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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 7, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EDT

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"nightline" in london. >> great shots. thank you, jeffrey. and thank you for watching abc. lock it in for jimmy kimmel next. have a great week, america. tonight on "jimmy kimmel live," ashton kutcher and justin bieber. >> the posters in my bedroom have come to life. >> what is this? >> is he with you or -- >> from "dancing with the stars," martina navratilova. >> guillermo? >> oh. >> there they go. >> and music from the all american rejects. >> let's all agree to not use the word bro
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hi, i'm jimmy kimmel for kinect sports season two. it's only on xbox 360. this one has six new ports, includes baseball, which is perfect timing, because baseball season is here and i can't think of two bigger baseball fans than my friends guillermo and yehya. right guys? >> right, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh, look at that. just to show how much you guys know about baseball, yehya, where on the baseball diamond does the pitcher stand? >> the baseball -- i like watch it but i don't understand sometime, you know? i don't know -- >> jimmy: so you can see, he
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really knows his stuff. kinect sports season two turns any living room into a world class stadium. guys, show us how it works. play the game. yehya, you're the pitcher. pl throw that ball. here it is. oh, he threw it right by you. one more, yehya. you understand what's going on here? >> yeah. >> jimmy: really? >> sometimes. >> jimmy: okay. okay. try one more, yehya. see if you can strike him out. and -- the pitch -- guillermo -- and you are out, guillermo! congratulations, yehya. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: that's what i call a perfect game. >> dicky: want the game? in april, get kinect sports season two, rated e for everyone at game stop and get the new bonus add-on basketball challenge pack, while supplies last. "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with ashton kutcher and justin bieber. from "dancing with the stars,"
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martina navratilova. and music from the all-american rejects. if you've ever had the nagging suspicion that your smartphone was actually a borderline defective, glorified prototype in some kind of secret product test, you may have been on to something. ♪ so they realize how much they move. that's why we created degree with motionsense technology. the more you move, the more it works. degree. it won't let you down.
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what? that lovely girl, caught your eye? 20 piece mcnuggets are only $4.99. you offer to share them. that's pretty smart. [ male announcer ] 20 piece chicken mcnuggets now on mcdonald's new extra value menu. nighttime is the worst. i can't breathe and forget sleeping. good mornings? not likely! i've tried the pills the sprays even some home remedies. then i tried something new. [ male announcer ] drug-free breathe right nasal strips. [ woman ] you just put it on and ... amazing! instant relief. i breathed better slept better. and woke up ready to face a fresh new day. [ male announcer ] get 2 free strips at it's my right.... to breathe right!
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- ashton kutcher and justin bieber. martina navratilova. and music from the all-american rejects. with cleto and the cleto and now, what else can i say? here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone. well, thank you. that's very nice. thank you, cleto. hi, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for being here. indoors with us. [ applause ] before we go further, how many of you are only here because you're hiding from the cops?
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[ applause ] i hate to start things off with bad news, but justin bieber was supposed to be here tonight. unfortunately, he canceled it was my fault. wasn't his fault. about an hour ago, i accidentally said the word never and he went ballistic and he canceled. apparently he's very serious about this never say never. i'm kidding, of course. i punked you. you should see the looks on your faces. oh, it was so great. tonight, we are all 14-year-old girls, because justin bieber and ashton kutcher are here, together. [ cheers and applause ] it's like the posters in my bedroom have come to life. [ laughter ] ashton and justin are here today to promote the relaunch of the
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show "punk' d." i'm concerned they might be planning to punk me tonight. so i've armed my security team guillermo, with pepper spray, tasers, a bear trap, a machine gun -- place mrauls a grappling hook. just in case anything starts to develop. don't hesitate to use that stuff. >> all right, jimmy. >> jimmy: are you the real guillermo? >> yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: on to a more serious topic, you know the highest court in the land weighed in on the decision that could affect all of us. today martina navratilova was voted off "dancing with the stars." yes, there she is. i believe she's dancing, although it's kind of hard to tell. it was the first elimination of the season and you could cut the attention with a bedazzled unitard. martina and her partner, tony dovolani, will be here. they're going to debrief. every week i get a depressed celebrity dancer on my couch. i feel like a mix between dr.
