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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 29, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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hello, everyone. i'm beth troutman, it's time for fantastic videos and the stories behind them on right this minute. sheer terror as a family tries to outrun a colorado wildfire. now hear from the mom who led
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the way out of an inferno. what were your fears as you were going through that road? >> pretty sure that we might not make it. >> it's a freaway disaster caught on dashcam. the video clues to what happened should be a warning for all drivers. so, this guy walks into a bar with his dog who can barely stand-up. the bartender is like, what's wrong with your dog. the answer is no joke. >> the dog got into my cup of vodka in the car? why do you have a cup of vodka in the car? now, hear the behind the scenes story. >> i thought it was one of the other children that came up doing the rabbit ears behind my head. a wildfire erupted in colorado earlier this week. a family barely escaped the
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blaze and caught it all on video. according to reports, this fire began as a controlled burn that was started by the colorado state forest service a couple days before this video was shot. the video you are seeing was shot by doug from their yard, kind of surveying what's going on as they are trying to figure out whether or not they should evacuate their home. >> i'm saying i think we're going to hit it. >> as this video picks up, doug's son who is 13 years old has the cell phone shooting from inside the car as they race down the road. mom is in a car in front of this car. >> where's mom? what you stopping for? >> those are the cries of their 9-year-old daughter. the girl is terrified, doesn't know why their mom is shopping. >> they are in the middle of an inferno now. >> okay. we're out, we're out, we're out.
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>> you can see daylight come into view. there have been deaths reported from this fire, including their neighbors who live 100 yards from their home. "right this minute." we have the mom in this video via skype. >> you are putting on your brake lights. what were your fears as you were going through that road? >> pretty sure that we might not make it. i stopped the car to try to find my lights. i didn't know if there were trees down. we were four miles off a dead-end road. >> how do you keep it together considering your children are so frightened. >> you keep it together for the kids and do as much as you can. >> you did lose neighbors you were close to. can you tell us about them? >> they are very nice people, very sweet. a mountain family community.
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>> tell me what your children finally said when you all reunited. >> where's mom? what you stopping for? >> don't remember words, there were a lot of hugs and tears. a lot of shock. >ffrtist spent a lot of time in the last few months vandalizing a neighborhood in san francisco. these are some of his art works. none of his art is about turf wars or style wars, it's just art on the street. >> destruction of property, too. >> it's what a lot of people say. this neighbor in this community saw a stranger wandering on a construction sight. soon after, this guy starts tag ing -- the guy didn't look up. he acknowledged he was being watched. he waved back at the guy and
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motioned to let him know what he was about to do. he's not just some tagger. he is a well recognized graffiti artist in that area. >> people are doing graffiti all over the place. >> people are comparing him to a street artist whose worldwide recognition. the sf mission protector did call the police. they did end up arresting him. if found guilty, he could be fined and spend time behind bars. it's always a good idea to make sure the tires on your car are in really good condition because a blowout could be catastrophic. it's blowout. he loses control. oh! >> oh, my gosh.
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>> oh! rolls over, tumbles up. the car goes flying. the blue truck behind him spins out and stops. the guy gets out of the car after that. he gets out of the truck. he survives. >> the blue truck, he's driving like, oh, i just had an accident. let me get out of the way. >> the blue truck never hit him. watch close. the white truck swerved. it's what made him tumble. the blue truck never hits it. watch. >> it's incredible he didn't end up in oncoming traffic on the other side. >> the other car comes up on the third lane, hits something and launches, and flips on its side. >> skids down the road 25 feet on the side. >> i think that guy got the worst of the whole thing. check your tires, make sure everything is topnotch. >> that makes me nervous. ♪
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so, a man walks into a montana bar with a drunk dog. no, it's not the beginning of a joke, it really happened in the beginning of march. a guy walks into smith's bar dog. the dog is having a hard time standing up. the bartender is like, what's wrong with the dog. >> he got into my cup of vodka in the car. >> wait, he got into the vodka in the car? why did he have a cup of vodka in the car. >> the owner was arrested on animal cruelty because the dog had a blod alcohol level of .348. the dog is going to be okay. >> that's a tiny dog, too. to have that blood alcohol level. if you had that, you would be on the floor. this is a ten pound pomeranian. the bartender says he was not down with what was going on with
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the dog. >> having a dog is like having a kid for a lot of people. they are precious. they have feelings, too. >> i agree. the dog couldn't put one paw in front of the other. >> he was walking sideways. he is in the care of the humane society. they did give him a lot of ibuprofen. >> i bet he was hung over. >> did they take the dog away from the guy? >> they are going to court to decide. the owner was charged with animal cruelty. he entered a not guilty plea. if convicted, he could get up to a year in jail. that guy is about to try a very firy drink. >> this makes me so angry. >> see what you think when robin lights his drink on fire. and two guys in a classic car. what could possibly go wrong? >> i think i know what's goin
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i h an aawesome surpri video for you guys. the sailor you see on the left hand of the screen is ellis. he's bravely serving our country as a sailor and has not been home since july of 2011. the woman on the right, in the green shirt is ellis' grandma, joyce. it's her 76th birthday party. she's posing for a picture with her two great grand kids. watch what happens. i think seeing her grand sson f the first time in almost a year is like winning the lottery. she has no idea he was going to be there for her 76th bert day
