tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC February 1, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EST
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here tomorrow. >> dicky: tonight on an all new "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> mike guacamole too early -- is it okay if it's a little bit furry on sunday? >> dicky: martin scorsese. >> as far as it melting, i'm not show sure. >> i'm sure and it doesn't work. >> dicky: and kenneth branagh. >> there's steve martin and tom hanks, hey, nice job, really good jobs,
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>> announcer: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- martin scorsese. kenneth branagh. and music from angels & airwaves. with cleto and the cletones. and now -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's right. how are you doing? thank you. and welcome. hi, i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for visiting. thank you for watching. thank you for making love in front of the television set. i'm glad you feel so comfortable with me and i with you, by the way. i take it it was a beautiful day
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here in hollywood. sun was shining, got up to almost 70 degrees -- i got to wear my dolphin shorts into work which was a treat for my co-workers. it would be fun to have some snow, though. i was talking to somebody who said it was snowing back home and, well, this is from marquette, michigan, it's called street skiing. it's just like regular skiing only you do it on the street. got caught on the sign. well, let's slow that down and watch it again because it's worth seeing here. see, he gets up on the rail and then hooked on the side. and his friends actually left him there. they left his -- they left his skeleton as a warning to others who dare to street ski. hey, this is interesting. in 1976, the year freddie prinz jr. was born, an
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archaeologist found a tablet, a 3500-year-old tablet that came from babylon and finish analyzed it and believe the text translates into what could be the first recorded yo machlt ma joke for real. it says, of your mother is by the one who has intercourse with her, what or who is it? and then the part of the tablet with the punch line on it is broken off so we don't know. that would be a great indiana jones movie. "indiana jones and the missing yo mama joke." apparently yo mama is so old. they believe it was carved into the tablet by a student. ancient babylonian students doing snaps. what i wovents give to have a time machine. with my accumulated knowledge of yo mama jokes i would rule ancient babylon. it's interesting and there is a
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new special on the discovery channel that sheds a lot of light on the subject and it says a lot about even humor going back before babylonia or whatever they call it to early man. >> from those who brought you "walking with cavemen" comes the next chapter. mrus the plasticine error, he stands his ground against a barrage of attacks. >> yo mama is so fat she invented the wheel out of cheese. >> the onslaught is met with immediate retaliation. >> yo mama is so dumb she thought the guy from "project runway" was homo sapien. before your dad gets with her he hits himself over the head with a stone.
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join your host for a four-night special event "early man: the dawn of yo mama" only on discovery. [ applause ] meanwhile, back in the year 2012 starting yesterday students at po pottstown middle school are now not allowed to wear uggs. they are the big furry boots because students were hiding cell phones in them. next week the plan is to ban pockets. i don't know what the punishment for wearing uggs to school is. i thought wearing uggs was a punishment in and of itself. students are upset calling it a free speech issue and promised to take it all the way to the supreme court if they have to which would be hilarious although i think they would do well in front of the supreme court. i don't know if you've seen their new team photo.
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very pro-uggs. one of the other reasons is because kids were using them to struggle cinnamon into school. have you heard about the cinnamon challenge? you know what this is? apparently it's difficult to swallow a tablespoon without it coming back up. cinnamon tastes so cinnamony. there are thousands of videos of kids online attempting to do this. this is one of them featuring a young man named steven joe. let's see if steven is up to the cinnamon challenge. >> try to swallow it. once you spit it out, you lose. >> a shot out to my momma for not knowing how to cook. >> oh, man, here it comes. >> hey, shout out to my girl. [ applause ] >> jimmy: it's cinnamon.