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phil and richard similmons. this is funny. this is from "the today show." every morning they do a tease where they'll show you live video of a celebrity waiting to be interviewed. to get you interested in what they're going to talk about. so, the guest has to stare into the camera and smile while the host talk from another room. i've been in this position before, and it awkward. and this morning on "the today show," their guest was christie brinkley and it was even more awkward than usual. >> that's christie brinkley about to return to broadway. she'll be there in that role. tell us all about that. also we'll get the latest. she and her ex-husband aren't getting along all that well. [ laughter ] hey, you knoll what, when matt lauer asks you out on a date, you say yes or you pay the price. this is an interesting sign of the times. this year, for the first time in history, americans will watch more movies online than they
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will on physical media. it is estimated 3.4 billion movies will be streamed online this year, where only 2.4 billion will be watched the old fashioned way. in ten years people will be looking back on us to rent movies like we look back at people washing their clothes on a river rock. and imagine how much video streaming there will be if they ever figure out how to put pornography on the internet. speaking of pornography, this is disturbing. nadya suleman, who is known to comic book fans as the octo-mom, has posed topless for a british magazine. they are calling it the racy photo spread no one was demanding to see. the magazine is called "closer." this is one of the pictures. she's actually -- she's wearing flesh-colored bottoms. you should view these photos the way you view an eclipse, through a piece of cardboard with a hole poked through. she was reportedly paid $10,000
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for the spread, which she said she needed to support her children. so, it turns out having eight kids implanted on her in purpose wasn't as great an idea as it seemed it would be at the time. she isn't the only public figure charging pictures. newt gingrich is hoping to cut into his campaign debt by charging people $50 to take a photo with him. just imagine, a once in a lifetime opportunity to get a personal picture with a man who will never be the president of the united states. [ cheers and applause ] i would actually pay the 50 bucks if he agreed toer with a prom dress in the photo. for $50, you get a nice formal portrait. for $100, he'll eat pellets right out of your hand like a a llama. and for $200, he will plank you. he will get right on -- that's how flat stanley was born.
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newt's pal herman cain had a busy weekend. on saturday, he spoke at a tea party rally and, well, it was funny. >> if you measure the aerodynamic parameters of the obama bee, that little fat body and those flappy wings and measure all of those deltas and put them into the equations of motion and you run those equations of motion, the computer comes back and says, the sucker can't fly. >> jimmy: what is that? is that -- let's hear a little more of that, if we could. >> there's only one reason that the bumblebee flies. the bumblebee believes he can fly. >> jimmy: he's one crazy hairstyle away from being don king. he really is. [ applause ] mr. cain, her man cain --
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[ applause ] also has released a new police cat advertisement. most politicians stop running campaign ads when they've been out of the campaign for six months, but not herman cain. he wants to revamp the u.s. tax code but as they say, why bother to tell a story when you can show it? >> this is small business. this is small business under the current tax code. >> pull! >> any questions? >> jimmy: i have a question. why is j.j. abrams shooting a rabbit, first of all? while you stand on a mountain? remind me not to invite herman cain over for easter. you know, the last video he put out, he pretended to kill a goldfish and now he's got -- it's all part of his fix the economy or i'll kill your pets
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campaign. he put out another one today, featuring a beloved family pet. at least in this one, the animal lives. >> this dog represents government spending. the lady represents you, the average taxpayer. you're getting humped by the dog. any questions? >> if you need a real human to hump you, i'm available. [ applause ] >> jimmy: don't forget to spay and neuter your government. here's another good animal video. this is video, look at this. this is a guy walking through what appears to be a park, probably on his way to a meeting or something. he's dressed up. out of nowhere, he is confronted by a goose. an angry goose. not a silly goose. instead of running, which is what i would do, he decides to have a duel with the goose.
