tv Nightline ABC February 9, 2012 11:35pm-12:00am EST
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tonight on "nightline" -- hate religion, love jesus. it's the church-bashing rap with almost 19 million youtube hits. the 22-year-old who is creating his own controversial brand of christianity gone viral. secret facebook millionaire. he just was $200 million richer, after he took shares instead of cash, for these edgy murals. tonight, he tags the town with barbara walters. and sexy stretching. one of yoga's more stimulating benefits.
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this book says it can improve your sex life. and there's millions who agree. the new wave of sexy yoga, focusing on the erotic energy. >> announcer: from the global resources of abc news, with terry moran, cynthia mcfadden, and bill weir in new york city, this is "nightline," february 9th, 2012. good evening. i'm terry moran. religious refugees. now adays there's no sense in hitching up a wagon to get a congregation. it's gone online. tonight, we meet a man, an online preacher with an unorthodox message. here's abc's neal karlinsky for our series, "faith matters." >> what if i told you, jesus came to abolish religion.
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his rap has been viewed 19,000 times. it is a slickly produced youtube video, from a guy no one had heard of. a 22-year-old born-again christian, who makes the provocative and viral claim that he hates religion, but loves jesus. >> if religion is so great, why has it started so many wars? why does it build huge churches or fails to feed the poor? >> there's a problem that people know you're a christian by your facebook. >> reporter: you see a lot of hypocrisy in organized religious. >> i see a lot of hypocrisy in the world. >> reporter: jeff bethke is the preacher in this sermon. he's speaking to a generation, jaded by scandal. >> i think the biggest thing, my generation desires authenticity. we want someone to tell the truth and live it out.
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we're kind of sick of the typical person up on a pedestal that six months later has a sex scandal. i think my generation wants to know that someone really believes and walks what they're talking about. >> reporter: this isn't your father's christianity. consider this, a kid with no name recognition and no background, is reaching a bigger audience than billy graham ever packed into a stadium. >> we have come to present the message of jesus christ. >> reporter: bethke, a guy that lives on a bunk bed with his roommate, and works helping disadvantaged kids is suddenly a very big deal. >> i want you to give a huge welcome to jeff bethke. >> reporter: churches across the country want to bring him out to speak and to perform. >> now that i know jesus, i both of my weakness. >> reporter: a recent church service, we found young people swarming him for autographs and pictures. and taking about his video like it was the latest justin bieber hit. >> it's all over facebook.
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it's all over twitter. it's everywhere. >> it's becoming some global kind of uproar in a way. >> reporter: but not everyone's a fan. >> none of us are perfect or sitting together. but christ and religion, you can't really sever. >> reporter: far from it. >> we need some help in the church. and that i believe. but don't speak to the people, half-truths to deceive. >> reporter: the faithful have come to the defense of the church, in a series of online raps that mimic bethkes. >> you make some points. that i will give you. but to throw religion away, is a slap to the one who made you. >> reporter: but they counter his statements, point-by-point. >> we all detest hypocrisy. and the empty show is just the worst. but blaming religion for contradiction, is like staring at death and blaming the hearse. >> reporter: that's a strong reaction. >> oh, yeah. i've been called the antichrist. i've been called a false teacher. i've been called the devil. i'm very surprised by the reaction. for religion, i hate it.
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in fact, i literally resent it. because when jesus said, it is finished, i believe he meant it. >> reporter: here's where it gets tricky, the guy who raps against organized religion, spends every sunday in church. and he says that not every one of his verses should be taken literally. >> my intent is not to write a systematic theology that takes me three years. but it's to write something that ruffles feathers and start conversations. >> reporter: you wanted to ruffle feathers? >> my intention was to start conversation. >> reporter: the conversation is ruffling feathers. >> i wanted things to boil up so we had to deal with them. whether i was right or wrong. whatever people thought about it, i wanted things to be at the forefront, where we had to talk about them. >> reporter: they're talking about it beyond youtube. churches coast-to-coast have taken up the debate. and in this election year, bethke is part of a new generation of christians, more
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concerned with social justice than partisan politics. >> what if i told you voting republican wasn't his mission. what if i told you that republican doesn't mean christian. >> reporter: the new members of the voting block that had ronald reagan as the moral majority. known for more than gay marriage and abortion. and they're now turning their attention on the church itself. >> let me clarify. i love the church. i love the bible. and, yes, i believe in sin. but if jesus came to your church, would they actually let him in? >> the older generation, a generalized statement, sometimes can be caught up in legalistic rituals and rules. my generation falls on the side of we just don't think or preach about truth. >> reporter: whether you like what he has to say or not, the message is a provocative one. and he's not done yet. >> can your marriage rest on anything but jesus, it's resting on something broken. >> reporter: his latest video on marriage has had 3 million hits in 2 weeks.
