tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 17, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EDT
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news. jimmy kimmel is next. >> up next on an all new jimmy kimmel live. drew carey. >> you should do a bachelor thing where you date the models from the price is right. i have a feeling you'd have sex with all of them. r. >> and rita wilson. >> did your husband name his volley ball after you? >> i'd like to think so. >> have you ever had a gay experience? ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal: to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach, florida. book all of our destinations online only at
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>> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a word from coke zero. real coke taste, zero calories. you can have it all. >> guillermo: you are so right, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo, but why do you say that? >> guillermo: because i got to drink coke zero and i got to be in the new movie "battleship," all at the same time. >> jimmy: really? >> guillermo: really. roll the tape! >> what is wrong with you? >> guillermo: i am very thirsty, sir. it's a good thing i keep one of these in my pants. >> you're a very smart individual. >> guillermo: look, i know how to open it by myself. >> the fact that you know that infuriates me beyond words. >> guillermo: you need to loosen
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up. you got your panties in a jungle, sir. >> what my daughter sees in you is a great mystery to me. >> guillermo: oh, she likes what's in my pants. it's coke zero, sir. >> keep the ship out of the surf and spray. >> guillermo: keep the what out of the what? >> keep the ship out of the surf and spray. >> guillermo: i thought you said keep the [ bleep ] out of the slurpee spray! >> do you have anything to say to me? anything? >> guillermo: yes, i have another can of coke zero just for you, mr. leo nelson. you don't want it? okay, your loss. back in the pants. >> dicky: coke zero. real coke taste and zero calories. enjoy everything. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" is back in two minutes with drew carey and rita wilson.
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of over twenty brands of cars being sold in america today, there is one company that goes further, ford. there is one company that stands out with new cars, and new technologies, with plug-in hybrids projected to take you over 100 mpge, and gas vehicles with innovative ecoboost engines - combining power and efficiency. a company whose advanced technology not only hears your voice, but that opens doors for you and practically parks itself. ford truly redefines how far a vehicle can go... so you can go further. ford. gogo further.
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's jimmy kimmel live! tonight, drew carey, and rita wilson. with cleto and the cletones. and now from what i gather, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very nice. hi there, i'm jimmy, the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for being here tonight. and i want to say thank you for teaching me the value of friendship. [ laughter ] it's good to be back home. i was in new york until early
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this morning. i flew there by plane. you know, they have internet on the plane now which is nice. while i was flying i went to amazon, and i bought myself, while i was in the air, i bought myself a pilot's uniform so i don't have to wait in the security uniform. if you travel a lot, virgin atlantic announced that on a select number of flights, passengers will be able to use their cellphones to make calls, which that's eye love hearing people talk to their cellphones. it's the best. i think i would honestly rather they filled the plane with killer bees than allow this. only six passengers will be allowed to make calls at one time, which already seems like too many. but virgin said it will only be used for important calls, like calling to say, guess where i'm calling from, yeah, the plane, i'm calling from the plane. yeah, that should be relaxing. because i was in new york, i couldn't get commentary on the
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new season premiere of "the bachelorette." the first episode is always my favorite because the guys show up and about half of them do something stupid to try to get attention. exhibit a is a guy names tony who made his first impression, by bringing "the bachelorette" emily a shoe. >> i'm looking for my princess. i believe in fairy tales. i believe in love, and i believe that if the shoe fits, that me and my princess will live happily ever after. so would you mind, if i tried to see if this fits. >> sure. >> all right. >> i believe in love and fabulous shoes. so you know me well. >> i think it's a perfect fit. >> i do too. i feel comfortable in the shoes. i feel comfortable around you. >> i think i found my princess. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and she, her frog. even though that was the dumbest thing ever, somehow he made it
