tv Right This Minute ABC May 16, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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gets to see his baby born. >> because of skype. >> the internet connection that led to a father-son connection. need a powerful sling bow? who doesn't. this guy's new video will show you how to make one. and a car is pulled over and out comes a polar bear. >> you've got to believe the cop said freeze. see how things take a crazy turn. just a flat-out scary and also said video that's been passed around all over the world as of late. it's a taxi driver's dash-cam from singapore recently at 4:00 a.m. looks like almost a city downtown sort of area. they come up to an intersection, pause at the red light. the light turns green. taxi starts moving and watch. >> holy cow.
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>> out of nowhere comes a ferrari 599 that ran the light and crushes into another path. >> they went airborne. >> according to a local news report from a singapore website omysge the 31-year-old ferrari driver died in this incident. the taxi driver passed away. the tax driver in her 20s passed away in this incident. a female driver in the ferrari is alive but in critical condition. the ferrari hit the taxi and they also hit a motorcycle driver. that motorcycle driver who is in his 20s as well is still alive but with serious spinal injuries. this video gone viral, passed around all overtime world. as you can imagine, lots of people talking about it on twitter, sending their condolences with the taxi drier. a lot upset with ferrari driver. said the stupid ferrari driver
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not only kid four people caused pain and suffering for the family. >> that's one of the most horrifying crashes i've seen because it happened so quickly. you guys are absolutely going to love this story. technology plays a huge role in it. at central carolina hospital a woman goes into labor and her husband is able to be there as his son is born because it's skype. the father is a staff sergeant currently serving in afghanistan half a world away from his wife. when she went into labor, he was there and able to coach her through the birth. there's his little boy, his first child, first son. that's littlewilliam just mont aereasbobon. at i >> that's cool. he must be torn to pieces that he can't be in the room to hold her hand and hold the baby.
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>> he said a few things about the process. he was grateful technology allowed him to at least feel like he was in the room. he even said he had anxiety and was nervous, even though he was so far away. >> he had a good strong connection. we deal with skype calls all day every day. sometimes we have crappy connections and it doesn't look so good. >> wouldn't it be funny if it froze before they said, it's a -- mom and baby are great. you can see her holding him up to the camera so he can see him for the first time. >> she looks awesome for a woman that just gave birth. >> the whole process, it was great. it was really great. >> this was all the mid wife's idea actually. this was the fourth skype birth at central carolina hospital. >> i'm happy he got to be a part of it from so far away. there's no such thing as
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routine traffic stop, even when it looks very routine. cops got a car pulled over, flashers are on. the guy approaches the car. he takes something from the driver, goes back to the car. watch what the driver does and what he's wearing. >> what the -- >> wait a second. that might not be real. this could be a setup. >> there's no way it's real. the cop is in jeans, a leather jacket and band and a weird dude in a polar suit comes out of the car. no way. >> usually these videos go on and on and on. >> what more do you want, fabian, a guy in a polar bear suit slammed against a car. >> i want to see him booked. >> there's no audio but you've got to believe the cop said, "freeze." >> he could be on his way to a
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furry convention. >> his birthday party. >> you think you know what's going on in this video, let us know at"right this minute." what i'm about to show you is difficult and hard to wash. this is dardo, a stray dog in argentina. he has been injured after a firework exploded in his mouth. >> oh, no. >> did somebody put it in his mouth or did he run and grab it thinking it was a toy or something? >> that is the controversy around this case. this happened during an event for middle school students there because it was the end of the year. two girls lit a firework and that's where the controversy is. whether the dog took the firework after they had thrown it or whether they actually put it in his mouth, a judge
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reviewing this case has determined this was an accident. police did take him to a vet who ended up operating for four hours. this is a photograph of his jaw, the way it looked when he came in. it was shattered and in pieces. as you can see, he couldn't even hold it up. >> you can see people holding it shut for him. >> this happened back in april. i am very glad i have a happy update for you on dardo. he is now in the care of the vet but also an animal rights organization in argentina called apan, and as you can see he is healing so nicely. he's struggling still to eat, so they are tube feeding him. but according to apan, he is starting to nibble on solid food. >> that's a huge improvement. in a month's time. that's amazing he's able to nibble. look at that look on his face with his little tongue hanging