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and bethke himself, well, he says he's just a kid from the hood with ambitions to have his own flock. >> jesus, he loves and accepts us. >> reporter: and a church. that's right, a church, which won't follow the mold. i'm neal karlinsky, for "nightline," in washington for "nightline." >> the power of church on faith. thanks to neal karlinsky for that. just ahead, the outsider artist, who is suddenly rich thanks to facebook. a no-holds barred interview with barbara walters, right there. [ male announcer ] if you believe the mayan calendar, on december 21st, polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space, which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd and you still need to retire, td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life.
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last week, facebook electrified walt and investors everywhere by announcing it would, for the first time, sell stock in the company to the public. and instantly, the company was valued at more than $75 billion, shattering records overnight. thousands of millionaires and billionaires were born. employees, executives, venture capitalists. then, there's the most unlikely and colorful facebook tycoon of them all. my colleague barbara walters got an exclusive interview with him. >> his name is david choe. he's the 35-year-old son of korean immigrants. today, he's fairly successful. but in the early days of facebook, he wasn't well-known when he was asked to paint murals on their office walls. choe was told he could be paid $60,000. instead, he said, i'm a gambler. give me stock. which, today, turns out to be worth at least $200 million. but guess what, terry? he isn't very happy. let me tell you why.
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choe is a self-described rebel. a school dropout. a graffiti artist, that paints from creatures to cars to hundreds of walls. he even painted me. how much am i worth? >> priceless. i'll show you. go as high as you can. >> reporter: and together, we painted this masterpiece. don't make me cry. here he is with mark zuckerberg. it is the murals he spread over the offices of facebook in 2005, that made choe a very rich man, and splashed his face on the front of "the new york times," that outed him. how did you feel when you heard you might be worth an estimated $200 million? >> it's how did i feel about the rest of the world like that? which i hated. i was at home. and i was in bed. and i got a text message.
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and it was a woman i hadn't spoken to in five years. and she offered me oral sex every day for the rest of my life for $2 million. just out of the blue. i'm sitting there. and she's like, i will do this for you. i don't want a ring. i don't want to be married. just out of nowhere. i was like, what the hell's happening? >> reporter: the thing is, david, most people would be thrilled with $200 million. for you, it's causing you pain. >> i cannot buy my privacy back. every news, al-jazeera, every news organization in the world is beating down a door trying to get an interview. and i'm like, oh, my god. >> reporter: have you kept all the stock? or have you sold some? >> i sold some a while back. >> reporter: the estimate was $200 million. >> i think it's more than that, actually. >> reporter: back in 2005, facebook, a company choe once called ridiculous, had a
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proposition. came to you and said, david, we have these walls. will you paint some murals for us? >> right. >> reporter: can you describe the murals? >> i love women. there was lots of women. city scapes. abstract forms. just -- i paint very quickly. it almost comes out of me, like it's almost my therapy. >> reporter: the murals took one month to paint. captured for a documentary in 2005, where initially parker wasn't happy and called the work schizophrenically distracting. >> the direction to do whatever you want. i don't know how you want me to react. i'm like -- >> there's nothing more for you to add to it. >> what more would you want me to add to it specifically. >> i like the stick figure. >> reporter: but choe's artwork remained. and so has a friendship with founder mark zuckerberg.
