tv Right This Minute ABC September 27, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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. police department. >> disturbing video as cops are sent to check on two children when suddenly -- >> two dogs come from the house. >> see what happens when full-on chaos leads to gunfire. quad racers having a blast on the beach when one rider hits a bump. >> buddies think he flew about 40 feet. >> see what fellow riders did right to keep a bad scene from getting worse. >> a sea creature comes up for a few pets. >> i have to say like, who knew. >> what makes this encounter down under so unusual. ♪ >> and when the song stops, the
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crying starts. snoets gangnam style ♪ >> i'm beth troutman. see all these great videos and more starting "right this minute." go to nampa, idaho, where police officers respond to a home where a child welfare check. i have to warn you it is graphic and tough to watch. each officer has a camera attached to his body and are walking up to a partly open door. >> police department. >> instead of two children -- >> dogs. >> oh, my gosh. >> this video you see the brown away. the white dog 2 years old pit bull was killed in this incident. the police department says the officers tried to fend off the dog the best they could. they had to make a split-second
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decision. now keep in mind, the white dog junior, also bit through a can of mace during this attack. the news station caught up with the family, of course, upset about this.ñi >> great dog. never hurt nobody. real sweet dog. >> the dog's owner is a man named tony o'hare. >> we don't live in the best neighborhood. i have two young daughters. >> he says look, i have these dogs to protect my family and i had trained them to do just that. >> if i'm not home i know my wife is safe, my children are safe. >> tony believes they didn't have to shootxd the dog. >> hard to listen to him because in one moment he's saying these dogs wouldn't hurt anyone and then in the next moment he's saying i trained them to do just that. >> it's difficult to judge the situation because the safety of the officer was in danger. >> no injuries to the officer from this incident and the police department has filed a use of force report to see if the actions of this officer were justified.
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this is in madrid where people continue to protest over the current economic climate. reports are calling these anti-austerity riots. some reports estimate that nearly 50,000 people gathered on tuesday night outside parliament. you can see the huge crowds of people, but watch police in this first video. they're going at these protesters with their night sticks. people don't seem to have any weapons, anything to fight back with. they're just trying to move past them. these particular protests were trying to get the current prime minister to step down because spain's unemployment rate is the highest in the european union. it's at about 25%. you can imagine, videos are flooding the internet of this incident. here's another video of the large crowds outside of parliament and according to reports, these crowds did block major thorough fares and police were trying to get things under control. you can see that some people were injured.
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they're down on the ground. other people try to run to their aid. this video you can see it get far more violent than the other two videos that i showed you. you can see how large this crowd is. and at the beginning of this video it looks as though they're th flags that d the pice with they're waving toward the police and the police immediately begin to push back. you'll see that moment right here. >> these officers are, obviously, outnumbered and maybe that's their way of controlling such a large crowd. that doesn't justify their actions. bart riders in san francisco had a huge scare a few days ago because in the video on the top we see a bart train pulling up to the station and suddenly there is a big flash of orange. the entire platform is covered in smoke and people start running everywhere.
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>> you even see someone with a bike fall over and run into someone else and they get up and start running out. >> you're down in the subway where there's no open ventilation. you have to get out of there. >> what until world happened? >> people thought it was a fire. investigators determined it was a huge spark. bart is powered by about 1,000 volts of electricity and believe this spark happened between one of the electrical rails and the rail that was carrying the train. >> they're calling it an electrical arc which is similar to what welding is like. >> like a big short electricity jumps and causes a pow. >> but it was still frightening for all the passengers. i am sure considering 9/11 and how we're still perhaps a little sensitive about that, this may have felt like perhaps it was some sort of an attack, but the worse that happened in this case was the forced evacuation and traveling was problematic that day. the oregon coast is a fantastic place to go out with
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your buds and ride some quads. this is at the horse fall beach area. and they just line up, light the wick and take off down the beach in a little unofficial drag race between friends. >> this is beautiful. >> isn't it? makes you want to go ride. the guy we're riding with is on a two wheeled motorcycles. his other bodies on quad. line up, off they go. >> they're racing. >> before they get too far, one of the quads, hits a jump. >> oh! >> oh! >> end over end over end. >> tumbled down the beach. everybody grabs the brakes. >> what happened to the rider of that quad? >> there's a lot of concern. one guy in the red jacket off to the left stabilizing the rider's head, not removing the helmet. if i can turn this into a tip for people out there, do not remove a rider's helmet until emergency personnel arrive. you can hurt their spine. >> i know you're not supposed to
