tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 20, 2012 12:30am-1:35am EDT
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. a summer time question, would you pay nearly $2,000 to push the limits of your physical endurance in a grueling week-long test. some people call it vacation. and they're attending an extreme fitness camp modelled after the fierce training regimen of america's most elite soldiers, america's navy seal team 6. we sent bill weir to find out about it. >> let's go. >> some guys golf. >> reporter: some guys fish. some guys lay on the beach and drink. but these guys are spending their vacation and almost two thousand bucks toog sit-ups until they're ready to puke. they're eating mud while be sprayed with pellet guns.
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setting their shoulders on fire with 500-pound logs. and jumping out of the occasional helicopter into a freezing river, all while being insultded with real profanity. >> in a micro second, if you [ bleep ] something up, i'll mike sure i correct that. >> reporter: welcome to the extreme seal experience, the closest most mortals will ever get to tasting the pain and glory of basic underwater demolition school, a meet-grinder school where 80% of the men who enter, fail. but chief fooch and sniper buzic and senior chief shiply not only made it, but became seal instructors. >> reporter: how authentic is this experience? is it just a little taste? >> it's a little taste. it's education. you want to be a pro quarterback, you hang out with those guys. same thing here. >> reporter: since seal team 6
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put a couple shots in bin laden's face, his camps are packed with a mix of young wannabes and old dreamers, like doug who had to prom i his wife a trip to jamaica to let him come. or alan, a minister from philadelphia. >> i don't believe in violence, but i do believe in defense. i appreciate knowing how to handle myself. >> reporter: and then there are young guys like jeff, who's actually on his way to b.u.d.s. >> i didn't want to be in the military. i wanted to be top of the food chain. >> reporter: a quiet guy, who can hold his breath for three and a half minutes. >> the difference between seal team and all the other courses is that big black scary ocean out there and the lack of guys who are comfortable in it. that's why it's such a small
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fraterni fraternity. >> reporter: and on hell night, these desk jockeys, high school students and suburban dads are forged into warrior teams. on the anvils, pain and humiliation. >> just get you guys out here and do this stuff for no good reason. there's a point to it. show you guys, reach deep, focus, get the pain thing going. >> reporter: for one of the men, it's too much. chest pains, labored breathing, sends him to the emergency room. the diagnosis, bruised ribs. >> he's okay. but it's very dangerous out there. >> reporter: for for those who make it through, the rest of the week is elaborate war games. demolition charges are set.
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the hostages are rescued. >> i'm a little stressed, so quit pissing me off for hours. let me just tell you guys, you were so late, you failed this op. >> reporter: but i quickly learned that blasting terrorists, walking the wall commander style, and casing the shock and awe of a 50-caliber sniper rifle, are only part of the allure. what they are really paying for is the addictive camaraderie that comes from shared pain. >> you're tired, hungry, cold. ur work together and motivate. and focus on helping the guy next to you. >> there's never been any temptation, you know what, i'm getting in the car, getting some sleep? >> no, never. it's fun. again, it's fun. we know why we came down here. if we don't want to do t then
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don't come down >> your most vivid memories are from hardship, suffering. the easy stuff you forget. most these guys have never been pushed this hard before. jumping out of a helicopter, a hike in cold water, scare you up there. things like that. >> reporter: that's right, the pinnacle of this adventure, the reward is a stomach-flipping apocalypse now-style ride along the tree tops, followed by the pilot's encouragement to unbuckle the seat belt, step out onto the strut and jump into the northwest river. since i skipped hell night, i feel a little guilty getting such a quality adrenaline snag without earning it. so maybe i'll come back some day and next time i'll bring the marshmallows to roast during the
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camp photo. i'm bill weir for "nightline" in chesapeake, virginia. >> tough stuff, thanks to bill for that. next up, are you prepared for a zombie apocalypse? we have a horrifying thrill ride just for you. ♪ ♪ everyone has an inner mustang. unleash yours. the new 2013 mustang. is non-stop to seattle? just carry preparation h totables. discreet, little tubes packed with big relief. from the brand doctors recommend most by name. preparation h totables. the anywhere preparation h.
