tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 19, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am EDT
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on. i love this idea, i guess he is not going to do it. and by the way, i would also buy cologne called elon musk, too. fyi. this comes to us from england. sky sports has a correspondent named nick collins. he was covering a preseason soccer match outside wembley stadium today. now, watch closely as nick earns tonight's award for excellence in reporting. >> he's a man in form. he was man of the match here at the community shield game. >> jimmy: and he's gone. i don't know what happened, but -- [ applause ] what i'd like to imagine -- i'd like to imagine him getting punched in the groin by a squirrel wearing boxing gloves. literally. justin bieber did something nice yesterday and he wants to make sure you know about it. he was driving through l.a. and happened upon a woman who asked for money. so he stopped and handed her moneand posted a picture of his good deed on instagram.
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that's right. there it is. he posted this. he wrote "always give back." it's a good message. maybe we can give him back to canada. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: these are from -- these are actual comments on his instagram account. "i'm so so so so proud of you, justin, you are the best, justin, i love you so much." "and who agrees with me that justin is the best person and idol in the whole world? everyone." so there you go, you agree with it. i'm actually most impressed with the fact that justin could reach down into his pants pockets, which were probably down by the gas pedal somewhere, to get money and hand it to the -- so there you go, girls, if you want to meet justin beebeieber and g out on the side of the road. this is a great piece of video, from the national rally championship in india. it's an off-road auto race. the car you're about to see is driven by a man named samir who
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according to the guy in the passenger seat was not doing a great job behind the wheel. >> sharp right, sharp right! sharp right! listen. >> samir, you have to listen to my calls, buddy. please. i beg you. medium left. medium left! medium left then a sharp left! you're not concentrating! >> okay. >> samir, you have to listen. otherwise, you're not working, samir. you're watching and driving. stay on the road, samir, please? [ bleep ]. sammy. sammy, what are you doing, man? [ bleep ]. ah! oh, oh, oh, oh sammy, sammy, you are breaking the car! i mean, what are you doing, my friend? shut up. >> jimmy: we've got to find those guys. [ cheers and applause ] i want to find those guys. i want to take them on a road
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trip to las vegas. there's much celebration in north korea right now. north korea has announced they developed their first ever smartphone. it's called the ararang. it's just like an iphone, but if you ask siri any questions he reports you to the police. actually, it may be more accurate to say that north korea pretended to unveil a smartphone. because it is widely believed that these phones were secretly built in china and shipped to north korea so they could pretend to have made them. so it isn't just us here in america cheating off the chinese kids. it's all over the place. the main reason it is hard to believe they built a smartphone, because wi-fi and cell phone data plans are illegal in north korea. you can't -- no one has a friends and family -- you can't even have friends and family in north korea. so they have a smartphone that doesn't do anythin essentially, they have invented a rectangle that you have to charge once in a while. they released photographs of kim jong un touring what they claim is the factory where the phones were built. you see there he is following his father's tradition of visiting places and looking at
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things. the workers in the funny blue lunch lady outfits are fantastic. they're either making cell phones or meatloaf. i'm not sure. what do you think the guy on the far left is weighing there? he's got -- is that sugar? there's one more. everyone has a little notepad and is taking notes. and then kim jong-un will spend the rest of the day at home, staring at his new phone, waiting for dennis rodman to call. and you know, what north korea may have to pretend they make smartphones but they make pickled cabbage like nobody's business. and that's -- you can't eat a smartphone. [ applause ] thank you. they'll be thrilled. some park rangers here in california made a surprising discovery in topanga state park, which is not -- it's right here in the middle of l.a. they found a huge pot farm. they found a farm that was split into seven plots on which someone grew 5,000 pounds of marijuana. that's just some of it.
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authorities loaded the pot into trucks and drove it to a willie nelson concert to be incinerated. and now no one will ever smoke pot in california again. you know, they assume this pot was grown by humans. but i wouldn't rule out bears, because -- well, think about it. they sleep three months out of the year. they're lazy. all you ever see them doing is rummaging through the trash trying to find food. and their leader's name is smokey. as far as i'm concerned, that is case closed. [ applause ] the ranger who i guess discovered the farm made a statement this morning. he gave some details. it really is amazing people grow this out in the open and it can go undiscovered for so long. >> i can confirm that park rangers have seized an estimated 5,000 pounds of illegally grown marijuana in topanga canyon state park. these are fully mature plants. we can report at this time that the damage to the park ecosystem was significant.
