tv Right This Minute ABC March 26, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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turned himself in. see a desperate attempt to rescue a cat after the fire department tells the owner -- >> you know, we can't get this cat out of the tree. we could let a hose loose on him. >> what kind of fire department is that, we can't rescue your cat but we can spray it out with a hose? >> yeah. i'll volunteer for that job. a dog trudges up the canyon. a view of the hollywood hills like you've never seen before. and, meet the very brave guy who let a robot cut his hair. >> it's like a drunk sleeping barber with three weird hands. it's time to get our show started. stephen's going to kick things off for us. >> it is always a pleasant surprise for police when an alleged criminal they're looking for accidentally turns himself in. the man are you seeing in this video has been identified as a 61-year-old man, we're seeing him in a surveillance video
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making a purchase at big daddy's liquors in hollanddale beach, florida. after this he gets inside his suv outside of a flanagan's seafood bar and grill and proceeds to run two guys over in the parking lot. you see the two guys crossing the parking lot right now. the man pulls up. these two man have been identified. the driver hits the gas and runs these two guys over taking lopez on a 20-foot ride, dragging him across the parking lot. paul benson suffered broken bones in one of his arms, but lopez had a fractured skull and cranial hemorrhaging. lopez later died. they're unsure if it is related to the crash, but regardless -- police are after the driver. this all happened back on february 12th. we're seeing this video. get this -- on march 12th a 911 dispatcher in georgia gets a hang-up call. of course they call back. that number is not responding so
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what do you do? you send a unit to the scene. they send police to an address in norcross, georgia. when the police pull up, they see a man entering the passenger side door of a van and begin questioning the man. hey, we've been getting a 911 call from this address, what's wrong, what's your name? police i.d.'d him, ran his name through a database. they found out this is the driver of that suv. they found out and arrested him, now charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. >> why did he call 911? >> it was a mistake. >> karma is a tricky little lady. >> good police work though. >> it takes time to stop and check the information and see who he was. that's good stuff. the beautiful sunny day in chickapea, massachusetts. time to go for a ride. see a pickup truck in this video back up to a trailer with two beautiful blue quads, yamaha blaster, fun to ride on a sunny day. they attach the trailer, hook it
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up to the truck and drive off. the problem with this video is that those quads don't belong to the two guys that are driving that pick-up truck. they belong to darryl thompson. darryl thompson gave this surveillance video to wwlp and said, i would like to ride my quads -- not these two guys. completely ripped this guy off in broad daylight. >> so where were these quads located that they were able to get to them so easily? >> they were parked in darryl thompson's driveway. yeah, doesn't look like he had too much security, they were ready to go, packed up, tied down. >> he did have a surveillance deonhe qua s mbeay he uhing lik this? >> there was a surveillance video an thankfully it captured some pretty clear images of a guy wearing a blue yankees hoodie and another guy wearing a dark green and black jacket with a hood on top. hopefully these images will lead to the two guys who stole mr. thompson's quads. >> don't they technically need the keys for the quads to run them? >> you can hotwire a car, you
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can hotwire a quad. >> somebody's bound to recognize these guys. you not only see what clothes they're wearing, you see a pretty nice shot of their faces and it is well lit because it is the middle of the afternoon. so somebody's going to catch these guys. the next time i have an emergency, i want eric baggily to be my friend because he's the person i would call. you see a bag connected to some ropes. eric climbed up a tree to save a friend's cat. look how high that is. it's about 100 feet up in the air. >> whoa! >> this woman says her cat was stuck up in a tree for more than 20 hours. she called the fire department in michigan, they told her, we can't get this cat out of the tree. we could let a hose loose on him. what kind of fire department is that? saying we can't rescue your cat but we can spray it out with a hose. >> i'll volunteer for that job. >> of course you would, stephen, but this isn't that kind of story. so her friend eric climbs up the tree with his bag because he's going to rescue the cat.