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preparation h totables. on my journey across america, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i'm good. alright. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicorette mini helps relieve cravings in minutes. so you can quit one cigarette at a time. until you reach your goal. nicorette mini. quit one cigarette at a time.
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you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪
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if you've ever watched a zombie apocalypse movie and thought that living in a blood-soaked survival nightmare seemed sort of fun, look no further than that abandoned shopping mall. for those of you looking to hone your combat skills for the end of days, here's abc's nick watt. >> okay. move! get down! >> reporter: they call this zombie apocalypse. it's like a video game, but you're actually in it, and you're being hunted by zombies.
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>> they seem to be completely relaxed. they will consume everything that they come across. >> i've got to get out of here. you guys are it! [ shouting ] >> it's coming and it's coming no matter what you do. it's always going to get you in the end. >> and that's why zombies capture human imagination in the movies, books, and video games, and now for real. well, kind of. >> if you're touched, you become infected. >> my friend mark and i accepted our mission to find food in this abandoned, zombie-infested shopping mall. this is, by the way, really an abandoned shopping mall. >> there, just gone into that
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shop. oh, he got me! >> everyone's a good scare. you know your gun just shoots plastic bebes. you know you're playing two hundred bucks to play, but then you forget. >> i'm running out of amo. let's go! you're going to feel that you really are out there killing zombies? >> yes. i take this very seriously. >> it's the whole what would i do? how would i survive? >> i thought you were dead. >> reporter: that's one approach. and another. >> where's nick? >> he's hiding. [ laughter ] >> you learn about yourself. what did you learn?
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>> i'm not -- i'm' really fast runner. >> how many times did you get killed? >> twice. >> and by a girl. >> even though you're acting, it is scary. quite the ultimate survival thing. the zombies, by the way, are mostly overenthusiastic students from the local college. >> i think you all looked like you were enjoying it a bit too much. >> well, there's nothing better than have a grown man on his knees through fear. >> reporter: he did. i took it way too seriously. i couldn't help it. there was pride. and there was the fall. >> i shot you about 20 times. >> game over. >> reporter: i'm nick watt for "nightline," dying a slow death
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in zombie apocalypse. >> that's hard to watch him get devoured there. thanks to you for watching. check out "good morning america" who will be reporting on the heat wave, breaking records in the northeast. we're also online. jimmy kimmel is coming up next and we'll see you here tomorrow. >> up next on an all new jimmy kimmel live. >> for the first time in history the number upon asian immigrants coming into america is larger than the number of hiss panic immigrants. now even our immigrants are being made in china. >> sally fields. >> this is like a bigger seat. >> we set it up for the timberwolves. >> kevin love and music from waca flocka flame.
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>> we have so much in common, kevin love. we have the same phone, the same mustache, and we are both berry -- very hand some. >> we should be best friends. >> okay. will you share your pictures with me? we don't need a wi-fi connection or cell signal. all we have to do is touch our galaxy s iii phones together. >> we don't need a wi-fi connection or cell signal. all we have to do is touch our galaxy s three phones together? >> i'd be happy to, guillermo. here. >> pick me up. we did it together. thank you, best friend. >> dicky: the samsung galaxy s iii -- the next big thing. available across all major carriers. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" is back. in two minutes with sally field, kevin love and music from waka flocka flame. aflac! ha! isn't major medical enough? huh! no! who's gonna help cover the holes in their plans? aflac! quack! like medical bills they don't pay for? aflac! or help pay the mortgage? quack! or child care? quack! aflaaac!
