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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 18, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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. hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's a brand new week and we have brand new videos "right this minute." a squad car is parked at a road block. >> the patrolmen were out. >> when suddenly -- how a little boy in that speeding car survived. >> we have the story. look closely at that ladder and you see -- >> a dog trapped behind it. >> how rescuers pulled a scared pup from a freezing canal. talk about your death-defying stunts as a race car -- >> whipped around and underneath this semi. >> but it's who gets out of this car that's the real shocker. plus want a new ipad mini? we have the monday buzz word for your chance.
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and a guy sets up a surprise for his roommate because the old air horn prank never gets old. police have set up a road block in hopes of catching they're in a high son. speed chase. when police tried to pull over johnson in his volkswagen for an on cured license plate, he took off at speeds of over 110 miles per hour. at that point police cars could not keep up with him any longer. here they have stop sticks set up and a police car blocking the road. watch what happens. [ bleep ] >> oh! >> what? >> there's a horrible impact. the cop car disappears from frame. police believe jeremiah elvin johnson struck that patrol car at about 130 miles per hour. separating the engine from the patrol car and sending it a
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block down the street. >> no one was in the car, though, right? the patrolmen were out. >> you see him move away from the car moments before impact. police say johnson was pronounced dead at the scene but miraculously, when they inspected the car, police heard a child crying. >> no. you're kidding me. >> inside johnson's car, behind the driver's seat on the floor, underneath some rags, they believe was his 5-year-old son that had been reported missing months ago. the child did survive, though, with serious injuries. >> i can't believe this guy was irrespon sponsponsible enough, from police at such high speeds, but, b, to hit this road block, knowing his 5-year-old child was in the back seat. >> it's possible at that point he really didn't care. he probably felt cornered and just decided to end it. you're looking at a west
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midlands fire fighter in the uk trying to rescue the dog. you're like where is the dog? you see him standing, see that ladder up against e wall? see behind the bottom? thre's a dog traed's a big dog. >> he fell between the wall and that built-in ladder. >> look at this. this has got to be so painful for this dog. >> he's standing up and scrunched in that little hole. >> at one point they tried to pull him out, wasn't working. so somebody else had to come in and remove part of that ladder. >> i can't imagine this is any fun for that poor baby. >> it took firefighters quite a bit of time to get him out of there. >> they are cutting the material. >> in the second video, you can see the dog betterment they have equipment to cut away some of those latter rods. >> they have the jaws of life out there. look at the size of that thing. wow.
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>> the dog is released. >> there he is. >> the dog comes out. >> oh. >> he looks so happy and exhausted at the same time. >> notice how the dog is not wiggling? i think that dog is cold and realized these dudes are here to help me. >> this is what you call teamwork. by now you have probably seen these incredible images of the meteor that exploded in the sky over russia. >> insane to think that's a meteor that came from space. >> a meteor that weighed nearly ten tons, 49 feet wide and traveling at speeds of 33,000 miles per hour. >> what's really crazy is the sonic boom that it created that caused all the damage. >> caused windows to shatter. caused injuries to some people. now, of course, this happened in russia. as we well know here on "right
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this minute," people in russia have dash cams rolling at all times. dash cam video still pouring in. check some of these videos out. >> wow. >> you can see people sitting there stunned watching this light just streak across the sky. as it explodes in our atmosphere. scientists say it exploded about 18 to 35 miles up in our atmosphere. >> i can't imagine what the people must have been thinking when they first saw, felt and heard this. do you think you're under attack? do you think it's a giant missile? the information didn't come in right away. it's not like you will look up and say there's a meteor. they must have been terrified. >> when we do get meteors they are to the this large when they get to our atmosphere. they break off and almost never cause this much damage. >> it looks like the whole sky lit up and it's sunset when it should be sunrise. >> it happened around 9:20 in the morning russian time. suddenly the sky did light up like the sun exploded into the
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sky. this is one of the best images. you see this car do a u-turn. then the sky just lights up. >> everybody, it's monday. coming up really soon, the great rtm ipad mini giveaway. you need monday's buzz word and you have to be 18 years or older to enter. we will give you monday's buzzword in a bit, so hang with us. because it's winter and the mountains are covered in beautiful white snow, fearless skiers hit the mountains and kristoff obersnyder is not missing a beat catching some of these amazing runs but some of the world's most amazing skiers. >> look at these vertical slopes that these guys are going down on. they're really just drops. >> they should have a parachute on. >> it's amazing the skis stay on the surface of the snow. >> funny you should say that.
