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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  November 2, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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imagine, pull it back up. >> i want to put it on a lobster for one of those lobster fights. >> i wish it got farther, he went to the group of halibut, do not go after that orange lure. it's a trap. it's the second time you've been caught, george, when are you going to learn? >> crappy day in the ocean. that's it for us here on "right this minute." we'll see you next time. -- captions by vitac -- i got it when my internet here was faster than at my office.
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[ man ] i got it when i uploaded a gigabyte of photos. i literally wanted to say "did you see that?" [ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just 84.99 a month for a year, our best price online... with no annual contract. fios brings you the best tv picture quality... internet ranked the fastest in the nation... and fios doesn't cap your internet usage, so you can upload and download as much as you want... it's one hundred percent fiber optic, one hundred percent different from cable. so get fios for just 84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. don't wait. go to today. that's call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v.
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see why millions have chosen fios over cable hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman, it's friday and time for the "rtm" countdown right this minute. a jet skier is humming along. >> then something bad happens. >> you'll know it when you see it. >> how does that happen, how do you miss the water? a suspect leads cops through four counties doing double speed. >> seems like the actions of a professional criminal. >> why police were stunned with who was really driving. see a gentleman return lost items for people. except it's a prank and that's not their stuff. we've also got the friday buzz word for our great ipad giveaway and a rabbit eating a cucumber in a cup. >> i don't know why they put the
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rabbit in a cup. >> weird stuff like this, you could watch all day. >> all day. time to get our countdown started. right off the top, it's a video that's flying until it stops, all of a sudden. >> two dudes, one jet ski, that's how this video begins, but boy does it take a turn for the worst. they are going pretty fast. they got this thing up to 90 kilometers an hour, or close to 56 miles per hour. that's pretty fast for a jet ski. you see they are cruising pretty good. for the most part, they are going straight. then they start taking a few turns, then something bad happens. watch this. >> oh! >> whoa! >> you can see within a second, within a flash, they go from water to land, landing in these bushes. >> how did that happen? how do you miss the water? >> looks like they were going really fast and going kind of close to the edge of the water,
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close to the woods. i think when they tried to cut it back to go back towards the water, they were going way too fast, got out of control. you see they fly up into this bush and both of them fly off the jet ski. these guys are airborne landing in this bush. >> i wonder if there was, like, a branch under the water they didn't see to cause that. >> did they get hurt? looked solid, wasn't shrubs. >> according to them, they both walked away unscathed. >> look at him getting up like nothing happened, oh, that was fun. >> the guy in front popped up right away to check on his friend, popped off the video. but both walked away unscathed. the jet ski, though, suffered a few scratches, you could say. >> i would think so. >> was it a rental? >> yeah, johnny? you're going to need to come get the jet ski out of a tree. >> it's stuck in a tree.
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headed down to our top video of the day, but first number nine, and video that's full of all kinds of craziness. sunday night, many celebrated the giants win at the world series, including myself. the videos i'm about to show you make me sick. this one was taken at the world series parade. he is taping a fight between some guy and some chick. well, keep watching, because this whole time we're thinking this fight is between this woman, that dude, then feet away, another fight breaks out, but this one is particularly disturbing, because look at what one of the guys is holding in his hand. >> a kid? >> a baby, an infant. this guy is getting into a fight while he's holding the child. he does eventually hand the child off to someone and then just goes at it with this guyn the striped sht, ll-on .
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>> disgusting. >> i don't understand it. >> first of all, he's holding the child like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, then has the audacity, take my kid, i'm going to beat this guy up. >> this is absolutely disgusting, just like this video we found on ktvu. this happened after the actual win on sunday night. this bus was operating and had eight passengers inside and the driver. they were able to get out of the bus before the vandalism started, but you can see people here throwing maybe a molatov cocktail. >> so much cops and civil diso bo bead yens and police force. >> this is embarrassing, you're supposed to be celebrating the win of your city's team. you're not supposed to cost the city money. a little dash cam video is
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up next at number eight on our countdown, and the guy behind the wheel, you're not going to believe this one. what if i was to tell you a high-speed chase through four ohio counties involving three stolen cars was all started by a 12-year-old boy? >> i'd say no way. >> yes way. check out this video from wbns. what you're looking at is a truck. this truck is the third car a 12-year-old took in order to get away. police say the 12-year-old started in wayne county, where he stole his parents' van. went to another county, ditched that car, stole another one. then ditched the second car, and the third one, police started following him. >> look through the back window of the truck, you don't see a driver. it was like a ghost driver. nobody there. >> think about it, he's going 60 to 65 miles per hour in 30 mile
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an hour zones. it's raining. you can see they are using a stop stick to stop the kid and a cop has to jump out of the way so he doesn't get hit. this is how the chase came to a conclusion. see here they throw out more stop sticks and then he swerves. you can see to the left the truck spins out and into the mud. then an officer and a police dog go after him. >> geez. almost an extra layer of carefulness that you want to use in this kind of situation. >> after it was all over, the dad did say the night before he had been watching police chase videos. the 12-year-old is in juvenile hall facing charges of grand theft and felony eluding. >> already at 12 years old. it's friday, everybody, and we have an ipad to give away. >> you have to be 18 or older to
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enter and you have to have friday's buzz word. >> we'll be giving you the buzz word in awhile, that's when you head over to our facebook page. >> click on the win an ipad button and enter the buzz word. >> friday's buzz word in just a bit. remember, you have to be 18 years or older to enter for your chance to win an ipad3. videos of hurricane sandy's devastation keep hitting the web. this one from new york. the firefighters, waist deep. >> i'm absolutely soaked. >> trying to put this fire out. you may think why are they bothering? they don't want it to spread to nearby homes. >> here comes the wind. >> fighting this fire in frigid water, dealing with downed power lines. >> watch the wires over your head. >> it's incredible. and in the pitch black. obviously, there's no electricity around, obviously, you can't see anything. >> nothing you can do.