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aren't just a "show." [ sizzling ] that sound means freshly prepared ingredients are searing and caramelizing right there at your table. all new sizzling entrees! like the new n'awlins skillet, and more. starting at just $9.99. only at applebee's. >> dick: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- sally field, nba all-star kevin love, and music from waka flocka flame,
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with cleto and the cletones. and now, while we're at it, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much. thank you. that's very nice. thank you. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for being so wonderful in every way. welcome. hey, today is, or i should say, was, the last day of spring, which means if your christmas decorations are still up, you might as well keep them there. tomorrow is the first day of summer, i can wear my toe ring and a shark tooth necklace. here's an interesting fact. a hundred percent upon people who use the word summer as a
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verb are awful people. did you know that? we summer in the south of france. now it's time summer is here, the ug boots go away and get out the white ugg boots. if you've been planning to lose weight for summer bikini season, forget it, it's too late. this planet that we're on is fat. there's a new study out from the london school of hygiene and tropical medicine, they did a study on obesity and calculated that people on earth as a group are 34 billion pounds overweight. soon we'll need a rascal scooter to help us get around the sun. they say the average human body weight is 137 pounds. in north america, it's 178 pounds. they both seem low to me. [ laughter ] how can the average body weight be 137 pounds anyway? are there whole countries filled
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with victoria beckhams? the figure must include babies. the study said 3/4 of american adults are overweight. look to your left and right. okay, that's your [ laughter ] despite making up only 5% of the world's population, americans account for almost a third of the world's extra pounds. maybe we're just hungrier than other countries. maybe other countries are too lazy to put bacon on their ice cream sunday. i did some research, and i think i found the problem. look how many cup cake shops there are in los angeles alone. now, if you take, look at how many cup cake shops there are in the entire continent of africa. one. and they're out of cupcakes. [ cheers and applause ] from one end of the scale, they had one cup cake in 1993 and unfortunately a lion ate it.
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so we have more cupcakes or fewer lions. i don't know. guillermo, you're fat, right? >> yeah, yeah. little bit. >> jimmy: here's another interesting statistic, for the first time in history, the number of asian immigrants coming into america is larger than the number of hiss panic immigrants. now even our immigrants are being made in china. [ laughter ] evidently, there's a lot of demand right now for highly skilled workers and they're coming in droves. guillermo, when your family came over here, did you ever imagine that you -- [ laughter and applause ] it's happening faster than i thought. not only did you turn asian, you got a bowl cut somehow. [ laughter ] is that your real hair? that's real? >> yes, it is. >> jimmy: are you a soccer fan,
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asian guillermo? >> no, jimmy. >> jimmy: well, the euro cup is going on right now. [ cheers and applause ] did we let foreigners in here? what's going on? the euro cup, for those who don't know, it's a big international soccer tournament. there was a game between england and ukraine. england won it 1-0 and it's time now for our euro cup play of the day. ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: always a beautiful game. this is pretty great. in american sports last night during the yankees, braves games, they had an ad for the spiderman movie, one of those things where spiderman comes crawling across the screen. pay special attention to mr. seb
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athia's rear end here. [ laughter ] we did not do that. that is exactly -- let's see that again here. he turns around. and there's spiderman swinging out of his butt. and a brand new form of advertising was born. remember that lady from alaska that ran for vice president four years ago? she had a kid, and then that kid had a kid, and she was on oot kid was on "dancing with the stars," and she was terrible. you know what i'm talking about? the kid has her own show. bristol palin's new show premiered on lifetime. it's funny how many of their shows are targeted to people who have no lives at all. it's called bristol palin likes
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a tripp. tripp is her son's name, it's short for, i got knocked up by a guy on a camping trip. [ laughter ] i saw this online today, video someone shot in rural russia. i'm guessing based on the fact that someone decided to videotape this, that this is unusual even for rural russia. look at this. it's a dog, dodging animals on the road on top of an american car. >> i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. >> oh, that's what it was. [ applause ] speaking of mitt romney, all throughout his bid for president, he's been accused of being too stiff. and his wife took exception to that. he said he's a real practical
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joker he's very funny. it turns out, he actually is. this happened in pennsylvania on saturday. apparently the press that follows him around went to lunch, soho snuck onto their bus and gave them a little surprise. >> just playing a little prank on the press while they're off their bus. [ laughter ] you guys have it way too soft in here, i signed it mitt, ps, i erased your hard drive. mitt, you rascal, you did it again. what's next? shoes with no socks? the ps is what really made it sting. governor romney and president obama are running a lot of ads right now, a lot of them are negative. when this happens, they accuse each other of playing dirty.
