tv Right This Minute ABC February 7, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EST
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hi. i'm beth troutman. it's great video time, "right this minute." >> ah! >> the parents of a baby become suspicious of the sitter. so -- >> the mom put in a hidden cam ranchts the disturbing joild of what the sit sir accused of doing. >> is it wrong i want to do the sang them to her right now? >> four guys pull a brazen smash and grab. >> in the middle of business hour, in the middle of the mall. >> see what they took that's about to be in very high demand. >> i've lost 210 pounds. >> he lost weight, and wants the government to pay for skin
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surgery. after we brought you that story. >> we received an incredible resfrons our viewer. >> now ryan faces the critics who said he did it to himself. >> i really don't feel should be covered, that can be said about a lot of people. plus, the thursday buzzword for your chance at an ipad mini and a video that captures -- >> the point of you from a street fight. >> see if you're tough enough to take it. these cameras picked up pretty bad service from caregivers. in this first video i must warn you, it's very disturbing to watch. in russia, this 55-year-old woman is baby-sitting a little baby. the mom put in a hidden camera and watch what happens. >> oh. >> you can see her just kind of plopping the baby in. not gently. >> watch what she does next. >> ah! >> oh. >> oh. >> she did not smack that baby on the head? >> she smacked the baby on the
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head more than five times, and the baby you notice is face down in this rocker. she doesn't even turn it over. she just keeps hitting him on the head. >> is it wrong that i want to do the same thing to her right now? hit her on the back of the head. >> watch what she does next. she goes over, gets a blanket, throws it on the baby. smacks its head down one more time. >> this is so, so hard to watch. i can't even imagine what the family went through when they saw this thing. you can't smack a kid like that when they're this little. you could cause serious brain damage. >> this could have killed the child. >> i think if you have somebody in your house, you either make sure you are put a camera in, if you can't afford a camera, tell them you have a hidden camera and are watching everything they do. >> this woman is currently on trial and could get up to $1,300 in fines and face time in jail. like three months. >> not enough. meanwhile in another part of europe, this gentleman had multiple sclerosis. this woman is coming to care for
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him. watch the clock on the mantel. >> it's all right. so how about that? >> she pullaled the old, look ther ake as 20 pound note. >> it's shiny. right? >> and says, oh, wait. never mind. i don't know. it was just a light coming in. this was from last summer. this woman is expected to be sentenced soon. >> two ends of the spectrum. taking advantage of an old guy and beating up on a baby. and video stuck between rock and hard place. in naples, italy. a guy driving a fiat, a little white car, trying to turn around. a small space. stuck between two cars. reminiscent of that first "austin powers" movie. keep watching. things start escalating [ horn beeping ] >> ah.
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>> it's about to get a lot worse. >> here comes a motorcycle gang, could you call it. they're now stuck in this traffic jam. keep watching. the scene keats escalatinescala. >> this is like some sort of funeral procession coming down this road. look likes the guy gets off the balcony, comes down to the ground level. >> come on! >> lots of people going like this-a, and now you're seeing police. eventually the priest, father, or the pastor, is the one who's kind of keeping order and telling the guy which way to go. >> is this the only street in touth. >> here's the priest, yep. come forward a little bit. stop. back it up a little bit. >> thank you, father. >> finally. >> some people on youtube are saying this has got to be set up, some kind of ad. here's the thing is, we don't know. eventually there are some cheers, because apparently this guy had turned the corner. >> bravo! >> i just want to the note, the driver is male. >> at the end here, a dude on a
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moped decides to give the driver some flowers. >> oh, my got. the only thing missing was a marching band. some women, they have no idea how hot their valentine's day gifts are this year. this is a robbery in arlington, virginia. four guys come running in and they know exactly where they're going, because they smash only one counter and take them awhile to bust through the glass, but notice the time. this is 11:00 in the morning at a mall. >> i'm surprised if they get eway with anything that it will work. they're smashing everything. >> this is in the middle of hours in the middle of the hour. where are employees? seems this place is completely empty? >> i would think people are terrified. you see people fleeing in the background. these guys are masked up and covered up and didn't damage product and government away with $128 now, worth of diamond rings. those rings are going to burn off a lot of fingers for how hot
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they are. now off to another brazen robbery suspect. this is in florida. so brazen, he robbed the same munchies convenience store three times in january of this year. >> what? >> what's wrong with this guy? >> he is -- who does that? >> police believe it's the same guy. he's wearing the same jacket in the three different robberies in the surveillance video. twice he holds up a clerk to steal cigarettes. and some sort of synthetic marijuana. >> what an odd thing to staem. >> steal. >> one time seeing stealing scratch off lottery tickets, and police believe this is the thief unmasked cashing in a bunch of winning scratchoff tickets. everybody, we're giving away
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an ipad mini in just a little while. >> you're going to need thursday's buzzword and don't forget, you have to be 18 or older to enter. >> hang with us. thursday's buzzword, in just a little bit. >> good luck, everybody. let's go traipsing through the woods. see what we can find. >> traipsing, let's do it. >> what we can find is a friendly old owl. >> that person touched it? >> according to the poster video, this is a wild owl hanging out on a fallen tree in the woods. the guy behind the camera's breathing gets heavy, because he's excited he's petting it. >> like he's getting a massage, his eyes roll back. >> when he was able to pelt the owl and the owl didn't seem to be scared or fly away he immediately knew something was wrong with this owl. so he scooped this owl up and took it to a vet where they said that this owl had broken both of its wings. >> oh, no.
