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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  July 9, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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ownby the end. this boy and the other boy, uninjured. the video is very short, but the san francisco police department has released it because they need everybody's help to try to figure out who is responsible for this brutal attack. kicks her in the head and knocks her unconscious. all these guys standing around were all a part of this attack. >> it is believed that five people were involved in this attack. they have arrested apparently three other people many connection to this and other robberies, but they've yet to identify and arrest the man that actually kicked this woman. to tell us more about this incident we have san francisco police department pio abby escarza. what do you know about this guy, although you have three other people under arrest? >> we have two females and one male that are all adults, and
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they're all in association with this egregious crime. we're hoping this video gets some leads so we can find out who the guy is. >> are the other people not saying, not telling you who this guy is? >> at this point the other individuals are not giving us any information as far as what happened or who this other individual is. >> so what's the condition of the woman now? >> thankfully the victim is recovering at home. she sustained some injuries, of course, with abrasions and bruising, but nothing too serious. >> did anyone come to this woman's aid? >> after she was kicked in the face and knocked out, you do see a group of good samaritans trying to help out the victim and call police and try to get a description. >> do you think she was trying to get up to chase after this guy before she was kicked, or was she injured already some. >> she's already injured as it is, and then before the suspect cowardly kicked her in the face. >> all of this for what? what did they manage to get? >> my understanding is this was all over a smartphone and a purse. you know, it's just really sad
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and really egregious that this person committed the crime, so we want to make sure we get him off the streets and in custody where he belongs. >> i think this ship needed someone on the dock helping him park. >> you're going the wrong way! >> this is at a marina in norway, and you see that giant cement ship. it was supposed to be coming into the harbor and docking. instead taking out several little luxury sports boats that are parked in the nearby marina. >> how did he miss that, though? it's not like it was just one little boat. >> there is a tugboat assisting in this docking job. according to reports, he had on his ship about -- the bow thrust is designed to make the ship maneuverable. >> that thing is like a staem roller. >> do you think the ship captain leaves a note on everybody's boat window. >> just watch and listen as the
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boat kind of -- >> oh. >> oh. >> that sounds awful. sounds like a soda can being smashed. >> yeah. >> they said that this accident probably cost in the millions of dollars. >> minneapolis police very interested in this surveillance footage out front of a wall mart store. keep an eye on had car. a little blocked by the street here, but keep an eye towards the trunk of that car. trunk pops open. out somebody pops and runs down the sidewalk in front of wal-mart. looks like it's a girl. somebody from the past. also looked like another woman. grabbed that person. stuffed her back in the trunk of that car. the car takes off. >> the way the person was in the trunk of the car and trying to get away, and this person shoved the person back in the trunk in a busy parking lot. >> it looks like police were called. this was sunday evening. police were called when they got there. witnesses described the scene. by monday police confirmed that this was a prank.
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>> oh. okay. >> i was going to say, this can't be real. what the heck? >> who does this as a prank? >> apparently one of the mothers of one of these juveniles involved called police and said i think that's my kid. this is some sort of prank that they were trying to pull. police came out and said everything is okay. imagine being msarking lot and driving by or walking by and seeing this unfold. you know, call the police. people who saw thi d the ghthg. ah. a meanwhile, these people were just trying to create a viral video? >> no reports as to what these people were trying to do, if they were trying to create a viral video, if they were trying to just prank their friends. no reports on what exactly was the reason. two boats hit the water. then one wipes out. >> now look. runaway rogue boat going around in circles. what do you do? >> see the daring maneuver that saved the day.
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and a lady gets a group hug from some baby goats. >> hi. hi.
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>> wheerz things you don't see coming. first two boats moving along really fast, and then right there one of the both is wiped out sending both people on board into the water. now look. runaway rogue boat. kind of funny. the announcer can't seem to figure out what's going on. >> something going on there. >> quite obvious. he fell off the boat. it doesn't matter. >> it's so close to them. >> is he getting close to them. it's getting close to all sorts of other things. a rogue bolt. what do you do? to the rescue comes a royal canadian mountain police. you see them here in this boat. this is a man you've right out of james bond. you see the guy on the edge with his feet dangling over.