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and that the universe is expanding. and that the earth, even though it seems like we're standing still, we're actually moving. flying through space in this crazy orbit. ready to go home. anyway, it's just -- just [ bleep ] nuts. >> jimmy: well, i agree. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we need to take a break. when we come back, we have a special oprah edition of "lie witness news" tonight. oprah is here tonight. christoph christopher mintz-plasse is here tonight. and we have music from the wanted too. so don't go away. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ] cheez-it brings you, crunchy new zingz. [ cheese ] hey, what's that? oh, uh, new cheez-it zingz -- the crunchiest cheez-it yet. looks pretty ama-zingz.
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yep. so appeti-zingz. mesmeri-zingz. accessori-zingz. oh! scandali-zingz. that's wrong. ♪ ehh ehh ehh ehh please no... ♪ wild zingz... [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into all of our crackers, like crunchy new zingz. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. we started at the beginning. we did our homework. we focus grouped. and we focus grouped the focus groups. then we brought in all the carriers and all the phones, and we decided when you stop loving this, you should be able to trade it in for a gift card. we didn't just make a change, we made a better way to buy mobile. here's your gift card. customer: oh, thanks very much. blue shirt: nice choice. vo: get up to $200 when you trade in any working phone. vo: only at best buy. olive garden's never ending pasta bowl is back. unlimited breadsticks and salad, plus never ending combinations of pasta and sauce just $9.99.
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and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or chicken for $2.99. it's all unlimited when you go olive garden. [ female announcer ] clear. feeds your scalp so it can be the right foundation for strong, beautiful hair. take the clear 7 day scalp and hair challenge. for stronger, more beautiful hair. [ female announcer ] ...or your money back. ♪ [ male announcer ] ever wonder why no other mouthwash feels like listerine®? because no other mouthwash works like listerine®. in your mouth, bacteria forms in layers. listerine® penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with the mouthwash dentists recommend more than all others combined. #1 dentist recommended listerine®... power to your mouth™. the next powerful storm is going to hit... but it will... that's why there's a new duracell battery.
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introducing duracell quantum. with its high density core, it's a quantum leap in battery power. the next storm is out there. but so are the heroes. so we're giving a million duracell quantum to first responders everywhere. power. in the hands of the most powerful. duracell. trusted everywhere. no. mom, check it out! energy drinks. no. hey mom! dare me to do a back-flip? no. 1, 2, 3, 4! no! it's rated for class five white water. no! whooooooo! no, no! no, huh? yes! [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no", it's nice to finally say "yes". oscar mayer selects hot dogs, no artificial preservatives and gluten free. it's yes food. it's oscar mayer.
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>> jimmy: hi, everybody, welcome back. oprah winfrey, christopher mintz-plasse and the wanted have taken time out of their busy schedules to visit with us tonight. it's back to school week here in los angeles. which means for parents nine interrupted months of how was your day? fine. what did you do? nothing. guillermo and i went to the baseball game last night. the dodgers and mets were playing. and i learned a lot about you last night on our drive over to the game. we were talking about going back to school and i asked guillermo who his favorite teacher was. who was your favorite teacher when you were in school? >> mrs. standlan. >> jimmy: who? >> standlan. >> jimmy: how do you spell that? >> i think it's s-t-a-n-d. standlan. >> jimmy: and what class did she teach? >> english.
