastic factory, i hated everything, so to get me inspired, i would play a little record of dean's. it was just out, and i'm going back to the '50s. >> jimmy: before the ipod? >> right. so i'm playing this song, and i gave him the title, and i said,
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dean, i used to listen to this every night. he said, what is the title? i said "one foot in heaven." he said "i don't remember it. sing it to me, regis." so i sit there, and i sing the whole bloody song. ♪ one foot in heaven on angel street and with the other one i walk on air ♪ anyway, i sing the whole song and dean says, you know, regis, it's a nice song but i never sang it. [ laughter ] >> and a guy come knocking on the door, dean, ready for you. >> jimmy: this is his book. it's called "how i got this way." it's out now, and, regis, you sing the songs of dean martin. right? >> once in a while i do but nobody sang it like dean. >> jimmy: with joy on december 29th in naples, florida. december 30th, regis with susan lucci. >> i love him. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with regis. [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ] it has a famous big brother.
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we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a mace, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet?
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ones do. so you might think this is a joke. that was five years ago, and our producer ken saved that piece of gum. >> oh, my gosh. really? >> jimmy: and he's been keeping it. >> i dare you to try it again. go ahead. >> jimmy: all right. >> come on, give me a piece. >> jimmy: still has a little bit of flavor. >> okay. boy, that's hard. >> jimmy: that's going in the museum. >> i just lost two teeth. >> jimmy: and you know what else we're going to put in the museum. the golden gelman. the golden gelman. >> it looks like him. >> jimmy: look at that. >> oh, yeah, now i know it's him. >> jimmy: i think we should make it clear again that you're not retiring. you're working on other
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projects. >> yes, i am. >> jimmy: i've been reading in the paper about some things. >> yeah, well, who knows. you know, there are just things i hear about. i haven't really made my mind up yet. i'm on a book tour. >> jimmy: you're on a book tour. >> in st. louis tomorrow night. when are you going to write your book? come on, jimmy. >> jimmy: when all my relatives die so i can be honest. >> oh. come to think of it, you better wait that long. >> jimmy: now, as far as these tv shows, these future projects of yours, i've read about a reality show. i read about a game show, and we acquired a tape of another show -- of a show that i think is -- i haven't seen this reported on anywhere. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but -- >> i just taped it the other day. i don't know if it's the same one you're talking about. >> jimmy: i don't know if it is the same, but do you mind if we show what's happening in regis' future? >> go ahead. >> jimmy: take a look.
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>> stand by. we're having a boy -- >> this sucks. >> i agree. what the hell are we even watching? >> eh, it's "16 and pregnant," dumb ass. >> "16 and pregnant." when regis was 16 he was already hosting "the frigidaire funny hour." kids today have no work ethic. none. >> yeah, kids today suck. heh, heh. >> come on butthead. change the channel. we're missing the notre dame game. >> no way, regis. that chick with the acne is going to go into labor and stuff. this is going to be cool. >> labor, doing this show is labor. where are the lights here? where is the studio audience? where are the stars? give me that remote. how does this thing work anyway? >> regis, that's a phone, dumb ass, a phone.
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>> well, then i'm going to phone a friend. >> hello. >> hello, beavis, this is regis. >> hey, regis, how's it going? >> you could have this job. i'm leaving this show too. regis can't take it anymore. he needs an audience. he needs stars, and you, you're an idiot. >> you said urine. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love it. i think it's good. i think the kids are going to love it too. >> "beavis and regis". >> jimmy: i think it's just "regis and butthead." beavis and kelly now. >> i think it is. >> jimmy: you now -- we have -- well, it's not a surprise. you know who's coming up next. someone that i know you're a fan of, is a fan of yours, as well. >> he's a great guy and a great singer all these years. >> jimmy: he has something prepared for you. >> really? >> jimmy: that is right. you think we'd let you come here and not have something prepared for you? >> i'm glad somebody does.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: when we come back, we're going to do that and again i want to mention your live show is on disease 29th. regis and joy in naples, florida, and december 30th, regis and susan lucci in west palm beach. >> that has been canceled. yeah. >> jimmy: well, don't go to that one. what happened, did you quit that too? >> yeah, i walked away. i moved on. >> jimmy: this is still in the store, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: "how i got this way." we'll be back with regis and music from paul anka. [ applause ] >> dicky: join the bud light huddle at bud light, the favorite beer of nfl fans. here we go. the healing power of touch can be even more powerful. with precise from the makers of tylenol.