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it's like -- it's like a martha stewart version of "jackass." i watched a lot of these on youtube. more than i would care to admit. eventually i happened upon this one which watch this closely. there is a delightful surprise at the end. >> yo ready. >> first person in youtube history to swallow cinnamon. >> he swallowed cinnamon. >> i got it! [ applause ] >> oh, man. >> jimmy: that is entertainment
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right there. that's the sort of thing that can get this country back on track. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how do they not have a reality show, by the way? speaking of reality shows big news from the show "the x factor" today, simon cowell has fired the host of the show, steve jones and fired judges nicole scherzinger and paula abdul. they will not return to "the x factor." the host guy was terrible and nicole had a hard time -- she cried during every performance last year. but paula abdul, that surprises me. i think -- i think the problem with paula is she was too coherent last year. she didn't say anything nonsensical -- people want to hear her babble. if i was samening i would get a swivel chair and i'd spin her around until she's just the right amount of dizzy and think about hiring her back, right? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is pretty great. this is from a spelling bee in ventura county which is not far from here. almost two years ago but it just
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started to blossom online. an eighth grader at santa clara school got up and this goes on for awhile but i think you'll enjoy it. >> heron. >> please repeat the word. >> heron. >> will you give -- please give me the definition. >> a wading bird that has hey long neck and legs and sharp point and sharp cutting edges, large wings and soft plumage. >> will you please repeat the word. >> heron. >> may you please use it in a sentence? >> if gail had not seen the heron lie down on the tree she would have insisted the huge bird nested on the ground. >> please repeat the word. >> heron. >> what's the word again? >> heron. >> here-wink. >> heron. >> hero. >> hairline?
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>> heron. >> hurling. >> heron. >> may you please repeat the word. >> heron. heron. >> herring? >> heron. >> herring. >> heron. >> harangue? >> heron. >> heron? >> heron. >> heroin? may you please repeat the word. >> heron. >> may you please give me the definition? >> a wading bird that has a long neck and legs, a long tapering bill with a sharp point and sharp cutting --
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>> heron. h h-e-r-o-n. heron. >> jimmy: there you go. [ cheers and applause ] >> when i saw this was, my first inclination, i felt the kid was probably screwing with the teacher. almost like a crank phone call but we have him live via skype. chris ferrara. thank you for joining us. by the way, if you can't hear anything i'm saying i will be happy to repeat it 30 or 40 times. >> please do. >> jimmy: how old are you, chris? >> 15. my birthday is actually tomorrow. >> jimmy: excellent, happy birthday. when was this video recorded? >> it was recorded two years ago mccullou . >> jimmy: okay. what was going on? were you intentionally storming that woman. >> it might seem like it but i
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couldn't hear the words. >> jimmy: what word did you think you were hearing? >> the best i can put up is harangue. >> jimmy: did you really think she said hairline or hair-wink? what is a hair-wink? >> i could not hear her. i just heard some rapid words that began with "h". >> jimmy: you weren't just messing with the people to entertain your friends for sure. >> no, it was completely serious. it was just -- this just happened and, yeah -- >> jimmy: then afterwards you realized it was funny and you posted it to youtube? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you end up winning the spelling bee? >> no, unfortunately, but i took second place. >> jimmy: what word knocked you out. >> debutante. >> jimmy: i can't imagine the many ways you said that word.
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has this made you popular? are women sending you marriage proposals? are the kids at school seeing this video. >> yes, very much all that attention is focused on me right now. >> jimmy: are you still involved in spelling bees? joined adult league. >> if you find one for me i would be glad to join. >> jimmy: do you think you could a tablespoon full of cinnamon? do you have any in the house by any chance. >> do we have any in the house. >> jimmy: you know what we'll do, what we'll do, you can go look for some cinnamon and if you can find it that might be a nice thing, all right, chris? >> okay. >> j appreciate you taking the time to speak with us and happy birthday tomorrow. i hope you have a good one. >> thanks, jimmy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: go get that cinnamon, though. hopefully he'll have it. hey, are you looking forward to the super bowl this weekend? [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i am too. i think i made my guacamole too early. i made it -- is it okay if it's a little bit furry on sunday? the new york giants face off against the new england patz in indianapolis. who do you like to win, guillermo? >> i like new england. >> jimmy: why? >> because of dickie. >> jimmy: our announcer from boston. there's a lot of attention being made to the commercials and they're releasing them on line. h&m has one featuring david beckham. this is definitely for what we call the ladies. ♪ baby do you understand me now ♪ ♪ it's sometimes i seem a little mad ♪ ♪ but i'm just a soul whose intentions were good oh lord please don't let me be understood ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: is anyone else blushing?
