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tv   ABC2 News Sunday  ABC  July 8, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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our top story on abc2 tonight, severe weather. parts of the baltimore area are under a severe thunderstorm watch. let's go over to mike in the storm center. >> well we have some good news. we did drop that in baltimore city, but as you head towards dc, still under that watchnot 10:00. i do expect. you're still under that watch but we have to go all the way down towards parts of caliber county and some ferocious storms moving through the dc area. this is going to make a run for
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lexington park and then off shore. so the good news is not too severe weather across the city limits, but it's stillworm outside. 89 degrees. we got to our record of 100 degrees today. we will hit our normal values as we head into tomorrow. there could be an isolated stormx but the best shot will be toward the south. i'll have the seven day coming up in just a bit. >> well the heat wave should break tonight, but not before it has taken the lives of 13 people. 13 people died in our area. it's been a struggle for those without electricity for more than a week. cheryl conner has more. >> reporter: they knocked on doors and knocked again. a few hours went by before
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volunteers with the maryland defense force foun people without power who needed them. harry smith was happy to see the men and women in unistorm show up to his house in baltimore. water goes far when the temperature is up and it power is out. ice water for his 85-year-old mother who lives with him. she is spending her time on the porch and the defence force is here to make sure she is hydrated and fed meals that were ready to eat were handed out. the heat drained not only the energy, but also their wallets. >> until empower came on. >> reporter: a deployment in her backyard is just what the
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maryland defense force has trained for and keeps them energetic across the hot sun. >> that's great. like mom says, she did something like that in the vigil. >> and there are still ten states on the east coast dealing with all this heat. warnings or advisories tonight in their areas. abc2's richard has the latest. >> reporter: finally the heat is beginning to ebb, from this, to this. the break in the weather comes not a moment too soon for thousands without electricity from last week's storms. >> when you're sweating to death sometimes you do get a little angry. >> reporter: the blazing heat has given qua to more intense storms. in new jersey power lines were
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brought down on cars. a trip to the jersey shore turned tragic for a woman struck by lightning. >> it was really bad weather for a short period of time earlier. it got really windy. >> reporter: in missouri, high winds knocked down trees and damaged homes. >> all of a sudden the wind kicked up from several directions. finally there were some big cracks and then one landed on our house. >> reporter: in scull they are dealing with mudslides after trees were burned that would normally hold them back. it's not gone yet, in new york 3,000 athletes defined the mercury for triathlon. even this porcupine played possum from the heat perched on
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a block of ice. >> someone is dead after fire squeezed through a home on rundle on the way are bay. when crews first arrived they saw flames shooting through the home. they found the body of the women when they got inside. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. we have a crew on the scene and all of more on this story tonight at 11:00. 40 people in laurel lost their homes to a fire. they were told to get out as spoke streamed through a third- story window. 45 minutes was taken to get the building under control. two firefighters suffered injuries. the red cross is helping the families forced out by that
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fire. a water vane break has finally been fixed. there have been a total of four bricks since the fourth of july. well his vice and tough-guy approach endeared him to folks for 70 years on tv. broguenine played marty in the movie of the same title back in 1955. he was in more than 100 films. he was the voice of mermaid man on sponge bob square pants. he was 95 years old. a tractor trailer truck rolls on an ohio highway. we'll show you what happened next. and you heard of working for
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you, but this guy took it a little too far. see how a reporter got just a little too close to the story. >> we have some counties under a severe thunderstorm watch until 10:00 and there's some big storms down to the south of us. it is an improved seven-day forecast, coming up at 6:30.
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a dramatic tractor trailer crash in ohio, and it's all caught on tape. that brakes went out while getting off an exit in akron. the driver told police his load shifted when making a left turn. a woman witnessed the crash and jumped into action by breaking the window and helping the female passenger get to safety. both are doing okay tonight. an oklahoma reporter becomes part of the story he
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was covering. he was reporting on a fight when he literally found himself in the cross-fire. the reporter had to go to the hospital and was not seriously hurt. >> now maryland's most powerful doppler radar. >> another hazy day across the city and we hit 100 degrees once again hitting a record set in 1993. we had a severe thunderstorm watch earlier, but everything is passing off to the south and the west. another hot spot in ocean city where we were in the upper-90s. also chesapeake beach saw some action today as people soaking up some sunshine this afternoon. we still have that severe
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thunderstorm watch until 10:00 going all the way down to parts of pegy county. again, you can see some big storms moving through calvert and st. mary's county. this is a big one here with a tremendous amount of lightning as these storms slide through the chesapeake and will be offshore in the next couple hours. 6:00 status sitting at 89 in the city east. 91 down towards solsbery. again a new record of 100. we tied that 1993 record of 100 degrees. but we are done with heat and humidity for the next several days as we get cooler air moving in.
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105 here in charlottesville. 90 degrees around the 8:00 hour. and then notice it gets drier by tomorrow morning. 76, to 87 through tomorrow. again this cold front is moving from southern new jersey through delaware and back into the ohio valley. we are again going to shift our focus towards the north as opposed to the southern direction, and that will bring in the cooler hair. we are right between this cooler area and this hot humid air mass to the south and that will maybe bubble up some showers and storms. so for the overnight, 74. warm and steamy with a thunderstorm threat through the overnight. 87 for tomorrow.
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seven-day norcast looks like this -- seven-day forecast looks like this. more humidity by the end of the week going into next wend. >> and your money tonight. sudden whiplash at the gas pump. prices are rising after more than two months of constant falls. >> reporter: what happened to that amazing ride we've been on? the signs are changing. take a look. we hit nearly $4 a gallon in april. all the way to 3.3-h just last sunday -- $3.34. >> lower crude oil prices and lower gasoline prices. but then something happened. >> it's clearly much higher. >> reporter: yep.
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just the other day the gas prices headed up on friday until it hit $3.37 a gallon the other day. but why? after 75 days watching prices drop, why all of a sudden the change? believe it or not, good news about the european economy could cost you more to fill up next week. >> positive domestic and international news is expected to consume more crude oil and more gasoline which puts upward pressure on prices. so if you're trying to budget for the rest of the year, is there any way to predict how much we'll be paying? experts say no. >> the experts do believe that has the summer driving ends,
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prices could go down again. >> we'll be back with more right after this. [ husband ] i don't talk to them as much as cindy does. good morning, chickens!
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[ jim ] you know, that's our business. so we want to be the experts in chicken. we're not the status quo. perdue is the first and the only chicken company to have usda process verified programs for fresh, all natural chicken. [ jim ] this is an all-vegetarian diet. no animal byproducts, no animal fat. our chickens are not fed steroids or hormones. it's not gonna happen. [ jim ] we raise our chickens cage-free, and we set our goals higher than anyone.
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we're trying to make a better chicken. [ jim ] my dad did, my grandfather did, and it's what we do today. >> let's take a look at the storms around calvar county. almost like a whole blob of lightning down to the south that is clearing off shore. that's the good news. we have a nice day tomorrow of 86. we are going to drop it somewhere around 15 degrees. a nice stretch of weather, we should be around 87. wednesday 85. maybe a bit more humidity that comes back into the picture late next week. again, 100 degrees we hit today. >> and showers is what everyone is needing righter now. just a lot of rain. that's it and thanks for joining us.
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when we're not here, go to our website we'll be back here at 11:00. @
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