tv Right This Minute ABC March 27, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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>> hear how the 5-year-old is doing now in a case that has all of britain outraged. is it a mysterious message from space? >> explained blinking things. >>thm iag thaten a rocket scien. a little girl makes a video about her brother who has down syndrome. >> but whatever, i'm just happy he's my brother. >> now hear the whole amazing story from 3-year-old ace and her mom. >> tell us why you wanted to make this video. >> wanted to tell everybody about r6.t., about down syndrom? >> yes. >> a special downs a special cocktail. >> it's not mountain dew, folks. >> how one show got to the bottom of a strange addiction. >> i can't figure out how she started. i'm going to begin our show today with some of the most heartbreaking surveillance footage i've ever seen. this footage showcases how a normal evening can just change
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on a dime. we got this story from "the daily mail." this was shot in a grocery store in london. take a look at the little girl you're seeing in the middle of your screen. she 5 years old and she is visiting her uncle, along with her family, at his grocery store and you can see, she's just dancing down the aisles. pay close attention to the guys who are coming in to the store. according to reports, these are gang members. and you'll see people start moving toward the front of the store. they hear some commotion and they all move forward to see what's going on. now watch what happens. >> oh, no, what happened? >> what happened here is, rival gang fight. a tit for tat gang battle, if you will, is what reports are calling it. she got caught in the cross fire from a gang member who was shooting outside the store and this bullet pierced her chest. now as the video continues, you see her uncle come running up to
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try to help her. now this actually happened in march of last year but the reason we're just now seeing this, it was just used in a court of law. in fact, an old bailey jury convicted the three men unanimously of hurting this little girl. >> she survived. >> yes. the 5-year-old survived -- but, the bullet pierced her chest. ambulances came. she died twice in the ambulance on the way to the hospital an was revived. but, she has been in and out of the hospital in this last year and is now paralyzed from her wounds. >> did the wound pierce her spine or what is it that paralyzed her? >> the bullet did end up piercing her spine and that's what ended up causing her paralysis. >> it's horrible to see that because of some criminals. a little girl who was happily dancing one second will now never be able to walk. >> her mother said that she
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wanted to be a singer and a dancer, and at this point her dreams were even taken from her because she can no longer dance like this ever again. this mugshot you are looking at is camilla joy rhodes. she was arrested monday accused of stealing wallets from a 10-year-old girl's birthday party at a skate rink. she got out of prison just last fall on similar charges for a conviction. >> this incident happened at gresham skate world. in this video we got, you can see this woman, believed to be camilla, going into a skate area. she goes in and says she's with a party and she has a gift bag with her. what's caught on video is unbelievable. >> having fun doing the cake thing and then all of a sudden we realize that one of my aunts had her wallet missing. >> so let me get this straight. this woman pretended to be part of a child's birthday party before she stole everyone's wallet, allegedly? >> yes. and i just thought, where's my
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purse? let me go check. i go check and my wallet's missing. >> here's the thing -- she doesn't just leave. she made an exit and talked to somebody before she did. she stayed for 45 minutes at this party, allegedly, and then went and toll somebody, you know what? i was at the wrong party. i'm leaving. >> while doing that it gave the cameras a clear shot of her face, too. >> funny thing you should bring up the cameras. they had surveillance cameras already but they added a few more just a week before this incident happened. when this video was run on the news, the person who was on a grand jury in her prior conviction said wait a minute, i think i know this woman. nerds, pay attention. i got some cool stuff to show you. we've heard of unidentified flying objects. imagine what nasa sees. imagine what the space shuttle sees. their cameras have caught some unidentified flying objects, too. there is a whole new show called "nasa's unpland files." >> objects appear.