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move them but that would be the first thing i would do, take off the helmet. >> before too long emergency personnel do show up and the mood among the group is pretty happy. you see the guys joking around and talking. they talk about where they think the guy first hit and what he hit. and about how far he went. his buddies think he flew about 40 feet. you can see him getting put on the backboar here. his arms appear to be moving. looks like this guy is going to be okay. >> that could have had a really unhappy ending. we showed you how this guy took on that bull. and we wondered -- >> who in their right mind would do something like this. who is this crazy? >> we found him. see his answer, next. and exercise advice from this guy, where you can -- >> get a workout in. >> see how the
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welcome back to the show, but don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. we're going to show you this video, i have to say like, who knew? >> okay. . >> who knew that you could hand feed a stingray? >> i did. >> i've done it. >> me xdtoo. >> what? >> i'm like you, beth. i'm with you. >> i'm going to take the who knew a little further. when you hand fed a sting rey, were you at an aquarium? >> yeah. >> this isn't an aquarium. >> this is in the wild? >> this is a boat ramp. >> this ist( a wild stingray at the boat ramp in western australia and as you see, a pretty large stingray. >> give him another one? >> comes up to the edge of the water and is waiting patiently for this woman to feed him what looks like little small fish. the dog is even mesmerized by this stingrayp. watch her. ♪
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>> i bet people feed them frequently and that's probably why this thing hangs around. >> maybe the stingrays do hang around waiting forxtra bits of food, but that det itit out of their hand. she's on the rocks. she is chilling on the rocks like come on, give me my bait. >> beth, we got to go to sea world and experience xdthis. >> i want to do it at a boat ramp. >> don't have anymore. ladies, how about a couple of videos. this guy playing with the dog, splashing the dog with his flip flop and looking oh so sexy in his tighties there. watch closely to the boat next to him. >> oh! >> yep. there goes the truck with all those canisters they were trying to load into the boat. maybe that guy should have paid more attention. >> my bad. forget to put the emergency brake on. >> look at the dog.
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the dog is like, that just happened. >> i'm like what the heck just happened? >> this one. >> noneny? >> very funny. >> a white mercedes backing up a very narrow street or driveway. parks the car, opens the door, gets out and goes to get something in the driveway, maybe the newspaper or something. look out. she had no idea the car is about to hit her. >> no. >> the best part coming up. bam! >> oh, no. to add insult to injury. >> that's sad. she looked like she's really hurt. she's just riding in pain on the driveway. >> no. that's not -- she's not riding in pain. she's riding on the ground thinking my husband is going to kill me. guys, last week i showed you this video and it almost hurt po watch from some sort of rodeo school in quebec, canada. we see at this school go up against the bull and goes for quite a ride.
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we all said who in their right mind would do this? who is this crazy? we've got an answer. he's 22 years old named max joining us right this minute. first of all, what were you training for in this instance? >> it with you like you said, rodeo school. at the end of the day, no one would take the bull, so i just said, okay, i'll try. but as you saw, it was not like it was supposed to be. >> what did freak style rodeo? what is that? you're not riding the bull. >> no one is riding. it's rodeo clown. >> this bull got you with his horns. what does it feel like? >> when they were in the air i opened my eyes, like dude. >> did you get injured and would you do it again? >> this time i wasn't hurt. people were like, [ inaudible ] and actually i did it again and i tried to jump a mexican bull
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and i failed. >> so have your parents said anything to you about your hobby? >> you think i showed this to my mom? >> i don't think so. >> one more question for you, max. you said you're always up for a fight. are you afraid of anything? >> yeah.çó two stray dogs and the guy who wants to help them. >> good girl. >> he starts earning their trust. >> see how the rescue ends, next "right this minute." still to come -- his unit is pinned down by enemy gunfire so he heads down the hill toward it. >> basically he's using himself as bait. >> pretty much. >> oh. >> see his courage under fire, next. >> it's the parking lot rescue with one big question. >> what is that. it's like -- >> he uses a giant net to fish
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a west virginia casino spending a fortune... to stop question seven. they don't want competition. the washington post wrote the casino behind the ads is... "most concerned with its own bottom line." and the baltimore sun says it "doesn't have maryland... taxpayers' interests at heart." so when you see these ads remember... they're about what's good for west virginia's casino... not maryland. vote for maryland jobs and schools. vote for question seven. time to see what's up with some bonus videos on our website with the best of rtm. >> people are complaining about the new charger. it's a different kind of adapter. >> right. >> casey here had one of theç k docks. he's figured out how to make an iphone dock for the new iphone
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5, few screws, hot glue and you're done. >> what would you d if a random s eating a meal and said give me a bite of that? that is what andrew was up to in italy during a trip there. walking around asking strangers, let me try what you're eating there. >> can i have a bite of your food? >> see, both of these videos all you to do is head over to our website and click -- >> best of rtm. >> next time you think about complaining about a bad day at work, remember this video. incredible video provided to us by bunker 530. the u.s. soldier in the kunar province of afghanistan, running points with had his squad. the guys behind him. he's laying down. the fire they were doing some recon on the village below. these guys are pinned down. in order to draw the enemy fire. >> i'm moving down! >> he starts to go down the mountain. he gets in trouble. you can hear the consistent enemy fire right here.