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: guillermo, you love soccer. what did you think of that. >> uh, it was okay. >> jimmy: that is not the only sexually suggestive ad set for sunday. h&m has another ad that targets latino underwearers, too ♪ baby do you understand me now ♪ ♪ it's sometimes hard to see -- but i'm just a soul whose intentions are good oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: that commercial too. does he have -- a second -- chris, you have some cinnamon. don't do it yet. we'll take a break here. all right? we have a big show for you tonight, kenneth branagh is here. we have music from angel & airwaves and we'll be right back with martin scorsese. so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] when it comes to eczema,
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ordinary lotions aren't made to treat the itch and irritation. so it can feel like you're using nothing at all. but new neosporin® eczema essentials™ with its unique relipd™ formula is different. it stops itch, soothes irritation, and helps restore the skin barrier. it's clinically shown to restore visibly healthier skin in three days. for everyday eczema care, new clinically shown neosporin® eczema essentials™. discover the difference. go online to save three dollars.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have two oscar nominee, a man currently nominated for best supporting actor for his work in "my week with marilyn," kenneth branagh is here and then with music from this, their latest album called "love album, parts one and two," angel & airwaves. tomorrow night we'll do john krasinski from the new abc movie "the river" and music from gotier and gather oldman and tim and eric and music from korn. can we check in with chris. hey, chris, all right, now you got the cinnamon. and this is not planned and go ahead and pour yourself -- make it a light tablespoon. don't go too crazy. i want to see how this works.
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okay. all right. give it a try. just swallow that whole thing and let's see what happens. yes? yes? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is it going in? is it -- he did it. did you do it? >> wait. wait. >> jimmy: well, what are we waiting for? i don't think we want to wait for whatever is going to happen. ♪ >> jimmy: can you spell the word cinnamon? yeah. i think -- >> c-i-n-n-a -- [ applause ] >> jimmy: many gift, that young
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man. our first guest tonight is a hollywood legend. he is an oscar, emmy, grammy and golden globe winning director who is responsible for some of the greatest movies of all time among them "mean streets," "taxi driver," "the departed" and "good fellas." his latest is a 3-d fantasy "hugo" nom anywayed for 11 academy awards in theaters now, and he's making his way to the stage as we speak. in only four minutes he will be here. again, "hugo" is in theaters now. it is nominated for 11 academy awards. please welcome the great american director, martin scorsese. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: thrilled to have you here. very excited to have you here. congratulations on 11 academy award nominations. >> yes, yes. [ applause ] >> jimmy: and yet you were disappointed because one of your actors was snubbed. >> well, i mean i think it's obvious what happened and, you know, you look at somebody like blackie in a sense, a dog like blackie -- >> jimmy: that's blackie. >> has presence. this is blackie. although they look kind of alike. >> jimmy: that's what happens, you look alike. >> you know what happened -- nice little dog, jack russell terrier. >> jimmy: uggie from the silent film "the artist." >> i know, it's very sweet and everything, i know, i know, i know. does tricks, saved his master's
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life and our dog is like a ferocious guard dog and terrorizes kids and i think you could see why it may have been snubbed when -- appreciate the acting of this dog, not since jack benny has the under playing of this dog and then the muzzle that came out in 3-d, it's genius. but i'm not kidding you. [ applause ] >> i swear. >> jimmy: you actually wrote a letter. >> we wrote a letter. >> jimmy: to the "l.a. times" op-ed. >> they call it the golan collar. the first annual golden collar awards and that's one of the reasons i'm annoyed quite honestly. >> jimmy: maybe it'll be the last. >> maybe. >> jimmy: the first time you've directed a dog in a film. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: and did you like it? compared to directing don rickles in "casino." >> the doberman had more, i don't know, more flir to him. also i think he looks better in 3-d. he's going to kill me.
