tv Right This Minute ABC June 13, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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it's your last chance to get verizon's reliable high speed internet and phone for small business for only $84.99 a month. call now or visit only $84.99 for high-speed internet and phone. plus your choice of either no annual contract or a two year price guarantee. call or visit today. hurry -- this offer won't last long. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got the best videos of the day, "right this minute." it's police dash cam video that has upset me every time i've seen it. >> is that a kid? >> the heartbreaking story of a 1-year-old caught in a crime drama. cops at the apple blossom festival deal with bloomin idiots. see that's when they get really ugly.
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this guy is in a world of hurt. he's in his skivvieses near a wild bear and his wife is yelling at him. >> are you stupid? run for god sakes. >> typical thing for a wife to say to her husband. and a golf tournament is crashed by a most uncivilized guest. >> only in florida. this police dash cam footage has upset me every time i've seen it. we have this story from kcbd. you can tell it's a police chase. it happened in lubbock, texas. >> ooh. >> it rolled over completely, ends up back on its wheels and starts to take off. but watch. >> somebody fell out. is that a kid? >> no. >> a 1-year-old little girl. >> oh, my goodness. >> she is down on the ground, struggles to get up and then starts chasing after the suv. i get -- it makes me so upset that i almost --
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>> wow. >> look at this. and she falls again. >> oh, my goodness. >> somebody got out and grabbed the baby. >> yes, one of the female passengers got out of the suv, grabbed the baby, and then ran away from the scene on foot. according to police, there were four people in this suv. a 17-year-old male, two 16-year-old females, and a 14-year-old male. and also, according to police, a little earlier, they tried to rob a group of females at gunpoint in a parking lot. kcbd caught up with the woman they tried to rob. she is 19-year-old chelsea beatendo. >> he got out of the car, had a gun and said give me all of your stuff. and not really thinking, i was just like no. and he said, i will shoot you. >> now, police did arrest the males who had the gun. he is 17-year-old kenny sean jimenez. he was also, according to police, the driver of this suv. the teenager who picked up the toddler from the car and ran on
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foot police caught up with her in a backyard, close to the accident scene. and she is also in custody. >> was he able to drive off any further, or did the chase end here? >> everyone got out of the car at this point and started to run and got caught. this little girl did survive the crash, but did have some minor injuries, the 1-year-old. romanian police released this video that is worthy of a hollywood action movie. this vehicle gets close to a box truck. and then you see someone coming out from the sunroof of this. >> no way. >> the guy jumps through the hood of this suv with someone else kind of holding on to his legs. number one on the hood proceeds to reach over to the doors of the truck, and using poles, manages to get it open. >> this is like a highway heist at full speed.
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this is highway robbery. >> the members pulled it off. >> did he get the door open or was it locked? not able to get into the truck? >> he got it open and you can see the door open. >> maybe whatever they thought was in there wasn't in there. maybe it's full of bunny rabbits or something instead of gold bars. >> perhaps. or they realized that romanian police were watching them from up above, because they caught this whole thing on video. i don't know what their intentions were, but police do say these guys are responsible for other robberies. >> what a stupid risk to take for whatever is inside that truck. all the truck has to do is see the car coming up behind him, and then slam on the brakes. >> yeah. >> they would go right into the back of the car and you wreck everybody. >> we make movie comparisons all of the time but this is exactly what they did in "fast and furious," the first one, how they robbed the trucks. this next video is going to make you guys gasp and cheer. there is a fight that has broken out on the metro tracks in saint
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petersburg, russia. watch what happens next. the man on the left pushes. >> oh, my god! >> pushes a train worker on to the tracks. the man standing there hauls off and punches the guy right in the face. another man from down on the platform sees the incident, runs to chase after the man that pushed this metro worker on to the tracks. seconds later, a train did pull into the station. she could have been killed. >> i have to give it to this hero, though. as soon as she got pushed, he tried to grab her, turned around and punched the guy and then wouldn't save the girl. >> it's also he didn't waste any time whatsoever. he tried to catch her. seriously, pushes anybody into the train tracks. >> did he run away then? >> guide who did the pushing ran away. you saw another man come running down the platform full-tilt. he helped catch up with the guy. they did manage to catch him. he's under investigation by detectives over attempted murder
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charges. >> geez. >> not necessarying around. >> nope. >> that's a true man. he's chivalrous, brave, strong. that's a true man. that manure looking at is swedish, and that is his wife. they shared this video. he's wearing noticeably more than he is in this video where he had an encounter with a bear. so they're at their cabin in northern sweden. and he sees an elk across the water. so he tells his wife, go get the ipad to film it. well, she's filming it, she sees that bear. she is scared the bear is going to attack him, because he went outside to relieve himself, because they don't have indoor plumbing. and that's what he had on. >> he's wearing some tiny, tiny skivvies there. and screaming sounds more intense because it's in another language. >> basically what she says is, are you stupid, run for god sakes. >> typical thing for a wife to say to her husband.
