tv Right This Minute ABC January 5, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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scene. >> hear about the astounding damage when the punches finally stop. she just lost her husband, had a baby and now, two guys were breaking in her home. an incredible drama leads to one gutsy decision. it's all blue skies and scenery until two paragliders collide. they definitely didn't see that one coming. the next video is going to blow your mind. >> how are these guys doing this under water? >> it's not an air pocket between two layers of ice? >> no. >> get your best guess ready, we'll have the answer. and baby seal bugs big seal one too many times. it's time to get today's show started. and steven has our first story for us. >> when you don't like your food in a restaurant, you can always order something else or maybe, you know, send it back to the chef.
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you definitely don't do this. [ screaming ] >> this is a brawl at a montreal restaurant. and this has nothing to do with the food. this is two groups duking it out between 3:30 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. and as you can tell, the weapon of choice in this melee is chairs, plates, dishes. it appears to be between two groups. this thing started when some passers-by said something to somebody inside the restaurant. waved hello and then like all fights start, out of nowhere, a huge fight started inside the restaurant. even these girls are picking up chairs and throwing them across the room. it's like, it's like a spaghetti western scene, almost, right? >> this doesn't look like a back-door seedy place. they've got tablecloths and real
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dishes. you hear them clanking. >> you're right. any restaurant that's open at 3:30 in the morning, you have to at least question that. >> yo, get out of here! >> apparently this fight cost between $10,000 and $20,000 in damage. of course chairs were broken, dishes were broken. the carpet needs to be replaced. because there was so much blood on the carpet from this fight. that can be really expensive. the level of disrespect and complete disregard for people and property is beyond what i think i've seen, even on this show. this is terrible. [ screaming ] the 911 tapes were just released from an incident that happened in oklahoma on new year's eve. the woman you see here in this video is 18-year-old sara dawn mckinley, these there with her 3-month-old baby on new year's eve when someone tries to break
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into her house. so she calls 911. >> i've got two guns in my hand. is it okay to shoot them if he comes in this door. >> sara was there with her 3-month-old baby in her arms and she was home alone. her husband had just passed away on christmas day from lung cancer. she stays on the phone for 21 minutes with this 911 dispatcher. >> well, you have to do whatever you can do to protect yourself. i can't tell you that you can do that. but you do what you have to do to protect your baby. >> i guess i was feeding off her and she was calm, so i could be calm. >> the first person to enter her home is 24-year-old justin martin. and he's wielding a knife. and sara mckinley has a shotgun and shoots him. and justin was killed in this incident. now, the twist in this story, there was a second intruther or potential intruder according to olice in this incident. and accdi to oklahoma law,
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he could now be charged in the death of justin martin. because he was involved, according to police, in this crime. but also according to the assistant district attorney, she will not be charged, that she acted within her rights in this situation. >> i can't imagine this poor girl at 18 years old, going through all that she's gone through in the last three months. the birth of a child, the death of her husband and shooting an intruder. that's heavy. >> it just goes to show you that a mother will do anything to protect her child. who do you call if you've got a blood clot in your foot and you're stuck on a cruise ship? the coast guard! >> you got it. the u.s. coast guard is there when you got a problem and you're in the middle of nowhere. here you see them, about 120 miles off the coast of galveston, they're hovering over the carnival ship "triumph." a 73-year-old man is on deck and he's in trouble. he needs to get off the boat. take a look at the water, that
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ship doesn't anchor, the ship doesn't just stop in the middle of the water for the helicopter. that shows how in sync the chopper and the boat are. the rescue swimmer is lowered down on deck, smack in the middle of the deck, no problem. the neck thing you know, this guy is hoisted to safety. >> the survivor is at the door. >> are you guys like always amazed like me, that they make it look so easy. and you know that there's some precision work going on here. >> it makes me feel safer. that these guys are out there. it makes you realize, if you ever got your arm broken by an anchor line and you're out in the middle of nowhere, who do you call? >> coast guard. >> here they are, again. >> two out of two, beth! >> they know this stuff. >> here they are off the coast of kodiak, alaska, a young man, 27 years old, was fishing, got his arm snapped, here again, you see the rescue diver being lowered down. the target here is much smaller. you're not dealing with a cruise
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ship. you're dealing with a postage stamp in the middle of nowhere. >> i'm amazed at the speed in which they get these people up. once they're in the bachkshl rk thoo are are basket they're up in no time. one of the kids heard barking outside our front door and asked our staff if the suitcase outside was supposed to be barking. >> that is a cute pooch. >> absolutely. that is abel. and abel was left outside of that animal shelter that you see there in minnesota. in a suitcase. >> man, who would do that? >> apparently somebody wanted to do something good for abel, so they left him at the animal shelter. but it was freezing temperatures, they left him in the suitcase, so as this woman said, kids heard some barking and said, are suitcases supposed to bark? they opened it and there was abel. >> you mean, they had the
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suitcase zipped up and everything? >> uh-huh. and abel was inside. >> why would anybody do that to a dog with a face like that, especially! >> that is a sweet little face that abel's got. i definitely want to take him in. >> he's okay now, is what you're saying? >> he's okay now, but here's the interesting thing. abel likes to sleep in that. he doesn't want to leave it. >> aw. >> they've given him a bed, but he prefers the suitcase he was left in. >> if he was comfortable in that, it's a good thing he got to the shelter with his little comfy blankie in bed. >> for people who crate-train their dogs, dogs feel comfortable in their crates. >> he looks like he could turn from a cute little puppy to a big dog. >> just get him a bigger suitcase! 100-mile-per-hour winds lash scotland. and what's this guy doing? >> he's singing.