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>> looks so grateful. as if he knows this man is kind and going to rescue him. >> its expression now makes perfect sense. it really is being comforted. he's probably thinking, thank goodness somebody is here to help me. >> the owl had surgery to repair both of its wings and will spend about four months in therapy and then will be released back into the wild. >> awesome stuff. >> beautiful. i love it. >> you never know what you're going to find when you go -- >> traipsing through the woods. >> traipsing through the woods. i'm going to traipse until i find an owl. is this the latest trend in jewelry? >> that looks like some kind of weird medical device. that scares me. it looks like a -- a "twilight zone" episode. >> we've got the story behind the freaky passion. and we're going behind the scenes to find out what goes into making a formula one race car. >> all the tools and the sandpapering, and all of that stuff, turning into song. >> here's beats that make the car go zoom, later. day.
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xas we receiveed incredible response from our viewers this week after i told you guys this story of ryan loriault. >> i've lost 200 pounds. >> he says all by working out and through the knowledge he gained from friends and through books, but ryan's dealing with a different issue now. he has a lot of excess skin causing him health problems. >> this right here, that's the excess skin, and what ends up, like, happening, is it pulls my body forward and it can cause back problems. >> he's trying to get the skin removed. he lives in canada. insurance companies are saying this isn't covered. this is a cosmetic procedure. it costs something like $25,000 to perform the skin surgery. ryan's not necessarily asking people for money. just trying to get his story out there so maybe something can change.
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we've got ryan joining us on skype "right this minute." rhine, you believe you have medical grounds for this surgery. tell us why. >> well, it is causing me back problems because this pulls me forward. that's a lot of things. >> i applaud your commitment to your health, but i took the unpopular stance here, and kind of said, you know, i agreed with the insurance company. what do you say to me and others that may agree with a me? >> more or less what you specifically said was that i did it to myself, so you don't feelful should be covered, but that could be said about a lot of people. if you have a cancer patient that smoked for 20 years and they develop cancer, they knew that was a possibility. so, therefore, they've done it to themselves. >> a side from the surgery alone is there anything else you can do to cut down on this excess skin? >> oh, i definitely have. i switched over to weight lifting, gained quite a bit of muscle, but in order to get rid of that much excess skin i would literally just have to be gigantic when it comes to muscle. >> what was your ultimate goal
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of getting this video out there. >> i wanted to make people aware. not to just do it for myself. i wanted to help other people. that was the biggest thing that got me through this. i've had people tell me i'm their inspiration. i am happy with the results and the fact i am motivating them to do things. >> it's wonder natural you're an inspiration to people. have any of these people reached out and said, hey, we'll help you finance this? >> yeah, they have, but i feel really bad even considering taking money from these individuals. honestly said no t and i like this. like the one you have on right now and this is body posture jewelry. >> what? what is that? >> this stuff. >> some kind of weird medical device. that scares me. it looks like a "twilight zone" episode. >> looks like an instrument of torture. when i first saw it, i thought it was also some sort of torture
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instrument. these were the creations of an artist named jennifer who worked with metals for a really long time and says that this collection was inspired by people and their body language, and their movements as they talk. so that's why. she has different gestures she's created to use the jewelry for. like the power gesture or the, when i'm really nervous gesture and you really tap in on your heels. >> i total lit get what she's doing. the foot thing made it clear to me and this thing where the person has the elbows in the holders. these are positions we've all seen people do. the one with standing, like a cowboy. the thing with the foot, that zinged home. you see people fwhuns foot. >> we all do that. >> it makes sense as a concept but not in actual wearability. it does not make sense to wear i. thought it was cool. especially these ornamental hands. they're supposed to mimic the hands of painting that you see
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from previous centuries. >> you want your kids to stop texting? make them put that on. >> jennifer recently featured her work at the under 40 at the smithsonian washington art museum in washington, d.c. gopros give you a lot of things. in this new video, it's the point of view from a street fight. video recorded strictly on the new gopro 3 camera. street fighters, along the coastline here, in the bottom left-hand corner, they tell you what settings to have the gopro on to create this type of look. they put the cameras on the guy's wrists, on his feet. you see him taking out bad guys in unique perspective. it's martial arts for the new media. >> who he's in big studio cameras? use these. >> looks great. impressive. the editing, the points of view from the guy getting hit to the guy doing the punching and the kicking.
