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tv   ABC2 News at 5PM  ABC  February 7, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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days. she said the daughter was with a relative. >> we kept following up and found that in fact the child wasn't where the mother said. we continued to talk to the mother and she admitted to smothering the child. >> reporter: she said she laid on the baby until she was dead and then put her in a dumpster . police believe they have identified the rail car that may have the child and have stopped a train from leaving. >> we still -- don't have the body. we are trying to find it, recover it. >> i have known her for a very long time. >> reporter: she lives in the bay ridge community with booth and was shaken by the events. >> to know i had my child around her is just freaks me out. it hurts because i knew her. it's crazy.
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>> reporter: there may have been signs something was wrong. >> i spoke to her. i was like hi and she didn't talk to me. i guess that was what was on her mind at time. i guess -- she changed after a certain period of time. >> reporter: laugh year there were two homicides with just more than a month into 2013 and they have equaled that. in annapolis. don harrison. >> booth is charged with first and second degree murder. she is being held without bond. a house alert to tell you about. a case of meningitis at loyola. the meningitis is not highley contagious but can be transmit fire transmitted if you have close contact. students were offered medication if needed. symptoms include high fever, nausea, vomiting, severe headache and a rash.
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breaking news we brought you earlier this week. police have released pictures from the deadly stabbing on tuesday that claimed a 15-year- old. jeff is in the studio with more. >> reporter: police have confirmed the victim and his friends just attended the ravens celebration and it was in the middle of a huge crowd leaving the events that someone stabbed and killed a 15-year- old dejon smith. the images show a pair of men walk agriculture long -- walking along howard street and then in a fight. hundreds of fans filled sidewalk. the police are hoping they may recognize someone in the picture to help them find a suspect. >> it's really hard for me to assign roles to everybody. all we have is video and -- as you know the video quality isn't perfect to make an identification. i know there were multiple juveniles involved and we just need help to identity at least
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one of them and hopefully detectives can take care of the rest. >> reporter: because of the chaos around the crowd it took two days just to retrace the victim's steps through security cameras as they made their way to howard street. police say that they believe smith and his killer knew each other but they haven't determined the nature of the dispute. >> development in the case of a woman who was found in her apartment with two children. police have identified the man they have had in custody since yesterday as jeffrey michael [inaudible]. he knew the victim but she wasn't romanticly involved with him. her body was found by swat agents who busted in to the apartment after hearing noises the outside. police say that she was picked up -- the suspect was picked up by officers who saw him walking. and howard county schools say they are making counselors available after a freshman was
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raped at the high school. charges documents show the 17- year-old admitted to having sex with the 14-year-old. she claims that he took her into an empty class and raped her. a letter went out to parents about the incident. officials say that student safety is a top priority. there is a big winter storm headed for the northeast. it's set to drop more than a foot of snow in certain parts but what we want know is if we will sue it right here? let's go to wyatt and the storm center to find out why so maybe we could dodge it. >> reporter: i think compared to the friends friend up north absolutely. how much of the back edge impacts us? still a bit of a question mark here. this is a complicated forecast situation. coastal storm yes but a secondary storm moving out of the great lake that will phase up as it moves off the coast
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and there will be wrap around precipitation. we are getting the clouds out of this large weather system. temperatures above freezing but not by a lot. mid-30s. some of the projections of the computer model runs will take the average, a one inch range around the city and then into northeast maryland you go into a two to three inch range. a close call and much worses you go north of the state line. hour by hour overnight we project a brief winter mix early in the morning, watch for that and then heavy rain during the day as we change back over. that's tomorrow night, friday night into saturday. we have more on this coming up. >> thank you. now to a developing story out of los angeles where a massive manhunt is underway, trying to find a former police officer suspect of going on a killing spree. we have the latest in the search for the man police consider armed and extremely dangerous. >> reporter: police throughout southern california are on high
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alert as the search continues for christopher dorner accused of shooting fellow officers and their families in revenge killings. >> officer shot almost multiple ! >> reporter: he shot two officers in riverside killing one and seriously hurting another. >> they were stopped at a red light and were ambushed by the suspect. >> reporter: minutes earlier in corona another shooting. a bullet grazed an officer's head as dorner sped away. >> multiple weapons at his dispose alcoluing assault rifles. this is a vendetta against all of law enforcement. >> reporter: dorner claims he was fired for reporting abuses and in his manifest he blames retired captain randy quan stating i never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, i'm terminating yours.