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out. this woman takes a risk and decides to take on traffic. she dodges a bus but not this car. but that's not the end of it. and this dude got a major problem with one restaurant's all you can eat policy. >> the restaurant says we're running out of fish. >> the restaurant says we're r[ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. act now and we'll add a special bonus: $250 back. but hurry, this offer ends june 2nd. unlike cable, fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet plus the best tv picture quality. why keep paying so much for cable? switch to fios for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement --
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notice the jaywalkers she's not trying to run. >> she's walking with impunity expecting people to stop for her. look at the light, green. green light people are going. >> maybe she saw people go and went with the flow. >> it looked like she doesn't realize she narrowly missed the bus. how long does it take to cross the street. >> ten seconds at the most. >> just wait. >> after she got hit by the first car, it looks like she's trying to get up when the second car hit her. >> that guy probably didn't see her because she was down on the ground at that point. she fell with the impact. >> i really don't put the blame on the driver here. >> one thing that is nice to see from this, the people on the side, they do try to go before she got hit. >> look at the walker. >> he's skipping.
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>> happily alive. >> when he's supposed to be. >> not being hit by a car. if our viewers spend as much time on youtube as we do, they, of course, have probably seen videos like this. >> hi, everyone. i just saw videos about dogs at a vet's office. the person behind the register a receipt. >> just really, really cute. >> so anyway -- >> the reapply girl will just reapply literally any video she sees online. >> just saw spf russia and it was very, very interesting because it show you how to -- >> her boobs are up front and center. >>ette turns out this whole reply girl is a phenomenon. they make this scantily clad,
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showing cleavage in the hopes they will get hits, and put advertising on them and make money. >> do they? >> yes. the most famous was the one i showed you, alejandro. they got a look at her life. >> certain images. one cannot deny it sex appeal is on -- a winner. >> look at some of the stats, 21 million views. >> this is so frivolous. she's saying just using my process to make money. >> why not? she has something. she was born with something. she's figured out a way to monetize this. >> it's bizarre so many people click on this. it's strange. it's so incredibly boring that
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boobs are that exciting. >> here is the thing. if people don't like her, don't watch. that's the beauty of youtube. if you have something to say, say it. >> peace and love, guys. thank you so much. thank you for watching. bye. it's the family that jumps out of planes together. >> are you guys afraid or scared of anything? >> why they do it next time on "right this minute." these dudes apparently thought stealing an atm was as easy as -- >> carrying it out. >> if i was going to do an atm, how would i do it? >> well, see how not to do it next. this guy getting married. >> a man amongst men. >> looks like some birds are getting the best of him. the tables turn when he proves he's the man.
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welcome back to the show. t don't forget to check in wi right. e long. >> i don't know why crooks keep trying this. it never seems to work out well. this from a surveillance camera at a kangaroo gas station in suffolk, virginia. backing into the parking lot. a hooded man gets out surveying the area. >> then he kind of walks the perimeter of the gas station.
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>> they have something in mind i think they want to load into the truck. >> i know what's coming. >> they are about to go for it. the hooded guy comes back, in the glass with aluminum baseball bat. notice what's sitting right by the door. >> atm machine. >> watch as this guy tries desperately to just shake this atm. >> like they are going to pull it off. >> like they are not bolted to the floor. >> they are there waiting for you to walk out the door. >> all the money inside. >> a shot from outside. his friend opened up the back of the truck. he's planning on this guy carrying the atm out. >> do they just give up? >> they freak out and made their getaway. they made it out with nothing from the store but did because about $1,000 in damage to the store and atm itself. >> you know why they thought this was going to work? these are the same kids in high school that used to shake the
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vending machine and get candy to drop out. >> the police are still looking for these guys. if you have any information or anyone has information that leads to an arrest there's a reward. >> why didn't they bring some power tools, a drill, a little chain. >> who are you? >> i'm thinking about this. if i was going to steal an atm, how would i do it? >> all future crooks watch. everybody watching. >> seeing a balloon for the first time. >> holy smokes, it flies. can you stop following me. i said stop following me. >> whoa.