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>> jimmy: no one has more flair than don. >> don in "casino" was great. the only problem is once you got him on -- [ applause ] >> jimmy: fantastic. >> he is a genius, once you got him on set whoever was in his eye line would get a routine and it didn't matter whether it was the poor electrician or whether it was bob de niro, it was a killer and it was a constant, a constant stream of it. >> jimmy: are you able to continue to work when this is going on? >> no. >> jimmy: no. >> that's why it took so long. >> jimmy: very disruptive. i recently watched a documentary you made in the '70s i think about your parents. >> oh, yes, "italian-american". >> jimmy: oh, boy, did i love that. it reminded me very much of my grandparents watching it. do your parents like that you put them in your movies. >> they had no choice. you know, you're doing student films and flips you can't everybody. mom, i need someone to take that, dad, can you do that? slowly but surely they started really acting in the pictures.
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>> jimmy: i feel like you could have searched the world over and cast every woman on the planet and still would not have found someone better than your mom was in "good fellas." i mean she was -- [ applause ] >> jimmy: fantastic. >> in kwood good fellas," mom, what do you want me to do -- we'll be in the scene. your son comes home. he has friends with him and what are you going to do. i'll cook for him. exactly. you know, she hasn't seen him in a few weeks, where is he been? we didn't tell her about the rest of the scene. we had two cameras set up and it was joe and bob and ray liotta and my mother. there was one line, look at my painting and the rest, what you see in the film is all improvised. when my mother -- when we started working together and helping us out with the film, it wasn't like robert de niro or harvey keitel. these are marty, my son's friends.
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like my other boy, she would say. this is my other son joe, my other son harvey, my other son bob. what are you doing? let's get this moving and go. >> jimmy: even cooking in the middle of the night, an italian mom -- >> he hasn't been home for three days and three nights, he's got to eat. the only thing we didn't tell her was they had a body in the trunk. [ laughter ] >> went past -- after -- by the end of do, what did you do, she said? nothing. >> is there something out there. >> no, no. >> jimmy: i do have a bone to pick. one of the great scenes in that movie is where the -- they're in prison. >> the garlic. >> jimmy: he's slicing the garlic with a razor blade. i have tried that hundreds of times. >> be careful. >> jimmy: and it's fine. i'm good at slicing the garlic. the problem is it doesn't liquefy in the oil. it just physically is impossible. it doesn't happen.
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>> what kind of oil are you using. >> jimmy: all different kinds. >> olive oil. >> jimmy: motor oil. >> the motor oil always worked for me. >> jimmy: i have some garlic here. the proper way -- whose idea was it, the slicing of the garlic. >> it was paul sorvino's character. >> jimmy: yeah, so that was his -- paul sorvino cooks a lot. >> well, you got to eat. >> jimmy: so the key is to slice the garlic as thinly as you possibly can and you can see i'm doing a really good job. >> you see the thing is, really thin, not bad. it's not bad. now, as far as it melting into the, you know, chicken or the olive oil, whatever you're doing, i'm not so sure. >> jimmy: i'm sure and it doesn't work. >> my mother made a dish called chicken with lemon and garlic and to this day, you go to francis coppola's restaurant, he
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has it on the menu. >> jimmy: does he make it right. >> katie's chicken. pretty close. the garlic was cut so thin and put it on the chicken and roasted -- almost crisp, very, very crisp and the garlic would blacken and then disappear into the lemon juice. >> jimmy: your mother had magic powers. that's what it is. >> delicious. >> jimmy: martin scorsese is here. his movie is called "hugo" and i'll be right back. [ applause ] this is the best bike we have. you can have it for free. shut up! imagine if you could get the best for free. at h&r block, we believe you deserve the best tax preparation available for free. so for a limited time, we'll prepare simple federal tax returns for free. call 1-800-hrblock.
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get the new jimmy kimmel live app and see what you've been missing. search jimmy kimmel in the itunes app store or go to to get it now. ashlee! ashlee! ashlee! ashlee! what were you looking for when you bought your edge? um, i was definitely looking for fuel economy. that's the whole reason we, we wanted to look at the ecoboost. can you talk a little bit about the style of the edge? um, well, i think it's very hip. i even have several guys were like "whoa, do have twenties on those".
