tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC February 1, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am EST
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live" this week. tonight, jimmy throws kim kardashian a baby shower. >> jimmy: we have some virgin mimosas for you. >> dicky: jennifer lawrence prepares for the oscars. >> that's why you go into everything thinking i'm a loser. >> were you surprised by the outcome of the super bowl this weekend? >> yes, i was. >> dicky: plus jude law, katie couric, magic johnson, and this week in unnecessary censorship. and now, once again, here's jimmy kimmel!
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>> jimmy: welcome to the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining me here. we're celebrating a milestone here tonight. our show premiered after the super bowl on january 26th, 2003. so our ten-year anniversary was saturday night. and tonight's program is the first show of our second decade on television. [ cheers and applause ] so i want to say ten years. we've only had one goal for ten years, and that is to put on a great show, and someday we are going to put on a great show. but until then we will wait. ten years went by very quickly, didn't it? and there have been so many memorable events along the way. but if there's one moment that
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represents the last ten years of this show -- if there's one specific instance that sums everything we do up, i'd have to say it is this. i learn something new from it every single time. one of our guests tonight katie couric scored an etch bigger interview last week with manti te'o himself. i'm going to talk to her about that tonight. i also want to ask her about another big interview she has coming up, a new confession that they say is going to blow manti and ronaiah tuiasosopo and even lance armstrong out of the water. >> next week on "katie," parking lot security guard guillermo in his first televised interview since the scandal. >> you thought you had a friendship with a real chihuahua. >> that is correct, ms. katie couric. >> but was it a real chihuahua? >> no, it was a mix. of a chihuahua and a poodle. >> so it was a chi-poodle.
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>> it was. it was a chi-poodle. >> and later, the question everyone wants answered. >> demeanor, are you gay? >> no. no. no. >> exclusive on "katie." >> jimmy: in florida -- and i know i shouldn't be surprised by anything that happens in florida anymore, but by this i am. a 10-year-old girl, her name is emma, submitted a school science project that involved three drug-sniffing dogs and an ounce of real cocaine. this sounds less like a science project and more like a raid on charlie sheen's bungalow on south beach. but it was a real project. her dad is a police detective, so he helped her get cocaine, i guess. the point of the project was to find out which of the three breeds of police dogs was best at sniffing the cocaine out. i bet it was the one with the
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chest medallions and the corvette. her project turned out to be very successful, not only did she win top honors at school, she won honorable mention at the city science fair and somehow she managed to complete the entire project in four minutes. a big story everyone's following this super bowl is that of the harbaugh brothers. jim harbaugh is the coach of the niners, his brother john is the coach of the ravens. on sunday, they'll become the first brothers to face off as head coaches in the super bowl, which has to be both exciting and confusing for their parents. either way, one of your kids is going to win, the other loses. it's an uncomfortable situation to be in. which jersey do you even wear? does mom wear one? does dad wear the other? do you both wear both? but here's ma and pa harbaugh. they had a press conference in new orleans with how they plan to handle this unusual situation. >> nfl history being made on the sidelines this coming sunday. >> for the first time ever, two brothers will be coaching against each other for the super bowl title. but what's especially interesting is how their parents
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are dealing with these most unusual circumstances. >> so which son is going to win the big game on sunday? >> of course, we get asked that a lot, and the answer i always give is that john is -- he's not very bright. he's as dumb as a post. so with that in mind, i think jim. it's going to be jim and the 49ers. >> yeah, jim. not john. go, jim, go, jim, go, jim! >> jimmy: it's just like my parents. some big news out of iran today. according to government run news outlets, last week the iranian government successfully launched a live monkey into space. i like that they specified a live monkey. as if there's a chance they'd send a dead monkey into space. but there's been no independent confirmation of the launch, which means it probably didn't happen, but they did release a photo. this is the alleged iranian
