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tv   News  ABC  January 29, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST

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you won't have delays getting through the fort mchenry tunnel or the harbor tunnel. 8 minutes traveling northbound on 95 from the beltway to the toll plaza. and as we look at the other abc2 time safer traffic drive times. everything up to speed on the west side of the beltway. p minutes on the outer loop from 795 to 706789 and 795 -- 70. and 795 clear. it will take 10 minutes southbound from route 140 down to the beltway. that's a look at your morning commute. now over to you. >> he was -- he was fighting on the front lines when he almost lost his life and came home with no arms and no legs. a quadruple amputee but thanks to doctors at johns hopkins he has arms again and if you are wondering how that is possible, linda so is live with more on how doctors performed this really amazing but complex transplant. linda. >> reporter: it's so complex. it took 13 hours. this is the first time that hopkins has performed a double arm transplant and later this
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morning, we will get to meet the soldier and the surgeon behind it all. a news conference is scheduled for 11 this morning. this is video from before the transplant. brendan marrocco is the first sold year to survive after losing all four limbs in the iraq war. he was injured by a roadside bomb in 2009. he underwent the complex transplant last month. it involves connecting bones, blood vessels and muscles and nerves and skin on both arms. the surgery involved an innovative treatment that used the dead donor's bone marrow cells to help prevent his body from rejecting the new limbs. the 13 hour operation was led by dr. andrew lee, the plastic surgery chief here at hopkins. marrocco is one of seven u.s. soldiers to received a successful double arm transplant. he will spend the next 3 to 4 months at hopkins and then he will return to a military hospital to undergo further physical therapy. again, that news conference to
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meet the soldier and the surgeon is scheduled for 11 this morning at the hospital. we are live at johns hopkins, linda so, abc2 news. hundreds are expected outside a statehouse today to rally for better mental health care. as gun control takes center stage, they are calling for improved access to services and adequately funed public health system for the mentally disabled. this rally is organized by the maryland mental health colation and if you are curious it starts at noon. madge announcement from baltimore county schools from the district. they are going to release the new phase of a long-term plan to improve school safety and security. the recommendations are a result of the ongoing review of all school safety and security operations. you will remember the first day of the school year a student brought a begun to perry hall high school and shot a fellow classmate. the teen shot is doing well today. in the wake of newtown connecticut shooting, business has been booming for gun stores. 8 of the 10 busiest days for gun background checks happened
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last year in the wake of the newtown tragedy. the trend continued into 2013 where during the last 6 weeks, background checks reached a highest level since 1998. background checks are considered the move the reliable way of tracking gun sales. [ music ] >> broadway came to connecticut to remember victims of last month's deadly shooting. about 800 actors composers and musician from broadway paid respect to the develops of sandy hook elementary school -- victims of sandy hook elementary school. all proceeds and donations from the event are going to united way. [audio not understandable] leopold didn't take the stand in his defense. abc2 news sherrie johnson reports there could be a verdict and we have had
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explosive testimony from everyone poo worked for leopold and closing arguments are happening today. here's sherrie johnson. >> reporter: yes, that's right. closing arguments are scheduled for 9 this morning in the case of john leopold. the judge coo co reach a verdict as early as today. leopold's team wrapped up the case yesterday. county executive never took stand in his defense. leopold faces three counts of misconduct and one count of fraud for allegedly miss using county money. the state has said leopold abused his power by having his county paid security officers sit in a bowling alley parking lot while he had sex in another car. he may have lacked judgment but what he did was not illegal. yesterday, the defense called another doctor who vouched for leopold's back problems also the personnel officer for county government said leopold returned 5,000 dollars after a mandatory pay raise. the judge allowed the four charges to stick after a second attempt to have them dropped.
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>> people want to know what he was thinking by having police officers drive 45 minutes to deliver newspapers to his house. >> reporter: once again that case resumes at 9 this morning. if leopold is found guilty he could face prison time or be voted out of office by the county council. sherrie johnson, abc2 news. in the past 40 years texas has executed three women and today kimberly mccarthy will be the fourth. she was found guilty of murder of dorothy bruce in 1997. she forced her way into her home and stabbed her multiple times and took her wedding ring and sold it to buy drugs. >> my mother was an advocate of the death penalty and heinous crimes and i feel this is what my mother would have wanted. >> the lawyers tried to appeal the case and even took it to the supreme court but they
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declined to review it. the last time a woman was executed in the united states was 2010. the search for missing children is going on road. children and pictures of them disappeared are put on the side of tractor trailers. it's new initiative out of washington state. photos of 7-year-old will be seen by drivers. he went missing after his stepmother claims she dropped him off at school. a major claim change could be coming to the boy scouts. they are considering a change to the policy that schools -- that exclues gays as members. the high court upheld the rights of the cots as a private organization. the scouts may now have to -- scouts as a private organization. the scouts may now have to be open to accepting new people. it's not clear what decision will be made. >> a motorcyclist has a watchful guardian angel. >> he narrowly avoids getting flat ped by a tractor trailer. -- flattened by a tractor
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trailer. >> your kids go to college to prepare themselves for the real world but are the acquired skills that are hurting rather than helping them? we will explain when good morning maryland continues. honey, don't use your sleeve.
