tv Right This Minute ABC March 30, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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people are doing crazy things to win and already hitting up whoever does. >> 20 grand to pay off my school loan is not a lot. >> a stunning update on that reporter who witnessed a man being shot. >> today, "right this minute" has uncovered a video of the man already giving an interview. >> what? >> hear why he thinks he took a hit to the head. it's called the festival of color for a reason. >> oh! >> now hear secrets from behind the scenes. and the video that could guilt jeremy lin into visiting one school. >> jeremy lin, could you please come? >> meet the class president who made a voua. vow. >> i want doupd jeremy lin, we'll give you jeremy lin. >> we begin with mega millions mania. of this is the largest jackpot in history. the winner could get over a half billion dollars.
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>> oh. >> this is the winning ticket, so don't waste your money. >> as you can imagine, the internet has been lighting up with all kinds of videos. and we, of course, picked our favorites. >> 42 states participate. nevada does not participate. so people in nevada hit the border of california and look at this line. >> are you kidding me? >> this is prim valley lotto store. this line began at 6:00 yesterday morning, and people were waiting as long as four hours to get there. >> let me give a tip to the people standing in line. you're going to make more money working those four hours. >> here's another really awesome video. this dude bought a lottery ticket, he is showing it to everyone online, and he's like you know what i'm going to do? i'm just going to tempt the fate and i'm going to burn this ticket. >> this is someone killing their own luck. >> real cool move, real smart. you're real deep. >> there are also people who are asking the future mega millions winner to give them some money.
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>> $540 million is a lot of money. 20 grand to pay off my school loan is not a lot and it would change my life completely. >> that makes much more sense than standing in line for five hours. >> here's another one. this guy is the co founder of a philanthropic organization called musicians on-call. >> we would love for you to find us when you win all that money and it would be a charitable thing to do. >> i would throw 100 grand at that when i win. if you look at your ticket and realize you won, i wouldn't tell anybody. i would like, literally, just stare at the ticket and hold it in my hand until i turned it in. i would be so nervous. >> so you don't get your hopes up too much, your odds of actually winning this payout, 1 in 176 million. you have better chances of being struck by lightning twice. the drawing for this mega million jackpot is tonight at 11:00 p.m. eastern. and 8:00 p.m. pacific. earlier this week, the prime
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minister of spain said they would pass austere budget cuts to help the country. but in doing so, they caused a lot of their citizens to be upset. and, of course, the videos are starting to hit the web. you see a crowd of thousands of people in barcelona peacefully marching. and they're all covering their face. they had been hit with tear gas, and you can see most of these people trying to protect themselves from the gas. there's a lot of pushinging, there's a lot of screaming. but in general, it's a very peaceful march. these protesters are out protesting against new labor laws that would mean employers can opt out of collective bargaining. they can reduce wages and fire workers a lot more easily. the unemployment rate is 23%. so young people are finding it very hard to find jobs. >> to me, a protest like this is
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more powerful and more impactful than protests where people are just destroying stuff. >> most of the protests were peaceful. but there were some that were not, which is the case in this video. this is a different part of barcelona. you see people throwing rocks. there's trash bins on fire. according to the interior ministry, 176 arrests were made, and there were 104 injuries reported. these protests cost factories to be shut down, transportation was shut down, schools were shut down. so it definitely made an impact. i'm always surprised when i see these animal hoarding videos and this one comes to us from stanton, california, where a woman was found with dozens of animals in her mobile home. in this video, you can see what they found. and there was a variety of animals in there. >> the list of animals includes
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a raccoon, a crow, eight dogs, 18 cats, 2 chickens, 4 rabbits, mice and reptiles. >> what? >> this woman was said to be in her 40s. she reportedly was given a misdemeanor citation. and as you can see, they had to wear respirators, because the house was soaked in urine and covered in feces. >> how are these animals not just like eating each other and stuff. it's not like they all are best friends. >> well, if you look at the dogs, as they came out, they did not look as if they were uncared for. but the conditions they were kept in honestly weren't healthy. i couldn't believe it when i saw a raccoon being carried out and that guy is big. >> he's like a dog. >> yeah, he looks well-fed. >> they also found two dead a a the dogs and cats and stuff, but you can't have a raccoon in there and a crow. come on. >> yeah, how do you get the crow in your house to begin >> how d crow? >> i think the possums were trying to help their buddies
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out, if you wait long enough, i'll open the door and you can escape. >> play dead, and maybe she throws everybody out and they're free. >> so the possums really aren't dead, they are just playing that way? >> they wanted to get the hell out of there. how can you guys forget the video i showed you yesterday from brazil? during a news report, a reporter on the scene witnessed a man get shot in the head at pointblank range. [ gunshot ] >> i told you that the man somehow made it. he was alive in a hospital. well, today, "right this minute" has uncovered a video of the man already giving an interview. >> what? >> wait, he's talking? >> he's talking. >> you're kidding. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> in this video, you see the man, he's blurred, 24-year-old rodriguo ferrero silva. >> you can see the entry wound and bullet hole. >> he goes on to describe for this reporter there are bullets still inside his body. he is planning on having
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surgery. aye apparently the whole thing happened in a bar. it goes back to an incident that was weeks ago, an argument. he says it wasn't about drugs, it wasn't about a girl. the reporter asked him how this whole thing happened. he said, a man came up to him with a gun and said you're gonna die. shot him once in the chest. and i think that's when we see the video pick up. before the man comes over and pointblank shoots him again. he saw him point the gun down, and you can see in the video, rodriguo tries to pull his face away. but then he did get shot in the head. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> wow. >> i am blown away by this. when i heard he survived, i was thinking, paralysis, i was thinking he could potentially be a vegetable, because he did get a gunshot wound to the head. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> he's anything but a vegetable. he's sitting up talking, explaining what happened, how the fight started. >> we have a crew translation of the portuguese.