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space monkey. based on the photograph, i'm guessing he didn't volunteer for the mission. [ laughter ] but by the way, i'd like to see them hook the iranian space monkey up with the ikea sweater monkey. wouldn't they make a great couple? they claimed the monkey returned to earth alive and well. they even threw him a parade when he got back. there's the space monkey. [ cheers and applause ] adorable when he bangs his little cymbals together. very cute. there's potentially bad news for facebook. in america alone in december, facebook lost 1.4 million users. facebook has more than 167 million users in the united states. so you wouldn't think losing a million and a half is a big deal, but it is because it can be the beginning of a trend. everybody used to use myspace, but then like one day later, everyone was off myspace. so facebook isn't taking any
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chances. they've even started, like, actively contacting people who left to try to encourage them to come back. look at this. >> police! freeze, police! you have not log sbod your facebook in 13 days. why not? >> i don't know, i'm trying to read more. >> you do not read books! you do not take a break from facebook! we own you! update your status. >> that's not mundane enough. more mundane. >> instagram a photo of you at the farmers market. >> i can't do anything -- >> the one with the pineapple! >> we're all clear. >> also, would you be interested in posting some stock in facebook? >> it's a very exciting time to invest. >> i don't have any money at the moment.
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ahhh! >> jimmy: brutality is what it is. one more item. it is thursday night, it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur thing whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> washington is abuzz about last night's "60 minutes" where they saw president obama and secretary of state [ bleep ]. >> we're going to have an open discussion. we're going to [ bleep ] each other hard. >> we're laying there and all i'm thinking is i want to [ bleep ] this girl. >> she was a hit at the golden globes and now amy poehler has [ bleep ] a [ bleep ]. >> it was just so [ bleep ] slow. >> people don't need any help figuring out winter will be with them a while longer. they can feel it on their [ bleep ] faces. >> hello, welcome to the world
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of something. >> no more [ bleep ] arounding i've got to get back to work. >> i've come to learn that most [ bleep ] blowers don't believe they're [ bleep ] blowers in the beginning. >> it's called [ bleep ]. >> you use all this anger that you have got and you [ bleep ] yourself. >> name a place on your body you wouldn't want a doctor to stick his [ bleep ]. adam? >> in your butt. >> in your butt! up next, lie witness news. did you watch the super bowl? >> i had a lot of money on it and i lost about 200 bucks. >> dicky: later, jimmy and the kardashians talk about baby clothes. >> leather pants. >> jimmy: leather baby pants? wow. imagincrapping in something that expensive. so, we all set? i've got two tickets to paradise! pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to...
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paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. are full of flavor and under 550 calories each? i'll believe it when i taste it. i believe it! i can dig it! [ male announcer ] ok, a bit of an overreaction, but... uh oh...what now? ♪ ah, the old great taste, under 500 calories flash mob bit. eesh. the new zesty roma chicken & shrimp and roasted garlic sirloin. big flavor, under 550 calories.
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starting at just $9.99. see you tomorrow. and late night for half-price apps. hmm, we need a new game. ♪ that'll save the day. ♪ so will bounty select-a-size. it's the smaller powerful sheet. the only one with trap + lock technology. than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary brand. use less. with the small but powerful picker upper, bounty select-a-size. okay, think courage. think shaun white. think how perfect they'll be for everyday stuff. yeah. scan me. stride on, pale-legged, short-shorts guy. yeahhey!an me. hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thought you were a tax expert?
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today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined. yeah.mmm! this is microwaved? it's great. nice. ehh. introducing ball park beef patties made with 100% beef. they're pre-grilled, then individually frozen for a juicy, hot-off-the-grill burger in about a minute.
