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tv   ABC2 News at 530PM  ABC  January 18, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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recently as 2009. cold chill in the air, but the sun back in force. the numbers definitely on the cold side, if you think this is cold, wait until you see what happens. here is the good news for the weekend. skies clear up and down the eastern sea board, traveling to the game in boston, you got good weather through sunday, back to the west, nothing coming our way. as we fly you back down in to enemy territory this is a cold game. arctic air edging in around kickoff. temperatures dropping, mids 30s, we will end the game below freezing. windchill in the 20s with gusts 25, foxboro, cold conditions, to deal with, if you are going to the game and if you are watching, realize that's what the players will have to play. in evening 30s, here in baltimore, we will talk about the weather locally and the
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blast coming up. to the story you may have heard a little something about. football. the ravens. megan pringle is staying up way past her bedtime. here is somebody i never get to see because of weird hours. there is pringle. how are you? >> reporter: sorry i'm talking. there is no s so much excitement. we are at fells point. on your way you can't notice, can't help but notice, there is purple everywhere. ravens jerseys, flags outside. it's funny, outside of the wharf, this is a ravens bar. it's allegation jen's bar wetion , we have been chatting. you said electrifying. >> electrifying. it reminds me of super bowl season, everything in town wore purple.
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the town came together. you had goose bumps for two weeks. it was such a magical time. we are going through that again. it is so terrific. >> reporter: before we get to sunday and talk about what it's going to be like here, imagine the place is going to be packed. talk about saturday. how was the vibe in here, was it insane? >> up in of us ever needs to do a stress test again. it was a stress test every play. people were screaming, people were yelling. we were jumping up and down. stomping on hats at the bad times and throwing beads and hats at the good times. it was so much fun. it was a terrific place to be. we put up projection screen, we were packed wall to wall. everybody a ravens fan. i don't think anybody would
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have dared walked in. >> reporter: you are hearing the same rumbling here. give me your predictions what it's going to be like sundays. >> amazing. it's going to be really crowded. a lot of beverages and pizzas, but, i think it's going to be a heart attack game, i think we win it with justin tucker kicking a field goal. >> since you mentioned the food, with lehave pizza, we will check in with you in a bit. looks good, doesn't it? >> looks great. >> we will check in with you in a bit. >> we are our destination for the latest news and everything you need to get ready for the game. head to, get ideas for the tastiest tailgating recipes on game day. governor o'malley started the week with a speech at the gun silence summit.
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he reiterated desire for a ban on military style weapons. >> the risk will never go away. it could well be that the actions we take could very well prevent another tragedy like newtown from happening and from happening within our boarders. >> the governor says he wants to make $25 million available to help maryland schools pay for security including locks and cameras. u.s. officials say americans are being held in algeria and the hostage situation started 48 hours ago. >> reporter: u.s. officials say the algerian hostage situation is extremely fluid. and americans are still being held. >> this is an act of terror. >> reporter: the television
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broadcast interviews with the freed hostages. a u.s. military plane transported those needing medical attention out of the region to a u.s. medical facility in europe. none of the passengers were american. a second plane arrived to do the same thing, the terrorist attack began overnight wednesday, when 20 gunmen attacked a bus carrying a group of international workers. >> it appears to have been a large well coordinated and heavily armed assault and probable he had been preplanned. >> reporter: algerian troops and helicopters launched a rescue mission, storming the complex. it was blood diand not entirely successful rescue attempt. the facility is in a remote location, and communication is difficult. while the algerian government said the raid is over, u.s. officials say it's on going.
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at least five americans managed to escape. >> i am not going to provide any further details. >> reporter: secretary clinton said this is a difficult and dangerous situation, the top priority is protecting innocent lives. karen traverse, abc news, washington. a bomb threat caused fighter jets to be scrambled in seattle. fbi got a call saying a man aboard the flight might try to hijack the plane. investigators were waiting when the plane landed at seatac. 9 units were used to check the plane for explosives. >> the only thing i saw was when is police came on the airplane and asked the lady next to him to get up. they took him outside. that's all i saw. >> fbi questioned the man and didn't find him to be a threat. no one was injured. no one was hurt in what is
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described as plane fender bender on the runway in miami. air france jet was about to take off and clipped the wings of a plane which landed. delta fliers, the airline is changing its plan. and diners, what about the cleanest, the feature yelp is adding to help choose a place for dinner tonight. >> clear and cold up here in foxboro. all eyes on massachusetts this weekend. especially sunday night of course. we will talk about the weather for the game and across the baltimore area for your three day weekend straight ahead on abc2 news. before copd...