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like, don't even know what that means, but i guess it's cool. (laugh) for just a little money? let's start with a paint we know can do the job. new glidden duo paint plus primer. ♪ one coat does double duty. ♪ and fits our budget perfectly. so there's a brand-new room right where the old one used to be. more saving. more doing.
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that's the power of the home depot. new glidden duo paint plus primer only at the home depot and starting at only $24.97 a gallon. but i wanted more support for my heart. i found centrum specialist. a complete multivitamin enhanced for what's important to me. vision. energy. prenatal. heart. [ man] new centrum specialist helps make nutrition possible. [ man] new centrum specialist introducing olive garden's new three course italian dinner for $12.95. start with either unlimited homemade soup or our fresh crisp salad, and all the warm breadsticks you want. then, enjoy one of five new specially created entrees, like our smoked mozzarella chicken or five cheese marinara with shrimp. finish up with one of five desserts. like our chocolate mousse. our new three course italian dinner, just $12.95. try it tonight at your olive garden when you're here, you're family.
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>> you've got a bit of talent. >> jimmy: "hugo" out now. a beautiful movie. i loved it. i thought it was great. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: this is a movie that meant a lot to you as a film lover. >> yes, it did. you know, my youngest daughter is 12 years old and so it's been -- >> jimmy: she's not allowed to see any of your movies. >> so my wife did say, she read the book. she said this is so nice and
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perfect for you. why don't you see a picture your kid could see for once. all right. i told my daughter i would do it. she was with her friends, she said it's got to be in 3-d. >> jimmy: that was her idea. are you an aficionado of -- >> i loved it from the viewmasters and see the stereoscopic image but sort of like in "alice in wonderland" in another way. almost like i try to do the 3-d like in a snow globe if you could live inside a child's imagination. >> jimmy: did your daughter appreciate the film. >> no, of course not. she's only seen it four times. come on, two more times at least, let's go. we need the box office. >> jimmy: taking the "hugo" lunch box -- >> after a while -- they had great times on the set her friends and we were shooting in the summer so she was out of school. they had wonderful conversations with sasha barron cohen.
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classic, classic. >> jimmy: and did -- your middle daughter got married. >> dominica. >> jimmy: walked her down the aisle -- >> yes. [ applause ] >> it was funny. after all this time suddenly, you know she's there dressed in white and we start to walk and it was stretch time in a way. it seemed totally surreal. >> jimmy: were you high? >> not at all. i didn't think so. maybe i should have been. it was like totally like one of the -- in the sense of where we did "raging bull" we had -- i figured the boxing scene should be as if you're the boxer and how you perceive time and space and sound and movement. and so, you know -- >> jimmy: and in your films -- of course, i never thought of that because i'm dumb, but most boxing movies, they take the point of view of the television viewer. >> outside the rings -- outside
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those ropes -- i can never -- when i was a kid in the la late '40s they would always have my uncles and father would all be betting on the fight, friday night fights and they'd have it on the little 12-inch tv screen, two little figures fighting. i couldn't -- i didn't know what the hell was going on. you know, you couldn't tell who was whom and they were all screaming and yelling. they made a lot of money on it. >> jimmy: half of them did, i guess. well, i tell you what, a real treat to have you here. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i wish you the best with the academy awards. movie is great called "hugo." watch the oscars, sunday live, february 26th at 7:00 eastern, 4:00 pacific. back with kenneth branagh. [ applause ] ♪ [ woman ] this year, i resolve to indulge in flavor,
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to savor every bite. this year, i resolve to have it all. [ male announcer ] applebee's introduces fresh new choices, all great-tasting and under 550 calories. like our sizzling asian shrimp & broccoli, roasted garlic sirloin, and sizzling chili lime chicken. starting at just $9.99 at applebee's. come in and try one today and get half-price appetizers late night. to save money,ry one today i did my taxes online. a lot of the questions you just guesstimate... and hope you don't get audited. [ man announcing ] protect yourself with h&r block at home. the only software with both free audit support and free tax pro representation. [ male singer ] h&r block. ♪ never settle for less how do we get people to chew another piece? i got this one. oh hey. [ male announcer ] spit it out. or yeti will find you. [ grunts ] i like him. thanks ryan. [ male announcer ] new stride whitemint. the ridiculously long lasting gum. and here's my depression. before i started taking abilify, i was taking an antidepressant alone.