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birthday party. it would be fun to talk to them. "right this minute" from ashville, alabama they are joining us via skype. how did you set this up? >> they were having her birthday party before i got here. i thought i would make it a surprise. >> how were you able to slip in undetected? i didn't realize sailors were so stealthy. >> we bought her a birdhouse. my nieces and nephew took her outside to hang it up. my dad texted me to let me know she was in the backyard. >> did you sis spect? >> i didn't hear anything. my son said ellis will not be able to come home for a long time. i believed him. i thought it was one of the other children that came up and did the rabbit ears behind my head. >> ellis, this wasn't the only surprise that you did that day. tell me about what happened
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earlier in the day. >> earlier in the day, i showed up at my mother's church. my dad arranged things with the pastor. i just stepped up. >> oh. >> we love your video. happ happy birthday, grandma. >> thank you very much. here is an unorthodox and stupid way to give your beard and maybe your eyebrows a nice trim. >> let's do it. >> oh! >> yeah. that's from alberta, canada. his friends are egging him on to light a shot of everyclear on fire. >> if you don't know, it's 190 proof, highly, highly, highly flammable. >> they charred his face is what happened. >> charred his face, singed his
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beard, hair, eyebrows, moustache and had burns on part of his face. [ bleep ]. >> his friends are laughing hysterically. this makes me so angry. >> oops. [ laughter ] >> you can't be mad at this because this is stupid guy stuff. this is what we do. >> but it could have been a really, really awful moment. it caught on fire. >> girls do dumb things. they spend $400 on shoes. >> it's funny you bring up girls. as the camera pans around, this room is full of dudes. >> i can see why there's no ladies here. >> defining moment in their lives. when they get together for their reunion, they are going to talk about the night robin set his head on fire. let us know on facebook if you
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have done this. tomorrow on "right this minute" -- >> how was that to be caught in that -- >> melee. >> that's tomorrow on "right this minute." an undercover video operation aimed at craigslist. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> see how crazy this video gets. and the guy in this land cruiser says nothing's stopping him from crossing here. >> he gets caught half way through the crossin
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at "right this minute" we have good prank videos, right? >> mm-hmm. >> every weekend for four months responding to craigslist ads and taking a hidden camera inside to see what happened. >> move your car. >> the first house they go to, he's trying to sell a car. watch what they do. >> oh, not funny. >> oh, no, no, no. >> not funny. >> they have panty hose on their head. watch his face. he stands there and stares at them. that's it? that's the prank?
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>> that's the prank. watch the next one. this one, i couldn't stop laughing. >> we're here to look at the lamp. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, come on in. >> would you care if i use your restroom? >> go ahead. it's to the right. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> hell no. [ bleep ]. >> what? [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> in the shower? >> this is risky. >> it is. >> really risky. >> it's incredible. they had a goal in mind. it's to showcase why it's dangerous to sell things on craigslist. you never know what you are going to end up with. they are trying to promote reply board. it's a way to communicate to craigslist users without exposing your e-mail address.
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you can read about them before. you could get crazy people like this. that's a cardinal sin right there. the things they did. every instance, they bought the item they went to look at. >> good. >> just as a disclaimer, reply board has no affiliation with craigslist. >> i use craigslist a lot. i may use this because you scare the hell out of me. >> good. if you think that parking spot is the primo one, it might not be the case. this is from the netherlands, you have two guys in a classic american car going to a classic car show. as you can see, they are having a hard time finding parking. so, they think, okay, instead of having a drive around, we'll go under the fence.
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>> oh, i think i know what's going to happen. let's see -- >> they are here to see birdie. they think it's a bird dance. it's not a bird dance. >> yep. >> oh, no! that's the name of the company that put out this ad. this one is humorous. this is in scottland. they are driving around. everybody waving at them. >> what's up? what's up? >> the car stuck on the train tracks. oh, no. >> oh! they have a bunch of commercials like these. it's what they are known for. it's an insurance company. >> they are like the geico of
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the netherlands, maybe. >> yeah. guys this next video is cool. >> he's right. see what they can do by framing a video just right. it's cool.
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>> this is a perfect halloween costume if you want to be rosy from the jetson's. >> this next video is plain cool. it's a little something put together by ben. they are a couple photo/video
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geniuses. they have a video of frame of mind. >> are you kidding me? why isn't this a commercial for windows? >> they were inspired by an old hp commercial from back in the day and the opening montage from the hit abc show, "modern family." they are in all locations in hawaii shooting different scenes. it's pretty spot on. i did notice a few, tiny, minor flaws. >> stop it. >> no, look, look, look. i did. it's perfect, but nothing is perfect. there's always a mess up here and there. watch. sticking his tongue out here. watch the image inside the frame. you can see it change a bit. did you see it? >> no. it's perfect. >> i saw it. there's a little jump there. >> i think what they are doing, obviously, i have no idea. they are probably reframing the
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video and adding -- using editing. ground breaking. >> it's an mp frame and they are super imposing it as the video goes on. itis very fluid. very cool. >> a great trick. i want to learn how to do it, right? >> yeah. nothing gets in the way of a real off roader. mid-90s land cruiser. see the tube there? it's a snorkel. it's the breather for the engine so the engine can breathe if it goes into deep water. this land cruiser goes straight into deep water. half way through the crossing and it starts to float. water was deeper than he anticipated. so, what's he do? he sunk, right?
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i'm looking around the inside of the car to break the windows to get the heck out of that thing. >> the truck keeps going. the driver keeps a cool head. you can see the front of that land cruiser sinking a little bit deeper. >> nose first in the water. >> you can't see the door. this guy's still got his foot in it. he's getting closer. >> oh, my gosh. he's going to make it. >> he does make it. his buddies are clapping. >> yeah! [ bleep ]. >> i thought that was impressive. >> i'm impressed. >> thanks for joining us. another half hour of "rtm" is on the way.
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