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i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections,
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osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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a 7-year-old girl was hit by a car at philadelphia road. this is a picture sent in from a viewer. no word on the extent of the child's injuries. she is taken to johns hopkins, we will stay on top of the story and bring you details as they come in. delta announced it's changing frequent flyer rule ts by adding a spending requirement. you will have to spend 2500
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annually to qualify. some may get bumped down or out of the program. a spokesman says adding the spending requirement ensures the most valued customers get the best program benefits and exclusive experience, it starts in 2014. reviews, restaurants, it will add inspection grades to make decisions. the company will start the program in san francisco, in california each restaurant is graded on cleanliness. it will add new york sometime very, very soon. the tsa says it will get rid of full body scanners at airports. they caused an up roar because they revealed a naked image of passengers. it will take until june to get rid of them. think found nonmetallic items like underwear bombs discovered on christmas in 2009. just because there are behind bars doesn't mean they ì6÷like bandits.
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tax fraud ballooned. in 2010, more than 91,000 inmates claimed $758 million in fraudulent refunds more than 0 prisozó9 0 v[o;3sqúthrough the =?f cracks. there is a blame game going on in south bend, the star football player accused of making up a dead girlfriend. how much did the star know about this? could the remote be the next thing to go away? the way of the cassette tape or vcr? why you won't need it soon.
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crystal clear, blue sky kind of a day. dry evening on the way.
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it will be breezy and pretty cold conditions to deal with. 33, almost down to freezing bwi. there is a west breeze, that's going to add windchill factor to your friday evening plans as well. dress warm as you head out the door. dundalk today, beautiful day, beautiful day, as we look, see hawkins point, ccbc and dundalk, look at the sunset. finally sunshine back. most people saily take the colder weather. bring me sun. bel air today, nice dry, sunny conditions, kent island, shot from hemmings ways, bay bridge. changing our camera angle at the end of it. annapolis, conditions nice and sunny through the day. look at the current wind field, west, breezy conditions, on the chilly side. windchill in the 30s as a result. here is good news, temperatures going to rebound tomorrow, shifting the winds west to southwest, in a southwest
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breeze, with abundant sunshine, blue skies, we should get in to the 40s by tomorrow afternoon. chilly tomorrow night, we bounce back in to the low, mid- 40s sundays. the winds will come up, we will have the leading edge of that arctic air mass coming in on mlk, monday, that's going to start to edge in by sunday evening. temperatures by sunday night, colder, not just here but foxboro. the whole messy weather system is gone, including the brief snow maker for virginia, that had little impact in maryland except for the lower eastern shore. in to the day tomorrow, we stay nice and clear, good looking weather, as we go from tomorrow in to sundays, more good looking clear weather. you see by sunday evening, this band of snow towards the great lakes, that is a leading edge of arctic air mass that is going to make its presence felt in to monday and especially on tuesday, is when we will get in
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to the koa of the air, which will set until to tuesday, wednesday, in to thursday. that's what we are going to be dealing with here. in foxboro, the leading edge of the cold air. dropping temperatures through the game. game time temperature kickoff maybe 35. past 6:00 we are down to 30 by the the end of game. wind gusts could approach 30, 35 miles per hour as the blast edges in. some of it will be timing. there is some shelters with the stands around but wind to deal with. tonight 25. cold, clear, tomorrow 48 degrees, mostly sunny day with a miler pattern setting up, by tomorrow, in the mid-30s, mostly clear skies. not as cold on your saturday night. see what happens here, mild weekend, savor the temperatures in the 40s. see what happens monday. we may get snow flurries around
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here as the cold air blasts in monday and the arctic blast settles in tuesday and wednesday, stuck with high temperatures, high temperatures in the upper 20s, lows will be down in the mid teens. monday night. tuesday night, wednesday night, now, is the time to top off the oil tanks or over the weekend if you got extra caulking to do around the windows k make sure everything is ready to roll. you look back last winter and for this winter k some of the t a year and a half. a time to get ready to pump the heat middle of next week. now to shocking new developments in the bizarre girlfriend hoax scandal. conflicting information about tieio's girlfriend continue to occur. how much did he know before revealing the truth to his school and the public. >> reporter: cameras catching a