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>> jimmy: we are four days away from the super bowl. super bowl parties are a lot of fun. one of the most fun parties, i think. it's also a really great way to give your friends all the flu at once. [ laughter ] hey, everyone. i sneezed in the salsa. on sunday, the san francisco 49ers battle the baltimore ravens in new orleans. this is interesting. a new study conducted by the public religious research institute says 27% of americans believe that god has a hand in determining which team wins. [ laughter ] so if you're praying for a new kidney this weekend, sorry, god has the ravens and the 49ers. [ cheers and applause ] it actually makes sense. of course god cares about football. he created a girlfriend for manti te'o out of nothing. [ laughter ] here's the thing.
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if god really is influencing nfl games, that would mean he isn't in church on sunday either, so why should i go? [ laughter ] are there any of you betting on the super bowl? any of you betting on the outcome? there they are, officers. take them away. super bowl weekend is the biggest gambling weekend of the year in the united states. right now the niners are three and a half point favorites to win the game. but everyone knows about the regular bets you make on the super bowl. i like what they call the proposition, or prop bets. this is a real bet you can make. will any player on either active roster be arrested before the super bowl? [ laughter ] if you say yes, bet $100. if you win, you will win $550. by the way, if i'm a cop in new orleans, i take that bet, then arrest the first player i see. here's another one. will alicia keys omit or forget one word of the national anthem.
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if you say yes and bet $100, you can win $250. this is my favorite. will beyonce's hair be curly or crimped or will she wear it straight? you win $150 for straight. this is the kind of stuff you can bet on. beyonce's crimping iron could put your kids through college if you put your money on it. last year, i won -- i forget how much i won. but i had one betting that kelly clarkson would not screw up the national anthem. i may make the same bet for alicia keys this year. i think it's a good bet. i don't think she's going screw it up. last year i also bet that the cameras would show gisele bundchen in the crowd and i won on that, too. i think i might have a gambling problem. now that i add it all up. [ applause ] oh, thank you. millions of americans and dozens of foreigners will gather in front of their tvs to watch the super bowl.
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i sent a camera on to hollywood boulevard today and asked people if they watched the super bowl on sunday. and again, the super bowl doesn't happen until this sunday, so unless they the time travel, there's no way they could have seen it, but that doesn't mean they weren't able to weigh in on tonight's edition of "lie witness news." >> were you surprised by the outcome of super bowl this past weekend? >> um, yeah. yes, i was. >> do you think that the ravens deserve the win, or that play there in the final seconds, do you think they were offsides? >> yeah, i was really rooting for the 49ers. because that's my home, but i mean, i was surprised at the outcome, but -- >> so it's kind of a bummer that the ravens won. >> yeah, it was the a bummer.
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the last couple seconds did the ultimate bummer for me. >> were you surprised by the outcome of super bowl this weekend? >> i was actually astonished. i had my -- completely caught me off guard. >> so you expected the ravens to win? >> absolutely. i had all my money on it and i lost about 200 bucks. >> you lost 200 bucks? >> yeah, i had a bet with my brother. i was all for the ravens. absolutely. >> what did you think of the super bowl this past weekend? >> i didn't watch it. i heard it was good. >> you heard it was good. >> do you know who won? >> the 49ers? >> that's right. and do you know who the 49ers beat? >> the timberwolves. >> did ray lewis deserve the super bowl mvp which he won? >> definitely. i thought that before it even happened. we were all talking about it at work. we took a poll on it and we figured he was the one best deserving of it. >> he sure showed up to play, didn't he? >> he came to win, not just to play. >> he was like a man possessed out there, wasn't it? >> it was like another person in his body.
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he was the team in one person. he wasn't the one person, he was the whole team. >> talk to me about the halftime show. do you think beyonce was lip-synching? >> yes. but she was great either way. i thought she did a good job. >> did you like it when jay-z joined her onstage? >> yeah, for sure. that's perfect. that's good. it's a sonny and cher thing going. >> do you think it's right for them to bring out their baby like that? >> no, no. that's a little simba "lion king." >> it seemed like the speaker was really bothering the child. >> yes. >> what did you think about the oompa loompas running around on the stage? >> i thought it was weird. i do not like her. i do not like what was going on. >> it was like a willy wonka thing. >> it was really weird. >> do you know who is in the super bowl? >> the baltimore ravens and the 79ers? >> who do you think deserves to win, the ravens or the 79ers?