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>> jimmy: perfect. [ cheers and applause ] and why was she your favorite teacher? tell everyone. >> because she used to send me to the liquor store to buy cigarettes for her. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and then the guy at the store would sell you cigarettes while you were in high school? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you have the mustache back then? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you did. there you go. well, don't tell oprah about this. >> i won't. >> jimmy: okay, good. did i mention that oprah is here tonight? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i will say this, i put her on my vision board and here she is, she appears. we put a lot of work into preparing for oprah. we want to make sure everything is perfectly clean, inside and outside of the building. so we hired a crew to power wash the characters out on hollywood -- you know, those costumes have not been cleaned since y2k, so
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that was a much-needed washing. oprah's here tonight to talk about her new movie, "lee daniels' the butler." i saw it and it was excellent. and i'm not just saying that. although i would just say it. i'd absolutely lie to you to please oprah. but in this case, you will see it, it is great. i cried and everything. it was humiliating. and the movie doesn't come out until friday, and oscar nominations are not announced until january. but we asked people on the street if they had seen the movie, which they haven't. and if oprah deserved to be nominated for an oscar. and of course that doesn't happen till january. but wouldn't you know it? quite a few of these people had answers to that question. >> you heard today that oprah was nominated for an academy award for her role in lee daniel's film "the butler." do you think she deserves the nomination and do you think she'll win? >> without a doubt. oprah is a god. she will win. >> did you enjoy her performance? >> yes. it was her best performance yet. >> what was your favorite part
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of the movie? >> i don't know, there was just so much energy. >> you heard today oprah was nominated for an academy award for her role in "lee daniels' the butler." do you think she deserves the nomination and do you think she'll win? >> yes, i do. i think she'll win. >> were you surprised she could see dead people at the end of the movie? >> yes. >> how come? >> it's just weird to me. >> you didn't think the full frontal was a little over the top? >> a little bit. >> but she looked good, right? >> yes. >> being oprah winfrey, you know -- she has another movie, like "purple rain," and she has potential to win nomination. sure. >> what was your favorite part of "purple rain"? >> you know, she reached the souls of many in that film. >> did the 3-d work for you? >> oh, yeah. 3-d's a really good movie.
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>> it's like oprah's coming right at you, right? >> exactly. >> like being in her house. >> exactly. >> did you like mr. t as her love interest? >> yes. >> you did. >> were you impressed she was able to do her entire performance in a wheelchair? >> well, i wasn't that impressed because anybody could do a performance sitting down. but i do think it's interesting that she was in a wheelchair. and i've never seen oprah in a wheelchair, so that was kind of cool. >> what about her french accent? >> i did like seeing oprah in a french accent. that was pretty enjoyable. >> were you impressed with her moves during the 12-minute dance number? >> i was so impressed because you always see a kind of stuffy kind of oprah, always serious oprah. so when she was getting her groove on, i was like oh, look at oprah. >> would you go see "the butler 2"? >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show from "kick ass 2," christopher mintz-plasse is here. we have music from the wanted. and we'll be right back to light
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poppable, bite-sized minis that let you make break time anytime. [ male announcer ] we love our devices... until we see the new one. technology doesn't wait. ♪ why should you? introducing at&t next... a new way to get a new device every year. zero down paymen no upgrade fee, no activation fee, no financing fee. it's time to rethink how you get a new device. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. tonight on the program, his new movie is called "kick ass 2." christopher mintz-plasse is here with us. and then, their new album comes out in september. but they're here with a new song from that album. it's called "we own the night." the wanted from the sony outdoor stage. we've got a good show for you. tomorrow night, ashton kutcher, melanie griffith, and music from big sean. our first guest tonight is the most powerful life force on the planet. she's a legendary broadcaster, entrepreneur, mogul. she's a magazine and an oscar-winning actor. she returns to the big screen in the excellent new movie "lee daniels' the butler." it opens in theaters friday. please welcome oprah winfrey. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> hey. good to see you. seeing you twi this week. >> well, thank you, it was so great. you were sitting right behind me. >> jimmy: i know, i'm sorry about that. can i tell you something embarrassing? >> what? >> jimmy: well, i was sitting behind you. we were kind of on a slope, so i was a little bit higher than you and i'm a little bit taller than you. >> i know what you're going to tell me. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. but go ahead. >> jimmy: so anyway, when you turned around to say hello, i moved in to give you a kiss and you instead gave me the high five. then i was caught in that area where i did not know how to proceed, and i kissed you on the top of the head. >> i know. and you know, that is the most endearing thing to me. i love to be kissed on the top of my head.
