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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 24, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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i'm beth troutman. we searched the web to find great videos so you don't have top let's get started "right this minute." his owners say teddy bear the dog got mace to the face. >> hey, what are you doing to my
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dog? >> what was caught on surveillance that was the real shocker. a scare for a baby girl after -- her mom put her in a brand new sleeper. >> pulled her left leg out. she started to scream and cry. >> see the disturbing find that could have been disastrous. the video proves it when a lion pounces, you do not stand a chance. >> oh. wow. that was quick. >> and meet a couple madly in like. >> i like you. >> i like you. >> but something's about to change and it's all on video. >> he's going to propose. >> or break up with her? steven is going to get things started for us today with surveillance footage and, of course, the story behind it. >> i want you to check out this exclusive video from knph news in california. we're seeing surveillance video of a fresno county sheriff's deputy parking his car because he's walking up to this home to serve some papers. the next door neighbor to this house is a guy named jared
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solano. this is his surveillance video. he goes out to tell the deputy the neighbor is not home, don't waste your time. as jared walks away he notices that the officer took out his taser and sort of just zapped it at a nearby dog which happens to be jarrett's dog teddy bear who was safely behind a fence two doors down. he doesn't taiz the dog but jarrett thinks takes his taser out to scare the dog. i go what are you doing to my dog? by the time i got over there he was shaking his hand. >> and macing the dog. >> a dog behind a face safely. >> yes. that's the fence this dog was behind. that's teddy bear there. and jarrett guess outside and washes the mace from the dog's eyes and sort of asks the officer, you just maced my dog. what's the deal here? >> he just went across the street and stared at me when he
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seen me walking up behind him. didn't say sorry, didn't know it was your dog or anything. >> the sheriff's department hasn't made a comment about this. they have seen the video and looking into it and may take it to internal affairs. the solanos say we want an apology. >> i can't believe he maced the dog. even if the dog was barking viciously he's behind a tall fence. >> right. a warning from a west virginia couple to parents. we got this story from wvns, happened in pineville, west virginia, beautiful little girl you're seeing on the screen is 10-month-old trinity morgan. her mom put her in a brand new sleeper. wit az child of mine sleeper by carters. >> started to get fussy and stuff. i went to change her diaper again and pulled her left leg out. she started to scream and cry. >> she found there was a razor blade inside the sleeper. >> oh. >> like a nightmare. >> it is a nightmare. this was a brand new item that the family reportedly had just purchased from walmart. she was treated at a local
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hospital for the abrasions that were to her leg. >> it could have been so much worse. our doctor said she doesn't know how she slid by with what she got. >> a spokesperson with walmart did get back to us and are conducting a thorough investigation and that the blade that was found in the actual sleeper was a different kind of blade than what the stockers use at walmart. we contacted the company carters as well. they did not get back to us by our deadline but according to reports, carters did contact the morgans. >> they sincerely apologized and offered to pay all of trinity's medical bills and they also asked if i could send them back the sleeper and the razor blade so they could look further into it to see where it might have come from. >> the walmart spokesperson says they have reached out to local authorities to look into this matter. >> i am not suing anyone. i'm not looking for money. i am looking for other parents to realize they need to check for stuff like this, that this world, in this world, it can happen.
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the yo lo deputy tony diaz attempting to pull over marco topeti. he's in the car ahead. he does not comply and after diaz has his weapons drawn he flips him the bird and takes off. after a chase of about four minutes, diaz and topeti wind up down this dark, dusty dirt road. deputy diaz loses the suspect in the dust that's created from the chase. deputy diaz thinks that the suspect has bailed out of the car and has gone to the right into this empty field. deputy diaz pulls up, checks and sees there is an infant in this car. >> southbound child in the vehicle. >> he gets out of his cruiser. topeti run and hid behind a friend's house to the left side of the road.