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sounds like there are six bullets somewhere that either have been removed or still need to be removed from his body. >> he's a walking -- >> he's a talking, walking miracle. ♪ andrew dickey does some very dangerous stuff on his bike. >> no, he is not. >> oh, boy. >> oh, yes, he is. see the master take on disaster. and this video goes viral, asking jeremy lin to speak at graduation. >> so have you gotten any kind of response? >> see the video, and find out what the breakout nba star is going to do.
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year ago. here's the bear playing with a soccer ball. this bear has been making appearances all over town. it finally ended up in james wines' yard and here's what he had to say. >> just turned his big head and looked at me and i looked at him. >> james said the animals had visited his yard before, but when he saw this black bear, he was like -- >> i kept the door open and growled and kind of scared him and that's when he crawled up the tree. >> the towns people were concerned. they wanted to keep this bear up in the tree until the department of natural resources and the police could get there to get this bear under control. so they got under the tree. >> and we all were down here just -- everybody was. [ barking sound ] and he would go back up a little bit. >> that's terrible. >> the department of natural resources and the marshfield police department worked together to tranquilize this bear so they could take him back to his natural habitat. and here is a photo of the bear once he was tranquilized. >> i feel like he was just trying to work on his soccer
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skills. he was trying to become the next david bearkam. >> i think the human are the degreesers in this case. >> they didn't want any of the children or anything -- only thing he was messing with was a soccer ball. >> a goalie. >> he would block a lot of shots. >> just put up a paw. we see so many different videos on the show, it's harder and harder to impress you guys. this next one will do it. it's a cross between parquar and biking. the balance he keeps is remarkable. see him coming down ts ramp anthe is a block wl that with e bike. and then up and over the other side of the wall. >> that's some crazy course strength to not only lift your body up like that but a bicycle too. >> and the balance.
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here he's on a railing that can't be more than what, 2 inches wide, 3 inches wide and he's hopping on it and his balance is incredible. he doesn't have anywhere to fall. but down a couple feet. >> it's amazing how high they go. and is how small the railing he jumps on are. >> talk about high. here he is in a parking garage, two stories high. >> no, he's not. >> oh, boy. >> whoa. >> jumps up on that six-inch ledge and then down on top of some kind of metal electric housing. i would be nervous just being the guy who had to film this. you know? i would be like, oh. this whole video is about four minutes long and every inch is impressive. if you guys want to see the entire video, go to tomorrow on "right this minute." a lost gopro camera. >> found somebody's photo album.
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>> we're looking at somebody's life. >> how many of us have lost stuff before and hate the feeling of it? >> that's tomorrow on "right this minute." this is rock climbing at its craziest. and it's all caught on video. >> no, he's not. >> oh, my gosh. >> he is going to jump. >> is it weird i'm clinching my butt? >> the video that made me, you know -- >> if there isn't a poop deck, i'm going to make one. >> see what happens when the comedian goes to the boat show on "right this minute."