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but the truth is, negative advertising has been around for a long time. john quincy adams, he accused andrew jackson of murder, cockfighting, cannibalism and he called his mother a whore, which she was, by the way. i heard a lot of stuff about her from regis. [ laughter ] this is one of the first ever presidential attack ads from early on in the campaign of 1920, i think. >> warren g. harding says he can return america to normalcy. horse feathers. why that's all a bunch of copper-plated hog wash. fact is, he's a goof. he's all wet. this fellow likes to beat his gum. alel sauce. he's so screwy, he even put his pooch on top of his gel apy. time for him to dry up. tell gram him and tell him to scram. vote for james m. cox, a ducky
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fellow. this november, hot socks, it's cox! paid for by a young rupert murdoch. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. alec baldwin ran into some trouble this morning. he and his fiance were getting their marriage license and there were photographers outside taking their picture and this happened. you can see alec either push or pinch the guy. the photographer claims he was attacked unprovoked. alec baldwin has a different story. either way, no way to treat your wedding photographer. i have to say, he looks particularly handsome when he's beating someone up. rage really suits him. meanwhile lindsay lohan had a bad weekend. producers of a movie she's shooting became concerned when they knocked on her door and got no response. they called paramedics. they found her unconscious. her publisher said she was
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suffering from exhaustion. and was taking a nap. she's also involved in a car accident last week and today they released a new iphone app, called look out for lilo. it works like this, say you're in a convenience store, you get an alert that she's driving nearby, and it gives you enough time to get out of the way just before he runs you over. [ applause ] already saved hundreds of lives. one more thing, sunday was father's day. i hope this is not the first you're hearing of that. but to celebrate, i issued a youtube challenge, something we do every once in a while. i ask you to spray your dad with a hose and upload it to youtube with hey, jimmy kimmel, i sprayed my dad with a hose.
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part one we showed on the nba special and here now is part 2 to our salute to america's dad. >> happy father's day! i sprayed my dad with the hose. >> son of a! you're gonna get it! >> have you guys ever seen jimmy kimmel? [ laughter ] >> happy father's day! [ laughter ] >> what was that? [ laughter ]
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>> say, hi, jimmy kimmel. >> hey, jimmy, kimmel, this is me spraying my dad with a hose. >> damn you! son of a [ bleep ]! you're grounded! [ laughter ] >> happy father's day! oh, my gosh! my phone! hey, you son of a bitch! [ laughter ] >> hey, jimmy kimmel, my son doesn't watch the jimmy kimmel show, but i do. happy father's day, kyle!
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show, from the minnesota timberwolves, kevin love is here. we have music from waka flocka flame, and we'll be right back with sally field, so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ] with a driving range of more than 550 miles, you'll inevitably find yourself on a desolate highway in your jeep grand cherokee. and when you do, you'll be grateful for the adaptive cruise control that automatically adjusts your speed when approaching slower traffic. and for the blind spot monitoring that helps remind you that the highway might not be as desolate... you thought. ♪ [ male announcer ] here's your shot to win a free movie ticket
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to disney pixar's brave! find codes in each royally delish subway fresh fit for kids meal. one in five wins! drop in to subway today. subway. eat fresh. what? that lovely girl, caught your eye? 20 piece mcnuggets are only $4.99. you offer to share them. that's pretty smart. [ male announcer ] 20 piece chicken mcnuggets now on mcdonald's new extra value menu.
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>> jimmy: tonight on the program, a two-time nba all-star from the minnesota timberwolves, kevin love is here. he's a funny guy. [ cheers and applause ] and then, with music from this new album called "triple f life: friends, fans & family," waka flocka flame is here. those aren't the f's you usually expect from a rapper.
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tonight -- tomorrow, what day is today? tuesday? on thursday, join us again in prime time and after the game in the west, our guest is matthew mcconaughey. one of us won't be wearing a shirt. our first guest is a two-time oscar and three-time emmy winner. she helped the bandit outrun smokey twice and now plays peter parker's beloved aunt may in "the amazing spider-man" opening in 3-d july 3rd. please say hello to sally field. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: great to have you here. >> thank you very much. >> you look fantastic.