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through. and then they wonder why these relationships never work out. there's another guy named jeff, with one f who plead a more dramatic entrance. it let us know instantly that jef doesn't play by the rules. ♪ >> i was gonna ride that later. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know, maybe she would have better luck on somehow jef also got a rose, so he goes on to the next round. by the way, lerone, the one black guy on the show, eliminated immediately. so take that diversity. every year, the social security administration puts out a list of america's most popular baby names. i don't know why they do this, but they do. they just put out the list for
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2011 and apparently reality television is having a major impact on what parents name their children. the name mason, which is the name kourtney kardashian gave her son jumped ten spots to number two, just behind san iia and the fastest rising name for girls was brieella, which jumped 394 spots presumably because their a brieella on the show jersey licious. can you imagine telling your kid that's where you got her name? might as well just tell her, mommy's an idiot. don't listen to anything mommy ever says. i was talking to my sister rudy and my brother theo about this, and they agree in this is very stupid. if i ever have twins, i'm going to name them toddler and tee yara. this is a video from youtube of
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baby quad rup lets. see if you recognize any of these kids. >> okay, kids, i call this family method to announce that your mom and i are changing your names. from now on, jonathan, you'll be bachelor ben. rodney, your new name is dog the bounty hunter. brad and noah, listen up guys, you two are gonna be known as jwoww and snooki. [ babies laughing ] i knew you'd love it. ? and if the mother has another set, they could call her the octomom. mitt romney picked up another high profile endorsement yesterday from former president george w. bush. a reporter from abc news asked who he was supporting, and as
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the doors to the elevator were closing, he said, i'm for mitt romney. then he tried to give a thumb's up, but it got caught in the door. then today herman cain endorsed mitt romney. but this is possibly very important because as goes herman cain, so go the other two black republicans in america. meanwhile little ron paul made an announcement on monday, saying he's dropping out of the race for president. this was his third race for president. he ran in 2008 against john mccain and against lincoln in 1860, i believe. [ laughter ] he says his campaign will go on, but he won't. he still wants to win delegates, but he won't travel or spend money on ads trying to get them. there's a new movie about it and it looks to me like he might have a hit on his hands.
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>> announcer: ron paul is a little candidate with a very big problem. mr. paul, can i come in? >> he's dead. >> got an idea. >> announcer: but with a little ingenuity, he just might make it. >> gentlemen, i want you to take your seats. now we'll have each of the candidates introduce themselves. congressman paul, we'll start with you. congressman ron paul from texas. i'm the defender of the constitution and the champion of liberty. >> announcer: all the way to the white house. weekend at ronnie's! >> jimmy: he was dead the whole time. and we didn't know. there's apparently a prostitution problem in a town
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north of us in l.a. our local kcal news went on a sting operation. always fun when the news does that. they were kind enough to provide us with our unintentional joke of the day. >> went along on an lapd sting to see the bust. >> jimmy: that's it for you. there's been a lot of talk online today about a photograph that was published in good housekeeping magazine. that is dr. oz, eating a bowl of pasta. if you look closely down below, which i'm not sure why you would, you would see he's got a hot pocket in his pants. might have start calling him dr. ox. he likes it al dente. there's a new genre of youtube
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videos, seeping to get more popular. parents shooting video of their kids in the back seat of cars. i don't know if it's safe, but i saw two good ones today. the first one is from norway, this is a child being awakened to the music of nirvana. ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he can really play the drums. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: moshing at chuck e. cheese. this next one, a girl, 3-year-old named grace who
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enjoys the music of gaultier. ♪ >> you like this song, grace? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: she's been through some tough break-ups, so really enjoys that song. we need to get her together with the nirvana kid. what a couple they would make. let's see what that would look like f they were together. ♪
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>> jimmy: suck it, wiggels. best thing about that ever. i'm sure by now you've seen the cover of "newsweek," which names president obama the first gay president. well, i think chester a. arthur might have a few things to say about that. what if his daughter picks this up, daddy, why are you a gay president? it's referring to his opinion now to gay marriage. some people aren't happy about that. yesterday they asked a church-goer if obama's position on it will affect the way he votes this year. i think he gave an interesting answer. >> many christians say they cannot support the president because of his position on gay marriage, but others say it won't make a difference.