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white dots suddenly show up, maybe from behind the earth, behind a cloud. >> this is shuttle footage pointing back at the earth away from the shuttle as it is in orbit. there's these unexplained blinking things that rise up from the atmosphere. >> then seem to move into a circle. because of the particular positions of these objects, one interpretation has been it's deliberate to attract attention. >> there are all different theories as to what we may be seeing. some say it is alien life form, other say it is debris from the space shuttle and it just looks like it is blinking. >> they're trying to scientifically explain that these are more like flying rocks. >> these images are unexplained. nasa does not know exactly what they are. >> it's clearly obvious, they're alien life spots and it's clear
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when they hatch. while musgrave believes the sts-80 footage can be explained, encounters on two of his other missions cannot. to this day, musgrave does not have a satisfactory explanation for what he saw. >> i do not know what that thing was and i don't know what it is today. >> i love it. >> cool show, huh? it premiers tuesday, march 27th on the science channel at 10:00 p.m. beth, i got a police of a police chase to show you from suburban shanghai in china. but i got to warn you -- it is not exactly high speed. i feel like the folks in china, the chasers and chasees may need to brush up on some old steve mcqueen movies. this is a motorcycle cop after him. he first pulls in to the wrong lane of traffic. so he gets stopped by cars coming in the opposite direction. the suv decides to make a
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three-point turn. >> ait, he's frt of the cop? what were they going to do? it's not like the car's got adl physically pull it to a stop. >> but jump off your bike maybe, get your gun out, shoot out the tires? don't allow the guy to do a three-point turn into two lanes of traffic. right here he bumps into a gate but fails to realize the other part of the gate is open. the police are after him again. he busts through another gate. driver gets out and runs. the passenger just stays in the car and waits. in their defense -- a lot of people take bikes an public transportation but more people are driving cars now in cities like shanghai. maybe they're just not quite used to being in a chase. like what do we do next? >> i can't imagine any like choppers or anything following this one around. i don't think this makes the evening news over there in shanghai. fire one.
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i want you devise to taguys look at some military technology in action. watch the right side of your screen and watch what comes out. what was that? sbl it is like a missile but it just kind of flops out of the launcher into the water. but keep watching. >> wow. that's cool. >> so it just plops into the water, gets far enough away from the ship, then lights the wick and off it goes. showers the ship in rocket blast. >> from what i can tell, this is a russian torpedo.
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it is launched with steam. that's why it kind of shoots out, then plopsnto the water. then it doesn't ignite until it reaches the surface of the water, then it goes straight up. >> i thought for a second it was a human that got shot out of that tube. according to people who are interested in this video who are also familiar with u.s. technology, they say we have tomahawk cruise missiles that can be launched from a torpedo move like this. >> if i was an opposing ship, like that was your attack? first like -- really? pretty stupid. then all of a sudden -- it is like a fake-out move. >> it is a perfect fake-out move. they're like, really? is that owl yall you got? this video was brought to us by life hacker and it shows you ten clothing tricks in 60 seconds -- for you guys. >> for guys? >> for guys. >> like all of your shirts like this in the drawer. when you're done, slide the hanger through then all.
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for dress shirts button just the top button before hanging it. quickly fold one by pinching the middle and tossing and flipping it around. >> i don't know that one, go back. >> it looks like you grab the shoulder of the t-shirt -- >> here an here. >> -- somehow you like pinch the middle, bottom -- >> i'm going to have to practice that with a t-shirt. >> folded they look terrible. if your pants zipper keeps falling down, run a key ring into a zipper and move it over the button. >> that's a clever one. >> yeah. so your junk's not hanging out all day long -- technically. >> do you not wear underwear? >> never. >> put jeans in the freezer to clean them. >> put jeans in the freezer to clean them? >> never, ever putting them in the washer -- ever. >> ooh. so wait. the beer spills on myself at the
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bar, hot dog, mustard, i'm just going to throw it in the freezer and it will miraculously disappear. >> the freezing is intended more from the bacteria you have picked up. >> i'm going to put jeans full of bacteria into my freezer? >> yeah. >> stretch out extra tight shoes but putting on extra socks and blow drying them. >> i could use that one. >> you are welcome. >> what did you and i learn out of this? i got the t-shirt folding thing. >> i like the jeans in the freezer! tomorrow on "right this minute" -- check these two magicians out. >> whoa! >> i have no idea what these guys are selling but i'm buying. >> that's tomorrow on "right this minute."
