tv Right This Minute ABC April 10, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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>> i just don't want to die. can you really cure hangover? >> in just 25 minutes. >> hear about the new treatment with curb side appeal. two guys are out for a nice relaxing bike ride -- until -- >> oh! >> we've got the story behind a case of trail rage. and throwing a paper airplane off the 18th floor. and i should care -- why? >> because -- pay attention to the video. >> oh, no way! >> it's getting in the dog fight with a bird. we're going to begin our show today with the story of two heroes. guys, these heroes are middle schoolers. we got this story from cairo in seattle. this story begins in milton, washington. a substitute bus driver is driving 15 middle school students to surprise lake middle school. we eventually see him lose consciousness while behind the wheel of the bus.
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watch these middle school students spring into action. >> [ bleep ]! >> my god! >> there is middle school student jeremy witchek. he gets the bus under control. >> i leap off my chair, grab the wheel, turn it right, get the bus to the right side of the road. get the keys out of the engine. >> he begins pounding on the bus driver's chest so another student comes up. this is johnny wood. and johnny has been trained in cpr by the red cross. >> it was scary and exhilarating, because you want to know if he's okay, but then okay it is just happening so fast your heart's pumping. it is breathtaking and breath giving. >> police initially reported that the driver had a heart attack. medics did respond and they took him to a nearby hospital. >> that's a miracle. that really is miraculous that the kids were ready to jump in
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like that. there is a treatment called hangover heaven. >> the hotel i'm pretty sure i had about 30 drinks. >> party, party, party. >> great fight, stayed up until about 4:00. >> which is create the by a board certified anesthesiologist. >> i woke up feeling like hell. >> -- to help people who have had several too many drinks get over their hangover in just 45 minutes. >> no more nausea, no more headache. i'm ready to go back out. >> dr. jason burke created a special concoction of hydrators that he then injects into your system using an iv to rehydrate your body. >> hello, dr. hangover, i got to be on stage in two minutes! can you hear me? >> i did say it took 45 minutes. this is in las vegas and there is a hangover heaven bus that will drive to your hotel, pick you up, take you on a drive for 45 minutes until you sober up,
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then bring you back to your location. >> who wants to be stuck on a bus though when you're hung over? that's the last place you want to be. >> there are two packages you can buy. the salvation package which is $200. there is another package called the redemption. that's $130. but if you are too hung over to get out of your bed, on april 16th, you will actually be able to get dr. burke to come to your bedroom to give you the treatment for $500. >> oh, boy. >> this guy is going to make a killing in vegas. >> i will be willing to try, if you guys pay for it. >> no, you're on your own. >> the only way that this could get better is to have cute nurses going around doing this stuff for him. right? >> that would be nice. >> i think everybody should at least try it once. beautiful sunny day in kazakhstan. we're getting a nice view of this pretty -- looks like luxury apartment complex. let's take a look at what
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happens though. what the -- are you kidding? >> whoa. is that a set? >> no, that's not a set. and no, this is not a planned demolition. this was an accident. apparently that portion of this apartment complex had been leaning for days. then eventually you see the thing just go -- >> at building started leaning, i hope they moved anyone who might have been in it out of it. >> well, they did. 65 of these amounts were completely wreck. only 38 of them at the time were being lived in. 27 were unoccupied. they evacuated. all 111 tenants were evacuated when they realizing the place was really leaning over. one reason this happened is because the contracting group rt of ranan off with some of the mon bo t b w and kind of left it unfinished. >> why did they let people move
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in if it was unfinished? >> great question. last week i told you the incredible story about a hit-and-run on a bridge in pennsylvania where a cyclist was hit by a car and the car got away, but not very far. here's an update. >> it was unexpected. i heard the explosion of the rear wheel in my tire. >> that's frank. this guy was on the bicycle that was hit by the teenage driver. >> the biker stood up and signaled to me to follow the guy that to get his license plate. that's what i tried to do. >> so here everybody who was involved with catching the hit hnd an-run driver is speaking to the media. what's really interesting is how well the guy on the bike looked. because he was taken to a hospital, he was treated and released but he was hit by a car going a pretty good clip. >> at that time i had blocked the bridge with a bus, pretty much both lanes and he couldn't get around the bus. >> it is amazing he was not hurt more because the bike was mangled from the hit.
