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tv   Nightline  ABC  August 9, 2012 11:50pm-12:15am EDT

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dip with hollywood's underwater stars. >> announcer: "nightline's" olympic report its brought to you by franklin templeton investments. ♪
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[ male announcer ] start with a simple idea. think. drink coffee. hatch a design. kill the design. design something totally original. do it again. that's good. kick out the committees. call in the engineers. call in the car guys. call in the nerds. build a prototype. mold it. shape it. love it. give it 40 mpg. no, 41. give it a huge display. give it a starting price under 16 grand. take it to the car shows. get a celebrity endorser. he's perfect. "i am?" yes, you are. making a groundbreaking car. it's that easy. ♪
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making a groundbreaking car. it's that easy.
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in gold and overall medals. there is one sport where american ladies need some catching up, synchronized swimming. america finished 11th out of 12 teams in the duet competition and didn't qualify for the but as cecilia vega found out, dancing under water still makes for a pretty good living back home. >> reporter: the retro swimsuits, matching caps, the kicks, the splash. these ladies look like they swam straight out of a bygone era. but watch out esther williams, meet the team. synchronized swimmers for the iphone era. they are just about the hottest thing in hollywood. >> we think of ourselves as newt, old hollywood. >> i think audiences want to see something entertaining but also classy. >> reporter: their stage, poolside at some of the swankiest venues in los angeles, new york, miami. their performances -- everything from this charity event filmed for a reality tv show to private
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gigs for the kardashians and justin timberlake. ♪ we found love in a hopeless place ♪ >> reporter:nd then that appearance on that little show called "glee." >> can you work with katherine? misha is the personality behind this reinvented classic. she got the idea four years ago at a hollywood pool party. ♪ she took the magic of those old mgm musicals, added some hit music. skimpy swimsuits. and a few coats of lipstick. and success was born. in the water, they are lilies. but on land, by day. >> an actress. >> i teach snow boarding. >> i go to school to be a veterinarian. >> i graduated from law school. >> reporter: also katherine smith the headhunter. >> i love performing, i love swimming, i love the exercise, i love to watch people's reaction when we perform, it's just an amazing feeling. >> reporter: swimming in unison isn't easy.
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this is an olympic sport that requires incredible strength. but here is the secret, that pointed perfection we see, it is a whole different story underwater. >> it's chaos under the water. just finding your bearings underwater with all of these legs and all sorts of stuff. >> one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. >> reporter: i got to experience the underwater chaos myself in an aqua lilies class. >> it was supposed to be underwater. >> no, a professional i am not. >> synchronized swimming when it looks easy on the surface, underwater you are working, either your hands are working to support you or your feet are treading water. >> you make it look easy. >> reporter: most aqua lilies were training since little girls, dreaming of their synchronized swimming hero. >> a lot of 25-year-olds have no idea who esther williams was? >> i have known of her my whole life and every synchronized swimmer. she is special to us. >> ballet leg, sit up.
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>> reporter: when they're not swimming or studying for the bar exam, they're teaching amateurs. >> what are the best, two, three tips? >> smile. put lipstick on. it helps. it makes you feel much better. >> reporter: inspiring another generation to channel their inner esther williams. >> aqua-aqua lilies! >> reporter: and introducing others to a magic nearly lost. >> there is something theatrical, references a bygone era, full of romance, we are excited to be spearheading the movement to bring it back. >> reporter: for "nightline," cecilia vvega. >> i think i am hosting a pool party in the states. we'll see you here friday 2012 london wrap-up. until then, cherrio. >> cheers to you, bill. can't wait to see you in a bathing cap. thank you for watching abc news. "good morning america" will be waiting for you here in the morning. good night, america.
