tv Right This Minute ABC February 22, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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it launched into the area. >> hear the confusion as people struckled to make sense of what they are seeing. a driver hits a cyclist and takes off, until another driver chases him down and delivers a little street justice. >> honestly, i never really expected him to stop. >> today is the first day of lent. lint or lent? lent. because i have not stopped making jeremy lin puns. i'm not giving that up. >> now meet the guy who penned a song of lin puns. >> the response has been incredible. >> and bat manning is over. a new craze. >> i'm going to call supermanning. >> we're going to get our show started today with never-before-seen footage. >> look at that sucker. >> this was just posted on look what's in the sky. that is the "challenger" as it launched into the air. the "challenger" disaster happened on january 28th, 1986,
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just 73 seconds into flight. if you remember, seven crew members lost their lives. >> flight controllers here looking very carefully at the situation. obviously, a major malfunction. >> they're on their way. >> this new footage was shot by a guy named bob karman at the orlando airport. the airport is 50 miles from the launch site. listen to everyone in the airport experiencing this together. >> there it is. there it goes. >> wow. >> this is the moment right here where the "challenger" explodes and you'll see the two plumes of smoke separating in the air but the people at the airport don't understand what's going on. >> they have no idea what actually happened. >> neat. >> they think this is what's leftover of the actual shuttle launch. >> there goes the one up. >> the people connected to the video makes it even that much more impactful. >> because we've only heard the
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people who understood what was going on. according to bob, they didn't realize what happened to the "challenger" until after they were on their plane and the pilot told them that the "challenger" had exploded. this little girl right here in the video is 3 years old, named kim karman this is bob's daughter and she works for new scientist and she posted this video. >> they were just going -- she was just going through old tapes and remembered hey, i remember this video my dad shot of me and said this might make for great content. >> bob karman always remembered filming this event, but he was recently researching historic footage and found out that there was only one other amateur video in existence. bob was like wait a minute, i have one of these too. >> he didn't realize even at the time the magnitude. >> back then you couldn't distribute it like now. these old tapes take on much more meaning because you can get it out to the masses quickly and
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easily on-line. >> there it goes. this is in north ridge, california. notice how the car is in the cross walk turning on red and hits the bike this girl is on. you think this person is going to get out of the car. >> oh, no! the car just took off and left? >> right. so, the person in the car behind happened to have a dash cam and they followed the other car and caught up with him. >> like a high-speed police chase all of a sudden. >> the car pulls over and the man with the dash cam gets out. he points and lets him know you're being videotaped. to tell us about the video he captured on his dash jcam we hae john lafreniere right this minute. what were you doing with a dash cam video where you caught this? >> i'm a computer technician and always experimenting with electronics. that's one of the things i do. kind of an electronics geek.
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>> when the car pulled over and you actually got out and told him that you had this on video, were you scared? were you afraid this person might have a weapon or might be angry? >> you know, when i was reviewing the video later i never thought of that. at the time i just wanted to get out and tell him he shouldn't be leaving the scene. >> seemed like a split-second decision but at any point did you think should i be doing this is this. >> at the moment it happened and i saw him drive away i was torn between helping the girl and following him. i could do her more good if i could follow lo him. because she didn't look like she was injured. i never expected him to stop. my goal was to get his license number and go back and give it to her. i was surprised that he stopped and it worked out the way it did. >> did he go back to the scene as he told you he would? >> that's one of the reasons i went back to make sure he did go back and he actually parked the car right across the street and walked back to the scene of the
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accident. >> you got to hand it to the everyday heros in life. this video is trending big and it's in the bowels of a building, a guy with a white suit and hammer and banging on this valve. starts to spring a leak. pretty gross looking stuff. >> oh. >> here it comes. this is in the bowels of a water treatment facility. they are shooting a hose. >> they are trying to keep this stuff off of all the other pipes and trying to preclean as the stuff starts to squirt out. guy is going to give this valve a few more taps. >> why? >> oh! >> that is not duki. it is at a water treatment facility but not -- it's almost maybe a little grosser.