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>> everybody really kind of came together in this perfect little moment to help this guy. good thing it happened on a bridge, too, because it gave the hit-and-run driver nowhere else to go. >> did the bus driver get a thumbs up? >> everybody got a pat on the back from the victim himself. >> i've been meeting to meet you guys and say thanks. >> this just goes to show you, there are more good people on this planet than there are bad. it was one bad guy doing a bad thing and all these people came in to help. >> the driver was issued two traffic violations. you see that thing hanging off of that branch? watch how it unfolds. see just what unfolds and flies coming up. you are watching goldberg machine history here, folks. see what this
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guys, we've seen a lot of videos of road rage. i got one that shows some trail rage. 24-year-old jordan brazel in christ church, new zealand is setting off on the flying nun mountain bike trail. quickly he catches up to another rider just ahead of him. jordan, on several occasions, yells ahead -- >> hey! >> you can see him try and get by him a few times. >> is it possible the guy can't hear him? >> no, because he does spon. he's like yeah, yeah. he never gives jordan an opportunity. >> on a trail, you let people go faster to go around you. >> here the rider up ahead does pull over but not quite. he finally gets by the rider, takes off. but somehow the guy must have taken a short cut and got right back in front of him.
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>> i think this is a practical joke or something. >> it is not a joke because the rider in front is not happy once they get to the end of the trail. >> that was really rude of you. >> again, a bit of a verbal argument. >> oh! he assaulted him. >> definitely an assault. jordan claims that this man put his hanover his face and nose, knock him down. jordan eventually does the only thing can he do and bit the guy's finger to get away from him. >> [ bleep ]. >> he comes back again. >> this is a weird kind of road rage. >> he did suffer some bruising and stuff around his neck from the helmet strap pushing against his neck and face. he did call the police but so far nobody has identified this guy. maybe this video will be used as evidence. this is one of the miracles of nature at four times the normal speed. what you're looking at is a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.
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now the butterfly truly is one of the miracles of nature -- because it starts as a little egg, then becomes a caterpillar that crawls around and eats plants. then it finds a place to hang. this this case it looks like someone's office. watch how it unfolds. >> well done! >> and again, this is at four times the normal speed so this would not happen quite this quickly. the monarch stays in its chrysalis for about two weeks before it emerges as a beautiful butterfly. >> that's it? two weeks? >> according to the interweb. he's like -- where did these come from? guys, this is one of the fastest trending videos on the internet right now and it starts with somebody throwing a paper airplane.
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this is in mumbai, india. somebody throws a paper airplane off the 18th floor of a building. you might be thinking, okay. big deal. kind of boring. why is this trending? why do people care about this? it's not even flying very great. someone or something thought this airplane was pretty cool because -- pay attention to the video. >> oh! no way! it's getting in a dog fight with a bird. >> it's like a hawk or something. >> that is a hawk. apparently a hawk or group of hawks that wanted to -- i don't know -- befriend this airplane -- or maybe dissect it? picks the airplane up in its claws, takes it for a little ride. so the hawk's chasing this thing like i'm going to get some lunch. paper? it's an empty wrapper! no meat in here! eventually -- i don't know if he gets bored, because the hawk
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just kind of lets the thing go. >> maybe it was trying to teach it how to fly. because it was not flying before. >> it wasn't flying very good, no. >> i'm thinking this may have happened before and the bird did that. he's like let's try to do it again. >> he's like next time, i'm going to shoot this, yeah. >> probably. >> there's more people out there that watch this show. an online series about the daily grind of a grocery store. the story behind the hit videos when we check out "checked out" next. >> well, i actually went on a date with a girl that worked at a trar jder joe's. and see what you get when you combine this
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are you all ready to watch a world record get shattered? >> yes, please. >> according to the world records academy, the purdue society of professional engineers built the largest rue goldberg machine smashing their own world record. >> i love these things. i'm fascinated by these devices. >> look how intricate it is. watch this one. this one has 300 steps.