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>> thank you. these are like for bigger people. >> jimmy: we set it up for the timmer wolves. we do it to humiliate our smaller guests. sorry about that. >> no, it's fine. >> jimmy: do people -- does it annoy you, it drives me crazy when people refer to you as sally feels. >> oh yeah. i don't care. >> jimmy: why do i care and you don't? >> i don't know, jimmy. but they always have. it's easier to say fields. >> jimmy: i wonder if it's the mrs. fields and her cookies that did this. >> i'm not sure and do we really care, do we? >> jimmy: i do. where did you grow up? >> i grew up in the san fernando valley. >> jimmy: you're a valley girl.
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>> encino and tarzana. but it was before the freeway and pregelson's. >> jimmy: the supermarket. what was going on there? >> it was a lot of open land and there was orange grofes and walnut grofes and horses and it was like land. sni assume you know the story of why tarzana is called tarzan. >> because tarzan lived down the way. >> jimmy: and he all the thing and they named it tarzana. >> yeah, makes total sense. >> jimmy: it's a weird place, isn't it? it's a strange town. >> there you have it. that's where i grew up. >> jimmy: did you come to hollywood, cruise this area at all? >> you know, if you came to hollywood, you had to drive over one of the passes. and i was little -- i was always little, face it. but -- kevin love needs to be here.
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>> jimmy: he'll be here eventually. >> okay. so we would go to the movies. and the movies were down the way. you'd go to the grumman's chinese and what's the name of the other ones? i don't remember. but you'd wear gloves and hats. >> jimmy: you would? >> and you would have to drive over a canyon pass, so you'd puke in the back of the car. >> jimmy: great. >> and then you get there and somehow it was worth it, because you saw, bridge on the river kwai and it was a great big foofy do. >> jimmy: was gijet the first acting role that you had? >> my first professional role. because i was in jr high school and high school. >> jimmy: you were a teenager when you did that show? >> yes, i was. >> jimmy: did they pay you a lot? >> it was abc. >> jimmy: [ laughter ] >> i rest my case.
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[ applause ] >> i remember very well, i made $500 an episode. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah. there were lots of times when the extras that worked a lot, we had a lot of beach scenes, they made more than i did. they really had a good life. >> jimmy: and then one of maybe the strangest shows ever -- >> i was in? >> jimmy: you were in. >> oh, dear. >> jimmy: the flying nun. for those of you who don't remember the show, it was about a nun who could fly. >> yeah, well, it makes total sense. >> jimmy: the reason i bring this up is -- >> and why is that? >> jimmy: we have a guy who works here at the show. our parking lot security guard, since guillermo moved indoors. tony is out in our parking lot shack right now. that's tony. tony is -- and i'm not joking, is obsessed with the flying nun, so much so that he loaned us
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some of his collection of flying nun memorabilia. >> oh, mother of god. >> jimmy: we have flying nun comic books. there was an album. >> i recorded that album right near her. one time, hi to record this frigging album. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's no way for a nun to speak. >> and i would come at 9:00 in the morning on a saturday and sit there waiting for this whatever studio was supposed to use. it wouldn't open wouldn't open. finally it opened and this cloud of marijuana smoke came out. and the iron butterfly, they rolled out literally on their faces right in front of me. hi, i'm a big fan. >> jimmy: so you were actually -- >> then i got to go in and record right after that. >> jimmy: so you were actually flying when you were recording as the flying nun. >> i wasn't, but somebody was. >> jimmy: this is -- i'm told
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this is his prized possession. did you have this, the flying nun lunch box? >> no, i didn't have it. >> jimmy: not only is it in mint condition, but it has two therm yoss. >> don't touch it. it could be valuable. >> jimmy: how much did it cost? >> the therms on was $30. >> jimmy: so you're saying you'd kill somebody for $355. this is the man we have guarding us here. [ laughter ] do you have any lunch boxes with tony on them? >> i can't say. >> so, anyway, what i'm trying to say, is go out the front door when you leave tonight. do not go through the back parking lot. when we come back, we'll talk about the amazing spiderman. you play aunt may and it's great
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i saw it yesterday. sally field is here with us. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel leave are brought to you by bud light. let's take a paint project from "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one, now with stain blocker. each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before,
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i'm looking for the one. kids, house, the whole domestic thing, you know? then why does your relationship status say, "never getting married"? hmm... that was the old me. it says you updated it 15 minutes ago. yes...yup... yeah that was before i met you. favorite pickup line: "nothing mattered before i met you." ha...oh...that's... why did i put that... [ male announcer ] only at&t's 4g network lets your iphone download three times faster. at&t. aren't just a "show." [ sizzling ] that sound means freshly prepared ingredients are searing and caramelizing right there at your table. all new sizzling entrees! like the new n'awlins skillet, and more. starting at just $9.99. only at applebee's.