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>> the 79ers. >> are you glad the 79ers won? >> did they win? >> they did, yeah. >> oh, yeah. congratulations, 79ers, y'all earned it. [ applause ] >> dicky: up next, jimmy makes kim kardashian a baby gift. >> jimmy: this is the big book of baby names that start with k. >> dicky: still ahead, jude law name-drops. >> it was fun working with spielberg. >> jimmy: steven spielberg? i am absolutely positive! [ little boy ] two times is awesome. the thing i can do is wave my head and wave my... that's amazing. i've never seen anything like that. look i can do -- hold on -- i'm watching this. i'm getting dizzy... [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. doing two things at once is better. and only at&t's network lets you talk and surf on your iphone 5. ♪
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>> jimmy: our first guests tonight are like-lettered siblings who have conquered tabloids, twitter, and tv. you can watch them do everything and nothing at all at the same time on "kourtney and kim take miami." it airs sundays at 9 on e! please welcome kourtney and kim kardashian. [ cheers and applause ] first of all, congratulations on your impending motherhood, your impending aunthood. you must be very excited. >> thank you. so excited. >> thank you. >> jimmy: were you trying to get pregnant? was this something that you planned? >> i mean, we talked about it, but it was a nice surprise. >> jimmy: was it a surprise to kanye? well, he surprised you by announcing it at a concert, right? >> he did.
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i was like is he really singing what i think he's saying? i was so confused. >> jimmy: and the audience immediately went crazy. kourtney, at that time, was that how you found out about the pregnancy? >> kim told me before that, luckily. >> jimmy: oh, good. >> and she tells me that she told me first, but she also told, like, everyone in my family. and would say "but nobody else knows." >> but i really did tell you first. >> no, wait, wait -- >> kanye, obviously i told him first. but i think mom i told first, first. >> what? >> jimmy: you were second first. you were third first. >> i'm sorry, you were first. i swear. >> but everyone that she told, she could tell kylie and be like nobody else knows, so don't tell a soul. then she told kendall. >> i told kendall on christmas eve. wait, she was last. >> jimmy: kendall was last? she'll be delighted to hear that. >> rob was last, last. kendall was last of the girls. >> jimmy: but rob doesn't care if he was last.
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>> for once, bruce wasn't last. >> jimmy: oh, bruce wasn't last. bruce wasn't last at the olympics when he won a gold medal for the united states, which you guys seem to keep forgetting about. [ applause ] is kanye excited about being a dad? >> he is so excited. it's really cute how excited he is. >> jimmy: will hand-me-downs be accepted? for instance, if kourtney has stanley cup for the baby, will you take it or is that out of the question? >> i have bins saved. >> i think she has a few key pieces, but if anyone knows kanye, they just know how into fashion he is, and i think he's going to have things like specially made. so i don't think hand-me-downs are going to work. i think it has to be really, really fun stuff. >> jimmy: these kids are going to have like jewelry on and stuff like that? >> yes. chains. >> chains. leather pants. >> jimmy: leather baby pants. wow. imagine crapping in something that expensive. [ laughter ] well, that's something. because for him, it's going to
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be like the kid going in the american doll store, buying all the accessories and the whole thing. that's kind of crazy. >> or boy. >> jimmy: you don't know the sex yet, right? >> not yet. >> jimmy: can you find out the sex this early? >> i have, like, another week or two. >> jimmy: and will you find out? >> yes, for sure. i'm really excited to find out. >> jimmy: and then who will find out first? i mean like first, first. >> first, first is always kanye. and then it depends on which sister is with me. khloe hasn't been to the doctor with me yet, so i think she really wants to go, so i think i'll wait for her when her schedule is available and save that moment for khloe. >> jimmy: don't you think you guys should keep this quiet as to the sex of the baby and reveal it in a very special, you know, maybe some big breakdown? >> on jimmy kimmel? >> jimmy: or on one of your 30 shows you can reveal it on. >> we're trying to keep some details -- i don't know if we're
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going to tell anyone. >> jimmy: you don't know if you're going to tell anyone at all? >> besides family. >> jimmy: and the baby. you should tell the baby what it is. will the baby get paid? >> our baby is not really on tv. it's not going to be on our show. >> jimmy: never? the baby is never going to be on the show? >> no, i don't think so. >> jimmy: what if the baby feels bad about being the only one left out? >> when the baby is old enough and he or she decides that's what they want to do, that will be a decision. but, i mean, it's hard because i love seeing mason and penelope on tv. mason is i think the highlight of our show, so it's a tough decision. but i think from the start, that's a personal choice that kanye and i have made. i kn it all the time. some seasons the kids are on, sometimes they're not. so from the start we're going to try to keep it as private as possible. >> jimmy: what if the baby wants to release its own fragrance? will that be all right? is that okay?