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really teach it a lesson never to bother a human being again. but the goose -- [ laughter ] oh -- now it's a real slug fest. he looks like he's about to get out but no, no, no, the goose -- is determined to win this one. now he decides it would be best probably to just get away. i don't know who that woman is, but she joins him. and one last run at the guy. [ laughter ] i think the goose was in on it with the people laughing making the videotape. they should hire that goose to work on "punk' d." that would be a nice addition to the cast. i learned about a new trend today. i wanted to know what you think about it. it's an exercise program. started in massachusetts. it's called broga. is have any of you heard of this? it's a form of yoga for men. bro and yoga. my guess is they feed their
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kids baby-ccinos at starbucks. actually lost a lot of weight because of broga. when imheard the word, i threw up and lost four pounds. as a man, i have to say, i'm very tired of the bro stuff. a bromance, i don't like. bro back mountain. we get it. men like other men. we get it. let's all agree not to ever use the word bro again unless we get tased. okay? [ applause ] thank you. hey, are any of you familiar with the sport known as cricket? it's kind of like baseball, but you dress like a nurse and instead of a bat you use an oar. this happened yesterday between new zealand and south africa. keep an eye on the ball here -- all of them. >> oh, that's hurt. that's really hurt.
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>> jimmy: look at this in slow motion here. >> oh, no. it's cracked. get a little bit of skin caught. pinching. >> jimmy: you know what? maybe it's time to start making cups out of metal. i like a little bit more protection than up get from a souvenir collectible soda cup. have you seen the movie "the hunger games"? this is a very popular film, it's done very well at the box office this weekend. the final numbers are still being calculated but they're estimating it made 1.6 jillion dollars this weekend. the movie is doing so well, we wanted to come up with our own version here at the show. unfortunately, our lawyers have a problem with us asking our younger staff members to kill each other for food. [ laughter ] so we came up with another plan. this is one of our security guards. her name is adelina. she guards the area outside my office. and by guards, i mean, sits
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there with a confused hook on her face most of the time. chef protects me about as well as a house plant would. but she's fascinating, so we keep her around. over the years, we've learned something about adelina. she loves sweets, especially cake. she loves it. if there's a birthday, she's right there singing, ready for the cake. so, this afternoon, we came up with a "hunger games" specifically for adelina. around lunch time, my cousin sal put a piece of cake in a box with a little hole in it. we sealed the box shut, and he gave it to adelina. and, well, keep in mind, she doesn't know the cameras are on her. this is how she behaves pretty much all of the time. here's sal. >> hey. how are things? >> things are great. >> yeah? what's new? >> well, my cat was in the hospital. and he was fighting for his life. >> all right, i don't really care about this. hey, you like cake? >> yeah, i do. >> hold on one second.
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here is the cake. i have no use for it. if you could get to it, you can have it. all right? it's all yours. oh. you're going to need this. a fork. >> oh, thanks. >> let "the hunger games" begin. good luck. >> jimmy: all right. first she has to find the hole. she hasn't found it yet. maybe another revolution. you can't lift the top off. all right, maybe the hole will be the only point of entry. but the fork is not quite long enough. to get to the cake. already. well, some work is being done. okay.
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some items are being placed on the wall. oh, look. it's tape and a stick. [ laughter ] perfect. all right. pretty simple here, just go ahead and use the stick. >> yes! >> jimmy: pry the thing loose, and now she almost has cake. [ laughter ] all right. that's a pre-sugar rush. and -- [ laughter ]
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okay. gets that there -- and that's the old bo jackson. she is determined, though. she's going to get to that cake. even if it means sucking it all right out of the box. there you go, we have a winner! adelina, the winner. the winner? is she a winner? i don't know what she is. hey, we have a good show for you tonight. from "dancing with the stars," martina navratilova and her partner, tony dovolani is here. we have music tonight from the all-american rejects. and we'll be right back with ashton kutcher and justin bieber, so stick around.