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>> here's another video of three homes in greenwich, connecticut. this video was shot by fire captain larry roberts. the winds completely whipping these flames into an absolute inferno. >> look at all of the sparks flying toward the bushes. >> looks like this video is in fast forward. >> it does, the way the wind and debris is blowing, spreading the embers to other homes. you can see the sea spray and the waves breaking and blowing the sea spray right at them. three buildings here burned, plus another outbuilding. they are credited to keeping this fire and not spreading to the entire neighborhood. >> the more and more you see, the more heartbreaking it becomes. a top secret military unit
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that tests parachute fails. >> you're basically a human crash test dummy. >> they use real people for this? >> yes. >> see how it turns out next on the countdown. and halloween revenge of the snow leopard. >> weird stuff like this you could watch all day.
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back to the rtm top ten countdown. it's all about the stop at the it's 4:00 in the morning, and your job in the military is to test parachutes. basically, a human crash test dummy. the guy that's about to jump is mark and he belongs to the u.s. army combat unit. his job is also to practice parachute landing falls so that they can test different scenarios in which the parachutes will be used. he jumps and everything seems
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really smooth. now, i have to tell you, he's carrying about 100 extra pounds of equipment. again, it's part of the test. >> he's going down pretty fast. >> right about here, you hear him say -- the winds are very, very high, and so he's battling with the force of the winds. right about there, you do see him drop the 100 pounds of gear. >> that will slow him down a bit. that's a good idea. >> ahhhh! >> what happened? >> his landing was so hard that he couldn't do anything that he was supposed to. probably why he said this is going to suck. >> ahhhhh! ahhhh! >> when he finally landed, his parachute ended up opening, the wind dragged him. he ends up fracturing his hip, and he did suffer other broken bones, including his ankle. just a little while later, you do see the other guys that were
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jumping with him come to his aid. >> aaaahhh! >> this happened four years ago, and he's been in the process of recooperating from this fall for the last four years. it's top five time on the countdown. number five, when animals attack their food. >> it's time to munch on gayle's animal playtime. first, the zoo, two cubs and their mom, they are snow leopards. >> time to munch? >> hope we're not eating a snow leopard. snow leopards are munching. >> they are munching. >> we have mom and raj and sabu. >> they are attacking those pumpkins with some force. are they going to eat with the pumpkins? >> bite it, throw it around, jump on each other. that's what they do. i like when they pick them up with their paws, forget it, bite
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it, walk away. three pumpkins, two snow leopards. >> the mom is like, come on, guys, there's enough to go around. >> wrestling move off the rope, dive down on the pumpkins. >> frog splash. weird stuff like this, you could watch all day. >> all day. >> i got one more. >> are they munching too? >> they are munching. rabbit in a cup. there it sits and its hair looks like it's got product. it's punk rabbit look and eating cucumber. look at that mouth. that's the cutest mouth ever. then on top of that, looks like he's talking to us. >> probably his first cucumber. that's why he's chewing it so much. >> that's a cute bunny. >> that was gayle's animal playtime. next up, everybody, our pick for number four. >> take a look at this massive
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surf. any idea where this might be? >> georgia. >> wrong. holland, michigan. >> this is a great lake? >> massive surf, huge breaks. can you wear two wet suits? looks like they might be wearing dry suits. hood on, mittens on, cool day i would have never guessed where this was. >> was this high winds? >> shot earlier this week, on tuesday. i imagine some of the emergency from hurricane sandy made its way to the great lakes. you know how we see the bridge jumpers, oh, they are so brave, so fearless. they get nervous too. this is marshall miller getting ready to attempt a base jump off a bridge in idaho. look at him. >> shaking like a leaf on a tree. three, two, one. despite his fear, off he goes. this video is set to a song called "bare bones" by crady.