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>> ain't no sense to blame him, he ain't gay. he got a wife and children. i ain't gay either. [ cheers and applause ] has there ever been a coherent interview done from a gas station parking lot? with all the talk about the president's and same-sex marriage, we thought it would be a good time to play pedestrian question. our reporter will ask a question and then we'll guess what we think the answer will be. tonight's question is, have you ever had a gay experience? are you ready? i think this will be a learning experience for all of us. >> have you ever had a gay experience? >> jimmy: a lot of yeses. more yeses than noes. let's see what janice said. >> whoa, no, dear. >> jimmy: that was a no. who else do we have? >> i'm tony from the uk.
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>> have you ever had a gay experience? >> jimmy: see, now this is interesting. is it the vest? let's see what he has to say. >> huh, it was in college. does it still count? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i believe it does, yeah. next. >> my name's mr. muscles, it's on my shirt. >> okay, here's the question. have you ever had a gay experience? >> jimmy: most people are saying no to mr. muscles. some yeses, but mostly no. >> no, never. >> jimmy: it's impossible to have a gay experience when you don't put your hands below your waist. next. >> my jessica from ontario in
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canada. >> i'm linda from ontario, canada. >> have you ever had a gay experience? >> jimmy: for both, wow, every single one of you. >> no. >> yes. >> did you know that? >> no. >> surprise! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. a few more. >> my name is paul and i'm from l.a. >> okay, paul, have you ever had a gay experience? >> jimmy: let's, it's a majority decision here. >> oh, yes. i am gay. have been for quite some time. >> have you ever fantasized about president obama? >> no. although he is my type. >> jimmy: he likes them presidential. >> i'm alison from new jersey. >> aide rena from new jersey. >> okay, and have you ever had a
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gay experience? >> no! >> jimmy: pretty mixed here. there are two women. let's find out. >> no. >> yes. >> what happened? >> i made out with a girl. >> with her? >> no. i wish. look at her tush. >> jimmy: and we have one more. >> i'm david from victor vil, california. >> david, have you ever had a gay experience? >> no! >> yes! >> jimmy: well, the audience has voted both ways. >> does watching a gay porn on accident count? i guess i have then. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we got a big show for you tonight. rita wilson is here and we'll be right back with drew carey, so stick around.
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get your cash back! oh, hi. which cash back booth looks better to you, chase freedom or the largest cashback card? oh, i'll try the largest. oh, that is too bad. apparently you don't know chase freedom guarantees you 1% cash back. 4 times more than the largest cash back card, which only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but have fun. bob and weave once you're in there. don't get short changed. get your cash back. chase freedom. oh! seriously?! ♪
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[ male announcer ] hunger getting to you? oh... [ male announcer ] grab a ritz crackerfuls. made with real peanut butter and whole grain. mmmm [ male announcer ] get hunger before it gets you. like this guy. when i take out my smartphone and it's exactly the same as everyone else's, i'm expressing myself as an individual. i have that phone. ah! oh, excuse me. what a coincidence. you showed us there's no reason all smartphones need to look alike. so we made the beautifully different nokia lumia 900 look like this. the smartphone beta test is over.