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i was like jimmy kissed me on the top of my head. >> jimmy: and i was like oh, no, i leaned over to my wife and said i just kissed oprah on the top of the head. >> it's such an endearing thing, though, when somebody kisses you right there. >> jimmy: is it? thank god. >> don't you think, ladies? [ applause ] >> jimmy: when you wake up in the morning and you realize, oh, yeah, i'm oprah, is it just the greatest news ever? >> it's so exciting! >> jimmy: i bet it is. >> it's so exciting. yeah. >> jimmy: is this what your hair looks like in the morning? >> yeah, a version of that. a version of that. >> jimmy: that is a lot -- is that a wig? >> that is definitely a wig. >> jimmy: that might be three wigs. >> that is a woman named kim kimball did that wig, and that was about 3 1/2 pounds. when i first put it on it was like -- >> jimmy: 3 1/2 pounds? >> i should have bought it for you. >> jimmy: i would love to have it. it sounds like she might be one of my relatives. now, you have your own farm in
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maui, in hawaii? >> yeah, i do, i also grow vegetables up north there in santa barbara, but not like major farm. >> jimmy: when i say farm, most people when they say they have a farm they have a couple of animals. >> no, no, i have 16 acres worth of produce. >> jimmy: and you're growing. >> and i'm growing. >> jimmy: and the plan is to put all the other farmers out of business, right? >> no, the plan is to -- do you know that so much of the island still gets things from the mainland, 90%, you buy carrots, it's like $4 a carrot. is i'm trying to avoid that. i'm trying to save -- >> jimmy: and when oprah realizes that carrots are too expensive, carrots are too expensive. right? [ cheers and applause ] >> so yeah, i have a farm -- >> jimmy: that is great. >> and you have to wait five years before you are officially organic. but we're doing all the -- >> jimmy: oh, really? takes that long to certify? >> yeah, to certify. but we're doing all the organic processes, right now i just give
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it all away. on thursdays, people know there is a giveaway. so there's lines. >> jimmy: oh, you do? >> yeah, i just said that on tv -- >> jimmy: the day that stops is going to be an angry day in your town. >> but i want to eventually -- we'll just sell it to some of the nicer restaurants and they will have the produce and they won't have to get from the mainland. >> jimmy: i have a little farm myself. i love growing things also. >> i do too. >> jimmy: but i have a sniper that protects my farm from others, from the neighbors. >> but you know even up in santa barbara when i have produce, i give it away to the neighbors. you have a sniper. >> jimmy: yes. i eat it all. i sit out there like a wood chuck eating everything. >> do you have chicken? >> jimmy: i'm getting chickens, i don't have them yet. >> you should get them. >> jimmy: yeah, i'm going to get them. >> do you have the little wheelbarrow coops? >> jimmy: no. i don't. but i know what you're talking about. >> you move them so they can poop in different places. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yes. chicken poop is a good
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fertilizer. it is fantastic. >> jimmy: so you move them around, if you want them to poop on the tomatoes, you move them to the tomatoes? >> yes, absolutely, you move them around. >> jimmy: you don't do this yourself, do you? >> i have not done it. >> jimmy: you have not done it. it would not be fitting. [ applause ] hey, i want to mention this movie, i really thought it was a great movie -- >> did i hear a sniffle back there? >> jimmy: i was crying, and my wife was sobbing throughout the movie. which made me cry a little bit less. because you know, only one of you needs really to cry. but it was a great -- >> there are several cry points i would say. >> jimmy: and you did a great job and forrest whitaker is great in the movie. obviously, he's great in every movie. >> oh, my goodness. >> jimmy: cuba gooding jr. i thought was great. >> very funny. >> jimmy: lenny kravitz too. >> i know. you know wholesale was really good? did you notice my son? >> jimmy: he was my favorite in the movie. >> there are two sons. >> jimmy: they were both very good. what is the kid's name who
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played your young son? >> elijah kelly. and you know most of that is ad-libbed. when you go to see the movie, not all of his lines, not every one of them. all the funny stuff was ad libbed, and he was cracking us up all the time. >> jimmy: he's very funny. >> after that big fight scene what he says afterwards, isn't that a hoo-ha? >> jimmy: there were a lot of funny moments, and funny moments where you would not expect there to be funny moments. >> so the movie has a little bit of everything. it's not just a big old -- >> jimmy: we'll take a break, when we come back we'll look at a clip from the movie. and oprah winfrey is here, everyone. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> the jimmy kimmel live concert series is brought to you by sony. things in small spaces? like dishes that don't fit in the top rack of the dishwasher. come into sears, i'll tell you about our one hand adjuster... on our exclusive kenmore elite dishwasher. it's amazing what'll happen when... tall things have the right space. also amazing, jd power ranks...
