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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 9, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EST

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman, it's time for great videos "right this minute." cops say he tried to snatch a kid from a store. >> you see him with britney in his arms. >> but this dude gets a lesson in messing with the wrong little girl. a news anchor is petting a
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dog on live tv, then this happens. find out how the anchorwoman is doing and what will happen to the dog now. >> it's a landlord's worst nightmare. >> meet the guy whose tenants left him a houseful of garbage and a dead animal. >> do you ever wonder what happened to your cat? >> and a love-sick penguin thinks he's met the one. ding ding ding. >> ding ding ding. >> you'll hear from the heart breaker herself. our show is about great video. christian will get us started with a video she found and the story behind it. this is a mother's absolute worst nightmare. this surveillance video is from a walmart store in bremmen, georgia. you see the surveillance video zoom in on a man walking around the store. a few feet away was britney
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baxter. >> i was looking at bratz and stuff. >> the man is roaming through the aisles, walking, looking around. all of a sudden -- >> oh, no. >> you see him with britney in his arms. he covered her mouth with his hands and started running through the store. britney was quick. she had just had stranger danger training, and she remembered what she was supposed to do. >> yeah, i was just like kicking real hard. >> she started making as much noise as she could. he starts struggling with her. all of a sudden he lets go. she runs in one direction, he runs in the opposite direction. you see her stop, she's probably very scared, but she did the right thing. she went to look for someone she trusted. another key point she remembered from her training. >> sounds like a random stranger who was prowling through a walmart looking for children. >> a man has been arrested in connection with this attempted kidnapping. his name is thomas wood. >> what happened in the store? >> nobody.
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i was never there. >> he was out on parole for a voluntary manslaughter conviction. yeah. he is now arrested and he has been charged with attempted kidnapping in addition to probably other charges. this is a huge testament to the stranger danger classes that this young child was able to recall everything she had learned and put it to use. >> try to get away and go tell somebody you trust. on tuesday, a dog was rescued out of an icy lake south of denver. what he did the next day has captured a lot of attention. so the owner, michael robinson and the rescue, tyler, the firefighter, went on a morning show the next day to talk about this incredible rescue. now, as you can see in the video, she's rubbing his head. he seems receptive to i look like a happy dog, ten this happens >> oh. no.>> max bit the news anchor.
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>> no. max. what did you do? >> you saw it coming, though. the anchor got near its face. you saw his lip curl and the teeth come out. >> yeah. >> they were really surprised by this. the firefighters, the owner. even kyle, she was the anchor who was bitten. now, she's in fair condition. she had reconstructive surgery. she says she's going to be okay. she wants everybody to know she's okay. but the dog had to be put in quarantine, which is a matter of standard practice when a dog bites someone. >> boy, aren't you not supposed to put your face in a strange dog's face. >> one thing they tell you when you talk and work with dogs is you don't immediately put your face in the dog's face. >> that's a terrifying moment right there for the anchor and for the dog evidently. base jumping is about to go to new heights this summer. a world record base jum p is
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about to be attempted by felix baum berger. this summer he plans to go up into a capsule attached to a balloon to 120,000 feet in the air. >> i will open that door, step out of that capsule, freefalling back to earth and breaking the speed of sound. then i will pull my parachute and land on the ground safely. >> he will be the first man to break the speed of sound without some sort of vehicle. the first 30 seconds of his jump are the most dangerous because -- >> at 120,000 feet you have no supportive air. when you step off, you cannot rely on skydiving skills. they're gone because it's like swimming in the water without touching the water. >> isn't he concerned about his breathing and his lungs? >> the suit is protecting you. it provides you with oxygen. it keeps the cold temperature out. you also need the pressure suit because if you reach 65,000
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feet, the armstrong line, your blood starts boiling. that suit keeps you alive. >> why would you do this. >> because i really want to see what's going on out there. >> he's a thrill seeker. some of these people, it's the adrenaline that is rewarding to them. he's breaking a record. >> they've been training for this jump for the last five years. >> we're not going from sozero hero this is a developing program. >> this is mind boggling. >> fascinated by this. doesn't seem scientifically possibl possible. >> perfect. >> it is a landlord's worse nightmare. you have a tenant renting a house, behind on the rent. you go to see what's up, you peek in and see -- >> living room full of garbage.