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at great videos, all day long. a group of high school students are putting their creative minds together to try to land a pretty awesome graduation speaker for their upcoming ceremony. >> jeremy lin, could you please come, speak for our graduation that will make information for these generations of asians. for underdog in thanks. >> it's not just rap. this video is seven minutes long. it's from the students at a high school in new york city. it was put together by this guy, eric kan, the senior class president. and this video has appearances by the captain of the baseball team, teachers the guys from the robotics team. the girls' basketball team co
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captains. people just giving testimonials as to why jeremy lin should come to their graduation and be the speaker. when i was in high school, had some pretty impressive high schools, pretty renowned, conan o'brien has been a speaker, former president clinton, lucy lu. now they want jeremy lin. why? we have eric kan joining us "right this minute" via skype. why jeremy lin? >> as soon as he stepped on the court, there was a complete uproar. people were coming in with the jeremy lin jersey, everyone was telling me we should invite him and as senior class president, i said do you want jeremy lin, i'll give you jeremy lin. >> why are you drawn to him? >> the school is 70% asian, everyone can identify with him, he's a harvard graduate as well as an an asian athlete. asians are not in the nba pretty much. and he motivates us to be better
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people. >> have you gotten any kind of response from jeremy lin since this hit the internet? >> yesterday he did tweet back. he said he's sorry, but he won't be able to make the graduation. although he will make a response video, and he will try and make a visit down. >> since jeremy can't be there, have you considered our own team fabian? >> yeah, at this point, we need a graduation speaker, you look pretty good. come on. ♪ jason graves got invited to go on a 27-hour camping trip with his friends. these are the fischer towers that a lot of rock climbers like to head to. check this out. ♪>> >> it's not exactly secure that his rope is around him since he's crumbling some of the rocks. >> i can't believe people climb on this thing. >> he climbs up there. and then check out what he does.
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>> how is he going to get over there? >> no, he's not going to jump. >> oh, my gosh. >> he is going to jump. let's see that again. >> is it weird that i'm like clinching my butt? >> no, i'm nervous watching this. it's so hard to watch. >> but he's got a safety line on. he's not going anywhere. >> nice. >> hands got sweaty and my feet started to hurt. ♪ >> you did it. >> once he gets to the very top -- >> got the top. >> a pretty amazing view that he has and that he shares with us. >> ah! yikes! >> so gnarly. >> how is he not losing his balance, looking around, doing the shooting? he's in the tiny little -- >> take a look how far down his buddy is from him. >> there's -- >> he looks like a little ant. compared to him. my hands are soaked. like a sweaty mess. >> they say you'll never go rock climbing with me -- >> rock climbing walls.
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to pick up chicks. >> today i'm going to the l.a. boat show to check out the latest models. and if there isn't a poop deck, i'm going to make one. >> so the comedian heads to the boat show. >> my boyfriend owns a very nice boat. >> oh, you have a boyfriend. >> yes, i do. >> i'm working with the dam sports booth. >> you can't swear on my channel. >> oh, that's the name. >> this is a family show. you're with the coast guard. >> yeah, the coast guard auxiliary. it's the civilian united states coast guard. >> so you have no authority. i want a boat that will make girls go wild. okay? i can do this, if you want to go wild. >> well -- >> woo, woo, woo! >> sorry for swearing on your show. >> don't apologize to me, apologize to the kids out there. >> i'm sorry, kids. everything is better in color. ♪
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supertramp's newest video proves that true. >> 3, 2, 1! >> oh! >> isn't that cool? this is the festival of color in spanish fork, utah. it's the hindu tradition that brings in the change of seasons, going from winter to spring. the colors are colored powder that people throw up in the air, throw at each other, to celebrate the change of seasons. ♪ ♪ i'm swimming in the ocean ♪ >> that's so awesome, the rainbow of color smoke, it looks like, that just shoots into the air. and this bet le quilt. >> can you imagine how fantastic this is for a kid? >> it is cool. and i want to know a little bit more about the festival and how much fun it was to be there. so devin graham joins us "right this minute" via skype. >> it was absolutely amazing. i think one of the funniest
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videos i've ever done. everyone having the time of their life. literally a big party. >> how was it to be caught in that melee? >> it's amazing. and honestly, like, there's so much colors that go up are everywhere. and after the throw, it's probably three or four minutes where you can't see anything. you can't even see the sun. >> is it hard to get rid of all the color after this event was done? >> yes. and everyone that went there, they're still blowing out colorful snot out of their nose. >> do you have like a team of he feels that tell you where the cool events and locations are so you can then go film? >> i started out just making cool events. and then inviting people. and now everyone comes to me saying, hey, did you hear about this or did you hear about this? ♪ ♪ i feel so real >> if anybody wants to do this, the next event is happening april 14th in salt lake city, utah. ♪ i'm swimming in the ocean that's going to do it for our show. thanks for joining us. and don't forget, the rtm
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