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at great videos, all day long. >> yesterday i told you about a storm that hit the uk on january 3rd. i found some more video that really showcases exactly how strong this storm was. this was shot by a dock worker. you can see how angry the storm was. look at the ocean. >> i'm not surprised by this video. because i went to scotland in the midd of august and nely surprised that they have angry seas like this in
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january. >> is this uncommon for this time of year? is this stronger than they normally see? >> this is one of the stronger storms they've seen for a while in the uk. particularly in scotland. this storm packed a heavy punch, 100-mile-per-hour winds at its peak. thousands and thousands of people were left without power, both in scotland and england. it's taken hundreds of workers to restore power to all of the citizens. the funny thing about this video, this guy is pretty brave, i mean he's out in the thick of this storm. but listen to this -- ♪ >> he's singing. >> what's he singing? >> i don't think it matters, he's just trying to keep himself calm. singing in the rain. >> exactly. speaking of the strong wind, here's a video of what the wind was able to do at the trash bin. it looks like it's sliding on ice, but it's not. it's just being dragged down the street by the heavy wind.
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look how close it got to this car, though. >> whoa. >> and it jumped something. >> did looks like it hit either a fire plug or a sign or something. that thing is just cruising down the street. >> i'm so shocked that people are driving in this. there are two cars that passed by this thing. >> that's some strong wind. >> 100-mile-per-hour winds, that's pretty insane. >> if you can whistle in the wind, you can drive in the wind. [ laughter ] sorry. baby seal -- [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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mid-air collisions of any kind, whew, never a good thing. especially when you're paragliding. paragliding here in mexico. got his little camera on. what i believe is his helmet. you know, probably a little go pro action. keep your eye on this guy in the yellow. his friend, coming right at him. >> oh, heck, no, oh, my gosh! did he lose his parachute? >> he didn't. he did start dropping altitude very quickly, but he didn't lose his parachute. neither guy in this little accident were injured. both flyers okay. they talked about the incident on the ground. looked at the video, said, hey, sorry, bro, sorry for running into you. >> i kind of wonder what the rules of the road are, when
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you're doing a paraglide like this. who stays to the right, who stays to the left. >> gayle, there is no road in the sky. sometimes a girl just wants her guy, to look neat and clean. >> you see the look of disgust in her eyes. >> she's on the attack, just turned into like a wild animal. >> throws the pretzels at her. >> what are you going to eat later? >> guy is getting his tail kicked just because he's lazy and sloppy? >> she took a chunk out of his beard. >> but just wait, here she comes with one left hook. >> and the whole beard is gone. >> she could have made it a combination left-right, she might have been able to give him a haircut at the same time.
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>>. ♪ look at my facial hair >> the video is called "the beard punch." >> did you just say assault and beardery? [ laughter ] >> are you all right? >> assault and beardery. >> same shirt, hitting it. what is going on there? >> okay, i admit it. this video stumped old beth when i first saw it. but now i know what's going on here and soon, so will you. snowstorm, slick roads and -- >> bad crash, think it's over? no, it's not. wait for it. >> wait until we come back and we'll show you what hap
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>> the fanny pack is like the cherry on top of this ice cream sundae of this music video. i don't say this often, but the next video is going to blow your mind. watch, it's called fishing under ice. now tell me if you can figure out what's going on here. >> it's like a diver in frozen water? >> yeah. >> we've got some divers, they're under water. spare tanks and a bucket. >> this was filmed last april and the video was just put together very recently. can you explain what this is?