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transcends all languages. >> there's the bear. >> whoa. >> it attacks the water swan ornament they have. so how do we know the bear was after the peeing man. maybe he was just after the swan ornament. >> maybe he was. but if i'm out there just relieving myself, and i come across a bear and i'm basically nude, pretty freakin' scared. >> well, they asked. is this going to prompt you to get some indoorluing and 'si . iss ome thing. it's probably not going to happen again. >> you can just pee on the bear if it comes too close to you. >> watch out, this thing is loaded. >> yeah. exactly. right. this guy is a world champion. >> a lot of people attending this competition. >> see how the game is played. and look at this thing. out to help the military clean up. >> do floors?
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>> no, nick, they do walls. see it in action, "right this minute." [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more and more for cable -- and enjoying it less? upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone at a great price: just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for two years with no annual contract. or get $250 back if you sign a two-year contract. it's your last chance. don't wait! unlike cable, fios is a 100% fiber optic network
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that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet, plus the best tv picture quality... and more hd. tired of cable's inflated bills? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for two years with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $250 back. last chance. this incredible offer ends june 16th. call 1-877-729-fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1-877-729-3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. ♪ fios. a network ahead.
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at great videos, all day long. nowadays, it seems like they can make anything into a competition, even this. [ burping ] >> this is the first annual world burping championships that recently went down at the hudson station bar and grill. five competitors in all. >> oh! >> and look who is one of the competitors! the guy who ate the chili pepper a long time ago. he was not the winner. the winner was this guy, tim janice. 35 years old. he won with an 18.1 second long belch. there seemed to be even a female
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competing. but she wasn't quite up to par with the dudes. >> that was it? >> in another video, you see how they get ready, they drink gallons of sugary drinks. >> my approach is to gulp air, and then drink the soda. and drinking the soda will release more bubbles. >> the best was after tim's pretty long burp. look when they pan around the room. not a lot of people attending this competition. it was the first annual. so maybe people didn't know. the word wasn't out. >> how do they determine if this is a real burp? because it just sounds like he's going -- >> it does sound like he was just making a burp sound. >> gurgling. >> yeah, i can do that. >> sounds real towards the beginning and sounds real towards the end. but in the middle portion, it sounds like he's just going -- >> like a zombie.
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>> 18 seconds. so in florida, robin bossler was on a golf course for a charity tournament, and a little guest showed up. >> i'm playing in a charity golf tournament right now. >> whoa, a little one is right. >> and i love robin's play by play as to what was going on. >> scared to get too close, because it's just a little guy, but, yeah. that's an alligator. you're seeing right. walking across the green. >> she is talking in a golf voice. >> yeah, she's doing the -- >> oh, my goodness. >> golf commentator whisper. >> a cute guy. a little alligator smile going, just trotting along the golf course. looks like a happy fella. >> chasing him over there. that is crazy. only in florida. >> was he trying to be catty for the golfer? >> it would be funny if the agator was like, sir, i think you want to use your 9 iron on this one.
