tv Right This Minute ABC March 27, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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rescued. two young kids are pulled from a hot car. and where was the dad who left them all alone? >> he was just walking around looking at different guns. >> hear why the store owner who blew the whistle is now outraged by a twist in the case. it's called the big rush. to get it, just hide your fear -- >> and take a ride on the world's tallest bungee swing. >> no! and a video that's kind of like -- >> if jackson pollack was in a hair band -- >> the head-banging way to get the job done. we'll get started with some video from spain and the story behind it. >> prostitution is a worldwide problem but for this girl it really left a mark. this is the image of a 19-year-old woman's wrist. as you can see, it has been tattooed. can you tell what that tattoo is? >> bar code.
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>> yeah. >> she was tattooed with a bar code and the amount of money she owed her pimps. this happened in spain. according to reports, she tried escaping. she tried fleeing. the spanish national police were investigating two prostitution rings and that's what led them to this location where they were able to find and rescue this girl. you also see the police seizing illegal firearms, swords and machetes, cars, gold jewelry -- >> that's awful to be bar coded like a piece of meat. >> that's exactly what her pimps were making her feel like, a piece of meat. people who buy prostitutes are treating other human beings like pieces of meat. >> according to reports, she was forced into prostitution. she tried to flee but when they caught her not only did they tattoo her with this bar code, they also shaved her head, beat her, and shaved her eyebrows. the interesting thing about this
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case is that in spain, there is no law addressing prostitution. there are laws against activities related to prostitution, including pimping. you cannot pimp in spain and that is why they were able to bring these two prostitution rings down and save this girl. it is another case of you be the judge here on "right this month." this video's from downtown ft. collins, colorado, in the old towne square area. sunday morning around 2:00 a.m. after the bars are letting out. in this video, you see this guy here talking to an officer. that is 24-year-old matt. according to matt, he and two of his buddies were out drinking and afterwards decided to take a bike cab home. when they got on the thing, he and his two friends, it fell over and there were some damages to the pedi cab.
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that's why he's talking to police. now watch. >> step back! >> for what? >> for what? >> now matt was charged with criminal miss chief and obstructing a peace officer and was cited and released. josh, the guy taking the video, charged with interference. now josh, of this video, posted it on his facebook which you see here and titled it "police brutality in ft. collins, colorado." >> no reason. he started shoving back. >> matt's filed a formal complaint and the ft. collins police chief had a press conference about this whole thing saying that, hey, the incident does raise some questions but he's asking the public to sort of withhold your judgment before we know exactly what was going on in the situation. >> in the officer's defense, the one who says get back, he may have said get back to him before he actually pushed him and said
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get back. they asked him to move away because he felt he was invading his personal space and maybe he felt like he was not safe. >> oh, come on! there are people who stand closer to you in line at marshall's than this guy was standing next to that cop. i don't see how that cop felt threatened. >> it's puzzling, yeah, he pushes matt back and matt does step back but immediately he's gettingrrestegu a lot of people are having a problems with. >> which obviously to me means there was much more going on before this camera started rolling. record breaking heat in texas. over the weekend two kids were left unattended in a minivan. one 5 months old, the other 18 months old. kid were left in the car by dad, according to police. kids weren't noticed for about a half-hour. when they were noticed they called the fire department. after the fire department got the kids out, dad wasn't arrested. kids were given to the mom who showed up on the scene and the whole family just took off. the owner of tactical firearms caught the whole thing on