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i was impressed. it's like a transformer. creates an brings about whole new like moments of this machine. do you see the date on these little flags? this machine took into account the past 25 years of the rube goldberg challenge. all of these different years represent a challenge. they brought him in juicing an orange or toasting bread or loading a cd or sharpening a pencil. they're all represented by the flag showing the year that a goldberg machine accomplished that task. >> that's crazy! >> so it's like a bunch of rube goldberg machines making one big rube goldberg machine. >> it took over 5,000 hours to construct this thing. >> but they're about to juice some oranges. >> that is incredible. >> the ultimate goal of this device was to blow up and pop a balloon. >> that's cool. that went a lot faster than i
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was expected it to. >> the whole device goes on for a little less than two minutes. that's it, to go through 300 steps. this dog can really jump. ♪ >> and this dog is quite the gymnast. >> does you guys sometimes wish we could slack off at work? >> i kind of do that but don't tell anybody. >> what did you say? >> exactly! well, there's a very cool online series called "checked out" about two employees of a store called trader jack's, and their
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number one mission is to slack off. this is their last episode, and in this one they're kind of upset because a new bag boy is a little too overachieving. >> he's friendly and he does his job? [ bleep ]. we're in trouble. >> in the break room in jamison, and marissa -- they're both the king slackers. in the bathroom now peeing is billy. he's the one they're trying to -- >> much better. back to the grind. >> i have no choice. >> i am so sorry. anything i can do to make it up to you, just let me know. okay? let me know. >> all right. who -- who destroyed the puppy sleigh? >> are you okay? >> she looks familiar. >> she does look familiar.
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that's vickie lewis. to talk to us a little bit more about the series we have the creator around co-star of "check out," david greenman. i've seen all four episodes and they're all hilarious. tell me more about the idea for this series. >> well, i actually went on a date with a girl who worked at a trader joe's and hopefully she will not watch this. she talked about the trader joe's the entire evening and that's what kind of inspired me to write this. however, she didn't get a second date. >> what kind of response have you gotten so far? >> so far it's been kind of amazing. i have a friend who works in web media who said maybe you'll get 10,000 views and our first episode took off and is now up over 100,000. it's been pretty wild. no death threats online but we're not on youtube but i guess that's why. i'll have to put it there later to get those but so far, it's been impressive and rewarding for me.
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>> there are only four episodes. can we expect some more? >> if somebody wanted to sponsor a second season, i would happily make more. ize otherwise, i think we are expanding it into a bigger fo m forum. our way of life is being threatened and anything is fair. >> agreed. that's the greatest animal video ever. stick around around see what makes this
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i'm meteorologist wyatt everhart with your latest abc2 weather. we're looking at a red flag warning across the state of maryland. an enhanced burn risk continues. we may not see rain tonight or tomorrow. this burn risk could be up for several days. breezy conditions and as we zoom in a little bit, temperatures running in the mid to upper 60s out there. so relatively mild but much cooler air arriving from the west tomorrow. we'll talk about how things will change dramatically by the weekend all those details and the latest news on abc2 news at 5:00. we'll see you then. good.
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11 year-old william is pretty skilled in his sport. i want to tell you, before i show you this video, keep in mind this is not sped up. >> what he stacked and unstacked those cups in less than 2 seconds? >> 1.9 secon which advertise the sport stacking world rord . world record done by an 11-year-old. tell me if it does not look like it is in fast forward. >> it does. >> it is like bruce lee kung fu style. this was at the u.s. air force being amy in colorado springs, colorado. now 350 kids and adults from 24 states came to compete. but william is pretty much the best of the best, because not
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only did he tie this record, he also won the title of individual all-around champion at the competition. william holds or as held every single sport stacking world record except one. he was the 2011 sport stacking world champion and currently he is defending that title somewhere in germany trying to repeat as world champion. >> he's going to continue holding on to them for a very long time because this kid is magic. >> the kid's going to be an awesome bartender one day. this is a video made for steven. why would i say that? >> i would imagine it either has cats or robots in it. >> it has a cat. >> i love cats. >> okay, i'm sorry, that's the greatest animal video ever. >> i don't know if that sound is
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dubbed in. i don't know if that's catnip. i don't know if it is milk, whatever it is. this cat is loving it. >> this cat is hitting the bottle hard. >> aw! do you think the cat has a problem? >> no, no, no. he's auditioning for the meow mix commercial. he's singing the theme song. he's just a little tone deaf. >> that's it for us here at "right this minute." thanks so much for joining us. have a great rest of your day, everybody. we'll see you tomorrow.
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