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>> if that's what they want to do, i will support it. >> jimmy: does that make you feel that kim and kanye are putting their baby on tv but you put yours on tv? >> like kim said, it's always a struggle because you want to do the best thing for your kids, but a lot of the times i feel like them being with their mom is the best thing. so it's a constant -- >> i don't know. probably me and khloe. >> jimmy: you need start thinking about this stuff because you obviously haven't been thinking about it. i thought it would be nice to throw you kind of a mini baby shower on the show. [ cheers and applause ] we've got some virgin mimosas for you. >> thank you! >> jimmy: and a very special gift that i think is going to come in very handy. thank you, guillermo. this is the big book of baby names that start with k. and we go through here -- well, on this front page, you can write in your own. we have got katmandu. >> that's a good one. >> we got kite-runner. we got kiwi. we got kel. we got keenan.
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we got kredenza. you name it, they're all in here. >> dicky: up next, jude law makes history. and later, magic johnson back pedals. >> you said it's over for my lakers, no playoffs, no nothing. do you stand by that? >> oh, i stand by it, but -- making the big romantic gesture. that's powerful. verizon. get a droid razr m by motorola in pink for $49.99. go olive garden's three course italian dinner. it's back for just $12.95. featuring 5 delicious new entrees to choose from. go creamy and dig into rich new penne di mare with shrimp.
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12:08 am
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see what delta can do. that's the guy who gets his salsa from new york city. new york city? [ alarm chirps ] [ male announcer ] 'round here, there's only one word for salsa: pace. made the right way for that big bold kick. grab the southwest by the bottle. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. quit one cigarette at a time.
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>> jimmy: please welcome jude law! [ cheers and applause ] >> hello. >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm very well. >> jimmy: i'm glad you're here. you're starting off our second decade. you are the first guest of the second decade. >> i waited until you got to the 11:30 slot. >> jimmy: yes, you did. you want to pick and choose and make sure you're making the right decision. i read today that your first name isn't really jude, which shocked me. >> well, it is and it isn't. you see, my parents -- i don't know what made them do this. my parents named me and my sister after their best friends, but then our middle names are our first names. no one's ever called me david apart from a very annoying tabloid in england. once it found out, now consistently calls me dave.
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>> jimmy: oh, i see. >> but on paper, i'm david jude law. >> jimmy: d.j. law. sounds like a cbs cop show. >> i always thought if i was a deejay, i could be d.j. d.j. >> jimmy: spinning records by day, solving homicides by night. so this is your parents' doing and it confused the whole rest of your life. >> i blame them for everything. >> jimmy: do you blame them for everything? >> actually, i don't. they were very good. >> jimmy: how many movies have you made now? a lot of them. >> i only know this because it was written in a magazine recently. i just turned 40, and last year i made my 40th film. [ applause ] i've imagined to do one every single year. >> jimmy: which was your fave troit make? >> oh, i don't know.