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>> jimmy: hello. welcome back. tonight on the program, the first casualties of season 14 of "dancing with the stars." tennis legend martina navratilova and her partner tony dovolani are here. and then, with music from their brand new album, called "kids in the street," the all-american rejects from the bud light outdoor stage. tomorrow night, we'll be joined by author adam carolla. from the oklahoma city thunder, kevin durant. and have music from white rabbits. and on thursday, carson daly, kristen schaal, and music from esperanza spalding. our first two guests' myriad accomplishments span many forms
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of media. together, their twitter followers make up three-quarters of the world's population. and now, they've joined forces to terrorize unsuspecting celebrities with the return of "punk'd," premiering this friday thursday on mtv. please say hello to ashton kutcher and justin bieber. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is like -- how you doing? good to see you. i feel like -- this is some sort of big brother program where, ashton, you've taken justin on -- >> he's taken me on. >> jimmy: is it like the scorcerer's apprentice where he's stolen your magic broom? what's going on? >> he's trying to steal my swag, i swear. >> jimmy: can you steal someone's swag? >> i don't think you can -- i mean -- i don't think i'm
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stealing -- >> hold on, hold on. >> he's stealing my swagger. full blown. here's the thing. i've been living on this internet service for like a year. since november. i started living on this service called air b and b, you can rent a house, or a room in a house, whatever, i've been traveling around the world, living on this service. >> jimmy: oh. >> i knew i had to come back and do "two and a half men" in january. so i found this amazing house in l.a. that was on air b and b, and i booked this house to stay in for three months. so i was away. i booked the house. it was all done. all of a sudden my assistant tells me there's somebody coming to look at the house to maybe buy it. right? and i get a text from this guy and he's in my house, like, checking it out, trying to buy my house. he's like, yo, i'm until your house right now, i'm, like, cheque it out. what, you're trying to take my house out from under me? and then, he's like, tonight pay
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anymore than nine five for it. >> i'm giving him business advice. >> so he's like my big brother. >> jimmy: so is he your landlord now? are you homeless? >> no, he -- he forced -- i had to -- i had to buy the house. >> jimmy: you had to buy the house? >> i thought he was going to buy it out from under me. >> jimmy: you play hard ball bieber, you really do. business is business. >> he forced me to buy a house. [ applause ] going to lye on this service for, like, the rest of the year, i was going to live on it for the rest of the year. i had to buy the house. >> jimmy: i hope you're proud of yourself, you come into our country, a canadian, you steal up all the homes. why don't you just live together like on "two and a half men?" what's wrong with that? >> he's not ready for that. >> jimmy: well, you turned 18 this month, so -- [ applause ] he's not ready? >> i could be almost ready. you could like train me.
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>> 21 is the threshold. 21, like. >> we'll wait a couple years. >> jimmy: are you easing into it? do you smoke cigarettes? >> not yet. >> jimmy: not yet? are you taking advantage of the fact that you're 18 now? >> i mean, yeah, a little bit. like, my mom, i don't have to text my mom and be, like, i'm coming home right now. i can just be like, i just don't have to text her. then she's like, where are you? i'm like, i legally don't have to tell you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you have the law on your side. you can probably buy her house and have her thrown out too. >> technically. >> jimmy: wow, so that's something. did you have to buy justin an 18th birthday gift? >> no, well, the gift is the fact that we're doing the show together. >> jimmy: that is the gift. >> but i did hear -- this is another thing with, like, stealing my swagger. his gift that he got -- >> i didn't steal your swagger on purpose. >> you got the car, it's my car.
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it's getting a little single white female on me right now. trying to get my house -- >> jimmy: it's the same car or he actually took yours? >> he got the same car. >> it wasn't my idea. >> i know, but -- it's awkward. >> jimmy: wow. that is something. do you see ashton as a role model? >> um -- no, no, just kidding. definitely for like this punk'd thing we're doing, he's the master. so, like, i'm looking up to him as far as that. >> jimmy: were you old enough to watch this show when it was on the first time around? >> i was like three or four. >> jimmy: something like that. >> wow. [ cheers and applause ] i need to get my walker out. >> jimmy: the young prince and taking over. and you were a fan of the show? i guess, you must have seen it. >> yeah. my whole life i've always been a prankster and always loved the show.