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got you now. i win. i win. when a restaurant says all you can eat, that means all you can eat. want to see what you think about this guy. this man, about 350 pounds plus, he frequents chuck's place, which is in wisconsin. chuck's place was having an all you can eat fish fry. bill showed up had about a dozen pieces of fish. the restaurant says we're running out of fish. bill was upset about that. they gave him eight pieces of fish to go home with. that wasn't good enough for bill. >> normally an all you can eat buffet, you can't take a doggie bag. >> bill decided to picket outside of chuck's place and says he's going to do so every sunday, even called police. here is why? >> because i think that people have to stand up for consumers. >> we contacted the manager of chuck's place. they say bill has been coming for years.
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they have allowed him to have open tabs. he owes the restaurant somewhere between $100 and $140. waitresses have caught bill in the past rolling shrimp up in napkins taking it home with him. he's also stuffed plastic bag with food and tag it home. >> he's taking advantage of the situation. sounds like the restaurant has been nice to him. >> we've become gluttons in society. this guy is an example going to an all you can eat, eating a dozen pieces of fish and saying eight more aren't enough. >> come on, man, you're taking it too far. >> a lot of favors. >> this makes me go to the town, buy some fish, maybe eat two fish. >> leave a big tip. time to talk about dangerous destructive stuff. the story behind the sling bow
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[ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. act now and we'll add a special bonus: $250 back. but hurry, this offer ends june 2nd. unlike cable, fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet plus the best tv picture quality. why keep paying so much for cable? switch to fios for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement -- plus your special bonus: $250 back. save $600 in your first two years. but hurry. this incredible offer ends june 2nd. call 1.877.707.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.707.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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or visit us online to save even more. for the holiday you have those out and it's shaped like chocolate. >> got a great weekend project if you've got rubber laying around. our favorite rubber band man is back. sling bow with rubber. this video is different because he shows you how to make your own sling bow. the thing is no toy. he gets the drawstring up to 120 pounds, which is comparable to any other bow and arrow out there. >> i wonder if the majority of this guy's subscribers on youtube are like 14-year-old
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boys. i feel like they would be the ones that want to make the stuff. >> you describe nick as a 14-year-old boy, sure. but what does he use rubber sling bow's for. >> typical destruction. cardboard boxes. >> look at that. >> his new sling bow. >> i think my favorite part about this video is his reaction to the camera after he shoots. he looks like a perfect villain. he also has built this thing to work for kids. >> thank goodness. >> take the drawstring down. it's just 25 pounds. >> maybe change out the arrowhead for a suction cup. >> what's the fun in that? i don't want people shooting each other with arrows.
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brad is a man among men. he's with his buddies at the beach and they are burying him. they are going to play a little prank on him and put food on top of him. guess whose coming to visit. >> oh, no. the seagulls. >> these are not friends to bury a friend in the sand. no, no, no. >> keep watching. >> still wondering why. >> they are picking up the food but keep watching closely. >> brad's head is under that piece of fabric. >> they did a good job protecting him from the sun. >> he caught one. >> turns out the prank was actually on the seagulls. >> that is insane. i can't believe he caught one. >> that is why he's the man. >> you're right. he's the man. they appropriately sent this video to metallica and sandman. >> that was the goal to catch a
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seagull and let it go. >> walked around and threw it away. >> one time i had a sandwich knocked out of my hand by one of these stupid seagulls and i always wanted to get him back. brad got him back for us. >> that's why he's the man. >> i'm glad he let him go and he's okay. >> hopefully he hand sanitized, they are dirty. >> they hang out in garbage piles. that's it for "right this minute." one more video. these guys are having fun in cypress. enjoy it and enjoy the rest of cypress. enjoy it and enjoy the rest of your day. -- captions by vitac --
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