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tv   News  ABC  November 7, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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in chicago white mood was a bit more somber in boston. we will take you to both presidential camps to see what both men had to say. >> maryland makes history becoming one the first states to legalize same sex marriage. how voters turned out in support of question 6. >> and get ready to double down table games coming to maryland after voters approved question 7. we will tell you what that means on this wednesday november 7th. good morning maryland i am charley crowson. >> i am megan pringle. we have you covered as far as the election if you went to bed and woke up wondering how things shaped up we have you covered. >> also got you covered on the weather side lynette standing by with news you need to know about as you make your way out of the door. >> reporter: lots going on this morning. and we have been talking about the nor'easter and it's pretty much here bringing rain across the area a wintery mix a little earlier that rain snow mix will continue as we head throughout the day. and we can see mainly rain now along the eastern shore and this is going to slide up toward the north as we go throughout the day and also in
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the afternoon. we will see snow across the area as well. so with that we have a wintier weather' veesry that goes into effect at 10 this morning and lingers until tomorrow morning. this is for the blue color here. now we look back off towards the pinkish color that's a winter storm warning for those areas. so they could be receiving up to 3 to 5 inches of some snowfall when it's all said and done by tomorrow morning. this is what we are going to be expecting throughout the day. here at home maybe 1 to 2 slushy inches of snow. 36 degrees right now in perry hall and temperatures are very cold this morning. and the cold weather will continue throughout the day and it's going to be breezy out there. so we will have a wind chill to talk about. and as we look at what's going on in terms of temperatures across the area west friendship colder coming in at 33 degrees but feeling more like the upper 20s with the wind out of the northeast today. 39 degrees in chestertown and feeling more like we are in the mid-30s across that area and this is what you can expect for the planner for the rest of
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today going into lunchtime. quite windy with the temperature at 36 degrees. and that wintery mix will stick around as we go throughout the rest of tonight. let's check the traffic with lauren cook good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you will want to expect very slushy conditions later this afternoon into the evening. right now rain is headed up towards baltimore prepare forslick conditions this morning. we are dealing with accidents trouble in anne arundel county where there's a crash on cape st. john's road and another accident on 95 along the northbound lanes as you approach the beltway in catonsville. not leading to significant backups but traffic is picking up. checking in at the west side of the beltway at old court road traffic is moving along no delays as you head to interstate 70. and the rest of the beltway going to be in great shape no problems to report from parkville up to towson 11 minutes on outer loop from 95 up to 83 and no concerns on the jfx heading downtown. that stretch will take you 11
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minutes to travel from 659 to fayette street. that's your abc2 timesaver traffic megan and charley over to you. president obama gave a passionate victory speech in chicago early wednesday morning. celebrating the reelection to the white house. moving forward was a big part of the message encouraging americans to come together now as a nation. >> i believe we can see the future together because we are not as divide as our politics suggest we are not as critical as the pundits believe and we are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. we are and forever will be the united states of america. >> president obama won both the electoral vote and popular vote in the election. mitt romney called president obama to congratulate him on reelection and the former massachusetts governor conceded defeat at his rally in boston. >> i so wish i had been able to
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fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction. but the nation chose another leader and so ann and i join with you to ernestly pray for him and for the great nation. thank you and god bless america. >> president obama congratulated the romney ryan camp on a hard fought campaign. a little closer to home get ready for table games like blackjack and other casino games built in maryland. >> voters have approve questions by a narrow margei and linda so is live at arundel mills this morning and linda what does this mean for the casinos like the one behind you. >> reporter: it means they can now make way for expanding gambling like the kind you see in atlantic city or las vegas and they can put in table games like roulette alongside the slot machines and it means a 6th casino will be built in prince george's county and they -- georges county and they celebrated with fireworks last night in pg county where supporters had gathered. it was a close vote but at around midnight we learned that
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question 7 had passed. there was a lot of money spent on the campaign from both side supporters saying the extra money earned will go to schools opponents don't believe that will happen. but in the end maryland will be getting table games and another casino in pg county. county executivglad that voters approved the measure. >> prince georges county you carried it home and i want to let you know that the money that comes from this just like we said all along, so sometimes you can't believe a comptroller, the money is going towards education and it's going to help build -- fix 210 health care and jobs and jobs and jobs. >> reporter: now by law the casino in pg county cannot open until 2016 so we have a few more years but table games will