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surveillance video and we have him "right this minute" via skype to tell us what went down. >> what was the dad doing in your store. >> after pulling back surveillance, he was just walking around, looking at different guns, all calm. >> how did the fire department actually get in the vehicle? >> when key called 911 we opened the door. everything was unlocked. there were knives in the back of the car. >> you're telling us that he left his kids in a hot car with the doors unlocked. >> yeah. windows were cracked four or five inches and it was hot in there. >> any point did somebody come inside your store and ask if the person who belonged to that van was in your store? >> 32 minutes into the ordeal the car parked next to him heard the baby screaming. when he looked inside and saw there wasn't anybody there he came in to the store. from that point it was a total of 52 minutes before they were taken out of the vehicle. >> did anybody come inside your store and say, hey, does anybody belong to this blue van? >> i had one of my employees interrupt everybody and nobody claimed them. so at that point we thought the actual van was dumped with the kids. aside from pulling the surveillance tape, that's when i
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saw the guy walk into a car an i had a clear description of him. i pulled him out and i said i can't believe you left your kids in the car while you were looking for guns. his reaction was -- that was it. >> no charges have been filed at this point. what do you think about that? >> the penal code says if a child under the age of 7 is left in the car for more than five minutes it is a felony, child endangerment. this guy wasn't even arrested. i asked the constable what's going on? he said the d.a. is not pressing charges. that means we can't arrest him. i said that doesn't make any sense. >> you've made this your personal mission now? >> it is not that i want the guy to get punished, because where does that leave the kids. i want the kids and public to be safe. >> they say it is now under active investigation and they say they will keep us informed. top-notch security cameras are no match for an suv -- that smashes right through the front
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of tailor made jewelry store in akron, ohio. two criminals come run inside but they forgot their hammer. so what are they going to break into everything with? >> they run out back to the truck to get the hammer. >> the sense of urgency is a little -- a little lacking. >> he didn't even seem like he waes was in a hurry to get the hammer out of the car. >> they also don't seem too concerned about concealing their identity. because at one point the suspect takes his mask off. after they grab as much as they can, they take off. and just, by chance, a canine officer drives by and knows that this shopping mall is supposed to be closed but he sees the car take off. short chase with the police. these guys stop, bail out on foot. the canine goes after one of the suspects. the suspect fights the dog off with a screwdriver. both of these guys get away, but not with the booty. they abandoned that inside this
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stolen jeep. >> geez! >> so the jewelry store owner's happy to have all his stuff back. high-end stuff and customer jewelry was not touched, that was all locked in the vault. of course it is a stolen jeep. you don't want to crash into a jewelry store because you don't want to ruin your own car. >> i don't think your car insurance covers that. okay. you've got these fire rings and you've got this guy. >> what the heck is he on? >> more importantly, can whatever he's on make it through the rings of fire? and don't know how it started, but the motorcycle rider ended up on the hood. >> like two people got out on the wrong side of the bed -- >> and then tried to kill each other. see what
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great videos all day long. males are always thinking about one thing -- >> sports! > take a look at this video t by slovakian. what are you seeing is a female aunt in the grip of the cross fire who's sucking her brains out but she is still emitting some fahormones and all these males are fighting to mate with her. >> there's a whole lot of action going on there. >> we've got a female ant. i've got the female dying in the jaws and clutches of a spider. but these male ants don't seem to care that they are right there close to this spider because they are so crazed by
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the sex chemicals that they're going nuts. they could have swarmed this spider and save her but, no, they had to get some! >> i feel bad for this girl. i mean really she's in the throws of death and they're in the throws of passion? >> what better way to die than to go out -- >> yeah, right, exactly. >> only males would say the only way to go is when you're in the middle of making love. >> right. they don't care about the fact that she's getting her brains sucked out. >> if i was an ant, i could think of a lot worse ways to die. whatever. maybe that's just the way she wanted to go.