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aren't just a "show." [ sizzling ] there's a reason that sound instantly starts up the waterworks in your mouth. [ sizzling ] it's the sound of flavor erupting, as freshly prepared ingredients sear, simmer, and caramelize, right there at your table. but, is a pretty good show. i'll have that. [ male announcer ] try our new sizzling entrees! like the double barrel whisky sirloin, the new sizzling n'awlins skillet, and more. starting at just $9.99. only at applebee's.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. tonight on the program, she's an actress by day, and a singer by night. she has a new album called "am/fm." here to chat and sing from the bud light stage, rita wilson is here. tomorrow night from "glee," matthew morrison will be here, beth stern will be with us, and we'll have music from delta spirit. and on friday, we have a new show with kristen bell and dax shepard from the new movie "the dictator," jason mantzoukas, and music from the cult. so join us then. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: without our first guest and his very informative game show, most americans would have no idea what to pay for stuff at the supermarket. he is host of "the price is right," which airs weekdays on cbs. please say hello to drew carey!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> fantastic. >> jimmy: you know, every night about half our ead yens has just seen you at the price is right. >> i know, it's crazy. >> they're sometimes still wearing their name tags. >> are they disappointed because they didn't get picked. >> jimmy: some of them say they d but can't say anything afterwards because you make them sign a secrecy deal. >> we're not going to put them in jail or anything. >> jimmy: you're not going to take the prices back, right? >> good job on the white house correspondents dinner. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. >> and it is good to be back on abc. i was watching "the bachelor"
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clip at the beginning of the show. last time i did upfronts, because they just had them, right? >> jimmy: it used to be this thing where we would have to go out -- >> all the stars from one show. >> jimmy: kiss the advertisers' asses. >> it's a big deal because you get to see your show on other networks. so the last upfront i did for abc, we all stayed in the same hotel, they grab everybody and throw you in whatever limo is next. there was a bunch of us, it was me, kathy kinney, sitting next to me, kathy kinney's agent was in the back. jim belushi sitting next to her. and there was a guy i didn't know. >> jim belushi said i heard they moved your time slot i said, yeah, i wasn't that thrilled about it. he said, who did they put in
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your place? >> and i go, "the bachelor." can you believe that do, he's got 27 beautiful educated men, who does he pick, the blondes with the biggest its. >> he goes that's him, that's "the bachelor"! >> they were in the car with us. i never saw the show and i was just giving my description of what my friend toll me had happened. so i never saw it before in my life. >> jimmy: that's interesting. >> that was the original bachelor dude. >> jimmy: you should do a bachelor thing where you date the models from the price is right. >> they all boyfriends and husbands. >> jimmy: doesn't matter. >> i already know. i'm friends with those guys. >> jimmy: well, we'll figure something out. you would be a good bachelor. that would be something interesting, i think. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: do you think you'd ever do something like that?
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>> no. >> jimmy: i have a feeling you'd have sex with all of them. [ laughter ] >> sorry, i couldn't give you a rose this week. >> jimmy: i have a feeling, yo all of them. >> no, i would never do anything like that. that's disgusting. i wouldn't even consider it. >> jimmy: i saw you on pbs had a special about jaunsy carson, and you were on that a lot. >> yeah, it was a really great special, if you get a chance to see it. they showed my first appearance ever. and made my whole career. >> jimmy: it was a big deal. i remember when you were on and johnny loved you so much. you killed. and johnny loved you so much that he called you over, which was a big deal for a comic. >> it made my whole career. i was in the showbiz the next day. that's why i have everything i have now, thanks to johnny carson. so in november i was there, and
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i was invited back in february to do another set. i wanted to thank johnny for the opportunity because it was really, you can't believe the doors that opened for me because of that one appearance. you're friendly with the guest, you get to talk to people. but johnny was kind of a loop and you couldn't talk to him except on stage. if you wanted to talk to him, they had a velvet rope and he would stand on one side. >> jimmy: wow. >> but it was actually there. i come out, do my set. then they have another guest on, it's regis fill bin. he had already announced he was going to retire. and he was saying, how he would be a great guy to take over the show. johnny brushed him off first. regis brought it up again. and he kept bringing it up. johnny kept on trying to brush it off. regis wouldn't shut up about it. >> jimmy: regis is very
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persistent. >> so i'm standing there, waiting to thank johnny carson for my entire life -- >> jimmy: you're behind the rope. >> waiting. regis bugs the [ bleep ] out of him. shows over and i'm standing there like this, and johnny carson blows right by me, pulling his [ bleep ] on me. i was standing there, like, hey. >> jimmy: regis spoiled your big moment. >> yes. and i remember, i love regis, but i remember driving home that night, going, i've been regis'd. because he wouldn't shut up. >> jimmy: are you still owning the founders? >> i own like magic johnson owns the dodgers. i'm a minority owner. joe roth is the main guy. his movie opens june 1.