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>> [ inaudible ]. >> officer down. >> the suspect unloads 17 rounds from an assault rifle at a distance in less than four seconds. >> this guy has an infant in his car and still opens 17 rounds at this officer close to this car that he knows has an infant in it as well. >> this would be deputy diaz's last night on duty. >> be p h in the head with some kind of a firearm. >> he did die. this happened back in june of 2008. the reason we show you this video now is because it was a key piece of evidence in the trial of marco topeti and he was recently sentenced to death row. >> oh, my goodness. this is so difficult to watch. >> that's scary. the shot we see of the officer
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walking from the suspect's car over to his car after he's shot, he can barely move, that's scary to see because those are -- that's really the last shot you'll ever see of him. >> it's a perfect example of how difficult the men and women who protect us every day, how difficult their jobs are. a funeral is where you want somebody to rest in peace. this is not what you expect to happen. this video comes to us from fox 6 in milwaukee. what you are looking at is the funeral of rahim johnson, 19 years old, he was killed by gunfire. so his family arranged to have a funeral. but the church was over capacity according to the funeral director and all heck broke loose. police had to be called in and there were several citations issued. >> police need to be called to a fight at a funeral. >> the church was cleared and the family eventually held a private funeral without the crowd. here you see them telling people
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to leave in peace. >> leave in peace. >> just got totally out of hand. but the police department, they moved in and handled things very, very well. >> you have police standing outside a church with shotguns because of what happened inside. >> it's sad to me that this 19-year-old was killed and it's even more heartbreaking he was laid to rest in this manner. >> how was he shot? was this a gang related type of thing, a drive-by? is that why the police showed up with force? >> all they said was the shooter acted in self-defense when rahim was shot. >> the funeral wasn't even started yet. it was a brawl. people got to fighting out of nowhere. >> usually a fight over the will or who left who what, but a fight at a funeral. somebody is supposed to be laid to rest and rest in peace and this was anything but peaceful. two guys decide to walk from
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one end of iceland to the other and climb whatever gets in their way. >> yeah. middle of the mountain, let's climb that. >> see everything they have to conquer to cross iceland. >> you all are going to make fun of me for this one. i don't care. i love it. >> this table, i love this table. >> that's cool.
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. >> cool guys doing cool stuff that even i would want to do. this is somewhere in latin america and a group of guys decided to play a little fun. so they put a big [ inaudible ] of balloons inside a luggage bag and fill it up with helium. >> they're going to try to get
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the bag to float up in the air? >> oh. >> they actually got it to lift off the ground. >> they're keeping it only a few feet off the ground. i want to see them let that thing go. >> check that out. >> flying it like a kite. >> tied a string to it and they're flying it. keep watching. ♪ then they tie it to their van. >> oh, no. they're going to get it stuck in a tree. >> all their hard work. ♪ >> frantically gets out of the car, tries to shake it. >> it snapped the rope, didn't it. >> oh! there you see it fly away. >> how funny is that. >> this is actually a challenge by samsonite for their new line of super light luggage bags called be light. >> makes sense. >> this is what these guys came up with.
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cell phone versus train. ♪ >> you're about t se a video tht'goin t maoke youolk across . ♪ back in 2011, remi and will decided that they wanted to walk from the southern tip to the northern tip of iceland. >> oh! >> did they do this barefoot. >> no, they did not do it barefoot but they did accomplish it and will shot this amazing video. >> [ inaudible ].
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in the middle of it. >> yeah. middle of the mountain, let's climb that. >> like baby earth right there. >> look how tiny he is compared to that waterfall. >> boy, did they give us a real solid look of iceland and all its variety. >> as you can see behind me we've had a little bit of a difficulty. the tent is looking, well, not so good. >> they got a big hole in their tent. >> it started raining. >> we have will via skype right this minute to tell us about this amazing journey. talk about your pickled feet. >> it's supposed to be the largest desert in europe. about a few days into it it started range and that lasted about 10 or 11 days. started over and over again, gets saturated very quick.