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litter bug. especially this guy. from the biker blog he's cruising along behind this silver car. >> he wants to put something on her face, face cream or something. i would sit down in front of my computer and i would type in every individual ingredient -- guy just threw garbage out the window. >> watch the car, watch from the right-hand side of the car. see that? the person just threw something out the window. looks like a wrapper or something. this guy on his bike behind notices and he says i think i got a little plan here. >> garbage. >> he decides i'm going to pick this garbage up, catch up to that car, and toss it back in the window. >> [ bleep ] garbage. >> this video has been blowing up in redig.
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some people are saying you shall have just left the garnl. >> i think that's a moment the people who did throw that out the window will never going to forget. they may litter but they'll never forget that guy driving by and throwing the trash back in their car. little 3-year-old ace made a very special video for her adopted brother, archie. this is going to make your heart melt. >> today i talk to you about really something important. my brother is an orphan and he lives in bulgaria. when he was born from his first mom's tummy, the doctors said that he had down syndrome. and mom said she -- but i don't care, he's my brother.
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>> i wanted to found out more about little ace an her amazing family. "right this minute" has her mother and ace. ace, we all absolutely fell in love with your video. tell us why you wanted to make this video about your little brother. >> why did you want to make the video. to tell everybody about archie and about down syndrome? >> yeah. >> how long has archie been in your household and how did you introduce the idea of a special need brother to ace? >> he has been home since august 13th. so about seven months. we talked a lot. we talked pretty openly with ace specifically about adoption. to her, that's the way you get a brother or sister. it's normal to her. >> people should treat everyone the same. i wouldn't change anything about archie. >> the things she says in the video about treating everybody equally i think can apply in so many situations. are you hoping that people see that in this video?
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>> yeah. that's kind of what we hope. not just for -- for anyone, not just for people with down syndrome. >> ace, tell us what's your favorite thing do with your brother? >> play ball. >> play ball. >> how old is archie now? >> archie is -- >> 7! >> he's actually 7. so he's her -- essentially her big brother. >> thank you, ace, for making this video for us. you've touched all of us. thanks for spending time with us. >> bye! >> bye! >> who wouldn't want this special little boy? >> a reminder -- find all the stories on "right this minute" on plus, lots more. >> lots and lots more great 24/7. this woman's got a strange addiction involving a special cocktail with questionable
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and throughout the world. can you also get it on their website. if you haven't seen the tv show on tlc, "my strange addiction" by now, you're missing out. there's some weird stuff on there. someone get the trash can close by. this woman here named carrie she is addicted to something she calls a comforting cocktail.
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get a little gander at the cocktail. let me tell you -- it's not mountain dew, folks. >> don't say it. >> it's her own pee. >> what? >> she's been doing it for four years. >> the first time i drank my urine i didn't throw up and it wasn't horrible. i thought, you know what? i can do this. >> it's so dark! >> this is carrie in one of those videos. confessing to her friend about this strange addiction. >> my best friend kay was there. i save it for like a week or two and rub the aged stuff on my skin and all over. >> this woman has cancer and she believes this is a fool-proof way to sort of battle the disease. >> i'm surprised she's still alive four years later drinking her own european. that's your waste! >> she also puts the urine in her body through her eyes. >> it is a little cup i use called an eyecup.
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only i put urine in there and try it keep it open for like five minutes. >> this is fascinating. >> listen to carrie's daughter. >> it is really your body awaste so it doesn't seem healthy to me to put that back into your body. >> carrie has admitted to drinking as many of five glasses of her own warm europeurine per. a lot of people say this is super gross but there are some people who say your urine is sterile and save to drink. is that an excuse? does that make it okay to drink your own urine? let us know your comments. give us your feedback on our facebook page, i showed you a video of a cat that loves being vacuumed and the dog society called me and demanded equal time. that's jasmine. jasmine's a 14-year-old husky mix. she loves being vacuumed. >> it is a great way to groom your dog. if you've got one of those
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groomers that can attach to your vacuum, you don't get the dog hair all over the place. you can just let them lay on your sofa. >> right. she's just laying there. she lifts her paw up, too, like get my belly here, too. what dog doesn't like a belly vacuum? >> that's my favorite part. he's like, hey, you missed a spot. >> good stuff. that's it for us here at "ritgh th mie." joining us. don't forget, another half-hour of our show is on the way. stay with us.
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