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where do you go? who does this to you? >> please go to sleep, aunt may. >> please tell me. >> aunt may, please, please, please go to sleep. >> i can't sleep! don't you understand, i can't sleep! >> jimmy: that is the amazing spiderman. >> aunt may is much younger. >> that's not what i adjust saw. >> jimmy: she usually has white hair is making cookies all the time and lecturing peter parker all the time about stuff. >> well, i haven't seen the movie. >> jimmy: you didn't do a lot of lecturing. >> i don't do a lot of lecturing and not a lot of baking. >> jimmy: but there's cooking that goes on. i've seen the movie and you haven't. i love that. >> i may never see it. but that's okay. >> jimmy: is it your first 3d movie? >> i think i'll never see it.
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>> jimmy: even if 3d, you wouldn't want to see yourself. >> oh, please, dear lord in heaven. >> jimmy: when you pulled that meatloaf out of the oven and turn around in 3d. >> it's one of the most incredible meatloafs you'll ever see. >> jimmy: were you a spiderman fan? >> no. but i do appreciate it. but i really did the movie for a friend of mine who produced the original one, who was my first producing partner, when i was producing movies. her name was laura bisquin. she raids millions and millions of dollars for cancer. she started the whole stand-up for cancer. >> jimmy: for her? and martin sheen plays uncle ben your husband. you knew that, of course. >> i didn't know it until i agreed to do the movie. then i heard about all the great
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people and the script was good so i went wow, squeaked that one out. >> jimmy: and he's somebody you worked with before? >> marty and i talk about this. i think we did a movie for tv somewhere in the '70s. it's called mongo is back in town. >> jimmy: mongo? >> yeah, it was really, really good. >> jimmy: what's the worst movie you've ever been in? we know about your great movies. what was the worst one besides mongo is back in town? >> i don't know. i think probably mongo was good actually compared to some. >> jimmy: i'm going to have to look that one up. >> i'm not talking about the worst ones. >> jimmy: what's the best one? >> i don't know. i hope i haven't done it yet. >> jimmy: you seen any of the movies that you're in? >> not, not, mmm, no. >> jimmy: never? >> i've seen some, but i don't try to. especially now, i don't want to look at myself now. >> jimmy: really?
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>> no. >> jimmy: you're cheating yourself. there's some really good movies. >> yeah, but i'm not in them. >> jimmy: yes, you are. >> i am, oh. >> jimmy: did you ever see forrest gump? >> i did see that. a long time ago. >> jimmy: did you like it? >> tom was wonderful. >> jimmy: wow. >> it's a really good movie. it's really well done. >> jimmy: you worked with hugely famous movie stars and they with you also. like paul newman, what is he like, working with him? >> just divine. he's fabulous. beyond belief, fabulous. he didn't know he was paul newman, huh to keep reminding him. >> jimmy: you think walking through the supermarket and seeing himself to popcorn he would know. >> that popcorn wasn't there at the time. he was beginning to be what he was going to be eventually be. >> jimmy: she was just a little turtle. >> about to pop into who he was. he gave me lots of hints. he told me -- i said paul, how
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do you maneuver yourself through the world? he said i just ignore it all. he would take a match book cover -- do they even have those nowadays? and he was like, i'd have it in my teeth just like this. because people wouldn't notice who he was. they would make look at the match book cover. i watched him do it. so sometimes i find myself, if i'm bawalking down, and if i'm disneyland, usually i'm so short, no one really goes short enough to look at me. i kind of put my thumb, go like this, it sort of looks like i'm sucking my thumb, which is not a good idea. >> jimmy: and people think you're crazy and they avoid you. well, it's great to have you here. you should see spiderman, it's really good. "the amazing spider-man" in theaters july 3rd.
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