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kenmore elite highest in customer satisfaction. one appliance store helps more people... find savings and solutions than any other. this is sears. [ female announcer ] resisting the magical taste of silky smooth dove® chocolate is difficult. but choosing which one is even harder. causing dark marks to become visible. dove has the effective solution. dove® cleartone™ anti-perspirant with calendula and sunflower seed extracts. it moisturizes to help accelerate natural skin renewal processes helping skin to repair itself while still keeping you dry. the result? underarms with visibly reduced dark marks and an even tone. try dove cleartone for beautiful underarms. ♪ with a sub and a drink, it's the $4 lunch ♪
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♪ anytime, all day ♪ made the way you say ♪ get the $4 lunch at subway [ male announcer ] lunchtime is now anytime with the new subway $4 lunch. because all day, every day you can enjoy plenty of your favorite six-inch subs like the spicy italian or meatball marinara plus a 21 oz. drink. that's the $4 lunch only at subway. ♪ at subway and i'm here to talk about your bums. these are bum-wipes. do you think that would be quite an interesting addition to your dry routine? yes. so you like using them? i do. because you feel... ultimately clean, i guess. you're welcome to borrow my container. it's new, look at that. would you ever use these? i think i should. would you like to have a go?
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yeah, we could do that. it's awesome! [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. where to next? [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] for sensitive skin, there's fusion proglide. our micro thin blades are thinner than a surgeon's scalpel for our gentlest shave. switch to fusion proglide. gillette. the best a man can get. the taste of delicious strawberries and creamy milk,
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♪ ♪ kicoff your shoes >> mm. >> right here? >> get down. >> ain't no kids in the house no more. i made you a birthday cake. >> i got all the cake i want right here. >> you crazy. champagne? cooling in the ice box. and ice cream, too. >> you know i don't drink. i don't drink. >> jimmy: that is oprah winfrey. [ cheers and applause ]
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in "lee daniels' the butler." a terrific movie. and forest whitaker, is he somebody he knew before? >> no, i did not know him before before. see, when forest won his -- when he was nominated, actually, for "last king of scotland," i called him up. and i just said i love that movie, i would really like to meet you, i don't know if you're going to win the oscar but i would just like to celebrate you and your family, so would you like to come over, i'll have a party for you. yes. and bring all the people you want. so he did. >> jimmy: he did? of course he did. >> but he did -- >> jimmy: has anyone ever said no? i'd like to have a party for you. i'm really, really busy. >> so he did, and then we started to be friendly, but not like friend, friend, friends, so we talked about doing something together. and then lee had this wonderful script danny strong wrote and this happened. >> jimmy: how long did it take you to shoot that scene together? >> that particular one there?
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>> jimmy: yeah. >> that took a long time. i was dancing for about five hours. >> jimmy: you were watching "soul train" and dancing. >> and lee daniels is in the corner going "faster! faster! faster! i want to see you move, baby!" there was a couple of times where she's drunk. gloria's drunk. and drunk's hard. you can mess up, you can be too sloppy -- >> jimmy: yeah, you can, you have to be actually drunk to nail it, they say. >> no, that's gun being drunk. >> jimmy: what about smoking? >> i had to practice smoking. i never smoked even as a kid. it never interested me. >> jimmy: how do you practice smoking? is there a coach? >> you get a smoking coach. with -- no. i used cigarettes. but i have to say forest whitaker is just the most -- >> jimmy: he is. he's unbelievable in the movie. >> hold on. >> jimmy: what's wrong? >> i don't know. i just got that feeling again. >> jimmy: what feeling? >> you know, that -- that feeling. i get that feeling, you know?