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it was fun working with spielberg. >> jimmy: steven spielberg? i've heard of him. >> no, no, josh. that was fun. i worked with a dear man who passed away recently, but they were a lot of fun. >> jimmy: i wanted to ask about david o. russell because i love the movie "i heart huckabees." one of those movies not a lot of people saw. >> no, they didn't. he is nominated for an academy award this year. >> jimmy: he is, for "silver linings playbook." but that movie, there were outtakes that appeared online of lily tomlin and dustin hoffman apparently very annoyed with david. >> he was much loved. i had a funny story. he really was. he was a colorful character. >> jimmy: in what ways? >> i've seen "three kings." i loved it and i was asked to
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read the script. the film is a very eccentric concept. i went and met with him. he spent all dinner talking about this documentary that was just intriguing. he called me the next day and said he made the whole thing up and he wasn't making this documentary at all, which i kind of took as a bit fruity and weird. i said oh, i'll go along with that. and he's the only director i know who directed from a sun lounger. lie on the sun lounger onset, sometimes with a sombrero on. it was funny. and he was also the only director to -- you know, sometimes they play music a little bit to keep the mood of the scene right. >> jimmy: the song kind of sets the tone. >> they would never turn it off. you get ready to do the scene and then as the scene -- you think wow, that music is still playing. occasion fally he would turn it off, like just carry on. the white stripes going in the background. >> jimmy: how does that work in
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the final result of the film? >> you know, i didn't have to do a lot of looping, so i don't kno know. he made it work. >> jimmy: unbelievable. because any time we do anything around here, if there's a helicopter in van ives, we have to stop it. >> dicky: up next, jennifer lawrence makes everyone sick. >> jimmy: i wonder how many people you infected at the golden globes. >> dicky: and still ahead, katie couric on her date with larry king. [ male announcer ] applebee's new entrees are full of flavor and under 550 calories each. you have to taste it to believe it.
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i believe it! i can dig it! [ male announcer ] uh oh. yep, they tasted it. big flavor, big portions, starting at just $9.99. see you tomorrow. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief.
12:18 am
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wow. ♪ what? ♪ mmm. it looks delicious! i didn't work out this morning. i should try it? yeah. actually pretty tasty. sausage, egg and cheese. mmm! this is from special k? no way! that changes things. [ female announcer ] new special k flatbread breakfast sandwiches. with multi-grain flatbread, eggs, sausage, and cheese. it's only 240 calories. if you guys can come back tomorrow, it'd be fantastic. [ female announcer ] a breakfast revelation. what will you gain when you lose? ♪ ♪ ♪
12:21 am
>> jimmy: our first guest attended the oscars as a nominated actress. for the first time, she wasn't even old enough to buy a beer in the lobby. this time she can get as loaded as she wants. she won the golden globe for her performance in "silver linings playbook", it's in theaters now. please say hello to jennifer lawrence. [ cheers and applause ]
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how you doing? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: it's good to see you. >> good to see you. >> jimmy: how you feeling? all right? i know you've been a little sick. >> a little sick. i'm a little drunk. your producer made me do two shots of tequila. >> jimmy: well, we have the top people in the business here. two shots of tequila, huh? >> two shots of tequila, and a beer. but the beer was my decision. >> jimmy: oh, okay. so you're okay though? everything's all right? >> yeah, i'm doing good. i just went to the doctor today, got a chest x-ray of my lungs and discovered that my breasts are uneven. [ laughter ] that was all i saw. >> jimmy: it's okay. >> i was like standing there with these doctors and they're looking at my lungs, it felt like an elephant in the room. i was like are my breasts uneven. and they were just kind of like stifled and uncomfortable, obviously. so i kept thinking well, i'm going to dig myself out of this hole by bringing it up again. he was like well, our radiologist will get back to you about your lungs.