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this is grease and fat from nondigestible human waste. the thing he's standing on is called the scum pot. >> wait. so this is separated duki? >> [ bleep ]. >> like they've sifted through oo they opening up this pandora's box of grossness? >> because the scum pot that man was standing on top of was clogged. >> oh stinks so bad. >> [ bleep ]. >> look at it. it's going down the hallway. >> of all the things to have robots designed to do, they don't have robots to do this job? >> i can't look at it anymore. >> looks like pea soup. >> grandmothers are usually very consider ate, prudent, right. not this in argentina. that is, in fact, a she is about to attempt a
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real-life frogger grandma edition. >> oh, geez. >> on a very busy boulevard in beaus no i res, argentina. look at the black car. he swerved to get out of the way. ended up ramming into the guardrail and smashed his car. amazingly, inside of all the traffic, look, grandma is still walking. >> this is like a five-lane highway. >> notice, he caused a major traffic jam because that car spun out but how did she possibly think she was going to cross five lanes of traffic with that small break in traffic. did you see the rush of cars coming after she stepped into the first lane? >> maybe she thought she could cross that side because she just crossed the previous side. must have crossed this other group of traffic. >> they caught this on the security camera and i think they zoomed in on her after they probably saw her crossing the first set of lanes. >> how did she not get hit by the truck? >> she makes it.
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that's the most amazing thing. she makes it. >> and seems to have no concept of the mayhem she just left in her wake. >> when she gets to the other side she keeps walking. he is the new york knicks basketball player lighting up the sports world and now the web is bowing down in pun praise to jeremy lin. >> lin puns. can't get enough of them. >> lin-sanity gets a song and you get to lin-sen. >> the three frenchmen riding their bikes around the world and across the toughest terrain. >> wow. >> traveling on $10 a kay. >> wow. >> often not wearing shirts. people are wanting to know if you have met ladies along the way. >> the video, the stories and the answer to my all-important question, next.
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today, right? today is the first day of lint. >> lint or lent? >> lint. >> because i have not stopped making jeremy lin puns, i'm not giving that up for lent. jeremy lin puns all over the internet, all over all forms of media and people are making tribute songs to the new york knicks basketball phenom. >> snoets meet my friend jeremy lin they call him taiwan stocked in or don't know what you call him the dude is a beast ♪ >> mike johnson an aspiring comedian from chicago, illinois. i like his tribute to jeremy lin because he has a couple diss to kobe and lebron and a few lin puns up his sleeve i haven't heard yet ♪ i'm talking super lin-tendo knicks jen ne sis we have lin it's been a while ♪ >> lin puns. can't get enough of them. this lin super fan mike johnson
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is joining us, right this minute, to tell us about his jeremy lin ballad here. >> when i decided to write this song i was like how heavy am i going to lay on the lin puns. i kept it at a few but i got -- you need a few. i'm a knicks fan to begin with and it's been just, you know, like basketball fan purgatory for a while and he's an inspiring guy. >> i'm a little lin-credulous about the source behind the lin-sanity. do you think it's more because of his talent or the opportunity for all the puns? >> yeah. who doesn't love a good pun. more than anything, he is like nasty at basketball. >> now your video is pretty lin-tense. what kind of response have you gotten. >> >> yeah. the response has been incredible. >> as i lin-sen to your video, i really do sense your passion. >> it's fun to watch knicks games again. it's crazy. >> did you make this video with
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the lin-tention that jeremy lin would see it? >> >> yes, it did. it was a lin-vitation sent out to him. >> are song if the knicks get lin-to the playoffs? >> yes, i will definitely write a sequel if they get into the playoffs. >> this is jurn-lism. >> think back and remember college. ♪ fun times, right? ♪ >> check out what they did on the campus of virginia tech. it's the cadet versus the civilian snowball fight. >> oh, boy. >> it is awesome. >> that's got to be a couple hundred people out there. >> these students were enjoying new river valley's first snowfall of the year and what they did, they set up a facebook event open to everybody on
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campus. 5:00 p.m. on drill field and here you go. here's what happened. >> here's the thing, beth. how do you know who's a cadet and civilian. shouldn't they wear some sort of uniform. >> that takes the rogue fun out of it. >> i like and i have to say not a lot of snow on the ground for a snowball fight. >> that's plenty of snowball fighting snow. >> [ inaudible ]. >> one guy is using a folding chair as a shield it looks like. >> there aren't referees. it's a free for al snowball fight. but look at this. this is more than a couple hundred. we're talking looks like the entire virginia tech campus showed up for this thing. girls, i'm going to need about $12 million. i'm going to buy this diamond. it's the argyle pink jubilee found in western australia in the argyle mine. this diamond is 12 carats and they expect to get a million dollars a carat for this thing. >> whoa. >> they still have to polish it
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up and cut it, get it into decent auctioning shape. >> wow. it's huge. >> it's going to go on a world tour and then somebody will buy it. when they give me $12 million. >> can you imagine the job of the guy who has to cut this and polish it, how nervous you would be. they're saying we're never going to find another one like this. one little mess up and -- >> can you imagine if someone proposes to someone with that ring once it's finally shaped and cut, present you, will you marry me? yeah, i will' marry you. >> you're not getting it back if you change your mind. >> next time on "right this minute" -- >> he's 8 years old. >> oh. >> check out his trick shot. there he is in a shower stall bouncing it over his head. >> that's next time on "right this minute." there have been a lot of crazes on the internet and now, there's
