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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 27, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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hi, i'm beth troutman. welcome to another edition of "right this minute." we have the best videos of the day and the stories behind them starting right now. >> a woman who lost 160 pounds exposes the hidden side of dieting. >> she took photos of herself nude. >> what she's hoping will come from her candid self-portrait. >> she's got lights and sirens on and the deputy's car it's unmarked. >> colorado cops chase a teen doing 90. >> in a jail trans port vehicle. >> hear the crazy low-speed story that led to the high-speed chase. >> rcuers trying to free a hump back whale spot dolphins jumping nearby. >> almost like they're rooting for their big buddy. >> the story behind the astounding sights. >> and the internet has a new target. >> the nfl replacement refs. >> let the parodies begin.
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>> ♪ whistle baby julia of milwaukee repeatedly lost half her weight. she was 338 pounds. but she docunted her weight loss in afá photo project she called [ inaudible ].fá this photo proj%? she posed nude. this whole thing started with her taking photos of herself in changing rooms throughout her weight loss. >> she's working on an mfa and in a photography class and bring them in. other students were fascinated behind the story behind the images and decided to turn it into a full-blown project and took photos of herself in front of the refrigerator. >> that is incredibly brave of her. >> you have to give her credit, too, for losing that much weight. you also see the toll that it takes on someone's body. >> these are the aftereffects and she sees these imerfectioios as her battle scars.oesn't smiln
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these images she says she's very happy now. >> this is probably one of the bravest photo projects that i've ever seen because we do live in such a judgmental society. >> do you think people would maybe look at this and not want to lose weight because they see, gosh, i'm not going to snap back to what i see on the cover of a magazine. >> they're losing weight, not just because of the superficial benefits of it. they're losing weight because of the health benefits. >> in a way, maybe this is making her feel more comfortable with the body she now has by putting these photos out there on the table saying i'm not afraid to show what i've become. maybe helping her cope with what she looks like. >> how did she do it? >> she did it through calorie counting, portion control, more exercise. take a look at this video released from the colorado department of transportation. this is on interstate 70 and that is a police chase.
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a high speed police chase that reached speeds of nearly 100 miles per hour. that vehicle that they're chasing is a stolen clear creek county jail transport vehicle. >> oh, boy. >> did a suspect like decide to climb in the driver's seat and take off? >> the woman you're seeing here, shelby figueroa, according to deputies, 18 years old, was driving down the highway in her own car, very slowly. according to sheriff deputies she was drying two miles per hour down the middle of the highway. so -- >> pretty slow. >> they arrested her. put her in cuffs. put her in the back of this transport vehicle. they went to go deal with her vehicle, she slipped out of the handcuffs, got into the driver's side of this transport vehicle and took off. she went from driving 2 miles per hour, to leading police on a chase of nearly 100 miles per hour. >> what's this girl's story? >> according to court documents
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figueroa did have cocaine and alcohol in her system. and this wasn't her only offense for driving under the influence. >> why did her face get allñr mangled? >> as the chase continued for nearly 20 miles, police eventually put down spike strips, blew out one tire, they were able to ram her car, she spun out and it flipped. she was injured when the car flipped. you can see from her mug shot the damage to her face. and according to sheriff's deputies, faces as you can imagine several charges. we love those videos where people are on a boat seeing the dolphins and whales, right? >> yeah. >> here's one except this hump back whale is entangled in a net. >> oh. >> we don't like those videos. >> no. you will like this one because the people in the boat are doing everything they can to free this
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whale from the entanglement it's in. they have those big, long hooks you know with the knife at the end that they're able to reach out and start to cut away the rope that's on. they have also attached a bunch of buoys to the ropes on the whale so they can keep track of the different ropes and make sure when they cut it they can get it out of the water. what i found really neat, you see the dolphin jumping around, almost like they're rooting for their big buddy. >> they're keeping a watchful eye on their friend, the hump back whale. >> this rescue took about four hours off the coast of new zealand. one point they get excited because when they cut the rope a lot comes back into the boat. >> that was a magic box. >> oh, good. >> what a cool feeling it has to be to set free something that is just so much bigger than yourself. >> good job. >> good one. >> that was a good cut. >> this video is a little blurry but you see 77-year-old rose miranda loading up her car, doing shopping at walmart.
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and then you see an suv pull up right next to her out of the car gets some dude and walks past her. she continues to load up her car. she shuts her trunk. about to get into her car, that man we saw exiting the suv, walks back to where she is, and look at what he does. >> oh. >> what did he do? did he pull her on the ground? >> he grabbed her purse, but she held on to it. as he was yanking it away from her, he ended up dragging her on the pavement. he eventually got away. jumped in the suv and they were able to get away. meanwhile, rose is on the floor, she hit herself and ended up getting a cut on her chin and her head ended up swelling. >> pulled me like that. and then i -- i start screaming. >> did this guy get away with the purse too? >> he did get away with the purse, but fortunately, this story does have a happy ending.
