tv Right This Minute ABC September 5, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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in two. >> those boats right there, they're supposed to be in a dry dock. >> how sardinia is trying to keep its head above water. it's a traveler's worst nightmare. >> the video is entitled the pla is gone, bro. >> see what happens when begging and pleading don't work. and the story behind a dare devil cat and a video that's a true san francisco treat. >> i wish i were eating rice-a-roni on a street car right now. aerrifying scene w caughtby s in china, and i've got to worn warn you, this footage could be disturbing. this is from what looks like a waiting room in a hospital. we found this video on the chinese youtube. play close attention to this guy walking in right now with the backpack on his back. he looks like he's checking in with a nurse's aide or a nurse at the desk. the guy with the backpack sits
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down, and looks as though he's sitting patiently. but once he removes this backpack, things are about to get terrifying. >> oh, my gosh. >> what is that? >> he pulled a knife out of his backpack and began stabbing at a doctor, a doctor's assistant, a nurse and a security guard. the man responsible for this attack apparently was upset with this doctor for not effectively treating his rhinitis, which is basically a runny nose. according to some reports, he actually took one of the nurses hostage and held her for 20 minutes before stabbing her 20 times. >> tell me that everybody survived this attack. >> yes. fortunately, everyone did survive this attack. two of the people, however, did have serious injuries, and are currently being treated. one of them, the doctor himself.
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on a website called beijing cream, we found some photos of the aftermath of this violent attack. here are the doctors, the nurse, you can see the doctor here holding the wound on his head, blood covering his jacket. police did arrive on the scene. they did arrest this man. he is currently in custody, and they are still investigating this incident. severe flooding hit santa theresa in sardinia, italy. this is one of the videos that came from that area. those boats right there, they're supposed to be in a dry dock. but right now they're being just flooded with water. that water is rushing to the harbor you see up ahead. >> there is a choo choo train getting pushed. ♪ >> are you, like, 9 years old?
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>> that's not a real train. it's a ride. >> listeno this part right here. the man recording this video just said, "look where you step." and then the camera turns to a different angle. >> oh, man. >> that was a road, and it had been completely washed away by the water. as you can see. that water coming down that road is what's flowing to where those boats are. >> yeah, the camera turns and it's like a big chunk of the road -- >> these guys were brave to be standing this close to these floodwaters, especially given that the road just behind them had given way. >> what's to say that the one that they're standing on isn't also just seconds from giving way as well? >> looks like a choo choo train over there. criminal suspects hitting convenience stores are keeping florida police busy. check out what happened at this convenience store in miramar.
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these two suspects tangled with the wrong store clerk. that guy right there in the white shirt, that is a 65-year-old sam morrison. these guys slapped him, punched him, pushed him, even pistol whipped him in a robbery attempt. but you notice, sam is fighting back. >> oh, these guys are thugs. >> he didn't tell them he was packing heat. this is apparently where sam got his gun. look at the suspect in the white shirt. >> oh! >> then he tries to jump over that partition, because sam shot him, according to police. >> these clerks are not supposed to fight back, they're supposed to be worried about their safety. but at the same time, you kind of love to see a video like this, a guy standing up for himself. cool. >> just because he's 65 doesn't mean he's not going to fight back. and here's another one. now the fbi is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of this guy. this is a ninja robber, a guy dressed up like a ninja. hitting up miami convenience stores. and they say that he's hit at
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least 11 stores. and look at this. he's putting this gun to this girl's head. he'll crawl over the counter with the gun and threaten clerks. and in one store, there was nobody behind the register, and you can see him snatch the register up and throw it on the ground. he comes in with force, and gets in and out of there really quickly before people even know what the heck is going on. >> i've got to say, it is somewhat disrespectful to real ninjas. ninjas don't wear cargo shorts, okay? and this guy is just wearing all black. >> yeah. >> he they don't have guns either. they have fists. >> and throwing stars. and actual ninja skills. this guy doesn't have any skills. >> he needs a new name. >> yeah, loser. >> nincompoop. every traveler's worst nightmare. you get to the gate --