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>>. >> jimmy: what movie is is that? >> snow white and the huntsman. >> he's a minority orn. the founders are a soccer team up in seattle. >> jimmy: it's a very popular team. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and seattle's a great city and they've embraced the team. >> yeah, we get like 38,000 a game. all the fans on the lower section of the stadium, they stand the whole 90 minutes. >> jimmy: there are no seats? >> they're such super fans, they just stand up the whole time. it's unheard of in american sports because in soccer, there's no breaks. so touts or anything. so they just stand and watch the whole thing. >> jimmy: do you play a role in deciding who the coach is? >> no. >> jimmy: there's an interesting system that you have up there. >> there's two big teams in spain, real madrid and barcelona.
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every four years, you can become a member of barcelona for 200 euros a year. in real madrid, they have a membership system, but there's a waiting list. so they're super popular. so if you and i wanted to buy real madrid, you'd have to put up a 15% bond, to put in the bank. we'd have to come up with convict, $85 million. >> jimmy: oh, no problem. >> yeah. put it in the bank, then you run a campaign like you're running for governor. and the fans will vote an outsider in to run the team if they think he's going to do a better job. >> jimmy: wow. >> what we came up with in seattle is, we picked the general manager for the team, and every four years, we let our season ticket holders vote out the general manager if they don't like the job he's doing. >> jimmy: that's great. and how many people get to vote? >> every season ticket holder. >> jimmy: is that like 500? >> quite a few thousand.
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it's hard to get a season ticket approximate for them. >> jimmy: so these guys, it's plm a political campaign for them. >> yeah. our season is goes till october and november probably because we're going to make the playoffs. so -- thank you. so it's probably, the vote will be in november. >> jimmy: have you decided how you're going to vote? >> i'm going to retain han aur. that's his name. >> jimmy: that's exciting, you should have ryan seacrest make the announcement. we'll take a break. drew carey is with us. he's on the price is right every day. we'll be right back. ♪
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[ male announcer ] american innovation. 29 years ago, it helped us invent the minivan. ♪ today dodge grand caravan is the most awarded minivan ever. ♪ who knows where innovation can take us next? ♪ directions to the moon. ♪ let's play indoors this weekend. all we need is a couple of gallons of our hardest-working paint... ...from the home depot. the place that gives us more top-rated brands than anywhere else... prices that won't shake up our budget. let's make a one-wall statement... ...or tackle a total room takeover ...with paint that'll get the job done in fewer trips up and down the ladder. more saving. more doing.
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that's the power of the home depot. the number one brand of paint just got better. starting at $24.96. roll up your sleeves. sift and pour. sneak a treat. crave for more. what's your nook? nook tablet. get it at your neighborhood barnes and noble. with dana all night. wow. lost my mio energy, hired this guy to keep me awake. here, have some of mine. ♪
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the more you move, the more it works. >> jimmy: do people worry about you when they see you're thin and you've lost weight? >> at first, people were like, what's wrong with you? it was weird at first. you know -- >> jimmy: how did you do it? how did you lose the weight? >> meth. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they say that's one of the more effective methods. >> yeah, but what a mess. i went to see a doctor, that specializes in keeping people alive instead of a doctor who just says, there's something wrong with you. this guy is a long-term type doctor here in l.a. and he told me that i was going to die pretty soon if i didn't change my lifestyle. and i believed him.