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20-year-old michael shaffer did end up getting arrested. they were able to track down the suv. they confronted the alleged thief as he was being arrested. >> i didn't touch nothing. is this what this is all about? >> snatch a woman's purse at walmart? >> no. >> lock the guy up and throw away the key. >> what a creep. >> they not only arrested him but also arrested the 19-year-old that was the driver of the suv when they got away. >> yeah. ♪ >> rain, winds and foam. >> is that the same foam they use in the night clubs where they do a foam party. >> unfortunately, no. find out what's going on with the sea acting like a washing machine. and -- >> got two bits of extreme for you. >> what goes up, must come down. see what goes down, when they go up.
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as you probably know, the
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water cooler talk as of late has been all about the nfl replacement refs. even though they settled last night, parodies on the internet have been rolling in like this one, a music video to the tune of flo rider's song "whistle" ♪ borrow a whistle baby i'm a scab ♪ ♪ whistle baby whistle baby >> oh. ouch. >> ouch. >> some commentary that basically anybody could be a replacement ref and a lot of people are saying look, these guys have no idea what they're doing. we saw sort of a blunder on monday night football this week. well, someone has created a replacement google, if you will. google now sponsored by the nfl. give me something to google. anything you want. >> kate upton. >> beautiful. >> of course. >> we're going to google that and we're going to get information on pineapples.
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because quite frankly, replacement google gets everything wrong. of course this is all the brain child of a web developer out of burlington, vermont, named eric johnson. his commentary on the nfl and their replacement refs and eric is joining us right this minute to tell us about replacement google. >> i love it. >> it looks like google. how did you do this? >> i did it rather quickly. actually, i was on a lunch break from my day job and the idea popped in my head and i said to myself, i'm going to go for it. so wrote up the code. it wasn't as hard to write faulty code as it is to write good code. >> i hear you're getting a ton of daily unique visitors to replacement google. >> that's correct. yeah. i launched 2:00 p.m. tuesday, went viral maybe withinxd 30 minutes and ended up with a little over 100,000 unique visitors for the day. >> eric, i just googled the name
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of our show "right this minute" and got results of movies without shaq in them. >> one or two movies without shaq, so -- you've got winds, you've got rain, and you've got foam battering a scottish coastal town. that is foam. not snow. >> is that the same foam they use in the night clubs where they do a big oldxd foam party? >> no. this is foam from the sea. scientists say when the ocean is acting like a washing machine and they have this mu cause from plankton you get foam like that. it's going to take a while to clean up. >> damages property, probably the foundation on homes. look at the this, the winds reached 70 miles per hour in some places, shut down ferry service, rail service and bridges. >> can you imagine the stink? >> they've been having heavy rains across the uk and we all see foam and romantic movies but
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not in this volume. s they residents talked to the news about it. >> couldn't believe the people. >> what happened to her? >> she got caught in the washing machine of the ocean. >> at first i thought it was just the sea coming over but it gradually came closer and closer to the house. >> that's like the strongest wind i have ever, ever, heard. that was scary. and then to see the sea foam. it looked like winter. >> i'm with nick. bring the disco ball and tequila and have a party. >> there were no injuries. if you can imagine that. girls, i have a tech roundup of three items you might want to have. the first one is the plant host drone. this little device follows the sun. you put your plant in it and the shade moves across the floor, the little potter goes to find the sun. it was developed by a belgium sculpture named steven. >> i need this device. i have a brown thumb literally and figuratively speaking. >> the next device is in
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development and its aim is to help undo some of the social networking pitfalls. this friend zone bracelet will vibrate when you're near somebody that has like-minded ideas. there's an app that connects to your facebook so if i like race cars and you like race cars and you're nearby, it will alert me with a little vibration. up to me to mix and mingle and find the person nearby that likes what i like. >> that sounds like way too much work for me. >> this might help shy people, though. might make them think he really likes this obscure french movie that i like from the 1950s. where else am i going to find a man like that. >> there you go. getting one for gayle for christmas. >> the last one i love. called the hydro view by a company called aqua bottics. underwater remote operated vehicle with a high definition video camera, led lights and motion control technology. your own personal submarine. >> that's cool because if you're like beth and i and we do not like the sharks we can have the
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experience without actually having to get in there and risk our lives. >> even though they show a little girl operating this thing, it isn't a toy. the prices start, start at $4,000. >> oh. >> i would rather have the boat. i'm captain jonathan off the coast on the discovery channel. >> made a plea for help for a san diego area teenager named tomas doughty. >> someone reached out to the family saying i will donate $250,000. >> but, it all went wrong. see how you can help thomas. and it's in the water and it's swimming toward the boat. de owt'-- >> not the lochnster. >> a bear? >> not a bear. >> then what the heck is it? see for yourself on "right this
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[ dog growls, barks ]
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bring your dog to work day... not our best idea. are better than others. that was fast! thank you.