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>> jimmy: oh. >> that feeling. >> jimmy: should we stop or something? >> no, no, no, no, i really didn't want it to happen here. >> jimmy: are you all right? >> but i'm getting it. you, lady in the blue, you, right there. you. come up here a minute, please. >> jimmy: what's -- what is this? what are you doing? >> what am i doing? please, could you come up here a minute? what's your name? >> brittany. >> brittany? >> brittany. come, come, sit here just a minute. >> jimmy: hi, brittany. how are you? [ cheers and applause ] >> okay. this is what i want to say to you, brittany. i want to say this to you. you. you get a car! you get a car! you get a car! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wait a minute, i don't understand. >> these are the keys to the car. you get a car! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we don't have a car.
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>> yes. guillermo -- where is guillermo? i want guillermo -- please take her out back, and to see her new car right now. >> okay. >> jimmy: i don't think we have a car. >> yeah, you do. the car is there. the car is yours. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we don't have cars around here. are you all right? >> i feel better. sometimes -- sometimes i just -- i don't know. >> jimmy: well, the problem with brittany is we don't have a car. >> we do. there's a car out back. >> jimmy: you brought a car for brittany? >> i started to get this under control but -- >> jimmy: how often does this happen? >> every once in a while, jimmy, it just happens, especially when i skip lunch. >> jimmy: yeah, the blood sugar gets low and then you have to go out on the farm -- >> but i feel better. >> jimmy: wow, my goodness, and are they outside? >> dicky: jimmy, that lady in the audience drives home tonight in a brand new ford fusion
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energy, hybrid with the option to charge or not for an epa estimated 100 city mpg. go further in a ford fusion energy. and oprah would like to thank the ford motor company for the generous donation as she continues to struggle with this debilitating condition. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. brittany. how do you feel right now? how do you feel? >> i'm shaking so much. >> jimmy: all right, well, hug onto guillermo if you have to. >> it's awesome. i can't -- i can't believe this is happening right now. >> it's happening. so where were we? >> jimmy: i think we were talking about forest whitaker. >> did i tell you how much i love forest whitaker? >> jimmy: "lee daniels' the butler" opens in theaters friday. we'll be right back with christopher mintz-plasse. chpz chrpz -6 [ cheers and applause ]
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>> portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by sony. introducing the sony vaio pro, the world's lightest 13.3-inch touch ultrabook. didn't phone it. we started at the beginning. we did our homework. we focus grouped. and we focus grouped the focus groups. then we brought in all the carriers and all the phones, and we decided when you stop loving this, you should be able to trade it in for a gift card. we didn't just make a change, we made a better way to buy mobile. here's your gift card. customer: oh, thanks very much. blue shirt: nice choice. vo: get up to $200 when you trade in any working phone. vo: only at best buy.
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is difficult. but choosing which one is even harder. [ female announcer ] every baby can have the freedom to move their way, in pampers cruisers. they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom, with up to 12 hours of protection, for our driest, best fitting diaper. pampers. is the first day. it's so complicated. am i tough? sporty? edgy? i must decide. wait. i get to be everyone i want to be because i went to jcpenney. they got so much cool stuff in a bazillion colors. now my friends ask me for advice. i'm thinking i'll go with this outfit. it shows how mature i've become over the summer.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: still to come, the wanted. like oprah, our next guest is known by only one name, and that name is mclovin. his new movie "kick-ass 2" opens this friday. please welcome christopher mintz-plasse. [ cheers and applause ] how are you? >> i'm doing well. how are you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. what do you have to give our audience tonight? >> oh, geez. >> jimmy: anything? >> i got a new chapstick! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. you say new. has it been used at all? >> oh, so much, my lips have been all over that thing so much. enjoy. >> jimmy: i'm enjoying your facial hair right now. >> thank you.