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[ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. you are good to go. thanks. that was easy! [ male announcer ] speed, reliability, and now with our worry free guarantee there's no better time to switch. get your choice of terms. no activation fees. a 30-day money back guarantee. flexible scheduling. professional on-site installation. and 24/7 tech support. all for just $84.99 a month. plus you get a $200 value reward card. so switch to verizon high speed internet and phone, backed by our new worry free guarantee, all for just $84.99 a month. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities call at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's only from verizon. some people are just absolutely incredible. the three guys you see here are brian, morgan and siphay and
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they had a dream. their dream was to bike across the most extreme climate in the world. now they decided it was going to take them three years to do this and currently, they are halfway through their journey. they also decided to do this on $10 a day. >> geez. >> they're also relying on the hospitality and kindness of the people they meet along their journey. >> wow. >> we actually have brian, morgan and siphay via skype right this minute, currently in big bear, california. where did this journey begin? >> so we started in france and we want to go ride around the world and finish in france. >> how many miles a day would you typically travel? >> depends on the terrain. a good day is 100 miles. >> are you videographers too? your video is well done. >> thank you for this comment. we're doing our best. we're learning on the way. >> you say you're only doing this on $10 a day.
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is that $10 each? >> per person per day. >> tell m about some ofour favofate experiensen far? >> the am ma zone which was the hardest part of the trip was really, really hot and really the humidity killed us almost. we were sometimes just suffocating on the side of the road. the memory is very good. we keep very good memories of these hard moments. >> that must be incredible the generosity you are seeing from people all around the world. >> that's one of the main point of our project, hospitality, solidarity exists all around the world. >> people are wanting to know if you have met some ladies along the way and if the girls are impressed by what you do. >> we're still waiting for meeting girls in america. >> all right. well now i'm red. we've had a lot of stunts on the show from planking to horse manning, batmanning. >> all the internet crazes.
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>> i think i found the video that is going to start the next one that i'm going to call supermanning. ♪ this guy is supermanning next to the driving car. >> roll down your window. >> he needs to ask for directions. [ inaudible ]. then he flies off. >> a lot of videos hitting the web with the so-called supermanning. >> he's in the back seat leaning out the window up against. that's perfect. >> can you imagine if you're just driving along and all of a sudden you see your buddy you thought that was in the back seat flying. >> the wind in his hair makes it so awesome too. i think this is the best one yet. >> i cannot agree more. i think of all the manning and ya da ya das. >> perhaps one of the most dangerous things you can do. >> this could end baaedly but it's funny. >> catch a signpost and it's over. >> you're a few minutes away
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from the end of the show and spending a lot of time on our favorite website, say it with me right now, now back to the show. >> a helmet camera shows you mountain biking for city folks or anybody crazy enough to try it. >> yeah. did you see the safety line here? it's a piece of plastic rope. consumers today have a legitimate concern about the chicken they eat.
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they want to know more about how they were raised, what they were fed. we spend a lot of time on the feed because a chicken is what it eats. [ jim ] this seal verifies we feed my fresh all-natural chickens an all-vegetarian diet including corn, soybeans, and marigolds. we actually ask the usda to come check us. we have never fed steroids or hormones and never will. no blood meal, no meat and bone meal. yuck. no animal by-products. it means when you put my chicken on the table, you know where it came from. it means when you put my chicken on the table,
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>> what do you do if you don't have a mountain to ride your mountain bike down? you do urban downhill mountain biking. check this out. this is marcel and this is at a city fair where these guys go downhill mountain biking through the streets of the city, down stairs, over side walks jumping through the streets. ♪ in this video we get a first person's perspective of how manic this race is. check this out. ♪ >> i've seen this before and it's almost like there's no rules. >> oh. >> a guy rode across the wall of a buildg. sidewalks. throu
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>> down stairwells. >> did you see how close he came to that telephone pole? he brushed by it like it was nothing. >> did you see the safety line here. it's a piece of plastic rope. >> so awesome. >> what if this was your street. you walk out your front door. some guy speeds by on a mountain bike. >> oh! >> big jump for the finish line and that's it. isn't that awesome? that's going to do it for this edition of "right this minute." we have one more video for you. it's go pro footage of dog sledding shot in colorado. don't forget another half hour of "right this minute" is on the way. ♪
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