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be add much super than that -- sooner than that. linda so, abc2 glues news. the governor had a messan to the children of maryland you and you families matter that's what he told a crowd after question 6 passed. what is the reaction to this passage. >> reporter: well, i it will you last night there were very- - they were very he can side. it was a big night for -- excited. it was a big night as maryland made same sex marriage legal. aid question that's been defeated each of the 32 times it was on the ballot in other states. maryland is now the 7th state in addition to the district of columbia to approve marriage equality. voting on question 6 came when supporters argued that same sex marriage is is a civil right and that children of same sex couples deserve to be raised by parents who are married. it doesn't perform clergy to perform marriage ceremonies. religious organizations are not required to participate in the
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ceremonies if they object. opponents of question 6 collected more than double the number of signatures required to push it to a referendum. and maryland is the first state to legalize same sex marriage through a ballot referendum. and we caught up with the governor last night as some folks celebrated the win. >> we are all in this together. that in fact our best days are always in front of us and that if we are going expand opportunities and create jobs, we also have to build a more inclusive and a more just and a more fair society all of these things go together in maryland. >> reporter: now local courts can begin issuing marriage license to same sex couples in january and it's important to note it was same sex marriage way proved in maine -- was approved in maine. question 4 on the ballot would allow undocumented students to get in-state
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tuition rates. it a passed with 58% of voters support. to be he will jill for the state rate the stewed -- eligible for the state rate the student must have graduated from a maryland high school and completed two years of community college. democrats will keep control of the senate and poll results were trickeling in for significant races, the democratic wins make it impossible for republicans to regain control of the chamber. it has been in the hands of democrats since 2006. the gop is the majority in the u.s. house of representatives. this happened just two years after republicans took control of the house during the 2010 midterm election. one of the most recognizable building in the world last night told who won the presidential election. >> we will go to new york and show you how the empire state building was lit up the moment it was official the president secured the election.
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5:41 thanks for joining us even if you were nowhere near a tv or cell phone you know who won the election in new york by looking at empire state building that turned blue when cnn called the race for
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president obama. throughout the night, it illuminateed and it was electoral college votes for each side. a love stories as people are looking out for snow. >> and they are going to get it as we go throughout the day. we will have a wintery mix across the area. we can see as we look back toward the west, dry times, that's to come but first off we have to deal with the nor'easter dumping ran across the area this morning and around calvert county we are seeing a little bit of that within theory mix that trend will continue as we head through the rest of today. so expect the rain and expect snow to be mixing in together and as we go into the afternoon expect it to switch over to snowfall across the area that lingers into the overnighttime frame as well. but with that rain coming down first, it's going to be difficult to really get accumulation and also the ground is not as cold as it would be we say in wintertime. temperatures coming in at 35 degrees in columbia. and davidsthe same building in a five month
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period. >> what neighbors have to say about it. >> president obama sent out a victory tweet before the speech. the emotional photo he sent followers.
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thanks for joining usch president obama won a second
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term -- us. president obama juan second term beating out -- won a second term beating out mitt romney. he sent out this picture to his twitter followers and underneath it read 4 more years that has been retweeted nearly 400,000 times. it is the most retweeted tweet ever. mitt romney twitter account has not been updated since about 6 last night. that is when the former governor urged people to go out and vote. looking at facebook all on election day you noticed a lot of similar words in the friend status update the during 12 hours, the top ten most popular words are political. top five are ballot romney election obama and the word vote is number one. facebook wanted to know who was voting and it seems women were more likely than men were. social networking site put up an election day prompt for useers to click on if they headed to the polls. more than twice as many women
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than men clicked on that link saying they were voting more than 8 million facebook users in all shared the decision to vote. people living near a burned out building in fells point are nervous this morning. it's the second time in five months that this bidding has caught on fire. happened in the 500 block ofsouth broadway. look at your tv and see what we are talking about near eastern avenue. 4:30 yesterday morning. the condemned building once contained a small supermarket. no one was hurt however the back of it partially chow lapsed. it was back in june when firefighters had to be called to batel a five alarm fire making neighbors very suspicious. >> this is the second time this happened to it. it don't take a rocket scientist to figure out someone doesn't want the building. >>the fire department has not released an official cause for the fire or one that happened back in june. five things to know as you head out. a teen charged with setting a