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jimmy kimmel right here next! >> dicky: tonight on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> snoop dog will release an album this year. the world is expected to run out of marijuana later this year. >> how do you make a movie without the central character? >> it's better without him. >> dicky: and music from nas. >> dear
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>> from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live." today, jeremy renner, aaron paul, and music from nas. and now, places, everybody, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for watching. thank you for coming. and i wish you all a happy
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national tequila day today. [ cheers and applause ] today is national tequila day, tomorrow is i woke up in a bush without pants day. i didn't know there was a national tequila day until today. apparently it was started five years ago by people who want to sell us more tequila. now we celebrate. did you have a fun national tequila day, guillermo? >> [ bleep ] yeah. >> jimmy: often times at the beginning of the show, i will ask guchhave you had anything t drink? what will you say? >> one or two. >> jimmy: we told guillermo we needed something to shoot. that wasn't true? >> guillermo: no. >> jimmy: we told him the show wasn't quite ready. people started bringing him tequila shots. the idea was we wanted to see how many of them he would actually consume.
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>> a friend of mine, i have been showing him. you and i. salud. >> salud. >> what is this? ♪ >> three, right? ♪ >> one more? >> magic johnson buying the dodgers. real nice guy. >> you too. >> i got to go to the gym. we got to toast for it. earth, wind and fire. >> oh, okay.
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>> come on, don't be a [ bleep] ooh! >> cheers! >> guillermo, guillermo, guillermo! >> ha-ha-ha. i have to tell you something -- >> what? >> i knew there was a camera right there. the tequila -- so [ bleep ] you guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> so how many -- how drunk are you right now on a scale of uno to dias? >> 7 1/2. >> jimmy: that's all. 16 shots. you are at 7 1/2. >> i had a chicken burrito and a cheesecake. >> jimmy: what? >> a piece of cheesecake. >> jimmy: that soaked it up? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right. keep an eye on him.
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[ cheers and applause ] tonight -- snoop dogg has an interesting new project. snoop dogg announced he will release a reggae album later this year. in related news, the world will be expected to run out of marijuana later this year. i guess it was a statistical inevitablility he would produce one reggae album, the album will be called "reincarnated" not releasing it under snoop dogg. for this one he is calling himself snoop lion. snoop lion sounds like the name of a stoner grocery store or something. dude, let's go to the snoop lion and grab some pizza curls. the first single is out now called "la-la-la." he sings la, la, la. la, la, la, and la, la, la, and oh, yeah at the end. snoop is the best. remember when he used to kill people. kate goeslin, formerly of jon and kate plus eight, pitching a reality show.
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this time, a dating show. she is the date. it's like "the bachelorette" meets "the deadliest catch." it's interesting. if you are interested -- thank you. [ applause ] if you have any interest in dating kate goeslin, she enjoys long walks on the beach, not the beach you picked out, that beach sucks you are an idiot for choosing it. she likes quiet evenings by the place where the fire would be if you weren't so incompetent in case you couldn't get the duraflame lit. don't know if a dating show is a good idea, how would you know if a guy really likes you, or if he is just using you as a steppingstone to the octomom. you don't. i made a lot of fun of kate goeslin, over the years, i hope she finds true love or a new hair stylist. say what you will about the new show. the promo looks like a lot of fun. kate goeslin is back and ready to find the man of her dreams. whether he likes it or not.
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12 men selected at random. shot with tranquilizer darts by sarah palin. transported to a deserted island. and hunted like animals by kate and her eight kids. who will escape? who will perish? and who will be captured and forced to marry kate? "escape from gosselin island." only on lifetime. [ cheers and applause ] a guy named manny perez from north carolina, driving to the airport with his wife and kids. some where along the way his wife fell asleep. so he decided to wake her up in the most terrifying way possible. >> so there is a truck getting towed and it looks like it is coming at us. and my wife is a sleep. we will see if we can scare her. >> dad! daddy!