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so i changed my diet and started exercising. it's diet and exercise. i hate to tell people. i tell people that and they go, come on! i cut ought carbs totally. and only drank water all day long. >> jimmy: what was a typical meal for you at that time? >> the fat days? >> jimmy: yeah. >> oh, god, i would have, there's this police i would go after price and right and i would go for breakfast and dinner. breakfast i would have steak and eggs, toast, hash browns. sometimes i would get like a couple pancakes. and i would have like four or five cups of coffee. then i'd go into work and have a pepsi before i hit the stage. then when the show was just about over, i would be like, i'm so exhausted. so sugar-rushed and sleepy. then the show would be over. i'd take a big nap at lunch,
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then eat at the komisarjevskiary, like a cl-- chicken on it, iced tea, sometimes have a cup cake after that, salad with ranch. >> jimmy: nice. >> then i would go home and watch tv, have half a bag of doritos. >> jimmy: you must have been high. there's no other explanation. >> then i would have a pepsi and go to bed and be like, man, i can't sleep. all i had was like eight pepsis. >> jimmy: and five cups of coffee to start the day. >> then i'd take two ambien and be knocked out. >> jimmy: now are you off all that stuff? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you are? >> yeah. i take melatonin in to go to sleep. >> jimmy: do you have to take it? >> i drink the coffee once in a while, take an ambien once in a while.
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they say the craziest things, people on ambien. that would be like an art link letter show, people on ambien. >> jimmy: people say the darnedest things. you'd get good sponsors. then you have an improv event coming up in las vegas. >> memorial weekend i'll be there, and others will be there toop the whole gang. it will be worth your while to buy a ticket. >> jimmy: drew carey, watch him on the price is right, may 24th, through 27th, at the mgm grand in las vegas. we'll be right back with rita wilson. the wheat in every mini-wheat has gotta be just right. perfect golden color. rich in fiber.
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my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪ [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 filling layers of whole grain fiber in those fun little biscuits... so they stick with you, all morning long. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. [ mini ] yee haw! a big breakfast in a little biscuit. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. ♪ (sfx: can opening) what do you think they want? everything. ♪ (sfx: can opening) youthe o
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it's not a sealy, a simmons, or a serta. ask me about my tempur-pedic. [ male announcer ] did you know there's tempur-pedic for everybody? tempur-pedic beds now come in soft, firm, and everything in between. ask me how i can finally sleep all night. [ female announcer ] visit a participating retailer and save up to $600 on a tempur-cloud supreme mattress set. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic -- the most highly recommended bed in america. [ male announcer ] american innovation. 29 years ago, it helped us invent the minivan. ♪ today dodge grand caravan is the most awarded minivan ever. ♪ who knows where innovation can take us next? ♪ directions to the moon. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone. we're back. our next guest is a fine actor and a successful producer who turns out, also knows how to sing. her first album is called a.m./fm, please welcome rita wilson! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm very well, thank you. how are you? >> jimmy: doing well. i saw you in the audience at "dancing with the stars." >> that's right. we were there to support maria mun you know os, as the greek contingent, me, john stamos and neea vardal os. i was shocked she doesn't make the finals. >> jimmy: the greeks have their own problems right now.
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wilson is not a very greek-sounding last name. >> no. that was the name my dad chose when he naturalized and became a u.s. citizen. my name was margarita ibra him-off. it's bulgarian. >> jimmy: changed it to wilson. >> because he lived on a street called wilson. he said, no one's ever going to ask me how to spell my name again. >> jimmy: i thought maybe it was from a president. >> could have been. but it was just no one's ever going to ask me to spell it. these were the days before warshotski and things like that. >> jimmy: did your husband name his volley ball after him as well? >> i'd like to think so. >> jimmy: you went to school right across the street. >> that's right. i went to hollywood high.