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12:53 am
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united states. do you remember how we were talking about those great artists, what you were talking about that dean martin video where these guys, they come and -- >> he's one of the few that's left. >> jimmy: and he's here tonight. this is his new album called "songs of december" here with a special version of his classic song "my way," mr. paul anka. >> hey. hey. >> thank you. hey, rege, i'm going to come over here and sing. they wanted me to come out and sing one of mire classic song, "puppy love," "lonely boy." i said, he's too special. i got to do something for him that i'm now going to do -- i originally wrote these words for frank sinatra. tonight for this special gentleman because he's one of a kind. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ now rege it's pure prestige to join this siege of admiration ♪
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♪ what's more the tributes pour from shore to shore across the nation ♪ ♪ stars gushed don't go it's too rushed everyone's crushed and let's be cautious ♪ ♪ one more homage or heartfelt montage we'll all be nauseous ♪ >> excuse me. >> there's more. >> oh, really. ♪ jimmy knows too it's been a true star-studded saga ♪ ♪ each blessed to be your guest from dottie west to lady gaga ♪ ♪ with tears kelly reveres the
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past ten years your gal and guy way ♪ ♪ she sent this sweet line now the show's all mine i'll do it my way ♪ >> that's good, paul. you're right. >> thank you, thank you. ♪ the mornings won't be the same no endless tales of notre dame ♪ >> he forgets already. ♪ stories with joy, we so adore like where you ate the night before ♪ ♪ our eyes would glaze but those were the days because you told us your way ♪ >> give him a hand, folks. [ cheers and applause ] >> nice, thank you, paul. >> not done yet. >> oh, okay. >> hold on. there's more.
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♪ you mused which road to choose with interviews you've met your quota ♪ ♪ and, gee, one day you'll see like kathie lee, you'll find your hoda ♪ ♪ we'll miss your daily dis we're sure of this and yet we're glad still ♪ ♪ we know what's next collecting checks from hocking advil ♪ ♪ soon some young stud some golden boy steps in for gelman to annoy ♪ ♪ with charm and chat he'll take your cues he'll fill your seat but not your shoes ♪ ♪ for decades of fun from everyone ♪
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: hi there. we are back with regis and paul anka. and we came across this photo of you guys. when was this taken? do you know? >> in the '60s. >> jimmy: what show was this? >> that was my show in san diego. >> look at your hair. >> look at all the hair we had. >> that's the first time we had met. and if i had known back then that you'd become such a big star -- >> if i had known you'd become a big star. >> i would have listened to you when you were begging to sing with me. >> paul anka was, you know, a giant from the get-go, from his teenage years. >> jimmy: yet you are not in his fan club. you're in the dean martin fan club. paul, interesting. >> oh. >> i don't blame him. this was the greatest guy. you got to remember, i'm a kid. i go from his show to las vegas where i start working with the rat pack as like a young guy, and i walk into a steam room to
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meet dean martin, sammy davis, frank sinatra, and they're walking around nude, right? well, dean, his favorite song was "little things mean a lot" so that will give you -- >> jimmy: don't say that to regis, you will break his heart. do not say that to regis. >> frank took the -- >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: of course, he did. he's the chairman. >> and, listen, he had his own chair, believe me. [ laughter ] >> wow, that is a great -- >> i mean, you asked. i'll tell you. but dean was the greatest guy. you know, he was so funny on stage, as we know. >> yeah. >> but when you saw him offstage in a steam room or hanging with the guys, he was even funnier. >> jimmy: naked, funnier. >> oh, naked, he was to the moon. he had to be better than his handicap. greatest guy.
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you should be president of his fan club. >> jimmy: thank you so much for doing this and coming to singing to rege. this is your -- the new cd. >> yep. >> jimmy: a christmas cd full of songs for the holidays. would you be so kind as to sing another song for us from the cd? >> well, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> i wasn't planning to because i have to run over to -- but i'll do it. >> jimmy: all right. paul anka, everybody. plays us off the air with a song "santa claus is coming to town." >> oh, really? >> jimmy: regis, pay attention. >> like you've never heard it. ♪ you'd better watch out better not cry ♪ ♪ you'd better not pout i'm telling you why ♪
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