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>> babe, wake up, there's a truck! >> i'm sorry, honey. it was getting towed. >> that is a good one. very nicely done. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a husband who knows how to keep romance alive. a lot of people have wedding videos, not often do you see a divorce video. here's some unfortunate news for america, a new study out of harvard university shows students in the united states aren't advancing as quickly as students in other industrialized countries. to me means students in other industrialized countries are nerds, but the study found that students in chile, latvia and brazil, advance three times as fast than american students, and in math, and reading, we rank behind china, singapore and south korea, yeah, because the countries have a lot more asian kids to cheat off of.
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it's not a fair comparison. our kids rank number one in cholesterol and having sex with their teachers. so we still have that. [ cheers and applause ] mitt romney's campaign got a big boost in the form of song, mitt romney has been using a clip of president obama singing "let's stay together." remember he sang -- he's been using it in a campaign ad. he had to stop because of copy right issues. romney supporter stepped in and wrote an original song -- the song is called "mitt romney a hero in my mind." i don't know what else to say other than it is enchanting. ♪ world war iii that's obama's plan for you and me ♪ ♪ what a crock it's the only hope he's got ♪ ♪ he can't be elected on his record it's a crime ♪ ♪ he should resign
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♪ that's why i'm voting for mitt romney ♪ ♪ he's a hero in my mind ♪ i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. >> amazing being automobile to get the keyboard in the middle of the river, incredible. mitt romney is involved in a twitter controversy right now. normally his twitter audience increases by between 3,000 and 4,000 followers a day. somehow over the weekend he got 135,000 new followers which is a lot for someone who still has the the egg as their profile picture. some people believe the romney campaign bought a bunch of followers. you can do that, buy followers. the romney people deny it. others are suggesting most of his followers aren't even human. they have twitter-bots, i guess computer programs, most what they tweet is repetitive nonsense. this is what one of romney's new
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followers tweeted, lmao, lucky there was no time left on the clock. lol, homeboy. and here is the exact same thing from another follower. and from another follower. mitt romney -- they don't use the word dat with a "d." and dat doesn't happen. but even with the new followers, romney's followers is very low compared to obama's 17 million twitter followers. i don't know maybe he should think about signing up justin bieber. to be his runningmate. he's got a -- mitt romney doesn't have a lot of followers. i think it's because his tweets aren't that exciting. it will be fun to play a little game. see if you can differentiate between mitt romney's tweets and the real tweets of kanye west. all right, it's time to play "romney or kanye." [ cheers and applause ] freedom, hard work, and innovation build successful businesses. who tweeted that
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-- romney or kanye? audience:romney. kanye. >> jimmy: it was indeed mitt romney. we are off off to a bad start if you couldn't get that one. what about this one -- individuals pursuing their dreams build successful businesses? audience:romney! >> jimmy: that is mitt romney again. couple kanyes, yes. i'm going to make a book of my tweets, tweetbook. audience:kanye. >> jimmy: you are getting good. kanye. one more. i hate when i am on a flight and i wake up with a water bottle next to me, like, oh, great, now i got to be responsible for this water bottle. that was, maybe wasn't as difficult as the i thought. that was kanye west. congratulations, i think that makes you political scientists. [ cheers and applause ] hey, you -- youtube is trying to get their users to use their real names. when you post a comment on a video, youtube gives you the
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option to post under your screen name or your real name. and if you don't use your real name, you have to tell them why. i told them i can't give them my real name because i am spiderman. let's keep that quiet. theoretically this would cut down on the number of vicious comments. i don't know our internet was built on a foundation of unnecessarily cruel and vicious attacks from hateful nameless bearded former blockbuster clerks. i mean what kind of a world is this if you can't anonymously attack a mother who posted a video of her laughing baby? what happened to our privacy, you know? i don't think this would work. i think they would have better luck trying to get strippers to use their real names than people on the internet. it would be nice if we had real names. we could round any one who has written the phrase and deport them to scandinavia, we can't. celebrities in particular get a lot of abuse on the internet especially on twitter. you have a direct connection. some people are inherently cruel. some people write very harsh


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