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keep watching. ♪ things turn out not so well for this skier. he is tumbling, rolling. amazing amazingly, not injured. >> he's a ragdoll at that point. head over heels. >> the snow is so soft it broke his fall. before you know it, you see him walking back up to retrieve his skis. >> this is so like the agony of defeat fall. >> the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat. >> i give it to him for going back to get them. i would be telling my friends, pick up my skis on the way down. >> it's like a walk of shame. >> this is not a walk of shame. now he's proving not only can he ski but he's a rock climber. it's a big jewelry robbery in, get this, beverly hills. >> they don't even look nervous. they don't look like they have a conscious. >> see how some confident robbers pulled it off next. it's a video they call the beyonce sandwich.
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interested? >> they had me at the texas
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a pair of videos that shows that bad people are always lurking. this is in malaysia. a woman rides up on her bicycle to the back of this house. watch what happens. >> aw. >> two guys on a motor bike pull up next to her, shove her down off her bike and begin punching and attacking her, trying to steal something from her. you can hear her screaming, dogs barking. it's terrible. >> they're vicious against her. >> it looks like they got a wallet, ripped a bracelet or a watch off of her wrist. >> she's left there stunned not knowing what the heck just happened. in beverly hills, a couple people walk into a high-end jewelry store are shopping looking at the display case at the end of this red carpet. this guy is wearing a suit,
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carrying an umbrella with a tie on. another guy shows up, the salesman in the gray off to the side opens the cabinet and shows the jewels to the customer or to the would-be customer. you see the guy with the hat? he pulls out a gun, appears to tell the jeweler, hey, i got a gun. start putting stuff in the bag. the guy with the gun reaches in, clears out the case. you can tell the other people in the store don't really know what's happening. his accomplices seem to hold hands and walk out of the store followed by the guy with the bag of jewels. >> how embarrassing for them. >> they don't even look nervous, don't even look like they have a conscious while doing this. >> they're not shifty, not looking around checking things out. you're right. they're cool criminals. ♪
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♪ nick, it's tech time for the peter frampton fan in all of us. >> the frampton dude with the voice box stuff in his songs? that guy? ♪ >> people went nuts for peter frampton back in the '70s because he had that auto tone thing before you it was big. >> did not sound like that, though. >> you know what would make it sound like this? if i had this, the weewow. i could sound like peter frampton only using my iphone. >> it souths the sound from the speaker to a tube into your mouth where you use your lips and teeth to create the sound. >> this is a kick starter project. i'm a big fan. to tell us about the project, we will bring in our voice box, ou
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auto tuned genius, zack. hey, zack. good to see you. tell us about how this works? >> basically it is a small adapter that goes over your speaker, and then there's a tube that comes up to your mouth. you use your mouth to shape that sound. ♪ >> so what's different about this? >> it's using just your phone. you don't have to pay for exopinion siee expensive instruments. >> how can we get one? >> it's only about $20. not too expensive. >> from an awesome kickstarter project to a bonus video of sorts? >> this is a coin rolling on a treadmill for about an hour. we probably shouldn't watch the whole thing, but it is pretty cool. >> what? >> the right side of this treadmill is higher up on the left side, so as the nickel is
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falling to the left, the treadmill is moving to the right. these two combine and keep it in the same place. >> science. >> it's like a lava lamp. you just sit there and look at it. wow. it's the video of the dmv crooner. >> most miserable place on earth. >> yes. >> got that michael buble look going on. >> he has a voice, too. >> you have to meet this guy. dmv crooner on the next "right this minute." still to come, a scorched forest becomes a lovely skiing playground. >> like fifr and ire and ice ate time. >> see the beauty that comes after the flames burn out. get ready to write down monday's buzzword because you'll need it for your chance to win an
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check out "right this minute." you can see today's videos and more all day long. forest fires are very destructive and dangerous and hard to watch. but as dangerous as they are, they are also extremely beneficial to forests because they clear out the brush, they allow for new seeds to germinate and new life to be born in these forests. so soloman created a cool video and posted it on youtube to show the beauty behind forest fires.