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so i thought -- >> jimmy: how'd you guys meet? how'd you broach the subject to start with? >> i was an early adopter of this thing called twitter. >> jimmy: i'm familiar with that. it's popular now. >> so i was on this thing, it was like three years ago. i started seeing his name pop up, there's like a trending thing they built on and early on, they didn't suppress anything, so, it was actually truly what people were talking about. and i started to see justin bieber's name keep popping up. and i was like, watching it, watching this trend just keep pushing and pushing and pushing. i was like, who is this kid? so i started digging through the threads, and i started seeing some of the stuff that he was posting on youtube. and the music. it was like, wow, this kid's really, really good. i thought the music was great, i loved the way he carried himself. and then there was this, like, overwhelming wave, like pop
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sensation that started to happen, but my producing partner met with justin really early on, right when he got to l.a. and -- >> jimmy: oh, you set up a date like almost. >> he told me, hey, this kid came in, we wanted to do punk'd. i'm like, if that kid wants to do the show, and you feel like he can pull it off, bring him in. then we sat down to talk about it. he was telling me ba pranks he was pulling on his crew and i was really impressed with some of the stuff he was pulling off. and i was like, yeah, let's give it a go. >> jimmy: now you're living in a cardboard box? [ laughter ] you pulled the ultimate prank, you really have. >> exactly, exactly. >> jimmy: so -- >> took me out of house and home. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break and we're going to talk about the show and then we'll show something that you guys did to taylor swift that is very funny. justin bieber and ashton kutcher, everybody. i ay on a and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. [ director ] cut.
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cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only listerine® that gets teeth two shades whiter and makes tooth enamel two times stronger. get dual-action listerine® whitening rinse. building whiter, stronger teeth. [ male announcer ] get it now at red lobster's lobsterfest. 12 tempting choices like lobster lover's dream or maine lobster and shrimp. but only for a short time. now at red lobster. i'm laura mclennan and i sea food differently.
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basically, she thought she was putting off fireworks that i got, in, like, japan, these illegal fireworks, they're awesome, amazing. she lit them up and it blew up a boat that had a wedding on it. and the whole thing blew up. she was flipping out. she was like, this is not okay. all of a sudden the bride's swimming into the shore, and it's like crazy. >> jimmy: we have a clip here. let's take a look. this is from "punk'd." >> why are you standing so far back? >> because people are going to get their faces blown off.
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there we go. >> like that. >> that was dope. >> that thing almost blew my face off. >> you go. >> come on! just press it. right here. oh, [ bleep ]. >> hold up, what is that? that couldn't have been from that, though. >> no, there's seriously for real fire. >> jimmy: yeah, that is a solid prank. now, do you guys fear now that you are punking people, that people are going to punk you and do things? ch [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is he with you? no, no, you may not sit there. go ahead and -- yeah, you know,
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no, no, you -- do we have any -- guillermo. take him off. tase him if you have to. >> ow! ow! >> jimmy: you guys did that. >> i had nothing to do with that. >> jimmy: for real? guillermo, what are you doing? what are you guys doing? >> you are like, dressed, you did nothing. >> jimmy: i told you guys, if i'm getting accosted by a half nude man -- >> you are just standing there, guillermo. >> jimmy: in fairness to guillermo, he's pretty drunk right now. you guys did do that, come on now. >> we might have had something