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watch this. you almost can't see what happens, and then when the boat comes around the corner, you can see he jump from one boat to the other. what i like instead of just, like, killing the motor -- >> good job, guys. >> he punches it out of there. awesome rescue. very cool. from one sport to another. now to golf. it can be frustrating. this guy on the tee box. doesn't particularly like his drive. snaps the club, and here's the thing you don't see coming. >> oh, no! >> i think he was trying to chuck it in the woods. because you fwot like a snapped golf club, you don't really know where the thing is going to go. then, i mean, what do you say? you're a bad golfer and now you
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are a bad friend. >> feel good animal videos for you. >> first, a leopard enjoys a little jazz. it's in captivity at the sfwloo. the leopard's maim is casey. only lepered steel in captivity in the world. the seal was rescued, almost dead mere sydney australia. now it's vibrant, swimming around in this little enclosure there, and really enjoys jazz music. in fact, they say that certain times of the year casey will sing along to the jazz music. the guy playing the saxophone was the -- he says this is the best audience he has ever had. this is a study they're doing along with the marine mammal research center, and they want to constituted where i their reactions of the leopard seal to different sounds, different kinds of music, and they do think that casey enjoys the jazz saxophone. ♪ now, from leopard seals to adorable baby goats in
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connecticut. this is at an an fall farm. the lovely lady is standing in it. first it looks like she's dancing with the baby goat. then all the other baby goats want to get in on it. >> hi, hi. >> they all start coming towards this woman. >> then watch. >> oh. he jumped on her face. >> yeah. >> they hop on her. >> they're playing her. they're giving her little face kisses. they're really all over her. >> you can't even see her. >> the lady says softest baby goats ever. it's a seductive video going viral. >> i want you to tell me what you think this is an ad for. >> could be the hotel. >> or promoting wherever she is. >> find out why this steamy ad has people heated. >> plus, a close call caught on camera when meets hungry predator. >> the crocodile is back -- >> this might be one scenario where it's good
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a recently released ad campaign is going viral. you're going see why. i want to you tell me what you think this is an ad for. ♪ >> what do you think? >> could be the hotel or promoting wherever she is.
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maybe a tourism promotion. >> this is a brand new ad promoting roxi pro 2013. it's a surfing competition that has 17 of the word's best women surfers competing, but one thing you'll notice is not in this ad is surfing. this ad campaign was put together by roxi. they create athletic gear. people are mad because they say this is exploitive and it is overly sexual, that it's not showcasing the talent of these world champion surfers and they never show this surfer's face. in fact, there's a _#that says who am i? just guess. people don't know. there are guess that is it might be australia's stephanie gilmore, who is a five-time world champion surfer, or south africa's rosy. those are the best guess so far. >> looks like the ad company went to the lowest common denominator and defaults to the
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sex sells idea. >> plus, this ad has taken them back because we're not highlighting their talents. >> very good. a little extreme. >> honestly. it's the promo for a surfing competition, right? you can do it the way it's been done 5,000 times before with highlights from surfing competitions, right? this stands out as different. this ad highlights only their physical attributes. >> working in the television and film industry is a big dream for many people, and if you are lucky enough to get into it, you want to be able to perfect your craft. why not learn from some of the best guys in the business? namely, alex blono. he is the director of photography at "saturday night live." >> you might have seen my work on "saturday night live" where i have been shooting for 14 years. >> he is putting together an art of visual story telling tour traveling the country in june
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and july that teaches aspiring filmmakers and photographers how to do things better. >> i had a chance to learn from some amazing cinematographers. >> he also goes through and tells us what you may learn at one of his seminars. >> we'll take a short film script and break it down. we'll create a shot list, lighting plan. basically anything that i would do at "snl" or any other job. then we'll shoou shoot one of these, and then you can apply that's same techniques. >> this is the old see how the sausage is made. >> let's learn how the sauce auj is made. joining us right now is alex. what can people expect to learn from this? >> one of the hardest things about the work we do at "saturday night live" is it's incredibly fast turnaround. it's shot on friday, and it has to go to air on saturday. they don't have a lot of time. i can sort of help people figure out how to do what they're doing. >> how can someone get involved with a tour coming to their city? is therein an altercation process.
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>> we have a website, and we have 15 more cities. we head to phoenix and up the west coast and over to denver. gu to the website and find your city. you can join us. >> from the video it sounds like you've been inspired by some pretty amazing people in the past. are you hoping to then do the same for young people, young filmmakers? >> that would be great if i could do that. i've been working on camera system for a number of years for some of the best cinematographers ever. it's not just with how generous they've been. i would love to help someone move up. >> a still photographer that's learning to shoot video for the first time or you're a veteran and just looking for new techniques. >> i'm just really excited to share with you guys some of the lessons that i learned in my cinematography hero that is i new use. >> a new study that has you drop a righter to measure how dumb you are in centimeters. >> i think there are some x factors. >> see how we measure up next. >> no kidding.
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limbo is usually saved for vacations on the beach. you limbo under a stick. tim knoll limboing on his bicycle. we've shown you his stunt videos
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before. here tim is demonstrating how to limbo on a bicycle. here he is doing is under traffic. it's like ten of him in a row. then you get up and you can't. you'll decapitate him. >> get wobbly on the bike. your instinct is how to catch yours. how to turn that off? >> i make sure never to stick my me head up. scrapes are better than stitches. >> want to learn how to do the bike limbo, he teaches you. first, he uses his left foot, puts it out on the front peg to steer. if you put both your feet out there, you'll fall right off the back. the trick is to hook your height foot underneath the peg, and that's what you use to hold your body on the bike. watch. hold it on with that right foot, leaning way back. that's how he does his trick. >> looks scary. >> looks neat. i love it. >> i'm going to suggest that you do try this at home. david and mauricio are measuring how slow and consequently how
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dumb humans are in centimeters. most people have an average delayed response of about 190 mill seconds to desect and respond to the visual stimulus. a ruler is long enough for people to catch, but it's also a way to sort of benchmark people's performances in -- it took her about 14 1/2 centimeters to catch it. >> what they're doing is setting up a slow mo camera, and they're dropping a ruler in between the fingers of all of these people to see how long it takes them to figure out that the ruler is, in fact, dropping and then react and catch it. they brought in a neurologist to explain exactly what is going on. >> i would say if you laid out all the defenses with the expectation, then the sensation comes in, then it's the retina that picks up and starts moving. then -- the frontal cortex, and the front brain is involved in the decision making context.