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>> hoarder. >> that's what happened to chris werth. >> chris described the lady as a cat lady, she was a good renter for five years. >> i told her to move out. she's gone. and the shows pretty crazy. >> the garbage is at least three feet high on that side of the room. >> this person made no attempt to throw anything out. >> i have to warn you, some of these images are extremely disgusting and graphic. >> i'm starting to itch. i feel like bugs are crawling up my pant legs. >> he moves from here to the kitchen. >> smells super gross in here. try not to throw up on camera. >> this is the kitchen he believes these bottles are filled up with urine. there's flies everywhere. the bathroom, we can't show it on tv. human feces, cat feces, used toilet paper everywhere. beth troutman, i'm worried about you. before we go further, let's
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bring in chris. let's go to chris from memphis, tennessee, from his youtube challeng challenge. >> i feel so bad for you. >> okay. chris, we didn't show the whole video here, but describe what you saw room to room when you inspected this house. >> literally you had to step up on top of the garbage pile just to get inside. newspapers, pizza boxes, liquor bottles, cat food, tin, basically just the normal garbage we all go through in life. a dead cat that was buried under the garbage. >> how long did it take to clean this mess up? what did it cost? >> basically it was about 4,000, $5,000 worth of damage. three trailer loads of garbage. >> are you worried now that this video is out there that you will never get a renter in the house? >> even if someone saw the video, they'll have a hard time
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believing it's the same house. >> man. so glad to be out here in fresh air. >> beth didn't even see the video. we described it. if you want to see the grossness that is the bathroom that was in this house, we'll put the video on our website, oh, the party scene. guy hits on girl, girl not interested, right? >> i always wondered if the world changed what it would be like. >> now there's a video that shows just that. will you agree with it? and a shoot for a car commercial gets a surprise cameo. >> whoa! >> see the smooth ride turned
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. i will start this next one off by having you guys listen and tell me what you think
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you're hearing. any guesses yet? >> two balloons rubbing together? >> sounds like a laser gun battle. i thought it sounds like whales at first. this is in the ukraine, it's the frozen sea moving up and down and the ice bending, compressing, rubbing against it. pretty cool, huh? >> like creaking. sounds like the old spooky houses in the scary movie flicks. >> that's really -- >> weird? >> weird. >> it's like the opposite of the peaceful ocean sounds that people play on a cd in their room to go to sleep.
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when you are with your girlfriend and out at a club, there's a laundry list of things we see guys do. mannerisms. i always wondered if the role were changed, what it would be like. this is called the flip side, it was directed by jay diaz. >> whoa. whoa. >> those are amazing. they look so much better on my bedroom floor. >> oh. >> that's great. >> true so far. continu continue. >> are you brothers? >> no, we're not brothers. >> we get it all the time. >> it's kind of funny to see the girls being the creepers. >> they're not creepers. they're being friendly. not everybody can be called a creeper. >> generalizing in this case -- ♪ >> oh! >> she grabs the guy's butt. he has dignity.
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>> you have a girlfriend? >> yeah, i do. >> i'll be your girlfriend, for about five minutes. >> for one night, all the bars in america should do that line outside and let the girls wait in line out there in the cold. all the guys skip everybody and go in first. and charge them 20 bucks. >> you need me to call you a cab or anything? >> no, my friend is coming to get me. >> i love that he's carrying his sneakers. >> the only thing missing from this video is the walk of shame outfit. he needs to be wearing her shirt. if this video does not make you go, aw, then you guys are dead inside. this is jamie visiting sea world in san antonio. she's hanging out with the king penguins. this penguin who is really loving up on jamie, his name is johnny fox. he crawls up in there and ves
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her a full-on penguin hug. >> yeah. >> that is cute. you're right. >> nick calderon is not bad inside. >> you think johnny is looking for a girlfriend, looking for a date. >> ding ding ding. >> what? >> ding ding ding. >> ding ding ding. >> that's right, actually. johnny is looking for a mate. ♪ and i think jamie might have been johnny's number one choice. >> how did it work out for johnny? >> you know what? i wanted to find out the same thing, so "right this minute" we have jamie via skype from san antonio, texas. what happened after the camera stopped rolling? did johnny follow you home? >> no i wish. sea world wouldn't be happy if i stole one of their penguins. i think he broke his heart. had to go home with my husband. >> was this like a penguin experience like swimming with