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quick glimpse at the quiet manti te'o. he has yet to speak publicly about the hoax he claims to be the victim of. the not so dead completely fabricated girlfriend. >> the weigh of the world is on his shoulders. this is a feeding frenzy. >> reporter: that appears nowhere near over with more people coming forward, more information revealed. the tv show inside edition says the woman in the blurred out photos is die ann. on thursday, they caught up with her. >> i'm not making comments. >> reporter: she is lawyered up. claiming someone stole her pictures. we don't know why tieio's father, told a newspaper last october that ever once in a while she would travel to hawaii. or why tieio was talking about her finding out she didn't exist. >> i will never forget the time i found out my girlfriend passed away. >> reporter: the interview was
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on december 8th, notre dame says he learned of the hoax december 6th. his school is backing him up. >> our investigators through their work, were able to discover on line chatter among the perpetrators. >> reporter: the question is, what is tieio -- what if he made this whole thing up? legal experts say he couldn't be in trouble with the law. he is allowed to lie to the public and the media. >> female college students are turning to creative methods to pay for education. a list of rankings is showing schools with the most students, who are searching for sugar daddies. the dating website put out the list, it connects sugar daddies with sugar babies or mutually rewarding relationships. georgia state in atlanta topped the list of schools, nyu second, temple is third.
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other higher education news, a study finds the more money parents contributed to the kids education the lower their grade. it's not a big enough effect to make the students fail out of college but parents assume the more financial support they give the better their child will x> they treat brides and grooms like human atms. >> they are the authors of bridal bargains , the wedding industry doesn't want you to read. over the span of 24 years, they mystery shopped at 1000 stores uncovering secrets of the marital market. >> when somebody is planning the wednesdaying. >> the last thing they want to think of, are you going to rip
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me off? >> tough be a smart consumer. some of this isn't romantic. >> reporter: what they call, the mercedes syndrome. >> we spoke to florists who say the price of flowers can change depending on what the bride driving up in. you drive up in a nice car, they are going cha-ching. >> take the bus. >> catch the interview here on abc 2 news at 10:00. followed by abc2 news at 11:00. coming up brand new at 6:00, a string of burglaries in a county neighborhood, why one of the burglaries have police concerned. the ravens haven't finished their run and we are looking ahead to the old season where the o's parked the caravan today. if you're living with moderate to severe crohn's disease,
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and it feels like your life revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,
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and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. get headed in a new direction. with humira, remission is possible.
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for anyone who lost the remote control, a move in software is there to help you out. karen has a look at gesture recognition and how your devices could be controld with a wave of your hands. >> reporter: next wave of interacting with your tv or tablet may eliminate clicking a mouse, pushing a button or swiping a screen. >> you can use your hand to control your tv, any devices with a camera. >> reporter: companies are moving forward with gesture control, for home electronics, gaming, laptops and cars.
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one company hoping to get a piece of the market is point grab. >> think about the time you spend to look for remote control. you have your hands with you all the time. you raise it and control the volume. >> reporter: in this demonstration, a camera reads the user's motions, a wave browses channels, sliding a hand up and down controls volumes. tvs are a target because of stationary position in a room, consumers stationary viewing habits. instead of learning how to operate a clunky remote control, the tv has to get to know you better. >> you don't need to learn how to interact with your device. our technology helps the device understand you and read body language. >> reporter: in the early stages, different gestures across different device for the same action, manufacturers may have come up with standards down the line. >> the next wave of interacting
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with your tv or pc may eliminate clicking a mouse, pushing a button or swiping a screen. it's amazing to see what the controls will do. abc2 news at 6:00 starts right now. the workday that we know is wrapping up, purple friday night is getting in to full swing like here, we are live with ravens fever. purses, jewelry, electronics and guns are disappears, what you need to look out for to avoid this suburban robbery trend. tonight a police officer is accused of abusing man's best friend. we start tonight with breaking news things is what it looked like 45 minutes ago xn]añon philadelphia road where a child was hit by a car. the 7 year old girl is at


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