tv Right This Minute ABC April 12, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got the best videos of the day and e stories behind them "right this minute." cameras ca vandalizing a school, guess who finds out, you got tagged, bro. >> the class president. >> ah! >> ooh. >> did he organize this prank? >> but did the punishment fit the prank? for women afraid to walk alone at night, there's an app for that. >> this app is called shriek
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safe. >> could be a game changer. >> we've got to break in a goodwill by a dude who needs a dress in a bad way. and a pizzamaker's son rises to the challenge of dough tossing. he shows off the mad skills burning up the internet. >> i hear dead says that you are actually better than he is? >> he's really good. if i let him make it, it might get jelly and m&ms on it. it's time to get this edition of "right this minute" started, and christian has our first story. >> this is surveillance video that caught dozens of mask-wearing vandals at east paulding high school in dallas, georgia. they're running around tagging the walls of this high school. they're taking benches and throwing them on the street. >> they ran towards the county-owned truck to vandalize it as well. >> it's like a mob scene of hoodlums. >> this whole thing costs thousands of dollars worth of damage to this high school.
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the thing is, this was a high school prank by that high school's senior class. >> a prank is a joke. this isn't a joke. they're doing thousands of dollars worth of damage to their own school. >> among the vandals, 17-year-old jacob zimmerman, the class president. >> ooh. >> ah. >> he organized this prank? >> reportedly, zimmerman said this is a tradition where the senior class goes out and tags a street and he also said that he left the group before everyone else left to tag the entire school. >> the joke's on these punks, because they're all on camera, and it's not hard to figure out who they are. >> they tagged 100 different locations on the school, seniors and 2012. >> it's weird to go and tag and vandalize the school that you're about to graduate from. >> 24 people have been arrested and charged. zimmerman who has been suspended from the high school for the rest of the year has been banned from the graduation ceremonies. >> it just really hurts.
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the school system you think they would want the best for the kids. this is the exact opposite. >> live in your memory through your lifetime. these guy, missing out on every bit of that. >> his mom also says that zimmerman was up to be class valedictorian, but now can't even do that. he had four classes that he will not be able to take anymore. oh, i got a bizarre one for ya. this lady in red is from some surveillance video inside a goodwill. the story from wfaa in dallas-ft. worth. >> that wasn't a lady. >> doesn't look like a lady. >> a man inside a goodwill after hours. that is 33-year-old adam mayberry who broke through a hotel window, cut his arm and face and then broke into a goodwill. donned a red dress and went on a rampage through the store. >> this doesn't look like a rampage. looks like he's trancing around like a fairy. >> just for one person to tear
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wlaup what he tore up? kind of looked like a war scene in here. >> the craziest thing i've seen all week, i think, nick. >> why did he put on a drus? was he naked when he broke into the store? >> according to reports, he was naked when he broke into the store and put on this number. funny in the video, but a problem for the goodwill, because this guy is bleeding all over the place. >> donations that hadn't been processed yet. every one of those had to be thrown out. >> they had to spend $8,000 on a h hazmat crew to come and clean of you the blood. the entire cost for this caper? 30 grand. mayberry recently got out of prison, charged with three different things. criminal mischief charges and charges for failing to register as a sex offender. >> oh. >> he just got out of prison. that's why he wanted to wear the dress. because, you know -- when women are walking home at night there's a new app that
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will give them a little bit of protection. >> you don't know who's around. you can't see everybody. >> janet hurley, the victim of a sexual assault, and she says this app actually gives her comfort. >> this app would have been great to have. >> this app is called shriek safe. women can down it load it for free. it does two things. alert somebody with a silent alarm to let them know they're in danger. a gps locator, if you hit the silent alarm, it knows who you are, has your hospital records and locates you and calls authorities. >> how can i help you? >> walking home from work. >> the other application that it has is that, you can talk to somebody when you're in an area, and they get a map that shows them where you are and where you're moving, and it's following you. >> they could see you're in the suburb. they don't have good lighting. >> they will talk to you while you're getting to your final location. >> and we'll provide safety advice, based on the situation. >> maybe you'll explain this,
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but i think i would want her to know her surrounding and be alert. >> i learned once in a self-defense class one thing predictors look for are distracted women. >> some people say this app may give women a false sense of security. >> the majority of sexual assault happens when it's someone you know. it's someone you're friends with, someone you're dating, someone you used to date. >> this is a woman who is the executive director of rape victim advocates. >> it's not going to be a smart phone app. it's going to be a larger conversations about gender role, about sex. >> i'm not expert. be aware of your surrounding, scream, yell as loud as you can. kick, struggle. seems it would protect you more than any app would. >> right for the eyes. >> stealing -- >> just wrong. >> but stealing from a kid. >> ooh. >> that's even worse. >> we got this story from 10 tv in ohio. this is a security camera mounted right outside of a garage. you can see a guy come walking up to this garage door.