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detectives believe that he killed quan's daughter and her fiance on sunday. based on the letter the chief has ordered officers to protect 40 other locations. a situation now so tense that la officers opened fire on the wrong truck thinking it was dorner and wounded two innocent people thursday. the chief also said dorner tried hijacking a boat? san diego. > pointed a gun and demanded the boat. >> reporter: he wasn't able to move the boat from the dock. he was discharge from the navy last week and his former badge was found near point loma navy base. as a precaution lapd officers are doubling up while on duty and motorcycle officers have been pulled from patrol. abc news los angeles. >> tonight you will only see here, a middle river teen was
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severely burned last year. she was the victim of a fairly new fire idea called flame jetting. brian is here now with the preview of that story tonight. >> reporter: yeah. viewers may remember this story from last winter. aubrey clark was just hanging out in a backyard when she was hit with an explosive stream of fire that burned more than 30% of her body. it happened when another teen at the party put gasoline on the backyard fire pit. while that is never advisable, the violent fire ball it created is just now really being studied at the atf. it's something called flame jetting and by the pictures you see here it's a quick and explosive jet of fire that can go as far as 13 feet. that's what hit aubrey clark. her family was invited to the atf lab to see how it worked and so were we. the clark family wants everybody it know that not only
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can this happen, it does. >> we can save one life, prevent this from ever happening to another family it changes your whole world. not only are -- the survivor but she is burned, but the whole family is burned. >> reporter: hear the emotional story from the clark family tonight as well as see the incredible video from inside the lab at atf. only here on abc 2news at 11 . >> cancer can be devastating. what doctors focusing on when it comes to treating the young cancer patients. ravens head coach john harbaugh reveals his plans for the team. and police officers caught ignoring emergency calls on the
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job. what they were doing while innocent live was es -- lives were on the line.
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. doctors are looking at life after cancer and focusing on the sickness. linda tells you why it's so important. >> ready? set, go. >> reporter: brian is 12 and has had a brain tumor and leukemia. he overcame both but between chemo and steriods his treatments took a toll. > he went from 60-pounds to 120 pounds just with the steriods, just was really hard for him. >> reporter: it's common more kids to gain weight or loose muscle during treatment but for [inaudible] is after they are finished that
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the frustration sets in. >> wheel they have the heart and the mind to get back in once the chemo is over the bodies aren't ready. . >> reporter: which is why they have the play strong program, it's designed to continue care after cancer is gone. caring for them after the fact is more of a priority. >> let's get them back to what they want to do, the way they were before and let's get them back better. >> reporter: to do that children work with trainers like travis who help them properly rebuild strength and agility. for kids like ryan who spent years in treatment the hardest part was watching friends do what they couldn't. day by day that's less and less a problem. >> i'm hoping by the end of
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this i will be back to running and stuff. now i can do a lot more than i used to. >> reporter: abc 2news. >> doctors say using trainers is important so the kids get safe, proper workouts. just go to abc and search for linda. its been a record year breaking cases for [inaudible] whooping cough and now officials may know why. some cases have been identified where the cough was caused by a germ that could be resistant to the current vaccine. health officials investigating the new bug which they have found in europe and asia. last year the cdc reported more than 40,000 cases of the cough including 18 deaths. you may be taking the right steps to protect your heart but -- like eating healthy but there are hidden risks you
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shoulda visit stress can be a major risk depending on how you it. >> it's how you handle stress, does it make you angry, does it make you be unbe able to relax, does it just do bad things to you? >> solutions can have negative effects too in a family history so if you have any immediate relative who have heart disease before they reach 60 you do have a higher risk of heart attack. >> and now maryland's most accurate forecast. >> weather wise clouds rolling in today. 37 degrees and that's the high today. just five, to seven degrees above the freezing mark, feeling like winter. . storm moving in out of the south and west. clouded it up throughout the day. not just here but all across the state, under a gray sky and
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the same in the state capitol. watching this coastal storm making the run up the coast and will phase with the secondary storm system. morton -- light breeze, nice, weather wise, widespread, upper 30s, few 40s. here is the deal. winter weather watches up for the advisory for northern maryland and far western maryland. that will be extended through northeast maryland. then blizzard warnings up for places like massachusetts because that's where the cold air will be and where the heaviest precipitation will fall. we aren't sees much, a lit -- a little bit of rain into the virginia area. this is just the beginning. the real weather will start as we work into the time frame of tomorrow afternoon. we will stop it right here. 6:00 tomorrow morning. rain coming in with the coastal system. it's possible that some of the showers, especially north and west of baltimore could be
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briefly mixed with sleet or snow. then we get out of that situation and rain showers through the day as a main storm moves north. this is friday night. just past the evening rush. snow will start to change over and wrap around the back side of the system. we will get that brief burst in here, friday night into early saturday. clearing for the day on saturday. saturday morning to the extent you will see accumulations you will wake up through the early saturday morning. two different storms, they will pha section together and this is the larger system of the two. it'll be enhanced by the storm out of the north. friday night the main time frame and saturday morning, blizzard conditions from new york city north, philadelphia will be a tough call, looks like wet snow there, maybe a half foot or more and for us we will be on the cutoff but it does appear we could get some snow. we won't get the snow totals up in boston and massachusetts, they are 20 inches plus. philadelphia could get a ten inch storm.