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[ knocking ] everyone is already on the plane. the door is closed. >> do we know if the plane is still on the other side of that door? >> i don't know. the video is entitled the plane is gone, bro. sometimes you can just look out the window and see if the plane is still there. regardless, the door is shut. >> i'm a passenger that needs to get on the cedar rapids flight, the door is locked, can you come help us at the counter? >> he gets on the intercom system thing not once, not twice, but three separate times. >> i need assistance at gate 3. >> i've got to say, i kind of feel bad for him, because some by stander is here filming this guy and kind of chuckling. [ pounding ] >> i feel really bad for him, too. because you can see he is so stressed out. and there's nobody there to help
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him. there should be somebody there to at least say, dude, the plane is gone. >> well, if that plane is that far gone and no one is there at the counter anymore, then he wasn't even coming close to making this flight. >> anybody here? i need assistance to get on a flight to cedar rapids. >> oh. i really do feel horrible for him. >> eventually, somebody in a red shirt from delta comes. he doesn't look like he gets on the flight. but it looks like at least he gets some assistance. >>th i how the next video ends. and it's not pretty. >> that thing was smashed up like a sardine can. >> it's all caught on camera. see how it happened, next. and a big street argument i language. >> this quebec or french canadian guy heard him speaking english and apparently didn't like it. >> see w
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you all about some awesome videos on our website with. >> i have an awesome video from our friends from bad lip reading. >> oh, boy. >> this is edward and bella, our friends from the "twilight" saga. >> hilarious stuff. bad lip reading is great. head to and click -- >> best of rtm. the cat in this video is on some kind of mission. you see this cat standing on what looks like a really high ledge. >> oh! just jumped down? >> he got back up and took off. >> looks like that tree maybe broke his fall a bit. some of the branches and leaves come down with him. he runs off and turns around and looks back and says, yep, i just made that jump. >> i'm surprised he wasn't electrocuted by the power lines he landed on. >> i think on the scale of one to nine how many lines he used,
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i think he used two. >> yeah, definitely more than one. >> look, look. >> this video was shot in syria. and the poster says that they felt like this cat was attempting to commit suicide, due to the current political climate in syria. >> i have one question for you. seriously? like seriously? seriously? >> obviously, it was sarcasm. that cat has no idea about the political climate. >> the person who shot this is experiencing the current political climate in syria. 100,000 refugees moved from syria last month alone. this is kind of their way of making a political statement in a different kind of way, online. >> look, look. >> this video was captured during an early-morning commute in russia. for the most part, there's really no one on the road. everything is totally fine. until about here. >> a bus? >> that is a bus that was
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ramming against all of those cars. and really mangled it. if you look close at this part right here, there's a car being pushed by a bus. but as it gets closer, i think that's a really smashed-up second car. >> i think you're right. a red car. >> yeah. >> we can even see the wheel of the car. not the bus. >> right. i think you're right. >> i wonder if the bus didn't have brakes? what happened? >> it's unclear what caused this accident. but what we do know is that several cars were involved. unfortunately, one of the drivers involved did not survive the injuries, and there was another hurt passenger. >> man, i would have to venture a guess it's the person in that red car, if that is a car, because that thing was smashed up like a sardine can. >> and there was nowhere for these cars to go. i think they're on a bridge, they didn't have a median, a way to pull off this road. and this person with the dash cam barely missed tragedy.
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ruger is a 3-year-old red australian cattle dog. and he's supposed to be learning a trick here. he climbs on her back. he is sitting on his owner's back while she is bent over. now watch. now he's raising his paws. so he is sitting on her back, raising his paws and -- >> oh! >> oh, boy. yeah. >> i don't think that was supposed to happen in that trick. >> yeah, i think he got distracted by another dog friend. >> here we have ruger with some other pets. and some stroller races. you've got dogs in strollers being pushed by dogs. >> the only thing this video needs now is like a dog operating the video camera. and then a dog also being the referee of the dog race. >> there may be a dog operating this video camera. we never see the guy behind the camera. >> you're right. it could be. but ruger, you know, he won the first one. but the second heat, didn't quite make it. and i love that it's not just strollers. >> what is he doing? he was jumping his way across the finish line.
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look at him. >> yeah, he figured it out. that dog on the left has a lighter coring cargo, that little tiny white dog, of course he's going to win. >> what's going on at this house? >> i feel bad for the white dog. she just has to be the passenger all of the time. she has to be pushed around. >> gets a fun ride. >> yeah, sohey dump her over. it's a bear cub video that leads us to a certain conclusion. >> these people haven't been around bears very much. >> see the evidence of the rookie bear watchers, next. so what do you suppose this is? >> it's an entire replica of wall street. >> that's right. and we're going to tell you why it's burning down. on "right this minute."