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we only carried one set of socks and clothes. >> how do you dry off when you're on a journey like this sh. >> during the day you deal with it. you put your jacket on, head down and get walking. it's nice, you put your head down, drift off in your head and think about warm fires and chicken and nice warm dinners. during the night you get the tents off and dry off and get into your sleeping bag and fall asleep quick. >> how would you sum up iceland? >> extreme would be the word. baron and remote and endless horizon from end to end and flat and ash. >> what's the one shot in this video that we're watching that made this whole thing worth it to you guys. >> towards the end of the trip as you're going toward the canyon that was probably the maker of the trip. it was not only an amazing beautiful scenery but also the significance of being the end of the journey you could see it in sight and it felt like everything had come together. ♪
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we've got a story showing the beautiful side of nature and then we've got one showing the ugly side of nature. >> beth, you are not going to like this video. ♪
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you are not going to like this video. couple lions in their pen at the zoo in amsterdam. something piques their interest real quick. a blue heron hanging out in their pen and he is in the wrong spot at the wrong time. >> oh. >> the lion notices and does not wait. boom. smack down into the pool and it's lunch time. >> oh. wow. that was quick. >> that was really quick. the heron has a really brief chance of trying to get away, but -- no. now she's got this morsel in her teeth and seems to want to find a quiet spot to have her snack. nowhere to go. big daddy lion there, the cub is like give me some of that. >> please tell me it gets away at the miracle of life. >> totally mangled. i like this, i'm glad to see these lions still have their primal instincts in this
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enclosure in a zoo and they haven't lost their step. >> and this is the circle of life so it's stuff that happens. but still. >> you don't know if that bird was packing heat. that mom was trying to protect her family. >> you know, i'm just going to say, this bird's purpose for that day was to be the food for that pride of lion. you all are going to make fun of me for this one. i don't care. i love it. >> thigh name is theodore gray, somewhere around 2002 i started working on a periodic table table which is what you see here. >> that's cool. >> that is cool. >> this video produced by the american chemical society. for those of you who don't remember the periodic table this was the table you had hanging in your high school chemistry class. >> h for hydrogen. >> everything occurred naturally in our world put together in an organized fashion. he built this in 2002 and
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started collectings all of these elements and it's trending because a lot of science sites are picking it up. years ago he was reading a book -- >> he has a paragraph where he describes the periodic table and he describes it as having samples on it. turns out i was misunderstanding. >> after he realized his mistake he was like -- >> there ought to be a periodic table table. >> if you lift up the squares he has samples of the actual elements. >> a sample i don't usually keep out because if somebody were to break the bottle it would be bad. >> that took me a while practicing being able to lift this thing because this weighs about 11 pounds. >> of course there is really valuable elements on the periodic table, we're talking silver, gold, platinum. he keeps all of the really valuable elements in a safe. >> 3 1/2 ounces roughly of gold. silver coins. gold nuggets. >> i wouldn't want to eat anything off that table. >> don't spill anything on it. >> thought the world needs a periodic table table. >> next time on "right this minute" -- >> we could learn how to care for things that aren't like us.
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>> she loves every animal. >> next time on "right this minute." she's my one true like. >> he's the like of my life. >> meet macgregor and savannah. guess what, they really like each other. >> i like you. >> i like you. >> hey i like you. >> what happens when like isn't enough. >> i mean i'm really sorry to do this to you, but -- [ clanking ]
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at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's have changed as well. >> this is a good moment for science. >> this is the story of true like. >> what a luke warm sentiment. >> my name is macgregor. >> my name is savannah. >> we like each other. >> they met in high school and they immediately fell in like with each other. >> he didn't want to date me. >> i didn't want to date anyone. she starts running around with all these other guys. >> that's not true. >> i have to watch as my tiny heart breaks into a tiny pieces. >> she sat me down on the couch. >> and said will you be my girlfriend? and i said yes. >> throughout the entire thing they share all the things they like about each other. >> i like brunettes. >> i like guys. >> how perfect. >> we like to be creative with gifts. >> another way of saying we're poor. >> i like you. >> i like you. >> hey, i like you. >> i like you. >> do they love each other now? >> explain why they choose to say i like you instead of i love you. >> we started dating in high school. we broke up in college and then we got back together. >> we went to different schools
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for two years and he went to afghanistan and i stayed here. >> four years of dating we've only shared the same zip code about a year and a half. >> saying i like you keeps things at a digestible level. >> noncommittal level. continue. >> i still have 3 1/2 more years of college. >> i have a year and a half ter that and i supposed to go to l.a. >> i supsepod to australia. >> but for now she's my one true like. >> he's the like of my life. >> taping this video in front of their family and friends. and then -- >> i'm really sorry to do this to you, but savannah, i love you. >> i love you. >> oh. >> and i guess i have to do this. will you marry me? >> yes. >> yes! >> so they were in on making the little documentary together. when they went to film the last scene this was a surprise to her. going to saying i love you to engaged, i don't know.
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that's a quick jump. >> their love isn't about the word love. it's about the experience that they share. not many people say i love you and don't really mean it. >> i love you, nick. >> i like you too. >> if you want to see the entire video head over to our website >> i have one more video to show you guys and i know that you're going to love it. this is from our friend devin graham. this is a setting you will recognize. the ice castles by brent kristenson and recognize the girl lindsay sterling. this is her first dove step playing the violin. that's how we're going to leave you. enjoy the video and don't forget the r it tm top ten countdown is on the way. ♪ tm top ten countdown is on the way. ♪ m top ten countdown is on the way. ♪ tm top ten countdown is on the way. ♪ tm top ten countdown is on the way. ♪ ♪ wçññ?woçñíoñwwéwwóww?
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