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and i was like and my breasts. he was like bye. >> jimmy: but are you worried about that? is that a concern? >> it wasn't until the x-ray. i think i just hope no one will ever see my breasts in an x-ray. i hope i'm never seen in that light. >> jimmy: in the x-ray light. you've had an unbelievable couple of years, but this last month has been particularly unbelievable with the golden globe. congratulations on that. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. >> jimmy: and that's a fun event to go to. everybody drinks at that thing. you get to sit at a table with famous people. >> famous people are everywhere. >> jimmy: who were you sitting with at the table? >> i was sitting with my family and bradley and david. everybody but -- adele was in the table -- it was the next table over. and i had such a high fever and i felt like i couldn't move and i saw adele and there was nobody in the way and she was sitting in the table by herself. my dad was sitting next to me here.
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and i just reached my arm out and went -- my dad goes, jen, what's the matter? i was like, it's adele. adele right there. >> jimmy: you had no quality time with adele at all? adele was probably happy at that point that you weren't talking to her. >> come over with 103 -- >> jimmy: fever hands. i wonder how many people you infected at the golden globes. >> i wonder how many people were infecting me. >> jimmy: wouldn't you love to know who it was? i think about this all the time. remember they used to tell you when you're a kid that if you pee in the pool, it would turn red. so you'd be terrified. >> someone should do that. >> jimmy: they should do that with germs. >> they should. who knows, really? >> jimmy: i think it might be better not to know. because -- >> then you'd be in fights with a lot of people. >> jimmy: exactly. you'd be fighting with people all the time. >> a totally plausible reason to be mad at somebody. you gave me walking pneumonia. i didn't even know what to say. you're in big trouble. >> jimmy: are there any suspects? >> well, the hollywood foreign press. i've been shaking a lot of those hands. >> jimmy: no offense, guillermo.
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your mom is here. is she here in the audience? >> my mom is here in the audience. >> jimmy: where is your mom? >> jimmy: are you preparing a speech? >> no, at first it feels cocky. >> jimmy: i agree with you. >> it's like that seems presumptuous. we get into the car and everyone's asking me like do you have anything prepared? i'm like stop, because it just stresses me out. i don't react that way because i'm not normally on two shots of tequila. >> jimmy: you know what the worst thing is, though, i think. i don't know why i always think of this whenever i'm at an awards show. the people who have the thank you list and then go home and take off their tuxedo and then they have to take it out and throw it away. >> that's sad, yeah. i don't want to be that person. >> jimmy: it's a terrible moment. it's like a terrible memento to have really. >> yeah. that's why i just go into everything thinking like i'm a loser. and then oh, what a nice surprise. >> jimmy: the only problem is if you forget important people.
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are you worried that you might forget them? >> no, because fortunately those people are glaring at me. i can just look around. >> jimmy: and thank whoever is right there in front of you. >> exactly. >> jimmy: a lot of times when you see like terry bradshaw taking it easy on the lakers, you are harder on the lakers. >> no question about it. i love the lakers. [ cheers and applause ] sometimes laker nation gets upset at me because i try tell the truth. and when i tell the fans that the lakers are struggling or man, early on didn't look like they were going to make the playoffs, and i said that. >> jimmy: you said -- let me quote you, because i believe i have the quote. you said "it's over for my lakers, no playoffs, no nothing." do you stand by that? >> oh, i stand by it, but -- [ laughter ] i have a right to change my mind.
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because kobe, who i have felt has been the world's best player for ten, 12 years, kobe has been unbelievable. [ applause ] he really stepped into the leadership role and then he decided to really make the other guys better by passing, and he's really gotten all the guys involved. it just shows you how great kobe is. he can lead the league in scoring one day and turn around and do triple-doubles. >> jimmy: you think kobe should play more like you played? >> well, he has to. >> jimmy: that's the underlying message here. i stole this picture off the wall at espn. [ laughter ] i have never been this happy in my life. it looks like somebody hit you on the head with a frying pan. [ laughter ] >> they probably did. >> jimmy: what's going on?