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>> it defines the sequence. it will send a signal down your spinal cord and tell the muscle to grab. >> i think it's a cool study. however, i think there are x factors like did you drink a bunch of coffee that day or did you get enough sleep? lots of things will affect performance. one is age. we know that people's response times, especially in tests like this, tend to increase up until like the early 20s and then they decline. >> i have a ruler so we can try this. >> pretty good. >> pretty good. >>. >> yeah. >> oh, wroush. >> 24. >> we're doing it -- >> 24. >> that's practice. >> you are shaking. >> very good. >> you guys are really los in age too. >> yeah, yeah. >> ready? you shouldn't say ready. >> 19. >> 19. >> wow.
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>> it did do it by age. >> let's go on a trip. that first one is in kenya. you see a zebras that are hanging out chilling. they're also migrating. one of the challenges in their migration is to cross this river. >> it's full of crocodiles and -- >> full of crocodiles. they jam out of there because, yeah, there's a crocodile or two. they all start going into the river. the crocodile is right back to the river. sdwl oh. >> this might be one scenario where it's good to be last in line. you think by then maybe the crocodiles are full. >> or they haven't caught anything, and it's their last shot, and they're really aggressive. auto then you're really in trouble. >> even though he got really
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close to the crocodile, he made the scy momes to camel ve. and friends, there are friends in arizona that have all kinds of really cool animals. these are emus. they're learning how to walk. oh, yeah, they're wobbly. a lot of fun to watch. >> they try a number of times. they flop over. >> it takes them a while, but he got it. he is up on his two legs. >> there is another video, and this one they're learning how to eat. they're getting the little help from a baby ostreich. >> ah. >> this is the part of the day where they ate and worked out. they're exhausted. >> this one fell asleep immediately. like knocked out. >> the other one is trying to go to the next. he is, like, dude, just get off me, bro. i just want to lay here. >> that's our show. we'll see you next time, everybody. -- captions by vitac -- [ female announcer ] at your local subway,
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summer flavors are served up fresh. like the crisp, delicious orchard chicken salad. you loved it so much, we brought it back as a five dollar footlong and now as a five dollar chopped salad! hurry in today. subway. eat fresh.
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>> spinelli: i was beginning to think you weren't coming. >> carly: i'm sorry. i couldn't get away from work. >> spinelli: just that you're not the only one with demands on your time. >> carly: spinelli, ever since franco showed up, my life has been hell, okay? and now that little danny is sick, i'm very distracted, so i'm just gonna say i'm sorry in advance. >> spinelli: okay. i'm sorry. i don't mean to add to your burdens. uh, what can i do for you? >> carly: i have a job for you. and it pays well. >> spinelli: would be most welcome. >> carly: i really, really need you to deliver on this. >> spinelli: this must be a case of some import. >> carly: i need you to investigate someone, all right? no detail is too small. >> spinelli: who's the subject?
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>> sonny: before i lay this out, i want to -- what we talked about yesterday, about you being, you know, committed to my services -- you mean that? >> shawn: well, i wouldn't have said it otherwise. >> sonny: okay, well, that means we've got to get down to business. >> shawn: mm-hmm. >> sonny: assuming that you have no problem with alexis. >> shawn: well, uh, alexis isn't a factor anymore. >> alexis: [ sighs ] >> shawn: sonny protects people he loves. and i want that, too. >> alexis: so you want to be a hit man because it's for the greater good? is that it? >> shawn: look, i don't know, alexis, okay?t i can't let it g. look, it gives me something that i-i didn't know i needed till i almost threw it away. can you find a way to live with that? >> alexis: no. i can't. [ door opens ] >> sam: hey. >> alexis: hi. >> sam: how's danny? >> alexis: he's sleeping. did you talk to dr. singh? did they find a donor? >> sam: dr. singh is off the
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case. danny has a new doctor now. >> alexis: what? who? >> sam: silas clay. >> ava: excuse me. doctor? i-i'm looking for my daughter. she's here somewhere, and she's having some te-- silas. >> silas: hello, ava. >> morgan: perfect. oh, kiki, this is guaranteed to take your mind off my brother. i mean, she'd better. i'm spending enough of her mom's money to make her happy. >> franco: i'm all for kiki being happy, but... what makes you think her affection can be bought? >> michael: don't tell me about your dreams, okay? i don't want to hear them. we have to stop running into each other. >> kiki: but that's my point. michael, we keep trying to avoid each other, and it doesn't work. >> michael: well, we hav


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