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. our next guest is a very talented british actor and director who has been nominated for an academy award as best supporting actor for playing another very talented british actor and director in the movie "my week with marilyn." it is in theaters now. please welcome kenneth branagh. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you've been nominated now for best supporting actor, this is the fifth category you've been nominated in. >> it is. >> best actor, best director. >> thank you. >> jimmy: best short film and best adapted screenplay. that's pretty good. >> it's -- i couldn't believe it actually. i got the news of this nomination when i was on a location scout. i was on a cliffside on an island in the english channel,
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the wind was blowing and the rain was going sideways and somebody said, text it to say this is your fifth nomination in five different categories and i was sort -- and the wind seemed to stop and the rain seemed to be howling less figuratively. >> jimmy: good things we weren't friends because i would send that to you as a prank. the first time you came out for the oscars was what year. >> 20 years ago, 1990 and i was on tour -- i was in a play in tokyo and i had to finish an afternoon matinee of the show in which i wore a loin cloth in which like -- have you ever worn a loin cloth. >> jimmy: i'm wearing one right now. >> then uniquely you will know they're not the easiest things to get in and out of. i had to rush and get on the back of the car covered in mud and in one of those cars where the fellow is wearing white gloves, nice japanese gentleman. everything was covered so it was like he didn't want to get anything dirty so i was filthy.
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i had to explain to him as i became naked, no, it's fine, it's fine, i'm going to the oscars so very to take the loin cloth off and get the dirt off. >> jimmy: he brought you to the airport. >> and got rid of me very quickly. >> jimmy: you had clothes on on the plane. >> i got the clothes on but i was nervous because i saw the arrival time was -- it seemed to me the neck morning, i had forgotten about the time difference and would travel for 123 hours and get there 6 hours before i left so i was already in this kind of, you know, crazy mind-set and then i had to go to the oscars the next day still pretty jet lagged. it was 11:00 in the morning. you have to get ready so early in the morning then in a limo jam of 3,000 limos couping up to go downtown. all crazy and suddenly i'm at the arrivals and steve martin, tom hanks, nice job. thanks very much, i won't shake hands, sorry. and then i went backstage -- i
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was presenting and there was this figure backstage and from behind there was this glass in his hand which i thought probably wasn't tea and he turned round, this guy with dark glasses and said, hi, i'm jack. and it was jack nicnicholson. i know who you are and i can't believe who you are. so do you mind if i squeeze you so i know it's you. >> jimmy: you squeezed him. >> i thought i had to. im00 in a kind -- >> jimmy: you were lucky you weren't deported immediately. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: do you have to go back to work after the oscars to japan? >> i did have to go back to work -- i didn't get any sleep. i went from the ceremony to many, many pears and was wired and you feel this incredible honor. you can't believe all of these famous people are in the same room. anyway i poured myself on to a plane and had to go straight on to the theater -- back into the loin cloth that very night.