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yeah. >> jimmy: how long has that been growing? >> i think since the last time i was on your show. like three years ago. it takes me a while. it just gets here and it stops growing. >> jimmy: do you do that to maybe disguise yourself somewhat so you're not called mclovin at every turn of your life? >> it doesn't work, does it? no, i definitely still get the mclovin thing quite a bit. i got a weird story last week. i went to a concert with my girlfriend and her family. somebody was screaming mclovin at me. i was in the car getting some stuff. i didn't hear them. i went to the constant sxrt came back to the car after the show and there were tliek 30 post-it notes on the windshield of my girlfriend's mom's car. and there were like some really mean ones, like mc[ bleep ], mcsmall penis, very weird stuff, and there was a whole section dedicated to "freaks & geeks," the tv show. which i had zero to do with. >> jimmy: you were too young. >> yeah. like that show sucked.
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if it came back on air it would be canceled again. and there was one really good one about my facial hair that said that's not a beard, that's a bat mitzvah beard. so i have the facial of a 13-year-old girl. and then my favorite one, i had a small role in "this is the end." like in the first ten minutes. and the post-it said the first ten minutes of "this is the end" sucked, and then you died, and it was great. so that made the movie enjoyable for them. >> jimmy: wikipedia. and who brings post-it notes to a concert in the first place? >> and they were beautifully handwritten -- >> jimmy: and they were? what a nice art project. what is the good thing about being mclovin? >> the good thing is, i went with my girlfriend to ireland, on vacation, and you have to drive on the opposite side of the road, which i'm not very good at. so i drove on the wrong side onto oncoming traffic. and i got pulled over by a cop. and he recognized me. which is amazing. and he didn't give me a ticket. it was great. he took me where i needed to go, dinner. but then after the dinner --
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>> jimmy: he took you to dinner? >> he took me to dinner. he took me and my girlfriend to dinner. it was a very weird thing to sit down with him. no, he took me where i needed to go. i was lost. and then after dinner, i guess he was like waiting or something and he knew i was going to do it again. and i drove on the wrong side of the road again like an idiot and he was waiting again and the same cop pulled me over, except now he had two cop friends in the back seat, like little puppy dogs waiting there. and they took me to my hotel. they were really nice. we took some pictures. and then they sent me to a pub, like a really cool pub, so me and my girlfriend went. an hour later the three of them showed up and we had a pint together. >> jimmy: well, mclovin is an irish name. >> it is an irish name. >> jimmy: i think the last time you were here you were still living with your parents. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're not doing that anymore. >> i bought a house a few months ago. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> jimmy: are you enjoying your freedom? like are you having parties and going nuts? that sort of thing? >> yeah, the weird thing is i moved out of my parents' house, but i moved five minutes away from them.
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so i'm right down the street from them. but yeah. i had weird run-ins with my neighbors. >> jimmy: oh, already? >> yeah. i have a newborn baby with a family living right behind me. and i have an elderly lady right next door. and i like to have some parties. and i'm in a band as well. >> jimmy: great for them. >> great for them, yeah. i get a text from the guy with the baby. and he's like hey, neighbor, can you turn the music down? i know that's condescending. i know it is. but i have some parties. and one night the elderly lady came down at 2:00 in the morning in her nightgown and threatened me that i should move to silver lake. where kids my age should live. >> jimmy: she said you were in the wrong neighborhood? >> yeah. so i moved. >> jimmy: you should think about moving. it might not be a bad idea. now, in this new movie -- now, in "kick-ass 1," or "kick-ass" you were a villain. >> i was kind of the bad guy, he didn't know where to go. >> jimmy: you had a stupid kind of name. >> yeah. he was redness.
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>> jimmy: and now you're a different villain in this movie -- >> i'm a different villain. i'm an all-out villain. and am i allowed to say the name of the character -- >> jimmy: well, you say it and if it needs to be bleeped -- >> i am called the mother [ bleep ]. the original name we had was the see you next tuesdays for the my character. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. no good. so he called me the mother [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: that is how you should start signing your texts back to your neighbors. >> the mother [ bleep ]. well, now instead of bei ing called mclovin i'm going to be called the mother [ bleep ] out in the street. and i'll think that somebody wants to fight me. >> jimmy: that has to be the happy medium. this is how you dress, this particular character. this is why -- what is this? >> i'm getting anxious looking at it. it was so stressful to wear. >> jimmy: why? >> well, it was skin tight, it's like eight pieces. it takes 30 minutes to get on and 30 minutes -- >> jimmy: oh, really? they don't show that in the superhero movies, do they? >> no, no one wants to show that.