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vo: for cold and flu season, there's clorox bleach.
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motorcyclist learns his time on earth is not just over yet. he barely avoids getting crushed by a tractor trailer and it'scaught on camera. the truck fell on its side when turning at a intersection in owner china. the motorcyclist backs up and jumps off. no one was hurt. unbelievable video. >> yeah somebody was looking out for him. news time 5:4. time to check the weather because the fog could impact your day today right lynette? >> you are right. especially the morning time frame. so everybody needs to be careful as they step out and about on the roadways. and make sure they do have the low beams on. as we look at the satellite and radar, we see a little disturbance and a few showers dike into virginia right now. but it looks like it will stay to the south. all in all we will be in the fog and mist for today. it's going to be a damp dreary day. and we have reduced visibility because of the fog.
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only about 4 miles in baltimore and frederick. let's check the traffic now with lauren cook good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we are following a very serious crash. baltimore national pike is shut down at chapel gate lane. traveling in the area check with he hadmonson or pho of the park avenue as an alternate. it's expected to be closed for sometime. heading downtown the jfx nice and clear nothing to get in your way southbound from the beltway down to east fay esette street -- fayette street. traffic is moving along no problems up to 83 or traveling down to 95. now over to you. immigration reform has become one of the president's top priorities in the second term. >> we will hear what he plans to propose today and also what the gang of 8 has to say about the future of millions of undocumented ilgrants. >> and it wouldn't be a super -- immigrants. >> and it wouldn't be a superbowl without a friendly wager. what senators from california and maryland put on the line as 49ers and ravens faced off in
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five days. -- face-off in five days. back in a bit.
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thanks for joining us on this tuesday morning. a group of 8 senator made thecase for immigration reform on monday and now president obam -- it's the president's turn to reveal his vision.
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charley has more on the developing story and this could affect a large number of undocumented immigrants. >> reporter: yeah. we are talking about more than 11 million undocument immigrants reportedly living in the u.s. right now. and it could impact all of them. after the gang of 8 made the case yesterday, the president will today lay out his immigration plan during the speech in las vegas. republican senator marco rubio claimed the senate the plan is a positive step now moving forward. >> i think today's an important first step and what's going to be a significant -- significant complicated journey because the issue is not a simple one but we have the opportunity to do it right and if we i do think we will do tremendous service to our country and the future. >> chuck schumer says lawmakers realized there's more political ris ink opposing immigration than support it. >> we believe this will be the done. >> to break it down a little bit. the president is expected to push for improved border
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security cracking down on employers who hire illegal worker and creating a earned pathway to citizenship. the bipartisan plan creates a pathway for imlegal immigrants but after the borders are deemed secure. there would be an increase indrones border agents and surveillance equipment and undocumented workers could stay in the country after passing a background check and megan that means they have to pay fines and they have to pay back taxes. >> all right thanks so much. five things to know on this tuesday. secretary of state nominee john considery is expected to be confirmed -- kerry is expected to be confirmed by the end of the day today. those close to the secretary of state hillary clinton says she plans to retire from her post by friday. the husband and brother of a missing new york woman who disappeared while visiting turkey will be meeting with officials from the u.s. consulate today. friends say she had been keeping in touch with a family but didn't show up at the airport as planned last week. house republicans are holding a news conference in
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annapolis discussing solutions they have come up with to deal with problems facing the maryland pension system. a 50 billion dollar relief measure for hurricane sandy victims is headed to the president's desk. it clears the senate 62-36. northeast lawmakers say it's needed to help recovery efforts. the daredevil is walking a tightrope across u.s. highway 41 in florida today without a safety harness. he has done dozens of tightrope walks including one over niagara falls and bolt mierner harbor. if your child is about to graduate college they may run into a problem they didn't think they had to worry about. overqualified for the job a study shows the problem affects about 48% of college graduates. the findings point to the growing disconnect between what employers need and the kind of graduates college are turning out on the job market. not long after the ravens beat new england the wife of wouldn't patriots players went
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and rant about ray lewis. and anna burns took a few shots at lewis on her facebook talking about his family and murder acquittal. she apologized and sounds like ray lewis has mobbed on as well. >> i truly forgive her. i don't have no hard feelings against her at all. you know but i believe people make mistakes and say foolish things sometimes. >> burns did admit she left a -- let the competitiveness of the game get to her saying her action were emotional and irrational. 5:48. not only are we cheering on the rains for a big win in new orleans, we are trying to lead the city -- leave the city better than when we found it. abc2 is teaming teaming up with the st. bernard project to rebuild homes destroyed by cay toona. it -- be katrina. there are houses remaining in ruins. we were there with cynthia davis when she got the keys to her new home. she has been out of a house now for 7 years. >> all the volunteers came together and i am the happiest