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this week we celebrated a very special holiday, because it was national jerky day. >> delicious. >> like as in beef jerky. >> as in beef jerky. >> i love beef jerky. >> and to celebrate this, mosaic gardens partnered up with jack links to create a really cool mosaic using nothing but pieces of beef jerky to create a portrait of sas catch. as you know, he is the star of the saskwach commercials. >> i like this a lot. they utilize different kinds of jerky, for the different colors that make up the face. >> so you just need to change the brown which, of course, you get with beef jerky, so you've probably got turkey jerky and spicy and teriyaki. it took them 50 hours to finish and used 16 pounds of jerky. >> there's the finished product.
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>> it almost looks like a stained glass window. >> i love it. you know what, it probably smells like jerky, too. every time you walk past it. >> you lick it? >> yeah. >> i so want some jerky right now. >> i know. can we get some? joey, go get us some beef je look how long this guy rides. >> it almost looks like he's on one of those wave machines. >> only machine here is the surfer. see him, next. and cops confront a man who gets a little out of control at a parade. and then -- >> oh, man. they tackled him right on top of a little girl. >> oh, my gosh. >> see the takedown that was kind of a buzz kill.
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of course here at "right this minute," we're all about videos first. we find tons of videos, and we can't fit them all in a 30-minute show. so steven, you found a bupunch today. >> girl tries to slide down a banister. >> oh! >> but instead turns into a huge fail. another one here, tommy's kick shows a pretty spectacular rugby kick, very impressive. and last but not least, a little comedy bit from some funny guys. you know -- >> bill hater. >> lots from "30 rock" in it. hilarious. >> how do i get the spank movies working? >> funny video. check it out. >> if you want to see these
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videos, check over to our website and click on the best of rtm button. i think i found our -- >> dummies of the day. >> these guys are at a d-train stop in new york and what do you think they're going to do? >> they're going to make the leap of faith over the tracks? >> they're going to make the leap of faith over the track. if you look at the gap, it's got to be -- ten feet? something like that. well, these guys somehow are able to pull off this athletic feat. the first guy goes, and then the guy in the red shirt goes. >> whoa. >> look how close this guy was to just banging his shins off the edge there. of course excited after they nail it. but -- not such a smart thing to do -- at night. boys will be boys. they didn't get hurt. i wouldn't do it. their dumb video is on the show acting dumb. but do girls think this is cool? >> who knows what impresses girls. i haven't figured it out yet. maybe i'll try this. >> maybe you should go jump over some subway gaps. >> yeah, see if it works. >> it doesn't work.
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>> beth troutman from the gallery. it doesn't work. the air force wanted somebody to come up with something that would help commandos scale a wall. look what utah state university came up with. >> what? >> it's like a giant vacuum. >> yeah, like a really powerful shop-vac. >> this is the vertical ascender, and basically a personal vacuum cleaner with some plate-size suction hooks they hold on to, to climb up the wall. >> do they do floors? >> this is part of a competition, and they beat more than a dozen other teams coming up with something for the air force. they won $50,000. and they have a chance at $100,000 more to further develop this idea. so basically, what is happening here is this guy has two giant, like, suction cups the vacuum is attached to, so he is sucking
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himself to the wall. it seems like that would be hard to full that one suction thing off before you put it to the next place. >> they have triggers. so you put it on the wall, you trigger it, so it creates the suction. >> then you get your other one ready and release the trigger. >> that's even scarier. you've only got one suction at a time. >> beth wants maximum suction. >> does it run on gas or battery? >> battery powered. 30 minutes of battery power. they also had one hour to train the commando to use the equipment in order to win. that was part of the competition. >> i like it. the i give it a thumbs up. steven, surfing feels so good, you wish it could go on forever. chatman makes it look like that's what he's doing in fiji. he's riding what's called cloud break and look at how long he rides this wave.
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>> it almost looks like he's on one of those wave machines. just keeps going. he's got to go for what looks to be at the back of his boad,tol. riding this giant tube. >> oh. >> yes, you think he's going to fall? no, he doesn't. there were posters on this video who say he eventually bails out because if he would have kept going, he would have gotten into the reef and he would have been barefoot trying to walk out. it's a milk man for the new age. introducing the milk maid. >> it tells you when your milk is starting to go bad. >> so how does it work? >> we're breaking it down so you can drink it up. >> it's definitely milk. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more and more for cable -- and enjoying it less?