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to do with that. [ applause ] >> jimmy: is there something terrible going to happen? is a giant bird going to crap on my head? or something like that? this is why you guys can't be trusted now. i hope you realize -- >> that's why i felt like i couldn't host anymore. like, i was losing friends at a rapid pace. nobody wanted to hang out. i was starting to get really bad. then we sort of modeled this season after what lorne michaels does on "snl," every week there's a new host. and so, that way, it's like, all right, somebody's in there for a week and then they do the thing and then they're out and it's a new host. >> jimmy: can you see who the hosts are? >> all will be revealed. as the show goes on.immy: was t underpants one of the hosts? >> not so much. >> jimmy: all right. it will be a surprise. >> we have an incredible lineup, justin did, bam margera,
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miley cyrus. they all pull stuff on their friends. what is great about it, with social media, you can't stay undercover very long anymore because people know immediately, right? so, we had to relaunch the show in a way to keep it alive. >> jimmy: speaking of social media, i saw on twitter that you're going into space. is that true? >> i'm going to outer space. i'm taking a rocket. >> jimmy: on that richard branson version thing? >> the galactic thing. >> jimmy: is that something you've always wanted to do? >> not so much. >> jimmy: no? [ laughter ] >> i was with a buddy. we had a couple beers. some guy was selling trips to space, i was like, yeah. >> jimmy: justin, will you go to space because ashton is going to space? >> let's just go to space. >> jimmy: great punk for him to switch his oxygen with helium. >> really good prank, kimmel. are you sick or something? >> jimmy: think of how funny his vous wou
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voice would sound. >> i'm thinking about experiments i could pull in space. i was actually thinking, not specifically about pulling this experiment off. i was like, what would sex in space be like? like how would you gain leverage? like -- you're like, floating in air, like, how would you pull that off? it probably won't happen on this trip. >> jimmy: i bet captain kirk could answer that question for you. consult with shatner. he has all the answers. it's great to see you guys. congratulations on the show. looks like a lot of fun. justin bieber has a new single called "boyfriend" it is already number one on itunes. >> wait a second. i heard his entire album, and it's unbelievable. his entire album is unbelievable. >> jimmy: is this real? >> he brought me to the studio, i heard it. i have to say, it's unbelievable. >> jimmy: it's not just unbelievable. it's unbeliebable. justin and ashton, everybody. "pu
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"punk' d", thursdays on mtv. we'll be back with martina navratilova and tony dovolani. d. we'll be back with martina navratilova and tony dovolani. ♪ ♪ but i just never-- i've always felt there should have been more. it was like a "what if"-- like we got money back, [ announcer ] at h&r block, we guarantee you won't leave money on the table. don't risk your refund. call 1-800-hrblock or visit and never settle for less. blast of cold feels nice.
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>> jimmy: hello there. still to come, the all-american rejekts. in her 31-year tennis career, our next guest won multiple grand slam titles on grass, clay, and hard courts. but tonight, we learned that the shiny parquet floor of the celebrity ballroom is the most challenging of all. she's the first contestant eliminated from this new season of "dancing with the stars." along with her dance partner, tony dovolani, please welcome tennis great martina navratilova. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: first of all -- >> that's the step i missed last night. >> jimmy: i know. you lost your place a little last night. >> i could do it in my sleep, but i couldn't do it on the dance floor. but -- >> jimmy: is it possible you did it intentionally so you could meet justin bieber? >> i knew eventually i would get on the show. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. i have to say, no offense, tony, but with all -- you got -- you must have a whole house full of great trophies from wimbledon and all this. did it matter to you that much? did that mirror ball rank among any of those? >> it wasn't about the ball. it was about staying on as long as possible and doing my best. it was a challenge and i've faced a lot of challenges. and i try to encourage people to do more with their lives and get out of their comfort zone. definitely managed to do that. >> jimmy: i got you, sure. >> most of all, i really enjoyed my time with tony because he's a great teacher.