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number of fires in howard county is scheduled to go on trial today. richard mahicka is linked to several fires back in may. fresh off the reelection win senator cardlin go out to breakfast beyond by barbara mikulski the traditional post election breakfast at jimmy's restaurant in baltimore. a week after the airlines are canceling flights in the northeast ahead of another storm. united grounded about 500 flights starting at noon today. and that's out of new york and the area the three major airports and airlines have issued fee change waivers so you can change plans without a penalty. am don is going to start to -- amazon is going to offer aprime program for 7.99 a month the seam price for netflix and it's a pricer option for the traditional 79 dollar
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annualfee. the broadway empowerment center is helping people get jobs holding resume writing and job interviewing workshops and local companies will recruit new employees. food bank is raising efforts for people for people in western maryland. >> today they are distribing 34 -- distributing 34,000 pounds of food in garrett county. thousands lost heat and electricity because of sandy that dumped up to 3 feet snow in some places. the potomac edison reports 800 people are without power this morning. the food bank gave out 38,000 pounds of food in somerset on eastern shore which had been pretty hard by -- hit hard by sandy. >> looks like, well, another storm could be on the way. >> yes. another storm is is here. dropping some -- storm is here. dropping nasty unsettling weather. we can see on maryland most powerful radar most of the action is south of baltimore.
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it's around prince frederick the golden beach getting in on that as well. we see heavier rain moderate rain around easton cooks hope and higgins this morning st. michaels we are going to be very wet as we go throughout the day. we are seeing another round of some moderate rain in caroline county around greensboro and denton. so make sure as you head out the door you have that rain gear. but also, you have the snow gear as well. because we will be seeing snow mainly as we go into afternoon into the overnighttime frame. temperatures right now, coming in the low 30s in glenwood and more of the same in hereford. and also we are the mid-30s from cambridge to denton to galena and we will throw in the winds yes we have sustained wind at about 5 to 10 miles per hour but with that we are feeling a lot colder. so at the surface we do have this system this nor'easter that will ride along the coast and keep us cold and windy going throughout the day.
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future trend brings in the snow going into 3 and 4 this afternoon. and accumulations are going to be on the/y side about 1 to 2 --/y side about 1 to 2 -- slushy side about 1 to 2 inches. the temperature has been going down since midnight. dress accordingly and stay off the road throughout the day. let's go over to lauren cook with a check. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i still cannot believe we are talking about snow in it's early november. we are dealing with several accidents as well. trouble on 95 this's a crash along northbound lanes -- there's a crash along northbound lanes of 195 and another along 695. looking live at 95 downtown you will notice everything is moving along at p 9 -- 359 no serious delays and -- 395 no serious delays and everything normal through the fort mchenry tunnel and pulling up the traffic drive times beltway in great shape. 11 minutes on the outer loop from 95 all the way up to 83. and no problems to report on the west side it's going to take 11 minutes as well to travel the outer loop from 795
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down to 95 megan and charley over to you. this is just too ironic. coming up a. story that can bring chaos to the school cafeteria that's food fight. the floor director is wearing a animal house shirt. >> who can forget that scene. a middle school don't try it. the punishment, did it fit the crime? some parents are saying absolutely not.
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food fights in schools are not uncommon but when 175 students chuck food around each other at a middle school they are not prepared for the punishment. >> the school decided not serve them lunch all week. the principal sent out a letter to parents informing them they wouldn't serve lunch and kid had to bring their own. many were on board but a few thought this might teach the lesson to kids. >> this is the punishment for the middle schoolers having a big food fight during lunch. then maybe next time they will think twice before they throw away their food. >> school received so many complaints that they reversed the decision and her going to start serving lunch today.
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>> nothing. nothing. she left baltimore's mayor office but now sheila dixon is back in the headlines. >> she was accused of stealing gift cards for the needy and why she is in trouble with the law. >> a woman drives on a sidewalk to avoid a stopped school bus and a judge hands out a unique punishment and it includes more than fine. some coordinating. and a trip to the one place with the new ideas that help us pull it all together. from the things that hang and shine... the things that sparkle and jingle. all while saving the things that go in our wallet. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. trade in any light string and get up to five bucks off the latest holiday leds.
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5:58 am
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