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person alive. i believe. >> we are looking for ravens fan in new orleans to volunteer and help us rebuild new orleans. head to for more information on how to get involved while down there for superbowl xlvi gli. there's more at take-- there's more than -- sentoring barbara mikulski and ben cardin are betting beer and cookies and crab cakes and barbara boxer and kaian feinstein are betting on sourdough bread and california cheeses and napa valley wine. forget the ravens logo or another picture of ray lewis on your t-shirt. we love this. check it out. it's pretty funny. the latest attire to the superbowl party. you are thinking about buying this. >> this comes from busted tees
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full hours versus the wire. the sitcom was filmed in san francisco home of the 49ers who they are cheesy by their right. the drama the wire was filmed here in baltimore home to yes, the ravens. and you can see the iconic homes feature on each side of the shirt. this is on my facebook page this morning. let us know what you think about the shirt and do you have a better slogan as we square off now against san francisco and baltimore. >> there's got to be a lot of good ones so we would love to hear it. later on, we will have to get a forecast for new orleans but let's talk about today because fog is really going to be an issue. >> it is. and it's going to continue through the morning hours. and we will be in the cloud and the mist and dreary type day but for the most part we should stay dry. we are looking at light showers and sprinkles passing across virginia. but, the bigger action is back off towards the west where michigan is dealing with thunderstorms. and even new orleans today they could be in the thick of things with thunderstorms across the
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area. maybe some severe weather as we have the warm front that's worked its way through that area. it's going stall to the south of us for today. and then that cold front is going to work et cetera way in going through tomorrow. so we will have that cold air in place mixing with the mild air and that's when we have the chance for turbulent type weather as we go into tomorrow afternoon and evening time frame. but for this morning, temperature wise, well we are above average. we could see temperatures in the upper 30s in bel air and mid-30s in hanover and mount airy at 51 right now. and centerville at 40 so temperatures are on the upside and they will keep going up. talking about 60s going into tomorrow. the future trend is going to pick up on that line of showers and thunderstorms working their way in here. as we go into tomorrow evening, around 8:00 so rush hour could be on the wet side once again. colder air builds in behind that and today i am going with 48 degrees. that's above average. it will be mild foggy and misty this evening.
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6 3 by tomorrow. breezy but mild and this is what you can expected going through time. flurries friday and saturday. and superbowl sunday looking pretty good. maybe if you are doing a little tailgating. let's check the traffic withlauren cook. >> reporter: there is a serious crash in the city that that has shut down baltimore national pike at chapel lane. stick with forest park or cooks lane as an alternate. we are on scene and we will bring you the latest as it becomes available. if you are traveling into the city, jfx is nice and clear and this is what the beltway looks like the west side at liberty road, traffic is moving along. 7 minutes to travel the outer loop from 795 down to 706789 and the in-- 70. and the inner loop is clear pushing up to pikesville. on the jfx, it's in great shape. it will take 11 minutes right now southbound from the beltway all the way down to east fayette street and 95 and white marsh free of delays. 14 minutes from the beltway
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into the city. that's a look at your abc2 timesaver traffic now over to you. one dance is all it took for a kansas couple to fall in lob in they celebrated a mile-- >> they celebrated a milestone anniversary. we wonder how do you do it. how have they denied the critics and stayed together so long. we will tell you in a bit. ♪ ♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter
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and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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well most us consider it a small victory to make it through the first year of marriage. we can all attest to that. the bonus is each year after. >> so when we hear about couples like billy and gene you want to know what is their secret them the celebrated their 7 -- secret. they celebrated their 7 0th wedding anniversary. they met at a dance and billy says as soon as she saw gene she instantly fell in love with him. love at first sight. they have been together ever since. they even outlasted the parting words of the priest who married them. >> the priest. [audio not understandable] he said it wouldn't last. >> if you didn't hear what billy said, she said that "he said it would not last."
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she wore a replica of the wedding dress during the anniversary celebration and they have 10 kids and 110 great grandchildren and it's a huge family. >> congratulations to them. 70 years. something to celebrate. stay with us this morning, now is the time when you start thinking about something wonderful. filing your tacks. >> i thought about this driving in this morning and -- taxes. >> i thought about this driving this this morning. why you need to hold off filing until after the middle of february so -- i can put it off. >> spring seems far off. but it's never too late to start thinking about spring allergies. what you should be doing now to prepare so you are not feeling too bad later on.
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we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard.


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