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pretty scary. he had doubts, but still pulled it off. i thought he was going to do a countdown, okay, now from five, from ten, from 20. i like to know these guys are human and not some super hero guys that have no fear. >> what does he say when he lands? this guy is trying to return stuff to people, but it's not their stuff. see? it's not their stuff. it's a prank. see what happens on the countdown. and guy riding on a bus, a big viral video, that is now getting the remix. >> when somebody brings the dish you really like to a buffet and you're standing over it, eating it, get the
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so, maybe you're trying to figure out question seven. well, let me give it a shot. if you're ok with marylanders spending five hundred and... fifty million a year gaming in other states, fair enough. but if you think we should keep that money here...
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add twelve thousand jobs, and generate millions for schools... well you should probably vote for question seven. because if it doesn't pass, all of this goes away. that's why the post called seven, common sense. but decide for yourself. [ sally umlaut ] what? the five stages of muller. ah yes... stage one: suspicion. "it's a yogurt, how good can it be?" stage two: revision. "actually, this ain't bad." stage three: surprise! "look at this cool cornery thing! i love this stuff!!" stage four: desolation. "it's gone!" stage five: anticipation "i guess i could always have another"... "have you been through the five stages of muller yet?" "yeah, just now."
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[ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. we're back to our top ten countdown. number three is one that is blowing up. >> next video comes to us from the youtube channel social mom. hang on a sec. give you your drink back. >> thank you very much. i -- what happened here? >> cheers, right? >> i've never seen this drink in my life. what is this? >> that is what this video is all about. it's called "returning stuff to people that's not theirs." >> hey, here's your highlighter back. thanks. >> thanks. >> i got your markers here.
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i used the green one. >> i think you got me confused with someone else. >> no? you got the glasses and everything. hey, i brought "eight mile" back. it's pretty good. >> not mine. >> not yours? you sure? >> i would like to see him try to return valuable things and see how honest people are. >> hey, you left your ipod in troy's car. i've been looking for you. >> that's not mine. sorry. >> you sure? >> positive. >> this girl, we like that. >> ipod. >> i thought it was liz's, but she has her music on her phone. >> that's not mine. >> are you sure? >> i'm sure. >> the rest of the video he goes back and explains, hey, we're pulling this prank on people. he does go back and talk to the cute girl with the ipod for quite a bit. >> honest and cute? >> two good qualities right
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there. >> you think that person is completely messed like i thought steven was for a sec. that's not my drink. you may have seen this video. it went viral, just a random dude having fun on a bus. >> making his commute a little more exciting. >> peop online have been talking about this and sharing it with each other and now we're seeing the remixes. this remix was done by big cheese kid. ♪ riding on the bus ♪ riding on the bus >> that's big cheese kid you're hearing, rapping, talking, singing about this video. ♪ riding in a bus ♪ riding on a bus ♪ >> the song he made and lyrics he came up with go with this
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guy's dance perfect. >> the more you watch it, the better it gets. ♪ >> you know what would be funny? if the music this guy was really listening to was some classical -- just completely different, but this is how he dances. ♪ peanut jelly >> don't stop, get it, get it. >> this is my stop. it's friday buzz word time and the "right this minute" ipad3 giveaway. remember, you have to head over to our facebook page to enter our giveaway. >> here we go, time to reveal the buzz word. >> friday's buzz word is -- >> paranormal.
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head over to our facebook page. >> then enter friday's buzz word, paranormal, for your chance to win an ipad3. good luck, everybody. racing to the finish line until -- >> watch close. collision. >> see how n when we switched to fios, we got better tv,
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just because it's almost thanksgiving doesn't mean you can't reminisce about summer. ♪ they are on inflatable tubes, turtles, inflatable jet skis. >> that makes life good, anything you can do on an inflatable turtle is worth doing. i want to be friends with these people. these people look like fun people. i would ride down that slip when we switched to fios, we got better tv,
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better phone, better internet. it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. we're actually getting more for our money with fios. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money. upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone with our best price online. just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. there's at least three computers. [ girl 1 ] a tablet. [ woman 1 ] couple of gaming systems. we could all be running at the same time. we do not notice any dips. [ male announcer ] get tv rated #1 in customer satisfaction. and get the school year off to a great start with america's fastest, most consistent and most reliable internet. internet is absolutely imperative for school nowadays. look up this, write an essay on that. my life is greatly improved because of fios. [ male announcer ] move up to fios today for just $84.99 a month for a year. with no annual contract, there's no reason to wait. you should totally get fios. [ male announcer ] visit now


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