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>> he's under water, walking on ice. >> beth troutman's wheels are turning. >> it's not an air pocket between two layers of ice? >> no. >> what is going on there? >> is he upside-down? >> standing on the ice upside-down, would he be right? >> they are in a lake in finland. and these divers are in the lake, except they're upside-d n upside-down, walking on the frozen surface. when they mess with these wheelbarrows, it looks like they're dumping it into the wheelbarrow. >> how is the wheelbarrow staying if they're upside-down. >> it's probably got air in the wheelbarrow. >> see how they're dumping that out? >> oh. >> they're dumping out the air bubbles. >> isn't that crazy? >> and once they dump the air out, it sinks to the bottom. which looks like it's rising to the stop. >> what's also cool is when the air comes out of their mask it goes down instead of goes up. >> i was like wait, that's the
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give-away. >> i was like, what the heck is going on in this video. >> i don't understand how they could do this. i'm so baffled by it, because i don't think i would be able to get my body straight young side down in the water. i would tend to curl and flip to the top. >> these guys float, they're divers and they can adjust for buoyancy. >> that freaked me out when they went up to the surface to the guys sitting in the snow. >> i'm still amazed by these guys. >> it plays with your head. we often say on the show, there are always cameras eve everywhe everywhere, why do criminal does the things they do? >> exactly. >> this guy really should have known there were cameras around, because he was an employee at the store he chose to rob. >> come on! >> i'm not lying. >> he just ruined his life. >> we got the story from cbs in atlanta. the guy in this surveillance
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video is 25-year-old scott allen dempsey. he was an employee at a shell station in villa rica, georgia. >> what could he possibly steal, doritos? >> he put a sign on the store during his shift that said, "i'll be back in a few minutes." locks and doors and he steals money out of the safe. takes a few magazines off the rack and then takes the gun that they kept under the cash register for store security, and flees right before the next clerk is scheduled to come on her shift. >> so right before his shift is over, he said, i'm going to pick up a few extra things and take off? >> at one point he's selling items and the next minute, he's stealing from the store. >> the store had 20 cameras inside of it. >> 20 cameras. >> the weird thing about this is, after he fled, he decided to turn himself in. >> he turned himself in?
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>> the owners of the store offered a $1,000 reward. >> i'm wondering if he turned himself in to get the reward! >> i know! what do we know about ron burgundy? >> we know he's kind of a big deal. >> and we also know he will read whatever he sees in the teleprompter. >> i'm ron burgundy? >> hoe typed a question mark on the teleprompter. >> anchor man ron burgundy was obviously the inspiration for the director's prank on the weather guy at wgba in wisconsin. >> the thought of having cat hair on my pillow, it grosses me out. >> don't tell the camera operator that. >> i know, he's got one and he lets it sleep in his bed. >> in news, i love lampa. >> you got me! >> in other news, i love lampa. >> this is actually the line that steve carrell says, in the movie. >> i love lamp. >> i love lamp.
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>> other news, i love lamp -- whoa! >> oh, my got, he said it. >> you got me! >> the co-anchor loves it. >> in other news, he'll read anything that's put in the teleprompter. >> in other news, i love lamp. next time on "right this minute" -- coming up tomorrow, our "countdown" show. what will be our number one find? could it be -- that's next time on "right this minute." police break up a terrible attack. >> in the middle of the street? >> the crime that may be changing attitudes in india. and have you ever wondered how a blind person cooks? >> a toaster oven and a foreman, don't ever turn the real oven on. >> that's when it gets weird. >> because using a real ovenn i if steven is right about how this man cooksãgagagagagagac0c00
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hello, everyone, i'm trout trut and it's time for more "right this minute." [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. a freak snowstorm makes drivers freak out. and the guy who posted this video is fed up. >> people without common sense created a lot of the problem. >> guys in hockey shirts beat each other up. but they're nowhere near the ice. ♪ ♪ >> a new video poses the really tough questions. and we've got a few of our own. >> why does goofy have a dog and he's also a dog? and a camera on a pole captures some snowboarders sick turns. >> i like that you said sick turns. >> thank you. it's time to kick off the second half of our show and nick is going to get us started.