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burning man 2012 just wrapped up, the festival that goes on every year in the blackrock desert in nevada. one of the many things burning at this year's burning man was this. what does that look like to you? >> bank of america. >> not only bank of america, but it's an entire replica of wall street. got bank of unamerica. merrill lynched. the goldman sucks building.
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and chaos manhattan. and this thing really gets aburning. >> this thing is massive. >> they are saying this is the largest structure ever burned at the burning manifest value. there were more than 52,000 attending and as you can tell, people were really stoked about this. >> burn [ bleep ]! >> apparently this was the brain child of somebody named otto von danger, an oakland-based artist, he told "san francisco weekly" this was an attempt to inject some sanity over what was going on in the financial world and wall street. >> it sends a pretty clear message about at least his views on the financial industry in america. and i would imagine, given the sounds of the crowd cheering, the majority of the people also have the same feeling. >> i notice here that nobody is trying to occupy this wall street, because it's on fire. >> and, of course, it's not life-size, but you do see some
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people here. and if you look, the buildings are pretty big. these aren't small structures. you need a long stick to roast a marshel mal low. cat can pack a punch. ♪ i believe this happened in tennessee, because this is called smoky mountain bear. and it's clearly obvious from the commentary, these people haven't been around bears very much. he's not going to bother anybody? >> don't look at me like i'm a poor child. mama is there. he has no knowledge. >> how would this man know that
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this bear has no sense of attack mode in him yet? like -- what? >> me thinks these people haven't been around bears a lot. >> if he's in -- he already charged somebody. he ain't doing nothing. >> this happens to be a cub, a child bear of some sort and mama bear is hanging around the corner, mama bear is going to be more likely to charge these people this cub. >> get your -- out of here! >> they're talking to it look it's a neighborhood dog. like it's a stray. >> lucky for these people, the loud sounds clearly got him to scamper away. but this could have ended a whole another way. >> get your ass out of here! [ bleep ]. >> he is taking on the hills of san francisco. >> to show how powerful and precise and control he has. when we switched to fios, we got better tv,
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♪ in quebec, they speak french and in the rest of canada, english. and there is a small group of people in quebec that don't really like when people speak english. and these guys ran across some of them. >> speak french! >> it doesn't matter. >> no. [ speaking in french ] >> what's the problem? >> of course, the person who got this video, he said there were four asian men standing there,
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and one of them was on the phone talking in english. where this quebec or french canadian guy heard him speaking english and apparently didn't like it. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> so he got in their faces saying when you're in quebec, speech french. [ speaking french ] >> pretty unbelievably arrogant. you're basically now through this video saying to all people who are thinking about visiting quebec who maybe cannot speak french, don't come. [ speaking in french ] >> well, this is an extremist. and we have things here in america, people who get really mad when people are visiting our country and don't speak english. so we see these extremists in every country. this certainly does not represent the way that people in quebec are. >> it's always one spoiled apple that spoils the whole bunch. [ speaking in french ] >> there are so many different
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people, so many different beautiful languages. it's time to just start embracing them, so that we can learn about everyone else and not be so afraid when someone doesn't speak my language. [ bleep ]. >> to my favorite city in the world, san francisco. this video was uploaded by remingt remington, europe, and remington is a maker of fine razors. they did send demi, a professional street rider and sent him to san francisco to show how powerful and precise and control he has, like the remington schaeffhave verify. >> and a beautiful city to put this guy in. >> yes. >> i wish i were eating rice-a-roni on a street car right now. [ dinger ] >> me too. so here you see danny going down the street, the hills, riding over this trolly track.
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but he does some really cool stuff, also. >> whoa! >> he flies over some of these hills. he makes it look easy, but i've walked on these hills, it's not. ♪ and they are comparing danny's amazing skills to the skills of their products. >> this is really cool. way to go, danny. way to go remington for picking such an awesome city. >> right? ♪ -- captions by vitac -- that's our show. thanks for joining us. we'll see you tomorrow.
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a county sheriff face as multimillion dollar lawsuit. the plaintiff said she was fired for reporting the brother. pistol whipped of a teen. hurricane isaac did most of its damage along the gulf coast but now it may be affecting our part of the area. first, the sheriff of queen anne's county is facing a lawsuit. it turns out the man who is accused of assaulting her is the sheriff's brother,
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