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here not so much. for northeast maryland if you are watching cecil, across through northern hartford, those areas could get that two to three inch range north and east of baltimore. for baltimore maybe, may a one inch plus range early into the morning of saturday and keep in mind this cutoff is sharp. right on the state line. it's possible it could be further south. we could see that band shift north and we could get just a coating to an inch around here. it could swing either way. we will have more as the night wears on and tomorrow morning. tonight 34, tomorrow we are talking about heavy rain. windy conditions, tomorrow night things change back over to snow and we could see the accumulations, especially for north and areas north and east of baltimore. as we look into the seven day period things will clear out rapidly ending a snow shower and looks like we will moderate
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nicely sunday into monday with rain due in on monday mainly just a rain event. huge storm for new england. big storm for new york, and for the northeast, couple inches of snow very possible with us. keep an eye out. >> thank you. >> sure. >> we have good news from our friends at good morning america. robin roberts is coming back. she has been fighting drug abuse from her treatment of cancer. she has been cleared to return to the desk. >> this is a moment we have been waiting for. >> reporter: good morning america's robin roberts has been cleared by her doctors to return to work. she has been testing her strength, running through shows and winding her alarm clock back to 3:45 a.m. now we have a date. >> february 20th. it's five months to the date.
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>> reporter: she rejoins her co host and the rest of the gang and they aren't the only ones welcoming her home. >> robin roberts. welcome back. immaterial >> i'm delighted to know robin is coming back on the air. >> reporter: just last week she returned to her hometown in mississippi for the first time since her bone marrow transplant. watching the super bowl and celebrating her recovery with family. >> i feel mother spirit. i feel daddy spirit. i know that from their heavenly balcony they are celebrating. >> reporter: it was her sister who donated the bone marrow she needed to get better. her blood disorder was a side effect of chemoth era py.
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. she said your compassion has been a huge source of comfort to me and my family. she will be eased back in working back up to five-days a week. she said she can't wait. >> coming up, a call comes into help an unconscious 4- month-old and the officer on duty didn't budge. the shocking details showing officers openly slacking on the job. and a car is suspended on top of a staircase.
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. they are supposed to serve and protect but several miami- dade police officers ignored calls on the job. a call comes in to help a unconscious baby and hidden camera video shows the on duty officer and his supervisor not budging. according to a report the same officer ignored an armed robbery in progress. five officers and a sergeant were secretly watched over the course of two years doing things like shopping at target and visiting family members when they should have been working. >> troubling that really they are taking advantage of their own officers, they aren't providing services to the residents, they are making others do their work. >> reporter: two officers and the sergeant have been fired three are suspended. all three stripped of their badges are appealing to get their jobs back. a driver lost control of his car and look at this.
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ends up in a staircase. the man was trying to get a parking voucher when the car started rolling forward and he accidentally hit the gas. the car went through a parking gate. over a curb and through a guardrail before landing in this position. crews were finally able to get him out. neighbors in washington are divided over if a no trespassing sign is free speech for a scary message. underneath the sign it says attention -- it lists several weapons it claims to be on site. several say it's to threaten but police say it's a no trespassing sign posted on private property. don't think it'll go down. 32 teams in the nfl and the ravens are the only ones to get to the end of the season on top. we will tell what you the leaders saying as they wrap up their super bowl season. two airline giants could be joining up. which may mean higher prices at
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the ticket counter. find why united, american merger may be [inaudible]. and an asteroig d coming toward the earth. how close it'll get. >> as it moves toward earth. you will only see is here -- no. weather wise, couple different storms on friday. tomorrow the details on how it'll impact all of maryland.
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