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>> we see a lot of dash cam video. but rarely do we see it from a civilian vehicle. west virginia, driving through the mountains, freak snowstorm comes along and uh-oh. look out. >> whoa, whoa! ooh. bad crash. think it's over? no, it's not. wait for it. >> oh boy. >> ooh. >> they're going too fast. right from the beginning, they're going too fast on these roads. >> and the driver even admits he was going too fast. but he says, 15 seconds earlier, the roads were clear. it was a freak snowstorm on the roads of west virginia, up to 30 cars were involved in this pile-up. the guy's car here is lance lancer evo-8, an all-wheel drive car. that may have been one of the reasons he was able to control it around some of the stopped and wrecked vehicles. he said he didn't jam on the brakes.
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he let off the gas and was able to drive around some of the cars. what a mess. >> the guy with the dash cam did some pretty crafty driving of his own to avoid a major collision. he was juking and jiving there. >> i have to give it to the big rig driver the way he was able to get to the side. because some of the cars on the freeway couldn't manage to do that. >> he put his commentary on the bottom of the video. you know what, he said people with more common sense could have made this better. people without common sense created this problem. >> once you get the big 18-wheeler in the mix, that's really scary. this video was recently uploaded to youtube, and i want to warn you before i show it to you, it's difficult to watch. >> this video was shot in delhi, india, during new year's celebration. and it's actually the police coming to the aid of a woman during an attempted gang-rape. >> in the middle of the street? >> in the middle of the street. >> we did blur the victim's face
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to protect her identity. it's unclear as to who this guy is in the checkered red and white shirt. you see this one gentleman help the woman in red. >> play that back, make the screen bigger, beth, the guy in the checkered shirt you can see get a stick to the back of the head. see him fall off to the right. >> it's unclear whether or not he was part of the mob or if he was someone coming in trying to help the woman. >> but he did run away. >> so ha does that tell you? >> i'm so happy that the police were there to break that up before something really bad happened. but it seemed like all the culprits got away. >> the thing about the video, it was uploaded at a time when violence and rape are topics of discussion in india. in fact, in india, in 2011, there were three rapes per day. and an article came out yesterday in the hindustan times, a woman named kk sutama, who was head of a committee set up by bangalore university to
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fight sexual harassment. said i'm against women wearing obscene clothes, with such clothes, they tempt men and that's why women get raped. >> and that's the mentality, in regions of the world. thinking that it's the fault of the woman because of the way they dress. and that's so difficult to hear. >> it's ridiculous. >> that's the thing about this video. that's getting a lot of chatter. is this woman was in western clothing. >> the reason for attempted rape is that you have criminals who have the idea that they want to have sexual power over a woman. it has absolutely woman to do with what she's wearing. >> the director general of police is quoted as saying, police can't control these things, but this video clearly shows that police can. if they try. smiley doggie! >> sit. give me a smile. ce goofy grin.
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smile! [ laughter ] >> that's a good boy, that's a good boy milo. look at that big smile. look at that big smile! you funny boy! police in philadelphia are looking for some suspects in what they're calling a brutal assault. and they released this video to help ask for some tips from the public. check it out. you see some guys wearing flyers' jerseys and rangers' jerseys. they're not players, they're fans. this was after this year's winter classic between the flyers and the rangers they're outside of gino's steak. a famous cheesesteak place in philadelphia. you see this guy come up and remove his coat with the fur lining there. you see that? he has his flyers jersey on underneath. he throws his coat on the ground and immediately starts swinging at this a lot smaller rangers fan. get him on the ground and there's two flyers fans just going at the guy completely. it it looks like this guy is
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trying to separate those two flyers fans. an additional fight breaks out back here involving the same flyers fan attacking another rangers fan. police are looking for the three men in the flyers jerseys. they're also saying if you recognize these guys out on the street, don't approach them. >> what kind of injuries did these guys sustain? that guy doesn't get up. >> these guys are hopped up on hockey action. looking to fight, pretend they're hockey players and get out there. >> and that's stupid. >> exactly. you're not on the team. you're just a fan. the sports stay in the arena. these guys take it way too seriously. steven, when you see what this finnish man does on the streets of china, you're going to think he's finished. >> ha, ha, good pun, gayle. >> notice the pedestrians in the crosswalk, this is in china. and you notice that the cars don't really stop, even though there are pedestrians in the crosswalk. >> right.