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>> it probably was mike d'antoni, the coach of the lakers. >> jimmy: it probably was. i have a new feud i'd like do you get involved in. i know for years you had the thing with larry bird. i want to show you a clip from what happened last week here at the show. >> jimmy kimmel is to lake night talk show hosts what magic johnson is to -- late night talk show hosts. >> jimmy: okay, that was matt damon. that was a despicable thing to say, right? from that little worm. >> no, he was right. [ laughter ] i was terrible. and i'm okay with that. >> jimmy: you're all right with that? >> and then i praise you, man, how difficult it is. you make it so easy. you make guys like me come on your show and it's like the coolest thing. >> jimmy: it's very easy to talk to you. you're very easy to talk to. [ applause ] probably something most basketball fans know about you. you and isiah thomas were best
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friends, were rivals. before games, you would kiss each other on the court. you were really buddies. i remember you clotheslined him in the finals once, and that didn't go over so well. >> no, he didn't like that. >> jimmy: you haven't spoken to isiah for how many years again? >> more than ten years. >> jimmy: and you ran into him where? >> at miami at a restaurant. and i was there having dinner, and he walked up and we gave each other a hug and started talking about family and how's he been doing, how i been doing, and so on. it was a great moment. and i'm happy that we can move on and be friends again, man. >> jimmy: will you be friends again? >> no question about it. look, the past is the past. we got to leave that in the past. [ cheers and applause ]
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i know his family. he knew my wife before she was my wife. i knew his wife before she was his wife. and on and on and on. we watched the kids grow up. all of that. so it was just beautiful. >> jimmy: and would you have approached him had you seen him in a restaurant? >> oh, no question about it. >> jimmy: you've never even seen each other. >> we hadn't seen each other to do that. so it was just a great moment. you know, look, god blesses us to be on this earth, man, one time, right? so i'm glad he put us in a position where we could talk to each other like men, like friends and move on. [ applause ] >> jimmy: right. >> isiah is a good man. and i feel that we should know each other and be friends again, and i'm happy for also my family and his family. because i think it took a toll on them as well so that question now be friends again, everybody's good. >> jimmy: will you invite him to a dodgers game? >> i will invite him to several dodgers games. >> dicky: up next, katie couric kisses and tells.
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>> jimmy: our next guest's daytime talk show has already become the place for high profile athletes to discuss their imaginary girlfriends. the show is called "katie", it airs weekdays in syndication. please say hello to katie couric. >> jimmy: how are you? >> your new studio -- >> jimmy: our new studio. >> your new time slot. congratulations on everything. >> jimmy: congratulations to you. i know you got picked up for a second season of your show. >> i did. >> jimmy: are you happy about that? >> i am, i am. i'm happy about it. >> jimmy: you came to our studio when we were in brooklyn and interviewed me. that seems like a lot of work what you do.
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>> well, it's a lot of work what you do. >> jimmy: yeah, but it's more work what you do. it's more. you know, larry king was here, and he said he went on a date with you. many years ago. i cannot believe that that -- i refuse to believe that that is true. is that true? >> his recollection is very different, jimmy. >> jimmy: what is your recollection of this horrible, horrible event? >> so, i was about 30 years old and i was going through this period of my life where i was going i'm going to go out with anybody who asks me because you learn something every time you go out with a new person. you learn something and it's something new. so i met larry at this restaurant in washington. and what can i say, jimmy? i was wearing a leather skirt. and so he called me and he asked me out to dinner. i thought well that will be really interesting. >> jimmy: katie, you're on the air. >> so he picks me up at my apartment. i lived in washington. picked me up. i came downstairs and he had a lincoln town car. he was dri t
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