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did you see that? >> oh. >> right in front of him. >> another one. >> that's enemy rounds hitting right at his feet. >> oh! >> did he get hit? >> he did. take a round. he's still not done. >> he continues to return fire and you see dust and dirt as the rounds are striking around him. >> oh. he got hit again. >> that's the second round this guy takes. he then takes cover behind some boulders here. >> i'm hit! i'm hit! >> oh! my goodness, you're kidding me. >> that's the third round. that round struck his rifle, knocked it right out of his hand. >> oh, my goodness. >> he took6z four rounds. none of them pen straighted his armor. this guy made it down the hill on his own. >> i'm moving down!
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guys, next time you're at an airport waiting for your flight, i have a way for you to kill some time but also get a workout in. >> if you're like me and travel a lot more, the toughest thing is finding a way to exercise at the airport. >> this is mike johnston, he has an youtube channel called mike's lessons. >> if you jumped on the ground and started doing pushups you're going to look like a moron. >> don't want to do jumping jacks in the terminal. who brought the crazy person? >> he has a way to get a workout in and not look like a moron. >> sprint back and forth between gates but you stop and look up and go -- now and then you run back. and then you look up and go -- and do it again. >> i like that. because there are always people at the airport running around. it would make it better if you had a wheelie carry-on bag for added weight. a little exercise, little acting. >> looks like a moron who's lot.
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>> we're going to miss our flight. >> this is not the right great xwaets. >> sir, what gate did you have to go to? >> huh? >> hope you got some -- >> we know it's not good to liter and a specific reason why you don't want to do it. a wild animal could get its head stuck in it and that's what happened to this skunk. it's underneath the car stuck because it has a dessert container stuck on its head and can't get it off. >> this is not the mt fun rescue because a skunk as we know can spray you. >> i think the person who did the rescue didn't get sprayed because he used some specific tactics to protect himself. >> this poor little skunk. oh. his little head. >> what is that? like -- >> he used a giant net to fish it from underneath the car. notice, he doesn't just let it go. he wraps it up in a blanket to maneuver the head from underneath the net so he doesn't get sprayed. >> had ice cream or yogurt.
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>> ice cream. >> some sort of dish. >> a dish with a plastic lid. >> from mcdonald's. >> mcdonald's. >> the domed lid is still on that thing. >> yeah. the dome lid is, you know, around his neck. he's able to get what was holding the food off. that plastic lid is not going anywhere. they moved to the truck to get some scissors. he gets one part of it off but it's really snug around the neck. >> the people of toronto wild life rescue finished the job, put him in the woods. you can see there was a rain drop on the lens, why it's blurry. >> keep beth from crying. >> this is from mdm. >> this guy is unbelievable. like ice skating except you got a motorcycle. >> see how many crazy stunts he can pull off when we come back.
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two-hand grab. >> advanced maneuver. >> flipping around. >> you got to switch positions. banana box. >> box cat is bored. owner gets into the mix. >> third party banana box participant. but fun had by all includingñi here on cats right this minute do the darnedest things across america. these two guys can tell some moms a thing or two about getting the baby to stop crying gangnam style. that is baby claire. claire's dad brian was watching the wvu maryland game and claire started crying and then they figured out what gets her to top. -- stop. ♪ ♪ gangnam style >> when they turn the music off, it's back to the tears. ♪ >> oh. >> she'll remember this on youtube years from now. >> and i have to say, dad needs
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to enjoy this while he can, because when she's a little older the only thing that's going to make her stop crying is his credit card and the keys to the car. ♪ >> claire is super cute. the freestyle sport bike championships were held in indianapolis and this is your winner. polish rider rafell. we've seen guys handle motorcycles before. this guy is unbelievable. ♪ >> like ice skating except you have a motorcycle. >> watch how fast he rips through a whole routine of tricks here. boom, boom, feet, feet on the seat, over the handle bars. >> i feel like there's a wire that he just has going back and forth holding him into place. this defies the laws of gravity. >> sorry. he is completely backwards.
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>> and managing to turn the bike and stay within the confines of the arena that he's in. >> he did not face plant on the pavement. ♪ >> that was sitting on the handle bars. >> i love motorcycles, motorcycle stunts. this guy impressed me. ♪ that's going to dit for this edition of "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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