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the la must guys are back again. >> some people -- not all people, but some people. >> let's get the gasoline on those bad boys. >> it's not just one ring of fire -- it's three rings of fire. a >> what the heck is he on? holy. >> he totally ate it. he didn't even come close. >> what a surprise that he didn't make it through. i'm shocked. >> was he trying to go through? because what he was on i don't even think would fit through those rings. >> let's watch it again. >> holy [ bleep ]! >> he rolls way past the fire and slips and slides, loses a helmet. >> but i love the victory
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celebration at the end. because like he actually achieved something here. >> darwin is probably turning over in his grave. >> darwin's going, told you so. i was right. i encourage these guys to keep doing stuff. you know what has two thumbs and walks more? this guy. i want more. i love it. >> i can't stand it. have you ever been eating jell-o and thought -- i wish i could place music on this? well, wait no longer. your dream has come true. and i'm going to show you the jelly concert. and ready -- go! >> that free-fall -- what is it? 196 -- >> we're taking you for a ride
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so he got off the bikefter it was hit and went up the car. and sh d di and she took o wth hood. >> what? >> she crashed into another car! >> head-first into another car. >> holy cow! >> he kicked her and she just ran him down? >> pretty much but he was okay enough to try to yank either her keys out or something until other people came in and intervened. >> you feel like they're both having a really bad day. you don't kick someone's car, but then you don't run someone over who kick your car. she could have killed him. >> look how he's got a hold of the side mirror to make sure he stays on the car. >> she tries to drive away with him on the hood and then crashes into a parked car. i feel like we've got a crazy person behind the wheel of that suv. >> i don't know who instigated it or what, but the first
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physical action was his foot on her car. i'm glad he didn't get run over. >> she did way more damage to her car hitting the parked car first than she ever did with his foot.he ever did with his foot. if you ever feel the need to participate in something that's a guinness book world record? all you need to do is take a little jaunt down to south africa and take a ride on the world's tallest bungee swing. >> no! >> yeah. this thing is called the big rush urban adrenalin swing and it's rigged up at the moses mobita world cup stadium in durbin, south africa. they played the world cup there back in 2010. what better way to use that beautiful arch in that stadium than to install an attraction like this. it is in fact the guinness book world record for the world's
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tallest swing. guys that we're seeing in this video are an around hurricane the-world travel blog. guinness says it is 288 feetf y high. free fall -- 196 feet. it is really like a huge rope swing. >> it locks like that full-body harness is attached to a fire hose. >> you can go down there and pay anywhere between $65 and $131. you can do this yourself. >> i think if you successfully do it they ought to pay you. >> this for some reason seems a little less scary than bungee jumping. >> you don't have the recoil factor. once you sort of hit the bottom, you're in like a nice little relaxing swing. but that free-fall -- >> there's no way it is a relaxing swing. after you fall that 200-foot free-fall, that swing is going any further than any bungee coil. >> there's no water underneath to catch you fall. a soft patch of soccer grass. >> that's not soft enough.
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prototype project done by some french design students called "noisy jelly." what this is is a prototype kit that includes some water and food coloring, you mix it all together and put it in these molds, and then you place these molds on a game board. >> do you eat this jelly? >> no. you don't technically eat this. although it wouldn't be poisonous. >> it's sitting thon gaon this board which is basically covered with sensors so it measures size, shape and density of the mass, how hard or soft you actually touch it with your fingers, and then how much salt is actually in the shape. the solt comes from the food coloring, the colors you use. the salt actually kind of conducts the electric current that you give from your hand as
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you touch the jelly. >> whoa! that part's a little weird. >> that is kind of cool. it does sound pretty cool and different. if jackson pal loollack was hair band, this is what would happen if he had a home improvement project. these rockers are in romania and they're putting their long hair band hair in buckets of white paint. >> that's awesome. >> they just start rolling their heads, painting the walls like they're jackson pollack with their hair. >> that makes my neck hurt just watching them do this. >> why not mix up the colors? why's everybody going just white? >> how do you get this out of your hair? >> a little pan teetene.
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>> i'm surprised at the kind of coverage they got. i think that the room looks pretty cool. >> not only did it end up on the wall, it ended up on the ceiling. >> here's the best part of the video. i think we need to see that one more time, don't you? >> oh, great. that's really the only kind of music you could do that to. you can't put on your john maher sound to do that. that's it for our show today. we hope you enjoyed yourselves. thanks for joining us and we'll see you tomorrow.
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someone in his home is armed with a weapon and will do something crazy. >> police had to shoot and kill a baltimore man after a bizarre 911 call. as we learn more about the shooting death of trayvon martin, his parents were supposed to be in d.c. meeting with lawmakers. your life could change in six hours. all you have to do is hit the number. police con front r--- confronted an armed man with a knife. >> reporter: police say the man with his knife threatened his moth
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