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now, this garage door is open. he comes in. kind of inspects the area, i'm assuming. can you see him go inside the door. he stays in there for a little while, and then here he is coming out. and walking away. >> doesn't have anything in this hands. you think he's just surveying the place i. believe they call this "casing the joint." >> watch what happens. keep watching, because the guy comes back and this time he brings his buddy. and they go back inside this garage. >> casually walking in someone else's house. >> you know what time of day this was? d of last week. .m. on a >> what did they end up taking? >> he push as child's atv out of the garage and down the driveway. >> that's a real gas atv. not a plastic toy power wheel thing. huh? >> no. it's not a plastic wheels power wheels. it's a po lar is-style atv and it's pink.
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it gets worse. a few seconds later his buddy walks out the door carrying the helmet. >> oh. >> police don't yet know who these guy, and that's why they released the security footage. >> it will stink for that little girl. whoever gets that quad, when she's cruising around on that thing and cops pull her over saying, i think that's a stolen atv. >> uh-huh. take a look at this little nugget of traffic video gold. >> seems like a really dangerous way to get from a to b? >> see the really dangerous way to cruise a wheelchair. and she so does not want to be here. a girl conned into helping her boyfriend on a job gets the surprise of a lifeti
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have a motorized wheelchair and want to get somewhere quickly? >> hire a fast guy and piggyback on him all the way home? >> you could do that, but, no. watch and see. >> hang ten off a truck, like this guy. >> oh! >> an exclamation point on the back of his wheelchair, like, watch out. don't get too close. >> a hazard sign on the back of his wheelchair. >> [ bleep ]. >> wait a minute. that wasn't a wheelchair nap was like a -- it looked like a tricycle bike or something. >> maybe it s. a hand bike? >> still -- on the back of a truck. >> in any case, i don't think it's a good idea that he's being pulled by this truck. >> yeah. isn't that called sketching? i think you're right. >> skateboarders call it sketching. >> seems like a really dangerous way to get from a to b. >> how do you get off when it's your time to go you? just hope the guy makes a right and you just let go and hope to stay straight. >> the garbage truck.
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he must know the route. >> maybe studies the routes and only hangs on to certain delivery trucks. >> a smelly ride, hanging on to the back of a garbage truck. >> better than sitting in the back with all the garbage. >> they make freaked and sudden stops. >> conk. >> that is the funniest [ bleep ]. i want to show you guys crazy skills. as this video begins you see dad here. this is carmine testa who owns carmine pizza factory in jersey city, jersey. he's playing with the dough. watch what he's about to do. he tosses it to his 7-year-old, michael testa. >> uko. >> he didn't even drop it. >> oh, my -- >> caught it perfectly. >> look, dad and son have a great little routine going tossing back and forth. >> of course, dad brings in patrons you can imagine. >> i'm going sto say michael's got better form than dad. >> believe it or not, michael
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started tossing dough two weeks before this video was shot. >> from jersey city, new jersey, of course he was born to do it. >> don't stereotype. >> watch this at the end. >> yeah. that's right. >> whoa! >> oh, wow. >> and, of course, we wanted to know more about michael testa and his dad carmine association "right this minute" from jersey city we have him skyping with us. >> dad says that you are actually better than he is? >> yep. >> how was michael able to get so good at this so fast? >> hand-eye kworden sagscoordin amazing. i said to myself, i have to film this he picked it up in a couple of days, and put it on youtube. it's been crazy. yesterday we were invited to go to a pizza convention where they had professional guys that travel around the world put the pizza dough and they were blown away with michael's talent. >> what's the secret to be able
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to do that with your dough? how? >> i don't know. >> can i order a michael special when i come in? is there any extra something or other that goes into a michael tossed pizza? >> listen, he's really good at tossing the pizza, but if i let him make it you might get jelly and m&ms on it. >> michael, your dad says you learned some new tricks over the weekend. can you show us your tricks? >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> he doesn't need a lot of get up and go -- >> oh! >> i like the double hand back and forth. [ applause ] >> nice! >> carmine, i think you'll hve to go back to theld styletynd a p mhawindow, because that's going to draw business big time. >> yeah, right. there must be child labor laws i'd be breaking. a couple guys ran into hazards on a golf course, but it wasn't a sand trap and it wasn't like a pond. it was a whole bunch of hail. tyler, eric and evan were in el dorado, kansas, at the prairie
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trails golf course. it started out a sunny day. a storm came in and it quickly turned into this. >> not golf ball size yet. >> definitely some sizable hail. >> yeah. >> you could hear it banging off the top the golf cart. looks like hathey're in the rou. turns almost completely white. >> never golfed in hail before. >> oh! >> hey. >> they give us a shot of the skies, and it's kind of weird, because you can see the sun just kind of close by off in the distance. >> we're never going to find our balls. >> good luck. you bet verify an organize-colororganize-color organize-color -- orange-colored golf ball. you think they'd let the hail melt before they continued their game? they don't. they stayed at it, even on the green. this guy is actually trying to putt. >> probably a great challenge, if these guy, trying to get really good at their golf game. >> here's guy.