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upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone at a great price: just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for two years with no annual contract. or get $250 back if you sign a two-year contract. it's your last chance. don't wait! unlike cable, fios is a 100% fiber optic network that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet, plus the best tv picture quality... and more hd. tired of cable's inflated bills? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for two years with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $250 back. last chance. this incredible offer ends june 16th. call 1-877-729-fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1-877-729-3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. ♪ fios. a network ahead.
4:53 pm
it's your last chance to get verizon's reliable high speed internet and phone for small business for only $84.99 a month. call now or visit only $84.99 for high-speed internet and phone. plus your choice of either no annual contract or a two year price guarantee. call or visit today. hurry -- this offer won't last long. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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hurry -- this offer won't last long. cars or smokies, cameras are watching. the apple blossom festival in nova scotia happened over the weekend. you can see a large crowd, parade, festivities, families there. police confront a man who seems to be really out of hand, and he is being very confrontational with the officer. >> what did i do? tell me what i did to break the law! >> the officers trying to contain him. this is a family event. the guy is not listening. and then he tries to walk away. and as he's walking away, he doesn't see another police officer come from basically behind him as he turns around.
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[ screaming ] >> oh, man. they tackled him right on top of a little girl. oh, my gosh, right on top of a blanket of kids. >> obviously, the police didn't intend for this to happen. but did you need to tackle him right on top? >> the guy is obviously struggling with police, and really resisting arrest. and it looks like even just the citizen tried to help the cops contain the guy, because he is really fighting back and finally it took three or four guys to get him to calm down. >> this guy, 22 years old, ended up being arrested for assaulting an officer. >> do we know if this little girl was injured? i know she was terrified. >> according to reports, she was treated for minor injuries but released. >> there is always one dummy who ruins it for everybody else. this guy was a dummy. hey, christian, guess what time it is? it's tech for your taste buds with beth and christian. >> best time ever.
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>> we all know milk does your body good, right? think about how much milk is wasted, because it goes bad in your refrigerator. >> guilty as charged. >> i'm going to get you one of these, because it won't happen. i would like to introduce you to the milk maid. it's a brand new container for your milk. and it will tell you when you are running low on milk. but more importantly, it tells you when your milk is starting to go bad. >> wait. so how does it work? >> when it comes to these kinds of things, we bring zack in to tell us exactly how these things work. >> the zack man. >> the milk man himself. >> hey, milk man zack. >> hello. >> so christian brought up a good point. how exactly is this going to tell you when your milk has gone bad? >> is there a little tongue in there that tastes the milk? >> it doesn't taste it. what it can do is sense the ph level of the milk. as milk gets spoiled, it gets more acidic and this will tell you when it's getting spoiled. >> when your milk does go bad, you get a text message called milk status that let's you know
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your milk is spoiling or you need to buy new milk. >> it will tell you the temperature, how much you have left and the ph vel. >> it's not gohe, it's just go to let me know for sure instead of doing the -- and the little -- the taste test where you're like is this sour or not. >> sometimes your nose will fool you. it smells fresh and then you taste it and drink some cheese. >> and you're like -- >> this is made by quirky and ge. >> can i buy this? >> this is a prototype and not for sale yet. that's going to do it for this edition of "right this minute." we're so glad you joined us. see you tomorrow, everybody. we're so glad you joined us. see you tomorrow, everybody. have a great rest of your day. -- captions by vitac -- g
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there are times that kids make mistakes, honest mistakes. it's one of the strictest school districts, but now they're backing off the zero tolerance policy. and the dangers of bottle bombs, what you need to know. you remember that adorable boy that starred in the tiny darth vader commercial who believed in the force? tonight why max page is hoping the force will be with hem. the schools may be over but one school will get a crash course in leanency. the policy will take the zero out of zero tolerance. >> reporter: if you have -- had a student in a baltimore school, you had a one out of 1
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