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loin cloth had been washed. that was all sorted out so. >> jimmy: nice. >> i was very, very bad in the play and a friend of mine who joined me at the oscars came back to watch the play and i asked him afterwards what did he think and he said, i fell asleep so great eke for your personal, you know, dreams. >> jimmy: you don't need to be good anymore. you're an oscar nominee. you can coast from now on. >> i like that. >> jimmy: you and martin scorsese directed robert de niro. you in "franken tine." you co-starred with him in that movie. was this intimidating telling him what to do. >> yes, very intimidating but he was an absolute gent apart from being a great actor he was wonderful to work with and he was very good at putting up with difficult things. we gave him a 2:00 makeup call, 2:00 in the morning one time because it was the sequence the next day where he had to be born as the creature in this film where we tried to sort of make it very birth-like and he had to be covered top to toe in
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prosthetic latex. that in itself very difficult. where do you hide the seams when you're completely naked? and i think it's a challenge. it's a challenge. >> jimmy: where do you hide the seams. >> well, you have to use your imagination about that. but there are not many places to put the zip, let me put it like that. he was very all suffering about that. the next day we had to do the scene where he's born and we put him in a sort of tub. he's thrown out of this womb-like container. and then i also half-naked. he's completely naked and i'm ha half-naked. we had one ton of ky jelly which was -- >> jimmy: worldwide shortage that week. >> yes, exactly and -- and so -- >> jimmy: people were forced to lubricate themselves. >> yes. all i can say it does indeed get everywhere and he, you know, he was brilliant at presenting the idea of this creature just been born and has to stumble so i
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have to help him up, very difficult to know where to put your hands, it slips all over the place and sometimes it's unfortunate and, believe -- there are only a few places you can really get any traction if you're in a ton of ky jelly half naked even with robert de niro i can tell you and he's a very well built young man but the thing is it is very, very challenging, exciting. it's exciting to be in that tub with him but. >> jimmy: more for you than him. >> but slippy. >> jimmy: wow, that's some experience. >> it was. we became very close after that and both promise not to tell where it all ended up. >> jimmy: you played sir laurence olivier. we say sir because we don't know better. in "my week with marilyn." i think we have a clip. do you want to tell us about this. >> i guess this is just a point where in their difficult relationship sir laurence olivier director her in a show called "the prince and the sh showgirl" is at the end of his
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tether and it does not go well. >> jimmy: here we go. "my week with marilyn." >> tell me how i can help you. >> i don't know -- i don't know who she is. >> you have her precisely. you understand her inside out. all of your gift -- >> she's not real. >> then why not simply rely on your natural talents? >> you're saying you don't want me to act. >> just try to be sexy. isn't that what you do. >> jimmy: you sound just like him. that's unbelievable. i wish you the best across the street. come by and see us with that oscar. kenneth branagh, everybody. "my week with marilyn" out now. when we come back, music from angels and airwaves. [ applause ]
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♪ beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series sponsored by bud light. >> jimmy: this is their latest cd. it's called "love album parts one and two." here with the song "surrender," angels & airwaves. ♪ ♪ there is a crowd in here that fooled themselves they brought their friends and they made their hell
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they faked their grin in a lonely cell to the bitter end -- but what do i know ♪ ♪ there are a few good here that hurt themselves they kick and been in a dried up well they call for help and you know them well are you aware -- but what do i know ♪ ♪ i -- i will not surrender -- no i -- i will not surrender ♪ ♪ when god falls fast asleep the kids still dance in city streets ♪ ♪ from the white house lawn to the middle east and all around ♪ ♪ i'm just sayin' that this time i feel it now ♪ ♪ there is a place to hide --
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it's in our minds it's in the dark it's well known that we have a fragile heart ♪ ♪ it's deep inside it has a sound that you can follow ♪ ♪ you feel like you hit a wall but you survive and it was hard for you to swallow ♪ ♪ i've been to that place before in spite of luck when you awake a new tomorrow ♪ ♪ i -- i will not surrender no i -- i will not surrender ♪ ♪ no i -- i will not surrender ♪ ♪ no i -- i will not surrender ♪ when god falls fast asleep the kids still dance in city streets ♪ ♪ from the white house lawn to the middle east and all around ♪
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♪ i'm just sayin' that this time i feel it now ♪ ♪ when god falls fast asleep ♪ ♪ when god falls fast asleep the kids still dance in city streets from the white house lawn to the middle east and all around ♪ ♪ i'm just sayin' that this time i feel it now ♪ ♪ when god falls fast asleep the kids still move to a steady beat ♪ ♪ even if it's bombs landing at their feet are all around ♪
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