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>> get in the home. ah, no. [ laughter ] >> with all that junk on the green, a pretty good attempt. we got in touch with them and asked, why did you keep going? why didn't you wait out? they said, how often to you get to putt on a green in the middle of a hailstone. >> it's a "hail" of a putt. >> ooh! see that red button? >> i want to know. would you guys push the button? >> see what happens when someone does push the red button. and, ah. baby camels. camels are cool. >> yes, yes they are, and now they may not just be humpback desert dwellers. they have other uses. >> ooh. >> animal milk? >> yep. we'll explain.
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camels are cool, but now camel milk is also being used to make lotions, chocolate and soap. >> ooh. >> camel milk? >> camel milk. >> this video that i found on goes to the only camel dairy farm in europe, and it is in the netherlands, and here we ge a little look around the farm itself, and we see the camels and the baby camels, which are pretty darn cute, if you ask me.
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>> ooh, yeah. >> they're all adorable. [ speaking in foreign languag ] language ]. >> camel milk is supposed to be lower in fat and cholesterol than regular cow's milk and it's also high in immunoglobulents. >> got to have that. [ speaking in foreign languag ] language ]. >> i'd love to see what camel milk chocolate tastes like and i wonder what the soap is like? >> the fountain of youth everybody's been looking for might be camel milk as secret. >> might be hidden in those humps. i want to know. would you guys push the button? ♪
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>> push the button, i would run up to that thing and push the button to see what happens. [ siren ] ♪ >> oh, no! >> wh ♪ >> oh, my goodness. >> a girl in lingerie riding a motorcycle. >> hey, push to add drama, this is drama. >> any guesses as to what's going on, guys? >> i don't know. but i'm enjoying it. push play.
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♪ ♪ >> tnt, the television network, is launching in belgium, and they're all about television drama. >> yeah. >> so -- >> loved it. >> which tnt show has the girls in the lingerie on the motorcycle, though? i'll tune into that one. parallel parking. it's not an easy task. especially if you're this guy. see if he can get it in -- next.
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now for our daily dose of the one thing that will change your life, and that is of course, a proposal. >> ah. >> this is kelsey and brad, and he told his girlfriend kelsey that he needed her help prepare forge this engagement shoot for a different couple. she didn't want to go. she didn't want to be there. she was mad at him this whole time. >> he's a photographer, then? >> he's a photographer and he said, let me do these test shots and she's looking and you can tell, she's not into it at all. giving him a rude tude. >> hold that lens real quick. >> instead he's going to grab the ring. >> i know you were mad at me today, but i decided i want to ask my best friend -- if she'd spend the rest of my life together -- i know you're mad at me. >> oh, my god. >> so i want to grow old with
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you. >> oh, my gosh. >> yep. >> i bet the feeling she had, a sinking feeling, oh, my gosh. i've been so mean today and now he's proposing. >> oh, my gosh. >> now are you in a good mood? >> oh, that's it. "now are you in a good mood?" did that change it a little bit? >> did she know? i hate her. i hate her. >>oo the emotion yconfused the. >> beth would know. >> now will you be happy with me? that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." we're so glad that you joined us, and we'll see you tomorrow, everybody. have a great one. -- captions by vitac --
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someone deep meanted to do something like that. >> investigators look at a connection between two recent arson fires in dundalk. you may need to take some extra time to plan your commute. there's expected to be a huge traffic problem. >> i'm christian schaffer where the best hospital in the world is about to get better. first, the weather, a sunny day in the baltimore area, sunny and blustery. temperatures are expected to warm up this weekend. meteorologist wyatt everhart joins us now with a look at your forecast. wyatt? take a look out there. freeze
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