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many of my first jobs were in hollywood. i worked at star sporting goods, which was next door to here practically on highland. and i got discovered, if you want to call it that, at hollywood high school. >> jimmy: you got discovered at your high school. >> i did. on my first day of high school. >> jimmy: by whom? >> a famous photographer called albert watson. he was looking for people for harper's bazaar magazine to do a lay-out because they were celebrating when 18-year-olds were getting the vote. >> jimmy: wow. what was hollywood like back then? did you have crack heads dressed as spiderman? >> no. >> jimmy: more glamourous. >> it was so sweet. right across the street was brown's this incredible ice cream parlor. somebody's nodding back there. and on the corner of hollywood and high land was rexal drug. there was a soda fountain where we'd go and have malts. >> jimmy: what's happened?
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>> i know. >> jimmy: i blame myself. >> it's all your fault. >> jimmy: you recorded this album, which i listened to today and it's great. you have a beautiful voice. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and you got quite a list of stars to participate in this with you. who else is on the album? >> have some great people on the album. faith hill, sheryl crow, chris cornel. >> jimmy: that one surprised me more than anyone of them. >> i know. and he's got a great voice. and jackson brown. >> jimmy: jackson brown. >> who was one of my idols growing pup. [ cheers and applause ] his house was on our school bus route. so everyone knew that jackson brown lived in the neighborhood and we would always talk about it. then when i started driving, i totally went with my girlfriends and did drive-byes by his house. and now he's on my album. >> jimmy: you tried to shoot jackson brown? >> i don't think i ever told him
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that, so jackson if you're listening, yikes! >> jimmy: did you sing in high school? >> i wasn't. i was a cheerleader in high school. sni think we have a picture of you as a cheerleader. there you are. [ cheers and applause ] i don't know if your team is winning or losing. >> oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: you don't seem very cheery in that picture, i have to say. >> it's either ecstasy or defeat. >> jimmy: or a combination of both. but you did sing? >> in junior high, i was in a singing group. we were patchwork skirts and granny blouses, white ruffley blouses with a high neck. >> jimmy: what sort of songs would you sing? >> we would do songs like -- we have have new lyrics to songs that were already popular, but they would be about jesus.
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>> jimmy: do you remember any of the specifics? >> no, i don't. but i do remember, we learned bridge over troubled water. and bridge over troubled water was sung from the point of view as jesus being your bridge over troubled water. >> jimmy: oh, wow, very clever. was there any money money or anything weird there for you? >> no. that would be good, though. >> jimmy: hey, it's not too late to get the group back together. jee jesus is still very popular. >> he's very popular. >> jimmy: well, we're going to hear you sing something from the album. what are you going to sing? >> i'm going to sing come see about me. >> jimmy: that a favorite of yours? >> yeah. the album is auld am/fm because when i grew up, we just had am radio. i would hear am radio and that
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was about innocence and love and romance. then when i got control of the dial and i had my own car which i bought used, a datz un roadster. it was silver, but i painted it red for 19.99 when i got control of the dial, fm radio was in the mix, singer-songwriters, and love was about the heart-break. so the songs are kind of a mix of those. >> jimmy: songs by people on heroin at the time. >> correct. >> jimmy: we're going to hear it when we come right back. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ but tears won't wash away the fears that you're never ever gonna return ♪ ♪ to ease the fire that within me burns it keeps me crying baby for you ♪ ♪ keeps me sighin' baby for you so won't you hurry come on boy ♪ ♪ see about me ♪ i've given up my friends just for you my friends are gone ♪ ♪ and you have too no peace shall i find until you come back and be mine ♪ ♪ no matter what you do or say hey-hey-hey ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you anyway keep on crying
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baby for you ♪ ♪ i'm gonna keep sighin' baby for you so come on and hurry come on boy ♪ ♪ see about me sometime's up sometime's down my life's so uncertain ♪ ♪ with you not around from my arms you maybe out of reach but my heart ♪ ♪ says you're here to keep keeps me crying baby for you keep on keep on crying ♪ ♪ baby for you so won't you hurry
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