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but the pedestrians look kind of confident. they look like they know what's going on. >> they know that the cars aren't going to stop. >> this man is finnish, and he just jumps in front of the cars. with his hands to tell them to stop, please, thumbs up. and he almost gets run over. >> it's almost like he's doing a nice thing, being a good samaritan. but i feel like he might be the one breaking the rules here. because it seems like everybody else knows this is how it works. you just kind of creep across the crosswalk and the cars come and you wait until there's no cars coming and then you go. >> what if it was your grandmother walking across the street with her groceries, wouldn't you want the cars to stop? >> i absolutely would want the cars to stop. >> what if it was your wife with your baby in a stroller and the twins following behind, wouldn't you want the cars to stop? >> but it looks like the guy is messing up the system. he's probably going to cause more accidents. >> you know what, steven?
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you and china don't care about people. >> this guy has an attitude. serious seriously, he jumped in front of that car. i've got the most terrifying video for you two. >> something that involves a robot and a cat. we'll show you what the robot can do and how he does it. and a snowboarder catches his own run down a mountain on camera. >> pretty stoked. >> yup, it's pretty dope. see the sick ride, later.
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you guys know what the velociraptor is? the dinosaur made famous in the movie. but do you know what the philsoraptor is? >> a dinosaur that's an a philosopher? >> yes. the dinosaur became an internet meme and began asking rhetorical questions. it's grown so much that a youtube user, bucky, decide 20d edit together a pop song of his favorite monster rapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ [ indiscernible ]
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♪ ♪ >>-day like that. other than a high-flying object. so now it's just an f.o. >> why is there christmas on the flintstones? >> i'm kind of upset why the philsoraptor didn't tackle the question, why does goofy have a dog and he's also a dog. >> we have googled this. and goofy is a hybrid of a dog and a cow. >> if you ask anybody they're going to say, goofy is a dog. >> goofy belongs to mickey mouse. >> what the hell just happened here? >> maybe to cap it off we could do the philosoraptor pose. we've met tommy edison before, he's blind and he's a film critic and a traffic reporter. his newest video shows us how he cooks. >> one of the things people wonder about a lot is how i
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cook. >> just like a lot of cooks, he likes to sip a little bit while he's cooking. >> i'm going to go with a burger and fries. >> he's so positive. you can't help but feel good around him or watching him. >> it makes me want to have some crinkle-cut fries. >> we'll cook this for probably about three minutes. >> here it goes. >> george foreman needs to put him in his infomercials this would sell a lot of george foreman grills. >> he's just like any other single bachelor dudes. >> burgers and french fries. >> you need a toaster oven and a foreman. don't ever turn the real oven on, that's when it gets weird. >> grab the burger and unplug the george foreman grill. safety, first. it's not going to be too hot.
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and look. >> and that's how tommy edison cooks himself something to eat. >> mmm, now that's what i call delicious. robot avatar brushes cat, take one. >> i've got the most terrifying video for you. >> it's cats and robots, which makes it awesome! >> virtual reality mode on. >> this guy has connected a wii controller and a xbox kinect and he's attempting to brush a cat with the robot, controlling the robot with his body movements. >> there could be a happy ending here. the cat and the robot could both be destroyed. >> the guy is on a small treadmill. as he walks, the robot walks forward. >> did he build this little thing? or did he take a child's toy and
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add all of these things to it? >> this robot is something that you can buy. that this guy was able to adapt. >> so what you're saying is there's an army of these out there already made. just waiting to be programmed. >> did i just punch him in the head? >> and he's got the horns. you know what else has horns? >> devils. >> why do we continue to do these? >> he's able to brush the cat. >> brush. does he enjoy it? >> now what, yeah, i spent a lot of time programming a robot to pet a cat. yeah, for two seconds. woo! >> at the end of the world, steven, who do you think who is going to save our butts? guys like you and i who talk on tv or guys who can build robots? >> bruce willis. >> the end of the world and how are our lives going to be saved? because you just said it, it's the end of the world. >> bye-bye. look at this clean, white room. now, imagine what it looks like after giving kids thousands of stickers.