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the cat seems very compliant, not scratching. this is a brave guy. is he a professional tree climber? >> i think the fire department there should hire him whenever they have a cat rescue. >> i agree. because if their solution, again, spray him out with a hose? they definitely need this guy. >> the video also said on youtube that one of the firefighters posted on his gir friend's wall that he was stupid to call them. he should have brought his .22 rifle. >> oh, and shoot the cat out. now that's not nice. wow. i would shoot it with the hose, but not with the gun. >> firefighters not cat fans. >> but i love eric bagley here, the cat in the bag on his hip an they are once again on the ground. >> wouldn't it be funny in the cat came out of the bag and just climbed right back up? >> i can hold him? >> a very excited stephen. it's beth and stephen kiss time! take a look at this. >> this is -- these are, really,
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tie tanian structures within structures within structure. very intricate. >> structures on structures on structures. >> exactly. you're wondering how in the world could someone make these? the automation manufacturing and robotic group at the oak ridge national lab in tennessee are creating all of these like prosthetics and robot parts and little machines -- little machines? >> yeah. >> little machines. >> little machines? >> machines? machines? >> all from what is basically like a 3-d printer. >> these printers freak me out because they print things and they will actually have like working parts. >> this goes beyond all of that because they're making like prosthetic limbs. look at this hand. look how details that hand is. it moves. joints just like fingers. >> you know what it is? science that we can't explain --
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magic. >> we'll bring in our resident magician to explain it to us. >> bring him in. >> there you are, zach. >> zach. >> so happy to have you back. now this thing is amazing and very cool and right up your alley. >> aidetive manufacturing. this done through electron melting. they lay down a very thin layer of powder, then put an electron beam on to where they are trying to create their material and it will melt that powder together and make it very strong. because it goes in as a powder, but then it comes out as almost looking like a metal. >> it is really a strong metal. you can see -- >> the world would be a better place. the guy flying this helicopter does it better than anyone in the world. >> this guy's doing an upside down backwards zippy zap in do. >> for sure. but can he keep his expensive toy out of the drink? see what happens. and real or fake?
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bodies. >> it is exactly what happens. >> i knew it. >> except it sucks! >> why? >> i brought the proof. this thing sold so well, it ruined an entire generation of games. >> when you were a kid you'd think video games will be so cool by 201. he's actually saying, they actually kind of suck. >> oh, pie goodness. you don't want me to get started on that. >> but he does give his past self some good advice. >> everything's going to suck. >> dude, cheer up. it is not going to be all that bad in the future. >> you got flamin' hot cheetoh's. >> yeah. >> as soon as you can, buy apple. >> he said it wrong. >> yeah. buy apple. >> he was communicating with himself. he should have known that he was going to misunderstand it. he knew him. >> yeah, right. anyway, let's just do this
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again. remember this name, guys -- he is a gold medalist. you wonder a gold medal of what? flower tossing? he is the gold medalist at the 2012 world pizza games. and he won this for his amazing freestyle acrobatics and pizza dough spinning. >> oh, no! now you can't even eat it. >> the kid has form. he's doing some beat boy moves, some acrobatics. listen to the crowd -- everybody loves it. >> it is pretty cool because as he's spinning thisby za it went from like a personal pan size to like a large. >> i just feel like they should have to make the pizza and eat it afterward. otherwise they're just tossing dough around. doing tricks with dough.
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cook the pizza and eat it. that should be part of the judging process, too. >> flamp and taste an texture and gooey, oohy cheesiness. >> that would be great to have in your shop. people would want to come in, see him make your pizza. >> you'll have to call the leaders in japan because he is from japan. then tosses the dough into the crowd. >> it is like an nba basketball game. if someone shoots you their wristband? >> that's the coolest thing ever. nick maxwell is a very impressive pilot. nick is in the orange t-shirt and he started flying remote control airplanes when he was just 4 years old. he's in his early 20s now. he's a world champion. now he's flying helicopters. he started flying helicopters when he was 10. remote control helicopters. he's in new zealand giving a demonstration. watch what he can do. starts out pretty calm. jumps up in the air, he's like,
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crash. no. this whole demonstration looks like the helicopter is completely out of control and is going to crash any second. but nick is doing this on purpose. he's doing all of this on purpose. most people would keep their several thousand remote control -- anything -- away from water but nick is flying down into this like 15 foot deep sinkhole purposely right above the water, upside down, flying a remote control helicopter along is hard enough. this guy's doing it upside down, backwards. >> he looks like he's inches away from the water. like he's getting ready to stir the pond. >> i guess if you are that skilled flying your helicopter like in a normal way it is kind of boring. >> yeah, right. >> but how do you make it exciting? what's next for him? >> space ships. >> a girlfriend. coming up -- is this one
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sensitive man ever to surf web. >> is he tebowing? >> no. >> all right, let's go to it. we got some real or fake videos. first one, awesome japanese beer can trick. >> it is kind of a trick of the eye. i don't know how it works but i think it is real. >> he looks like if he squeezed the sides of it it would pop back out. until the tab went back in. i was like -- >> i checked with our users an they actually told me the trick. i could give it away right now. >> let's ruin it for everybody. >> if you notice when he flipped it over it was black where the tab is. that's just a black piece of paper put over the tab. now notice his thumb here?