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. >> this handsome young man is thomas doty, 19 years old. for three years he has been battling a rare form of bone cancer. >> i'm captain jonathan hillstrand off the deadliest catch on discovery channel.
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i came here to help people save this family and get them turned around. >> after the video aired someone reached out to the family saying, i will donate $250,000, except that money never came because of this, thomas went without treatment for weeks and his condition started severely deteriorating. to tell us more about thomas and how he's doing we have his mom tiffany right this minute. how is thomas doing? >> he's doing better than he was doing a week ago. >> did you stop accepting donations from other resources when this woman came to you guys and said, she was going to give you the money you needed? >> we stopped our fund-raising effort to the full extent. there were many other fund razors being offered to us that we held off. when we realized it wasn't on its way it crushed thomas. those were his exact words. i didn't think it was possible for somebody to do something like that. >> how much money are we talking
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about here? what are his treatments costing you? >> what our goal was to raise was $250,000ñi starting here an where are we going to be six months from now. i will do anything that it takes to make sure my son gets the care he needs and deserves. >> has thomas started treatment yet? >> yes, he has. his color is better more are alert. e-mails and letters, people are sending in support of thomas. he absolutely loves. you can see behind me here this is the whole kindergarten class that got together and they all put together these cards. >> where can people go to donate for thomas? >> we have a website set up for thomas, very simple, all right. nick, i want you to tell me how on earth this is possible. this is a guy in one of those raw crawler type jeeps and you see right in front of him looks like a straight up vertical wall.
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hits the gas. and here he goes. i don't know how a vehicle of any kind is able to go like that up and down. and if you bif it near the top you're tumbling. >> yeah. >> these jeeps are built for this kind of thing, right? but i mean if you fall backwards. rolling down a mountain in a car is never good. >> yeah. >> this is pretty extreme too. this is from hall harbor in ireland. we've got a kite surfer ross park. you see him over here on the right side of this break water. he's moving along pretty fast. he gets up in the air and clears it and then some. and he landed too. super man. >> totally superman. >> and kept going. >> yeah! >> deejay has a bone to pick with a certain is deium. this time it's -- >> skeletonsxd in the closet.
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>> alike all underwear and sock and shoes in the closet and also the bones of humans. >> find out what he has to when we switched to fios, we got better tv, better phone, better internet. it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. we're actually getting more for our money with fios. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money. upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone with our best price online. just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. there's at least three computers. [ girl 1 ] a tablet. [ woman 1 ] couple of gaming systems.
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this is a poodle. he's only 1-ear-old and he's angry. ♪ >> with that face, how can he possibly be upset? she's cute. >> she is cute. i'm thinking it's just the nose
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that really sets it off. the little black nose. >> he can be mad at me like that any day. >> it looks more pouty to me than angry like when a 5-year-old isn't angry. just pouting. >> he's only 1-year-old and he's like you know what, i am upset. what's this? wait a minute. i'm mad. >> he's mad because he got xbox privileges taken away? >> know what he's upset about? >> what? ♪ >> oh! are you kidding me? really? >> that's all he wants is like scratch me under the chin. apparently he really lines that. >> that's the spot. >> oh. >> the origin of american issiums with our german deejay. love this guy. >> i'm making a new band. popular is my sin thizer player man and he -- i have just said to him, you are in the band. i walk away and then he said oh.
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[ inaudible ] skeletons in the closet. >> the issyium that he is tackling this time around, skeletons in the closet. >> what? why are you telling me now? you mean like he has like all underwear and socks and shoes in the closet? and also the bones of human lov look. it looks like he's been up all night thinking about these things. >> he's not going to want to fire pablo now. could become the next set of skeletons in the closet. >> keep the band. we are not a band. where are the drums? i don't know. let's look in pablo's closet. soon it is not a band. it's just a solo and it's the sin thizer solo. pablo cannot be in the band. who should tell him? i'm not going to say. facebook.
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>> i am so glad that technology has given us cameras because we get to see things like this. >> look at him. they can swim great. >> this is in canada. and suddenly they see something swimming toward them in the water. >> is that an otter? >> not an otter. >> loch ness. what's the canadian version of lake monsters? what do they have? ♪ >> not the loch ness monster. >> a bear? >> not a bear. >> go, go! [ bleep ]. >> what? >> oh, wow. it's a mountain lion. >> a cougar. >> came over to them, said hey, what's up? are you having a good afternoon? turned around and started swimming away. >> kept on going. >> yep, i have to show you cats can swim and i'm going to keep going to the other side of this river. >> swims over to the rocky area, climbs up like a pro and just walks away. >> what a rare sight. it's rare to see the mountain lions, cougars in the wild to
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begin with but to see one swimming at your boat. >> and swimming well. >> they can swim great. >> thank you, technology. it's been great. >> that's our show. we'll see you tomorrow for the rtm top ten countdown. have a great one, everyone.
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