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the fire happened earlier in the year. then we see the snow creeping in to this burned fire. and then, of course, the skiers hitting the snow on these burned forests. ♪ >> like fire an ice at the same time. >> yeah. >> what they're doing artistically is amazing. it's not something that we've seen. we see the devastation and the destruction of forest fires. this does showcase the beauty and the positive side of something we associate with destruction. >> even after a fire, the recovery that happens naturally is incredible. >> the video is set to "young men dead" by the black angels. >> the blood of the earth refines the goal, and now it is their time. it was always the plan. the cycle of life.
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♪ >> the mini was an iconic car of the '60s. it's a popular little car, but never known for its performance. to change that these guys in the uk, z cars, put an 1100 cc motorcycle in it, that makes it go really fast. i love this woman's face. >> in a cooper? in a mini? >> watch this thing rip. >> this is a kit car. you have to build it yourself, but fun to drive and i love her reaction. on to another bit of incredible driving. this little legends car, a small miniature race car is being whipped around and underneath this semi truck. this video put together by the youtube channel drive.
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pretty skilled bit of driving. >> yeah. >> but the guy doing this doesn't even have a driver's license. >> my name is dillon murray. i am 12 years old. >> he's 12. >> what? >> no way. >> i've been racing for a couple years. probably about four. i started off racing c.a.r.t.s at a place called andretti. after that, i'm about to start legends. hope that will go well for me. he's being touted as the future great american driver. he's being compared to ken block, mario andretti. it's pretty interesting to listen to this kid's story. if you want to see the whole thing go to, click on best of rtm. >> i don't think it's that scary. i think it's pretty awesome. it's a brand new week, everybody, let's make it great with an ipad mini giveaway. >> you will need monday's
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buzzword. >> when we give you the buzzword, head to the first post on our facebook page and tap on the link. today's word is vintage. >> enter monday's buzzword of vintage for your chance to win an ipad mini. this guy is out to blow up a relationship. >> you ever have a roommate from hell? >> see the
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recent lit well recently a blog posted this video because mom's reaction is priceless. >> we're not having meatloaf for dinner. >> why? [ bleep ]. >> mom wasn't expecting her. with the help of some friends, amanda kay surprised her mom back in october when she showed up at her mom's job. >> love these. love these. i don't care how many times i watch them. love them. >> i love that was her line, mid conversation. i want meatloaf for dinner. >> what? why? what are you doing here? >> these are so special. you know all these people do sacrifice their time and their families to be out, you know, away from home serving.
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>> i love what she says to her mom about when you are coming home? >> did i tell you the 23rd? i meant the 16th. sorry. all i'm going to say about this, i don't think you're ready for this jelly. the funny folks at the hoopla ha youtube channel put together a little video. it's the beyonce sandwich. appropriately set to the destiny's child song "bootylicious." but this is, in fact, an actual sandwich. >> they had me at the texas toast and bacon. >> texas toast, three strips of bay done, which represents the members of destiny's child. then we have some blue cheese, blue ivy carder, fried chicken, beyonce's favorite. my personal favorite, some hot sauce, the signature perfume. are you ready for this jelly? >> that's the last ingredient in. >> not the last, but an ingredient. >> i hope it's not in there.
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>> now we'll put all of this yummy goody deliciousness together in a texas toast bacon hot sauce-drenched jelly-laden sandwich. once the jelly is spread and the last piece of texas toast is placed on the top, if you like it, you got to put a ring on it! >> i knew an onion ring was coming. >> it's absolutely coming. here it is. placed perfectly there on the top of this delicious yummy texas toast sandwich. then you get to dive in. puppy versus doorstop. ♪
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safe to say many of us have had roommates over the course of our lives. you ever have a roommate from hell? >> roommate from hell. >> i'm so lucky i've never had. >> i've heard of them, though. maybe this will make you feel like you did. this guy's roommate is about to come out of the bathroom. he has the camera set up. surprise for his buddy. >> oh! >> that's so mean. >> it's like first thing in the morning, he got out of the shower. it must be cold. he's wearing his sweater. >> oh. >> very sexy way. >> i love this little dance. he's like, ahh, make it stop. >> great. oh, great. >> of course you got me on camera. >> why do dudes like to scare
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each other? when my husband and i first lived together, he did this to me all the time. i found myself stressed out walking down the hall. i didn't know what would happen. why? >> look. this is why. >> so sad. >> it is so sad. >> yet it's so funny. that's it for "right this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you
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