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never moves. so what he's done is he poked a hole in it, let the beverage drip out like half-way so he can crease it, then once he takes off the glass and the tab, opens it up and powers the rest out. our next one -- bag of lay's chi chips. >> that can be really easy to fake. you can just glue the bottom of the bag together. >> say you have a whole box of them. everyone has two chips. but i'm still going fake. last video, epic -- sleeping in class. >> it's real. we've all been there, done that. don't try to deny it. >> why is the camera right there? the person at the next table watching this go on and taping
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it? >> i think this is fake because i feel like the girl on left knows something's happening. >> she probably sees that this girl next to her is being recorded and that's when she's cracking up. >> she needs to learn the trick -- this trick. just sit there like this, hold your pen and pretend you're taking notes. can you sleep the whole class. >> fake. >> i say real. >> i'm going to go with real. >> i think for sure that this is real. i mean who wants to fake that look? barbers of the world beware, because this robot is about to cut the chief's hair. this gi is a volunteer. he's going to have his head shaved by the multi-arm ugv, which stands for the unmanned ground vehicle. this thing has three arms, three cameras, 29 degrees of freedom. >> it is nice to see you. are you ready for your haircut? >> i was tim, my answer to be no
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but tim is a brave guy. he gets the clippers out and starts shearing this guy's head. >> i'm sorry, a robot with a razor? that is not cool. >> before you get too freaked out, will is somebody controlling the robot's movements. but just watch tim get his haircut. >> not very good. >> tim almost has to move his head to help the thing work. it's like a drunk sleeping barber with three weird hands. the thing was put together by intelligent automation incorporated, they're based in rockville, maryland. they did this to raise money for a foundation that works to find a cure for childhood cancer. >> there are also times throughout the video that tim looks a little terrified. eventually towards the end it does like like maybe the multi-arm ugv is finally getting the job done. you kind of get a look at what tim looks like in the end. that's kind of a reluctant
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♪ >> we took a little hike on runnion canyon, aka, the hike of the stars in the los angeles area. with our little friend riley. the video is set to "here's to now" but ugly casanova. riley is wearing a camera on a customized backpack and we go on a hike from little riley's perspective. >> this might give the paparazzi some ideas. just send a dog with a camera. >> that's one happy looking dog an happy looking hike. just all bouncy and jumpy, going from rocks to branches and swirling around people. >> and if you've ever done this hike, you know that's a pretty legit hike. >> his legs are like this tiny.
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>> don't let his size make you think you can't do it. >> always wished i was a dog. dogs have sweet lives. just lay around, go on hikes, eat stuff. >> this makes me at least see what it would look like. >> the cool thing about this, too, is you get to see the views of this canyon and the views of los angeles from this canyon, from a little doggy's perspective. >> you get the perspective of like six inches off the ground. >> the best part is how happy he looks going on this hike. >> this is my favorite part here because he stops, then he looks out into the open, through the canyon, wind in his fur. he shares the entire hike, him leaving this hiking trail, into the car, into the back seat to finally get some rest. that's it for us here at "right this month." thank you so much for joining us. have an awesome rest of your day. we'll see you tomorrow.
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hundreds have gathered in downtown baltimore to protest the death of trayvon martin. a mother said authorities are liking information trying -- leaking information about her son. it has been exactly a month since 17-year-old trayvon martin was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer. roosevelt leftwich is in downtown baltimore where some of baltimore's leaders are rallying in
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