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are all of the paintings still at facebook? >> they carved the walls out and shipped them to every facebook office in the world. >> reporter: back then, no one knew how successful facebook might become. so, when it came time to pay choe, parker gave him a choice. you were offered money. how much? >> it was close to $60,000. >> reporter: but instead of taking the $60,000, which you really needed, you said, give me stock. >> he's like, do you want the cash? or do you want the shares? i said, i'll take the shares. >> reporter: why? >> i like to party. i like to gamble. >> reporter: not bad for a misfit who has done jail time for cashing forged checks, stealing. and in japan, hitting a security guard and landing in prison. but even prison couldn't stop his creative impulses. you had a pencil. and yet, you painted. how did you paint? >> i would use the soy sauce. i'm like -- i don't want to be gross.
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but i would use urine and blood and all these things. anything that would create any kind of pigment. it was the only thing that let me keep my sanity. >> reporter: despite his wealth, choe considers himself homeless, spending much of his time in hotels and las vegas casinos. but the question everyone wants to know is what will this artist do now with all those millions? >> it's going to sound horrible for me to say money is meaningless. but everyone's like, what are you going to do now that you have all this money and freedom? i did everything i wanted to when i had nothing. everyone's like, what are you going to do now? i'm going to do whatever i want. don't feel sorry for me. this is an ungodly amount of money where i can change the world and do things to help humanity and do good things. as an artist, i wonder what my purpose is or why i do what i do. so, hopefully those things come into more clarity. >> ironically, the once struggling artist who said he
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didn't believe in the company, now maintains a very active facebook page. terry? >> i'll bet he does. barbara, thanks. great stuff. next up, sex and yoga. a new book that says some of these poses hold the key to erotic bliss.people really love , but don't just listen to me. listen to these happy progressive customers. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. i was worried it would be hard to install. but it's really easy. the better i drive, the more i save. i wish our company had something this cool. yeah. you're not... filming this, are you? aw! camera shy. snapshot from progressive. plug into the savings you deserve with snapshot from progressive.
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for improving your love life doesn't involve a slick how-to guide. it's yoga. >> we can do it. we have the ability to do it. >> reporter: marco, a yoga instructor at pure yoga in manhattan, teaching his pass specific poses, like the cobra, that he believes will boost their erotic energy. >> that's the sensation. >> reporter: it's one of the ways that you get the word out about your class is to say to people, come to my class, your sex life will be better. >> they tell me. >> reporter: everybody's laughing. >> they tell me, since i've been practicing yoga, my sexual life has improved. >> reporter: let's ask them, show of hands, sex life has improved? she says that's not why she comes here. >> reporter: william broad a science writer for "the new york times," spent years combing through the literature. >> i can cite you study after study after study.
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we can go through hormones, brain waves. >> reporter: according to a new book called "the science of yoga," there is real evidence that yoga can do the trick. for example, the cobra has been found to boost blood flow to the pelvis. >> get thee to a yoga studio. >> reporter: and it's not just for men. this has become an industry. >> checking you harder and deeper than you've been in your workout and your sex life. >> reporter: better sex through yoga. the three-part dvd series. beginner, intermediate, advanced. >> reporter: what's on the advanced dvd? >> i'm sorry. not on a family show here. okay? >> reporter: he says that yoga started in medieval india as a sex cult. but he does point out that famous scene in "sex and the city," where samantha meets a guy in yoga class. >> would you like to go for a
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coffee sometime? >> reporter: it's the root of that now-famous term yogasm. >> you can be orr gas mick without doing anything. in the popular world, it's thinking off. >> reporter: marco says he's seen something close to that right in his studio. >> i have seen some of my students getting to levels of pleasure. >> reporter: you mean, like having an orgasm? >> almost a yogasm. >> reporter: a yogasm. in your class? >> yes. >> reporter: have you ever experienced it yourself? >> myself? i'm not going to discuss my sexual life here. >> reporter: now, you're going to clam up on me now? >> i am -- i am in top shape. >> reporter: this crane pose casanova, a walking, stretching advertisement for one of yoga's oldest -- >> lift up a little higher. >> reporter: and now, apparently
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