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>> jimmy: i heard you blamed tony for your loss. >> he couldn't make my legs move the right way. what can you do? >> i was trying to with laser beams, but it didn't work. >> jimmy: tony, you must have thought, not only do i have one of the great eest athletes in te history of the sports, but also she's from czechoslovakia. i got it made. we're going to win this thing. >> the thing is, i was in awe of her all my life and to get to somebody who is an incredible athlete, but more importantly, she has such an incredible heart. i'm sad i couldn't take her further for people to get to know her. >> jimmy: well, that's very nice. do you think if you were teaching tony tennis in the same amount of time, what level would you be able to get him to? >> i know he would improve greatly. he's such an amazing athlete. he's got great control and we were on the court together just one time. i was actually watching. but i told him one thing, he did it immediately. >> jimmy: maybe switch around. do tennis with the stars and tony -- >> i would be up to the
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challenge. >> jimmy: that would not be a bad idea. you had some of your contemporaries, your rivals -- you had so many because you played for such a long time. but jimmy connors was there. >> pam shriver, my doubles partner. and chris evert was there. >> jimmy: jimmy connors may have screwed you up, though. i don't know if you saw him telling the audience. let's show the clip here, and you can see what connors says. there you are after your performance. there's jimmy connors. he gives you a zero one by accident. why is jimmy giving you a one? >> he was trying to do a ten, but he's left-handed. >> jimmy: some help he was. you've done this now, you got this out of the way, it was a fear. you said it was the first time you wore a dress -- >> in about 20 years, yeah. >> jimmy: did you like it? >> i did better with the fox
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trot which should have been more awkward. the jif was more athletic. but the first step, it's so fast. it messed me up. >> jimmy: do you think it will be another 20 years before you wear a cross again? >> for special occasions, i'll wear it. >> jimmy: tony will you wear a dress anytime soon? >> if guillermo is involved, probably. >> jimmy: i'm sorry to say, we have a tradition here at the show. let's go outside to the ceremonial burning of the capezios. martina, tonight, you were eliminated from "dancing with the stars" and now your shoes pay the price. guillermo? there they go. america has spoken, and your dance card has been punched. well, thank you for being here. i'm sorry it ended so quickly. but -- you know, what -- it's -- what are you going to do? >> nothing ventured, nothing gained. >> jimmy: exactly. martina navratilova, everybody, tony dovolani from "dancing with the stars." mondays at 8:00, tuesdays at 9:00 here on abc.
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we'll be right back with the all-american rejects. what about over here? sure. no problem. ♪
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sure. no problem.ere? ♪ >> jimmy: this is their brand new cd. it's called "kids in the street." here with the song "beekeeper's
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daughter," the all-american rejects. ♪ la la la la da i've been going a thousand ways ♪ ♪ choked a hundred hearts in half as many days oh no i think so ♪ ♪ and i get so lost inside this city you ugly girls all look so pretty ♪ ♪ it's true what am i supposed to do but i still got you but wait ♪ ♪ look at your window what do you see you don't see me ♪ ♪ you're a pretty little flower i'm a busy little bee ♪ ♪ honey that's all you need to see i could take you for an hour but then i'm gonna leave ♪ ♪ honey i know you'll wait for me
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la da da da da ♪ ♪ you only look but you understand that we're too young to start making plans ♪ ♪ agreed monogamy's not a part of me and i know i'm lyin' and it's just a sin ♪ ♪ but i swear to you i'm gonna do it again i'm not making any friends just wanted you to wait ♪ ♪ there out your window what do you see you don't see me ♪ ♪ you're a pretty little flower but i'm a busy little bee ♪ ♪ honey that's all you need to see i could take you for an hour baby then i'm gonna leave ♪ ♪ honey i know you'll wait for me
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la da da da da la da da da da ♪ ♪ pulled out your picture the other day oh isn't that sweet ♪ ♪ it didn't have that much to say cause it wasn't even me cause i know you said ♪ ♪ i'm better off on my own and i'm better off dead i just want you there to wait ♪ ♪ there out your window what do you see you don't see me ♪ ♪ ♪ come on come on come on ♪ pretty little flower i'm a busy little bee honey that's all you need to see ♪ ♪ la da da da da i could take you for an hour maybe two


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