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>> what does an obliteration room look like? >> an obliteration room? is that like the situation room? >> no. this is the owe lit ration room at the queensland gallery of modern art. the artist painted everything in this room completely, completely white. only goal of the white room is to allow kids to come in here with a very vibrant colorful sticker and place it wherever they want. >> i like it! >> and this is what two weeks into this installation looks like. the stickers are everywhere. i don't know how they got them on the ceiling. >> must be some tall kids. >> they probably had help from mommy or daddy. >> the kids got their stickers and they place them. but look, there's actually shapes to the way they -- >> there's like a little guy right here. it looks like there's a face or something. >> i would stick my sticker
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underneath something. underneath a table or underneath a piano. that way it doesn't get lost and all of these other stickers. but i would know it's there. >> because you can't find your sticker if ear here like this. yo, sticker, where are you? >> if i put it underneath, i'll always know where it is. >> the installation is still going on. so you can put your sticker under the piano. you can still do it through march 12th. >> i would stick my sticker on that little boy's white shirt. he has no stickers. dog problem, take one. >> a dog has a problem. he is not allowed outside. so he has a solution. he chews the sofa. ♪ what will he do now? he thinks the sofa is like soil. the sofa is not soil.
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the snows have come and it's time to shred. chris and jimmy hit the slopes in europe. cool name, if you're a snowboarder. kikenweis. they go out to hit some of the fluffy powder on the mountains. >> they shot this video by themselves. check out the angles they got with the go pro at the end. >> i thought they were being dragged by something. >> he's got a pole out? >> where is it? >> he's got a go pro camera at the end of a pole. and with the wide-screen angle of the go pro, they were able to capture themselves going down the mountain, the point of view from front of them, behind him. >> the point of view in front of him looks like he's wakeboarding. >> but he's going through these trees. >> it had to make his arm tired, right? imagine hoeding the camera the whole time. >> if he can snowboard like
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this, i can think he can hold the pole up. >> it takes amazing control to be able to snowboard as well as they're snowboarding, and being able to hold the pole out. because usually you need both hands to balance and make the sick turns. >> i love that you said sick turns. >> you're so dope. >> pretty rugged. the conditions are just perfect for snowboarding. >> and the angles are, it's crazy, i love it. >> it's like the power of paradise, look at that. >> this bulldog is on a mission. where could he possibly be headed? >> find out, when we join the quest, next. and see more of the moment when steven and i butted heads. can head over
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scarf. if you think really stupid things are funny and you have the same sense of humor like a grade school kid, like i do. you'll think this video is hilarious, this is from the youtube channel, pete in a box. >> if you replace the word "wand" with the word "willie" it can be quite amusing. immature, but hilarious. >> harry stopped it and put -- >> are you okay? willie, look at my willie! it had slipped. snapped almost in two. and -- >> woo. >> as a harry potter fan, this is like sacrilegious? >> for kids, yes, but as a grown-up i find it amusing. i keep thinking at the very end of the movie, of the last movie, he breaks the most powerful willie in the world! >> i didn't think -- >> he throw it is over a cliff. >> when you came to work today, you probably didn't think you
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were going to say that. >> this is so smack for all wizard kind. >> zach, our tech expert, is probably number two. gayle is going to operate this willie and, i've got the perfect spell for this. >> apeariamos. >> that's a good spell. >> i made it up myself. >> you are a harry potter fan as well. what do you think about replacing "wand" with "willie." >> i think it's funny. >> it seems only yesterday your mother was in here, buying her first willie. >> the willie chooses the wizard. >> right. >> that is true. there's a brand-new mission impossible movie and it's not tom cruise that's starring in it. it's kimbo the bulldog. his impossible mission?
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is to get to one of his favorite tree houses in the rain forest in costa rica in a community called the inca village. he's mapping it out. chasing the evil enemy. somewhere along the lines he crashes his getaway mobile into the water. but he's figured out if he uses a dog-a-pult, he can fly. >> his best move is coming up. he zip lines across the forest. he's so calm about it. >> he's a thrill-seeker, this kimbo. >> my favorite part about the
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video is the hanging himself in the tree, watching everything. >> like a sack of potatoes. >> finally makes it to his house and invites everybody to come and visit him whenever you're in town. >>. that's it for today's show, everybody, we're going to leave you with one of our favorite outtakes from our show this year. >> got a bump, i think forming. >> already this year we got an injury. >> we're only five days in. and have a good day, everybody, we'll see you tomorrow. >> did you just say assault and beardery? >> assault and beardery? >> oh! [ laughter ] >> assault and beardery!
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a nays moving fire turn -- a fast moving fire turned deadly. taking a look ated csh at -- at the roads. and a nice warmup headed our way. a silent killer threatened the lives of people in east ball. two women became sick from inhaling carbon monoxide. jeff hager joins us with the details. an investigation is underway into
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