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the dolphins? >> exactly. sea world started this program last summer, you get to have a penguin interaction. you get to go into the penguin habitat, see them, hold them a and in my case hug them. >> i think i know the problem, you were covering up your hand and he thought you were signals. >> i know. >> was this a birthday present for you? >> it was. my birthday was november, because that was mating season, i had to postpone my visit until february. >> thank god you didn't go during mating season. >> i would have been in real trouble. >> carrying penguin baby eggs for him. caleb and matthew, about 2 years old and with a particular talent. if we were going to have a competition about talent -- >> they'd win. >> see what these two can do
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coming up. >> warning, do not reach into the water for the fish. don't --
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. you're going to love behind the scenes footage of films and commercials. this is from a scion commercial being shot up in northern
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california. ken is a scion racing professional. here he is filming a commercial. >> whoa. >> he just missed a deer. >> just missed a deer. right in the middle of shooting a commercial as he was coming up this twisty road. he said he had to stop on the brakes this is the new sci scion srf. the right wheel locks up and smokes. when we see on these car commercials all the time, professional driver, closed course. >> this is the driver. >> not so closed with the deer. good thing they had a professional driver. if it was me or you, that deer would probably be toast. >> luckily no deer were harmed in the filming of this commercial. >> it's a good way to show the braking capacity of this car. that's for sure. >> beth, gayle, pop quiz, what is the capital of wyoming?
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right? this video makes us feel dump. >> what's this one? >> this is caleb and matthew. they know every state and every capital. their dad showed them a card that on the side they can see it just has the shape of the state. >> what's this one? >> wyoming. >> what's the capital? >> cheyenne. >> cheyenne, wyoming. >> i knew that. >> we knew that one. >> when they shot this video, these boys were 27 months old. just a little over two years. >> what's the capital? >> this just proves that children are like sponges. they'll just absorb the information that you give them. >> what's the capital of that one? atlanta. >> good job. this video is almost six minutes long. they go through all 50 states. they almost get stumped by south
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carolina. >> columbia. >> columbia. you got it. >> columbus. >> columbia. >> if we were going to have a state capital-off between the two of you and these two boys -- >> they win. >> i would let them win. >> they can win because they're cute. >> the two of them, it would beat the three of us. >> yes. >> and maybe, like, six other people in this room. what's the capital of new hampshire? >> concord. >> i feel dumb after this. >> about this time in every show we asked you to go spend some time at yesterday you guys did it in a very big way. so today, i want to take a moment to say thank you. oh, and go spend more time at they call it the astronomer's paradise. >> wouldn't you like to take a vacation here, just spend your time laying under the stars? >> a place for looking into the heavens unlike any other place on
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backing soda. cool. >> you guys are all outstanding. i'm impressed. >> oh. ♪
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>> i'm going to take you guys to see the stars. this video is called the astronomer's paradise. it was shot by a man who was sent by the european southern observatory to do some timelapse video of the desert in chile. it's known for its dark and intense sky. that's why they have these four giant telescopes down there. and by giant, they call them vlt, very large telescopes. but look at the images he captured. >> wow. >> and he used a canon camera to capture all this. it says the exposure for each frame was 30 seconds. you notice that faint green glow there at the bottom? that's the air glow, which is the natural glow of the earth's atmosphere. >> wouldn't you like to take a vacation here and just spend your time laying under the stars? >> keep in mind, your eye
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doesn't see the way this canon sees it. your eye won't see these nebulas and beautiful colors. >> did i give you your zen moment of the day? >> yes. >> makes you feel tiny. >> you have a vlp, don't you? >> very large pitch. >> your pitches are just -- >> big, big pitches. >> i'm glad you said pitch. >> what else would i say? >> what else starts with a p? >> that's it for "right this minute." thank you very much for joining us. see you tomorrow, everybody.
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. now abc 2news at five. >> today more witnesses take the stand in the murder trial of george hughley. a witness to last night's deadly crash in perry hall is calling on the state to make road improvements. and if you see a person committing a crime against another person you call police. what about crimes against animals? a new push to protect man's best friend. we start tonight with our continuing coverage of the murder trial of george hughley. today they heard from the first people to enter yardly love's apartment and they saw pick chers of her injuries something that had to be hard for her family. we are live with more on the testimony. >> reporter: today in court


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