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it was ridiculous. i would wear it for eight hours a day, i didn't go pee because i would sweat all the liquid in my body. they did a really good job. >> jimmy: you do look like a villain. you look like a bad guy. >> thank you. >> jimmy: well, congratulations on the new house and the neighbors. the movie opens in theaters on friday. christopher mintz-plasse. we'll be right back with the wanted. [ cheers and applause ] >> the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony.
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the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. >> jimmy: now with their new song "we own the night" from their forthcoming album "word of mouth," the wanted! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ may our drinks be full like our drinks tonight ♪ ♪ may we sing and dance till we lose our minds ♪ ♪ we are only young if we seize the night tonight we own the night ♪
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♪ tonight we own the night ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ lass, la, rks la, la, la, la, la larks ♪ ♪ la, la, la, la, la ♪ when my time is over lying in my grave written on my tombstone i want it to say ♪ ♪ this man was a legend a legend of his time when he was at a party the party never died ♪ ♪ hey everybody's got a dream so what do ya say are we making history may our hearts be full ♪ ♪ like our drinks tonight may we
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sing and dance till we lose our minds we are only young ♪ ♪ if we seize the night tonight we own the night ♪ ♪ tonight we own the night ♪ la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ for tonight i'm famous for tonight i'm king and i will be remembered for centuries they'll say ♪ ♪ this man was a hero a hero of the night when he was at a party the party never died ♪ ♪ hey i'm a little drunk but i got something to say hold your jars may o hearts be full ♪
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♪ like our drinks tonight may we sing and dance till we lose our minds we are only young ♪ ♪ if we seize the night tonight we own the night and let us wake up inside a stranger's bed ♪ ♪ let us drink until there's nothing left and this night my friends we will not forget ♪ ♪ tonight we own the night tonight we own the night ♪ ♪ may our hearts be full like our drinks tonight may we sing and dance till we lose our minds ♪ ♪ we are only young if we seize the night tonight we own the night tonight we own the night ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: brittany, has oprah ever given you a car before? >> no. not ever. >> jimmy: oh, so this is your first time. >> yeah, actually. >> jimmy: oh, congratulations. i want to thank brittany. i want to thank oprah. i want to thank christopher mintz-plasse. and i apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time. tomorrow, music from big sean, the wanted. this is their new cd, coming out in september. "glad you came." you can see the full performance on the wanted! ♪ ♪ the sun goes down the stars come out ♪ ♪ and all that counts is here and now ♪ ♪ my universe will never be the same ♪ ♪ i'm glad you came ♪
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♪ ♪ you cast a spell on me, spell on me ♪ ♪ you hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me ♪ ♪ and i decided you look well on me, well on me ♪ ♪ so let's go somewhere no one else can see, you and me ♪ ♪ turn the lights down now ♪ i take you by the hand ♪ hand you another drink ♪ drink it if you can ♪ can you spend a little time ♪ time is lipping away ♪ away from us so stay ♪ stay with me i can make ♪ make you glad you came ♪ the sun goes down ♪ the stars come out ♪ and all that counts is here and now ♪ ♪ my universe will never be the same ♪ ♪ i'm glad you came ♪ i'm glad you came ♪
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♪ you cast a spell on me, spell on me ♪ ♪ you hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me ♪ tonight onnightline" -- picture perfect. meet the future king of england. in the just-released first family portrait. and in his first interview as a father, papa prince william talks about the perils of parenting. >> i was terrified. >> we're getting to know baby george a whole lot better. girl power. the girl next door is increasingly packing heat. >> fire! >> and gun manufacturers are taking notice. marketing guns to women. from pink to polka dot.
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