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fascinating. if you're a martial arts fan you're going to love it. >> i hope if this guy ever really does get attacked, that the attackers do snandtand in ae waiting and in intervals. >> a woman jumps out from the corner distracting her. he's able to fight back. a little bit of a twist at the end. tries to protect a little boy map to fight off a couple more dudes. >> oh, no. the kid was involved? >> the kid took him out? >> kid decks him with a head butt. a ton of behind-the-scenes content on this one. if you want to see it all go to "right this minute" click on best of "rtm" and go to the very end of this video and you'll see it all. ♪ she's a former escort who's now fispills juicy secrets from her past. she says 60% of her cents were ther married or with girl
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experience. and it's almost here. thursday's buzzword you'll i do interior decorating and styling for bars and restaurants. [ male announcer ] whenever a business switches from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it -- the powerful difference 100% fiber optics really makes. i got it the first time i uploaded these massive design plans. it was kind of mind-blowing because it happened so fast. [ male announcer ] now do more business per second with the speed and reliability of verizon fios for business. get internet and phone for just $94.99 a month when you sign up online with a two-year price guarantee.
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dating environment. >> she is a former escort. >> during this time i know how men can be more successful when dating. >> rebecca was involved in this business in the uk where it is legal. she saw -- over 900 different clients, and at any given point can make $2,200 per session. valentine's day was her busiest day. >> what? >> this is one of the secrets she reveals. she was in a hotel room having just finished with a client who then called down to room service, ordered champaign and fresh sheets because his wife was about to join him for a romantic valentine's day evening. >> ah. >> she says 60% of her clients were either married or with girlfriends. >> i was a sounding board to many men in relationship to marriages over the years.
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with this knowledge, i can help reinvigorate and enhance your relationship. >> so basically, what she's saying is, she listens to all the pillow talk from these guys who weren't getting it at home and now knows all that stuff so she can tell all the women, here's what you need to do, according to the guys that are coming to me. >> right. >> i think the term expert gets thrown around a little loosely these days. >> i can actually help you reconnect. i can take you back and make you feel how you did when you first met. >> do you know the irony of this? what is the wives of the men that she's been with, what if they're buying her book and reading it? >> making money both ways. >> oh! >> making money off the wives now, too. i know you ladies probably don't share my excitement that the brand new formula one season is weeks away. formula one racing, one of my favorite sports. put out this rb 9, new race car
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for the 2013 season. what's beautiful about this is what fans of this will like, doing it behind the scenes. look at engineering of the brand new race car and turns it into beautiful music. ♪ >> wow. >> like a sound tune. >> pretty neat. all the tools and sandpapering and all that stuff turning into song. detailed behind and a look inside the factory in the uk. the red bull racing team, current champions. hope to repeat. here the slick, sleek, fast-looking beautiful final. >> nice. well done, red bull. everybody, i think it's time that we give away an apad mini. >> you're going to need
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thursday's buzzword and you have to be 18 or older to enter. >> we'll give you the buzzword. head to our facebook page, using a tablet or mobile device go to the first post and tap on the mobile link. >> beth, let's do this thing. thursday's buzzword is -- subway. now get on over to and click on the win and ipad mini, and then enter thursday's buzzword, subway. that's s-u-b-w-a-y for your chance to win an ipad mini. good luck, you guys. about to take on a stream to get that stick. >> i want to call this dog super dog. >> what? >> see what happens when a game of fetch goes all extreme.
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this is a prank, burt i have a feeling this one you're not going to like. this is the texting while walking prank. that means this guy, this comedian, and couple of his comrades hit the streets of new york and started walking while texting and running into people. >> people really do this. that's the annoying thing. >> that's the thing, yeah. especially in a city like new york city. right? >> you better watch out, too, because you might get a punch to the face. >> there are a few moments where people are not happy. >> whoa. >> i'm trying to text here. you're running into me. >> get the [ bleep ] away from me. >> it's not funny. these girls are trying to make a picture. guy runs into them. >> ooh. she gave him the stank eye right off the bat. >> the thing is, they're not
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apologetic. they get mad at them for being in the way. >> come on, man. where the [ bleep ] you going? >> doesn't look like he's telling the people afterwards, oh, man, this is just a prank. sorry. >> this is a rude prank. this is just being rude on camera. >> i'm trying to text. now you're bumping into other people. look what you're doing. ding, ding. in one corner the big dog. in the other corner, the little dog. it's a battle of the ages. who will win. >> ah! >> for two solid minutes they duke it out in a one-round bout. >> you think the big guy's going to win, but the little guy, he won't be conquered. he won't give up. >> i think we're pretty much all winners here, because this is pretty cute. >> and like three people in the bedroom just watching this fight on the bed. they don't even care that the bed's messed up. the dogs, they take a pause, and the little dog is like, i am not done. i'm going to take you down. who wins? puppy. >> yes. >> the big dog kind of rolled over. >> that's a good dog.
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i think she's training the puppy. >> i'm pretty sure they just became good buds. >> we go from the really, really sweet to the super incredible. >> what? dog jumped over that river, creek! >> let's watch that again. across the stream, the dog makes it. the tail doesn't even drop in the water. >> i didn't even think about it. he knows he's going to clear that river. >> and it's not like a big dog. >> look at the other two dog, like, what the heck is he doing? how did he do th that's our show. thanks for joining us, and we'll see you tomorrow.
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